Accounting and FinanceLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 3011529
5 op
The student
- knows and understands the accounting principles governing the measurement and documenting process of business entity's events and results
- has gained practical skillsin budgeting and financial reporting
- understands the importance of financial statements in the decision-making process and in the estimation of the company's assets and performance
- the nature, functions, scope and principles of accounting
- financial accounting, book-keeping, income statement and balance sheet
- management accounting, budgeting
02.12.2024 - 31.01.2025
20.01.2025 - 28.03.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Sami Nummela
The student
- knows and understands the accounting principles governing the measurement and documenting process of business entity's events and results
- has gained practical skillsin budgeting and financial reporting
- understands the importance of financial statements in the decision-making process and in the estimation of the company's assets and performance
- the nature, functions, scope and principles of accounting
- financial accounting, book-keeping, income statement and balance sheet
- management accounting, budgeting
Teaching methods
Course assignments will be described in Itslearning
platform and introduced during the course.
Learning assingments in Itslearning
Small group team work
Individual and group learning
Study journal with self assessment
International connections
learning pyramid
flipped classroom
Content scheduling
The student
- knows and understands the accounting principles governing the measurement and documenting process of business entity's events and results
- has gained practical skillsin budgeting and financial reporting
- understands the importance of financial statements in the decision-making process and in the estimation of the company's assets and performance
- the nature, functions, scope and principles of accounting
- financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet
- sources of finance
- financial risk management
- evaluating investment opportunities
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The final grade of the whole course is based on all course assignments done during the course, and the study journal with self evaluation.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Exercises not done or not participated in small group team work
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Exercises done with evaluation grade 1-2
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Exercises done with evaluation grade 3-4.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Exercises done with evaluation grade 5.
01.06.2024 - 31.08.2024
09.09.2024 - 15.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 55
Degree programmes
- Sami Nummela
The student
- knows and understands the accounting principles governing the measurement and documenting process of business entity's events and results
- has gained practical skillsin budgeting and financial reporting
- understands the importance of financial statements in the decision-making process and in the estimation of the company's assets and performance
- the nature, functions, scope and principles of accounting
- financial accounting, book-keeping, income statement and balance sheet
- management accounting, budgeting
Teaching methods
Course assignments will be described in Itslearning
platform and introduced during the course.
Learning assingments in Itslearning
Small group team work
Individual and group learning
Study journal with self assessment
International connections
learning pyramid
flipped classroom
Content scheduling
The student
- knows and understands the accounting principles governing the measurement and documenting process of business entity's events and results
- has gained practical skillsin budgeting and financial reporting
- understands the importance of financial statements in the decision-making process and in the estimation of the company's assets and performance
- the nature, functions, scope and principles of accounting
- financial accounting, income statement and balance sheet
- sources of finance
- financial risk management
- evaluating investment opportunities
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The final grade of the whole course is based on all course assignments done during the course, and the study journal with self evaluation.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Exercises not done or not participated in small group team work
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Exercises done with evaluation grade 1-2
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Exercises done with evaluation grade 3-4.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Exercises done with evaluation grade 5.
02.12.2023 - 16.01.2024
15.01.2024 - 26.04.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Sami Nummela
The student
- knows and understands the accounting principles governing the measurement and documenting process of business entity's events and results
- has gained practical skillsin budgeting and financial reporting
- understands the importance of financial statements in the decision-making process and in the estimation of the company's assets and performance
- the nature, functions, scope and principles of accounting
- financial accounting, book-keeping, income statement and balance sheet
- management accounting, budgeting
Teaching methods
Complementary study material will be presented during the course in itslearning
International connections
learning pyramid
flipped classroom
Content scheduling
Course assignments will be described in Itslearning
platform and introduced during the course.
Learning tasks and exercises in Itslearning
Small group team work
Individual or group learning
Study journal with self assessment
Peer assessment
Final exam
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation contains two elements:
1. Exercises: All exercises must be timely done and returned to itslearning: Grade score 1-5.
All the exercises need to be returned!
2. Exam: Grade 1-5
Final course grade is the average of the two elements with scale 1-5.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Exercises not done or not participated in small group team work
Exam not passed (0)
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Exercises done with grade and exam passed with grade average 1-2
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Exercises done with grade and exam passed with grade average 3-4
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Exercises done with grade and exam passed with grade average 5
02.12.2023 - 07.03.2024
01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Sami Nummela
The student
- knows and understands the accounting principles governing the measurement and documenting process of business entity's events and results
- has gained practical skillsin budgeting and financial reporting
- understands the importance of financial statements in the decision-making process and in the estimation of the company's assets and performance
- the nature, functions, scope and principles of accounting
- financial accounting, book-keeping, income statement and balance sheet
- management accounting, budgeting
Bettner, Mark S.(2015), Using accounting & financial information: analyzing, forecasting & decision making (available as ebook in
Teaching methods
Online meetings
Exercises and course tasks
Group meetings
International connections
learning pyramid
flipped classroom
Student workload
Complementary study material will be presented during the course in itslearning
Content scheduling
the nature, functions, scope and principles of accounting
income statement and balance sheet
analysing financial statements
Course size: 5 ECTS
Financial reporting
Financial Analysis
Corporate Financing
Capital Budgeting
Each theme consists: introduction material in Itslearning,exercises, small group meetings
Final Examination
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation is based on exercises and final examation.
All exercises must be timely done and returned to itslearning: Grade score 1-5.
All the exercises need to be returned!
Course may be passed with grade 1-3 by returning the exercises.
Final examination can only add to points earned and help to get a better grade, 3-5.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Exercises not done or not participated in small group mtgs
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Grade 1-2 can be earned by points from the assignments in Itslearning.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Points from exercises and additional points from final examination earning grade 3-4
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Points from exercises and additional points from final examination earning grade 5.