Degree Programme in Business Administration
27.05.2024 - 10.09.2024
10.09.2024 - 01.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
30 - 45
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Administration
- COS Opettaja
- Anniina Vainio
The aim of the course is to activate and develop the students’ field-relevant English language and communication skills. The students will gain professional skills in various spoken and written communicative situations encountered in studies, working life and society. In addition, they will learn to utilize tools and techniques to further develop their skills in authentic, field-specific contexts.
Upon completing the course, the students should have acquired skills to communicate at level B2 according to European Framework of Reference for Languages, which states that at B2-level students should be able to produce clear, coherent and well-structured texts, present detailed descriptions related to one’s field of interest, express and exchange opinions using fluent language, follow complex arguments, and read longer articles and reports.
- Writing academic and professional texts
- Presenting and discussing field-specific topics in academic and professional contexts
- Reading field-specific texts and utilizing the information in academic and professional contexts
- Learning and using key terminology of their field
- Becoming professional, autonomous language users in working life
The course learning material consists of versatile and field-specific materials supporting learning which can be found on the course's itslearning platform. The material will be discussed in more detail during the course.
Teaching methods
Learning methods are based on active learning and application of knowledge by the student, both independently and in groups.
Learning methods include for example problem-based learning, flipped learning, work life-based learning, peer-assessment, self-assessment, reflection and discussion.
Exam schedules
No exams, no re-sits.
International connections
Pedagogical approaches encourage students to actively learn and apply knowledge through a variety of methods and field-specific assignments.
Completion alternatives
No optional ways to complete the course other than completing the given tasks on time and active participation in the required number of lessons.
Student workload
The learning tasks consist of assignments, in-class activities and homework tasks. The assignments are part of the approved completion of the course. The assignments are assessed on the scale 0-5. The assignments are as follows:
- Video CV (DL Sep 29)
- Formal email (DL Oct 20)
- Company presentation (DL Oct 27)
- Learning report (DL Nov 17)
Detailed instructions for the assignments will be given during the course.
Content scheduling
Practising the oral and written skills of English with field-specific and varied assignments.
Writing and reading texts, giving a presentation, discussing, practising vocabulary.
The extent of the course is 5 credits, corresponding to 135 hours of student work. The exact lecture dates can be found in the schedule. In addition, the course includes independent work alongside the lectures.
Further information
The teacher can be contacted by email at
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment is based on presence in the lectures 6/9 presence is required) as well as approved completion of assignments (min. 3/4) and submission of assignments by the deadline. The requirement of presence is based on the nature of the studied subject. Languages and communication is learned and practiced with other people.
Absences cannot be compensated with extra work and there are no exceptions to deadlines. If the student completes the course, it is not possible to raise the final grade by redoing one or more assignments (as per degree regulation).
The final grade for the course is based on the assessment scale of 0-5.
The assessment methods include teacher assessment, student's self-assessment and peer-assessment. The assessment criteria are gone through during the course and these are also found on the itslearning platform.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student does not complete the required tasks during the course. The oral and written production and understanding is scarce. The absences exceed the limitation, the student quits the course.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student succeeds satisfactorily in the oral and written production. The student is able to communicate even though the communication is inaccurate at times. The lack and inconsistency of the vocabulary repertoire limits the communication. There are deficiencies in the structures of the language
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student succeeds well in varied oral and written production situations. The student masters a varied vocabulary repertoire of the field and uses it well but there may be some inaccuracies in the language production. The student demonstrates skills to use structures in a versatile and correct manner but there might appear some mistakes in more demanding structures.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student demonstrates excellent skills in varied and demanding oral and written production situations. The student knows how to communicate in a context-appropriate manner. The student masters to a versatile and excellent extent the vocabulary of the field and in other contexts as well. The student is able to use multiple structures and shows how to use them in an almost impeccable manner.
30.05.2024 - 15.09.2024
27.08.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 42
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Administration
- Taneli Ahtiainen
- COS Opettaja
The student is able to use all the essential systems for studying. The student also knows how to effectively use various tools for assignments, meetings and collaborative team work.
- The essential of Turku UAS study environment
- managing and chairing team meetings
- basics of editing images and videos for digital portfolios, creating and publishing different portfolios and learning diaries
- creating and managing various business documents and reports
- essential information security practices
Koch, J. & Karjalainen, O. (2016). Office 2016 & Office 365: Word, Excel, PowerPoint & Outlook. Jyväskylä: Docendo Oy.
Office 365 For Dummies. (2022)
e-book can be found in Finna.
All material that microsoft youtube channel offers
Teaching methods
Flipped learning, Groupwork, Weekly reading/video teaching material go thorough task.
Attending lecture is mandatory. If student cant attend S/he will be responsibility to get familiar subject that are covered in class. Its learning and fellow students will be resources turn to.
Exam schedules
Final exam will be held at last scheduled f-to-f class.
Student workload
130-140h student workload
16h f-to-f
100h weekly assignments and go through tasks(including prepearing final exam)
4h Finals
Content scheduling
Students will get familiar up-to-date office setting tools that will help them
-give presentation, record and share instructions and information
-Write proper reports
-gather and interpret data
-read and search info about subject matter
-Precedence similar skills as digistart course gives. You need to show digistart padge 3 weeks after course has started
-Academic work
Tools: Excel, Word, Powerpoint and youtube.
Exact information about skills that you need to know will be presented in course platform its:
Here is example of skills in Microsoft Word that you need to know how to do. Skillset differs with program.
Entering Text and Using Headings tekstin kirjoittaminen
Pasting Text into the Document tekstin liittäminen
Formatting Headings and Document otsikkotasojen muokkaus
List Markers and Numbering
Basic Formatting and Keyboard Shortcuts näppäimistön pikanäppäimet ja muotoilu
Hanging Indent and the Ruler sisennys ja riippuva sisennys
Copying and Deleting Formatting Kumoa ja uudelleenkumoa
Search and Replace etsi ja korvaa
Adding Images kuvan lisäys ja kuvan asemointi
Image Layout and Editing
Table taulukko
Desktop Version and Web Version selaimen päällä toimiva ohjelmisto ja itse ohjelma
Navigation in a Long Document and Arranging its Parts
Page Numbers sivunumerointi ja kokonaissivunumerointi
Table of Contents sisällysluettelo
Cover Page etusivu
WWW Links www-linkit
Cross References viittaus
Horizontal Page and Document Sections sivun asettelu (vaaka ja dokumentin meta-tiedot)
Header and Footer ala- ja ylätunniste
Saving a Document as a PDF-Document muuntaminen pdf-formaattiin ja muut mahdolliset formaatit
Columns Layout taulukko ja sen muokkaus
Entering Data and Data Types
Selecting and Editing Ranges
Formatting Table
Relative and Absolute References
Basic Calculations and Absolute Reference
Excel advance:
Sheets of Workbook
Editing Multiple Sheets at a Time
Calculations between the Sheets
Conditional Formatting
Mixed References
IF Function
Nested Functions
VLOOKUP Function
XLOOKUP Function
Editing of Large Material
Quick Fill
The Table
Calculations in a Table
Summaries in a Table
Sorting a Table
Filtering a Table
Pivot Table
Updating a Pivot Table
Formatting a Pivot Table
Subtotals and Summaries in a Pivot Table
Multiple Value Fields in a Pivot Table
Sorting a Pivot Table
Grouping a Pivot Table
Pivot Chart
Powerpoint basics:
The Structure of a PowerPoint Presentation
Importing a Table from Excel
Creating a Chart
Importing a Chart from Excel
Printing Options
Powerpoint advance:
Recipes for a Good Presentation
SmartArt Graphics
Converting Text to SmartArt
SmartArts with Images
Make the Presentation More Interesting with a Video
Adding a YouTube Video to a Presentation
Dividing the Presentation into Sections
Performing in front of an Audience
Tools for Presenting
Advance Powerpoint too:
Editing and Designing the Appearance of the Presentation
Freehand Drawing
Drawing with Shapes
Importing Slides into a Presentation
Transitions and Animations
Screen Capture Video
Creating a Video Presentation
Options for saving
Further information
All communication will be in itslearning environment.
No need to communicate to teacher when you are sick.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Final exam. Student attendance at lectures.
Word, Powerpoint, Excel skills are evaluated in final exam.
Final exam will be held 3.12.2024
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Less that 48% of points in final exam OR
30% or more absence to f-to-f classes
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Final exam 48% points gives you 1
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Final exam 92% or more points in final exam.
12% or less absence.
27.05.2024 - 12.09.2024
12.09.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
30 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Administration
- COS Opettaja
- Vilhelmiina Valonen
The objective of the course is to give the student basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.
The student is able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations.
After passing the course the student is able to
- tell about his or her life, hobbies and studies orally and in written
- Manage short discussions in common everyday situations
- ask questions and make suggestions, requests and denials
- read short texts and gain information from e.g. instructions and schedules.
Material and links provided by teacher in Itslearning course platform
Book: Gehring, Sonja & Heinzmann, Sanni. 2023. Suomen mestari 1 Uudistettu — Suomen kielen oppikirja aikuisille. Otava.
Teaching methods
Task-based, group work, pair work, independent work at home.
Exam schedules
Follow the deadlines for the assignments given.
International connections
Working on the contact lessons at campus in groups and independently, practising in Itslearning, cultural sustainability.
Student workload
Written and oral exercises in class and independently at home.
3 tasks to be assessed: vocabulary task, oral task and written task.
5 credits means about 130 hours of student work, including lessons and independent work.
Content scheduling
The aim of the course is to learn basic knowledge of Finnish, focusing on the student´s practical language of everyday life and student's own study field. The aim of the course is to learn basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.2.
The course consists lessons at Kupittaa campus. In addition, students must study the language independently in order to reach the target language level A1.2.
After passing the course you are able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations and you can
- tell about your life and studies orally and in writing
- manage short phrases and discussions in everyday situations
- understand some basic structures in Finnish language
- ask simple questions and answer them
Lessons at Kupittaa campus - see the schedule.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The grade will be based on the homework and classwork completed on time and on the tasks to be evaluated. During the course, the student's oral and written language skills are evaluated.
Course grade
Points from assignments
0–3 p.
4–5 p.
6 p.
7–8 p.
9–10 p.
11–12 p.
27.05.2024 - 09.09.2024
09.09.2024 - 13.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
45 - 65
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Logistics
- Degree Programme in Business Administration
- COS Opettaja
- Vilhelmiina Valonen
After completing the study unit the student is able to
- analyze professional texts in his/her own field and utilize the knowledge in new situations
- acquire and apply sources of information to produce a logical and matter-of-fact style written and oral presentation
- utilize different language planning guides to support own communication
- recognize different types of turns to speak and modes of argumentation
- assess own communication skills
- develop his/her communication based on received feedback and give constructive feedback
- evaluate his/her communication skills in the context of his/her future expertise
- recognize the stylistic aspects of organizational communication
- identify the principles of internal and external communication of organisations
1. Individual communication
- analysis, interpretation and writing of professional texts in the student’s field
- matter-of-fact style texts and good command of standard language
- argumentation and oral communication situations in work life
- creation and visualization of an oral presentation
- assessment of own communication skills
- giving and receiving feedback
2. Organizational communication
- interest group communication
- internal and external communication
Evaluation scale