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Networks for working life – studies for highly educated immigrants


Degree title:

35 ects

Networks for a career in Finland – studies for highly educated immigrants
Networks for a career in Finland – studies for highly educated immigrants
Networks for working life – studies for highly educated immigrants



20.08.2024 - 05.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Turku University of Applied Sciences


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English

15 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Networks for working life – studies for highly educated immigrants
  • Hanna Peussa
  • COS Opettaja
  • Tiina Hirard
  • Elina Karaus


Students learn about the Finnish higher education system and practices in Finnish higher education. They recognize their personal strengths and development needs while planning their studies. Students know what kind of study skills, digital competence and language skills are needed in higher education studies. They also know how to develop these skills. Students can operate in digital learning environments and use cloud services in processing and sharing information.


The course introduces the Finnish higher education system and higher education as a learning environment. The course focuses on the use of digital tools and different learning methods. The course also focuses on concepts that are related in higher education and introduces students with texts and text types that are important in higher education studies.


The study material can be found in the learning environment itslearning. Study materials include e.g.
- Curricula
- Different web pages and materials
- General and scientific articles

Teaching methods

Studying takes place in weekly meetings that take place at Kupittaa campus as well as in itslearning online environment. Students work both independently and communally with the rest of the student group. The course begins with two orientation days: 20.8.2024 and 22.8.2024. After that, the course includes contact teaching usually once a week. Successful completion of the course requires active participation in contact lessons (at least 40%).

International connections

Teaching is implemented in a way that the studying of the course themes and the development of general study skills support each other. One of the course themes is sustainable development in higher education.
The study emphasizes communal learning, which is also implemented as small group work. The study group is international and students familiarize themselves with higher education in different fields.

Student workload

5 credits is equivalent to 135 hours of student work.

Content scheduling

During the course, students will learn about about higher education in Finland. They develop their general study skills (different text-types in higher education, teamwork skills, etc.) and get to know e.g. different digital tools used in studying.

week 34: Orientation to study path and individual study plan
week 35-36: Finnish educational system
week 37-38: Study skills and learning methods in higher education
weeks 39-41: Continuous learning and future study plans
weeks 42-44: Reflecting on higher education studies in Finland (drawing up a presentation and writing a blog)
weeks 45-46: Sustainable development in Finnish higher education
weeks 47-48: Languages and communication in Finnish higher education and work communities
week 49: Feedback on the course and planning studies for spring semester

Further information

To study online, you need a computer and an internet connection.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Assignments to be graded:
- Summary about continuous learning
- PowerPoint presentation about higher education in Finland
- Blog post about reflections on studying in Finland
- Quiz about sustainable development in higher education
- Essay about sustainable development in higher education

All the above mentioned assignments are assessed on a scale of 0 to 2. In addition, student's attendance and activeness is graded (max 4 points).

• 0 points: to be supplemented – The task has not been done or it does not follow the instructions
• 1 points: accepted – The task is done according to the instructions
• 2 points: excellent – The task is done according to the instructions and it shows familiarity

The course is assessed on a scale of 0 to 5. Grade is defined on the basis of assignments (see above). The maximum score for assignments and course activity is 16 points. The final grade of the course is based on the points as follows:

0–5 p = 0;
6 p = 1;
7–8 p = 2;
9–10 p = 3;
11–12 p = 4;
13–14 p = 5

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

Student has not achieved the objectives of the course. Student recognizes and can use only a few concepts related to the course themes and does not know how to apply what they have learned. The student has not participated sufficiently (at least 40%) in contact teaching.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Student has achieved the objectives of the course passable. Student recognizes and can use the concepts related to the course themes and understands the prerequisites for the development of competence.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Student has achieved the objectives of the course well, although knowledge and skills still need to be developed in some areas. Student is able to use well the concepts of the course themes and apply what they have learned. Students are able to analyze their own competence.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Student has achieved the objectives of the course very well. Student is able to master the concepts related to the course themes and can analyse issues related to the themes fluently and justifiably. Student is able to apply in future studies everything they have learned. Student is able to analyze the competence required for studies in their field (of interest) and the development of their own competence.




26.08.2024 - 31.07.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 - 15

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Turku University of Applied Sciences

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English

15 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Networks for working life – studies for highly educated immigrants
  • Hanna Peussa
  • COS Opettaja
  • Elina Karaus


- learn to find and apply for a suitable traineeship/job
- perform the tasks they receive as part of the work community of the internship
- exploit their own expertise in their work tasks
- can describe the work idea and practices of the internship organisation
- network with the work community of the internship
- can describe and reflect the results of their own internship and the development of their own competence


Students can complete the compulsory practical training within the scope of their right to study, but at a period of their own choice. The extent of the training depends on the duration of the training and whether the training is full-time or part-time.

Conducting a practical training.
Doing learning tasks in accordance with the training process described in Itslearning.


Additional information and learning diary in Itslearning.

Teaching methods

Conducting a practical training.
Performing specific learning tasks (see more detailed instruction in ItsLearning.

International connections

Practical learning
Creating a learning diary and self-reflection.

Student workload

10-15 cr
270–405 h
Length: 6–9 weeks

Content scheduling

Students can complete the compulsory practical training within the scope of their right to study, but at a period of their own choice. The extent of the training depends on the duration of the training and whether the training is full-time or part-time.

Conducting a practical training.
Doing learning tasks in accordance with the training process described in Itslearning.

Further information


Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria


Being active and taking initiative during the process of achieving a practical training place
Defining your own goals and giving reasons for why choosing the particular practical training place
Practical training contract
Timesheet about working hours
Learning diary
Feedback from the contact person at the practical training place
Participation in the practical training seminar

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

The practical training has not been completed and/or the required tasks have not been completed.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student has completed the practical training, but the learning diary or other assignments have not been done in accordance with the instructions or are incomplete.
Skills acquired through the course in job-seeking have not been utilized.
Does not actively seek or apply for a practical training place.
Not able to set realistic goals for job search and the practical training place.
Not able to reflect on one's own competence development during the practical training placement.
Not able to describe their role in relation to the operation of the company.
Not aware of their own strengths or areas for development in relation to work tasks.
Feedback from the practical training placement indicates that the student has not performed the practical placement satisfactorily (collaboration ability, responsibility, initiative and motivation, practices of the workplace).
Unable to think realistically about the success and effectiveness of the training in relation to one's own goals and future plans.
The student does not attend the practical training seminar and does not present to others their internship, nor their experience of the internship.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Is able to apply the skills gained through the course in job-seeking.
Seeks and applies for an internship.
Be able to set goals for the job search and practical training placement.
Is able to list things about the development of their own competence during practical traning placement.
Is able to describe their own role in relation to the company's operations.
Is aware of their own strengths and potential areas for development.
Feedback from the practical traning placement shows that the student has shown some of the following: cooperative, responsible, proactive and motivated.
The student has adopted the general practices of the workplace.
Can reflect on the success and effectiveness of the practical training in relation to one's own goals and future plans.
Student attends the practical training seminar and presents their placement and experiences to others.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Is able to apply the skills gained through the course in job-seeking.
Seeking and actively applying for an internship by themself.
Be able to set realistic goals for the job search and practical training placement.
Is able to reflect on the development of their own competence during practical traning placement.
Is able to describe their own role in relation to the company's operations.
Is aware of their own strengths and potential areas for development in relation to work tasks.
Feedback from the practical traning placement shows that the student has been cooperative, responsible, proactive and motivated.
The student has adopted the general practices of the workplace.
Can realistically reflect on the success and effectiveness of the practical training in relation to one's own goals and future plans.
Student attends the practical training seminar and presents their placement and experiences to others.






26.08.2024 - 09.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Turku University of Applied Sciences


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English

15 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Networks for working life – studies for highly educated immigrants
  • Hanna Peussa
  • COS Opettaja
  • Elina Karaus


The course introduces Finnish working life and culture as well as future competences. The student learns about working life, companies and organizations in the region. The student learns to identify existing networks and expand them. After the course, the student can identify their own strengths and use them in job search. The student is also familiar with the job search in Finland and the writing of application documents (CV, job application, LinkedIn).


Finnish working life and culture,
Future competences,
Identification and verbalization of own strengths
Job search in Finland and application documents
Getting to know the working life, companies and organizations of the region

Teaching methods

Studying takes place in itslearning online environment as well as in meetings that take place at Kupittaa campus. Students work both independently and communally with the rest of the student group.

Exam schedules

The course does not include an exam.

International connections

The course emphasizes communal learning, which is implemented e.g as small group work and study visits. The study group is international and students familiarize themselves with Finnish working life and career planning skills.

The course also includes one personal career guidance meeting and one excursion to a company and one professional event both in the small group and individually.

Student workload

Individual assignments
Pair and group work
Career counselling meeting
Writing a learning diary (career plan) and network map.

5 credits = 135 hour divided as follows:

• Onsite meetings and career counselling meeting 16 h
• Excursion and preparations 27 h
• Pre-assignments and group works 55 h
• Attendance of selected event 8 h
• Writing of career plan and network map 27 h

Assessment criteria, approved/failed


The student must pass all the following points:
The student has participated in pair and group work or has performed compensatory assignments.
The student has returned the learning diary (a career plan) and the network map.
The student has participated in the required events, excursions and their planning.
The student has returned a peer review.
The student's peer review is passed.

The terms above are not fulfilled.

Further information

Detailed instructions can be found from Itslearning.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The course is assessed on a scale passed - failed


No prerequisites.