Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
02.12.2024 - 31.12.2024
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Rehabilitation and Special Areas in Health Care
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Seija Kirkko-Jaakkola
The student is able
- to describe current challenges of population’s health and well-being as well as factors affecting them
- to describe the indicators of health and well-being as well as the meaning of knowledge when identifying and organizing services
- to describe social and health services organization and legislation
- to describe social security system,
- to search for information of social and health services to clients in different life situations
- to recognize the meaning of multiprofessionality in the perspective of service needs
- to act more securely and understand the responsibility for promoting security
1. The status of the population’s health and well-being
- current challenges and factors affecting them
- promotion of health and functional ability, prevention of illnesses and accidents
- registers and statistics
2. Social and health services
- social and health care organization and development of it, funding, responsibilities, control/monitoring and client’s and patient’s rights
- social and health services
- income security
- searching information about social and health services and benefits
3. Security in social and health care
Evaluation scale
07.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 23.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
- Juho Korpi
The student is able
- to describe current challenges of population’s health and well-being as well as factors affecting them
- to describe the indicators of health and well-being as well as the meaning of knowledge when identifying and organizing services
- to describe social and health services organization and legislation
- to describe social security system,
- to search for information of social and health services to clients in different life situations
- to recognize the meaning of multiprofessionality in the perspective of service needs
- to act more securely and understand the responsibility for promoting security
1. The status of the population’s health and well-being
- current challenges and factors affecting them
- promotion of health and functional ability, prevention of illnesses and accidents
- registers and statistics
2. Social and health services
- social and health care organization and development of it, funding, responsibilities, control/monitoring and client’s and patient’s rights
- social and health services
- income security
- searching information about social and health services and benefits
3. Security in social and health care
Material announced in Itslearning.
Teaching methods
Independent online study.
Exam schedules
The course is open from January 7th, 2025 to May 23rd 2025.
International connections
Online pedagogy / innovation pedagogy
Completion alternatives
Student workload
The learning tasks will be described more specifically in ItsLearning. 2 credit corresponds to 54 hours of student work.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
All learning assignments in Itslearning must be answered. To complete the course it requires that all learning assignments has been answered within the given deadline. The course is approved when all the earning assignments of the course have been successfully completed and returned on time.
To complete the course it requires that the student has answered all points of the assignment and that the content of the assignment corresponds to the assignment. The assessment of factors related to health and well-being, such as different life situations, social and health services and the need for these services, is clear and appropriate to the context. The central contents of social and health services have been understood and written openly using sources. The student understood the Importance of Cyber Security in social and health services. The student knows how to search information from different social and healthcare services. The contents of the assignments may still include parts that are separate from each other.
The learning assignments has not been completed, and/or not all points in the assignment has been answered or they has been returned with very incomplete information.
The student does not recognize or is not able to clearly demonstrate the effects of factors related to health and well-being on the client's life situation. The student has not understood the central contents of social and health services. The student doesn't understood the Importance of Cyber Security in social and health services. A high percentage of plagiarism leads to a request to complete the assignment again. Systematic plagiarism (e.g. using another student's answers) will result in course failure.
Content scheduling
The content and schedules are specified on the Itslearning platform.
The course is open from January 7th, 2025 to May 23rd 2025.
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please contact the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform.
This course is open in a certain time and all the sections should be done on schedule.
Teachers will check that you have done all the sections acceptably and then give you a grade (approved/failed) in Peppi.
To pass this course:
To complete the course, all of sections materials must be studied and the assignments should be done in the given order (first section 1, then section 2 etc.).
Remember to fill in the feedback form.
1. Population`s Health and Well-Being
2. Organizing wellbeing Services
3. Social and health services
4. Income support
5. Comparison
(Sections: Information security, Rehabilitation and Client guidance and counseling case work are not included in this implementation)
You will have all the needed materials and assignments linked in this Itslearning platform.
After studying all the sections, go to “tila ja seuranta” – “arviointikirja” (eng. status and follow up – assessment record) and make sure to check that you had done all the sections acceptably.
Further information
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please be contact with the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform. Itslearning will open when the registrations have been approved.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
To complete the course, all sections of the online course must be passed.
All course learning assignments must be returned to the Itslearning platform. The student has the right to repeat the failed learning assignments of the study course twice. Learning assignments must be returned primarily on the first return day assigned to them, and not returning your learning assignment correspond failed. Failed learning assignments will be returned according to the schedule determined by the teacher.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student does not follow the course instructions.
The student has not familiarized themselves with the material available on the learning platform and/or the assignment instructions, nor do they act accordingly.
The student does not justify their actions using the knowledge base of their profession (relative to their stage of study).
The student does not recognize or clearly demonstrate the theoretical foundations of physiotherapy:
Understanding and foundations are not demonstrated in assignments at all.
The student’s actions are inconsistent and confusing relative to their stage of study.
The student is unable to reflect on their learning or actions.
The student does not accept feedback and/or does not change their actions based on feedback.
The student endangers patient safety and/or the safety of the work and study environment.
The student cannot choose and use appropriate interaction methods for client or learning situations.
The student does not recognize and/or follow the ethical principles, laws, regulations, and agreed guidelines governing the work of a physiotherapist.
Course assignments are not completed, all parts of the assignment instructions are not answered, or they are returned with very incomplete information.
The student’s actions and interactions are not respectful, reliable, and/or honest, and they do not take responsibility for their actions.
The student does not provide an explanation for absences and does not show that they have taken care of their learning during absences.
The student’s actions are unprofessional relative to their stage of study.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student uses key physiotherapy professional terms in a limited scope and/or quantity.
The student uses given information sources randomly.
The student’s evidence-based information retrieval is inadequate, and they cannot critically evaluate the information they find.
The student’s knowledge base is fragmented, and the relationships between concepts remain unclear.
Written assignments are composed in complete sentences and in good Finnish.
Reflection in written work is superficial, and synthesis of information is not achieved.
The student can work under supervision in physiotherapy situations practiced during the course and knows the related factors.
The student can describe the phenomena discussed in the course at a general level and knows the factors affecting them.
The student is capable of self-reflection, but it is superficial and/or unrealistic.
The student works safely in work and study environments.
The use of physiotherapeutic methods and making conclusions/clinical reasoning require guidance and confirmation.
The student is capable of receiving feedback and strives to change their actions based on it.
The student can function in various guidance and interaction situations.
The student recognizes and acts according to the ethical principles, laws, regulations, and agreed guidelines governing the work of a physiotherapist.
The student can function as a member of a group, but their actions are not self-directed.
The student can take responsibility for agreed tasks but often submits them late.
The student knows the basic principles of dialogue, but their actions do not always reflect this.
The student’s actions and interactions are respectful, reliable, and honest.
The student recognizes the prerequisites and consequences of their actions.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The criteria for grades 1–2 are met. Additionally:
The student’s knowledge base is understood as a whole.
The student can search for evidence-based information from various sources and recognize the difference between everyday knowledge and researched information.
The student can use key information sources systematically.
Written assignments are clearly structured.
The student can use key physiotherapy professional terms systematically.
Written work includes personal reflection and attempts at synthesis.
The criteria for grades 1–2 are met. Additionally:
The student can work independently in learning situations according to given instructions.
The student can explain the factors related to the course content and describe the key contents of physiotherapy.
The student works systematically, safely, and reliably in work and study environments.
The student is partially capable of making conclusions/clinical reasoning independently.
The student accepts feedback and changes their actions based on it.
The criteria for grades 1–2 are met. Additionally:
The student works purposefully in a group and adheres to agreed schedules.
The student can organize their own activities.
The student can suggest actions and, if necessary, seek approval for their actions.
The student considers dialogue and strives to act equally in interaction situations.
The student can critically evaluate their own actions and skills, recognizing their strengths and areas for development.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The criteria for grades 3–4 are met. Additionally:
The student uses professional terminology expertly.
The student can search for and use evidence-based information expertly and independently.
The student can use key information sources as well as other strong evidence-based sources they find themselves.
Written work shows application, synthesis, and independent reflection of information.
The criteria for grades 3–4 are met. Additionally:
The student can work independently in learning situations.
The student understands the methods of physiotherapy and the factors related to their reliable use.
The student can describe the phenomena discussed in the course broadly and understands the factors affecting them deeply.
The student works independently, systematically, safely, and reliably in work and study environments.
The student is capable of making conclusions/clinical reasoning mostly independently.
The student can apply theoretical knowledge in practical situations.
The student reflects on their actions and can engage in discussions about the feedback received.
The criteria for grades 3–4 are met. Additionally:
The student takes responsibility for sharing what they have learned and for working in a group.
The student can organize group activities and, if necessary, lead their own and the group’s activities.
The student commits to the group and promotes the group’s goals through their actions.
The student can engage in dialogue and acts equally in interaction situations.
07.12.2024 - 17.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 23.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
18 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
- Juho Korpi
The student is able
- to describe current challenges of population’s health and well-being as well as factors affecting them
- to describe the indicators of health and well-being as well as the meaning of knowledge when identifying and organizing services
- to describe social and health services organization and legislation
- to describe social security system,
- to search for information of social and health services to clients in different life situations
- to recognize the meaning of multiprofessionality in the perspective of service needs
- to act more securely and understand the responsibility for promoting security
1. The status of the population’s health and well-being
- current challenges and factors affecting them
- promotion of health and functional ability, prevention of illnesses and accidents
- registers and statistics
2. Social and health services
- social and health care organization and development of it, funding, responsibilities, control/monitoring and client’s and patient’s rights
- social and health services
- income security
- searching information about social and health services and benefits
3. Security in social and health care
Material announced in Itslearning.
Teaching methods
Independent online study.
Exam schedules
The course is open from January 7th, 2025 to May 23rd 2025.
International connections
Online pedagogy / innovation pedagogy
Completion alternatives
Student workload
The learning tasks will be described more specifically in ItsLearning. 2 credit corresponds to 54 hours of student work.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
All learning assignments in Itslearning must be answered. To complete the course it requires that all learning assignments has been answered within the given deadline. The course is approved when all the earning assignments of the course have been successfully completed and returned on time.
To complete the course it requires that the student has answered all points of the assignment and that the content of the assignment corresponds to the assignment. The assessment of factors related to health and well-being, such as different life situations, social and health services and the need for these services, is clear and appropriate to the context. The central contents of social and health services have been understood and written openly using sources. The student understood the Importance of Cyber Security in social and health services. The student knows how to search information from different social and healthcare services. The contents of the assignments may still include parts that are separate from each other.
The learning assignments has not been completed, and/or not all points in the assignment has been answered or they has been returned with very incomplete information.
The student does not recognize or is not able to clearly demonstrate the effects of factors related to health and well-being on the client's life situation. The student has not understood the central contents of social and health services. The student doesn't understood the Importance of Cyber Security in social and health services. A high percentage of plagiarism leads to a request to complete the assignment again. Systematic plagiarism (e.g. using another student's answers) will result in course failure.
Content scheduling
The content and schedules are specified on the Itslearning platform.
The course is open from January 7th, 2025 to May 23rd 2025.
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please contact the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform.
This course is open in a certain time and all the sections should be done on schedule.
Teachers will check that you have done all the sections acceptably and then give you a grade (approved/failed) in Peppi.
To pass this course:
To complete the course, all of sections materials must be studied and the assignments should be done in the given order (first section 1, then section 2 etc.).
Remember to fill in the feedback form.
1. Population`s Health and Well-Being
2. Organizing wellbeing Services
3. Social and health services
4. Income support
5. Comparison
(Sections: Information security, Rehabilitation and Client guidance and counseling case work are not included in this implementation)
You will have all the needed materials and assignments linked in this Itslearning platform.
After studying all the sections, go to “tila ja seuranta” – “arviointikirja” (eng. status and follow up – assessment record) and make sure to check that you had done all the sections acceptably.
Further information
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please be contact with the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform. Itslearning will open when the registrations have been approved.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
To complete the course, all sections of the online course must be passed.
All course learning assignments must be returned to the Itslearning platform. The student has the right to repeat the failed learning assignments of the study course twice. Learning assignments must be returned primarily on the first return day assigned to them, and not returning your learning assignment correspond failed. Failed learning assignments will be returned according to the schedule determined by the teacher.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student does not follow the course instructions.
The student has not familiarized themselves with the material available on the learning platform and/or the assignment instructions, nor do they act accordingly.
The student does not justify their actions using the knowledge base of their profession (relative to their stage of study).
The student does not recognize or clearly demonstrate the theoretical foundations of physiotherapy:
Understanding and foundations are not demonstrated in assignments at all.
The student’s actions are inconsistent and confusing relative to their stage of study.
The student is unable to reflect on their learning or actions.
The student does not accept feedback and/or does not change their actions based on feedback.
The student endangers patient safety and/or the safety of the work and study environment.
The student cannot choose and use appropriate interaction methods for client or learning situations.
The student does not recognize and/or follow the ethical principles, laws, regulations, and agreed guidelines governing the work of a physiotherapist.
Course assignments are not completed, all parts of the assignment instructions are not answered, or they are returned with very incomplete information.
The student’s actions and interactions are not respectful, reliable, and/or honest, and they do not take responsibility for their actions.
The student does not provide an explanation for absences and does not show that they have taken care of their learning during absences.
The student’s actions are unprofessional relative to their stage of study.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student uses key physiotherapy professional terms in a limited scope and/or quantity.
The student uses given information sources randomly.
The student’s evidence-based information retrieval is inadequate, and they cannot critically evaluate the information they find.
The student’s knowledge base is fragmented, and the relationships between concepts remain unclear.
Written assignments are composed in complete sentences and in good Finnish.
Reflection in written work is superficial, and synthesis of information is not achieved.
The student can work under supervision in physiotherapy situations practiced during the course and knows the related factors.
The student can describe the phenomena discussed in the course at a general level and knows the factors affecting them.
The student is capable of self-reflection, but it is superficial and/or unrealistic.
The student works safely in work and study environments.
The use of physiotherapeutic methods and making conclusions/clinical reasoning require guidance and confirmation.
The student is capable of receiving feedback and strives to change their actions based on it.
The student can function in various guidance and interaction situations.
The student recognizes and acts according to the ethical principles, laws, regulations, and agreed guidelines governing the work of a physiotherapist.
The student can function as a member of a group, but their actions are not self-directed.
The student can take responsibility for agreed tasks but often submits them late.
The student knows the basic principles of dialogue, but their actions do not always reflect this.
The student’s actions and interactions are respectful, reliable, and honest.
The student recognizes the prerequisites and consequences of their actions.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The criteria for grades 1–2 are met. Additionally:
The student’s knowledge base is understood as a whole.
The student can search for evidence-based information from various sources and recognize the difference between everyday knowledge and researched information.
The student can use key information sources systematically.
Written assignments are clearly structured.
The student can use key physiotherapy professional terms systematically.
Written work includes personal reflection and attempts at synthesis.
The criteria for grades 1–2 are met. Additionally:
The student can work independently in learning situations according to given instructions.
The student can explain the factors related to the course content and describe the key contents of physiotherapy.
The student works systematically, safely, and reliably in work and study environments.
The student is partially capable of making conclusions/clinical reasoning independently.
The student accepts feedback and changes their actions based on it.
The criteria for grades 1–2 are met. Additionally:
The student works purposefully in a group and adheres to agreed schedules.
The student can organize their own activities.
The student can suggest actions and, if necessary, seek approval for their actions.
The student considers dialogue and strives to act equally in interaction situations.
The student can critically evaluate their own actions and skills, recognizing their strengths and areas for development.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The criteria for grades 3–4 are met. Additionally:
The student uses professional terminology expertly.
The student can search for and use evidence-based information expertly and independently.
The student can use key information sources as well as other strong evidence-based sources they find themselves.
Written work shows application, synthesis, and independent reflection of information.
The criteria for grades 3–4 are met. Additionally:
The student can work independently in learning situations.
The student understands the methods of physiotherapy and the factors related to their reliable use.
The student can describe the phenomena discussed in the course broadly and understands the factors affecting them deeply.
The student works independently, systematically, safely, and reliably in work and study environments.
The student is capable of making conclusions/clinical reasoning mostly independently.
The student can apply theoretical knowledge in practical situations.
The student reflects on their actions and can engage in discussions about the feedback received.
The criteria for grades 3–4 are met. Additionally:
The student takes responsibility for sharing what they have learned and for working in a group.
The student can organize group activities and, if necessary, lead their own and the group’s activities.
The student commits to the group and promotes the group’s goals through their actions.
The student can engage in dialogue and acts equally in interaction situations.
20.11.2024 - 05.01.2025
20.11.2024 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
20 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Heidi Hämäläinen
The student is able
- to describe current challenges of population’s health and well-being as well as factors affecting them
- to describe the indicators of health and well-being as well as the meaning of knowledge when identifying and organizing services
- to describe social and health services organization and legislation
- to describe social security system,
- to search for information of social and health services to clients in different life situations
- to recognize the meaning of multiprofessionality in the perspective of service needs
- to act more securely and understand the responsibility for promoting security
1. The status of the population’s health and well-being
- current challenges and factors affecting them
- promotion of health and functional ability, prevention of illnesses and accidents
- registers and statistics
2. Social and health services
- social and health care organization and development of it, funding, responsibilities, control/monitoring and client’s and patient’s rights
- social and health services
- income security
- searching information about social and health services and benefits
3. Security in social and health care
Evaluation scale
07.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
20 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Heidi Hämäläinen
MTOIMK25Occupational Therapist
The student is able
- to describe current challenges of population’s health and well-being as well as factors affecting them
- to describe the indicators of health and well-being as well as the meaning of knowledge when identifying and organizing services
- to describe social and health services organization and legislation
- to describe social security system,
- to search for information of social and health services to clients in different life situations
- to recognize the meaning of multiprofessionality in the perspective of service needs
- to act more securely and understand the responsibility for promoting security
1. The status of the population’s health and well-being
- current challenges and factors affecting them
- promotion of health and functional ability, prevention of illnesses and accidents
- registers and statistics
2. Social and health services
- social and health care organization and development of it, funding, responsibilities, control/monitoring and client’s and patient’s rights
- social and health services
- income security
- searching information about social and health services and benefits
3. Security in social and health care
Evaluation scale
14.03.2025 - 25.05.2025
15.05.2025 - 17.08.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
5 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Juho Korpi
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 20. Open UAS: 20.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
The student is able
- to describe current challenges of population’s health and well-being as well as factors affecting them
- to describe the indicators of health and well-being as well as the meaning of knowledge when identifying and organizing services
- to describe social and health services organization and legislation
- to describe social security system,
- to search for information of social and health services to clients in different life situations
- to recognize the meaning of multiprofessionality in the perspective of service needs
- to act more securely and understand the responsibility for promoting security
1. The status of the population’s health and well-being
- current challenges and factors affecting them
- promotion of health and functional ability, prevention of illnesses and accidents
- registers and statistics
2. Social and health services
- social and health care organization and development of it, funding, responsibilities, control/monitoring and client’s and patient’s rights
- social and health services
- income security
- searching information about social and health services and benefits
3. Security in social and health care
Material announced in Itslearning.
Teaching methods
Independent online study.
Exam schedules
The course is open until 17.8.2025.
International connections
Online pedagogy
Completion alternatives
Student workload
The learning tasks will be described more specifically in ItsLearning. 2 credit corresponds to 54 hours of student work.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
All learning assignments in Itslearning must be answered. To complete the course it requires that all learning assignments has been answered within the given deadline. The course is approved when all the earning assignments of the course have been successfully completed and returned on time.
To complete the course it requires that the student has answered all points of the assignment and that the content of the assignment corresponds to the assignment. The assessment of factors related to health and well-being, such as different life situations, social and health services and the need for these services, is clear and appropriate to the context. The central contents of social and health services have been understood and written openly using sources. The student understood the Importance of Cyber Security in social and health services. The student knows how to search information from different social and healthcare services. The contents of the assignments may still include parts that are separate from each other.
The learning assignments has not been completed, and/or not all points in the assignment has been answered or they has been returned with very incomplete information.
The student does not recognize or is not able to clearly demonstrate the effects of factors related to health and well-being on the client's life situation. The student has not understood the central contents of social and health services. The student doesn't understood the Importance of Cyber Security in social and health services. A high percentage of plagiarism leads to a request to complete the assignment again. Systematic plagiarism (e.g. using another student's answers) will result in course failure.
Content scheduling
The content and schedules are specified on the Itslearning platform.
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please contact the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform.
This course is open in a certain time and all the sections should be done on schedule.
Teachers will check that you have done all the sections acceptably and then give you a grade (approved/failed) in Peppi.
To pass this course:
To complete the course, all of sections materials must be studied and the assignments should be done in the given order (first section 1, then section 2 etc.).
Remember to fill in the feedback form.
1. Population`s Health and Well-Being
2. Organizing wellbeing Services
3. Social and health services
4. Income support
5. Comparison
(Sections: Information security, Rehabilitation and Client guidance and counseling case work are not included in this implementation)
You will have all the needed materials and assignments linked in this Itslearning platform.
After studying all the sections, go to “tila ja seuranta” – “arviointikirja” (eng. status and follow up – assessment record) and make sure to check that you had done all the sections acceptably.
Further information
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please be contact with the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform. Itslearning will open when the registrations have been approved.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
To complete the course, all sections of the online course must be passed.
All course learning assignments must be returned to the Itslearning platform. The student has the right to repeat the failed learning assignments of the study course twice. Learning assignments must be returned primarily on the first return day assigned to them, and not returning your learning assignment correspond failed. Failed learning assignments will be returned according to the schedule determined by the teacher.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student does not follow the course instructions.
The student has not familiarized themselves with the material available on the learning platform and/or the assignment instructions, nor do they act accordingly.
The student does not justify their actions using the knowledge base of their profession (relative to their stage of study).
The student does not recognize or clearly demonstrate the theoretical foundations of physiotherapy:
Understanding and foundations are not demonstrated in assignments at all.
The student’s actions are inconsistent and confusing relative to their stage of study.
The student is unable to reflect on their learning or actions.
The student does not accept feedback and/or does not change their actions based on feedback.
The student endangers patient safety and/or the safety of the work and study environment.
The student cannot choose and use appropriate interaction methods for client or learning situations.
The student does not recognize and/or follow the ethical principles, laws, regulations, and agreed guidelines governing the work of a physiotherapist.
Course assignments are not completed, all parts of the assignment instructions are not answered, or they are returned with very incomplete information.
The student’s actions and interactions are not respectful, reliable, and/or honest, and they do not take responsibility for their actions.
The student does not provide an explanation for absences and does not show that they have taken care of their learning during absences.
The student’s actions are unprofessional relative to their stage of study.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student uses key physiotherapy professional terms in a limited scope and/or quantity.
The student uses given information sources randomly.
The student’s evidence-based information retrieval is inadequate, and they cannot critically evaluate the information they find.
The student’s knowledge base is fragmented, and the relationships between concepts remain unclear.
Written assignments are composed in complete sentences and in good Finnish.
Reflection in written work is superficial, and synthesis of information is not achieved.
The student can work under supervision in physiotherapy situations practiced during the course and knows the related factors.
The student can describe the phenomena discussed in the course at a general level and knows the factors affecting them.
The student is capable of self-reflection, but it is superficial and/or unrealistic.
The student works safely in work and study environments.
The use of physiotherapeutic methods and making conclusions/clinical reasoning require guidance and confirmation.
The student is capable of receiving feedback and strives to change their actions based on it.
The student can function in various guidance and interaction situations.
The student recognizes and acts according to the ethical principles, laws, regulations, and agreed guidelines governing the work of a physiotherapist.
The student can function as a member of a group, but their actions are not self-directed.
The student can take responsibility for agreed tasks but often submits them late.
The student knows the basic principles of dialogue, but their actions do not always reflect this.
The student’s actions and interactions are respectful, reliable, and honest.
The student recognizes the prerequisites and consequences of their actions.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The criteria for grades 1–2 are met. Additionally:
The student’s knowledge base is understood as a whole.
The student can search for evidence-based information from various sources and recognize the difference between everyday knowledge and researched information.
The student can use key information sources systematically.
Written assignments are clearly structured.
The student can use key physiotherapy professional terms systematically.
Written work includes personal reflection and attempts at synthesis.
The criteria for grades 1–2 are met. Additionally:
The student can work independently in learning situations according to given instructions.
The student can explain the factors related to the course content and describe the key contents of physiotherapy.
The student works systematically, safely, and reliably in work and study environments.
The student is partially capable of making conclusions/clinical reasoning independently.
The student accepts feedback and changes their actions based on it.
The criteria for grades 1–2 are met. Additionally:
The student works purposefully in a group and adheres to agreed schedules.
The student can organize their own activities.
The student can suggest actions and, if necessary, seek approval for their actions.
The student considers dialogue and strives to act equally in interaction situations.
The student can critically evaluate their own actions and skills, recognizing their strengths and areas for development.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The criteria for grades 3–4 are met. Additionally:
The student uses professional terminology expertly.
The student can search for and use evidence-based information expertly and independently.
The student can use key information sources as well as other strong evidence-based sources they find themselves.
Written work shows application, synthesis, and independent reflection of information.
The criteria for grades 3–4 are met. Additionally:
The student can work independently in learning situations.
The student understands the methods of physiotherapy and the factors related to their reliable use.
The student can describe the phenomena discussed in the course broadly and understands the factors affecting them deeply.
The student works independently, systematically, safely, and reliably in work and study environments.
The student is capable of making conclusions/clinical reasoning mostly independently.
The student can apply theoretical knowledge in practical situations.
The student reflects on their actions and can engage in discussions about the feedback received.
The criteria for grades 3–4 are met. Additionally:
The student takes responsibility for sharing what they have learned and for working in a group.
The student can organize group activities and, if necessary, lead their own and the group’s activities.
The student commits to the group and promotes the group’s goals through their actions.
The student can engage in dialogue and acts equally in interaction situations.
20.05.2024 - 08.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 08.11.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
75 % Contact teaching, 25 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Juho Korpi
- FT1 Virtuaalihenkilö7
The student is able
• to define the effects of respiratory and cardio-vascular symptoms and medical procedures on the motion, the functional ability and the participation in connection with clients in different ages,
• to list the factors affecting on respiratory and cardio-vascular systems and explain their connection to client’s ability to function,
• to describe and to implement methods to examine the functional ability and it’s prerequisites of the client with respiratory and cardio-vascular problems,
• to explain and to implement the essential means of physiotherapy to maintain and/or promote the functional ability and it’s prerequisites
• to use knowledge of internal disorders in physiotherapy process.
Respiration: the importance of respiration, examination a client in connection with respiratory problems, methods of physiotherapy to support and promote client’s ability to function and participate; primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
Cardiovascular system: risk factors in connection with Finnish population’s cardiovascular system, primary, secondary and tertiary prevention in disorders of the cardio-vascular systems, physiotherapy examination and implementation methods to maintain and promote clients with cardiovascular problems.
Clinical practice is included in all training periods.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to explain structures and function of vital organs.
07.12.2024 - 21.02.2025
24.02.2025 - 25.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
75 % Contact teaching, 25 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Juho Korpi
The student is able
• to define the effects of respiratory and cardio-vascular symptoms and medical procedures on the motion, the functional ability and the participation in connection with clients in different ages,
• to list the factors affecting on respiratory and cardio-vascular systems and explain their connection to client’s ability to function,
• to describe and to implement methods to examine the functional ability and it’s prerequisites of the client with respiratory and cardio-vascular problems,
• to explain and to implement the essential means of physiotherapy to maintain and/or promote the functional ability and it’s prerequisites
• to use knowledge of internal disorders in physiotherapy process.
Respiration: the importance of respiration, examination a client in connection with respiratory problems, methods of physiotherapy to support and promote client’s ability to function and participate; primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
Cardiovascular system: risk factors in connection with Finnish population’s cardiovascular system, primary, secondary and tertiary prevention in disorders of the cardio-vascular systems, physiotherapy examination and implementation methods to maintain and promote clients with cardiovascular problems.
Clinical practice is included in all training periods.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to explain structures and function of vital organs.
07.06.2024 - 26.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 04.11.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Annukka Myllymäki
The student is able to
• explain the impact of the constraints, symptoms and medical measures with the function of the pelvic area and lower limb functions and with the functional ability of clients at different ages, too,
• examine and evaluate reliably clients functional ability on all levels of ICF using EBP -methods regarding f.ex. clients sensations, functional disadvantage, functional range of movement and strenght proprioception and the mobility of neural tissue by using physiotherapy examination methods,
• draw up conclusions in right direction to explain the functional problems of the client on all levels of ICF,
• explain the basics of therapeutic exercise, manual therapy and instruction to prevent, maintain and promote the client’s motion and participation.
The main symptoms of musculoskeletal structures, especially basics of examination and exercising the pelvic area, hip and knee, planning, implementing and evaluating of physiotherapy process based on EBP.
Applying the basic training principles in rehabilitation taking into account also preventive perspective. Using various training environments and tools, functional training and technology in assessing and implementing clients in different stages of rehabilitation.
Evaluation scale
Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Physiology and Biomechanics in Physiotherapy
Observing and Analyzing Human Movement and Functioning
The Basics of Evaluating and Measuring Movement in Physiotherapy
Interview- and Communication Skills in Physiotherapy
07.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 23.03.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Annukka Myllymäki
The student is able to
• explain the impact of the constraints, symptoms and medical measures with the function of the pelvic area and lower limb functions and with the functional ability of clients at different ages, too,
• examine and evaluate reliably clients functional ability on all levels of ICF using EBP -methods regarding f.ex. clients sensations, functional disadvantage, functional range of movement and strenght proprioception and the mobility of neural tissue by using physiotherapy examination methods,
• draw up conclusions in right direction to explain the functional problems of the client on all levels of ICF,
• explain the basics of therapeutic exercise, manual therapy and instruction to prevent, maintain and promote the client’s motion and participation.
The main symptoms of musculoskeletal structures, especially basics of examination and exercising the pelvic area, hip and knee, planning, implementing and evaluating of physiotherapy process based on EBP.
Applying the basic training principles in rehabilitation taking into account also preventive perspective. Using various training environments and tools, functional training and technology in assessing and implementing clients in different stages of rehabilitation.
Evaluation scale
Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Physiology and Biomechanics in Physiotherapy
Observing and Analyzing Human Movement and Functioning
The Basics of Evaluating and Measuring Movement in Physiotherapy
Interview- and Communication Skills in Physiotherapy
20.05.2024 - 26.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 22.10.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
75 % Contact teaching, 25 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 22
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Kati Naamanka
- Juho Korpi
- FT1 Virtuaalihenkilö7
The student is able to
• explain the impact of the constraints, symptoms and medical measures on the function of neck-shoulder and upper limb functions and with the functional ability of clients at different ages,
• examine and evaluate reliably the range of motions, specific muscle strength, elasticity of soft tissue, mobility of neural tissue and proprioception by using physiotherapy examination methods,
• draw up conclusions in right direction to explain the functional problems of the client on all levels of ICF,
• explain the basics of therapeutic exercise, manual therapy and instruction to promote, maintain and advance the client’s motion and participation.
The main symptoms of musculo-skeletal structures, especially basics of examination and exercising neck-shoulder area, shoulder girdle and shoulder, planning, implementing and evaluating of physiotherapy process based on EBP
Assessment and measurement of range of motion of cervical spine ja joints of upper limb by using physiotherapy methods and measurement device, increasing the active and passive range of motion, basics of joint mobilization and stabilization, planning and implementing mobilization.
Using various training environments and tools, functional training and technology in assessing and implementing clients in different stages of rehabilitation.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to describe structures and function of musculoskeletal and nervous systems. (S)he is able to explain the principles of physiotherapy assessment (interview, observation, measurement and palpation) and support humans motor learning. The student is able to assess clients health-related fitness and the principles of therapeutic exercise. The student has basic skills in assessing and treating clients with lower limb, thoracic and lower spine problems.
07.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 28.02.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
75 % Contact teaching, 25 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Juho Korpi
The student is able to
• explain the impact of the constraints, symptoms and medical measures on the function of neck-shoulder and upper limb functions and with the functional ability of clients at different ages,
• examine and evaluate reliably the range of motions, specific muscle strength, elasticity of soft tissue, mobility of neural tissue and proprioception by using physiotherapy examination methods,
• draw up conclusions in right direction to explain the functional problems of the client on all levels of ICF,
• explain the basics of therapeutic exercise, manual therapy and instruction to promote, maintain and advance the client’s motion and participation.
The main symptoms of musculo-skeletal structures, especially basics of examination and exercising neck-shoulder area, shoulder girdle and shoulder, planning, implementing and evaluating of physiotherapy process based on EBP
Assessment and measurement of range of motion of cervical spine ja joints of upper limb by using physiotherapy methods and measurement device, increasing the active and passive range of motion, basics of joint mobilization and stabilization, planning and implementing mobilization.
Using various training environments and tools, functional training and technology in assessing and implementing clients in different stages of rehabilitation.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to describe structures and function of musculoskeletal and nervous systems. (S)he is able to explain the principles of physiotherapy assessment (interview, observation, measurement and palpation) and support humans motor learning. The student is able to assess clients health-related fitness and the principles of therapeutic exercise. The student has basic skills in assessing and treating clients with lower limb, thoracic and lower spine problems.
01.05.2024 - 02.09.2024
30.09.2024 - 28.01.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
- Pirjo Pennanen
The student is able to
• explain the impact of the constraints, symptoms and medical measures on function of the thoracic and lumbar spine and and with the functional ability of clients at different ages,
• examine and evaluate reliably clients functional ability on all levels of ICF using EBP -methods regarding f.ex. clients sensations, functional disadvantage, functional range of movement and strenght proprioception and the mobility of neural tissue by using physiotherapy examination methods,
• draw up conclusions in right direction to explain the functional problems of the client on all levels of ICF,
• explain the basics of therapeutic exercise, manual therapy and instruction to prevent, maintain and promote the client’s motion and participation.
The main symptoms of musculo-skeletal structures, especially basics of examination and exercising thoracic and lumbar spine areas. Planning, implementing and evaluating of physiotherapy process based on EBP and taking into account different medical procedures.
Applying the basic training principles in rehabilitation taking into account also preventive perspective. Using various training environments and tools, functional training and technology in assessing and implementing clients in different stages of rehabilitation.
Evaluation scale
The Basics of Examination and Exercising the Function of the Client’s Pelvic Area and Lower Limb (and its prerequisite studies) must be successfully completed before the actual exam of the course and at least started before the course begins.
07.12.2024 - 12.01.2025
17.03.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
The student is able to
• explain the impact of the constraints, symptoms and medical measures on function of the thoracic and lumbar spine and and with the functional ability of clients at different ages,
• examine and evaluate reliably clients functional ability on all levels of ICF using EBP -methods regarding f.ex. clients sensations, functional disadvantage, functional range of movement and strenght proprioception and the mobility of neural tissue by using physiotherapy examination methods,
• draw up conclusions in right direction to explain the functional problems of the client on all levels of ICF,
• explain the basics of therapeutic exercise, manual therapy and instruction to prevent, maintain and promote the client’s motion and participation.
The main symptoms of musculo-skeletal structures, especially basics of examination and exercising thoracic and lumbar spine areas. Planning, implementing and evaluating of physiotherapy process based on EBP and taking into account different medical procedures.
Applying the basic training principles in rehabilitation taking into account also preventive perspective. Using various training environments and tools, functional training and technology in assessing and implementing clients in different stages of rehabilitation.
Evaluation scale
The Basics of Examination and Exercising the Function of the Client’s Pelvic Area and Lower Limb (and its prerequisite studies) must be successfully completed before the actual exam of the course and at least started before the course begins.
10.06.2024 - 08.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 22
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Milka Reponen
- Kati Naamanka
- Satu Takala
- Juho Korpi
- FT1 Virtuaalihenkilö7
The student is able to
• apply the theoretical knowledge of physiotherapy in client situations related on problems of locomotor, respiratory and circulatory systems,
• act in accordance with the ethical principles of physiotherapy,
• make a client oriented assessment plan and implement it reliably and safely,
• draw up conclusions about assessment results related on structures and function of the musculo-skeletal, respiratory and circulatory system,
• explain how the changes in the client’s performance including its components effect on his/her ability to function in his/her living environment,
• draw up client oriented physiotherapeutic diagnosis and set goals together with the client,
• plan and implement physiotherapy situations for maintaining and promoting client’s ability to function taking into account client’s resources,
• explain various implementing methods of physiotherapy and their effects on client’s ability to function,
• report on the status of the client orally and in writing form,
• act in cooperation with client’s relatives and professionals of social and health care systems.
The physiotherapy process when the difficulties of the client's ability to function are due to changes in the structures and functions of the musculoskeletal system, surgical and / or orthopedic activities, and respiratory and circulatory disorders.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to explain in theory and assess in simulation cases deficiencies and pain related to clients functional abilities. The student is able to implement physiotherapy in above mentioned cases, for example when deficiencies and pain are related to musculoskeletal and/or vital organ functions.
07.12.2024 - 10.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Milka Reponen
- Iida Laine
- Kati Naamanka
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Juho Korpi
- Pirjo Pennanen
The student is able to
• apply the theoretical knowledge of physiotherapy in client situations related on problems of locomotor, respiratory and circulatory systems,
• act in accordance with the ethical principles of physiotherapy,
• make a client oriented assessment plan and implement it reliably and safely,
• draw up conclusions about assessment results related on structures and function of the musculo-skeletal, respiratory and circulatory system,
• explain how the changes in the client’s performance including its components effect on his/her ability to function in his/her living environment,
• draw up client oriented physiotherapeutic diagnosis and set goals together with the client,
• plan and implement physiotherapy situations for maintaining and promoting client’s ability to function taking into account client’s resources,
• explain various implementing methods of physiotherapy and their effects on client’s ability to function,
• report on the status of the client orally and in writing form,
• act in cooperation with client’s relatives and professionals of social and health care systems.
The physiotherapy process when the difficulties of the client's ability to function are due to changes in the structures and functions of the musculoskeletal system, surgical and / or orthopedic activities, and respiratory and circulatory disorders.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to explain in theory and assess in simulation cases deficiencies and pain related to clients functional abilities. The student is able to implement physiotherapy in above mentioned cases, for example when deficiencies and pain are related to musculoskeletal and/or vital organ functions.
07.12.2024 - 15.01.2025
15.01.2025 - 26.02.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Kim Vo
The aim of the course is to activate and develop the students’ field-relevant English language and communication skills. The students will gain professional skills in various spoken and written communicative situations encountered in working life and society. In addition, they will learn to utilize tools and techniques to further develop their skills in authentic, field-specific contexts. More specifically, students will focus on developing their language and communication skills in.
Upon completing the course, the students should have acquired skills to communicate at level B2 according to European Framework of Reference for Languages, which states that at B2-level students should be able to produce clear, coherent and well-structured texts, present detailed descriptions related to one’s field of interest, express and exchange opinions using fluent language, follow complex arguments, and read longer articles and reports.
- writing professional, field-specific texts
- presenting and discussing field-specific topics in a professional manner
- reading field-specific texts and utilizing the information in professional contexts
- learning and using key terminology of their field
- becoming professional, autonomous language users in working life
- Materials shared by the teacher.
- Materials searched from the web by the students.
- Materials produced by the students themselves.
- All materials will be available in the Itslearning learning environment.
- No costs for the student.
Teaching methods
Contact teaching (online teaching only when needed), tasks done in class, independent work, pair/group work
International connections
- Work-life-oriented learning objectives and material
- Digital learning
- Independent work
- Group work and team learning
- Flipped learning
- Self-reflection
- Peer review
Student workload
3cr = 81h
Content scheduling
The aim of this course is to activate and develop the students’ field-relevant English language and communication skills. The students gain professional skills in various spoken and written communicative situations encountered in working life and society. In addition, they learn to utilize tools and techniques to further develop their skills in authentic, field-specific contexts.
Upon completing the course, the students have acquired sufficient skills to communicate at level B2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages, which states that at level B2, students should be able to produce clear, coherent, and well-structured texts, present detailed descriptions related to their field of interest, express and exchange opinions using fluent language, follow complex argumentation, and read longer articles and reports.
- Writing professional, field-specific texts
- Presenting and discussing field-specific topics in a professional manner
- Reading field-specific texts and utilizing the information in professional contexts
- Learning and using key terminology of the field
- Becoming professional, autonomous language users in working life
Course topics:
• Personal learning goals and needs, language level, and professional profile
• Field-related topics such as the Finnish Health care system
• Reading and summarizing field-related material
• Professional vocabulary
• Self-reflection
Further information
- Itslearning
- email:
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is graded on a scale of 0-5:
Course performances are scored, which will form the overall course grade. Both oral and written performances affect the grade. Some evaluated tasks are performed on campus, and some as independent work alone or in a group; see Itslearning for more detailed criteria.
Evaluation and feedback: Teacher’s feedback, task-specific points, self-reflection, peer feedback.
The course grade comprises as follows:
Compulsory attendance 75% No substitute tasks.
Learning report: 40% - grading 0 to 5
Recording: 40% - grading 0 to 5
Presentation: PASS/FAIL
The remaining 20% are active in class participation and completing the assignments.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student does not pass the course or has not completed the course tasks according to the instructions (e.g., use of artificial intelligence against the instructions). Course tasks are unreturned, or the course performance is incomplete.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Handling different topics in English in various professional situations is relatively narrow and one-sided. The produced text responds to the task inadequately and does not have a logical flow to it. The text contains some difficult-to-understand points. The language is satisfactory. Language use contains some structures and basic vocabulary; however, there are errors in their use. The student can speak moderately about the central topics of their field. The speech is not always easy to follow. There may be significant deficiencies in coherence and interaction. The language is quite simple and hesitant. However, the student can convey the message, even though errors in structure and pronunciation sometimes hinder understanding. There may be deficiencies in language positivity and course activity. The course tasks have been completed satisfactorily.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Handling the topic in English is versatile and, for the most part, corresponds to the given task in various professional situations. The language is structurally clear and logical. Oral and written output is fluent and clear. Structures and professional vocabulary are well-mastered. Some errors may occur. The student understands the English-language material of their field. Speech is logical and consistent. Interaction and reaction are mostly fluent and clear. The handling of the topic corresponds to the task and is suitable for different professional situations. The text proceeds moderately logically. Style errors may occur. Errors may occur in the most demanding structures and expressions. The student can speak well about various topics in their own field. The speech is easy to follow. The language is fluent, although some breaks and pronunciation errors may occur. In general, a language-positive attitude and active participation. There are no deficiencies in the course performance, and the tasks are done well.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Handling the topic in English is versatile and skilled, fully responding to the task in various professional situations. The text is structurally very clear and logical. Transitions are cohesively smooth. The student can convey the message naturally with an appropriate style. The language is very fluent and versatile. Structures are varied, and the professional vocabulary is extensive. Occasional errors may occur in the most demanding structures and expressions. The student can speak excellently about various topics in their own field. Speech is purposeful, very consistent, on-point, and logical. Transitions from one topic to another are very smooth. Interaction is very skilled, and non-verbal communication effectively supports speech. Language (speech, pronunciation, and intonation) is fluent, clear, precise, and normally paced. The course performance shows activity and language positivity, and the tasks have been performed excellently.
07.12.2024 - 09.01.2025
09.01.2025 - 13.02.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Kim Vo
The aim of the course is to activate and develop the students’ field-relevant English language and communication skills. The students will gain professional skills in various spoken and written communicative situations encountered in working life and society. In addition, they will learn to utilize tools and techniques to further develop their skills in authentic, field-specific contexts. More specifically, students will focus on developing their language and communication skills in.
Upon completing the course, the students should have acquired skills to communicate at level B2 according to European Framework of Reference for Languages, which states that at B2-level students should be able to produce clear, coherent and well-structured texts, present detailed descriptions related to one’s field of interest, express and exchange opinions using fluent language, follow complex arguments, and read longer articles and reports.
- writing professional, field-specific texts
- presenting and discussing field-specific topics in a professional manner
- reading field-specific texts and utilizing the information in professional contexts
- learning and using key terminology of their field
- becoming professional, autonomous language users in working life
- Materials shared by the teacher.
- Materials searched from the web by the students.
- Materials produced by the students themselves.
- All materials will be available in the Itslearning learning environment.
- No costs for the student.
Teaching methods
Contact teaching (online teaching only when needed), tasks done in class, independent work, pair/group work
International connections
- Work-life-oriented learning objectives and material
- Digital learning
- Independent work
- Group work and team learning
- Flipped learning
- Self-reflection
- Peer review
Student workload
3cr = 81h
Content scheduling
The aim of this course is to activate and develop the students’ field-relevant English language and communication skills. The students gain professional skills in various spoken and written communicative situations encountered in working life and society. In addition, they learn to utilize tools and techniques to further develop their skills in authentic, field-specific contexts.
Upon completing the course, the students have acquired sufficient skills to communicate at level B2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages, which states that at level B2, students should be able to produce clear, coherent, and well-structured texts, present detailed descriptions related to their field of interest, express and exchange opinions using fluent language, follow complex argumentation, and read longer articles and reports.
- Writing professional, field-specific texts
- Presenting and discussing field-specific topics in a professional manner
- Reading field-specific texts and utilizing the information in professional contexts
- Learning and using key terminology of the field
- Becoming professional, autonomous language users in working life
Course topics:
• Personal learning goals and needs, language level, and professional profile
• Field-related topics such as the Finnish Health care system
• Reading and summarizing field-related material
• Professional vocabulary
• Self-reflection
Further information
- Itslearning
- email:
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is graded on a scale of 0-5:
Course performances are scored, which will form the overall course grade. Both oral and written performances affect the grade. Some evaluated tasks are performed on campus, and some as independent work alone or in a group; see Itslearning for more detailed criteria.
Evaluation and feedback: Teacher’s feedback, task-specific points, self-reflection, peer feedback.
The course grade comprises as follows:
Compulsory attendance 75% No substitute tasks.
Learning report: 40% - grading 0 to 5
Recording: 40% - grading 0 to 5
Presentation: PASS/FAIL
The remaining 20% are active in class participation and completing the assignments.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student does not pass the course or has not completed the course tasks according to the instructions (e.g., use of artificial intelligence against the instructions). Course tasks are unreturned, or the course performance is incomplete.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Handling different topics in English in various professional situations is relatively narrow and one-sided. The produced text responds to the task inadequately and does not have a logical flow to it. The text contains some difficult-to-understand points. The language is satisfactory. Language use contains some structures and basic vocabulary; however, there are errors in their use. The student can speak moderately about the central topics of their field. The speech is not always easy to follow. There may be significant deficiencies in coherence and interaction. The language is quite simple and hesitant. However, the student can convey the message, even though errors in structure and pronunciation sometimes hinder understanding. There may be deficiencies in language positivity and course activity. The course tasks have been completed satisfactorily.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Handling the topic in English is versatile and, for the most part, corresponds to the given task in various professional situations. The language is structurally clear and logical. Oral and written output is fluent and clear. Structures and professional vocabulary are well-mastered. Some errors may occur. The student understands the English-language material of their field. Speech is logical and consistent. Interaction and reaction are mostly fluent and clear. The handling of the topic corresponds to the task and is suitable for different professional situations. The text proceeds moderately logically. Style errors may occur. Errors may occur in the most demanding structures and expressions. The student can speak well about various topics in their own field. The speech is easy to follow. The language is fluent, although some breaks and pronunciation errors may occur. In general, a language-positive attitude and active participation. There are no deficiencies in the course performance, and the tasks are done well.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Handling the topic in English is versatile and skilled, fully responding to the task in various professional situations. The text is structurally very clear and logical. Transitions are cohesively smooth. The student can convey the message naturally with an appropriate style. The language is very fluent and versatile. Structures are varied, and the professional vocabulary is extensive. Occasional errors may occur in the most demanding structures and expressions. The student can speak excellently about various topics in their own field. Speech is purposeful, very consistent, on-point, and logical. Transitions from one topic to another are very smooth. Interaction is very skilled, and non-verbal communication effectively supports speech. Language (speech, pronunciation, and intonation) is fluent, clear, precise, and normally paced. The course performance shows activity and language positivity, and the tasks have been performed excellently.
02.07.2024 - 22.09.2024
20.08.2024 - 01.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Jaana Koskela
Evaluation scale
04.11.2024 - 31.01.2025
20.01.2025 - 20.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
18 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Jaana Koskela
Evaluation scale
15.06.2024 - 30.08.2024
29.08.2024 - 29.11.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Pirjo Pennanen
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 5. Open UAS: 5.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
The student is in physiotherapy process able to
• explain the structures and the principles of physiology of the central and peripheral nervous system of a human,
• explain the development and maturation of the human nervous system during the first year of life,
• explain the structures and the principles of physiology of respiratory and circulatory organs,
• explain the principles of muscle physiology,
• explain the structural and neural factors affecting on power output,
• explain biomechanical features in basic movements
Anatomy: structures of central and peripheral nervous system, development and maturation during the first year, structures of the respiratory and circulatory system.
Physiology: structure and functions of the nerve cell, motor behavior regulation and sensory functions in motor regulation (neurophysiology), muscle and load physiology, heart rate regulation, blood circulation and regulation, respiratory physiology, respiratory diffusion and respiratory regulation.
Biomechanics: base of support, gravity, center of gravity, internal and external forces and how they affect human movement, muscle work and basics of human movement analysis
Evaluation scale
04.11.2024 - 03.03.2025
10.03.2025 - 30.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 70
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Pirjo Pennanen
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 10. Open UAS: 10.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
The student is in physiotherapy process able to
• explain the structures and the principles of physiology of the central and peripheral nervous system of a human,
• explain the development and maturation of the human nervous system during the first year of life,
• explain the structures and the principles of physiology of respiratory and circulatory organs,
• explain the principles of muscle physiology,
• explain the structural and neural factors affecting on power output,
• explain biomechanical features in basic movements
Anatomy: structures of central and peripheral nervous system, development and maturation during the first year, structures of the respiratory and circulatory system.
Physiology: structure and functions of the nerve cell, motor behavior regulation and sensory functions in motor regulation (neurophysiology), muscle and load physiology, heart rate regulation, blood circulation and regulation, respiratory physiology, respiratory diffusion and respiratory regulation.
Biomechanics: base of support, gravity, center of gravity, internal and external forces and how they affect human movement, muscle work and basics of human movement analysis
Evaluation scale
27.08.2024 - 31.12.2026
27.08.2024 - 31.12.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Milka Reponen
- Anu Granberg
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Afrisa Kapella
The student is able to
• plan and implement worklife -based and, when ever possible, multiprofessional project from physiotherapy perspective,
• act spontaneously and responsibly according to project goals
• find and evaluate evidence based information to support his/her actions
• communicate appropriatelly in a procet
• evaluate and report his/her own actions and project results according to different roles related to the project,
• recognise and evaluate one´s abilities and actions in entrepreneurship different kinds of projects
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical skills in project work.
Working in TUAS projects, either in one larger or many smaller ones. Evidence based planning and implementing as well as reporting worklife-based, preferably multiprofessional project. Resposible, entrepreneurship -like working, recognising one´s abilities.
Evaluation scale
According to spesific project content.
02.12.2024 - 28.02.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2027
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 55
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Milka Reponen
- Anu Granberg
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Afrisa Kapella
The student is able to
• plan and implement worklife -based and, when ever possible, multiprofessional project from physiotherapy perspective,
• act spontaneously and responsibly according to project goals
• find and evaluate evidence based information to support his/her actions
• communicate appropriatelly in a procet
• evaluate and report his/her own actions and project results according to different roles related to the project,
• recognise and evaluate one´s abilities and actions in entrepreneurship different kinds of projects
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical skills in project work.
Working in TUAS projects, either in one larger or many smaller ones. Evidence based planning and implementing as well as reporting worklife-based, preferably multiprofessional project. Resposible, entrepreneurship -like working, recognising one´s abilities.
Evaluation scale
According to spesific project content.
02.12.2024 - 31.12.2024
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2027
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Milka Reponen
- Anu Granberg
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Afrisa Kapella
The student is able to
• plan and implement worklife -based and, when ever possible, multiprofessional project from physiotherapy perspective,
• act spontaneously and responsibly according to project goals
• find and evaluate evidence based information to support his/her actions
• communicate appropriatelly in a procet
• evaluate and report his/her own actions and project results according to different roles related to the project,
• recognise and evaluate one´s abilities and actions in entrepreneurship different kinds of projects
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical skills in project work.
Working in TUAS projects, either in one larger or many smaller ones. Evidence based planning and implementing as well as reporting worklife-based, preferably multiprofessional project. Resposible, entrepreneurship -like working, recognising one´s abilities.
Evaluation scale
According to spesific project content.
28.05.2024 - 02.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 26
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Marion Karppi
- Anu Granberg
- Iida Laine
- Pirjo Pennanen
The student is able to
• describe the designing process of a project and different actor’s roles related to the project,
• design, implement and report, in accordance with his/her role,
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical skills in project work.
As a learning environment various projects and project-related physiotherapy.
The study unit can consists of one or more projects.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to observe movement, motion and functionality and assess preconditions of functionality like strength, flexibility and balance. (S)he is able to counsel clients to promote his/her functional ability.
07.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 19.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
1 op
RDI portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
75 % Contact teaching, 25 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Marion Karppi
- Anu Granberg
- Iida Laine
- Pirjo Pennanen
The student is able to
• describe the designing process of a project and different actor’s roles related to the project,
• design, implement and report, in accordance with his/her role,
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical skills in project work.
As a learning environment various projects and project-related physiotherapy.
The study unit can consists of one or more projects.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to observe movement, motion and functionality and assess preconditions of functionality like strength, flexibility and balance. (S)he is able to counsel clients to promote his/her functional ability.
02.07.2024 - 31.07.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 22
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Kati Naamanka
The student is able to
• identify and justify the physiotherapy development target and/or needs,
• choose from the physiotherapy point of view the topic of the thesis,
• choose the theoretical backgrounds by using critical information retrieval, backgrounds related on physiotherapy and assignment,
• prepare a theoretical basis for the thesis,
• select and justify appropriate development, data collection and analysis methods for the thesis,
• draw up the plan of the thesis and taking into account as well the ethical starting points as the assignment’s point of view,
• develop a communication plan related on the thesis process,
• apply for permission to complete the thesis,
• justify his/her own solutions in the seminar work with existing knowledge,
• take advantage of the feedback and give constructive feedback,
• take advantage of the guidance on the thesis and feedback received, as well as the content and methodological solution learned in the seminars.
Selecting and delineating the subject of thesis, collaborating with the client, obtaining and identifying reliable proofs, drafting and presenting the plan ( the theoretical structuring of the subject, defining the development task, planning both data collection and analysis , and information), authorization procedures
Evaluation scale
To begin planning the bachelor theses, student has to able to describe the main knowledge of physiotherapy evidence based practices that he/she has used in clinical practice.
07.12.2024 - 28.02.2025
06.01.2025 - 19.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Kati Naamanka
The student is able to
• identify and justify the physiotherapy development target and/or needs,
• choose from the physiotherapy point of view the topic of the thesis,
• choose the theoretical backgrounds by using critical information retrieval, backgrounds related on physiotherapy and assignment,
• prepare a theoretical basis for the thesis,
• select and justify appropriate development, data collection and analysis methods for the thesis,
• draw up the plan of the thesis and taking into account as well the ethical starting points as the assignment’s point of view,
• develop a communication plan related on the thesis process,
• apply for permission to complete the thesis,
• justify his/her own solutions in the seminar work with existing knowledge,
• take advantage of the feedback and give constructive feedback,
• take advantage of the guidance on the thesis and feedback received, as well as the content and methodological solution learned in the seminars.
Selecting and delineating the subject of thesis, collaborating with the client, obtaining and identifying reliable proofs, drafting and presenting the plan ( the theoretical structuring of the subject, defining the development task, planning both data collection and analysis , and information), authorization procedures
Evaluation scale
To begin planning the bachelor theses, student has to able to describe the main knowledge of physiotherapy evidence based practices that he/she has used in clinical practice.
07.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Kati Naamanka
- Annukka Myllymäki
The student is able to
• draw up the report as a thesis of the development or research work; report is based on results of the development or research work and is professionally profound,
• present professionally the main results and conclusions of the development or research work, especially to the representatives of the client,
• visualize development / research results and out puts both verbally and visually,
• carry out tasks in accordance with communication plan,
• evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the development and research process and report,
• evaluate credibility, reliability and ethical solutions,
• justify his/her choices in professional discussions during the process of thesis work,
• work constructively in their thesis group supporting learning of their own or others.
On a maturity exam, the student demonstrates the mastery of the content of his/her thesis and is able to write his/her thesis professionally and linguistically correctly.
Drawing up a thesis report, submitting development/ research findings ja conclusions, implementing a communication plan, writing a mature exam.
Evaluation scale
To report thesis the student has analysed data and got main results and/or products.
02.07.2024 - 31.07.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Kati Naamanka
- Niina Katajapuu
The student is able to
• draw up the report as a thesis of the development or research work; report is based on results of the development or research work and is professionally profound,
• present professionally the main results and conclusions of the development or research work, especially to the representatives of the client,
• visualize development / research results and out puts both verbally and visually,
• carry out tasks in accordance with communication plan,
• evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the development and research process and report,
• evaluate credibility, reliability and ethical solutions,
• justify his/her choices in professional discussions during the process of thesis work,
• work constructively in their thesis group supporting learning of their own or others.
On a maturity exam, the student demonstrates the mastery of the content of his/her thesis and is able to write his/her thesis professionally and linguistically correctly.
Drawing up a thesis report, submitting development/ research findings ja conclusions, implementing a communication plan, writing a mature exam.
Evaluation scale
To report thesis the student has analysed data and got main results and/or products.
02.07.2024 - 31.07.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Kati Naamanka
- Niina Katajapuu
The student is able to
• utilize, supplement and/or modify the theoretical basis governing the physiotherapy thesis,
• work responsibly and autonomously in accordance with the plan and ethical principles of development and research,
• take advantage of the guidance and feedback of client (working life representatives), teachers and opponents,
• collect realiably material related to the thesis and use appropriate analysis methods,
• make use of the substance and methodological solutions presented in seminar working, as well as evaluate their suitability for different research and development settings,
• work in their thesis group constructively for both their own and others learning.
Supplementing the theoretical framework, responsible working and appropriate use of guidance, implementing the plan in co-operation with the client/partner
Evaluation scale
Before implementing thesis the thesis plan has to accepted.
07.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Kati Naamanka
- Annukka Myllymäki
The student is able to
• utilize, supplement and/or modify the theoretical basis governing the physiotherapy thesis,
• work responsibly and autonomously in accordance with the plan and ethical principles of development and research,
• take advantage of the guidance and feedback of client (working life representatives), teachers and opponents,
• collect realiably material related to the thesis and use appropriate analysis methods,
• make use of the substance and methodological solutions presented in seminar working, as well as evaluate their suitability for different research and development settings,
• work in their thesis group constructively for both their own and others learning.
Supplementing the theoretical framework, responsible working and appropriate use of guidance, implementing the plan in co-operation with the client/partner
Evaluation scale
Before implementing thesis the thesis plan has to accepted.
01.05.2024 - 02.09.2024
27.08.2024 - 01.11.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
67 % Contact teaching, 33 % Distance learning
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 60
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
- FT1 Virtuaalihenkilö7
- Kirsi Karlsson
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
The student is able to
• recognize the values, norms and ethical principles guiding the physiotherapy activity and the starting points of profession: physiotherapy as a process, client-centered and evidence-based work,
• identify different physiotherapy models,
• describe the role of physiotherapist in social, health, sports and rehabilitation systems,
Theoretical basic of physiotherapy: ethical principles, physiotherapy as a field of science and evidence-based work, physiotherapy models, role of physiotherapist, personality as a working tool, client-centered way on thinking.
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge required
07.12.2024 - 19.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 11.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
34 % Contact teaching, 66 % Distance learning
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
18 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
- Juho Korpi
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 5. Open UAS: 5.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
The student is able to
• recognize the values, norms and ethical principles guiding the physiotherapy activity and the starting points of profession: physiotherapy as a process, client-centered and evidence-based work,
• identify different physiotherapy models,
• describe the role of physiotherapist in social, health, sports and rehabilitation systems,
Theoretical basic of physiotherapy: ethical principles, physiotherapy as a field of science and evidence-based work, physiotherapy models, role of physiotherapist, personality as a working tool, client-centered way on thinking.
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge required
03.08.2024 - 01.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 31.05.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
9 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
5 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Kati Naamanka
- Juho Korpi
- Afrisa Kapella
- Satu Takala
- Pirjo Pennanen
The student will deepen or broaden his/her physiotherapy knowledge and know-how in chosen field of physiotherapy.
In optional training, it is possible for the student to choose different fields of physiotherapy. It is recommended to choose a training of 6 weeks ( 9 ct) and the shortest possible training is 4 weeks (6ct). The student can choose for example:
- Physical Therapy Training for Supporting Traumatology and Orthopedic Client’s Functioning
- Physiotherapy Training for Supporting Functioning of Client’s Respiratory and Cardiovascular
- A Psycho-Physical Approach to Client Support
- Physiotherapy Training for the Elderly Client
- Physiotherapy for Supporting Child’s Ability to Performance and Participate
- Physiotherapy to Support Well-Being at Work
- Physiotherapy Supporting Athlete’s Performance
- Physiotherapy for Supporting Neurological Client’s Ability to Function
- Physiotherapy for Supporting Function of the Client’s Musculoskeletal System
- Providing Physiotherapy Services as an Entrepreneur
- Working as a Physiotherapist in a Project
- Developing Physiotherapy Learning Processes and Environments
- Adapted Physical Activity Promoting Client's Functioning and Well-being
- Practical Training Extending Physiotherapy Competency
Develpoment task. The content will be agreed upon with the supervisors at the beginning of the internship.
Evaluation scale
The basic studies an possible compulsory training of chosen field of physiotherapy must be done.
01.05.2024 - 01.09.2024
27.08.2024 - 01.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
25 % Contact teaching, 75 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Marion Karppi
- Iida Laine
- Niina Katajapuu
The student is able to
• describe the physiotherapy as an science,
• explain the theoretical starting-points of physiotherapy,
• explain the importance of physiotherapy to the development of the profession,
• define the concepts of quality management and factors affecting on quality and is able to use them in evaluating and developing the quality of physiotherapy and rehabilitation,
• explain the social and health care service systems and rehabilitation, control systems as well as their relevance to his/her own activities,
• describe physiotherapy service system,
• identify the administrative factors of working places,
• describe issues related on entrepreneurship.
Physiotherapy as a science, evidence based practice, quality management and basics of quality practice, control of the social, health care and rehabilitation service systems, management basics and unit management, close management and employee skills, statistics and management of the unit, entrepreneurship and its characteristics, statistical and management of service unit, entrepreneurship and its characteristics, setting up physiotherapy company and other entrepreneurship related issues
Evaluation scale
The student is able to use the main physiotherapy concepts when acting in physiotherapy process.
07.12.2024 - 13.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 11.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
3 op
RDI portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
25 % Contact teaching, 75 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
- Niina Katajapuu
The student is able to
• describe the physiotherapy as an science,
• explain the theoretical starting-points of physiotherapy,
• explain the importance of physiotherapy to the development of the profession,
• define the concepts of quality management and factors affecting on quality and is able to use them in evaluating and developing the quality of physiotherapy and rehabilitation,
• explain the social and health care service systems and rehabilitation, control systems as well as their relevance to his/her own activities,
• describe physiotherapy service system,
• identify the administrative factors of working places,
• describe issues related on entrepreneurship.
Physiotherapy as a science, evidence based practice, quality management and basics of quality practice, control of the social, health care and rehabilitation service systems, management basics and unit management, close management and employee skills, statistics and management of the unit, entrepreneurship and its characteristics, statistical and management of service unit, entrepreneurship and its characteristics, setting up physiotherapy company and other entrepreneurship related issues
Evaluation scale
The student is able to use the main physiotherapy concepts when acting in physiotherapy process.
07.12.2024 - 12.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 11.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
3 op
RDI portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
25 % Contact teaching, 75 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
- Niina Katajapuu
The student is able to
• describe the physiotherapy as an science,
• explain the theoretical starting-points of physiotherapy,
• explain the importance of physiotherapy to the development of the profession,
• define the concepts of quality management and factors affecting on quality and is able to use them in evaluating and developing the quality of physiotherapy and rehabilitation,
• explain the social and health care service systems and rehabilitation, control systems as well as their relevance to his/her own activities,
• describe physiotherapy service system,
• identify the administrative factors of working places,
• describe issues related on entrepreneurship.
Physiotherapy as a science, evidence based practice, quality management and basics of quality practice, control of the social, health care and rehabilitation service systems, management basics and unit management, close management and employee skills, statistics and management of the unit, entrepreneurship and its characteristics, statistical and management of service unit, entrepreneurship and its characteristics, setting up physiotherapy company and other entrepreneurship related issues
Evaluation scale
The student is able to use the main physiotherapy concepts when acting in physiotherapy process.
07.12.2024 - 12.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 11.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
3 op
RDI portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
25 % Contact teaching, 75 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
- Niina Katajapuu
The student is able to
• describe the physiotherapy as an science,
• explain the theoretical starting-points of physiotherapy,
• explain the importance of physiotherapy to the development of the profession,
• define the concepts of quality management and factors affecting on quality and is able to use them in evaluating and developing the quality of physiotherapy and rehabilitation,
• explain the social and health care service systems and rehabilitation, control systems as well as their relevance to his/her own activities,
• describe physiotherapy service system,
• identify the administrative factors of working places,
• describe issues related on entrepreneurship.
Physiotherapy as a science, evidence based practice, quality management and basics of quality practice, control of the social, health care and rehabilitation service systems, management basics and unit management, close management and employee skills, statistics and management of the unit, entrepreneurship and its characteristics, statistical and management of service unit, entrepreneurship and its characteristics, setting up physiotherapy company and other entrepreneurship related issues
Evaluation scale
The student is able to use the main physiotherapy concepts when acting in physiotherapy process.
14.03.2025 - 25.05.2025
15.05.2025 - 10.08.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
4 op
RDI portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
5 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 15. Open UAS: 15.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
The student is able to
• describe the physiotherapy as an science,
• explain the theoretical starting-points of physiotherapy,
• explain the importance of physiotherapy to the development of the profession,
• define the concepts of quality management and factors affecting on quality and is able to use them in evaluating and developing the quality of physiotherapy and rehabilitation,
• explain the social and health care service systems and rehabilitation, control systems as well as their relevance to his/her own activities,
• describe physiotherapy service system,
• identify the administrative factors of working places,
• describe issues related on entrepreneurship.
Physiotherapy as a science, evidence based practice, quality management and basics of quality practice, control of the social, health care and rehabilitation service systems, management basics and unit management, close management and employee skills, statistics and management of the unit, entrepreneurship and its characteristics, statistical and management of service unit, entrepreneurship and its characteristics, setting up physiotherapy company and other entrepreneurship related issues
Evaluation scale
The student is able to use the main physiotherapy concepts when acting in physiotherapy process.
02.07.2024 - 30.11.2024
01.09.2024 - 15.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Anu Kuikkaniemi
The student is able to
• identify the changes of ageing body,
• explain the importance of the geriatric prevetion in the different stage of ageing,
• explain the changes in ability to function ja the factors affecting on them in old age,
• describe the principles of geriatric treatment and rehabilitation.
The main changes in aging, geriatric prevention, geriatric rehabilitation
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
02.07.2024 - 30.11.2024
01.09.2024 - 15.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 26
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Anu Kuikkaniemi
The student is able to
• identify the changes of ageing body,
• explain the importance of the geriatric prevetion in the different stage of ageing,
• explain the changes in ability to function ja the factors affecting on them in old age,
• describe the principles of geriatric treatment and rehabilitation.
The main changes in aging, geriatric prevention, geriatric rehabilitation
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
07.12.2024 - 25.05.2025
07.01.2025 - 01.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Anu Kuikkaniemi
- Heidi Hämäläinen
The student is able to
• identify the changes of ageing body,
• explain the importance of the geriatric prevetion in the different stage of ageing,
• explain the changes in ability to function ja the factors affecting on them in old age,
• describe the principles of geriatric treatment and rehabilitation.
The main changes in aging, geriatric prevention, geriatric rehabilitation
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
07.12.2024 - 25.05.2025
07.01.2025 - 01.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Anu Kuikkaniemi
- Heidi Hämäläinen
The student is able to
• identify the changes of ageing body,
• explain the importance of the geriatric prevetion in the different stage of ageing,
• explain the changes in ability to function ja the factors affecting on them in old age,
• describe the principles of geriatric treatment and rehabilitation.
The main changes in aging, geriatric prevention, geriatric rehabilitation
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
14.03.2025 - 26.05.2025
26.05.2025 - 11.08.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
5 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Anu Kuikkaniemi
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 15. Open UAS: 15.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
The student is able to
• identify the changes of ageing body,
• explain the importance of the geriatric prevetion in the different stage of ageing,
• explain the changes in ability to function ja the factors affecting on them in old age,
• describe the principles of geriatric treatment and rehabilitation.
The main changes in aging, geriatric prevention, geriatric rehabilitation
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
01.12.2024 - 13.04.2025
14.04.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
The student is able to
• choose and use case-specific and client oriented interaction methods in every stage of physiotherapy process and in multiprofessional situations
• combine the factors affecting on human learning and the principles of physiotherapeutic instruction when planning and implementing physiotherapeutic instruction
• regocnice ethical situations and ways to act ethically in various physiotherapysituations
Facing the client, client-centered interaction, support for client’s internal motivation in every stage of therapyprocess. Physiotherapeutic interview, ethical principles and their use in physiotherapy
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
07.12.2024 - 19.01.2025
21.04.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
18 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
- Pirjo Pennanen
The student is able to
• choose and use case-specific and client oriented interaction methods in every stage of physiotherapy process and in multiprofessional situations
• combine the factors affecting on human learning and the principles of physiotherapeutic instruction when planning and implementing physiotherapeutic instruction
• regocnice ethical situations and ways to act ethically in various physiotherapysituations
Facing the client, client-centered interaction, support for client’s internal motivation in every stage of therapyprocess. Physiotherapeutic interview, ethical principles and their use in physiotherapy
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
01.05.2024 - 27.08.2024
27.08.2024 - 01.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 22
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Marion Karppi
- Anu Granberg
- Iida Laine
The student is able to
• identify factors affecting well-being,
• explain the different load situations and load factors occurring during work and everyday life,
• evaluate the client’s work and functional environment and physical load of work,
• present solutions to achieve optimal load,
• plan and implement physiotherapeutic preventive and welfare-promoting means to lower the load of work and functioning,
• act in multidisciplinary teams as a representative of physiotherapy.
The elements of well-being, load factors of work / functioning, assessment of work and operating environment from ergonomic perspectives, assessment of physical load factors, ergonomics of assisting patient transfer, relationship of well-being and recovery, promotion of well-being by preventive physiotherapy methods.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to explain the loading of musculoskeletal system in function taking into account holistic conception of man.
07.12.2024 - 12.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 25.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Marion Karppi
- Anu Granberg
- Milka Reponen
- Iida Laine
- Juho Korpi
The student is able to
• identify factors affecting well-being,
• explain the different load situations and load factors occurring during work and everyday life,
• evaluate the client’s work and functional environment and physical load of work,
• present solutions to achieve optimal load,
• plan and implement physiotherapeutic preventive and welfare-promoting means to lower the load of work and functioning,
• act in multidisciplinary teams as a representative of physiotherapy.
The elements of well-being, load factors of work / functioning, assessment of work and operating environment from ergonomic perspectives, assessment of physical load factors, ergonomics of assisting patient transfer, relationship of well-being and recovery, promotion of well-being by preventive physiotherapy methods.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to explain the loading of musculoskeletal system in function taking into account holistic conception of man.
12.06.2024 - 13.10.2024
01.08.2024 - 13.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 26
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Satu Takala
The student is able, based on theoretical knowledge and his/ own experiences, to
• recognize his/her own body and psychosomatic complexity,
• recognize the communicative nature and expression of the body,
• identify the basic concepts of psychophysical physiotherapy approach,
• choose methods to assessing psychosomatic resources suitable for humans,
• draw up in interactions with the client the appropriate physiotherapy goals from a psycho-physical point of view,
• support the clients psycho-physical entity by designing and implementing methods of relaxation.
Key concepts, body image, relationship of mind, body and movement, movement and movement as a part of overall expression, psychological effects of fear and stress and its assessment, stress as a concept and it´s affects in the human body, psycho-physical recovery, awareness of the professional limits of a physiotherapis
Relaxation and recovery methods
Evaluation scale
Student is able to describe different conceptions of man as part of clinical reasoning in physiotherapy
07.12.2024 - 17.03.2025
06.01.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Satu Takala
The student is able, based on theoretical knowledge and his/ own experiences, to
• recognize his/her own body and psychosomatic complexity,
• recognize the communicative nature and expression of the body,
• identify the basic concepts of psychophysical physiotherapy approach,
• choose methods to assessing psychosomatic resources suitable for humans,
• draw up in interactions with the client the appropriate physiotherapy goals from a psycho-physical point of view,
• support the clients psycho-physical entity by designing and implementing methods of relaxation.
Key concepts, body image, relationship of mind, body and movement, movement and movement as a part of overall expression, psychological effects of fear and stress and its assessment, stress as a concept and it´s affects in the human body, psycho-physical recovery, awareness of the professional limits of a physiotherapis
Relaxation and recovery methods
Evaluation scale
Student is able to describe different conceptions of man as part of clinical reasoning in physiotherapy
01.05.2024 - 26.08.2024
12.08.2024 - 01.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
50 % Contact teaching, 50 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 60
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
The student is able to
• identify psychological and physiological changes related to aging that are relevant to the client’s ability to function in his/her environment,
• use testers to evaluate geriatric client’s ability to function,
• select and implement physiotherapy methods to support the geriatric clients’ ability to function.
Ability to function in old age, physiotherapy to maintain and promote the ability to function in elderly, evaluation of ability to function in old age, geriatric rehabilitation, cognitive changes in ageing and their effect on implementation of physiotherapy.
Evaluation scale
07.12.2024 - 12.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 11.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
- Iida Laine
The student is able to
• identify psychological and physiological changes related to aging that are relevant to the client’s ability to function in his/her environment,
• use testers to evaluate geriatric client’s ability to function,
• select and implement physiotherapy methods to support the geriatric clients’ ability to function.
Ability to function in old age, physiotherapy to maintain and promote the ability to function in elderly, evaluation of ability to function in old age, geriatric rehabilitation, cognitive changes in ageing and their effect on implementation of physiotherapy.
Evaluation scale
07.12.2024 - 12.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 11.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
The student is able to
• identify psychological and physiological changes related to aging that are relevant to the client’s ability to function in his/her environment,
• use testers to evaluate geriatric client’s ability to function,
• select and implement physiotherapy methods to support the geriatric clients’ ability to function.
Ability to function in old age, physiotherapy to maintain and promote the ability to function in elderly, evaluation of ability to function in old age, geriatric rehabilitation, cognitive changes in ageing and their effect on implementation of physiotherapy.
Evaluation scale
14.03.2025 - 25.05.2025
15.05.2025 - 10.08.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
5 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 15. Open UAS: 15.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
The student is able to
• identify psychological and physiological changes related to aging that are relevant to the client’s ability to function in his/her environment,
• use testers to evaluate geriatric client’s ability to function,
• select and implement physiotherapy methods to support the geriatric clients’ ability to function.
Ability to function in old age, physiotherapy to maintain and promote the ability to function in elderly, evaluation of ability to function in old age, geriatric rehabilitation, cognitive changes in ageing and their effect on implementation of physiotherapy.
Evaluation scale
01.05.2024 - 01.09.2024
27.08.2024 - 01.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 60
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
- FT1 Virtuaalihenkilö7
- Kirsi Karlsson
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 30. Open UAS: 30.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
Student is able to
- recognize the national and international physiotherapy lines of development,
- recognize the starting points of profession: physiotherapy as a process, client-oriented and evidence-based work,
- explain the key concepts of physiotherapy,
- identify the role of physiotherapist in social, health, sports and rehabilitation systems
The national and international development lines of physiotherapy, physiotherapy as a field of science and evidence-based work, role of physiotherapist.
The material indicated in the Itslearning platform is available online.
Teaching methods
Independent online study.
Exam schedules
The online assignments are open until 01.12.2024. Instruction and feedback of the online assignments will be done via the Itslearning platform.
Learning tasks can be completed on your own schedule 24/7 on the principle of Itslearning.
International connections
Online pedagogy / innovation pedagogy
Completion alternatives
Student workload
The learning tasks will be described more specifically in ItsLearning. 1 credit corresponds to 27 hours of student work.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
- does not work according to the instructions of the course
- does not justify his/her own actions using the knowledge base of his/her profession
- fails to identify national and international trends in physiotherapy
- does not recognize the starting points of the profession: physiotherapy as a process, client-oriented and evidence-based work
- does not recognize the key concepts of physiotherapy and the role of the physiotherapist in social, health, sport and rehabilitation systems.
- is unable to reflect on their learning or practice and does not take into account feedback received.
- compromises patient safety and/or the safety of the working and learning environment
- fails to recognize and/or comply with ethical principles, laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice governing the work of the physiotherapist
- does not act and interact in a respectful, trustworthy and/or honest manner and does not take responsibility for his/her actions
- use key physiotherapy concepts with limited content and/or quantity
- uses randomly provided sources of information
- inadequate evidence-based information retrieval and inability to critically evaluate information retrieved
- the knowledge base is fragmented and the relationships between issues are unclear
- in learning tasks, demonstrates the ability to produce factual information in a readable and comprehensible form, but the reflection on the information is superficial; and no synthesis is achieved
- can describe in general terms national and international trends in physiotherapy
- can describe in general terms the starting points of the profession: physiotherapy as a process, client-oriented and evidence-based work,
- can describe in general terms the key concepts of physiotherapy and the role of the physiotherapist in social, health, sport and rehabilitation systems.
- is able to self-reflect on his/her work, but this is superficial and/or unrealistic
- is able to receive feedback and seeks to modify his/her actions on the basis of this feedback
- Able to function safely in a variety of guidance and interaction situations
- recognise the ethical principles guiding the work of a physiotherapist
- acts in accordance with laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice
- explains and identifies the conditions and consequences of his/her professional competence and activities
- can work as a member of a team but is not self-directed
- act and interact in a respectful, reliable and honest manner
Content scheduling
The content and schedules are specified on the Itslearning platform.
The course is open from September 1st 2024 to December 12th 2024.
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please contact the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform.
The national and international development lines of physiotherapy
Physiotherapy as a field of science and evidence-based work
Role of physiotherapist
After studying all of the section material, you will have to test your knowledge. There will be five (5) questions in every section and you will have to get them 100% right. The knowledge test has an unlimited number of tries.
You will have all the materials needed linked in this Itslearning platform.
This course is open in a certain time and all the sections should be done on schedule.
Teachers will check that you have done all the sections acceptably and then give you a grade (approved/failed) in Peppi.
To pass this course:
To complete the course, all of sections materials must be studied and the knowledge tests should be done in the given order (first section 1, then section 2 etc.).
The course includes also a final exam online. To pass the final exam, you must answer at least 50% of the questions correctly.
You must answer the questions independently, group-work is not allowed.
Remember to fill in the feedback form.
After studying all the sections, go to “tila ja seuranta” – “arviointikirja” (eng. status and follow up – assessment record) and make sure to check that you had done all the sections acceptably.
Further information
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please be contact with the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform. Itslearning will open when the registrations have been approved.
The quota for Turku UAS open studies are 30.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment: approved - failed
The teacher will award a credit for the course when all the assignments of the course have been successfully completed. The student's competence in the course will be assessed in relation to the stage of studies. The teacher issues the credit within four weeks of the end date of the course as indicated in the Peppi.
The assignments for the course must be returned in accordance with the instructions and timetable given by the teacher. Failure to return the assignment by the required deadline will result in a failing grade. Late return of an assignment or re-submission of a failed assignment will be done in accordance with the instructions and timetable given by the teacher.
The final grade for the course will be the average of the following sections:
1. Completion of knowledge tests (4) (pass/fail): pass limit 100 % of the points, unlimited number of passes.
2. completion of the final exam (pass/fail): pass mark 50 % of the points, unlimited number of points.
3. Teacher's assessment: completion of assigned tasks on time and other student activities during the course +/-
The contents and learning tasks are described in more detail on the Itslearning platform. Under each content topic there are one or more returnable learning tasks. More detailed assessment criteria are indicated for each task on Itslearning in the assignment.
No prerequisites
07.12.2024 - 17.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 23.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
- Juho Korpi
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää (Size: 30. Open UAS: 30.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
Student is able to
- recognize the national and international physiotherapy lines of development,
- recognize the starting points of profession: physiotherapy as a process, client-oriented and evidence-based work,
- explain the key concepts of physiotherapy,
- identify the role of physiotherapist in social, health, sports and rehabilitation systems
The national and international development lines of physiotherapy, physiotherapy as a field of science and evidence-based work, role of physiotherapist.
All study materials are on Itslearning and available electronically without restrictions.
Teaching methods
Self-directed learning (the student plans and schedules the course to fit their daily life and resources).
Exam schedules
Online assignments are open until May 23, 2025. Instructions and submission for the online assignments will be carried out on the Itslearning platform.
The entire course can be completed at your own pace.
International connections
Constructive learning (independent study exercises, reflection on one's own learning) and reflective learning (reflection on one's own skills and professional development).
Considering the environmental perspective in teaching is based on the environmental benefits of online education (no disposable equipment, paper, or travel).
Completion alternatives
Student workload
The course includes one learning assignment and one exam.
- The learning assignment is a learning diary, which will be guided by various tasks.
- The course exam is taken on Itslearning at a time chosen by the student. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions.
Student workload
The course is worth 1 ECTS credit, which equals 27 hours of student work.
0 hours of contact teaching
3 hours of video lectures (at a time chosen by the student)
11 hours of reading assignments
12 hours for the learning diary
1 hour for the exam + preparation
27 hours in total
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
- does not work according to the instructions of the course
- does not justify his/her own actions using the knowledge base of his/her profession
- fails to identify national and international trends in physiotherapy
- does not recognize the starting points of the profession: physiotherapy as a process, client-oriented and evidence-based work
- does not recognize the key concepts of physiotherapy and the role of the physiotherapist in social, health, sport and rehabilitation systems.
- is unable to reflect on their learning or practice and does not take into account feedback received.
- compromises patient safety and/or the safety of the working and learning environment
- fails to recognize and/or comply with ethical principles, laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice governing the work of the physiotherapist
- does not act and interact in a respectful, trustworthy and/or honest manner and does not take responsibility for his/her actions
- use key physiotherapy concepts with limited content and/or quantity
- uses randomly provided sources of information
- inadequate evidence-based information retrieval and inability to critically evaluate information retrieved
- the knowledge base is fragmented and the relationships between issues are unclear
- in learning tasks, demonstrates the ability to produce factual information in a readable and comprehensible form, but the reflection on the information is superficial; and no synthesis is achieved
- can describe in general terms national and international trends in physiotherapy
- can describe in general terms the starting points of the profession: physiotherapy as a process, client-oriented and evidence-based work,
- can describe in general terms the key concepts of physiotherapy and the role of the physiotherapist in social, health, sport and rehabilitation systems.
- is able to self-reflect on his/her work, but this is superficial and/or unrealistic
- is able to receive feedback and seeks to modify his/her actions on the basis of this feedback
- Able to function safely in a variety of guidance and interaction situations
- recognise the ethical principles guiding the work of a physiotherapist
- acts in accordance with laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice
- explains and identifies the conditions and consequences of his/her professional competence and activities
- can work as a member of a team but is not self-directed
- act and interact in a respectful, reliable and honest manner
Content scheduling
This is a self-paced online course with no joint teaching sessions. All course information can be found on the Itslearning platform.
All course assignments must be completed before the end of the course. See the schedule on the rhythm and timing tab.
The course objectives and content can be found on the course information tab
Further information
All communication related to the course will take place through Itslearning. No emails unless necessary.
Itslearning will only open once enrollment in the course has been approved.
The quota for Open University of Applied Sciences places is 30.
According to the secondary education cooperation agreement, there is a quota of 5 places for students from Turku Massage School and 5 places for students from the Finnish Sports Institute (Turku implementation).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment: pass - fail
The teacher will give the course completion mark once all course assignments have been successfully completed. The student's competence in the course will be assessed relative to their stage of study. The teacher will give the completion mark no later than four weeks after the course end date recorded in Peppi.
The course learning assignment must be submitted according to the teacher's instructions and schedule. Failure to submit by the required deadline will result in a failed grade. Late submissions or resubmissions of failed assignments must be done according to the teacher's instructions and schedule.
The final grade for the course is pass or fail, with no numerical grading. The student must achieve a passing grade in both the learning diary and the exam to receive a passing completion mark.
No prerequisites
14.03.2025 - 25.05.2025
15.05.2025 - 17.08.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
5 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Juho Korpi
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 20. Open UAS: 20.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
Student is able to
- recognize the national and international physiotherapy lines of development,
- recognize the starting points of profession: physiotherapy as a process, client-oriented and evidence-based work,
- explain the key concepts of physiotherapy,
- identify the role of physiotherapist in social, health, sports and rehabilitation systems
The national and international development lines of physiotherapy, physiotherapy as a field of science and evidence-based work, role of physiotherapist.
All study materials are on Itslearning and available electronically without restrictions.
Teaching methods
Self-directed learning (the student plans and schedules the course to fit their daily life and resources).
Exam schedules
Online assignments are open until May 23, 2025. Instructions and submission for the online assignments will be carried out on the Itslearning platform.
The entire course can be completed at your own pace.
International connections
Constructive learning (independent study exercises, reflection on one's own learning) and reflective learning (reflection on one's own skills and professional development).
Considering the environmental perspective in teaching is based on the environmental benefits of online education (no disposable equipment, paper, or travel).
Completion alternatives
Student workload
The course includes one learning assignment and one exam.
- The learning assignment is a learning diary, which will be guided by various tasks.
- The course exam is taken on Itslearning at a time chosen by the student. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions.
Student workload
The course is worth 1 ECTS credit, which equals 27 hours of student work.
0 hours of contact teaching
3 hours of video lectures (at a time chosen by the student)
11 hours of reading assignments
12 hours for the learning diary
1 hour for the exam + preparation
27 hours in total
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
- does not work according to the instructions of the course
- does not justify his/her own actions using the knowledge base of his/her profession
- fails to identify national and international trends in physiotherapy
- does not recognize the starting points of the profession: physiotherapy as a process, client-oriented and evidence-based work
- does not recognize the key concepts of physiotherapy and the role of the physiotherapist in social, health, sport and rehabilitation systems.
- is unable to reflect on their learning or practice and does not take into account feedback received.
- compromises patient safety and/or the safety of the working and learning environment
- fails to recognize and/or comply with ethical principles, laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice governing the work of the physiotherapist
- does not act and interact in a respectful, trustworthy and/or honest manner and does not take responsibility for his/her actions
- use key physiotherapy concepts with limited content and/or quantity
- uses randomly provided sources of information
- inadequate evidence-based information retrieval and inability to critically evaluate information retrieved
- the knowledge base is fragmented and the relationships between issues are unclear
- in learning tasks, demonstrates the ability to produce factual information in a readable and comprehensible form, but the reflection on the information is superficial; and no synthesis is achieved
- can describe in general terms national and international trends in physiotherapy
- can describe in general terms the starting points of the profession: physiotherapy as a process, client-oriented and evidence-based work,
- can describe in general terms the key concepts of physiotherapy and the role of the physiotherapist in social, health, sport and rehabilitation systems.
- is able to self-reflect on his/her work, but this is superficial and/or unrealistic
- is able to receive feedback and seeks to modify his/her actions on the basis of this feedback
- Able to function safely in a variety of guidance and interaction situations
- recognise the ethical principles guiding the work of a physiotherapist
- acts in accordance with laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice
- explains and identifies the conditions and consequences of his/her professional competence and activities
- can work as a member of a team but is not self-directed
- act and interact in a respectful, reliable and honest manner
Content scheduling
This is a self-paced online course with no joint teaching sessions. All course information can be found on the Itslearning platform.
All course assignments must be completed before the end of the course. See the schedule on the rhythm and timing tab.
The course objectives and content can be found on the course information tab
Further information
All communication related to the course will take place through Itslearning. No emails unless necessary.
Itslearning will only open once enrollment in the course has been approved.
The quota for Open University of Applied Sciences places is 30.
According to the secondary education cooperation agreement, there is a quota of 5 places for students from Turku Massage School and 5 places for students from the Finnish Sports Institute (Turku implementation).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment: pass - fail
The teacher will give the course completion mark once all course assignments have been successfully completed. The student's competence in the course will be assessed relative to their stage of study. The teacher will give the completion mark no later than four weeks after the course end date recorded in Peppi.
The course learning assignment must be submitted according to the teacher's instructions and schedule. Failure to submit by the required deadline will result in a failed grade. Late submissions or resubmissions of failed assignments must be done according to the teacher's instructions and schedule.
The final grade for the course is pass or fail, with no numerical grading. The student must achieve a passing grade in both the learning diary and the exam to receive a passing completion mark.
No prerequisites
07.12.2024 - 20.01.2025
20.01.2025 - 28.11.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Kati Naamanka
The student
-is able to describe the research and development process
-is able to identify development needs in working life
-is able to describe and evaluate methods applicable for use in research and development
-is able to describe and evaluate methods for collecting, analysing and reporting data
-is able to evaluate reliability and ethical principles
-is able to act as an expert in multiprofessional groups
- purpose and targets in research and development
- quantitative and qualitative research and literature review
- development and research processes
- methods for collecting and analysing data
- methods for development
- reliability and ethics
- working in multiprofessional groups
Evaluation scale
01.05.2024 - 26.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 13.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Anu Granberg
- Juho Korpi
- FT1 Virtuaalihenkilö7
Scheduling groups
- PFYSIS23A1 (Size: 11. Open UAS: 0.)
- PFYSIS23A2 (Size: 11. Open UAS: 0.)
- PFYSIS23B1 (Size: 11. Open UAS: 0.)
- PFYSIS23B2 (Size: 11. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
The student is able to
• explain the pain as phenomena from the bio-psycho-social perspective by utilizing the knowledge of physiology,
• assess the amount and quality of pain as an individual experience,
• identify the special features of the interaction and therapeutic relationship associated with pain client and support the pain client to find their resources and improve their quality of life,
• explain the physiotherapeutic means to influencing pain as well as the possibilities and limitations of their use as a part of multiprofessional care of pain client,
• design, implement and apply safely physical therapy using among other things technology and evaluating their effectiveness as part of physiotherapy.
Pain as a phenomenon, the meaning of therapeutic relationship of pain client, pain evaluation, physiotherapeutic means to effect on client’s pain experience, the influence mechanisms, indication and limitations of the surface and deep heat and electricity and the safe implication methods
Evaluation scale
The student is able to identify different body structures, explain the physiology of pain and take into account the holistic conception of man.
15.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
75 % Contact teaching, 25 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Juho Korpi
Scheduling groups
- Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 12. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 12. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- 1
- 2
The student is able to
• explain the pain as phenomena from the bio-psycho-social perspective by utilizing the knowledge of physiology,
• assess the amount and quality of pain as an individual experience,
• identify the special features of the interaction and therapeutic relationship associated with pain client and support the pain client to find their resources and improve their quality of life,
• explain the physiotherapeutic means to influencing pain as well as the possibilities and limitations of their use as a part of multiprofessional care of pain client,
• design, implement and apply safely physical therapy using among other things technology and evaluating their effectiveness as part of physiotherapy.
Pain as a phenomenon, the meaning of therapeutic relationship of pain client, pain evaluation, physiotherapeutic means to effect on client’s pain experience, the influence mechanisms, indication and limitations of the surface and deep heat and electricity and the safe implication methods
Evaluation scale
The student is able to identify different body structures, explain the physiology of pain and take into account the holistic conception of man.
19.08.2024 - 26.08.2024
22.08.2024 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Henna Vuoriranta
- Iida Laine
- Kati Naamanka
- Pirjo Pennanen
On the course, the student gets to know Turku University of Applied Sciences as an organisation and work community.
- The student gets to know his/her study group and TUAS as a work community.
- The student can tell about Turku University of Applied Sciences as a learning environment.
- The student can tell what is studied and how you study in the field in question.
- The student can tell about issues affecting the ability to study and the related practices
The course Higher education study skills and working life skills II continues on and deepens the themes of course I. During the first year of studies, the student’s responsibility for the studies increases.
Higher education study skills
- The student can evaluate his/her activities as a student in higher education and recognise his/her development needs
- The student understands the importance of study skills for the ability to study and as a working life skill
- The student recognizes the disadvantages of prolonged problematic situations for his/her studies
- The student recognizes the significance of the evaluation of and reflection on his/her own activities (self-reflection skills) in higher education studies and in developing as an expert
- The student can act in study groups and teams, and promotes reaching the group's target
- The student recognizes the significance of community-orientation and joint rules in studies and working life
- The student can give and receive constructive feedback which also promotes learning
- The student gives feedback through the student barometre questionnaire
Progress in studies and the targeted study time
- The student is committed to target-oriented studying
Support services for students
- The student is familiar with the guidance and counselling services in UAS studies
Peppi and ISP
- The student is familiar with the contents and structure of the curriculum of his/her degree programme
- The student understands what ISP is and why it is created
- The student knows how to use Peppi
- The student knows the opportunities for the accreditation of studies and competence
- cooperation skills and working in a team
- Student Union TUO
- getting to know different learning environments and tools premises, Peppi, Messi, ITSlearning, email, course timetables, library
- the special qualities of higher education studies compared to upper secondary/vocational studies: e.g. the importance of planning the use of time, large amount of independent work
- the special qualities of the field of study, the structure of the degree programme, ISP i.e. the individual study plan
- guidance and counselling services, student benefits, health care, insurances
Higher education study skills
- The material related to study and working life skills in Messi, the study skills guides of other higher education institutions and other study skills material online
- Planning of time use and using a calendar
- Broaching a subject and getting help from different guidance actors
- Expertise – of which skills do the actions of an expert consist
- Group dynamic and teamwork skills
- A safe study environment, the rules and regulations of TUAS
- The rules of the study group, acting in a work and study community, acting in the worker role
- Students' ways and methods of giving and receiving feedback
- Practising feedback skills
Progress in studies and the targeted study time
- The significance of completing 55 cr for the financing of the UAS
- months of student financial aid
- right to be absent
Support services for students
Guidance and counselling services: tutor teacher, study guidance counsellor, study secretary, international relations coordinator, degree programme leader, head of education and research
Routes which support well-being: study counselling psychologist, students’ health care services (public health nurse, doctor's and psychologist's services), accessibility, reading proficiency tests
Peppi and ISP
- Curriculum: core studies, professional studies, practical training and thesis and elective studies; how and based on what to select them
- Peppi, enrolling for courses
- Peppi, enrolling to resit examinations
- Development discussions as a study and working life skill
- Peppi, creating and updating the ISP
- knowledge on the tasks and basic skill requirements in the field
- internationalisation opportunities, in the home country and abroad
Evaluation scale
02.12.2024 - 17.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 19.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Annukka Myllymäki
On the course, the student gets to know Turku University of Applied Sciences as an organisation and work community.
- The student gets to know his/her study group and TUAS as a work community.
- The student can tell about Turku University of Applied Sciences as a learning environment.
- The student can tell what is studied and how you study in the field in question.
- The student can tell about issues affecting the ability to study and the related practices
The course Higher education study skills and working life skills II continues on and deepens the themes of course I. During the first year of studies, the student’s responsibility for the studies increases.
Higher education study skills
- The student can evaluate his/her activities as a student in higher education and recognise his/her development needs
- The student understands the importance of study skills for the ability to study and as a working life skill
- The student recognizes the disadvantages of prolonged problematic situations for his/her studies
- The student recognizes the significance of the evaluation of and reflection on his/her own activities (self-reflection skills) in higher education studies and in developing as an expert
- The student can act in study groups and teams, and promotes reaching the group's target
- The student recognizes the significance of community-orientation and joint rules in studies and working life
- The student can give and receive constructive feedback which also promotes learning
- The student gives feedback through the student barometre questionnaire
Progress in studies and the targeted study time
- The student is committed to target-oriented studying
Support services for students
- The student is familiar with the guidance and counselling services in UAS studies
Peppi and ISP
- The student is familiar with the contents and structure of the curriculum of his/her degree programme
- The student understands what ISP is and why it is created
- The student knows how to use Peppi
- The student knows the opportunities for the accreditation of studies and competence
- cooperation skills and working in a team
- Student Union TUO
- getting to know different learning environments and tools premises, Peppi, Messi, ITSlearning, email, course timetables, library
- the special qualities of higher education studies compared to upper secondary/vocational studies: e.g. the importance of planning the use of time, large amount of independent work
- the special qualities of the field of study, the structure of the degree programme, ISP i.e. the individual study plan
- guidance and counselling services, student benefits, health care, insurances
Higher education study skills
- The material related to study and working life skills in Messi, the study skills guides of other higher education institutions and other study skills material online
- Planning of time use and using a calendar
- Broaching a subject and getting help from different guidance actors
- Expertise – of which skills do the actions of an expert consist
- Group dynamic and teamwork skills
- A safe study environment, the rules and regulations of TUAS
- The rules of the study group, acting in a work and study community, acting in the worker role
- Students' ways and methods of giving and receiving feedback
- Practising feedback skills
Progress in studies and the targeted study time
- The significance of completing 55 cr for the financing of the UAS
- months of student financial aid
- right to be absent
Support services for students
Guidance and counselling services: tutor teacher, study guidance counsellor, study secretary, international relations coordinator, degree programme leader, head of education and research
Routes which support well-being: study counselling psychologist, students’ health care services (public health nurse, doctor's and psychologist's services), accessibility, reading proficiency tests
Peppi and ISP
- Curriculum: core studies, professional studies, practical training and thesis and elective studies; how and based on what to select them
- Peppi, enrolling for courses
- Peppi, enrolling to resit examinations
- Development discussions as a study and working life skill
- Peppi, creating and updating the ISP
- knowledge on the tasks and basic skill requirements in the field
- internationalisation opportunities, in the home country and abroad
Evaluation scale
20.05.2024 - 20.09.2024
26.08.2024 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Anu Granberg
- Afrisa Kapella
The student learns to evaluate and develop his/her study skills and professional competence.
Course targets
Higher education study skills
- The student can plan his/her studies and recognise development needs in his/her study skills and time management
- The student can study in different learning environments
- The student can evaluate his/her actions in higher education studies and in developing as an expert
- The student gives feedback through the student barometre questionnaire
- Based on the curriculum, the student can update his/her individual study plan
Higher education study skills
- Inner entrepreneurship and goal-orientation
- teamwork skills
- keeping to a schedule
- giving and receiving feedback
- Innovation pedagogy
- classroom studies
- online learning environments
- working life oriented learning environments
- broaching a subject and getting help from different guidance actors
- developing into an expert
- practical training (the important of the practical training place in career planning, applying for a training place, evaluation of the realization)
- working life skills
- strengthening the professional identity
- the significance of career planning
- development discussion
- internationality as a part of the studies
Evaluation scale
07.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 19.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Afrisa Kapella
The student learns to evaluate and develop his/her study skills and professional competence.
Course targets
Higher education study skills
- The student can plan his/her studies and recognise development needs in his/her study skills and time management
- The student can study in different learning environments
- The student can evaluate his/her actions in higher education studies and in developing as an expert
- The student gives feedback through the student barometre questionnaire
- Based on the curriculum, the student can update his/her individual study plan
Higher education study skills
- Inner entrepreneurship and goal-orientation
- teamwork skills
- keeping to a schedule
- giving and receiving feedback
- Innovation pedagogy
- classroom studies
- online learning environments
- working life oriented learning environments
- broaching a subject and getting help from different guidance actors
- developing into an expert
- practical training (the important of the practical training place in career planning, applying for a training place, evaluation of the realization)
- working life skills
- strengthening the professional identity
- the significance of career planning
- development discussion
- internationality as a part of the studies
Evaluation scale
12.06.2024 - 31.08.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Satu Takala
The student can act in different learning environments and develop his/her professional competence.
Developing working life skills – towards working life
- The student can apply what he/she has learned in a work environment
- The student gives feedback through the student barometre questionnaire
- The student creates an employment and career plan
Deepening the working life and study skills
- RDI/cooperatives as a part of studies
- Individual study skills
- inner entrepreneurship
- thesis
- working life skills
- development discussion
- practical training
- cooperation with companies
- updating the ISP
- internationalisation (exchange studies, practical training abroad, internationalisation at home)
Developing working life skills – towards working life
- entrepreneurship
- practical training
- working life skills
The graduation process
Evaluation scale
07.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 19.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
The student can act in different learning environments and develop his/her professional competence.
Developing working life skills – towards working life
- The student can apply what he/she has learned in a work environment
- The student gives feedback through the student barometre questionnaire
- The student creates an employment and career plan
Deepening the working life and study skills
- RDI/cooperatives as a part of studies
- Individual study skills
- inner entrepreneurship
- thesis
- working life skills
- development discussion
- practical training
- cooperation with companies
- updating the ISP
- internationalisation (exchange studies, practical training abroad, internationalisation at home)
Developing working life skills – towards working life
- entrepreneurship
- practical training
- working life skills
The graduation process
Evaluation scale
01.04.2024 - 31.08.2024
28.08.2024 - 20.11.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
14 - 26
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- TOIMINTA TERHY14 Virtuaalihenkilö14
- Irina Katajisto-Korhonen
- Heidi Hämäläinen
MTOIMK24Occupational Therapist
- describe the rehabilitation and the underlying paradigma
- identify key content of the laws and regulations guiding the rehabilitation system;
- explains the different rehabilitation practices
- Identify opportunities for rehabilitation development
- Identifies the importance of multiprofessional rehabilitation
- describe and apply a person's functioning according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
The definition of rehabilitation and the paradigm from expertise to client-centredness
Rehabilitation areas and operating systems
Structing function according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
Multiprofessionality in rehabilitation
The opportunities for rehabilitation development
Evaluation scale
09.09.2024 - 20.01.2025
20.11.2024 - 23.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Heidi Hämäläinen
- describe the rehabilitation and the underlying paradigma
- identify key content of the laws and regulations guiding the rehabilitation system;
- explains the different rehabilitation practices
- Identify opportunities for rehabilitation development
- Identifies the importance of multiprofessional rehabilitation
- describe and apply a person's functioning according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
The definition of rehabilitation and the paradigm from expertise to client-centredness
Rehabilitation areas and operating systems
Structing function according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
Multiprofessionality in rehabilitation
The opportunities for rehabilitation development
The material indicated in the Itslearning platform is available online.
Teaching methods
Independent online study.
Exam schedules
Confirms later
International connections
Online pedagogy / innovation pedagogy
Completion alternatives
Student workload
The learning tasks will be described more specifically in ItsLearning. 3 credit corresponds to 81 hours of student work.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
- The student does not act according to the instructions of the course
- The student is not familiar with the material and/or assignments available on the learning platform and does not act accordingly
- Failure to justify their own actions using the knowledge base of their professional field (in relation to the stage of learning)
- Students do not recognise physiotherapy as a discipline
- Cannot identify or clearly demonstrate in online assignments rehabilitation and its underlying paradigm and can name factors related to it
- Is not able to identify or clearly demonstrate in online tasks the main contents of the laws and regulations governing the rehabilitation system
- Cannot identify or clearly demonstrate in online tasks the different rehabilitation practices
- Does not know or is not able to clearly demonstrate in online tasks the possibilities for the development of rehabilitation
- Cannot identify or clearly demonstrate in online tasks the importance of multi-professionalism in rehabilitation
- Is not able to identify and apply the theoretical information read in the tasks according to the person's functional capacity and especially the biopsychosocial perspective of the ICF
- The student's activities are inconsistent and confused in relation to the learning phase
- The student is unable to reflect on his/her learning or activities
- The student does not take feedback and/or changes his/her behaviour in response to feedback
- The student compromises patient safety and/or the safety of the working and learning environment
- Students do not recognise and/or follow ethical principles, laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice governing the work of a physiotherapist
- The coursework is not completed, not all parts of the assignment have been answered or have been returned with very incomplete information.
- The student's behaviour and interactions are not respectful, reliable and/or honest and the student does not take responsibility for his/her actions.
- The student's behaviour is unprofessional in relation to the stage of study
- The student's knowledge base is perceived as a whole
- The student can search for evidence-based information from different sources and recognise the difference between everyday knowledge and researched knowledge
- The student is able to use key sources of information in a systematic way
- Students can use key physiotherapy terminology systematically
- The written work contains own reflection and synthesis has been attempted
- Written assignments are written in a clearly structured manner
- Written assignments are written in full sentences, in good Finnish.
- The student can work independently in learning situations according to the instructions given
- Can describe and explain rehabilitation and the paradigm behind it and can identify the factors involved
- Can describe and explain the main contents of the laws and regulations governing the rehabilitation system
- Can describe and explain different rehabilitation practices
- Can describe and explain the possibilities for the development of rehabilitation
- Can describe and explain the importance of multidisciplinarity in rehabilitation
- Can describe and apply the ICF biopsychosocial perspective on a person's functional capacity
- The learner receives feedback and modifies his/her activities on the basis of this feedback
- The student works in a goal-oriented manner and follows agreed schedules
- The student is able to organise his/her own activities
- The student is able to propose and, if necessary, seek approval for his/her activities
- The student recognises and acts in accordance with the ethical principles, laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice governing the work of the physiotherapist
- The student acts and interacts in a respectful, trustworthy and honest manner
- The student recognises the conditions and consequences of his/her own actions
- The student is able to critically evaluate his/her own activities and competences, identifying his/her own strengths and areas for improvement
Content scheduling
The content and schedules are specified on the Itslearning platform.
The course is open 20.11.2024-23.5.2025.
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please contact the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform.
This course is open in a certain time and all the sections should be done on schedule.
Teachers will check that you have done all the sections acceptably and then give you a grade (approved/failed) in Peppi.
To pass this course:
To complete the course, all of sections materials must be studied and the assignments should be done in the given order (first section 1, then section 2 etc.).
Remember to fill in the feedback form.
1. Organization of rehabilitation services
2. Multidisciplinary individual rehabilitation
3. ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
You will have all the needed materials and assignments linked in this Itslearning platform.
After studying all the sections, go to “tila ja seuranta” – “arviointikirja” (eng. status and follow up – assessment record) and make sure to check that you had done all the sections acceptably.
Further information
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please be contact with the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform. Itslearning will open when the registrations have been approved.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment: approved - failed
A grade of "pass" is awarded when all the course assignments have been successfully completed by the deadline given in Itslearning.
All course assignments must be returned to the Itslearning platform. The assignments must be returned preferably on the first return date assigned to them and failure to return them is equivalent to a failed/completed assignment. Rejected/completed assignments will be returned according to the timetable set by the teacher.
Course content topics:
1. Organization of rehabilitation services
2. Multidisciplinary rehabilitation
3. ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.
4. Teacher's assessment: completion of assigned tasks on time and other student activities during the course +/-
Under each content topic there are one or more returnable learning tasks. More detailed assessment criteria are indicated for each task on Itslearning in the assignment.
07.12.2024 - 29.01.2025
01.02.2025 - 01.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
50 - 75
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
- Juho Korpi
- describe the rehabilitation and the underlying paradigma
- identify key content of the laws and regulations guiding the rehabilitation system;
- explains the different rehabilitation practices
- Identify opportunities for rehabilitation development
- Identifies the importance of multiprofessional rehabilitation
- describe and apply a person's functioning according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
The definition of rehabilitation and the paradigm from expertise to client-centredness
Rehabilitation areas and operating systems
Structing function according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
Multiprofessionality in rehabilitation
The opportunities for rehabilitation development
The material indicated in the Itslearning platform is available online.
Teaching methods
Independent online study.
Exam schedules
The course is open from February 1st 2025 to May 31st 2025.
Learning tasks can be completed at your own pace 24/7 on the principle of Itslearning.
International connections
Online pedagogy / innovation pedagogy
Completion alternatives
Student workload
The learning tasks will be described more specifically in ItsLearning. 3 credit corresponds to 81 hours of student work.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
- does not work according to the instructions of the course
- does not justify his/her own actions using the knowledge base of his/her profession
- does not recognize physiotherapy as a discipline
- does not recognize rehabilitation and the paradigm behind it and can identify the factors involved
- does not know the main contents of the laws and regulations governing the rehabilitation system
- does not recognize the different rehabilitation practices, the possibilities for rehabilitation development and the importance of multidisciplinary in rehabilitation
- does not know and is unable to apply the theoretical knowledge he/she has read in the course of his/her duties, in particular the biopsychosocial dimension of the ICF the biopsychosocial perspective
- is unable to reflect on his/her learning or activities and does not take into account the feedback received.
- compromises patient safety and/or the safety of the working and learning environment
- fails to recognize and/or comply with ethical principles, laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice governing the work of the physiotherapist
- does not act and interact in a respectful, trustworthy and/or honest manner and does not take responsibility for his/her actions
- use key physiotherapy terminology in a limited and/or limited way
- uses randomly provided sources of information
- inadequate evidence-based information retrieval and inability to critically evaluate the information retrieved
- the knowledge base is fragmented and the relationships between issues are unclear
- in learning tasks, demonstrates the ability to produce factual information in a readable and comprehensible form, but the reflection on the information is superficial; and no synthesis is achieved
- can describe rehabilitation and the paradigm behind it in general terms and can identify the factors involved
- can describe in general terms the main contents of the laws and regulations governing the rehabilitation system
- can describe at a general level the different rehabilitation practices, the possibilities for rehabilitation development and the importance of multidisciplinary in rehabilitation
- be able to describe and apply at a general level the functional capacity of a person according to the biopsychosocial perspective of the ICF
- is able to self-reflect on his/her activities, but this is superficial and/or unrealistic
- is able to receive feedback and tries to modify his/her behavior on the basis of this feedback
- Able to function safely in a variety of control and interaction situations
- recognize the ethical principles guiding the work of a physiotherapist
- acts in accordance with laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice
- explains and identifies the conditions and consequences of his/her professional competence and activities
- can work as a member of a team but is not self-directed
- act and interact in a respectful, reliable and honest manner
Content scheduling
The content and schedules are specified on the Itslearning platform.
The course is open from February 1st 2025 to May 31st 2025.
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please contact the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform.
This course is open in a certain time and all the sections should be done on schedule.
Teachers will check that you have done all the sections acceptably and then give you a grade (approved/failed) in Peppi.
To pass this course:
To complete the course, all of sections materials must be studied and the assignments should be done in the given order (first section 1, then section 2 etc.).
Remember to fill in the feedback form.
1. Organization of rehabilitation services
2. Multidisciplinary individual rehabilitation
3. ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
You will have all the needed materials and assignments linked in this Itslearning platform.
After studying all the sections, go to “tila ja seuranta” – “arviointikirja” (eng. status and follow up – assessment record) and make sure to check that you had done all the sections acceptably.
Further information
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please be contact with the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform. Itslearning will open when the registrations have been approved.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment: approved - failed
The teacher will award a credit for the course when all the assignments of the course have been successfully completed. The student's competence in the course will be assessed in relation to the stage of studies. The teacher issues the credit within four weeks of the end date of the course as indicated in the Peppi.
The assignments for the course must be returned in accordance with the instructions and timetable given by the teacher. Failure to return the assignment by the required deadline will result in a failing grade. Late return of an assignment or re-submission of a failed assignment will be done in accordance with the instructions and timetable given by the teacher.
The final grade for the course will be the average of the following sections:
1. Organization of rehabilitation services
2. Multidisciplinary rehabilitation
3. ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.
The contents and learning tasks are described in more detail on the Itslearning platform. Under each content topic there are one or more returnable learning tasks. More detailed assessment criteria are indicated for each task on Itslearning in the assignment.
07.12.2024 - 30.01.2025
03.02.2025 - 01.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
18 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
- Juho Korpi
- describe the rehabilitation and the underlying paradigma
- identify key content of the laws and regulations guiding the rehabilitation system;
- explains the different rehabilitation practices
- Identify opportunities for rehabilitation development
- Identifies the importance of multiprofessional rehabilitation
- describe and apply a person's functioning according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
The definition of rehabilitation and the paradigm from expertise to client-centredness
Rehabilitation areas and operating systems
Structing function according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
Multiprofessionality in rehabilitation
The opportunities for rehabilitation development
The material indicated in the Itslearning platform is available online.
Teaching methods
Independent online study.
Exam schedules
The course is open from February 1st 2025 to May 31st 2025.
Learning tasks can be completed at your own pace 24/7 on the principle of Itslearning.
International connections
Online pedagogy / innovation pedagogy
Completion alternatives
Student workload
The learning tasks will be described more specifically in ItsLearning. 3 credit corresponds to 81 hours of student work.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
- does not work according to the instructions of the course
- does not justify his/her own actions using the knowledge base of his/her profession
- does not recognize physiotherapy as a discipline
- does not recognize rehabilitation and the paradigm behind it and can identify the factors involved
- does not know the main contents of the laws and regulations governing the rehabilitation system
- does not recognize the different rehabilitation practices, the possibilities for rehabilitation development and the importance of multidisciplinary in rehabilitation
- does not know and is unable to apply the theoretical knowledge he/she has read in the course of his/her duties, in particular the biopsychosocial dimension of the ICF the biopsychosocial perspective
- is unable to reflect on his/her learning or activities and does not take into account the feedback received.
- compromises patient safety and/or the safety of the working and learning environment
- fails to recognize and/or comply with ethical principles, laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice governing the work of the physiotherapist
- does not act and interact in a respectful, trustworthy and/or honest manner and does not take responsibility for his/her actions
- use key physiotherapy terminology in a limited and/or limited way
- uses randomly provided sources of information
- inadequate evidence-based information retrieval and inability to critically evaluate the information retrieved
- the knowledge base is fragmented and the relationships between issues are unclear
- in learning tasks, demonstrates the ability to produce factual information in a readable and comprehensible form, but the reflection on the information is superficial; and no synthesis is achieved
- can describe rehabilitation and the paradigm behind it in general terms and can identify the factors involved
- can describe in general terms the main contents of the laws and regulations governing the rehabilitation system
- can describe at a general level the different rehabilitation practices, the possibilities for rehabilitation development and the importance of multidisciplinary in rehabilitation
- be able to describe and apply at a general level the functional capacity of a person according to the biopsychosocial perspective of the ICF
- is able to self-reflect on his/her activities, but this is superficial and/or unrealistic
- is able to receive feedback and tries to modify his/her behavior on the basis of this feedback
- Able to function safely in a variety of control and interaction situations
- recognize the ethical principles guiding the work of a physiotherapist
- acts in accordance with laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice
- explains and identifies the conditions and consequences of his/her professional competence and activities
- can work as a member of a team but is not self-directed
- act and interact in a respectful, reliable and honest manner
Content scheduling
The content and schedules are specified on the Itslearning platform.
The course is open from February 1st 2025 to May 31st 2025.
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please contact the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform.
This course is open in a certain time and all the sections should be done on schedule.
Teachers will check that you have done all the sections acceptably and then give you a grade (approved/failed) in Peppi.
To pass this course:
To complete the course, all of sections materials must be studied and the assignments should be done in the given order (first section 1, then section 2 etc.).
Remember to fill in the feedback form.
1. Organization of rehabilitation services
2. Multidisciplinary individual rehabilitation
3. ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
You will have all the needed materials and assignments linked in this Itslearning platform.
After studying all the sections, go to “tila ja seuranta” – “arviointikirja” (eng. status and follow up – assessment record) and make sure to check that you had done all the sections acceptably.
Further information
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please be contact with the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform. Itslearning will open when the registrations have been approved.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment: approved - failed
The teacher will award a credit for the course when all the assignments of the course have been successfully completed. The student's competence in the course will be assessed in relation to the stage of studies. The teacher issues the credit within four weeks of the end date of the course as indicated in the Peppi.
The assignments for the course must be returned in accordance with the instructions and timetable given by the teacher. Failure to return the assignment by the required deadline will result in a failing grade. Late return of an assignment or re-submission of a failed assignment will be done in accordance with the instructions and timetable given by the teacher.
The final grade for the course will be the average of the following sections:
1. Organization of rehabilitation services
2. Multidisciplinary rehabilitation
3. ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.
The contents and learning tasks are described in more detail on the Itslearning platform. Under each content topic there are one or more returnable learning tasks. More detailed assessment criteria are indicated for each task on Itslearning in the assignment.
07.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
20 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Heidi Hämäläinen
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 10. Open UAS: 10.)
MTOIMK25Occupational Therapist
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
- describe the rehabilitation and the underlying paradigma
- identify key content of the laws and regulations guiding the rehabilitation system;
- explains the different rehabilitation practices
- Identify opportunities for rehabilitation development
- Identifies the importance of multiprofessional rehabilitation
- describe and apply a person's functioning according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
The definition of rehabilitation and the paradigm from expertise to client-centredness
Rehabilitation areas and operating systems
Structing function according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
Multiprofessionality in rehabilitation
The opportunities for rehabilitation development
Evaluation scale
14.03.2025 - 25.05.2025
15.05.2025 - 17.08.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
5 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Juho Korpi
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 20. Open UAS: 20.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
- describe the rehabilitation and the underlying paradigma
- identify key content of the laws and regulations guiding the rehabilitation system;
- explains the different rehabilitation practices
- Identify opportunities for rehabilitation development
- Identifies the importance of multiprofessional rehabilitation
- describe and apply a person's functioning according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
The definition of rehabilitation and the paradigm from expertise to client-centredness
Rehabilitation areas and operating systems
Structing function according to the ICF biopsycosal aspect
Multiprofessionality in rehabilitation
The opportunities for rehabilitation development
The material indicated in the Itslearning platform is available online.
Teaching methods
Independent online study.
Exam schedules
The course is open until the en of the course.
Learning tasks can be completed at your own pace 24/7 on the principle of Itslearning.
International connections
Online pedagogy / innovation pedagogy
Completion alternatives
Student workload
The learning tasks will be described more specifically in ItsLearning. 3 credit corresponds to 81 hours of student work.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
- does not work according to the instructions of the course
- does not justify his/her own actions using the knowledge base of his/her profession
- does not recognize physiotherapy as a discipline
- does not recognize rehabilitation and the paradigm behind it and can identify the factors involved
- does not know the main contents of the laws and regulations governing the rehabilitation system
- does not recognize the different rehabilitation practices, the possibilities for rehabilitation development and the importance of multidisciplinary in rehabilitation
- does not know and is unable to apply the theoretical knowledge he/she has read in the course of his/her duties, in particular the biopsychosocial dimension of the ICF the biopsychosocial perspective
- is unable to reflect on his/her learning or activities and does not take into account the feedback received.
- compromises patient safety and/or the safety of the working and learning environment
- fails to recognize and/or comply with ethical principles, laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice governing the work of the physiotherapist
- does not act and interact in a respectful, trustworthy and/or honest manner and does not take responsibility for his/her actions
- use key physiotherapy terminology in a limited and/or limited way
- uses randomly provided sources of information
- inadequate evidence-based information retrieval and inability to critically evaluate the information retrieved
- the knowledge base is fragmented and the relationships between issues are unclear
- in learning tasks, demonstrates the ability to produce factual information in a readable and comprehensible form, but the reflection on the information is superficial; and no synthesis is achieved
- can describe rehabilitation and the paradigm behind it in general terms and can identify the factors involved
- can describe in general terms the main contents of the laws and regulations governing the rehabilitation system
- can describe at a general level the different rehabilitation practices, the possibilities for rehabilitation development and the importance of multidisciplinary in rehabilitation
- be able to describe and apply at a general level the functional capacity of a person according to the biopsychosocial perspective of the ICF
- is able to self-reflect on his/her activities, but this is superficial and/or unrealistic
- is able to receive feedback and tries to modify his/her behavior on the basis of this feedback
- Able to function safely in a variety of control and interaction situations
- recognize the ethical principles guiding the work of a physiotherapist
- acts in accordance with laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice
- explains and identifies the conditions and consequences of his/her professional competence and activities
- can work as a member of a team but is not self-directed
- act and interact in a respectful, reliable and honest manner
Content scheduling
The content and schedules are specified on the Itslearning platform.
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please contact the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform.
This course is open in a certain time and all the sections should be done on schedule.
Teachers will check that you have done all the sections acceptably and then give you a grade (approved/failed) in Peppi.
To pass this course:
To complete the course, all of sections materials must be studied and the assignments should be done in the given order (first section 1, then section 2 etc.).
Remember to fill in the feedback form.
1. Organization of rehabilitation services
2. Multidisciplinary individual rehabilitation
3. ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
You will have all the needed materials and assignments linked in this Itslearning platform.
After studying all the sections, go to “tila ja seuranta” – “arviointikirja” (eng. status and follow up – assessment record) and make sure to check that you had done all the sections acceptably.
Further information
All communication of the course takes place on the Itslearning platform. Please be contact with the teacher of the course if you cannot access the Itslearning platform. Itslearning will open when the registrations have been approved.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment: approved - failed
The teacher will award a credit for the course when all the assignments of the course have been successfully completed. The student's competence in the course will be assessed in relation to the stage of studies. The teacher issues the credit within four weeks of the end date of the course as indicated in the Peppi.
The assignments for the course must be returned in accordance with the instructions and timetable given by the teacher. Failure to return the assignment by the required deadline will result in a failing grade. Late return of an assignment or re-submission of a failed assignment will be done in accordance with the instructions and timetable given by the teacher.
The final grade for the course will be the average of the following sections:
1. Organization of rehabilitation services
2. Multidisciplinary rehabilitation
3. ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.
The contents and learning tasks are described in more detail on the Itslearning platform. Under each content topic there are one or more returnable learning tasks. More detailed assessment criteria are indicated for each task on Itslearning in the assignment.
15.05.2024 - 23.09.2024
23.09.2024 - 13.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 22
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Heli Arokki
- Satu Takala
- FT1 Virtuaalihenkilö7
- Pirjo Pennanen
The student is able to
- describe the most common developmental, musculoskeletal, respiratory and vascular diseases that restrict functional ability of children and adolescent,
- examine and evaluate children and adolescent in physiotherapeutic way as well as report results in ICF -framework
- plan and implement physiotherapy that is based on evaluation and clinical reasoning and promotes the agency ja functional ability of children and adolescent
- explain the meaning of certain aid equipment in supporting child´s development and participation,
- recognise the roles of familycentered multiprofessional co-operation and rehabiltation in relation to children and adolescent
Special features of physiotherapy of children with neurological or other most common diseases as well as children with special needs. Examination of functional ability, multiprofessional co-operation, supporting motor development (and learning), early interaction, childrens weekly life and environment, familycentered approach and aid equipment.
Evaluation scale
Motor Learning and Motor Development at Different Ages
Musculoskeletal Anatomy and Physiology and Biomechanics in Physiotherapy
07.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Heli Arokki
- Satu Takala
The student is able to
- describe the most common developmental, musculoskeletal, respiratory and vascular diseases that restrict functional ability of children and adolescent,
- examine and evaluate children and adolescent in physiotherapeutic way as well as report results in ICF -framework
- plan and implement physiotherapy that is based on evaluation and clinical reasoning and promotes the agency ja functional ability of children and adolescent
- explain the meaning of certain aid equipment in supporting child´s development and participation,
- recognise the roles of familycentered multiprofessional co-operation and rehabiltation in relation to children and adolescent
Special features of physiotherapy of children with neurological or other most common diseases as well as children with special needs. Examination of functional ability, multiprofessional co-operation, supporting motor development (and learning), early interaction, childrens weekly life and environment, familycentered approach and aid equipment.
Evaluation scale
Motor Learning and Motor Development at Different Ages
Musculoskeletal Anatomy and Physiology and Biomechanics in Physiotherapy
07.12.2024 - 31.05.2025
06.01.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
The student is able to identify the main neurological diseases and injuries of childhood from the point of view of physiotherapy. (s)he is able to describe the mechanisms and symptoms of the above-mentioned diseases and injuries as well as the main features of medical examination, treatment and rehabilitation.
Main neurological diseases and injuries in childhood and their main features of medical examination and treatment as well as rehabilitation recommendation
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
03.08.2024 - 01.09.2024
27.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
The student is able to
- understand the meaning of measuring and evaluating as a part of clinical reasoning and as a means of follow-up of physiotherapy process
- examine and evaluate range of movement using different physiotherapeutic evaluationmethods
- report results in a reliable manner
The factors that influence to the reliability and repeatibiility of physiotherapeutic examination. Examination and evaluation of range of movement of different joints in human body using different measuring devices. Factors that influence to joint movement. Reporting the results of different measurements.
Evaluation scale
No previous studies needed
07.12.2024 - 24.01.2025
07.04.2025 - 30.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
18 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
- Kati Naamanka
- Annukka Myllymäki
The student is able to
- understand the meaning of measuring and evaluating as a part of clinical reasoning and as a means of follow-up of physiotherapy process
- examine and evaluate range of movement using different physiotherapeutic evaluationmethods
- report results in a reliable manner
The factors that influence to the reliability and repeatibiility of physiotherapeutic examination. Examination and evaluation of range of movement of different joints in human body using different measuring devices. Factors that influence to joint movement. Reporting the results of different measurements.
Evaluation scale
No previous studies needed
01.05.2024 - 02.09.2024
27.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 26
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
- Annukka Myllymäki
The student is able to
• use both anatomical, physiological and biomechanical knowledge in examining and analyzing human movement and functioning and it’s subareas,
• examine and analyze human movement and functional capacity at different ICF levels,
• draw up conclusions based on examination and analysis,
• identify the main features of moving in people at different ages ( motor skills),
• explain how different factors affect on the development of motion and movement in different ages,
• describe human positions, movements and functioning in oral and written form using professional terminology.
Examining positions, basic movements, gait and functioning of clients at different ages by observation and measurements, analyzing results of examination, linking life span and environmental factors to human functioning and it’s components, linking age to functioning and it’s preconditions, sensitive periods of development and growth in childhood, utilizing measurement technology.
Basics of observation: timing, movement in relation to gravity and action, base of support, gravity, center of gravity, power point of force, resultant force, force arm, load and load arm, forms of muscle work, somatosensory system and balance system as phenomen, examining and analyzing balance
Evaluation scale
Musculoskeletal Anatomy
07.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 28.03.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
- Annukka Myllymäki
The student is able to
• use both anatomical, physiological and biomechanical knowledge in examining and analyzing human movement and functioning and it’s subareas,
• examine and analyze human movement and functional capacity at different ICF levels,
• draw up conclusions based on examination and analysis,
• identify the main features of moving in people at different ages ( motor skills),
• explain how different factors affect on the development of motion and movement in different ages,
• describe human positions, movements and functioning in oral and written form using professional terminology.
Examining positions, basic movements, gait and functioning of clients at different ages by observation and measurements, analyzing results of examination, linking life span and environmental factors to human functioning and it’s components, linking age to functioning and it’s preconditions, sensitive periods of development and growth in childhood, utilizing measurement technology.
Basics of observation: timing, movement in relation to gravity and action, base of support, gravity, center of gravity, power point of force, resultant force, force arm, load and load arm, forms of muscle work, somatosensory system and balance system as phenomen, examining and analyzing balance
Evaluation scale
Musculoskeletal Anatomy
02.07.2024 - 08.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 24.11.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Kati Naamanka
- Satu Takala
The student is able to
• exercise client’s functioning and it’s components in directions of client oriented goals by utilizing and applying different instructions methods and exercises,
• carry out the therapeutic exercise safely taking into account the client’s environment,
• evaluate the implementing of therapeutic exercise and if necessary change instruction and implementing plan,
• take into account the ethical guidelines of physiotherapy
Movement control as a basis for facilitation, facilitation of basic movements, visual, verbal, cognitive and manual instruction in practice, giving feedback in practice, taking into account the capacity of clients at different ages in instruction and exercise.
Evaluation scale
Musculoskeletal Anatomy
Physiology and Biomechanics in Physiotherapy
Motor Learning and Motor Development at Different Ages
Observing and Analyzing Human Movement and Functioning
07.12.2024 - 15.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 13.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Kati Naamanka
- Satu Takala
The student is able to
• exercise client’s functioning and it’s components in directions of client oriented goals by utilizing and applying different instructions methods and exercises,
• carry out the therapeutic exercise safely taking into account the client’s environment,
• evaluate the implementing of therapeutic exercise and if necessary change instruction and implementing plan,
• take into account the ethical guidelines of physiotherapy
Movement control as a basis for facilitation, facilitation of basic movements, visual, verbal, cognitive and manual instruction in practice, giving feedback in practice, taking into account the capacity of clients at different ages in instruction and exercise.
Evaluation scale
Musculoskeletal Anatomy
Physiology and Biomechanics in Physiotherapy
Motor Learning and Motor Development at Different Ages
Observing and Analyzing Human Movement and Functioning
03.06.2024 - 30.09.2024
16.09.2024 - 08.11.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Jaana Forsbacka
The student is able to
• name the laws and regulations of medication/ pharmacotherapy,
• name administration of medication,
• describe the mechanism of action in pain medication,
• name the main effects of mood supporting medication, medication in neurological, cardiovascular and respiratory disorders,
• name effects and side effects of medication in above-mentioned disorders,
• support the client’s choice of medication in connections with physiotherapy.
Laws and procedures governing medicines, administration of medication, medication in pain reducing process, mood-supporting medication, major outcomes of medication in neurological, respiratory and heart disorders.
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
07.12.2024 - 28.02.2025
03.03.2025 - 05.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Jaana Forsbacka
The student is able to
• name the laws and regulations of medication/ pharmacotherapy,
• name administration of medication,
• describe the mechanism of action in pain medication,
• name the main effects of mood supporting medication, medication in neurological, cardiovascular and respiratory disorders,
• name effects and side effects of medication in above-mentioned disorders,
• support the client’s choice of medication in connections with physiotherapy.
Laws and procedures governing medicines, administration of medication, medication in pain reducing process, mood-supporting medication, major outcomes of medication in neurological, respiratory and heart disorders.
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
02.07.2024 - 21.10.2024
21.10.2024 - 10.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Milka Reponen
- Pirjo Pennanen
The student is in physiotherapy process able to
• identify the palpable musculoskeletal structures.
• use muscle functions while palpating
• use the basics of classic massage
Palpation as a means of physiotherapeutic examination, palpations of superficial bones and muscles. The use of classic massage in manual evaluation of soft tissue.
Evaluation scale
Participation to course
Musculoskeletal anatomy or similar knowledge
07.12.2024 - 17.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
18 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Milka Reponen
The student is in physiotherapy process able to
• identify the palpable musculoskeletal structures.
• use muscle functions while palpating
• use the basics of classic massage
Palpation as a means of physiotherapeutic examination, palpations of superficial bones and muscles. The use of classic massage in manual evaluation of soft tissue.
Evaluation scale
Participation to course
Musculoskeletal anatomy or similar knowledge
01.05.2024 - 27.08.2024
27.08.2024 - 08.11.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
75 % Contact teaching, 25 % Distance learning
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 60
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 5. Open UAS: 5.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
The student is able to
• describe different forms of learning and factors affecting on learning,
• explain basic concepts of constructive learning theory, motor learning and control,
• explain methods of the physiotherapeutic instruction and use them in promoting motor learning,
• combine the factors affecting on human learning and the principles of physiotherapeutic instruction when planning and implementing physiotherapeutic instruction
• utilize different environments when planning and implementing physiotherapeutic instruction.
The basic principles and features of motor development
Perception of man, learning as a concept, different learning theories, different learners at different ages, motor control, learning motor skills and instructing learning ( visual, verbal, cognitive and manual instruction), different learning environments (digitalization) and utilizing technology in physiotherapeutic guidance.
Evaluation scale
07.12.2024 - 12.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 04.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
18 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 5. Open UAS: 5.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
The student is able to
• describe different forms of learning and factors affecting on learning,
• explain basic concepts of constructive learning theory, motor learning and control,
• explain methods of the physiotherapeutic instruction and use them in promoting motor learning,
• combine the factors affecting on human learning and the principles of physiotherapeutic instruction when planning and implementing physiotherapeutic instruction
• utilize different environments when planning and implementing physiotherapeutic instruction.
The basic principles and features of motor development
Perception of man, learning as a concept, different learning theories, different learners at different ages, motor control, learning motor skills and instructing learning ( visual, verbal, cognitive and manual instruction), different learning environments (digitalization) and utilizing technology in physiotherapeutic guidance.
Evaluation scale
04.06.2024 - 28.02.2025
01.08.2024 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
The student is able to identify from the point of view of physiotherapy the main neurological disorders and injuries and to describe mechanism and symptoms of the abovementioned disorders and injuries. In addition (s)he is able to describe the main principles of medical examination, care and rehabilitation.
The main neurological disorders and injuries related to physiotherapy and the main features of medical examination and treatment, and rehabilitation recommendations.
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
03.01.2025 - 31.03.2025
06.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
The student is able to identify from the point of view of physiotherapy the main neurological disorders and injuries and to describe mechanism and symptoms of the abovementioned disorders and injuries. In addition (s)he is able to describe the main principles of medical examination, care and rehabilitation.
The main neurological disorders and injuries related to physiotherapy and the main features of medical examination and treatment, and rehabilitation recommendations.
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
04.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
06.01.2025 - 30.11.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
The student is able to identify from the point of view of physiotherapy the main neurological disorders and injuries and to describe mechanism and symptoms of the abovementioned disorders and injuries. In addition (s)he is able to describe the main principles of medical examination, care and rehabilitation.
The main neurological disorders and injuries related to physiotherapy and the main features of medical examination and treatment, and rehabilitation recommendations.
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
12.06.2024 - 01.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 20.10.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
7 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Satu Takala
The student is able to
• identify dysfunctions of the nervous system and the effect of them on client´s functional ability at adult clients,
• explain the connections between dysfunctions of the nervous system and constrains of the performance and participation,
• identify neuropsychological changes and the effect of them on client´s functional ability and participation,
• explain the promoting and limiting factors of the client’s living environment and individual resources related on client’s ability to function,
• take into account the ethical principles of physiotherapy
• select and apply appropriate examination methods of physiotherapy to detect client’s resources and deficiencies of nervous system and their effects on the client’s performance and participation,
• draw up physiotherapeutic diagnosis of a neurological client and based on it, client-oriented goals (GAS, SMART),
• explain the main evidence based physiotherapy methods to support neurological client’s ability to function,
• choose and justify the evidence based methods of physiotherapy in designing, implementing and evaluating physiotherapy.
Control of movement and performance at level of nervous system (upper and lower motor neuron deficiencies), identifying the effects of the main tonus and movement disorders (for example spasticity, rigidity, ataxia), identifying the common perceptual cognitive disorders (neglect, apraxia) affecting on physiotherapy planning and implementation, identifying relationship between constrains of nervous system and limitations of performance and participation in adults, physiotherapy for supporting ability to function at different ages; using technology in examination and implementation of physiotherapy.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to
• describe structures and function of musculoskeletal and nervous systems.
• observe and analyze motion and movement
• guide and facilitate human motion and movements
• describe the main neurological phenomenon and concepts.
01.11.2024 - 05.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 28.02.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
7 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Satu Takala
- Juho Korpi
The student is able to
• identify dysfunctions of the nervous system and the effect of them on client´s functional ability at adult clients,
• explain the connections between dysfunctions of the nervous system and constrains of the performance and participation,
• identify neuropsychological changes and the effect of them on client´s functional ability and participation,
• explain the promoting and limiting factors of the client’s living environment and individual resources related on client’s ability to function,
• take into account the ethical principles of physiotherapy
• select and apply appropriate examination methods of physiotherapy to detect client’s resources and deficiencies of nervous system and their effects on the client’s performance and participation,
• draw up physiotherapeutic diagnosis of a neurological client and based on it, client-oriented goals (GAS, SMART),
• explain the main evidence based physiotherapy methods to support neurological client’s ability to function,
• choose and justify the evidence based methods of physiotherapy in designing, implementing and evaluating physiotherapy.
Control of movement and performance at level of nervous system (upper and lower motor neuron deficiencies), identifying the effects of the main tonus and movement disorders (for example spasticity, rigidity, ataxia), identifying the common perceptual cognitive disorders (neglect, apraxia) affecting on physiotherapy planning and implementation, identifying relationship between constrains of nervous system and limitations of performance and participation in adults, physiotherapy for supporting ability to function at different ages; using technology in examination and implementation of physiotherapy.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to
• describe structures and function of musculoskeletal and nervous systems.
• observe and analyze motion and movement
• guide and facilitate human motion and movements
• describe the main neurological phenomenon and concepts.
02.12.2024 - 31.03.2025
17.03.2025 - 27.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
7 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Satu Takala
- Juho Korpi
The student is able to
• identify dysfunctions of the nervous system and the effect of them on client´s functional ability at adult clients,
• explain the connections between dysfunctions of the nervous system and constrains of the performance and participation,
• identify neuropsychological changes and the effect of them on client´s functional ability and participation,
• explain the promoting and limiting factors of the client’s living environment and individual resources related on client’s ability to function,
• take into account the ethical principles of physiotherapy
• select and apply appropriate examination methods of physiotherapy to detect client’s resources and deficiencies of nervous system and their effects on the client’s performance and participation,
• draw up physiotherapeutic diagnosis of a neurological client and based on it, client-oriented goals (GAS, SMART),
• explain the main evidence based physiotherapy methods to support neurological client’s ability to function,
• choose and justify the evidence based methods of physiotherapy in designing, implementing and evaluating physiotherapy.
Control of movement and performance at level of nervous system (upper and lower motor neuron deficiencies), identifying the effects of the main tonus and movement disorders (for example spasticity, rigidity, ataxia), identifying the common perceptual cognitive disorders (neglect, apraxia) affecting on physiotherapy planning and implementation, identifying relationship between constrains of nervous system and limitations of performance and participation in adults, physiotherapy for supporting ability to function at different ages; using technology in examination and implementation of physiotherapy.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to
• describe structures and function of musculoskeletal and nervous systems.
• observe and analyze motion and movement
• guide and facilitate human motion and movements
• describe the main neurological phenomenon and concepts.
02.07.2024 - 13.10.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Kati Naamanka
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Satu Takala
- Juho Korpi
The student is able to
• apply the previously acquired competency and the theoretical knowledge of physiotherapy in situations where the client has a central and/or peripheral nervous system dysfunction,
• act in accordance with the ethical principles of physiotherapy,
• make a client oriented assessment plan and implement it reliably and safely,
• make conclusions about assessment results related on client’s status and ability to function and explain, how the changes in client’s ability to function effect on the possibilities of his/her participation,
• draw up client oriented physiotherapeutic diagnosis and set goals together with the client,
• plan and implement physiotherapy situations for maintaining and promoting client’s ability to function taking in account client’s resources,
• instruct and support the client’s exercise by his/herself and his/her ability to function by suitable methods of physiotherapy as well as in cooperation with relatives and other professionals of health and social care system,
• compare the effectiveness of different physiotherapy applications and report the client’s status orally and in writing.
The physiotherapy process when the difficulties of the client's ability to function are due to changes in central and peripheral nervous system, as leaning environment various physiotherapy and rehabilitation institutes
Evaluation scale
The student is able to explain in theory and assess in simulation cases deficiencies related to clients functional abilities. The student is able to implement physiotherapy in above mentioned cases, especially when deficiencies and are related to nervous system functions.
02.07.2024 - 13.10.2024
01.08.2024 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 22
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Satu Takala
- Juho Korpi
The student is able to
• apply the previously acquired competency and the theoretical knowledge of physiotherapy in situations where the client has a central and/or peripheral nervous system dysfunction,
• act in accordance with the ethical principles of physiotherapy,
• make a client oriented assessment plan and implement it reliably and safely,
• make conclusions about assessment results related on client’s status and ability to function and explain, how the changes in client’s ability to function effect on the possibilities of his/her participation,
• draw up client oriented physiotherapeutic diagnosis and set goals together with the client,
• plan and implement physiotherapy situations for maintaining and promoting client’s ability to function taking in account client’s resources,
• instruct and support the client’s exercise by his/herself and his/her ability to function by suitable methods of physiotherapy as well as in cooperation with relatives and other professionals of health and social care system,
• compare the effectiveness of different physiotherapy applications and report the client’s status orally and in writing.
The physiotherapy process when the difficulties of the client's ability to function are due to changes in central and peripheral nervous system, as leaning environment various physiotherapy and rehabilitation institutes
Evaluation scale
The student is able to explain in theory and assess in simulation cases deficiencies related to clients functional abilities. The student is able to implement physiotherapy in above mentioned cases, especially when deficiencies and are related to nervous system functions.
09.10.2024 - 31.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Iida Laine
- Satu Takala
- Juho Korpi
The student is able to
• apply the previously acquired competency and the theoretical knowledge of physiotherapy in situations where the client has a central and/or peripheral nervous system dysfunction,
• act in accordance with the ethical principles of physiotherapy,
• make a client oriented assessment plan and implement it reliably and safely,
• make conclusions about assessment results related on client’s status and ability to function and explain, how the changes in client’s ability to function effect on the possibilities of his/her participation,
• draw up client oriented physiotherapeutic diagnosis and set goals together with the client,
• plan and implement physiotherapy situations for maintaining and promoting client’s ability to function taking in account client’s resources,
• instruct and support the client’s exercise by his/herself and his/her ability to function by suitable methods of physiotherapy as well as in cooperation with relatives and other professionals of health and social care system,
• compare the effectiveness of different physiotherapy applications and report the client’s status orally and in writing.
The physiotherapy process when the difficulties of the client's ability to function are due to changes in central and peripheral nervous system, as leaning environment various physiotherapy and rehabilitation institutes
Evaluation scale
The student is able to explain in theory and assess in simulation cases deficiencies related to clients functional abilities. The student is able to implement physiotherapy in above mentioned cases, especially when deficiencies and are related to nervous system functions.
27.05.2024 - 31.08.2024
19.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 5
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Pirjo Pennanen
Evaluation scale
07.12.2024 - 10.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 23.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 5
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Pirjo Pennanen
Evaluation scale
01.05.2024 - 01.09.2024
27.08.2024 - 01.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 26
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
The studet is able to identify the most general surgically and orthopedically treated injuries and diseases, explain the related operational measures and the main features of overall care and rehabilitation. In addition the student is able to explain the operational constraints caused by the operation and to take into account them when designing and implementing physiotherapy.
Physiotherapy related main orthopedic injuries and diseases both their operative treatment and rehabilitation
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
07.12.2024 - 12.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 01.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
The studet is able to identify the most general surgically and orthopedically treated injuries and diseases, explain the related operational measures and the main features of overall care and rehabilitation. In addition the student is able to explain the operational constraints caused by the operation and to take into account them when designing and implementing physiotherapy.
Physiotherapy related main orthopedic injuries and diseases both their operative treatment and rehabilitation
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
12.06.2024 - 31.08.2024
01.08.2024 - 27.10.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Satu Takala
The student is able to:
- Define the basic principles of ergonomics,
- Understand and observe natural movements and recognize the importance of motor learning in patient handling
- Choose and utilize the proper transfer technique/s and assistive device/s depending on the patient's functional level.
- Identify, evaluate and diminish risk factors in patient handling, both patient and professional perspectives
- Communicate in multiprofessional environment to achieve safe and rehabilitating patient handling situations
- Integrate ethical reasoning in patient handling situations.
Basics of ergonomics. Risk assessment. Natural movement and functional capacity of a patient. Body awareness and motor learning. Biomechanics in patient handling. Patient handling principles and management policies. Ethics and communication during patient handling.
Materials and links given in the Itslearning platform.
Students' own information searches.
Teaching methods
Online course:
Independent studying based on the topics and materials presented in the Itslearning platform.
Participation in various discussions on the online platform.
Making a video of the final exam topic given to you, i.e. a demonstration of competence, in small groups and returning it on time.
Practical sessions:
1. Before starting practical lessons, please study the file in info/introduction "What do you need to assess before assisting a patient to move" and watch the videos embedded in PPP file "Natural movements".
2. Attend the face-to-face lessons, and practice there both transfers you saw in the videos and also transfers your teacher demonstrates during lessons.
In this course, you will join 1-2 simulation sessions.
Simulation as a learning method is based on experiential learning. It provides a realistic environment for learning and practicing. Stimulation as a method is an effective way to play through clinical situations in a safe learning environment where patients are not harmed.
In the simulation sessions you will have the possibility to practice both technical skills (for example safe patient handling techniques) and non-technical skills (communication, ethics and teamwork).
After each simulation session, a debriefing discussion will take place. Debriefing as part of simulation-based education provides an opportunity to promote reflection - learning is the integration of experience and reflection, the conscious consideration of the meaning and implication of an action, including the knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
Exam schedules
Week 44 on tuesday 29.10.2024, return the video.
Start commenting...
Answer to your opponents comments.
International connections
Studying independently online, participating in joint discussions on the online platform, face-to-face teaching, practical study in small groups and simulations.
Student workload
The student's learning tasks and workload consists of the following:
Online course:
32h Studying independently online (4 baskets)
9h Participating in joint discussions on the online platform
3h reflection of own work and group work
10h Final exam
Practical sessions:
20h Studying independently (3 baskets)
12h face-to-face teaching
18h practical studying in small groups
4h Simulations
Learning objectives for simulation sessions:
Technical /Practical skills:
Assess the patients' functional mobility and participation level;
Assess specific demands of the mobility task and risk assessment;
Prepare the environment;
Effectively use the equipment;
Perform fluent, ergonomic and safe patient and/or assistant transfer;
Perform safe patient handling, activating the patient.
Reasoning and communication skills:
Be aware of the current situation;
Effectively communicate with others (students in patient, professional or caregiver roles);
Inform patient and caregiver;
Select proper assistive aids;
Select adequate patient handling methods;
Use different communication styles and resources in order to perform safe patient handling;
Support patients' independence and participation;
Integrate ethical principles in the intervention.
Content scheduling
ItsLearning course Patient handling in safe and rehabilitating way includes three phases and total of seven (7) baskets, which must be completed on time and with approval.
Baskets 1-4 must be completed before practical classes (basket 5) and basket 5 before the simulations (basket 6).
The three phases of this course are:
Phase 1. Baskets 1-4.
Online course in ItsLearning platform contains general information, as well as four (4) "baskets" to be completed independently.
You cannot move to the next basket until the previous one is completed, and tasks cannot be returned after the basket is closed. We recommend putting reminders on your phone about return dates and participation in discussions.
You are expected to actively participate in the discussions on the course platform. Please also note the required minimum number of conversation starters and comments.
Basket 1 is open during weeks 34-36
Basket 2 is open during weeks 35-37
Basket 3 is open during weeks 36-38
Basket 4 is open during weeks 37-38
Phase 2. "Baskets" 5 and 7
A. practical lessons 5 - contains orientation lecture 2h and practical training with teacher in Kunnonkoti 2 x 4-5h.
Orientation lecture date: week 38, 18.9.
B. Phase 2 contains also a final exam (basket 7), which is carried out in groups of approximately three people. You can start this basket in week 41
The return date to the final exam (basket 7) is week 44
3. Basket number six (6): Simulations in SimuCenter week 43, 22.10.
Further information
Final exam -video made in small groups must be returned to Itslearning by the week 18. We will define the return date in the class.
There are four phases in the exam:
1. Prepare a video with theoretical arguments; post it in a conversation forum
2. Give feedback to another group about their video; do this as a group with well justified arguments and choose a video, that has not been commented yet, if possible.
3. Reflect your own learning process and video based on the feedback from another team. That is, give counter argument or seal of approval to the commenting team.
4. Assess your team work
• Fill up the given evaluation pie together with all group members, and submit it to the discussion channel, as the last message in the chain you started when you submitted the video you made.
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Patient´s functional capacity and movement
- Does not assess the
patient functional
capacity, neither uses it.
- Does not notify the
patient’s natural
movement, and how to
utilize it.
Risk assessment (environment and devices)
- Does not identify the
main physical factors of
the task.
- Does not prepare the
environment properly
neither considers the
patient's needs.
- Chooses and uses an
assistive device in such a
way that it leads to a
dangerous situation for
the patient or the
Interaction and communication with the patient
-Does not demonstrate
the ability to adapt
communication with the
patient. Not paying
attention to patient’s
- Patient do not know
what she/he had to do.
- Not paying attention to
time and space
Career’s Body Control and Posture
Performs awkward
postures and/or body
movements (e.g.,
inappropriate weight
shifting, bent back),
overloading his/her own
- Power is produced by
back or upper extremity
Theoretical Knowledge
- Does not indicate the
reasoning that supports
the procedures (less
than 3 aspects).
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Patient´s functional capacity and movement
Assesses the patient functional capacity,
either by asking or testing, but doesn’t
use that knowledge for the transfer.
- Positions the patient so that he can
participate, but does not enables
his/hers natural movement
- Allows the patient to partly use his own
strength /capacity, but without success.
Risk assessment (environment and devices)
Environment and transferring technique
evaluation of resources and demands
Need at least 3 of the following:
- the working environment is clear and
- wears clothes and shoes that support safe
- uses safely and smoothly adequate
devices considering patient’s needs
- the needed devices are selected
beforehand, and they are close (near)
- adapts the bed level according to work
- estimates patient’s condition/strengths
and own resources
Interaction and communication with the patient
-Superficial communication with the
patient poorly reacting to his/hers
feedback (verbal and non-verbal).
- Pays attention to time or space partially
but does not act according to that.
Career’s Body Control and Posture
-Shows poor body control, applying
working postures that can be considerably
- Tries to produce power from weight shifts
or legs, but does not succeed in that.
- Cannot move along with the patient’s
Theoretical Knowledge
- Single comments about ergonomic
natural movements, biomechanical and
ergonomic principles.
- Few comments about body control
posture and own movements. Body
control is not explained.
- Certain techniques and assistive devices
mentioned, but not explained.
- Risks superficially mentioned
- Average planning of the situation and
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Patient´s functional capacity and movement
-Assesses the patient functional capacity,
either by asking or testing, and uses part of
that knowledge for the transfer.
- Enables partly the patient’s natural
movement by correcting initial position or
giving support, (like offering a firm outside
support when getting up from sitting).
- Allows the patient to use his own strengths
/capacity following his natural movements,
but not entirely.
Risk assessment (environment and devices)
Environment and transferring technique
evaluation of resources and demands
Need at least 4 of the following:
- the working environment is clear and
- wears clothes and shoes that support safe
- uses safely and smoothly adequate devices
considering patient’s needs
- the needed devices are selected
beforehand, and they are close (near)
- adapts the bed level according to work
- estimates patient’s condition/strengths
and own resources
Interaction and communication with the patient
- Communicates with the patient partly
reacting to his/ her´ feedback (verbal and
- Does some stimulations trying to activate
his/her movements before starting the
- Pays attention to time and space partially,
but not fully succeed in acting according to
-Career’s Body Control and Posture
Shows good body control by seeking proper
working postures but is not able to apply
them constantly.
- Mainly uses legs and weight shifts when
producing power.
- Can partly move along with the patient’s
Theoretical Knowledge
- Good comments and arguments about
natural movements, biomechanical and
ergonomic principles.
- Good comments about body control
posture and own movements, without
theoretical discussion
- Good arguments about the technique and
assistive device/s choices without
theoretical discussion
- Good comments about risks, but not
explained with theory.
- Good planning of the situation and
environment mentioned without
theoretical discussion
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Patient´s functional capacity and movement
-Assesses the patient functional capacity either by
asking and testing, and uses this knowledge for the
- Enables the patient’s natural movement
successfully by correcting initial position and giving
support, (like offering a firm outside support when
getting up from sitting).
- Activates and allows the patient to use his/her own
strength /capacity optimally according to natural
movements, with success.
Risk assessment (environment and devices)
Environment and transferring technique evaluation of
resources and demands
Need at least 5 of the following:
- the working environment is clear and unrestricted
- wears clothes and shoes that support safe working
- uses safely and smoothly adequate devices
considering patient’s needs
- the needed devices are selected beforehand, and
they are close (near)
- adapts the bed level according to work tasks
- estimates patient’s condition/strengths and own
Interaction and communication with the patient
Communicates clearly and respectfully with the
patient, adapting constantly to his/her feedback
(verbal and non-verbal).
- Stimulates patient’s movement by guiding or
touching if needed, especially before starting the
- Gives the patient enough time and space to move.
Career’s Body Control and Posture
-Shows excellent body control and posture during
- Uses legs instead of overloading back or upper
- Power is produced always by weight shifting and leg
- Can move simultaneously along with patient’s
- When working in low height, adapts posture by
bending legs.
Theoretical Knowledge
Excellent comments and arguments about natural
movements, biomechanical and ergonomic
- Excellent comments and arguments about body
control, posture and own movements
- Excellent arguments about the technique and
assistive device/s choices
- Excellent arguments indicating that risk analysis has
been done and considered.
- Excellent arguments about planning the situation
and the environment.
07.12.2024 - 12.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Satu Takala
Key competence requirements:
After completing the course, the student is able to
-Choose and utilize the safe and rehabilitative transfer technique/s and proper assistive device/s?according to the patient's functional status?
-Identify, evaluate and diminish risk factors in patient handling, both patient and professional perspectives?
-Communicate and co-operate in multiprofessional environment to achieve safe and rehabilitating patient handling situations, integrating ethical reasoning in patient handling situations
The practical part of the SAPHA course (2 ECTS) coconsists of four practical lessons in part 5, and simulations in part 6. Practical part 1,5 (practical training) + 0,5 (simulations) ECTS
These contents, together with the theoretical part of this course, offer a holistic approach to the basis of patient handling, including the fundamental elements of evidence-based patient handling education.
Materials and links given in the Itslearning platform.
Students' own information searches.
Teaching methods
Practical sessions:
1. Before starting practical lessons, please study the file in info/introduction "What do you need to assess before assisting a patient to move" and watch the videos embedded in PPP file "Natural movements".
2. Attend the face-to-face lessons, and practice there both transfers you saw in the videos and also transfers your teacher demonstrates during lessons.
In this course, you will join 1-2 simulation sessions.
Simulation as a learning method is based on experiential learning. It provides a realistic environment for learning and practicing. Stimulation as a method is an effective way to play through clinical situations in a safe learning environment where patients are not harmed.
In the simulation sessions you will have the possibility to practice both technical skills (for example safe patient handling techniques) and non-technical skills (communication, ethics and teamwork).
After each simulation session, a debriefing discussion will take place. Debriefing as part of simulation-based education provides an opportunity to promote reflection - learning is the integration of experience and reflection, the conscious consideration of the meaning and implication of an action, including the knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
International connections
Studying independently, face-to-face teaching, practical study in small groups and simulations.
Student workload
The student's learning tasks and workload consists of the following:
Practical sessions:
30h Studying independently (materials and videos on the platform)
10-12h face-to-face teaching
10-12h practical studying in small groups
2h Simulations
Learning objectives for simulation sessions:
Technical /Practical skills:
Assess the patients' functional mobility and participation level;
Assess specific demands of the mobility task and risk assessment;
Prepare the environment;
Effectively use the equipment;
Perform fluent, ergonomic and safe patient and/or assistant transfer;
Perform safe patient handling, activating the patient.
Reasoning and communication skills:
Be aware of the current situation;
Effectively communicate with others (students in patient, professional or caregiver roles);
Inform patient and caregiver;
Select proper assistive aids;
Select adequate patient handling methods;
Use different communication styles and resources in order to perform safe patient handling;
Support patients' independence and participation;
Integrate ethical principles in the intervention.
Content scheduling
A. practical lessons (Basket 5) - contains orientation lecture 2h and practical training with teacher in Kunnonkoti.
Orientation lecture: infovideo will be available soon, more info via email.
B. Basket number six (6): Simulations in SimuCenter
C. A final exam (basket 7), which is carried out in groups of approximately three people. You can start this basket after the practical training part.
The return date to the final exam is one week after the simulations.
Further information
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Final exam -video made in small groups must be returned to Itslearning by the week 18. We will define the return date in the class.
There are four phases in the exam:
1. Prepare a video with theoretical arguments; post it in a conversation forum
2. Give feedback to another group about their video; do this as a group with well justified arguments and choose a video, that has not been commented yet, if possible.
3. Reflect your own learning process and video based on the feedback from another team. That is, give counter argument or seal of approval to the commenting team.
4. Assess your team work
• Fill up the given evaluation pie together with all group members, and submit it to the discussion channel, as the last message in the chain you started when you submitted the video you made.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The criteria is presented in ItsLearning platform.
Theoretical understanding of patient handling in safe and rehabilitating way.
07.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Satu Takala
Key competence requirements:
After completing the course, the student is able to
-Choose and utilize the safe and rehabilitative transfer technique/s and proper assistive device/s?according to the patient's functional status?
-Identify, evaluate and diminish risk factors in patient handling, both patient and professional perspectives?
-Communicate and co-operate in multiprofessional environment to achieve safe and rehabilitating patient handling situations, integrating ethical reasoning in patient handling situations
The practical part of the SAPHA course (2 ECTS) coconsists of four practical lessons in part 5, and simulations in part 6. Practical part 1,5 (practical training) + 0,5 (simulations) ECTS
These contents, together with the theoretical part of this course, offer a holistic approach to the basis of patient handling, including the fundamental elements of evidence-based patient handling education.
Materials and links given in the Itslearning platform.
Students' own information searches.
Teaching methods
Practical sessions:
1. Before starting practical lessons, please study the file in info/introduction "What do you need to assess before assisting a patient to move" and watch the videos embedded in PPP file "Natural movements".
2. Attend the face-to-face lessons, and practice there both transfers you saw in the videos and also transfers your teacher demonstrates during lessons.
In this course, you will join 1-2 simulation sessions.
Simulation as a learning method is based on experiential learning. It provides a realistic environment for learning and practicing. Stimulation as a method is an effective way to play through clinical situations in a safe learning environment where patients are not harmed.
In the simulation sessions you will have the possibility to practice both technical skills (for example safe patient handling techniques) and non-technical skills (communication, ethics and teamwork).
After each simulation session, a debriefing discussion will take place. Debriefing as part of simulation-based education provides an opportunity to promote reflection - learning is the integration of experience and reflection, the conscious consideration of the meaning and implication of an action, including the knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
International connections
Studying independently, face-to-face teaching, practical study in small groups and simulations.
Student workload
The student's learning tasks and workload consists of the following:
Practical sessions:
30h Studying independently (materials and videos on the platform)
10-12h face-to-face teaching
10-12h practical studying in small groups
2h Simulations
Learning objectives for simulation sessions:
Technical /Practical skills:
Assess the patients' functional mobility and participation level;
Assess specific demands of the mobility task and risk assessment;
Prepare the environment;
Effectively use the equipment;
Perform fluent, ergonomic and safe patient and/or assistant transfer;
Perform safe patient handling, activating the patient.
Reasoning and communication skills:
Be aware of the current situation;
Effectively communicate with others (students in patient, professional or caregiver roles);
Inform patient and caregiver;
Select proper assistive aids;
Select adequate patient handling methods;
Use different communication styles and resources in order to perform safe patient handling;
Support patients' independence and participation;
Integrate ethical principles in the intervention.
Content scheduling
A. practical lessons (Basket 5) - contains orientation lecture 2h and practical training with teacher in Kunnonkoti.
Orientation lecture: infovideo will be available soon, more info via email.
B. Basket number six (6): Simulations in SimuCenter
C. A final exam (basket 7), which is carried out in groups of approximately three people. You can start this basket after the practical training part.
The return date to the final exam is one week after the simulations.
Further information
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Final exam -video made in small groups must be returned to Itslearning by the week 18. We will define the return date in the class.
There are four phases in the exam:
1. Prepare a video with theoretical arguments; post it in a conversation forum
2. Give feedback to another group about their video; do this as a group with well justified arguments and choose a video, that has not been commented yet, if possible.
3. Reflect your own learning process and video based on the feedback from another team. That is, give counter argument or seal of approval to the commenting team.
4. Assess your team work
• Fill up the given evaluation pie together with all group members, and submit it to the discussion channel, as the last message in the chain you started when you submitted the video you made.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The criteria is presented in ItsLearning platform.
Theoretical understanding of patient handling in safe and rehabilitating way.
20.05.2024 - 24.10.2024
23.09.2024 - 10.11.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Satu Takala
Key competence requirements:
After completing the course, the student is able to
-Define the basic principles of ergonomics in health care
-Understand and observe natural movements and recognize the importance of motor learning in patient handling
The theory part of SAPHA course (2 ECTS) consists of four separate parts (1-4). The parts are named 1) Basics of Ergonomics, 2) Function of a Patient 3) Principles of Patient Handling and 4) Management Policies.
These contents offer a holistic approach to the basis of patient handling, including the fundamental elements of evidence-based patient handling education.
Materials and links given in the Itslearning platform.
Students' own information searches.
Teaching methods
Independent studying based on the topics and materials presented in the Itslearning platform.
Participation in various discussions on the online platform.
International connections
Studying independently online, participating in joint discussions on the online platform.
Completion alternatives
Student workload
The student's workload consists of the following:
Online course:
42h Studying independently online
10h Participating in joint discussions on the online platform
2h reflection of own work
Content scheduling
ItsLearning course Patient handling in safe and rehabilitating way, theoretical part.
The course is assessed as pass/fail.
Online course in ItsLearning platform contains general information, as well as five "baskets" to be completed independently. You cannot move to the next basket until the previous one is completed, and tasks cannot be returned after the basket is closed. We recommend putting reminders on your phone about return dates and participation in discussions. You are expected to actively participate in the discussions on the course platform. Please also note the required minimum number of conversation starters and comments.
Basket 1: Basics of ergonomics is open during weeks 39-41
Basket 2: Function of a patient is open during weeks 40-42
Basket 3: Principles of patient Handling is open during weeks 41-43
Basket 4: Management policies is open during weeks 42-44
Basket 5: Ethics and communication is open during weeks 43-45
Further information
Act according to the instructions of your home university in how the performance is transferred to the study information system of your home university.
You'll get access on the study platform (ItsLearning) after the teacher accepts you to the course.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Completing the course requires the assignments to be returned on time and approved. It is possible to resubmit rejected assignments within the course time.
The course is evaluated on a scale of passed - failed
No prerequisites
07.12.2024 - 12.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Satu Takala
Key competence requirements:
After completing the course, the student is able to
-Define the basic principles of ergonomics in health care
-Understand and observe natural movements and recognize the importance of motor learning in patient handling
The theory part of SAPHA course (2 ECTS) consists of four separate parts (1-4). The parts are named 1) Basics of Ergonomics, 2) Function of a Patient 3) Principles of Patient Handling and 4) Management Policies.
These contents offer a holistic approach to the basis of patient handling, including the fundamental elements of evidence-based patient handling education.
Materials and links given in the Itslearning platform.
Students' own information searches.
Student workload
The student's learning tasks and workload consists of the following:
Online course:
34h Studying independently online (4 baskets)
20h Participating in joint discussions on the online platform
Evaluation scale
No prerequisites
07.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Satu Takala
Key competence requirements:
After completing the course, the student is able to
-Define the basic principles of ergonomics in health care
-Understand and observe natural movements and recognize the importance of motor learning in patient handling
The theory part of SAPHA course (2 ECTS) consists of four separate parts (1-4). The parts are named 1) Basics of Ergonomics, 2) Function of a Patient 3) Principles of Patient Handling and 4) Management Policies.
These contents offer a holistic approach to the basis of patient handling, including the fundamental elements of evidence-based patient handling education.
Materials and links given in the Itslearning platform.
Students' own information searches.
Teaching methods
Online course:
Independent studying based on the topics and materials presented in the Itslearning platform.
Participation in various discussions on the online platform.
International connections
Studying independently online, participating in joint discussions on the online platform.
Completion alternatives
Student workload
The student's learning tasks and workload consists of the following:
Online course:
34h Studying independently online (4 baskets)
20h Participating in joint discussions on the online platform
Content scheduling
ItsLearning course Patient handling in safe and rehabilitating way -Theory includes four (4) baskets, which must be completed on time and with approval.
Baskets 1-4 are recommended to be completed before practical part of this topic.
Baskets 1-4.
Online course in ItsLearning platform contains general information, as well as four (4) "baskets" to be completed independently.
You can't move to the next basket until the previous one is completed, and tasks cannot be returned after the basket is closed. We recommend putting reminders on your phone about return dates and participation in discussions.
You are expected to actively participate in the discussions on the course platform. Please also note the required minimum number of conversation starters and comments.
Suggested timelines (you can proceed faster):
Basket 1 is open during weeks 3-4
Basket 2 is open during weeks 4-5
Basket 3 is open during weeks 5-6
Basket 4 is open during weeks 6-7
Evaluation scale
No prerequisites
02.12.2024 - 13.01.2025
18.12.2024 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Irina Katajisto-Korhonen
The student is able to
• identify the main symptoms of psychiatric diseases and their effect on ability to function,
• describe medical examination patterns so that (s)he is able to implement physiotherapy as on part of treatment and rehabilitation,
• describe the principles of medical treatment and rehabilitation related psychiatric client.
Key psychiatric diseases such as depression, eating disorders, addiction as well as their examination and treatment from the point of view of physiotherapy
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
02.12.2024 - 13.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Irina Katajisto-Korhonen
The student is able to
• identify the main symptoms of psychiatric diseases and their effect on ability to function,
• describe medical examination patterns so that (s)he is able to implement physiotherapy as on part of treatment and rehabilitation,
• describe the principles of medical treatment and rehabilitation related psychiatric client.
Key psychiatric diseases such as depression, eating disorders, addiction as well as their examination and treatment from the point of view of physiotherapy
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
12.06.2024 - 01.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 22.10.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Satu Takala
Scheduling groups
- Pienryhmä A1 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä A2 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä A3 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä A4 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä A5 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä A6 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
The student is able to
• identify the developmental crises , traumatic crises and their connections with client’s ability to function,
• describe testers to evaluate client’s resources,
• evaluate the psychophysical entity of human at different ages by using physiotherapeutic examination methods,
• implement physiotherapy using a psycho-physical approach,
• support the client and his/her relatives to maintain and promote the ability to function.
Psycho-physical approach in physiotherapy, development crises, traumatic crises and their phases, levels of motivation, solution centered model, analysis of resources, depression, constriction, chronic pain, eating disorders, panic disorders, addition as phenomena.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to explain the entity of human in the point of physiotherapy view.
05.12.2024 - 12.01.2025
04.01.2025 - 13.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Satu Takala
Scheduling groups
- Pienryhmä A2 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä A1 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä A3 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä A4 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä A5 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
The student is able to
• identify the developmental crises , traumatic crises and their connections with client’s ability to function,
• describe testers to evaluate client’s resources,
• evaluate the psychophysical entity of human at different ages by using physiotherapeutic examination methods,
• implement physiotherapy using a psycho-physical approach,
• support the client and his/her relatives to maintain and promote the ability to function.
Psycho-physical approach in physiotherapy, development crises, traumatic crises and their phases, levels of motivation, solution centered model, analysis of resources, depression, constriction, chronic pain, eating disorders, panic disorders, addition as phenomena.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to explain the entity of human in the point of physiotherapy view.
07.12.2024 - 02.03.2025
24.02.2025 - 20.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Satu Takala
Scheduling groups
- Pienryhmä A1 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä A2 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä A3 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä A4 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä A5 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
The student is able to
• identify the developmental crises , traumatic crises and their connections with client’s ability to function,
• describe testers to evaluate client’s resources,
• evaluate the psychophysical entity of human at different ages by using physiotherapeutic examination methods,
• implement physiotherapy using a psycho-physical approach,
• support the client and his/her relatives to maintain and promote the ability to function.
Psycho-physical approach in physiotherapy, development crises, traumatic crises and their phases, levels of motivation, solution centered model, analysis of resources, depression, constriction, chronic pain, eating disorders, panic disorders, addition as phenomena.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to explain the entity of human in the point of physiotherapy view.
15.06.2024 - 05.09.2024
05.09.2024 - 30.11.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Kirsi Karlsson
The student is able to
• explain the concept of accessibility,
• explain the values and legislation affecting on accessibility,
• evaluate, plan and modify environmental factors to support the client’s ability to function and participate,
• use digital systems and technology to enable accessibility and accessible services,
• work in partnership with client, his/her relatives and the members of multidisciplinary teams to change factors affecting on living environment, for example home,
• assess the need of aid equipment as a part of client oriented assessment of functional ability,
• choose aid equipment to support client’s ability to function together with the client and his/her relatives as well as with the staff of health, social and construction systems,
• counsel the use of aid equipment to client and his/her relatives taking into account client’s resources and living environment,
• work in the process of acquiring aid equipment both independently and in co-operation with various professional.
To cope in living environment accessibly: accessibility of the built environment, assessment methods of accessibility, recommendations for promoting environmental accessibility
Technology and aid equipment services for promoting ability to function: aid equipment (for example aid equipment for mobility, various supports, aid equipment in activities of daily living), the process to get aid equipment, the providers of the aid equipment services, the classification of aid equipment.
Training (3 cr): physiotherapy training in various projects and learning environments
Evaluation scale
The student is able to explain the changes in the clients functional ability when they are related to deficiencies of muskuloskeletal, vital organ, and/or nervous systems.
07.12.2024 - 12.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 16.02.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Satu Takala
The student is able to
• explain the concept of accessibility,
• explain the values and legislation affecting on accessibility,
• evaluate, plan and modify environmental factors to support the client’s ability to function and participate,
• use digital systems and technology to enable accessibility and accessible services,
• work in partnership with client, his/her relatives and the members of multidisciplinary teams to change factors affecting on living environment, for example home,
• assess the need of aid equipment as a part of client oriented assessment of functional ability,
• choose aid equipment to support client’s ability to function together with the client and his/her relatives as well as with the staff of health, social and construction systems,
• counsel the use of aid equipment to client and his/her relatives taking into account client’s resources and living environment,
• work in the process of acquiring aid equipment both independently and in co-operation with various professional.
To cope in living environment accessibly: accessibility of the built environment, assessment methods of accessibility, recommendations for promoting environmental accessibility
Technology and aid equipment services for promoting ability to function: aid equipment (for example aid equipment for mobility, various supports, aid equipment in activities of daily living), the process to get aid equipment, the providers of the aid equipment services, the classification of aid equipment.
Training (3 cr): physiotherapy training in various projects and learning environments
Evaluation scale
The student is able to explain the changes in the clients functional ability when they are related to deficiencies of muskuloskeletal, vital organ, and/or nervous systems.
07.12.2024 - 02.03.2025
24.02.2025 - 06.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Satu Takala
The student is able to
• explain the concept of accessibility,
• explain the values and legislation affecting on accessibility,
• evaluate, plan and modify environmental factors to support the client’s ability to function and participate,
• use digital systems and technology to enable accessibility and accessible services,
• work in partnership with client, his/her relatives and the members of multidisciplinary teams to change factors affecting on living environment, for example home,
• assess the need of aid equipment as a part of client oriented assessment of functional ability,
• choose aid equipment to support client’s ability to function together with the client and his/her relatives as well as with the staff of health, social and construction systems,
• counsel the use of aid equipment to client and his/her relatives taking into account client’s resources and living environment,
• work in the process of acquiring aid equipment both independently and in co-operation with various professional.
To cope in living environment accessibly: accessibility of the built environment, assessment methods of accessibility, recommendations for promoting environmental accessibility
Technology and aid equipment services for promoting ability to function: aid equipment (for example aid equipment for mobility, various supports, aid equipment in activities of daily living), the process to get aid equipment, the providers of the aid equipment services, the classification of aid equipment.
Training (3 cr): physiotherapy training in various projects and learning environments
Evaluation scale
The student is able to explain the changes in the clients functional ability when they are related to deficiencies of muskuloskeletal, vital organ, and/or nervous systems.
01.06.2024 - 29.08.2024
28.08.2024 - 08.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 26
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Johanna Kurtti
The student is able to
• desricbe the importance of nutrition in promoting health and treating diseases in populations of different ages,
• take advantage of nutrition-related knowledge in rehabilitation,
• support the client to make nutritional choices that support their ability to function by using Finnish nutrition recommendations,
• describe the basics of nutrition and nutrition physiology,
• describe the importance of nutrition in for example prevention of malnutrition and common diseases,
• identify the special nutritional needs related client’s diseases.
Nutritionally recommended diet for health promotion and prevention of parental diseases and malnutrition, nutrition and diseases, nutrition and clients in different ages.
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
01.05.2024 - 01.09.2024
27.08.2024 - 01.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 26
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
- Juho Korpi
The student is able to describe the main symptoms and impacts of respiratory and circulatory disorders on the client's performance and participation as well as to explain the main features of overall care of the diseases so that (s)he can use this knowledge when planning and implementing physiotherapy as part of patiens overall care.
The physiotherapist's work-related disorders of the circulation and respiratory system, as well as their medical treatment principles.
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
01.06.2024 - 26.08.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Afrisa Kapella
- Kirsi Karlsson
The student is able to
• describe the values and starting points of adapted physical activity,
• name the actors and organisations in the field of adapted physical activity,
• apply the principles of instructing physical activity in instructions of adapted physical activity,
• evaluate, plan and implement adapted physical activity for the client’s and client groups with different functional constraints,
• evaluate the client’s need to health related physical activity and counselling,
• evaluate different forms of physical activity to various client and rehabilitee groups,
• meet different clients and practice various communication skills with clients,
• co-operate with professionals of health, social, rehabilitation and physical activity system and other organizations involved in adapted physical activity.
The basics of knowledge and concepts in adapted physical activity, the organizational activities in the field of adapted physical activity, communication with different clients, competence in adapted physical activity, planning, implementing and evaluating classes of adapted physical activity partly as multidisciplinary cooperation
Evaluation scale
The student is able to plan and implement health-related physical activity and counsel client/ groups by using physiotherapy means.
07.12.2024 - 07.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 18.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Afrisa Kapella
The student is able to
• describe the values and starting points of adapted physical activity,
• name the actors and organisations in the field of adapted physical activity,
• apply the principles of instructing physical activity in instructions of adapted physical activity,
• evaluate, plan and implement adapted physical activity for the client’s and client groups with different functional constraints,
• evaluate the client’s need to health related physical activity and counselling,
• evaluate different forms of physical activity to various client and rehabilitee groups,
• meet different clients and practice various communication skills with clients,
• co-operate with professionals of health, social, rehabilitation and physical activity system and other organizations involved in adapted physical activity.
The basics of knowledge and concepts in adapted physical activity, the organizational activities in the field of adapted physical activity, communication with different clients, competence in adapted physical activity, planning, implementing and evaluating classes of adapted physical activity partly as multidisciplinary cooperation
Evaluation scale
The student is able to plan and implement health-related physical activity and counsel client/ groups by using physiotherapy means.
07.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Afrisa Kapella
The student is able to
• describe the values and starting points of adapted physical activity,
• name the actors and organisations in the field of adapted physical activity,
• apply the principles of instructing physical activity in instructions of adapted physical activity,
• evaluate, plan and implement adapted physical activity for the client’s and client groups with different functional constraints,
• evaluate the client’s need to health related physical activity and counselling,
• evaluate different forms of physical activity to various client and rehabilitee groups,
• meet different clients and practice various communication skills with clients,
• co-operate with professionals of health, social, rehabilitation and physical activity system and other organizations involved in adapted physical activity.
The basics of knowledge and concepts in adapted physical activity, the organizational activities in the field of adapted physical activity, communication with different clients, competence in adapted physical activity, planning, implementing and evaluating classes of adapted physical activity partly as multidisciplinary cooperation
Evaluation scale
The student is able to plan and implement health-related physical activity and counsel client/ groups by using physiotherapy means.
07.12.2024 - 19.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
18 - 28
Degree programmes
- Common Studies
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Noora Hämäläinen
The student is able to act in a purposeful way in communicating and interacting in working life situations. He/she is able to take into consideration the receiver, the situation and the demands of the field and to communicate in an analytical, understandable and convincing manner.
The student is able and willing to develop his/her skills in the Finnish language and communication as part of his/her professional competence.
Students know how to
-interpret the professional texts in their own field as part of information literacy skills and use their skills in new, different situations (for instance, text analysis and summary)
-write factual, consistent and understandable texts (for instance, small scale studies, reports, essays, professional presentations using source material) and to give references to sources according to given instructions (the basics of research communication)
-use up-to-date tools as support for their own linguistic ability in proof-reading (central contents in correcting language and text)
-act in a professional way in the verbal communication situations in working life, and to prepare for diverse speaking situations in a purposeful way (i.e. with the help of situation analysis and analysis plan)
-express themselves clearly using visual aids and by using language appropriate to the situation
-assess their own communication skills (the language and structure of spoken and written language, factors affecting readability and understandability, the effectiveness of the message)and to give and receive constructive criticism
Evaluation scale
02.07.2024 - 26.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 27.09.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- Svenska
12 - 22
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Nina Roine
The student can communicate orally in different work-life situations.
The student
- can describe the content and structure of his/her studies, training and work experience
- can describe his/her working environment and operations of a company, products and processes
- can communicate in various business life situations appropriately
- is able to use appropriate vocabulary and phrases when presenting tasks of his/her own field
Evaluation scale
07.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
10.01.2025 - 07.03.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- Svenska
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Nina Roine
Scheduling groups
- Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- 1
- 2
The student can communicate orally in different work-life situations.
The student
- can describe the content and structure of his/her studies, training and work experience
- can describe his/her working environment and operations of a company, products and processes
- can communicate in various business life situations appropriately
- is able to use appropriate vocabulary and phrases when presenting tasks of his/her own field
Evaluation scale
02.07.2024 - 26.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 27.09.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- Svenska
15 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Nina Roine
The student can communicate in writing in different work-life situations.
The student
- can describe the content and structure of his/her studies, training and work experience
- can describe his/her working environment and operations of a company, products and processes
- can communicate in various business life situations appropriately
- is able to use appropriate vocabulary and phrases when presenting tasks of his/her own field
Evaluation scale
07.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 18.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- Svenska
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Nina Roine
The student can communicate in writing in different work-life situations.
The student
- can describe the content and structure of his/her studies, training and work experience
- can describe his/her working environment and operations of a company, products and processes
- can communicate in various business life situations appropriately
- is able to use appropriate vocabulary and phrases when presenting tasks of his/her own field
Evaluation scale
02.07.2024 - 04.10.2024
30.09.2024 - 15.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 26
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Afrisa Kapella
- Juho Korpi
- FT1 Virtuaalihenkilö7
The student is able to
• explain the means of physiotherapeutic examination and the factors affecting their reliable use,
• explain the phenomena of muscle strength, aerobic condition, flexibility and elasticity,
• name factors affecting on muscle strength, aerobic condition, flexibility and elasticity,
• examine muscle strength, aerobic condition and elasticity reliably from the health point of view as well as draw up conclusions and form goals based on examination,
• apply the principles of exercising muscle strength, aerobic condition and elasticity for promoting well-being and health taking into account clients’ resources,
• indentify the significance of client’s recovery as a part of exercising health related condition.
Examination and documentation in physiotherapy: observation, interviewing, palpation and measurement, principles of reliable measurement and testing, factors affecting realibility
Muscle strength and its subareas, the principles of measuring and exercising muscle strength, RM, the principles of measuring and exercising muscle elasticity, the principles of measuring and exercising aerobic condition.
Evaluation scale
07.12.2024 - 02.02.2025
03.03.2025 - 04.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Anu Granberg
- Afrisa Kapella
- Juho Korpi
The student is able to
• explain the means of physiotherapeutic examination and the factors affecting their reliable use,
• explain the phenomena of muscle strength, aerobic condition, flexibility and elasticity,
• name factors affecting on muscle strength, aerobic condition, flexibility and elasticity,
• examine muscle strength, aerobic condition and elasticity reliably from the health point of view as well as draw up conclusions and form goals based on examination,
• apply the principles of exercising muscle strength, aerobic condition and elasticity for promoting well-being and health taking into account clients’ resources,
• indentify the significance of client’s recovery as a part of exercising health related condition.
Examination and documentation in physiotherapy: observation, interviewing, palpation and measurement, principles of reliable measurement and testing, factors affecting realibility
Muscle strength and its subareas, the principles of measuring and exercising muscle strength, RM, the principles of measuring and exercising muscle elasticity, the principles of measuring and exercising aerobic condition.
Available on Itslearning. All materials are electronically accessible.
Teaching methods
Practical training (working with clients), group work (developing collaboration and teamwork skills and learning from others' perspectives), self-directed study (the student plans and schedules orientation and written tasks to fit their daily life and resources).
Exam schedules
There are no exams in this course.
International connections
Constructive learning (discussion and social interaction in contact teaching and client work, reflection on one's own learning), collaborative learning (group work and information sharing), experiential learning (practicing clinical skills in practice), reflective learning (reflecting on one's own skills and professional development).
Considering the environmental perspective in teaching is mainly achieved by minimizing the use of disposable materials in teaching.
Completion alternatives
None. There are no exceptions. Participation in the tests is a prerequisite for passing the course.
Student workload
Total 2 ECTS = 52 hours of student work
2 hours orientation task (independent study of the activities of the Liikkeelle groups)
2 hours contact teaching (review of health fitness tests in contact teaching)
8 hours review of health fitness tests and familiarization with testing activities (independent study)
30 hours practical client work
10 hours report and opposition (independent study)
52 hours in total
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Evaluation Criteria for the Health Fitness Report:
The goal of the Health Fitness Report is for the student to be able to:
- Explain the methods of physiotherapeutic examination and the factors related to their reliable use.
- Reliably and consistently assess the client's muscle strength, flexibility, general endurance, and movement control from a health fitness perspective.
- Draw conclusions from the measurement results and set goals to maintain or improve health fitness based on these conclusions.
The report is APPROVED if:
- It is prepared according to the guidelines using the Turku University of Applied Sciences report template and follows the content structure of the guidelines.
T- he text is formal, clear, and coherent.
- All sections of the assignment and headings are addressed.
- Background information is comprehensively recorded (age, (assumed) gender, underlying diseases, occupation, physical/daily activity, fulfillment of movement recommendations).
- Tests and results are comprehensively and clearly recorded (test name, test's relevance to health/fitness, result, fitness class, and its scale).
- The summary of the client's health fitness profile aligns with the test results (strengths and areas for improvement summarized).
- Appropriate goals are set for the client.
- The plan is justified with literature, and references are made according to the guidelines of Turku University of Applied Sciences.
The report is REJECTED if:
- The above requirements for an approved report are not met.
- The language and structure of the report are very unclear and fragmented.
- It is evident from the report that the student has not achieved the objectives of the course.
Content scheduling
The goal of client work is for the student to be able to reliably assess the client's health fitness, draw conclusions from their assessments, and set goals for the client. Additionally, the aim is to apply the principles of muscle strength, flexibility, general endurance, and movement control training to promote well-being and health fitness, considering the capabilities of clients of different ages.
Client work is carried out as part of the Liikkeelle groups in collaboration with the City of Turku.
Detailed information about the course implementation can be found on Itslearning.
Week 14 (1 x 2h)
Week 20 (3 x 4h)
Liikkeelle tests at Kupittaa Sports Hall
Week 21 (1 x 3h)
Liikkeelle tests at ICT
Further information
All communication related to the course will take place through Itslearning. No emails.
Attendance in teaching sessions is mandatory as this involves practical client work. Each student must participate in every testing session. The student group is collectively responsible for ensuring that the tests are conducted as agreed.
Absences due to illness or other compelling reasons must be reported to the course instructor in advance, if possible.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The evaluation focuses on the student's performance in client work according to the course objectives. The assessment considers the student's attendance and activities during the orientation to client work, in client work situations, and in the reporting phase after client work.
Successful completion of the course requires that the client report and opposition are completed according to the instructions within the given timeframe.
02.07.2024 - 30.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 13.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Afrisa Kapella
The student is able to
• explain the means of physiotherapeutic examination and the factors affecting their reliable use,
• explain the phenomena of muscle strength, aerobic condition, flexibility and elasticity,
• name factors affecting on muscle strength, aerobic condition, flexibility and elasticity,
• examine muscle strength, aerobic condition and elasticity reliably from the health point of view as well as draw up conclusions and form goals based on examination,
• apply the principles of exercising muscle strength, aerobic condition and elasticity for promoting well-being and health taking into account clients’ resources,
• indentify the significance of client’s recovery as a part of exercising health related condition.
Examination and documentation in physiotherapy: observation, interviewing, palpation and measurement, principles of reliable measurement and testing, factors affecting realibility
Muscle strength and its subareas, the principles of measuring and exercising muscle strength, RM, the principles of measuring and exercising muscle elasticity, the principles of measuring and exercising aerobic condition.
Evaluation scale
07.12.2024 - 16.01.2025
20.01.2025 - 25.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
40 % Contact teaching, 60 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
18 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Afrisa Kapella
- Juho Korpi
The student is able to
• explain the means of physiotherapeutic examination and the factors affecting their reliable use,
• explain the phenomena of muscle strength, aerobic condition, flexibility and elasticity,
• name factors affecting on muscle strength, aerobic condition, flexibility and elasticity,
• examine muscle strength, aerobic condition and elasticity reliably from the health point of view as well as draw up conclusions and form goals based on examination,
• apply the principles of exercising muscle strength, aerobic condition and elasticity for promoting well-being and health taking into account clients’ resources,
• indentify the significance of client’s recovery as a part of exercising health related condition.
Examination and documentation in physiotherapy: observation, interviewing, palpation and measurement, principles of reliable measurement and testing, factors affecting realibility
Muscle strength and its subareas, the principles of measuring and exercising muscle strength, RM, the principles of measuring and exercising muscle elasticity, the principles of measuring and exercising aerobic condition.
Teaching methods
Self-directed learning (the student plans and schedules the course to fit their daily life and resources), blended learning (combining in-person, remote, and online teaching with independent student work), group work (developing collaboration and teamwork skills and learning from others' perspectives), simulation-based teaching (practicing clinical skills in pairs or small groups by simulating client situations), evidence-based teaching (the content focuses on evidence-based knowledge, and students must actively seek and analyze research information in their work).
In-person teaching combines theory with the practice of clinical skills, making attendance crucial for learning. It is important to come to in-person sessions prepared according to the pre-instructions, and online studies should be completed according to the planned schedule.
Exam schedules
All course materials are included in the exam material.
There are two exams in the course:
- Theory exam on May 5, 2025, graded numerically 0-5 (retakes on May 26, 2025, and June 3, 2025)
- One practical exam (health fitness tests) on April 1, 2025, graded pass-fail (retakes on April 7, 2025, and April 8, 2025)
Each exam can be taken up to three times (the main exam and two retakes). All exam attempts must be completed during the course.
Additionally, the independent study learning paths include tests that are graded pass-fail.
International connections
Constructive learning (discussion and social interaction in in-person teaching, independent study exercises, reflection on one's own learning), communal learning (group work and knowledge sharing), experiential learning (practical training of clinical skills), problem-based learning (case work and clinical reasoning exercises), reflective learning (reflection on one's own skills and professional development).
Considering the environmental perspective in teaching is mainly done by minimizing the use of disposable materials in teaching and favoring electronic study materials.
Completion alternatives
A student can demonstrate previously acquired skills by successfully completing the course assignments and exams.
Content scheduling
Implementation Plan (changes possible)
- Detailed information can be found on Itslearning
Weeks 5-6 In-person teaching (1 x 2h, 1 x 4h)
- Course orientation (MANDATORY ATTENDANCE, Formation of small groups)
- Physiotherapeutic examination & health fitness assessment
- Muscle strength examination
- Practice of health fitness tests (muscle strength)
Independent study
- Basics of strength training - learning path
- Starting group work on assessing and training muscle strength
Week 7 In-person teaching (2 x 2h)
- Examination of general endurance
- Practice of health fitness tests (general endurance)
Independent study
- Basics of endurance training - learning path
- Continuing group work on assessing and training muscle strength
Weeks 8-9 Independent study
- Theory of testing - learning path
- Recovery - learning path
- Mobility training - learning path
- Continuing group work on assessing and training muscle strength
Weeks 10-11 In-person teaching (3 x 2h, 1 x 4h)
- Examination of motor control (balance and coordination)
- Practice of health fitness tests (balance and coordination)
- Analysis of research results
- Goals and planning
Independent study
- Balance and coordination - learning path
- Continuing group work on assessing and training muscle strength
Weeks 12-13 In-person teaching (1 x 2h, 2 x 4h)
- Applied exercises, case work
- Practice and review of health fitness tests
- Indirect bicycle ergometer test (demo)
Independent study
- Practicing and reviewing health fitness tests (preparing for the exam)
- Continuing group work on assessing and training muscle strength
- Starting group work on health fitness assessment
Weeks 14-15 In-person teaching (1 x 8h (approx. 30 min per student))
- Practical exam (health fitness tests)
- Retakes of the practical exam
Independent study
- Continuing group work on assessing and training muscle strength
- Continuing group work on health fitness assessment
Weeks 16-18 Independent study
- Previous course content
- Continuing group work on assessing and training muscle strength
- Finalizing and submitting group work on health fitness assessment
Week 19 In-person teaching (1 x 3h)
- Theory exam
Independent study
- Previous course content
- Continuing group work on assessing and training muscle strength
Weeks 21-23 In-person teaching (1 x 2h, 1 x 4h)
- Summary of personal training experiences (MANDATORY ATTENDANCE)
- Summary of health fitness assessment and training
- Retakes of the theory exam
Independent study
- Finalizing and submitting group work on assessing and training muscle strength
Further information
All communication related to the course will take place through Itslearning. No emails.
Attendance in in-person teaching is generally required on-site, as the classes involve a lot of practical skills training. Information about the possibility of remote participation will be provided separately.
Absences due to illness or other compelling reasons should be reported to the course instructor in advance, if possible. It is the student's responsibility to ensure they learn the material missed during the absence. Competence must be demonstrated to the course instructor in a separately agreed manner.
For in-person teaching, you will generally need clothing suitable for physical activity.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Course assessment is based on the following assignments:
Group work on assessing and training muscle strength 40%
Group work on health fitness assessment 30%
Theory exam 30%
Practical exam pass-fail
Learning paths pass-fail
Other course assignments pass-fail
Detailed assessment criteria for the assignments are provided with the assignment instructions.
All course assignments must be submitted to Itslearning according to the instructions. Students or student groups have the opportunity to receive feedback on written assignments once, after which they can revise the assignment before final submission if desired. A failed assignment can be revised or retaken up to two times.
Late submissions will count as one retake attempt.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student does not follow the course instructions.
The student has not familiarized themselves with the material available on the learning platform and/or the assignment instructions, nor do they act accordingly.
The student does not justify their actions using the knowledge base of their profession (relative to their stage of study).
The student does not recognize or clearly demonstrate the theoretical foundations of physiotherapy:
Understanding and foundations are not demonstrated in assignments at all.
The student’s actions are inconsistent and confusing relative to their stage of study.
The student is unable to reflect on their learning or actions.
The student does not accept feedback and/or does not change their actions based on feedback.
The student endangers patient safety and/or the safety of the work and study environment.
The student cannot choose and use appropriate interaction methods for client or learning situations.
The student does not recognize and/or follow the ethical principles, laws, regulations, and agreed guidelines governing the work of a physiotherapist.
Course assignments are not completed, all parts of the assignment instructions are not answered, or they are returned with very incomplete information.
The student’s actions and interactions are not respectful, reliable, and/or honest, and they do not take responsibility for their actions.
The student does not provide an explanation for absences and does not show that they have taken care of their learning during absences.
The student’s actions are unprofessional relative to their stage of study.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student uses key physiotherapy professional terms in a limited scope and/or quantity.
The student uses given information sources randomly.
The student’s evidence-based information retrieval is inadequate, and they cannot critically evaluate the information they find.
The student’s knowledge base is fragmented, and the relationships between concepts remain unclear.
Written assignments are composed in complete sentences and in good Finnish.
Reflection in written work is superficial, and synthesis of information is not achieved.
The student can work under supervision in physiotherapy situations practiced during the course and knows the related factors.
The student can describe the phenomena discussed in the course at a general level and knows the factors affecting them.
The student is capable of self-reflection, but it is superficial and/or unrealistic.
The student works safely in work and study environments.
The use of physiotherapeutic methods and making conclusions/clinical reasoning require guidance and confirmation.
The student is capable of receiving feedback and strives to change their actions based on it.
The student can function in various guidance and interaction situations.
The student recognizes and acts according to the ethical principles, laws, regulations, and agreed guidelines governing the work of a physiotherapist.
The student can function as a member of a group, but their actions are not self-directed.
The student can take responsibility for agreed tasks but often submits them late.
The student knows the basic principles of dialogue, but their actions do not always reflect this.
The student’s actions and interactions are respectful, reliable, and honest.
The student recognizes the prerequisites and consequences of their actions.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The criteria for grades 1–2 are met. Additionally:
The student’s knowledge base is understood as a whole.
The student can search for evidence-based information from various sources and recognize the difference between everyday knowledge and researched information.
The student can use key information sources systematically.
Written assignments are clearly structured.
The student can use key physiotherapy professional terms systematically.
Written work includes personal reflection and attempts at synthesis.
The criteria for grades 1–2 are met. Additionally:
The student can work independently in learning situations according to given instructions.
The student can explain the factors related to the course content and describe the key contents of physiotherapy.
The student works systematically, safely, and reliably in work and study environments.
The student is partially capable of making conclusions/clinical reasoning independently.
The student accepts feedback and changes their actions based on it.
The criteria for grades 1–2 are met. Additionally:
The student works purposefully in a group and adheres to agreed schedules.
The student can organize their own activities.
The student can suggest actions and, if necessary, seek approval for their actions.
The student considers dialogue and strives to act equally in interaction situations.
The student can critically evaluate their own actions and skills, recognizing their strengths and areas for development.?
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The criteria for grades 3–4 are met. Additionally:
The student uses professional terminology expertly.
The student can search for and use evidence-based information expertly and independently.
The student can use key information sources as well as other strong evidence-based sources they find themselves.
Written work shows application, synthesis, and independent reflection of information.
The criteria for grades 3–4 are met. Additionally:
The student can work independently in learning situations.
The student understands the methods of physiotherapy and the factors related to their reliable use.
The student can describe the phenomena discussed in the course broadly and understands the factors affecting them deeply.
The student works independently, systematically, safely, and reliably in work and study environments.
The student is capable of making conclusions/clinical reasoning mostly independently.
The student can apply theoretical knowledge in practical situations.
The student reflects on their actions and can engage in discussions about the feedback received.
The criteria for grades 3–4 are met. Additionally:
The student takes responsibility for sharing what they have learned and for working in a group.
The student can organize group activities and, if necessary, lead their own and the group’s activities.
The student commits to the group and promotes the group’s goals through their actions.
The student can engage in dialogue and acts equally in interaction situations.
02.07.2024 - 02.09.2024
26.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 26
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Afrisa Kapella
Scheduling groups
- Pienryhmä A (Size: 14. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä B (Size: 14. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- 1
- 2
The student is able to
• explain the significance of the physical activity to the health, wellbeing and ability to function,
• recognize the importance of physical activity to prevent disorders and disability to function,
• evaluate the client´s need to counselling and physical activity,
• evaluate the suitabílity of physical activity forms to different client groups,
• implement individual and targeted counseling related health and physical activity to support client’s ability to function,
• use the basics of counseling and instruction in physical activity,
• plan and instruct the physical activity to the client or client croups in various projects,
• take into account the ethical principles of physiotherapy while operating.
National health and wellbeing policies, the effects of physical activity at the individual level and among the population, recommendations of health related physical activity for population of different ages, the basics of health related physical activity, the basics of planning health related physical activity and physical education counseling, the basics of instructions and evaluation, different forms of physical activity to promoting wellbeing, health and ability to function
Evaluation scale
The student is able to identify movement, motion and functionality and assess preconditions of functionality like strength, flexibility and balance. (S)he is able to counsel clients to promote his/her functional ability.
07.12.2024 - 09.01.2025
09.01.2025 - 18.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Afrisa Kapella
- Juho Korpi
Scheduling groups
- Pienryhmä A1 (Size: 13. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä A2 (Size: 13. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä B1 (Size: 13. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä B2 (Size: 13. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
The student is able to
• explain the significance of the physical activity to the health, wellbeing and ability to function,
• recognize the importance of physical activity to prevent disorders and disability to function,
• evaluate the client´s need to counselling and physical activity,
• evaluate the suitabílity of physical activity forms to different client groups,
• implement individual and targeted counseling related health and physical activity to support client’s ability to function,
• use the basics of counseling and instruction in physical activity,
• plan and instruct the physical activity to the client or client croups in various projects,
• take into account the ethical principles of physiotherapy while operating.
National health and wellbeing policies, the effects of physical activity at the individual level and among the population, recommendations of health related physical activity for population of different ages, the basics of health related physical activity, the basics of planning health related physical activity and physical education counseling, the basics of instructions and evaluation, different forms of physical activity to promoting wellbeing, health and ability to function
Evaluation scale
The student is able to identify movement, motion and functionality and assess preconditions of functionality like strength, flexibility and balance. (S)he is able to counsel clients to promote his/her functional ability.
15.06.2024 - 30.08.2024
22.08.2024 - 15.11.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
75 % Contact teaching, 25 % Distance learning
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 60
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Pirjo Pennanen
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 5. Open UAS: 5.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
The student is in physiotherapy process able to
• explain the principles of the structures and functions of the musculoskeletal system,
• describe join structure and function in general as well as identify special structures in individual joints
• explain muscle where muscles attach and how they work
Terminology of anatomy, tissues, directions and levels of movements, bony structures, joints, passive supportstructures in joints. Muscle origins, insertions and functions.
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge required
03.12.2024 - 21.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 15.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
50 % Contact teaching, 50 % Distance learning
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
18 - 43
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Pirjo Pennanen
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 10. Open UAS: 10.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
The student is in physiotherapy process able to
• explain the principles of the structures and functions of the musculoskeletal system,
• describe join structure and function in general as well as identify special structures in individual joints
• explain muscle where muscles attach and how they work
Terminology of anatomy, tissues, directions and levels of movements, bony structures, joints, passive supportstructures in joints. Muscle origins, insertions and functions.
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge required
19.09.2024 - 10.11.2024
25.11.2024 - 10.01.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 10
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Pirjo Pennanen
The student is able to
• evaluate the athlete`s need for muscle maintenance
• make a muscle maintenance plan to support athlete´s training
• execute muscle maintenance in practice
• evaluate and develop his/her own skills within athlete´s muscle maintenance
Understanding the entity of physical training and muscle maintenance related to it. Executing manual treatment in relation to muscle maintenance.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to describe structures and function of musculoskeletal and nervous systems. (S)he is able to assess and measure health related fitness as well as plan and execute actions for supporting the health and functional ability of clients at different ages
06.01.2025 - 07.04.2025
14.04.2025 - 20.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 10
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Pirjo Pennanen
The student is able to
• evaluate the athlete`s need for muscle maintenance
• make a muscle maintenance plan to support athlete´s training
• execute muscle maintenance in practice
• evaluate and develop his/her own skills within athlete´s muscle maintenance
Understanding the entity of physical training and muscle maintenance related to it. Executing manual treatment in relation to muscle maintenance.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to describe structures and function of musculoskeletal and nervous systems. (S)he is able to assess and measure health related fitness as well as plan and execute actions for supporting the health and functional ability of clients at different ages
01.04.2024 - 02.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 - 20
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Iida Laine
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Kati Naamanka
- Afrisa Kapella
- Satu Takala
The student is able to
• design and implement client-oriented physiotherapy and rehabilitation when the client’s ability to function is affected by the constraints of the respiratory an circulatory function,
• work actively and responsibly with the participating grip in the working life network,
• evaluate the client’s ability to function in relation to operating environments and service needs, taking into account social resources,
• work in a multidisciplinary team to support the capacity of a people in different ages and to take into account social legislation,
• use digital systems of the rehabilitation field,
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical competences.
As a learning environment, various service organizations, projects and projects providing physiotherapy and rehabilitation services.
Evaluation scale
01.05.2024 - 02.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 - 20
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Iida Laine
- Kati Naamanka
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Satu Takala
- Afrisa Kapella
- Kirsi Karlsson
The student is able to
• design and implement client-oriented physiotherapy and rehabilitation when the client’s ability to function is affected by risk and/or problems in musculoskeletal systems,
• work actively and responsibly with the participating grip in the working life network,
• evaluate the client’s ability to function in relation to operating environments and service needs, taking into account social resources,
• work in a multidisciplinary team to support the capacity of a people in different ages and to take into account social legislation,
• use digital systems of the rehabilitation field,
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical competences.
As a learning environment, various service organizations, projects and projects providing physiotherapy and rehabilitation services.
Evaluation scale
28.09.2024 - 27.10.2025
28.10.2024 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 - 20
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Juho Korpi
- Pirjo Pennanen
The student is able to
• design and implement client-oriented physiotherapy and rehabilitation when the client’s ability to function is affected by risk and/or problems in musculoskeletal systems,
• work actively and responsibly with the participating grip in the working life network,
• evaluate the client’s ability to function in relation to operating environments and service needs, taking into account social resources,
• work in a multidisciplinary team to support the capacity of a people in different ages and to take into account social legislation,
• use digital systems of the rehabilitation field,
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical competences.
As a learning environment, various service organizations, projects and projects providing physiotherapy and rehabilitation services.
Evaluation scale
01.05.2024 - 02.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 - 20
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Milka Reponen
- Iida Laine
- Kati Naamanka
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Afrisa Kapella
- Satu Takala
The student is able to
• describe the designing process of a project and different actor’s roles related to the project,
• design, implement and report, in accordance with his/her role,
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical skills in project work.
As a learning environment various projects and project-related physiotherapy.
The study unit can consists of one or more projects.
Evaluation scale
01.05.2024 - 02.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 - 20
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Iida Laine
- Kati Naamanka
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Satu Takala
- Afrisa Kapella
The student is able to
• design and implement client-oriented physiotherapy and rehabilitation to support well-being at work,
• work actively and responsibly with the participating grip in the working life network,
• evaluate the client’s ability to function in relation to operating environments and service needs, taking into account social resources,
• work in a multidisciplinary team to support the capacity of a people in different ages and to take into account social legislation,
• use digital systems of the rehabilitation field,
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical competences.
As a learning environment, various service organizations, projects and projects providing physiotherapy and rehabilitation services.
Evaluation scale
13.02.2025 - 30.09.2025
06.01.2025 - 19.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 - 20
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Iida Laine
- Kati Naamanka
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Satu Takala
- Afrisa Kapella
- Juho Korpi
- Pirjo Pennanen
The student is able to
• design and implement client-oriented physiotherapy and rehabilitation to support well-being at work,
• work actively and responsibly with the participating grip in the working life network,
• evaluate the client’s ability to function in relation to operating environments and service needs, taking into account social resources,
• work in a multidisciplinary team to support the capacity of a people in different ages and to take into account social legislation,
• use digital systems of the rehabilitation field,
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical competences.
As a learning environment, various service organizations, projects and projects providing physiotherapy and rehabilitation services.
Evaluation scale
01.05.2024 - 02.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 - 20
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Iida Laine
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Kati Naamanka
- Afrisa Kapella
- Satu Takala
The student is able to
• design and implement client-oriented physiotherapy as a part of athletic preventative and rehabilitative training,
• work actively and responsibly with the participating grip in the working life network,
• evaluate the client’s ability to function in relation to operating environments and service needs, taking into account social resources,
• work in a multidisciplinary team to support the athlete's performance, taking into account the demands of performance and training resources,
• take into account social legislation,
• use digital systems of the rehabilitation field,
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical competences.
As a learning environment, various service organizations, projects and projects providing physiotherapy and rehabilitation services.
Evaluation scale
26.08.2024 - 01.09.2024
26.08.2024 - 13.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 - 20
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
5 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Pirjo Pennanen
The student is able to
• design and implement vocational learning events and environments,
• work actively and responsibly with a participatory grip in a multidisciplinary network,
• use digital systems related to learning project and environments,
• evaluate and develop his/her physiotherapy learning skills and his/her ethical competences.
As a learning enviroment different learning project
The study unit can consists of one or more projects.
Evaluation scale
01.05.2024 - 31.10.2024
01.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 - 20
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Iida Laine
- Kati Naamanka
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Afrisa Kapella
- Satu Takala
- Kirsi Karlsson
The student is able to
• design and implement client-oriented physiotherapy and rehabilitation when the client’s ability to function is affected by psycho-social risks,
• work actively and responsibly with the participating grip in the working life network,
• evaluate the client’s ability to function in relation to operating environments and service needs, taking into account social resources,
• work in a multidisciplinary team to support the capacity of a people in different ages and to take into account social legislation,
• use digital systems of the rehabilitation field,
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical competences.
As a learning environment, various service organizations, projects and projects providing physiotherapy and rehabilitation services.
Evaluation scale
13.02.2025 - 30.09.2025
06.01.2025 - 19.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 - 20
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Iida Laine
- Kati Naamanka
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Afrisa Kapella
- Juho Korpi
- Satu Takala
- Pirjo Pennanen
The student is able to
• design and implement client-oriented physiotherapy and rehabilitation when the client’s ability to function is affected by psycho-social risks,
• work actively and responsibly with the participating grip in the working life network,
• evaluate the client’s ability to function in relation to operating environments and service needs, taking into account social resources,
• work in a multidisciplinary team to support the capacity of a people in different ages and to take into account social legislation,
• use digital systems of the rehabilitation field,
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical competences.
As a learning environment, various service organizations, projects and projects providing physiotherapy and rehabilitation services.
Evaluation scale
01.05.2024 - 02.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 - 20
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Iida Laine
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Kati Naamanka
- Satu Takala
- Afrisa Kapella
- Kirsi Karlsson
Evaluation scale
01.05.2024 - 20.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 10
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Iida Laine
- Kati Naamanka
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Afrisa Kapella
- Satu Takala
The student is able to
• take into account the opportunities and risks associated with setting up a physiotherapy company,
• explain the processes and licensing practices associated with setting up a physiotherapy company,
• develop his/her own previous entrepreneurship activities,
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical competences.
Drawing up a plan to setting up a physiotherapy company or developing the own previous company
Evaluation scale
01.05.2024 - 02.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 - 20
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Iida Laine
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Kati Naamanka
- Afrisa Kapella
- Satu Takala
- Kirsi Karlsson
The student is able to
• design and implement client-oriented physiotherapy and rehabilitation for elderly clients,
• work actively and responsibly with the participating grip in the working life network,
• evaluate the client’s ability to function in relation to operating environments and service needs, taking into account social resources,
• work in a multidisciplinary team to support the capacity of a elderly people and to take into account social legislation,
• use digital systems of the rehabilitation field,
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical competences.
As a learning environment, various service organizations, projects and projects providing physiotherapy and rehabilitation services.
Evaluation scale
13.02.2025 - 30.09.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 - 20
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
The student is able to
• design and implement client-oriented physiotherapy and rehabilitation for elderly clients,
• work actively and responsibly with the participating grip in the working life network,
• evaluate the client’s ability to function in relation to operating environments and service needs, taking into account social resources,
• work in a multidisciplinary team to support the capacity of a elderly people and to take into account social legislation,
• use digital systems of the rehabilitation field,
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical competences.
As a learning environment, various service organizations, projects and projects providing physiotherapy and rehabilitation services.
Evaluation scale
02.07.2024 - 31.07.2024
01.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 - 20
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Iida Laine
- Kati Naamanka
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Afrisa Kapella
- Satu Takala
- Kirsi Karlsson
The student is able to
• design and implement client-oriented physiotherapy and rehabilitation for children in different ages,
• work actively and responsibly with the participating grip in the working life network,
• evaluate the client’s ability to function in relation to operating environments and service needs, taking into account social resources,
• work in a multidisciplinary team to support the capacity of children and to take into account social legislation,
• use digital systems of the rehabilitation field,
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical competences.
As a learning environment, various service organizations, projects and projects providing physiotherapy and rehabilitation services.
Evaluation scale
01.05.2024 - 02.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 - 20
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Iida Laine
- Kati Naamanka
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Afrisa Kapella
- Satu Takala
The student is able to
• design and implement client-oriented physiotherapy and rehabilitation for neurological clients in different ages,
• work actively and responsibly with the participating grip in the working life network,
• evaluate the client’s ability to function in relation to operating environments and service needs, taking into account social resources,
• work in a multidisciplinary team to support the capacity of a neurological clients and to take into account social legislation,
• use digital systems of the rehabilitation field,
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical competences.
As a learning environment, various service organizations, projects and projects providing physiotherapy and rehabilitation services.
Evaluation scale
24.03.2025 - 05.05.2025
06.01.2025 - 02.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 - 20
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 10
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Satu Takala
- Juho Korpi
- Pirjo Pennanen
The student is able to
• design and implement client-oriented physiotherapy and rehabilitation for neurological clients in different ages,
• work actively and responsibly with the participating grip in the working life network,
• evaluate the client’s ability to function in relation to operating environments and service needs, taking into account social resources,
• work in a multidisciplinary team to support the capacity of a neurological clients and to take into account social legislation,
• use digital systems of the rehabilitation field,
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical competences.
As a learning environment, various service organizations, projects and projects providing physiotherapy and rehabilitation services.
Evaluation scale
01.05.2024 - 02.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 - 20
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Iida Laine
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Kati Naamanka
- Afrisa Kapella
- Satu Takala
Evaluation scale
02.12.2024 - 31.12.2024
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 - 20
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Satu Takala
The student is able to
• design and implement client-oriented physiotherapy as a part of the rehabilitation when the focus is on the performance and participation of the traumatology and orthopedic client,
• work actively and responsibly with the participating grip in the working life network,
• evaluate the client’s ability to function in relation to operating environments and service needs, taking into account social resources,
• work in a multidisciplinary team to support the capacity of a people in different ages and to take into account social legislation,
• use digital systems of the rehabilitation field,
• evaluate and develop his/her ethical competences.
As a learning environment, various service organizations, projects and projects providing physiotherapy and rehabilitation services.
Evaluation scale
01.05.2025 - 31.08.2025
01.09.2025 - 14.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
50 % Contact teaching, 50 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Juho Korpi
The student is able
• to define the effects of respiratory and cardio-vascular symptoms and medical procedures on the motion, the functional ability and the participation in connection with clients in different ages,
• to list the factors affecting on respiratory and cardio-vascular systems and explain their connection to client’s ability to function,
• to describe and to implement methods to examine the functional ability and it’s prerequisites of the client with respiratory and cardio-vascular problems,
• to explain and to implement the essential means of physiotherapy to maintain and/or promote the functional ability and it’s prerequisites
• to use knowledge of internal disorders in physiotherapy process.
Respiration: the importance of respiration, examination a client in connection with respiratory problems, methods of physiotherapy to support and promote client’s ability to function and participate; primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
Cardiovascular system: risk factors in connection with Finnish population’s cardiovascular system, primary, secondary and tertiary prevention in disorders of the cardio-vascular systems, physiotherapy examination and implementation methods to maintain and promote clients with cardiovascular problems.
Clinical practice is included in all training periods.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to explain structures and function of vital organs.
01.05.2025 - 01.10.2025
20.10.2025 - 21.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
The student is able to
• explain the impact of the constraints, symptoms and medical measures on function of the thoracic and lumbar spine and and with the functional ability of clients at different ages,
• examine and evaluate reliably clients functional ability on all levels of ICF using EBP -methods regarding f.ex. clients sensations, functional disadvantage, functional range of movement and strenght proprioception and the mobility of neural tissue by using physiotherapy examination methods,
• draw up conclusions in right direction to explain the functional problems of the client on all levels of ICF,
• explain the basics of therapeutic exercise, manual therapy and instruction to prevent, maintain and promote the client’s motion and participation.
The main symptoms of musculo-skeletal structures, especially basics of examination and exercising thoracic and lumbar spine areas. Planning, implementing and evaluating of physiotherapy process based on EBP and taking into account different medical procedures.
Applying the basic training principles in rehabilitation taking into account also preventive perspective. Using various training environments and tools, functional training and technology in assessing and implementing clients in different stages of rehabilitation.
Evaluation scale
The Basics of Examination and Exercising the Function of the Client’s Pelvic Area and Lower Limb (and its prerequisite studies) must be successfully completed before the actual exam of the course and at least started before the course begins.
01.05.2025 - 31.08.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Milka Reponen
- Iida Laine
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Satu Takala
The student is able to
• apply the theoretical knowledge of physiotherapy in client situations related on problems of locomotor, respiratory and circulatory systems,
• act in accordance with the ethical principles of physiotherapy,
• make a client oriented assessment plan and implement it reliably and safely,
• draw up conclusions about assessment results related on structures and function of the musculo-skeletal, respiratory and circulatory system,
• explain how the changes in the client’s performance including its components effect on his/her ability to function in his/her living environment,
• draw up client oriented physiotherapeutic diagnosis and set goals together with the client,
• plan and implement physiotherapy situations for maintaining and promoting client’s ability to function taking into account client’s resources,
• explain various implementing methods of physiotherapy and their effects on client’s ability to function,
• report on the status of the client orally and in writing form,
• act in cooperation with client’s relatives and professionals of social and health care systems.
The physiotherapy process when the difficulties of the client's ability to function are due to changes in the structures and functions of the musculoskeletal system, surgical and / or orthopedic activities, and respiratory and circulatory disorders.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to explain in theory and assess in simulation cases deficiencies and pain related to clients functional abilities. The student is able to implement physiotherapy in above mentioned cases, for example when deficiencies and pain are related to musculoskeletal and/or vital organ functions.
01.05.2025 - 31.08.2025
01.10.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Kati Naamanka
The student is able to
• identify and justify the physiotherapy development target and/or needs,
• choose from the physiotherapy point of view the topic of the thesis,
• choose the theoretical backgrounds by using critical information retrieval, backgrounds related on physiotherapy and assignment,
• prepare a theoretical basis for the thesis,
• select and justify appropriate development, data collection and analysis methods for the thesis,
• draw up the plan of the thesis and taking into account as well the ethical starting points as the assignment’s point of view,
• develop a communication plan related on the thesis process,
• apply for permission to complete the thesis,
• justify his/her own solutions in the seminar work with existing knowledge,
• take advantage of the feedback and give constructive feedback,
• take advantage of the guidance on the thesis and feedback received, as well as the content and methodological solution learned in the seminars.
Selecting and delineating the subject of thesis, collaborating with the client, obtaining and identifying reliable proofs, drafting and presenting the plan ( the theoretical structuring of the subject, defining the development task, planning both data collection and analysis , and information), authorization procedures
Evaluation scale
To begin planning the bachelor theses, student has to able to describe the main knowledge of physiotherapy evidence based practices that he/she has used in clinical practice.
01.05.2025 - 31.08.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Kati Naamanka
The student is able to
• draw up the report as a thesis of the development or research work; report is based on results of the development or research work and is professionally profound,
• present professionally the main results and conclusions of the development or research work, especially to the representatives of the client,
• visualize development / research results and out puts both verbally and visually,
• carry out tasks in accordance with communication plan,
• evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the development and research process and report,
• evaluate credibility, reliability and ethical solutions,
• justify his/her choices in professional discussions during the process of thesis work,
• work constructively in their thesis group supporting learning of their own or others.
On a maturity exam, the student demonstrates the mastery of the content of his/her thesis and is able to write his/her thesis professionally and linguistically correctly.
Drawing up a thesis report, submitting development/ research findings ja conclusions, implementing a communication plan, writing a mature exam.
Evaluation scale
To report thesis the student has analysed data and got main results and/or products.
01.05.2025 - 31.08.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Esa Bärlund
- Anu Granberg
- Annukka Myllymäki
- Kati Naamanka
The student is able to
• utilize, supplement and/or modify the theoretical basis governing the physiotherapy thesis,
• work responsibly and autonomously in accordance with the plan and ethical principles of development and research,
• take advantage of the guidance and feedback of client (working life representatives), teachers and opponents,
• collect realiably material related to the thesis and use appropriate analysis methods,
• make use of the substance and methodological solutions presented in seminar working, as well as evaluate their suitability for different research and development settings,
• work in their thesis group constructively for both their own and others learning.
Supplementing the theoretical framework, responsible working and appropriate use of guidance, implementing the plan in co-operation with the client/partner
Evaluation scale
Before implementing thesis the thesis plan has to accepted.
02.07.2025 - 31.08.2025
01.09.2025 - 14.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
67 % Contact teaching, 33 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
30 - 75
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Juho Korpi
The student is able to
- understand the history of physiotherapy and the foundations of the field,
- explain physiotherapy as a process,
- define physiotherapeutic examination methods,
- understand the concept of functional capacity and the basics of the ICF classification,
- understand the foundations of clinical reasoning for physiotherapists,
- explain the concept of physiotherapeutic diagnosis,
- understand the foundations of physiotherapy goals and goal setting,
- explain the principles of structured documentation,
- explain the concept of physiotherapy science,
- search for evidence-based information and evaluate its applicability to physiotherapy,
- explain the ethical principles of physiotherapists.
History of physiotherapy, physiotherapy process, physiotherapeutic examination, clinical reasoning, biopsychosocial vs. kinesiopathological approach in physiotherapy, physiotherapy diagnosis, goals of physiotherapy, structured documentation, physiotherapy science, evidence-based practice and information retrieval, ethical principles of physiotherapists, familiarization with the work of a physiotherapist.
Evaluation scale
01.05.2025 - 24.08.2025
25.08.2025 - 14.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Marion Karppi
- Anu Granberg
- Milka Reponen
- Iida Laine
The student is able to
• identify factors affecting well-being,
• explain the different load situations and load factors occurring during work and everyday life,
• evaluate the client’s work and functional environment and physical load of work,
• present solutions to achieve optimal load,
• plan and implement physiotherapeutic preventive and welfare-promoting means to lower the load of work and functioning,
• act in multidisciplinary teams as a representative of physiotherapy.
The elements of well-being, load factors of work / functioning, assessment of work and operating environment from ergonomic perspectives, assessment of physical load factors, ergonomics of assisting patient transfer, relationship of well-being and recovery, promotion of well-being by preventive physiotherapy methods.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to explain the loading of musculoskeletal system in function taking into account holistic conception of man.
01.05.2025 - 31.08.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Satu Takala
The student is able, based on theoretical knowledge and his/ own experiences, to
• recognize his/her own body and psychosomatic complexity,
• recognize the communicative nature and expression of the body,
• identify the basic concepts of psychophysical physiotherapy approach,
• choose methods to assessing psychosomatic resources suitable for humans,
• draw up in interactions with the client the appropriate physiotherapy goals from a psycho-physical point of view,
• support the clients psycho-physical entity by designing and implementing methods of relaxation.
Key concepts, body image, relationship of mind, body and movement, movement and movement as a part of overall expression, psychological effects of fear and stress and its assessment, stress as a concept and it´s affects in the human body, psycho-physical recovery, awareness of the professional limits of a physiotherapis
Relaxation and recovery methods
Evaluation scale
Student is able to describe different conceptions of man as part of clinical reasoning in physiotherapy
01.05.2025 - 31.08.2025
25.08.2025 - 14.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
The student is able to
• identify psychological and physiological changes related to aging that are relevant to the client’s ability to function in his/her environment,
• use testers to evaluate geriatric client’s ability to function,
• select and implement physiotherapy methods to support the geriatric clients’ ability to function.
Ability to function in old age, physiotherapy to maintain and promote the ability to function in elderly, evaluation of ability to function in old age, geriatric rehabilitation, cognitive changes in ageing and their effect on implementation of physiotherapy.
Evaluation scale
02.07.2025 - 31.08.2025
18.08.2025 - 14.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
30 - 100
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Juho Korpi
Student is able to
- describe what physiotherapy is
- recognize and describe important competencies of physiotherapy and rehabilitation workers
- describe what client-centeredness and evidence-based practice mean and how are they reflected in physiotherapy
- explain the key concepts of physiotherapy,
- identify the role of physiotherapist in different working environments
The national and international definitions of physiotherapy, physiotherapy specialties, key concepts, core competencies (physiotherapist and rehabilitation worker), physiotherapists role in different environments, client centeredness, evidence based practise
All study materials are on Itslearning and available electronically without restrictions.
Teaching methods
Self-directed learning (the student plans and schedules the course to fit their daily life and resources).
Exam schedules
Online assignments are open until December 14, 2025. Instructions and submission for the online assignments will be carried out on the Itslearning platform.
The entire course can be completed at your own pace.
International connections
Constructive learning (independent study exercises, reflection on one's own learning) and reflective learning (reflection on one's own skills and professional development).
Considering the environmental perspective in teaching is based on the environmental benefits of online education (no disposable equipment, paper, or travel).
Completion alternatives
Student workload
The course includes one learning assignment and one exam.
- The learning assignment is a learning diary, which will be guided by various tasks.
- The course exam is taken on Itslearning at a time chosen by the student. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions.
Student workload
The course is worth 1 ECTS credit, which equals 27 hours of student work.
0 hours of contact teaching
3 hours of video lectures (at a time chosen by the student)
11 hours of reading assignments
12 hours for the learning diary
1 hour for the exam + preparation
27 hours in total
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
- does not work according to the instructions of the course
- does not justify his/her own actions using the knowledge base of his/her profession
- fails to identify national and international trends in physiotherapy
- does not recognize the starting points of the profession: physiotherapy as a process, client-oriented and evidence-based work
- does not recognize the key concepts of physiotherapy and the role of the physiotherapist in social, health, sport and rehabilitation systems.
- is unable to reflect on their learning or practice and does not take into account feedback received.
- compromises patient safety and/or the safety of the working and learning environment
- fails to recognize and/or comply with ethical principles, laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice governing the work of the physiotherapist
- does not act and interact in a respectful, trustworthy and/or honest manner and does not take responsibility for his/her actions
- use key physiotherapy concepts with limited content and/or quantity
- uses randomly provided sources of information
- inadequate evidence-based information retrieval and inability to critically evaluate information retrieved
- the knowledge base is fragmented and the relationships between issues are unclear
- in learning tasks, demonstrates the ability to produce factual information in a readable and comprehensible form, but the reflection on the information is superficial; and no synthesis is achieved
- can describe in general terms national and international trends in physiotherapy
- can describe in general terms the starting points of the profession: physiotherapy as a process, client-oriented and evidence-based work,
- can describe in general terms the key concepts of physiotherapy and the role of the physiotherapist in social, health, sport and rehabilitation systems.
- is able to self-reflect on his/her work, but this is superficial and/or unrealistic
- is able to receive feedback and seeks to modify his/her actions on the basis of this feedback
- Able to function safely in a variety of guidance and interaction situations
- recognise the ethical principles guiding the work of a physiotherapist
- acts in accordance with laws, regulations and agreed codes of practice
- explains and identifies the conditions and consequences of his/her professional competence and activities
- can work as a member of a team but is not self-directed
- act and interact in a respectful, reliable and honest manner
Content scheduling
This is a self-paced online course with no joint teaching sessions. All course information can be found on the Itslearning platform.
All course assignments must be completed before the end of the course. See the schedule on the rhythm and timing tab.
The course objectives and content can be found on the course information tab
Further information
All communication related to the course will take place through Itslearning. No emails unless necessary.
Itslearning will only open once enrollment in the course has been approved.
The quota for Open University of Applied Sciences places is 30.
According to the secondary education cooperation agreement, there is a quota of 5 places for students from Turku Massage School and 5 places for students from the Finnish Sports Institute (Turku implementation).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment: pass - fail
The teacher will give the course completion mark once all course assignments have been successfully completed. The student's competence in the course will be assessed relative to their stage of study. The teacher will give the completion mark no later than four weeks after the course end date recorded in Peppi.
The course learning assignment must be submitted according to the teacher's instructions and schedule. Failure to submit by the required deadline will result in a failed grade. Late submissions or resubmissions of failed assignments must be done according to the teacher's instructions and schedule.
The final grade for the course is pass or fail, with no numerical grading. The student must achieve a passing grade in both the learning diary and the exam to receive a passing completion mark.
01.05.2025 - 31.08.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.05.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
- Kati Naamanka
The student learns to evaluate and develop his/her study skills and professional competence.
Course targets
Higher education study skills
- The student can plan his/her studies and recognise development needs in his/her study skills and time management
- The student can study in different learning environments
- The student can evaluate his/her actions in higher education studies and in developing as an expert
- The student gives feedback through the student barometre questionnaire
- Based on the curriculum, the student can update his/her individual study plan
Higher education study skills
- Inner entrepreneurship and goal-orientation
- teamwork skills
- keeping to a schedule
- giving and receiving feedback
- Innovation pedagogy
- classroom studies
- online learning environments
- working life oriented learning environments
- broaching a subject and getting help from different guidance actors
- developing into an expert
- practical training (the important of the practical training place in career planning, applying for a training place, evaluation of the realization)
- working life skills
- strengthening the professional identity
- the significance of career planning
- development discussion
- internationality as a part of the studies
Evaluation scale
01.05.2025 - 31.08.2025
01.09.2025 - 14.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
- Annukka Myllymäki
The student is able to
• use both anatomical, physiological and biomechanical knowledge in examining and analyzing human movement and functioning and it’s subareas,
• examine and analyze human movement and functional capacity at different ICF levels,
• draw up conclusions based on examination and analysis,
• identify the main features of moving in people at different ages ( motor skills),
• explain how different factors affect on the development of motion and movement in different ages,
• describe human positions, movements and functioning in oral and written form using professional terminology.
Examining positions, basic movements, gait and functioning of clients at different ages by observation and measurements, analyzing results of examination, linking life span and environmental factors to human functioning and it’s components, linking age to functioning and it’s preconditions, sensitive periods of development and growth in childhood, utilizing measurement technology.
Basics of observation: timing, movement in relation to gravity and action, base of support, gravity, center of gravity, power point of force, resultant force, force arm, load and load arm, forms of muscle work, somatosensory system and balance system as phenomen, examining and analyzing balance
Evaluation scale
Musculoskeletal Anatomy
01.05.2025 - 31.08.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Kati Naamanka
- Satu Takala
The student is able to
• exercise client’s functioning and it’s components in directions of client oriented goals by utilizing and applying different instructions methods and exercises,
• carry out the therapeutic exercise safely taking into account the client’s environment,
• evaluate the implementing of therapeutic exercise and if necessary change instruction and implementing plan,
• take into account the ethical guidelines of physiotherapy
Movement control as a basis for facilitation, facilitation of basic movements, visual, verbal, cognitive and manual instruction in practice, giving feedback in practice, taking into account the capacity of clients at different ages in instruction and exercise.
Evaluation scale
Musculoskeletal Anatomy
Physiology and Biomechanics in Physiotherapy
Motor Learning and Motor Development at Different Ages
Observing and Analyzing Human Movement and Functioning
02.07.2025 - 27.08.2025
25.08.2025 - 09.11.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
30 - 60
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
The sudent is able to
- describe the main principles and features of motor development at different ages,
- explain how different factors influence the development and shaping of movement and locomotion at different ages
- describe the different forms of learning and the factors influencing learning at different ages,
- explain the basic concepts of constructivist learning theory, motor learning and control,
- explain evidence-based methods of physiotherapeutic guidance and use them, for example in the guidance of motor learning,
- use different environments when planning and implementing physiotherapeutic guidance
General principles and main features of human motor development at different ages, the stage of reflex movements, the stage of early motor skills, the stage of specialised motor skills, adulthood and old age.
The concept of the human being, the concept of learning, different learning theories, different types and ages of learners, motor control, motor skill learning and training guidance (visual, verbal, cognitive and manual guidance)
Evaluation scale
01.05.2025 - 08.09.2025
15.09.2025 - 14.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Iida Laine
The studet is able to identify the most general surgically and orthopedically treated injuries and diseases, explain the related operational measures and the main features of overall care and rehabilitation. In addition the student is able to explain the operational constraints caused by the operation and to take into account them when designing and implementing physiotherapy.
Physiotherapy related main orthopedic injuries and diseases both their operative treatment and rehabilitation
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
01.05.2025 - 16.09.2025
01.10.2025 - 30.11.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- English
5 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Satu Takala
Key competence requirements:
After completing the course, the student is able to
-Define the basic principles of ergonomics in health care
-Understand and observe natural movements and recognize the importance of motor learning in patient handling
The theory part of SAPHA course (2 ECTS) consists of four separate parts (1-4). The parts are named 1) Basics of Ergonomics, 2) Function of a Patient 3) Principles of Patient Handling and 4) Management Policies.
These contents offer a holistic approach to the basis of patient handling, including the fundamental elements of evidence-based patient handling education.
Evaluation scale
No prerequisites
01.05.2025 - 11.08.2025
11.08.2025 - 28.11.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Irina Katajisto-Korhonen
The student is able to
• identify the main symptoms of psychiatric diseases and their effect on ability to function,
• describe medical examination patterns so that (s)he is able to implement physiotherapy as on part of treatment and rehabilitation,
• describe the principles of medical treatment and rehabilitation related psychiatric client.
Key psychiatric diseases such as depression, eating disorders, addiction as well as their examination and treatment from the point of view of physiotherapy
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
01.05.2025 - 31.08.2025
25.08.2025 - 12.10.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 28
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Satu Takala
Scheduling groups
- Pienryhmä A1 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä A2 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä A3 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä A4 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä A5 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
The student is able to
• identify the developmental crises , traumatic crises and their connections with client’s ability to function,
• describe testers to evaluate client’s resources,
• evaluate the psychophysical entity of human at different ages by using physiotherapeutic examination methods,
• implement physiotherapy using a psycho-physical approach,
• support the client and his/her relatives to maintain and promote the ability to function.
Psycho-physical approach in physiotherapy, development crises, traumatic crises and their phases, levels of motivation, solution centered model, analysis of resources, depression, constriction, chronic pain, eating disorders, panic disorders, addition as phenomena.
Evaluation scale
The student is able to explain the entity of human in the point of physiotherapy view.
01.05.2025 - 31.08.2025
25.08.2025 - 26.10.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Satu Takala
The student is able to
• explain the concept of accessibility,
• explain the values and legislation affecting on accessibility,
• evaluate, plan and modify environmental factors to support the client’s ability to function and participate,
• use digital systems and technology to enable accessibility and accessible services,
• work in partnership with client, his/her relatives and the members of multidisciplinary teams to change factors affecting on living environment, for example home,
• assess the need of aid equipment as a part of client oriented assessment of functional ability,
• choose aid equipment to support client’s ability to function together with the client and his/her relatives as well as with the staff of health, social and construction systems,
• counsel the use of aid equipment to client and his/her relatives taking into account client’s resources and living environment,
• work in the process of acquiring aid equipment both independently and in co-operation with various professional.
To cope in living environment accessibly: accessibility of the built environment, assessment methods of accessibility, recommendations for promoting environmental accessibility
Technology and aid equipment services for promoting ability to function: aid equipment (for example aid equipment for mobility, various supports, aid equipment in activities of daily living), the process to get aid equipment, the providers of the aid equipment services, the classification of aid equipment.
Training (3 cr): physiotherapy training in various projects and learning environments
Evaluation scale
The student is able to explain the changes in the clients functional ability when they are related to deficiencies of muskuloskeletal, vital organ, and/or nervous systems.
14.03.2025 - 31.08.2025
11.08.2025 - 17.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Juho Korpi
The student is able to describe the main symptoms and impacts of respiratory and circulatory disorders on the client's performance and participation as well as to explain the main features of overall care of the diseases so that (s)he can use this knowledge when planning and implementing physiotherapy as part of patiens overall care.
The physiotherapist's work-related disorders of the circulation and respiratory system, as well as their medical treatment principles.
Evaluation scale
No preceding knowledge
01.05.2025 - 07.09.2025
01.09.2025 - 10.10.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- Svenska
10 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Nina Roine
The student can communicate orally in different work-life situations.
The student
- can describe the content and structure of his/her studies, training and work experience
- can describe his/her working environment and operations of a company, products and processes
- can communicate in various business life situations appropriately
- is able to use appropriate vocabulary and phrases when presenting tasks of his/her own field
Evaluation scale
01.05.2025 - 07.09.2025
01.09.2025 - 10.10.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- Svenska
10 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Nina Roine
The student can communicate in writing in different work-life situations.
The student
- can describe the content and structure of his/her studies, training and work experience
- can describe his/her working environment and operations of a company, products and processes
- can communicate in various business life situations appropriately
- is able to use appropriate vocabulary and phrases when presenting tasks of his/her own field
Evaluation scale