Master of Business Administration, Business Management
01.05.2024 - 25.08.2024
06.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Business Management
- Keijo Varis
After completing the course, the student is able to:
-understand Basics of Financial and Management Accounting and Reporting
-understand Basics of Duple Entry (Bookkeeping) System, Profit and Loss Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow -Calculation and Financial Key Figures
-understand Basics of Management Cost Accounting and Reporting
-understand Different kind of Unit Costing Methods and Their Effects on Inventory Values and on Profit and Loss Statement
-manage the budgeting process and knows how to make sub- and main budgets
-do investment calculations and suggestions and evaluated them
What is the difference between Financial and Management Accounting and Reporting
Basics of Duple Entry (Bookkeeping) System, Profit and Loss Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Calculation and Financial Key Figures
Basics of Management Cost Accounting and Reporting
Different kind of Unit Cost Accounting Methods and Their Effects on Inventory Values and on Profit and Loss Statement
Investment calculations and suggestions
Will be mentioned in ITSLEARNING System. The execution plan of the course will be open for students in ITSLEARNING system about 1-2 weeks before the first contact teaching day.
The "reference" books in the course are:
"Financial Management for Financial Managers" (Marsh, C., 2012 or newer, Kogan Page)
- ebook at TUAS library
Other materials, which has been put into ITSLEARNING -system.
Teaching methods
Multi-Form Pedagogy (InnoPeda): Two (2) contact teaching days plus (2) individual and group (1) home assignments, which reports will be submitted into ITSLEARNING -system and evaluated By the teacher.
The group assignment is an investment decision-making exercise where groups of 3-5 students must do investment calculations and suggestions from the case, that the teacher gives. The case is the same for all groups. These groups are selected randomly during the first contact teaching day.
The teacher will send to students a survey about 2-3 weeks before the first contact teaching day. He wants to know what kind of previous studies, expertise, and experiences students have in the field of management accounting. This is not a pre-assignment, but a survey, which will not be evaluated. It helps teacher to focus the course better for students depending on their professional background.
Students must submit their answers to this survey as a file into ITSLEARNING -system by Monday 9.9.2024. The teacher tries to focus on the content of the contact teaching days based on the results of this survey.
Exam schedules
No exams, but three (3 ) home assignments.
International connections
Multi-Form Pedagogy (InnoPeda): Two (2) contact teaching days plus individual and group home assignments, which reports will be submitted into ITSLEARNING System and evaluated By the teacher.
The course focus on the financial part of the sustainability.
Completion alternatives
No optional ways to complete the course.
Student workload
Multi-Form Pedagogy (InnoPeda): Two (2) contact teaching days plus individual and group home assignments, which reports will be submitted into ITSLEARNING System and evaluated By the teacher.
Home assignments will be described in ITSLEARNING System and introduced during the first contact teaching day.
The scope of the course is 5cr=135 hours of student´s own work=16 hours contact teaching days + 119 hours individual studying/home assignments.
Content scheduling
The Course focuses on topics in the field of Management Accounting and Financial Statements (Profit/Loss Statement + Balance Sheet) and their Key Figures (what they are and what they mean in theory and in practice for a manager).
This course is similar to groups YBINBK24 (MBA in Business Management) and YSMANK24 (MBA in Sales Management). These groups have the same 1 st contact teaching day (mass lecture in a big auditorium), but separate 2 nd contact teaching day in small groups where we do investment calculations.
The two contact days are:
On Friday 13.9.2024, between 9-12 o´clock, in Turku, in room: LEM_A309. For 70 persons
On Thursday 31.10.2024, between 9-12 o´clock, in Turku, in room: EDU_3003.
12-16 o´clock, in Turku, in four (4) 5-15 persons group working rooms: ???
Further information
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
All assignments will be evaluated by the teacher by using the grading scale Done/Approved or 1-5. The grading is based on the content and correctness of the home assignments. The final grade of the whole course is the mean of the grades of all home assignments done during the course.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student has not completed all the learning tasks or the answers do not correspond to the assignments given in the learning tasks or less than 10% of the answers are correct (grades below 0.5)
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student has completed all the required learning tasks and the answers correspond to the tasks given in the learning tasks and 11-49% of the answers are correct.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student has completed all the required learning tasks and the answers correspond to the tasks given in the learning tasks and 50-89% of the answers are correct.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has completed all the required learning tasks and the answers correspond to the tasks given in the learning tasks and 90-100% of the answers are correct.
01.05.2024 - 31.08.2024
06.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- English
10 - 35
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Business Management
- Keijo Varis
After completing the course, the student is able to:
-understand Basics of Financial and Management Accounting and Reporting
-understand Basics of Duple Entry (Bookkeeping) System, Profit and Loss Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow -Calculation and Financial Key Figures
-understand Basics of Management Cost Accounting and Reporting
-understand Different kind of Unit Costing Methods and Their Effects on Inventory Values and on Profit and Loss Statement
-manage the budgeting process and knows how to make sub- and main budgets
-do investment calculations and suggestions and evaluated them
What is the difference between Financial and Management Accounting and Reporting
Basics of Duple Entry (Bookkeeping) System, Profit and Loss Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Calculation and Financial Key Figures
Basics of Management Cost Accounting and Reporting
Different kind of Unit Cost Accounting Methods and Their Effects on Inventory Values and on Profit and Loss Statement
Investment calculations and suggestions
Will be mentioned in ITSLEARNING System. The execution plan of the course will be open for students in ITSLEARNING system about 1-2 weeks before the first contact teaching day.
The "reference" books in the course are:
"Financial Management for Financial Managers" (Marsh, C., 2012 or newer, Kogan Page)
- ebook at TUAS library
Other materials, which has been put into ITSLEARNING -system.
Teaching methods
Multi-Form Pedagogy (InnoPeda): Two (2) contact teaching days plus (2) individual and group (1) home assignments, which reports will be submitted into ITSLEARNING -system and evaluated By the teacher.
The group assignment is an investment decision-making exercise where groups of 3-5 students must do investment calculations and suggestions from the case, that the teacher gives. The case is the same for all groups. These groups are selected randomly during the first contact teaching day.
The teacher will send to students a survey about 2-3 weeks before the first contact teaching day. He wants to know what kind of previous studies, expertise, and experiences students have in the field of management accounting. This is not a pre-assignment, but a survey, which will not be evaluated. It helps teacher to focus the course better for students depending on their professional background.
Students must submit their answers to this survey as a file into ITSLEARNING -system by Monday 9.9.2024. The teacher tries to focus on the content of the contact teaching days based on the results of this survey.
Exam schedules
No exams, but three (3) home assignments .
International connections
Multi-Form Pedagogy (InnoPeda): Two (2) contact teaching days plus individual and group home assignments, which reports will be submitted into ITSLEARNING System and evaluated By the teacher.
The course focus on the financial part of the sustainability.
Completion alternatives
No optional ways to complete the course
Student workload
Multi-Form Pedagogy (InnoPeda): Two (2) contact teaching days plus individual and group home assignments, which reports will be submitted into ITSLEARNING System and evaluated By the teacher.
Home assignments will be described in ITSLEARNING System and introduced during the first contact teaching day.
The scope of the course is 5cr=135 hours of student´s own work=16 hours contact teaching days + 119 hours individual studying/home assignments.
Content scheduling
The Course focuses on topics in the field of Management Accounting and Financial Statements (Profit/Loss Statement + Balance Sheet) and their Key Figures (what they are and what they mean in theory and in practice for a manager).
This course is similar to groups YBINBK24 (MBA in Business Management) and YSMANK24 (MBA in Sales Management). These groups have the same 1 st contact teaching day (mass lecture in a big auditorium), but separate 2 nd contact teaching day in small groups where we do investment calculations.
The two contact days are:
On Friday 13.9.2024, between 9-16 o´clock, in Turku, in room: LEM_A309. For 70 persons
On Thursday 24.10.2024, between 9-12 o´clock, in Turku, in room: ???
13-16 o´clock, in Turku, in four (4) 5-15 persons group working rooms: ???
Further information
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
All assignments will be evaluated by the teacher by using the grading scale Done/Approved or 1-5. The grading is based on the content and correctness of the home assignments. The final grade of the whole course is the mean of the grades of all home assignments done during the course.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student has not completed all the learning tasks or the answers do not correspond to the assignments given in the learning tasks or less than 10% of the answers are correct (grades below 0.5)
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student has completed all the required learning tasks and the answers correspond to the tasks given in the learning tasks and 11-49% of the answers are correct.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student has completed all the required learning tasks and the answers correspond to the tasks given in the learning tasks and 50-89% of the answers are correct.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has completed all the required learning tasks and the answers correspond to the tasks given in the learning tasks and 90-100% of the answers are correct.
01.05.2024 - 25.08.2024
01.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- English
10 - 35
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Business Management
- Keijo Varis
After completing the course, the student:
-understands the difference between management and leadership
-knows the key theories of leadership and can implement this knowledge in his/her work as a leader
-understands individual differences and is able to take this into account when leading people
-knows when leadership is not needed
-can lead individuals and teams effectively and ethically
-knows the key change management theories and models and can implement them in practice as a change manager and leader
-is able to lead himself/herself
-knows his/her own development needs as a leader and has made the plan how to develop himself/herself as a leader
-Management and leadership
-Leadership theories
-Substitutes of leadership
-Ethical leadership
-Thomas International Test
-How to lead in practice individuals and teams
-Key change management theories
-Own development needs as a leader
This course is based on the following materials:
* Free/Optional surveys/tests, like Thomas International Self Assessment or Thomas HPTI Test
* Text book: Leadership in Organizations (Gary Yukl)(4 th or newer edition) eBook at Turku University of Applied Sciences Library
* Materials (Copies of Articles) delivered by teacher during the contact days
* Materials in ITSLEARNING -system:
- Lectures of Keijo Varis, etc.
- Videos
- Copies of Articles and Book Chapters
Teaching methods
Multi-Form (lectures, videos, individual and group assignments)
Exam schedules
No tests; three (3) written group and individual home assignments. Read more information from ITSLEARNING -system.
No other way to complete the course.
International connections
Multi-Form (lectures, videos, individual and group assignments).
Among the dimensions of sustainability, this course focuses on the social responsibility of management, ethics and staff well-being, so that everyone can retire in good health at the end of their careers. The assumption is that well-being at work contributes to organisational productivity and efficiency.
Completion alternatives
No tests; three (3) written group and individual home assignments. Read more information from ITSLEARNING -system.
No other way to complete the course.
Student workload
No tests;
No pre-assignment. Two (2) written group assignments and one (1) written individual home assignment. Read more information from ITSLEARNING -system.
The scope is 5 cr= 135 hours student´s work: Contact teaching days=16 hours and own reading+making home assignments=119 hours.
Content scheduling
This course is intended primarily for students in the MBA in Business Management (Group YBINBK24) and secondarily for others if there are enough places available.
The detailed execution plan of the course can be found in ITSLEARNING -system.
The contact teaching days:
1 st day: On Friday 6.9.2024, between 9-16.00 in the classroom: EDU_3003
2 nd day: On Friday 25.10.2024, between 9-16.00, in the classroom :EDU_3003
Further information
In this course, teacher prefers email-contacting:
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The grading of the course is 1-5 and is based on the mean of the grades of all home assignments:
- All home assignments must be approved (minimum grade is Done/Approved or 1)
- The grading is based on the theoretical and practical content of the assignments.
- More detailed information on the grading can be found in the execution plan in ITSLEARNING -system and will be explained at the beginning of the first contact teaching day.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
A student (s) did not return all the learning tasks. The returned answers to the learning tasks do not correspond to the assignments, and are too general, and do not correspond to the theories/issues covered in the course.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
A student(s) has/have returned all learning tasks. The answers returned to the learning tasks correspond to the assignments, but are rather general/ superficial, and only to some extent correspond to the theories/questions covered in the course and only contain superficial discussion/reflection on personal experiences/ situations in own organisations.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
A student(s) has/have returned all learning tasks. The answers returned to the learning tasks correspond to the assignment and are in-depth and correspond comprehensively to the theories/questions covered in the course and include a comprehensive/deep discussion/reflection on personal experiences/situations in their own organisations.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
A student(s) has/have returned all the learning tasks. The answers returned to the learning tasks are relevant and in-depth to the assignment and correspond very well/comprehensively to the theories/questions covered in the course and include a comprehensive/deep discussion/reflection on personal experiences/situations in own organisations. In addition, the answers to the learning tasks also include theories and perspectives that are relevant to the task but not covered in the contact teaching or ITSLEARNINGI learning material. In other words, the student(s) has (have) engaged in in-depth and extensive self-study in addition to the learning material provided, without abandoning the learning material provided in the course.
01.05.2024 - 25.09.2024
03.10.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
8 - 35
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Business Management
- Keijo Varis
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 3. Open UAS: 3.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
After completing the course, the student:
-understands the difference between management and leadership
-knows the key theories of leadership and can implement this knowledge in his/her work as a leader
-understands individual differences and is able to take this into account when leading people
-knows when leadership is not needed
-can lead individuals and teams effectively and ethically
-knows the key change management theories and models and can implement them in practice as a change manager and leader
-is able to lead himself/herself
-knows his/her own development needs as a leader and has made the plan how to develop himself/herself as a leader
-Management and leadership
-Leadership theories
-Substitutes of leadership
-Ethical leadership
-Thomas International Test
-How to lead in practice individuals and teams
-Key change management theories
-Own development needs as a leader
This course is based on the following materials:
* Free Surveys, like Thomas International Self Assessment or HPTI test
* Text book: Leadership in Organizations (Gary Yukl)(4 th or newer edition) eBook at Turku University of Applied Sciences Library
* Materials (Copies of Articles) delivered by teacher during the contact days
* Materials in ITSLEARNING System:
- Lectures of Keijo Varis, etc.
- Videos
- Copies of Articles and Book Chapters
Teaching methods
Multi-Form (lectures, videos, individual and group assignments)
Exam schedules
No exams.
International connections
Multi-Form (lectures, videos, individual and group assignments).
Among the dimensions of sustainability, this course focuses on the social responsibility of management, legality, ethics and staff well-being, so that everyone can retire in good health at the end of their working life. The assumption is that well-being at work contributes to organisational productivity and efficiency.
Completion alternatives
No exams; two to three (2-3) group and/or individual learning exercises=home assignments: more information in the ITSLEARNING learning system.
5 credits = 135 hours of study, of which 16 hours are contact teaching and 119 hours of individual study/learning tasks=home assignments.
Student workload
No exams; two to three (2-3) group and/or individual learning exercises=home assignments: more information in the ITSLEARNING learning system.
5 credits = 135 hours of study, of which 16 hours are contact teaching and 119 hours of individual study/learning tasks=home assignments.
Content scheduling
This course is intended primarily for students in program of Technological Competence Management (YTEJOS24/YTEJOTS24). Students from Open University have max 5 places and the maximum group size is 35 students.
Briefly, the course content is as follows:
- Leadership and Management
- Legal and Ethical Criteria for Leadership
- Competence management
- Leading change
The detailed execution plan of the course can be found in ITSLEARNING -system a week before the course starts.
The contact teaching days:
1 st day: On Thursday 10.10.2024, between 9-16.00, in Classroom ???
2 nd day: On Thursday 28.11.2024, between 9-16.00 , in Classroom ???
Please check classrooms from calendar (Lukkari) before comming!!
Further information
The course has 3 study places reserved for open university students, who must have sufficient proficiency in both Finnish and English to complete the course.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The grading of the course is Rejected or 1-5 and the final grade is based on the mean of the grades of all home assignments:
- All home assignments must be accepted (mix grade is 1)
- More information of the grading can be found from the execution plan in ITSLearning -system
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
A student (s) did not return all the learning tasks. The returned answers to the learning tasks do not correspond to the assignments, and are too general, and do not correspond to the theories/issues covered in the course.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
A student(s) has/have returned all learning tasks. The answers returned to the learning tasks correspond to the assignments, but are rather general/ superficial, and only to some extent correspond to the theories/questions covered in the course and only contain superficial discussion/reflection on personal experiences/ situations in own organisations.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
A student(s) has/have returned all learning tasks. The answers returned to the learning tasks correspond to the assignment and are in-depth and correspond comprehensively to the theories/questions covered in the course and include a comprehensive/deep discussion/reflection on personal experiences/situations in their own organisations.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
A student(s) has/have returned all the learning tasks. The answers returned to the learning tasks are relevant and in-depth to the assignment and correspond very well/comprehensively to the theories/questions covered in the course and include a comprehensive/deep discussion/reflection on personal experiences/situations in own organisations. In addition, the answers to the learning tasks also include theories and perspectives that are relevant to the task but not covered in the contact teaching or ITSLEARNINGI learning material. In other words, the student(s) has (have) engaged in in-depth and extensive self-study in addition to the learning material provided, without abandoning the learning material provided in the course.
16.05.2024 - 06.09.2024
06.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- English
10 - 35
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Business Management
- Heli Aramo-Immonen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
-account for the importance of technological development and innovation for business growth and increased competitiveness
-understand the need and role of new product and service development and innovations
-link organization´s strategy, leadership and efficient innovation management
-utilize different innovation models and processes and their specific features in order to create new business
-create working environments and cultures that inspire people for innovation development
-understand the importance of successful adoption of diffusion of innovations
-assess the success of innovation processes and innovations
-Elements of new product/service development and innovation process
-Adaptation and diffusion of innovations
-Recent innovation models and types
-Innovation capabilities (personal, organizational, cultural and networks)
-Innovating in different contexts (low-tech, high-tech and services)
-Innovation sustainability and measuring the success of innovations
Trott, Paul, 2016. Innovation Management and New Product Development, Financial Times/ Prentice Hall - M.U.A (eBook in Finna)
Ries, Eric, 2011. The Lean Startup, Penguin Books
Morris, L. 2011. The Innovation Master Plan - the CEOs guide to innovation,, Chapters 1, 4, 5 and 6.
Dodgson, Mark, Gann, David M., Salter, Ammon 2008. Management of Technological Innovation: Strategy and Practice, OUP Oxford
Mello, Sheila Mackey, Wayne Lasser, Ronald Tait, Richard 2005. Value Innovation Portfolio Management, J. Ross Publishing Inc.
Alzira Salama, 2011. Creating and Re-Creating Corporate Entrepreneurial Culture, Routledge, Gower
Goodman, M., Dingli, S., 2013. Creativity and Strategic Innovation Management, Routledge, New York, NY
More reading materials in the learning platform.
Teaching methods
The course consists of two 8 hour contact days, individual and group assignments work, and peer reviews and also self-assessments. Assignments and student groups will be introduced and discussed during the contact days. Feedback and discussion in contact day lectures and also in learning platform environment.
Exam schedules
There is no exam in this course.
International connections
The course uses constructionist learning, in which new theories and practices learned are applied to the previous knowledge and experience. The lectures deal with modern innovations, their theories, models and their applications in different organizations. Contact teaching aims to be conversational and student-centered. Students apply their own professional experience and new learning to solve real-life problems of different assignments given during the course.
Student workload
Contact days will cover 2x 8 h, learning assignment, peer/self-assessments 47 h and group/project work 70 h of individual student work. Total about 133 h.
Content scheduling
The course starts with Preliminary Assignment which is available in the course learning platform (itsLearning) on 30.8.2024. The pre-assignment should be returned to the learning platform before the first contact day, latest 11.9.2024
Contact days:
12.9.2024, klo 9.00-16.00
28.11.2024, klo 9.00-16.00 Poster seminar at campus
Course Content:
Innovation competences.
Economic growth and innovations, the big picture.
Innovation Space.
Innovation types, context, innovations in products/services, in different business and organizations.
Radical disruptive innovations, open innovation.
Enabling technologies, digital platforms.
Idea generation.
Innovation processes, Lean startup process, innovation strategy.
Innovation culture.
Further information
Course communications via itslearning.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assignments will be assessed with scale 0-5 where 0 is failed. All the assignments need to be returned in due time. The course final grade will be average from the assignments. Student missing a contact day is expected to complete a given compensation assignment on the contact day topics. Returning assignments after the specified deadline (late) may have a negative impact on the grade of the assignment.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Student has not completed assignments work and other given tasks acceptably in due time. The returned assignments are superficial and/or do not correspond to topics requested in the assignment.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The assignment work shows that student is managing the basic concepts and theories of innovation management.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Student is managing well the theories and concepts of innovation management and is applying the knowledge to the benefit of his/her organization and other stakeholders. Student is using well the given literature and apply it to given assignments.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Student is managing the theories and concepts of innovation management outstandingly and is applying the knowledge to the benefit of the organization and other stakeholders. Student is able to use the given literature in excellent way and is capable finding and applying relevant additional professional and scientific information sources creating new valuable viewpoints. The student demonstrates significant initiative, brings forward validated new ideas and inspires others with his or her innovation management capabilities.
02.12.2024 - 19.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 45
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Business Management
- Markku Lindell
After completing the course, the student is able to:
-understand frameworks and standardized processes for project life-time management and different implementation models
-identify and cope with the challenges of managing demanding and wide projects
-develop project activity from business perspective and act in different roles in projects, eg. project manager, steering group member and project sponsor
-communicate effectively about project developments and issues with all the relevant stakeholders including multicultural project teams
-understand the principles of program and portfolio management and alignment with the organization’s strategy
-Theoretical frameworks for project management
-The role of international project management organizations, key competencies, roles of certification of individuals and organizations
-Project and project management key concepts and phases from project initiation to closing. Project charter, stakeholder management and roles, requirements development, project planning techniques. Different execution models, monitoring, controlling management areas and styles
-Management and leadership of projects with multicultural teams; the importance of communication
-Basics of program and portfolio project management and alignment with strategy
• Turner, J. Rodney, 2014. Gower Handbook of Project Management, Gower, ISBN 978-1-4724-2297-2 (epub)
• Cynthia Stackpole Snyder, 2013. A User's Manual to the PMBOK Guide, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
• Joseph Heagney, 2012. Fundamentals of Project Management, American Management Association, 4th ed
• Kerzner, Harold, 2013. Project Management : A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, John Wiley & Sons.
• Artto K., Martinsuo M., Kujala J., 2011. Project business. Helsinki, Finland, ISBN 978-952-92-8535-8
Additional literature and materials in itsLearning (learning platform) and during lectures.
Teaching methods
Contact day sessions, online meetings, individual and group learning assignments, peer reviews. PMAF foundation4 certification test.
Exam schedules
PMAF foundation4 project certification test passed.
International connections
Innovation pedagogy via constructionist learning method. Problem solving by applying new theories and practices to individuals prior knowledge. During the lectures and with proactive self-learning the theories and practices of modern project management are addressed and discussed within the student group. Students will apply their own professional experiences to expand and apply the theories to solve real world problems in assignments.
Student workload
Total, average student work is about 135h. Contact days and online review meetings cover 18h. All remaining hours are individual learning, assignment works including student group collaboration and the foundation4 certification test.
Content scheduling
Course learning platform, ItsLearning, opens on 9.1.2025 with pre-assignment. All students MUST return the pre-assignment latest 27.1. (to ItsLearning).
There are two contact days,
Fri 31.1. klo 9.00 - 16.15, and
Fri 9.5. klo 9.00 - 16.15.
Between the contact days there are few online status meetings (dates ToBeDefined).
PMAF Foundation4 project certification test (online, date TBD)
Students will learn and understand basic concepts and practices of project management. The course is focusing on project management topics which can be found and are common to most projects independent on project’s domain, type, size or management style. Key areas include project initialization, planning, execution phases as well as management, control and closing phases. Different project processes are discussed. Students will learn to understand the importance of stakeholder management and different roles in project framework, roles emphasizing project manager skills, duties and responsibilities in different phases of the project life-cycle.
International project management frameworks, including ISO standardization body, PMI, PMBoK and IPMA will be discussed. Few examples of specific modern project management methodologies are addressed as best practices for certain project types. Program and Portfolio management and alignment to organization strategy will be addressed.
The course consists of pre-assignment, contact day sessions, online review meetings, individual assignments, group assignments and peer reviews. Requirements also include PMAF foundation4 project certification test passed.
Further information
ItsLearning platform and email.
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Student has not completed assignments work acceptably in due time.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The assignments work show that student is managing the basic concepts and theories of project management.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Student is managing well the theories and concepts of project management and is applying the knowledge to the benefit of the organization and other stakeholders. Student is using well the given literature and apply it to given assignments.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Student is managing well the theories and concepts of project management and is applying the knowledge to the benefit of the organization and other stakeholders. Student is able to use the given literature in excellent way and is capable finding and applying relevant additional professional and scientific information sources creating new valuable viewpoints.
01.05.2024 - 30.09.2024
20.08.2024 - 31.01.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
RDI portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
10 - 40
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Business Management
- Ulla Seppälä-Kaven
After completing the course, the student is able to:
-approach the complex development challenges of organization, economy, and technology by systems thinking
-formulate research problem and research questions for developmental challenges
-search, summarize, and refer to the previous relevant research of the discipline
-apply the methods and tools for acquiring qualitative and quantitative information required in development
-analyse, refine and present the collected information to support decision-making
-evaluate the validity, reliability, and ethics of the information and research
-plan, initiate, and execute the necessary development procedures (thesis project)
-apply the methods and tools on continuous development
-Description of complexity, Cynefin framework
-Technical, social, and economic systems
-Systems analysis and description
-Knowledge based development: data collection methods
-Knowledge based development: analysing data and presenting knowledge
-Research ethics
-Modelling and developing operations as a system
Relevant literature: books, articles - own choice
Eriksson, P. & Kovalainen, A. 2008.Qualitative Methods in Business Research. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Teaching methods
Individual work, peer assessments,
- acquaintance of relevant methods:
scientific publications, interviews, observations, benchmark...
- collaboration with organizations and companies
- planning of the upcoming thesis
Exam schedules
Thesis plan, group assignment, self and peer assessments
International connections
Individual and group / team work, self- and peer-assessments
- individual and group assignments
- discussions
- presentations
Innovation pedagogy is applied in several ways: the students are emphasized to utilize different innovative methods and tools when conducting a research. When considering the thesis topic and the content of it, sustainability issues are reminded.
Student workload
Pre-assignment: 2h
Contact lessons: small assignments and presentations: 16 h
Group assignment: Research and analysis methods and tools: 40 h
Thesis draft and 2 opposing reports: 75 h
Self-assessment: 2h
135 h
Content scheduling
Research methods:
Qualitative and quantitative methods
Preparation for the Master’s thesis
Implementation plan:
- different types of approaches
- research principles
- different research methods
- research and development planning
- data collection - quantitative and or qualitative, mixed; data analysis
- quality issues and ethics in the research, data management, IPR and GDPR
- literature search, evaluation and use of the appropriate research methods for projects and master's thesis
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Participation activity to the contact lessons with assignments
Pre-assignment: pass / fail
Group assignment: 1-5, 30 %
Thesis plan and peer-assessments: 1-5, 70 %
Self assessment: pass
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
No participation to the contact lessons, not submitted assignments
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Participation to the contact days, submitted assignments
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Active participation to the contact days, submitted assignments with good outcomes
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Very active participation to the contact days, submitted assignments with excellent outcomes by the deadline
02.12.2024 - 22.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- English
10 - 33
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Business Management
- Keijo Varis
After completing the course, the student
-understands what is a strategy and can plan strategies for his/her organizations
-understands what is strategic thinking, where it is needed and has improved his/her own strategic thinking skills
-can guide strategic planning processes at different organizational levels
-is able to select the most appropriate strategic planning tools for different contexts and can use them in an appropriate way
-is able to identify the most significant obstacles to strategy implementation and create a workable plan to eliminate them and execute wisely and effectively the chosen strategy
-What is strategic management
-What is strategic thinking
-Strategic management processes and planning tools
-How to select wisely a strategy which leads to success
-How to execute the selected strategy wisely and effectively
All in ITSLEARNING, but "reference books" must either be borrowed from libraries or bought some where. The role of books are just like references or handbooks and students does not need to read them through, but they can help students to complete the given home assignments
Teaching methods
Multi-learning method (Innopeda): Contact teaching days + home assignments in groups + reverse-learning from cases
Exam schedules
No tests. 2-3 home assignments in groups.
International connections
Multi-learning method (Innopeda): Contact teaching days + home assignments in groups + reverse-learning from cases
Completion alternatives
No other ways to complete the course.
Student workload
1) Background survey, which all students must fill out and submit as a file into the ITSLEARNING system by 27.1.2025.
2) Individual STQ-test on the internet. Instructions in ITSLEARNING. Its report must be ´submitted as a file into ITSLEARNING by 29.1.2025.
3) 2-3 large home assignments in 4-6 member groups: the results of these group works must be submitted as files into the ITSLEARNING system according to the timetable later mentioned in the ITSLEARNING system.
Content scheduling
This course is meant mainly for YBINBK25 students (25-30 students). Few students (5-6)from the MBA in Sales Management degree program can also be taken to the course in the enrollment order.
The course consists of an STQ test, two (2) contact teaching days, and home assignments which will be submitted into the ITSLEANING System according to the given timetable in ITSLEARNING. There are 2-3 home assignments, which will be done in 4-6 person groups. These groups will be selected randomly during the first contact teaching day.
Contact teaching days are:
1. Thursday 30.1.2025 between 9-16 o´clock in Turku, in the classroom EDU_1091.
2. Friday 7.3.2025, between 9-16 o´clock in Turku, in the classroom EDU_1091.
Learning purposes and outcomes:
After the successful execution of this course, students will have good basic and general knowledge and overview of
- strategic planning process and tools + how to choose and use these tools in each situation
(strategies and the use of strategy tools depend on the external and internal environment of any organization)
- what is strategic thinking and where/how it is needed
- what kind of challenges does the execution of the chosen strategy include and how organizations/managers/leaders can try to overcome these challenges and obstacles and ensure the successful execution of a strategy
The execution of the course will be opened in ITSLEARNING 1-2 weeks before the first contact teaching day. All home assignments and course materials will be found in ITSLEARNING.
Further information
Dr. Keijo Varis: EMAIL=
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The rating scale is 0-5, where 5= commendable, 3-4= good and 1-2= satisfactory. Zero (0) is rejected. The subject of the evaluation is the content and quality of the learning tasks performed in groups. The final grade is made up of the average of the grades of the group assignments. You also get points from the STQ test, which affects the final grade. The grading table for grades is described in ITSLEARNING and is reviewed at the beginning of the study period.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student has not returned the learning tasks within the given deadline, and/or their content does not correspond to the description of the learning task, or is otherwise not at an acceptable level.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The answers to the learning tasks correspond to the assignment and show that the basic content of the course is mastered at a passable or satisfactory level.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The answers to the learning tasks correspond to the assignment and show that the basic content of the course is managed at a fairly good to good level and the practical examples requested in the learning tasks have been handled at a reasonable level.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The answers to the learning tasks correspond to the assignment and show that the content of the course is managed extensively and at an excellent level, and the requested practical examples have been handled in the learning tasks in a versatile and in-depth level.
02.12.2024 - 28.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Business Management
- Keijo Varis
After completing the course, the student
-understands what is a strategy and can plan strategies for his/her organizations
-understands what is strategic thinking, where it is needed and has improved his/her own strategic thinking skills
-can guide strategic planning processes at different organizational levels
-is able to select the most appropriate strategic planning tools for different contexts and can use them in an appropriate way
-is able to identify the most significant obstacles to strategy implementation and create a workable plan to eliminate them and execute wisely and effectively the chosen strategy
-What is strategic management
-What is strategic thinking
-Strategic management processes and planning tools
-How to select wisely a strategy which leads to success
-How to execute the selected strategy wisely and effectively
Evaluation scale
01.05.2024 - 31.10.2024
26.08.2024 - 31.01.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
RDI portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning
Master School
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
10 - 30
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Business Management
- Ulla Seppälä-Kaven
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 3. Open UAS: 3.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
After completing the course, the student is able to:
-approach the complex development challenges of organization, economy, and technology by systems thinking
-formulate research problem and research questions for developmental challenges
-search, summarize, and refer to the previous relevant research of the discipline
-apply the methods and tools for acquiring qualitative and quantitative information required in development
-analyse, refine and present the collected information to support decision-making
-evaluate the validity, reliability, and ethics of the information and research
-plan, initiate, and execute the necessary development procedures (thesis project)
-apply the methods and tools on continuous development
-Description of complexity, Cynefin framework
-Technical, social, and economic systems
-Systems analysis and description
-Knowledge based development: data collection methods
-Knowledge based development: analysing data and presenting knowledge
-Research ethics
-Modelling and developing operations as a system
Relevant literature: books, articles - own choice
Eriksson, P. & Kovalainen, A. 2008.Qualitative Methods in Business Research. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Teaching methods
Individual work, peer assessments,
- acquaintance of relevant methods:
scientific publications, interviews, observations, benchmark...
- collaboration with organizations and companies
- planning of the upcoming thesis
Exam schedules
Thesis plan, group assignment, self and peer assessments
International connections
Individual and group / team work, self- and peer-assessments
- individual and group assignments
- discussions
- presentations
Innovation pedagogy is applied in several ways: the students are emphasized to utilize different innovative methods and tools when conducting a research. When considering the thesis topic and the content of it, sustainability issues are reminded.
Student workload
Participation activity to the contact lessons with assignments(16h)
Pre-assignment: 2h
Contact lessons: small assignments and presentations: 16 h
Group assignment: Research and analysis methods and tools: 40 h
Thesis draft and 2 opposing reports: 75 h
Self-assessment: 2h
135 h
Content scheduling
Research methods:
Qualitative and quantitative methods
Preparation for the Master’s thesis
Implementation plan:
- different types of approaches
- research principles
- different research methods
- research and development planning
- data collection - quantitative and or qualitative, mixed; data analysis
- quality issues and ethics in the research, data management, IPR and GDPR
- literature search, evaluation and use of the appropriate research methods for projects and master's thesis
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation of the assignments and participation activity to the contact lessons with assignments(16h)
Pre-assignment: pass / fail
Group assignment: 1-5, 30 %
Thesis plan and peer assessments: 1-5, 70 %
Self assessment: pass
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
No participation to the contact lessons, not submitted assignments
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Participation to the contact days, submitted assignments
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Active participation to the contact days, submitted assignments with good outcomes
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Very active participation to the contact days, submitted assignments with excellent outcomes by the deadline
31.05.2024 - 31.03.2025
02.09.2024 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
RDI portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 50
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Business Management
- Ulla Seppälä-Kaven
After completing the course, the student is able to:
-approach the complex development challenges of organization, economy, and technology by systems thinking
-formulate research problem and research questions for developmental challenges
-search, summarize, and refer to the previous relevant research of the discipline
-apply the methods and tools for acquiring qualitative and quantitative information required in development
-analyse, refine and present the collected information to support decision-making
-evaluate the validity, reliability, and ethics of the information and research
-plan, initiate, and execute the necessary development procedures (thesis project)
-apply the methods and tools on continuous development
-Description of complexity, Cynefin framework
-Technical, social, and economic systems
-Systems analysis and description
-Knowledge based development: data collection methods
-Knowledge based development: analysing data and presenting knowledge
-Research ethics
-Modelling and developing operations as a system
Relevant literature: books, articles - own choice
Eriksson, P. & Kovalainen, A. 2008.Qualitative Methods in Business Research. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Teaching methods
Individual and group work, peer assessments,
- acquaintance of relevant approaches, research and analysis methods and tools with a help of
scientific publications, seminars etc.: action research, content analysis, interviews, observations, surveys, swot, coding...
- possible collaboration with organizations and companies
- planning of the upcoming thesis
Exam schedules
Assignments instead of exams
International connections
Individual and group / team work, self- and peer-assessments
- individual and group assignments
- discussions
- presentations
Innovation pedagogy is applied in several ways: the students are emphasized to utilize different innovative methods and tools when conducting a research. When considering the thesis topic and the content of it, sustainability issues are reminded.
Student workload
Pre-assignment: 2h
Contact lessons: small assignments and presentations 16 h
Group assignment: Research and analysis methods and tools: 40 h
Thesis draft and 2 opposing reports: 75 h
Self-assessment: 2h
135 h
Content scheduling
Research methods:
Qualitative and quantitative methods
Academic English
Preparation for the Master’s thesis / Seminars:
Implementation plan:
- different types of approaches
- research principles
- different research methods
- research and development planning
- data collection - quantitative and or qualitative, mixed; data analysis
- quality issues and ethics in the research, data management, IPR and GDPR
- literature search, evaluation and use of the appropriate research methods for projects and master's thesis
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation of the assignments and participation activity to the contact lessons with assignments(16h)
Pre-assignment: pass / fail
Group assignment: 1-5: 30%
Thesis plan and peer-assessments: 1-5: 70%
Self-assessment: pass
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
No participation to the contact lessons
Assignments are not completed to an acceptable level and or not returned assignments - instructions have not been followed
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Participation to the contact lessons
Communication and reflection are acceptable
Appear to grasp theory and have made a start in showing its applicability - assignments partly done according to the instructions
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Active participation to the contact lessons
Communication and reflection are good
General understanding of theory and application - assignments done according to the instructions
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Very active participation to the contact lessons
Outstanding communication, reflection and application of theory in practice - assignments done according to the instructions and returned on time -by the deadline
02.12.2024 - 31.01.2025
31.01.2025 - 26.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
RDI portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 35
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Business Management
- Ulla Seppälä-Kaven
- Riku Mattila
After completing the course, the student is able to:
-approach the complex development challenges of organization, economy, and technology by systems thinking
-formulate research problem and research questions for developmental challenges
-search, summarize, and refer to the previous relevant research of the discipline
-apply the methods and tools for acquiring qualitative and quantitative information required in development
-analyse, refine and present the collected information to support decision-making
-evaluate the validity, reliability, and ethics of the information and research
-plan, initiate, and execute the necessary development procedures (thesis project)
-apply the methods and tools on continuous development
-Description of complexity, Cynefin framework
-Technical, social, and economic systems
-Systems analysis and description
-Knowledge based development: data collection methods
-Knowledge based development: analysing data and presenting knowledge
-Research ethics
-Modelling and developing operations as a system
Evaluation scale