Master of Business Administration, Service Design
02.07.2024 - 30.10.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Service Design
- Riikka Kulmala
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- Put in practise established, research-based service design methods, especially in order to gain, analyse and utilise customer/user insights
- Use different tools to visualise different stages of the service design process
- Work proactively and creatively and start, manage, validate and analyse a service design project
- Design and offer alternative solutions to service design challenges
- Service design process:
- starting points, definition
- identification of customer's problems and needs
- strategic planning
- engagement, co-design
- design (idea generation, concept design, prototyping)
- service production
- piloting and launching
- evaluation
- Service design methods e.g: probes, observation, service safari, interviews, benchmarking, trend analysis, visualisation, prototyping, validation
- Service design tools e.g: mind map, story board, personas, customer journey map, scenarios, service concept, service blueprint, business model canvas
- Service design project - adapting theory to a real working life project with a commissioner
Clark. T., Pigneur, Y.& Osterwalder, A. 2010. Business model generation: a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers. John Wiley & Sons.
Clark, T., Pigneur, Y. & Osterwalder, A. 2012. Business model you: a one-page method for reinventing your career. John Wiley & Sons.
Curedale, R. 2013. Service Design. 250 essential methods. Design Community College.
Curedale, R. 2016. Experience Maps. Comprehensive step-by-step guide. Design Community College Inc.
GK Van Patter. 2020. Rethinking Design Thinking. Makin Sense of the Future that has already Arrived. Humantific Publishing.
Kimbell, L. 2014. The Service Innovation Handbook. Action-oriented creative thinking toolkit for service organizations. Templates – cases – capabilities. BIS Publishers.
Martin, B. & Hanington, B. 2012. Universal Methods of Design. Rockport Publishers.
Osterwalder, A. 2014. Value proposition design: how to create products and services customers want. John Wiley & Sons.
Polaine, A., Løvlie, L. & Reason, B. 2013. Service design: from insight to implementation. Brooklyn, NY: Rosenfeld Media.
Stickdorn, M., Schneider, J. 2011. This is Service Design Thinking. John Wiley & Sons.
Stickdorn, M., Hormess, M., Lawrence, A. & Schneider, J. 2018. This is Service Design Doing. O'Reilly. An excerpt of the book available:
Tuulaniemi, J. 2013. Palvelumuotoilu. Talentum.
Additional links to resources and tools will be published on the learning platform.
Teaching methods
- Lectures and group work
- Service design group project for a commissioner
- Presentations
- Self and peer feedback
- Process portfolio
- Active participation and interaction in group work
- Multiple choice exam (online)
Exam schedules
The process portfolio by
Overdue assignments shall be returned by 15th of December
International connections
The course is based on innovation pedagogy and constructivism. The student group is international.
Completion alternatives
According to the principles for credit transfer.
Student workload
Work load approximately 135 h:
- contact sessions: ca 16 h
- distance studies: ca 119 h
Group work:
Working on briefs 4h
Project plan 8h
Research and service design project 78h
Process portfolio 20h
Peer feedback 5h
Presentations 4h
Contact sessions:
Thursday 10/31/2024 8.30 - 16.15 Service Design Methods and Tools
Thursday 12/5/2024 8.30-16.15 Service Design Methods and Tools
Content scheduling
Thursday 10/31/2024 8.30 - 16.15 Service Design Methods and Tools
Thursday 12/5/2024 8.30-16.15 Service Design Methods and Tools
Service design process:
- starting points, definition
- identification of customer's problems and needs
- strategic planning
- engagement, co-design
- design (idea generation, concept design, prototyping)
- service production
- piloting and launching
- evaluation
Service design methods e.g:
- probes, observation, service safari, interviews, benchmarking, trend analysis, visualisation, prototyping, validation
Service design tools e.g:
- mind map, story board, personas, customer journey map, scenarios, service concept, service blueprint, business model canvas
Service design group project - adapting theory to a real working life project
Further information
Prerequisities: Competense objectives for Service Design Thinking course or corresponding competences obtained.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Objects and methods of assessment:
A process portfolio, which describes the progress of the whole process from the brief to the end with different research and service design development stages. It consists of text and visualized perception material and other documents necessary for the reader to be able to understand the process.
Assessment criteria:
- Development process of the ideas to a service concept
- Applying of different service design methods to gain versatile knowledge for the project
- Informativeness and visualisation of the process portfolio and the appendices
- Active participation and interaction in the group work.
- All the required assignments returned in time.
Teachers´ assessment, self and peer assessment, scale 0-5
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Quantity: the work is not completed and or,
Quality: the minimum content requirements are not met
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
Theory and methodology are poorly understood and implemented in real life project
Research, service design, communication and documentation are hardly acceptable
Active participation
Satisfactory 2
Appear to grasp theory and have made a start in showing its applicability in real life project
Research, service design, communication and documentation are acceptable
Active participation
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
Understanding of theory and applicability of methods in real life project, but work could be stronger
Research, service design, communication and documentation are good
Active participation
Very Good 4
General understanding of theory and methods, very good implementation in real life project
Reliable research, innovative service design and communication and documentation on good level
Very active participation
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Mastery of theory and methods, proficiency of implementation of them in real-life project
Outstanding research, innovative service design and excellent communication and documentation
Very active participation
Basics in service design thinking adopted
02.07.2024 - 31.10.2024
12.09.2024 - 10.11.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Service Design
- Ulla Seppälä-Kaven
- Tarmo Karhu
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- understand and apply the design thinking process as an iterative way of working
- reflect the possibilities that service design thinking enables as a holistic, interdisciplinary, innovative and sustainable approach to service development
- justify the importance of empathy and user-oriented way of thinking
- Approach and applicability of design thinking
- Empathy
- User-orientation
- Innovation
- Service design process models
- Sustainability in service development
- Current topics of service design
Clatworthy, S. 2017. Service design thinking.
Articles of design thinking and service design thinking:
Beckman, S.L. 2020. To Frame of Reframe: Where Might Design Thinking Research Go Next?
Dam, R. F. & Siang, T. Y. 2018. Design Thinking: Getting Started with Empathy.
Dam, R. F. & Siang, T. Y. 2021. Five Stages in the Design Thinking Process.
Gloppen, J. 2009. Service Design Leadership.
Naiman, L. 2019. Design Thinking as a Strategy for Innovation.
Plattner, H. (w.y.) An Introduction to Design Thinking PROCESS GUIDE.
van Reine, P. P. 2017. The Culture of Design Thinking for Innovation.
Wright, N. 2020. Principles for Designing Sustainable Services.
Literature of design thinking and service design thinking:
Brown, T. 2019. Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation. Harper Business.
Luchs, M.G, Swan, K.S & Griffin, A. (eds). 2016. Design Thinking. New Product Development Essentials from the PDMA. Wiley.
Miettinen, S. 2014. Muotoiluajattelu. Teknova.
Stickdorn, M. & Schneider, J. 2011. This is Service Design Thinking. BIS Publishers.
Stickdorn, M.,& Hormess, M.E. & Lawrence, A. 2018. This Is Service Design Doing: Applying Service Design Thinking in the Real World. O’Reilly Media. USA.
Tuulaniemi, J. 2011, 2013. Palvelumuotoilu. Talentum.
Van Patter, G.K., Pastor, E. & Jones, P. 2020 Rethinking Design Thinking: Making Sense of the Future That Has Already Arrived. Humantific & NextDesign Leadership Network.
Villani, I. 2019. e-book. Transform Customer Experience: How to Achieve Customer Success and Create Exeptional CX
Teaching methods
Working methods:
Lectures, group work and presentations.
Reflective thinking and writing.
Exam schedules
Final assignment (reflection paper) by 10.11.2024.
Overdue assignments shall be returned by 30.11.2024 or 31.12.2024.
The implementation is not carried out with an exam.
International connections
The course is based on constructivism, reflective, inquiry-based, and experiential learning.
The student group is international.
Sustainable development is one of the course subjects, reflecting on Service design thinking.
Completion alternatives
No alternative methods of attainment for implementation
Student workload
Workload approximately 135 h:
- Contact sessions ca 15 h
- Distance studies 120 h
Pre-assignment 8 h
Preparing for, participating in and reflecting on the contact sessions and exercises individually and in groups 50 h
Reading articles and writing the reflection paper 75 h
Self-assessment 2 h
Content scheduling
Content of study unit
- Approach and applicability of design thinking
- Empathy
- User-orientation
- Innovation
- Service design process models
- Sustainability in service development
- Current topics of service design
Start 19.9.2024 – Submission of final assignment 10.11.2024
Contact sessions:
Thursday 19.9.24 8.30-16.15
Thursday 24.10.24 8.30-16.15
Further information
The contact lessons are in Turku UAS Kupittaa Campus.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Course Assignments:
1. Pre-assignment to be completed during summer 2024 (pass/fail)
Read the following article and make notes on different aspects of service design thinking.
Clatworthy, S. 2017. Service design thinking.
2. Finishing and returning exercises from group work from the contact sessions (pass/fail)
3. Self-assessment of one’s own participation in the lessons and group work during the contact days (0-5)
4. Individual reflection paper, ca 8 -10 pages (excluding title page, table of contents, reference list), based on articles and course materials. Create a title based on the contents. (0-5)
- To raise the students’ awareness of the possibilities of design thinking and service design.
- To reflect on design thinking and service design as a process and way of working.
Criteria for assessment:
1. Active participation in lessons and group work during the contact days.
2. Versatile processing of the topic in the reflection paper:
- understanding and discussion of the topics and the concepts
- reflection of theory to own career and experiences in working life
- reflection of the possibilities of adapting design thinking in own work in the future
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
- Quantity: the work is not completed and or;
- Quality: the minimum content requirements are not met
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
1 Sufficient
- Ability to reflect and communicate are hardly acceptable
2 Satisfactory
-Ability to reflect and communicate are on an acceptable level
-Appears to grasp the theory
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
3 Good
- Capacity of thinking and ability to communicate are good
- Shows good understanding and reflection of theory
4 Very good
- Capacity of thinking and ability to communicate are very good
- Shows very good understanding of the topics and reflection of theory
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
5 Excellent
-Mastery of theory and ability to open up one’s insights
-Outstanding thoughts and ability to communicate
02.07.2024 - 31.07.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
RDI portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning
Master School
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 45
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Service Design
- Ulla Seppälä-Kaven
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 3. Open UAS: 3.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- Retrieve, analyse and interpret information based on future research methods and anticipatory design methods for service development
- Utilise gained new knowledge and design services for future societal and business needs
- Manage a future-oriented service design process
- Enhance sustainable development, by taking into consideration multi-stakeholder partnerships that share knowledge, expertise, technology, and other resources for future needs of society
-Gathering, analysing and processing information based on futures research methods for future service development
-Anticipatory service design methods
-Scenarios thinking
-Service scenario planning and visualisation
-Service design project - adapting theory to a future working life project with a commissioner
Teaching methods
Lectures, teamwork, discussions, coaching, development projects
International connections
The course is based on innovation pedagogy and social constructivism. The student group is international. The course also takes into account the perspectives of sustainable development.
Completion alternatives
According to the principles for credit transfer.
Student workload
Workload approximately 135 h
Content scheduling
Contact lessons
Thursday 29.8.2024 8.30-16.15 Service Design and Future Challenges TUAS ICT City 3029
Friday 11.10.2024 8.30-16.15 Service Design and Future Challenges TUAS ICT City 3029
Coaching (Ms Teams, not compulsory)
Tuesday 17.9.2023 at 16 - 17
Tuesday 1.10. at 16 – 17
Research plan, deadline on Friday September 20
Presentation of key findings (PowerPoint or video), deadline on Tuesday October 1
Final report, deadline on Friday October 11
After completing the course, the student can:
- retrieve, analyse and interpret information based on future research methods and anticipatory design methods for service development
- utilise gained new knowledge and design services for future societal and business needs
- manage a future-oriented service design process
- Gathering, analysing and processing information based on future research methods for future service development
- Anticipatory service design methods
- Scenarios thinking
- Service scenario planning and visualization
- Service design project - adapting theory to a future working life project with a commissioner
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Objects and methods of assessment:
The process portfolio, which describes the progress of the whole process from the brief to the end with different research and service design development stages. It consists of text and visualized perception material and other documents necessary for the reader to be able to understand the process.
Assessment criteria of the process portfolio:
- Analytical approach
- Applying of future research and service design methods for innovative problem solving
- Development process of the ideas to future service scenarios
- Informativeness and visualisation of the process portfolio
Project management competences.
Active participation and interaction in the group work.
All the required tasks returned in time.
Lecturers´, self and peer evaluation. Scale 0-5.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
- Quantity: the work is not completed and or;
- Quality: the minimum content requirements are not met
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
20 % Research plan
The students demonstrate a basing understanding of the research topic. The research and development ideas are simple and clear. There is a simple structure in the plan. Somewhat original thinking is shown.
80 % Report
The students include basic information that is relevant to the topic. Simple, imaginative scenarios are presented. Drawings and simple visuals support the report. The topic is described in an interesting way.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
20 % Research plan
The students show a good understanding of the research topic. Ideas are presented clearly with some detail. A logical structure with clear sections is followed. Original thinking and creativity is demonstrated.
80 % Report
The students provide detailed and relevant information. They develop realistic and imaginative scenarios. Visuals and text are used effectively to support the report. The students show enthusiasm and interest in the topic.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
20 % Research plan
The students demonstrate a thorough understanding of the research and development topic. Ideas are presented clearly with depth and detail. The format is well-structured and has clear sections and sub-sections. The students show high levels of original thinking and creativity.
80 % Report
The students provide comprehensive and relevant information in the report. They develop complex and realistic scenarios. A variety of visuals and text support the report. The students demonstrate a deep engagement with the topic.
-Service Design Methods and Tools course or corresponding competences.
02.07.2024 - 24.10.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
RDI portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
10 - 45
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Service Design
- Ulla Seppälä-Kaven
The Student is able to:
- Analyse changing situations and utilise design thinking for the challenges of society
- Implement service design as a strategic tool for sustainable change processes in businesses and society
- Work in an initiative and proactive way for the change
-Involve organisations to adopt sustainable practices
- Adapting design thinking in complex development needs of the changing society in a sustainable way
- Policies for sustainable development
- Life-centered design
- Analysing operations, and planning and developing strategies for an organisation to deal with changing situations
- Service design project - adapting theory to a real working life project with a commissioner
On Itslearning
Teaching methods
Team / Group work
Peer discussions / feedback
International connections
The course is based on innovation pedagogy and constructivism. The student group is international.
Completion alternatives
According to the principles for credit transfer.
Student workload
20 % literature circles: your presentation 20 % overall activity, attendance and self-leadership, teamwork 60 % your project work
Content scheduling
Strategic planning and design
Sustainability and life-centered design
Strategic service design in practice
Literature studies and circles
Development project
1. Contact day, on Friday November 1, 2024, from 8.30 to 16.15 EduCity 1090
Course introduction
Strategic planning and design
Sustainability and design
Life-centered design Strategic service design in practice with Mikko-Pekka Hanski, the guest lecturer
2. Volunteer coaching, on Thursday November 14, 2024, from 16.30 to 17.30 online on MS Teams
3. Submission of project plan and design thinking canvas for strategic planning on Sunday November 17 (23.59)
4. Contact day on Thursday November 28, 2024, from 8.30 to 16.15 in EduCity 2067
Literature circles in groups, deadline for presentation is November 27, 2024 (23.59).
In small groups: Presentations of ongoing projects, peer discussions, feedback and development
5. Deadline for development projects on Wednesday December 4, 2024 (23.59) if you want to graduate in 2024. You may submit your project portfolio earlier, too.
Further information
Contact lessons lessons are in Tuas Educity, Joukahaisenkatu 7, Turku.
1.11.2024 Edu 1090
28.11.2024 Edu 2067
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
20 % literature circles: your presentation 20 % overall activity, attendance and self-leadership, teamwork 60 % your project work
Scale 1 – 5
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
No participation, not returned assignments
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
Theory and methodology are poorly understood and implemented in real life project. Research, service design, communication and documentation are hardly acceptable. Active participation.
Satisfactory 2
Appear to grasp theory and have made a start in showing its applicability in real life project. Research, service design, communication and documentation are acceptable. Active participation.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
Understanding of theory and applicability of methods in real life project, but work could be stronger. Research, service design, communication and documentation are good. Active participation.
Very Good 4
General understanding of theory and methods, very good implementation in real life project. Reliable research, innovative service design and communication and documentation on good level. Very active participation.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
Mastery of theory and methods, proficiency of implementation of them in real-life project. Outstanding research, innovative service design and excellent communication and documentation. Very active participation.
-Service Design Methods and Tools course or corresponding competences.