Master of Business Administration, Sales Management
02.12.2024 - 31.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Master School
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 45
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Sales Management
- Master of Engineering, Sales Management
- Timo Holopainen
- Arto Kuuluvainen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
-Manage and lead sales personnel in value creation sales processes
-Manage and lead sales personnel in social selling
-Utilize appropriate sales methods and tools on value based and social selling
-Value based sales selling
-Social selling
Töytäri,P., Alejandro, T., B., Parvinen, P., Ollila, I., Nora Rosendahl, N., Bridging the theory to application gap in value-based selling, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 26/7 (2011) 493–502
Holopainen T., Rantala J., Virtanen M., Korhonen T. (2020) Sales Process Evolution. In: Kantola J., Nazir S., Salminen V. (eds) Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Leadership. AHFE 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1209. Springer, Cham
Adamson, B. The end of solutions sales, , Harvard Business Review. Vol.90(7), pp. 61-68 (2012).
Töytäri, P., Rajala, R., Value-based selling: An organizational capability perspective, Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 45, Feb. (2015)
Furr, N., Shipilov. A., Digital doesn’t have to be disruptive, Harvard Business Review. July-August issue. (2019)
TED Talks
Other material in the learning platforms
Teaching methods
Course teaching methods consist of reading and writing assignments, group and individual assignment, case studies, active participation on classes, self assessment, and reflection.
Exam schedules
International connections
Active learning methods are applied to reach learning at individual, group and network level. The assignments are planned to develop the students actual work tasks around sales and business development to enhance development, growth and sustainability.
Completion alternatives
Student workload
1. Pre assignment : Preparation for value based sales exercises, Assignment execution (20 %)
2. Attendance to the contact days:1. Value based sales and 2. social selling (40 %)
3. Middle assignment: Group or individual work from case studies (20 %)
4. Post assignment: Analysis and description of key concept(s) of the course or TALK Article (20%).
All assignments have to accepted and participated at least with 50 %.
Content scheduling
Content of study unit
-Value based sales and selling
-Social sales and selling
After completing the course, the student is able to
-Execute and lead sales in value creation sales processes
-Manage and lead sales in social selling
-Utilize appropriate sales methods and tools on value based and social selling
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
On time delivery of the assignments, attendance, assignments execution
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The assignments are not executed in the given timeline, are missing or they do not fulfill the instructions. No attendance on contact days.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Poor attendance and participation on contact days. Feedback is not given as instructed.
Student is partly capable to utilize value based and social sales methodologies based on the materials or literature or approaches learned in the class. The reference material is poorly utilized. The reports, reflections and analysis are written at general level and sounds unrealistic. Missing assignments.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Good attendance and participation on contact days. Feedback is given as instructed.
Student is capable to utilize value based and social sales methodologies based on the materials or literature or approaches learned in the class. The reference material is utilized in good manner. The reports, reflections and analysis are written at good level and sounds realistic. On time returning of assignments.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Very good attendance and participation on contact days. Feedback is given as instructed with good insight.
Student is capable to utilize well value based and social sales methodologies based on the materials or literature or approaches learned in the class. The reference material is utilized in very good manner. The reports, reflections and analysis are written at good level, has clear approaches and sounds realistic.
02.12.2024 - 31.12.2024
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Master School
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Sales Management
- Katariina Pajuranta
- Jarmo Ahonen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- Understand and utilize customer behaviour management research and development
- Understand and utilize appropriate modern sales methods and tools
Content of study unit:
- Customer Behaviour Management research and development
-Experimental design, study set-up, execution and analysis
-Utilization of modern sales methods and tools, like biometrics and AI
The study material will comprise research articles and other pertinent literature, the specifics of which will be announced at a later date.
Teaching methods
The learning methods employed encompass literature analysis, practical experimentation and literature reviews. Furthermore, a small-scale research project will be conducted. Becoming acquainted with the Customer Behaviour Laboratory operations. Active participation in the contact teaching sessions.
International connections
The course has limited face-to-face contact, focusing on literature and a small experiment. The pedagogic approaches are the following:
1. Pre-Class Preparation (Flipped Classroom Approach)
2. Online Discussions and Collaboration
3. Active Learning Through Structured Assignments
4. Experiment Design and Execution
5. Self-Assessment and Reflection
7. Assessments
Completion alternatives
It is not possible to complete the course by any other means.
Student workload
The total workload for the student is equivalent to five academic credits.
The learning tasks are as follows:
1) An initial assignment based on material to be disclosed at a later stage.
2) A critical analysis of the assigned articles, which will form the basis of an essay.
3) Undertaking a concise literature review.
4) The design and implementation of a small-scale customer behaviour survey.
5) Examination
Content scheduling
The content of the course comprises a review of the concepts and mechanisms associated with customer behaviour, an overview of recent research findings and an examination of the ways in which these findings can be utilised. Furthermore, the course will examine the methodologies employed in customer behaviour research, encompassing both laboratory and field studies. Particular emphasis will be placed on the results and methods that are applicable in practical situations. Contact teaching on 9.1.2025 and 9.5.2025 from 9:00 to 16:00 o´clock.
Further information
The communication channel utilized is the Itselearning system.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment will concentrate on the comprehension and utilisation of fundamental concepts. The assessment will consider the capacity to apply concepts and the outcomes of research based on them to both analogous and disparate scenarios. Additionally, the capacity to identify and utilise existing research findings will be evaluated. The most challenging aspect of the assessment will be the ability to design and implement small-scale studies that address specific customer behaviours. In addition to assessing the substantive content of written outputs, the professional presentation and use of language will also be evaluated. Active participation in the contact teaching sessions.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student has not demonstrated an understanding of the fundamental concepts of customer behaviour and the ability to apply them effectively. The written outputs that have been returned are not of a professional standard in terms of both form and content. Mandatory course assignments are either not completed successfully or not submitted by the deadline.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student has demonstrated an understanding of the fundamental principles of customer behaviour and is able to apply the findings of previous research in similar contexts. The written outputs are of a professional standard in terms of both content and format.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Students are expected to demonstrate the ability to apply the findings of customer behaviour research in situations that differ from the original context. They should be able to search for and apply research findings to new situations. The written output produced by students is of a high standard in terms of both content and format, and is presented in a professional manner.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Students are able to apply the findings of customer behaviour research in scenarios that diverge from the original context. Students will be able to locate and apply research findings to novel situations. The written output will be of a high standard, both in terms of content and format, and will meet the requirements of a professional document. Furthermore, the student has exhibited the capacity to devise a modest customer behaviour study and to utilise the findings thereof.
02.05.2024 - 30.09.2024
29.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Master School
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Sales Management
- Sirpa Hänti
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 5. Open UAS: 5.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
After completing the course, the student is able to
-Recognize the challenges of the contemporary sales management and leadership
-Enable and lead sales
-Create and execute sales strategy as part of complete strategy
-Execute different parts of sales management, like prediction, budgeting and financial analysis
-Execute recruitment, training, evaluation and motivation of sales force
-Customer Relationship Management
-Macro and competitor analysis
-Development and execution of sales strategy and processes
-Sales enablement
-Recruitment, training, evaluation and motivation of sales force
-Sales Organization Structure
-Selection an utilization of sales channels
-Budgeting, forecasting and development of sales
-Customer Relationship Management
1. Zoltners, A.A, Sinha, P. & Lorimer, S.E. (2009). Building a winning sales force. USA. (e-book in our library)
2. Cohen, E. (2019). Enablement mastery. Greenleaf, USA. (printed book in our library)
3. Rangarajan, D., Dugan, R., Rouziou, M. & Kunkle, M. (2020). People, Process, and Performance: Setting an Agenda for sales enablement research. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management.
4. Weinberg, M. (2016). Sales management simplified. The straight truth about getting exceptional results from your sales team. (e-book in our library).
+ videos and other materials in ITSLearning
Teaching methods
The study unit consists of theoretical issues and based on the review, the chosen models to be implemented in a case. One pre-assignment and two other assignments. Presentation in the class on the second contact day.
Exam schedules
International connections
Innovation pedagogy is applied in several ways to creating an enablement based approach to sales management and leadership. Sustainability is discussed during the class and students are encouraged to include a practice-based reflection on sustainable sales management and leadership.
Completion alternatives
Student workload
The study unit consists of readings (ca 40 h), two contact days (16 h), and assignments (ca 80 h). There is one pre-assignment (readings) and two other assignments (watching videos and writing a short report on those; project based on literature and practice as well as a report based on that). Presentation in the class.
Content scheduling
The course focuses on
-Development and execution of sales strategy and processes
-Sales enablement
-Recruitment, training, evaluation and motivation of sales force
-Sales Organization Structure
-Selection an utilization of sales channels
-Budgeting, forecasting and development of sales
-Customer Relationship Management
After completing the course, the student is able to
-Recognize the challenges of the contemporary sales management and leadership
-Enable and lead sales
-Create and execute sales strategy as part of complete strategy
-Execute different parts of sales management, like prediction, budgeting and financial analysis
-Execute recruitment, training, evaluation and motivation of sales force
-Customer Relationship Management
-Macro and competitor analysis
Contact days on 12.9.2024 and 29.11.2024 at 9-16.
Further information
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Pre-assignment: accepted/discarded
Assignment 1: 20%
Assignment 2: 80%
Grades: 1-5
All the assignments must be accepted.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
0: All the assignments are not executed and minimum of the content requirements are not fulfilled. The student is absent on both contact days.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
1: Theory is not presented nor applied according to the instructions. Thinking and communication are hardly acceptable.
2: Appear to grasp theory and showing its applicability is quite modest. Only few references are presented and the reference technique is acceptable. Moderate communication. Insights or development ideas are not visible.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
3: Understanding theory and applicability but work could be stronger. The amount of references and the technique are satisfactory. Communication is satisfactory. Some realistic insights are presented at a satisfactory level.
4: General understanding of theory, the amount of references is fulfilling the minimum and the technique used well, and theory is applied well to real-life context. Very good thinking and communication. Some realistic insights and development ideas are presented.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
5: Mastery of theory, the amount of references over the minimum and the technique used completely, and theory is applied in a comprehensive way to real-life context. Outstanding thinking and communication. Innovative insights and development ideas are presented that are realistic.
02.12.2024 - 31.12.2024
16.12.2024 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
40 % Contact teaching, 60 % Distance learning
Master School
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Sales Management
- Susanna Saari
After completing the course, the student is able to:
• Understand the special requirements connected to working in an international business environment.
• Identify differences between different cultures from the viewpoint of sales.
• Develop techniques to cope with cultural ways of behaving in sales.
• Familiarize oneself with the role of politics, business manners, and regulations in chosen export markets.
• Familiarize oneself with the dynamic capabilities framework in the context of the international growth of SMEs.
• Requirements of international sales environments
• Dynamic capabilities framework
To be adviced later
Teaching methods
We will work together in a workshop style over the two F2F days. We will also have expert visitors from different subject areas. In between our workshops, there will be independent and/or group work in an e-learning environment (itslearning). Students are expected to do independent research in addition to the lecturer and visitors' materials.
Exam schedules
International connections
The pedagogical approach of Turku University of Applied Sciences is called innovation pedagogy or Innopeda for short. It is a learning approach based on experimentation, sharing knowledge and expertise and combining different perspectives. Innovation pedagogy is based on workplace orientation and collaboration, internationalisation, entrepreneurship and systems thinking.
You will need not only the core skills you have learnt, but also the innovation skills needed in all areas of business. You will also be expected to be creative and proactive, but also to think critically and work in teams and networks. You will actively practice all of these competences, but with a different emphasis on each course, throughout your studies.
For more information on Innopeda, visit
Completion alternatives
None, as this is a course where we base a lot of learning in sharing the silent knowledge of the group and its cultural diversity.
Student workload
There are three assignments during spring:
1. Individual preassignment, 10% of the total mark (dl 9.1.2025)
2. Group assignment, 50% of the total mark (dl 7.5.2025)
3. Individual assignment, 40% of the total mark (dl 30.4.2025)
5 ects = 135hrs of student work
* 16hrs on Campus
* 119hrs individual and group work
Content scheduling
After completing the course, the student is able to:
• Understand the special requirements connected to working in an international business environment.
• Identify differences between different cultures from the viewpoint of sales.
• Develop techniques to cope with cultural ways of behaving in sales.
• Familiarize oneself with the role of politics, business manners, and regulations in chosen export markets.
• Familiarize oneself with the dynamic capabilities framework in the context of the international growth of SMEs.
There are two F2F days during spring 2025:
• Friday 10.1. (09.15 - 16.00hrs) and
• Thursday 8.5. (09.15 - 16.00hrs)
Both at EduCity, Kupittaa Campus
In between these days you will be working at Itslearning
Further information
itslearning and email
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
There are three assignments during spring:
1. Individual preassignment, 10% of the total mark (dl 9.1.2025)
2. Group assignment, 50% of the total mark (dl 7.5.2025)
3. Individual assignment, 40% of the total mark (dl 30.4.2025)
See assessment criteria below
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Assignments undone and/or incomplete
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The group of student make limited use of the knowledge base. The end result is not technically sound (e.g. incomplete citations, presentation confusing)
In individual work the output is mainly based on fragmented work, not on a planned and reasoned application of the relevant knowledge base. The end result is not technically sound (e.g. incomplete citations).
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The group of students work in a proactive and coordinated way towards the objectives of the assignment and the course, and is able to share knowledge within the group. The group makes good use of the relevant knowledge base. Some technical errors (e.g. in citations)
In individual work, the student has set objectives in line with the assignment and the curriculum, but does not fully achieve them. The output is mainly based on a reasoned application of the relevant knowledge base. Its value for learning is good. Some technical errors (e.g. in citations)
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The group of students work in an active and coordinated way, in dialogue with each other, drawing on each other's expertise. The knowledge base is broad and is applied successfully and in a well-argued manner. Sources are relevant to the objectives. The final result is also technically sound (e.g. references).
In individual work, the student has set curriculum objectives and fully achieves them. The output is based on a reasoned application of the relevant knowledge base. Its value for learning is considerable. The final result is also technically sound (e.g. references).
02.12.2024 - 31.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Sales Management
- Timo Holopainen
After completing the course, the student is able to
-Plan and execute a business negotiations
-List the negotiable variables
-Set the objectives and optional routes to agreement
-Propose, bargain and agree
-Prepare influential presentation materials
-Fundamentals of Negotiation
-Negotiation Strategies and Tactics
-Preparation for Negotiation
-Collaborative Negotiation
-Preparation Presentation Material
-Visual Storytelling
International Sales Training Student Fieldbook
Sales meeting video
Malthora, D. – Bazerman, M.H. 2008. Negotiation Genius. How to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Brilliant Results at the Bargaining Table and Beyond. Harvard Business School. Bantam Books, USA.
Peterson, E. – Riesterer, T. – Smith, C. & Geoffrion, C. (2015). Three Value Conversations. How to Create, Elevate, Capture Customer Value at Every Stage of the Long-Lead Sale. McGraw-Hill, USA.
TED Talk
Plus additional material.
Teaching methods
Preparation, execution and evaluation of negotiation with role play teaching method. Preparation, execution and evaluation of effective presentation. Generation of good presentation aids. Utilizing Sales competition and videos as learning methods.
International connections
Active learning methods are applied to reach learning at individual, group and network level. The assignments are planned to develop the students actual work tasks around sales and business negotiations.
Completion alternatives
Student workload
1. Pre assignment : Preparation for presentation and negotiation exercises, Assignement execution (20 %)
2. Attendance to the contact days:1. Presentation and 2. negotiation exercise (40 %)
3. Middle assignment : Participation to Turku Sales Competition or Evaluation and Analysis of the negotiation and presentation competences (20 %)
4. Post assignment: Writing a reflection and personal development plan or TALK Article (20%).
All assignments have to accepted and participated at least with 50 %.
Content scheduling
The course content:
- Fundamentals of negotiation
- Negotiation strategies and tactics
- Preparation for negotiation
- Collaborative negotiation
- Preparation Presentation material
- Presentation competences
After the course the student is capable to
- plan and execute business negotiations and presentations
- list the negotiable variables
- set the objective and optional routes to agreement
- Conduct influential presentations
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
On time delivery of the assignments, attendance, assignments execution
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The assignments are not executed in the given timeline, are missing or they do not fulfill the instructions. No attendance to contact days.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Poor attendance and participation on contact days. Feedback is not given as instructed.
Student is partly capable to utilize the presentation and negotiation skills based on the materials or literature or approaches learned in the class. The reference material is poorly utilized. The reports, reflections and analysis are written at general level and sounds unrealistic. Missing assignments.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Good attendance and participation on contact days. Feedback is given as instructed.
Student is capable to utilize the presentation and negotiation skills based on the materials or literature or approaches learned in the class. The reference material is utilized in good manner. The reports, reflections and analysis are written at good level and sounds realistic.On-time returning of assignments.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Very good attendance and participation on contact days. Feedback is given as instructed with good insight.
Student is capable to utilize well the presentation and negotiation skills based on the materials or literature or approaches learned in the class. The reference material is utilized in very good manner. The reports, reflections and analysis are written at good level, has clear approaches and sounds realistic.
02.12.2024 - 30.01.2025
10.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Sales Management
- Sirpa Hänti
After completing the course, the student is able to
-Describe the modern purchasing processes
-Recognize the profiles and roles of buyers and decisions makers
-Describe different purchasing analysis tools
-Describe the critical touch points in customer journey
-Know the principles behind great customer experiences
-Purchasing process
-Buyer profiles and Decision Making Units
-Purchasing analysis
-Customer journey and customer experience management
-Building customer relationships
-Key Account Management
Pre-assignment (group exam) on 6.2.2025 at 9 (see the room from Tuudo). Book: Cheverton, P. – Velde van der, J. P. (2011). Understanding the Professional Buyer. What every sales professional should know about how the modern buyer thinks and behaves. Kogan Page, Replika Press Pvt Ltd, India. The book is available in e-format at TUAS library.
Other materials, see Itslearning (ca one week before the first contact day; some materials may be added during the course).
Teaching methods
The course consists of readings, contact hours and assignments.
Learning is based on analysis of problem-oriented examples and issues, preparing practical tasks and collective students’ work while preparing a group work and presentation.
Exam schedules
6.2.2025 Group exam
International connections
Innovation pedagogy is applied to reach learning at individual, group and network level. The assignments are planned to develop the students actual work tasks around customer linked issues. Sustainability in B2B procurement is a topic for the visiting lecture.
Completion alternatives
Student workload
Pre-assignment: Group exam on the first contact day.
Customer plan and presentation (group work).
Contact days on 6.2.2025 and 15.5.2025 + Q&A online 27.3.2025 (15 h), group work and independent work ca 120 hours. Attendance on both contact days is important/obligatory. However, if the student is absent, there is a compensatory assignment (no feedback is given).
Content scheduling
Contact days
6.2.2025 at 9-16 at campus
15.5.2025 at 9-16 at campus
Q&A 27.3.2025 at 15-16 online (the invitation will be sent ca one week before that date)
After the study unit the student is capable to
-Describe the modern purchasing processes
-Recognize the profiles and roles of buyers and decisions makers
-Describe different purchasing analysis tools
-Describe the critical touch points in customer journey
-Know the principles behind great customer experiences
The study unit focuses on
-Purchasing process
-Buyer profiles and Decision Making Units
-Purchasing analysis
-Customer journey and customer experience management
-Building customer relationships
-Key Account Management.
Further information
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Pre-assignment (Group exam): min 15 – max 30 points.
Customer analysis and customer development plan: min 30 – max 60 points.
Active participation on contact days: 0 – 10 points.
Total: min 50 – max 100 points.
Each of the parts has to reach at least the minimum points.
If the assignments are delivered later than the given DL, 4 points are reduced. If the student is absent from the class, there will be a compensatory assignment.
Compensatory assignment for the first contact day:
If the students are not able to participate to the exam, there will be a compensatory assignment: write a 12-15 pages essay (+ front page) based on the book and reflect the contents and ideas of the book to your own experiences.
Submit the essay by 18 February to Itslearning.
Compensatory assignment for the second contact day:
Deliver a 10 min video where you present the final paper and evaluate the learning process.
If the student is absent from the both contact days, 10 % of the total points will be reduced.
Grade 1-5.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The paper is not based on the literature and materials the teacher has instructed. The structure of the text is disordered, or the contents are disconnected, or some parts are totally missing. The layout is messy.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The paper is based on the literature the teacher has instructed but the literature and materials are in a minor role and the implementation is incomplete. The number of references is lower than the instructions. Academic referencing is not applied correctly or is not applied at all (e.g., APA). The contents are narrow/insufficient (based on the instructions). Applying the issues is done superficially or at poor level. The structure of the text is at some level fragmented and partly insufficient. The layout is unfinished, and the Thesis template is not applied. The expression is partly inconsistent and disordered. Spelling mistakes.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The paper is based on the literature the teacher has instructed. The number of references is almost meeting the instructions. Academic referencing is applied almost flawlessly (e.g., APA). Literature and materials are understood and applied at least at some level. The contents include many of the necessary and appropriate issues needed (based on the instructions). Clear structure and mainly consistent text that presents logically proceeding content. The layout is neat, and the Thesis template is applied well. The expression is fluent/quite fluent and represents mainly academic style. Clear structure. Only few spelling mistakes.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The paper is based on the literature the teacher has instructed and in addition, the student has referred to some extra good and critically chosen new academic articles. The number of references is meeting the instructions. Academic referencing is applied flawlessly (e.g., APA). Literature and materials are understood and applied excellently with some innovative ideas. The contents are clearly focused. The issues are applied excellently to the context, showing critical thinking. Clear structure and consistent text that forms a coherent, logically proceeding content. The layout is neat, and the Thesis template is applied very well. The expression is very fluent and represents academic style. No spelling mistakes.