Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
27.05.2024 - 06.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Degree Programme in Industrial Management and Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Marjo Aaltonen
PENERS24Energy and Environmental Engineering, S24
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
The aim of the course is to activate and develop the students’ field-relevant English language and communication skills. The students will gain professional skills in various spoken and written communicative situations encountered in working life and society. In addition, they will learn to utilize tools and techniques to further develop their skills in authentic, field-specific contexts. More specifically, students will focus on developing their language and communication skills in.
Upon completing the course, the students should have acquired skills to communicate at level B2 according to European Framework of Reference for Languages, which states that at B2-level students should be able to produce clear, coherent and well-structured texts, present detailed descriptions related to one’s field of interest, express and exchange opinions using fluent language, follow complex arguments, and read longer articles and reports.
- writing professional, field-specific texts
- presenting and discussing field-specific topics in a professional manner
- reading field-specific texts and utilizing the information in professional contexts
- learning and using key terminology of the field
- becoming professional, autonomous language users in working life
The course material is available in Its.
International connections
The course topics include sustainability with study on the key vocabulary, and discussion on the main aspects of sustainability.
Student workload
The students will work on contact meeting tasks, self-study tasks and be tested on their skills with spoken and written assignments on the course topics. The meeting tasks and assignments are completed during the contact meetings only. The self-study tasks are homework.
Content scheduling
The course will run from 2 September to 13 December.
The course consists of contact meetings (12x2h = 24h) and individual/group work in Its.
The course topics are professional emailing and reporting, meetings at work, and professional presentation. The topics include aspects of sustainability and/or digitalization, and field-specific vocabulary.
The aim of the course is to activate and develop the students’ field-relevant English language and communication skills. The students gain professional skills in various spoken and written communicative situations encountered in working life and society.
Learning objectives:
Spoken communication
The student
- presents topics in a structured way
- discusses topics using related terminology
- uses functional language e.g. signposting
- participates actively in discussions by commenting, asking, and reacting
- expresses themselves in a spontaneous way
- expresses themselves in a clear and logical way
- expresses themselves in their own words
Written communication
The student
- follows the structure and language of professional email and reporting
- recognizes and applies the appropriate style for the situation e.g. in terms of the vocabulary
- expresses themselves in a clear and logical way
- writes in their own words using sources correctly
Further information
The channel of communication during the course is Its.
Note that no general attendance is required but the assignments and meeting tasks are completed in contact meetings only (see evaluation).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The evaluation is based on
1) four assignments
- email message, mini-report, meeting and presentation
- the evaluation scale for the assignments is 1-5
- specific evaluation criteria is given in connection with the instructions
- the average of individual assignment evaluations forms the final evaluation
- the assignments are completed in contact meetings only
2) meeting tasks and self-study tasks
- 8 tasks
- the evaluation scale is passed/failed
- if you return less than 6 tasks, the final evaluation will drop by one grade
- the meeting tasks are completed in contact meetings only
Points to be noted:
- For full final evaluation complete ALL course work within the given deadlines.
- Note that course work cannot be done again or replaced by other work, or an exam.
- With problems of completing course work, contact the teacher BEFORE the deadlines.
- Assignments are not accepted after 15 December 2024.
02.12.2024 - 17.01.2025
17.01.2025 - 25.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Degree Programme in Industrial Management and Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Marjo Aaltonen
PIMEK25Industrial Management and Engineering K2024
The aim of the course is to activate and develop the students’ field-relevant English language and communication skills. The students will gain professional skills in various spoken and written communicative situations encountered in working life and society. In addition, they will learn to utilize tools and techniques to further develop their skills in authentic, field-specific contexts. More specifically, students will focus on developing their language and communication skills in.
Upon completing the course, the students should have acquired skills to communicate at level B2 according to European Framework of Reference for Languages, which states that at B2-level students should be able to produce clear, coherent and well-structured texts, present detailed descriptions related to one’s field of interest, express and exchange opinions using fluent language, follow complex arguments, and read longer articles and reports.
- writing professional, field-specific texts
- presenting and discussing field-specific topics in a professional manner
- reading field-specific texts and utilizing the information in professional contexts
- learning and using key terminology of the field
- becoming professional, autonomous language users in working life
The course material is available in Its.
Exam schedules
No exams are organized.
Student workload
The students will be tested on their skills on the course topics with the following work:
1 assignments: meeting & email message, and presentation & mini-report
2 other work: preparation for contact meetings, tasks in contact meetings, self-evaluation, peer evaluation
Content scheduling
The course will run from 13 January to 25 April.
The course consists of contact meetings (14x2h=28h) and individual/group work.
The course topics are professional emailing and reporting, meetings at work, and professional presentation. The topics include aspects of field-specific vocabulary.
The aim of the course is to activate and develop the students’ field-relevant English language and communication skills. The students gain professional skills in various spoken and written communicative situations encountered in working life and society.
Learning objectives:
Spoken communication
The student
- presents topics in a structured way
- discusses topics using related terminology
- uses functional language e.g. signposting
- participates actively in discussions by commenting, asking, and reacting
- expresses themselves in a spontaneous way
- expresses themselves in a clear and logical way
- expresses themselves in their own words
Written communication
The student
- follows the structure and language of professional email and reporting
- recognizes and applies the appropriate style for the situation e.g. in terms of the vocabulary
- expresses themselves in a clear and logical way
- writes in their own words using sources correctly
Further information
The channel of communication during the course is Its.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The evaluation is assignment-based and no exams will be organized.
• four assignments: meeting & email message, presentation & mini-report
• the evaluation scale for the assignments is 1-5 (interval of +/-0.5)
• the average of individual assignment evaluations forms the final evaluation
• specific evaluation criteria is given in connection with the instructions
• for full final evaluation, ALL course work must be completed within the deadlines
• assignments are not accepted after 30 April 2025
• assignments cannot be replaced by any other assignment, extra work or exam
• assignments are completed in contact meetings only
• with problems completing an assignment (illness), contact the teacher BEFORE the deadline
Other work
• self-evaluation, mini-presentation plans, report plan > must be returned, evaluation passed/failed
• study material with tests, meeting tasks (other than assignments) > no need to return, no evaluation
Attendance in contact meetings
• 75%
• less will affect the final evaluation
• less than 50 % will fail the course
27.05.2024 - 04.10.2024
01.10.2024 - 15.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Degree Programme in Industrial Management and Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Vilhelmiina Valonen
PENERS24Energy and Environmental Engineering, S24
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
The objective of the course is to give the student basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.3
The student is able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations.
After passing the course the student is able to
- Tell about his or her life, hobbies and studies orally and in writing
- Manage in discussions about everyday situations
- To ask questions, make suggestions and requests as well as denials
- To read short texts and gain information from e.g. instructions and schedules.
Material and links provided by teacher in Itslearning course platform
Book: Gehring, Sonja & Heinzmann, Sanni. 2023. Suomen mestari 1 Uudistettu — Suomen kielen oppikirja aikuisille. Otava.
Teaching methods
Task-based, group work, pair work, independent work at home.
Exam schedules
Follow the deadlines for the assignments given.
International connections
Working on the contact lessons at campus in groups and independently, practising in Itslearning, cultural sustainability.
Student workload
Written and oral exercises in class and independently at home.
3 tasks to be assessed: vocabulary task, oral task and written task.
5 credits means about 130 hours of student work, including lessons and independent work.
Content scheduling
The aim of the course is to learn basic knowledge of Finnish, focusing on the student´s practical language of everyday life and student's own study field. The aim of the course is to learn basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.2.
The course consists lessons at Kupittaa campus. In addition, students must study the language independently in order to reach the target language level A1.2.
After passing the course you are able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations and you can
- tell about your life and studies orally and in writing
- manage short phrases and discussions in everyday situations
- understand some basic structures in Finnish language
- ask simple questions and answer them
Lessons at Kupittaa campus - see the schedule.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
During the course, the student's oral and written language skills are evaluated.
The grade will be based on the homework and classwork completed on time and on the tasks to be evaluated. Evaluated assignments will be evaluated 0–3 points. From homework and classwork student can have 0–3 points to the final grade.
Course grade
Points from assignments
0–3 p.
4–5 p.
6 p.
7–8 p.
9–10 p.
11–12 p.
30.05.2024 - 15.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Degree Programme in Industrial Management and Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Aaro Mustonen
Scheduling groups
- Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
PENERS24Energy and Environmental Engineering, S24
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Small groups
- Subgroup 1
- Subgroup 2
After completing the course, the student
• is able to apply the International System of Quantities and Units of Measurement in the interpretation and explanation of technical information.
• understand the basic concepts of kinematics and dynamics (speed, acceleration, force, friction).
• understands the basic techniques of drawing a free body diagrams and is able to apply free body diagrams and Newton's laws in problem solving in mechanics.
• is able to solve equations of quantities and apply vector calculus in problem solving in mechanics.
• understands the concepts of work, energy, power and efficiency and is able to analyze problems in mechanics with their help.
• is able to apply the work-energy principle in mechanics.
• is able to analyse collision situations using the concepts of momentum and impulse.
• understands the basic concepts of rotational motion and is able to apply these concepts to the analysis of kinematics of rotational motion
• understands the concepts of torque, moment of inertia and momentum and is able to apply the basic equation of rotational motion to their analysis.
• Kinematics of linear and two-dimensional motion; acceleration, speed, velocity and change of position.
• Forces, resisting forces and Newton's laws
• Work, energy, power and efficiency
• Work-energy-principle
• Momentum and impulse
• Angular velocity, angular acceleration, angle of rotation, track speed, tangential and centripetal acceleration
• Conditions for staying on a circular track
• Torque, moment of inertia and momentum
• Basic equation of rotational motion
The course topics can be found in the free book
College Physics for AP® Courses 2e
As Finnish language skills develop, students can use as a book
Tekniikan Fysiikka 1
Julkaisija Edita
ISBN 978-951-37-3842-6
Insinöörin FYSIIKKA (AMK), Osa I
Hautala, Peltonen
ISBN 978-952-5191-26-4
In addition, support material distributed through the Itslearning system is included.
Teaching methods
Blended learning, contact teaching, task-based learning, independent study, teamwork, electronic materials and assignments.
The course introduces the basic physics skills that form the basis of engineering. In addition to supervised independent study based on electronic materials and textbooks, arithmetic exercises play an essential role in the work. The exercises are worked on both independently and in small groups.
Exam schedules
Subtests 1 and 2 during the course on campus
At the end of the course, there will be two retakes, where you can retake either of the subtests 1 and 2.
International connections
The course is implemented as contact teaching on campus. The course proceeds by weekly theme as follows:
1. Students independently familiarise themselves with the theme with the help of a textbook, instructional videos and various support materials before the lecture (shared in Itslearning).
2. Students take part in a lecture session where theory is adopted using versatile learning techniques suitable for the topic.
3. Students practice the weekly theme by doing arithmetic exercises independently and in small groups. Landing exercises are in the Ville system. Students do their arithmetic exercises in the same notebook or in some other way into a coherent collection according to notation practices in physics. The answers are entered into the Ville system, where correct answers earn Ville points.
4. There is a weekly arithmetic practice session where the teacher guides in the calculations and gives advice on unanswered questions.
At the end of the course, students present their calculation exercise notebooks to the teacher or otherwise submit a collection of their arithmetic exercises to the teacher for evaluation. In accordance with the notation practices of physics and clearly presented calculation exercises, additional points are awarded for the assessment.
In addition to the weekly themes, the course is divided into two parts, each of which has its own sub-exam.
Student workload
The course is 5 ECTS, i.e. the workload is approximately 135 h.
Exams and preparation as well as Ville assignments require about 15 hours. Thus, 120 h is available for the 12 weekly themes of the course, i.e. 10 h per weekly theme, which is divided as follows:
-Independent work and small group work 7-8 h
-Participation in the teaching event (tips videos and support sessions on average) 2-3 h.
Content scheduling
Opening lecture on week 36. Teaching weekly during weeks 36-50. A more detailed schedule can be found on the course's Itslearning website.
• Kinematics of linear and two-dimensional motion; acceleration, speed, velocity and change of position.
• Forces, resisting forces and Newton's laws
• Work, energy, power and efficiency
• Work-energy-principle
• Momentum and impulse
• Angular velocity, angular acceleration, angle of rotation, track speed, tangential and centripetal acceleration
• Conditions for staying on a circular track
• Torque, moment of inertia and momentum
• Basic equation of rotational motion
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment is based on points collected from the calculation exercises (max 16 p.), the first subtest (max 12 p.), the second subtest (max 12 p.) The course has a attendance requirement and the attendance accumulates course points on 20 lectures and calculation meetings by 20 x 0.1p = 2p.
To pass the course, the student must receive:
--At least 3,5 points for the first subtest and
--At least 3.5 points in the second subtest and
--Ville points in the Ville system total at least 40% of the maximum score (in principle 448/1120 Ville points) and
--A total of at least 16 points for the subtests and calculation exercises.
Points are awarded for the calculation exercises based on the Ville points collected in the Ville system and on the basis of the evaluation of the homework collection returned at the end of the implementation.
----Based on the Ville score, you get a maximum of 12 points for the assessment. The number of points is 12*The percentage of accumulated Ville points is the maximum.
----By doing the calculations in accordance with the notation practices of physics in a notebook or other common collection, you will receive a maximum of 4 points for the assessment. The collection is returned to the teacher at the end of the course for evaluation. The teacher evaluates the notation practices of the notebook according to the criteria given in ItsLearning.
The grade is determined on the basis of the total number of points (subtests, Ville and calculation exercises) according to the following table:
Grade 1 requires 18 points
Grade 2 requires 23 points
Grade 3 requires 28 points
Grade 4 requires 33 points
Grade 5 requires 38 points
03.10.2024 - 19.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- English
10 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Aaro Mustonen
After completing the course, the student
• is able to apply the International System of Quantities and Units of Measurement in the interpretation and explanation of technical information.
• understand the basic concepts of kinematics and dynamics (speed, acceleration, force, friction).
• understands the basic techniques of drawing a free body diagrams and is able to apply free body diagrams and Newton's laws in problem solving in mechanics.
• is able to solve equations of quantities and apply vector calculus in problem solving in mechanics.
• understands the concepts of work, energy, power and efficiency and is able to analyze problems in mechanics with their help.
• is able to apply the work-energy principle in mechanics.
• is able to analyse collision situations using the concepts of momentum and impulse.
• understands the basic concepts of rotational motion and is able to apply these concepts to the analysis of kinematics of rotational motion
• understands the concepts of torque, moment of inertia and momentum and is able to apply the basic equation of rotational motion to their analysis.
• Kinematics of linear and two-dimensional motion; acceleration, speed, velocity and change of position.
• Forces, resisting forces and Newton's laws
• Work, energy, power and efficiency
• Work-energy-principle
• Momentum and impulse
• Angular velocity, angular acceleration, angle of rotation, track speed, tangential and centripetal acceleration
• Conditions for staying on a circular track
• Torque, moment of inertia and momentum
• Basic equation of rotational motion
The course topics can be found in the free book
College Physics for AP® Courses 2e
As Finnish language skills develop, students can use as a book
Tekniikan Fysiikka 1
Julkaisija Edita
ISBN 978-951-37-3842-6
Insinöörin FYSIIKKA (AMK), Osa I
Hautala, Peltonen
ISBN 978-952-5191-26-4
In addition, support material distributed through the Itslearning system is included.
Teaching methods
Blended learning, contact teaching, task-based learning, independent study, teamwork, electronic materials and assignments.
The course introduces the basic physics skills that form the basis of engineering. In addition to supervised independent study based on electronic materials and textbooks, arithmetic exercises play an essential role in the work. The exercises are worked on both independently and in small groups.
Exam schedules
Subtests 1 and 2 during the course on campus
At the end of the course, there will be two retakes, where you can retake either of the subtests 1 and 2.
International connections
The course is implemented as contact teaching on campus. The course proceeds by weekly theme as follows:
1. Students independently familiarise themselves with the theme with the help of a textbook, instructional videos and various support materials before the lecture (shared in Itslearning).
2. Students take part in a lecture session where theory is adopted using versatile learning techniques suitable for the topic.
3. Students practice the weekly theme by doing exercises independently and in small groups. Landing exercises are in the Ville system. Students do their arithmetic exercises in the same notebook or in some other way into a coherent collection according to notation practices in physics. The answers are entered into the Ville system, where correct answers earn Ville points.
4. There is a weekly arithmetic practice session where the teacher guides in the calculations and gives advice on unanswered questions.
At the end of the course, students present their calculation exercise notebooks to the teacher or otherwise submit a collection of their arithmetic exercises to the teacher for evaluation. In accordance with the notation practices of physics and clearly presented calculation exercises, additional points are awarded for the assessment.
In addition to the weekly themes, the course is divided into two parts, each of which has its own sub-exam.
Student workload
The course is 5 ECTS, i.e. the workload is approximately 135 h.
Exams and preparation as well as Ville assignments require about 15 hours. Thus, 120 h is available for the 12 weekly themes of the course, i.e. 10 h per weekly theme, which is divided as follows:
-Independent work and small group work 7-8 h
-Participation in the teaching event (tips videos and support sessions on average) 2-3 h.
Content scheduling
Opening lecture on week 3. Teaching weekly during weeks 3-17. A more detailed schedule can be found on the course's Itslearning website.
• Kinematics of linear and two-dimensional motion; acceleration, speed, velocity and change of position.
• Forces, resisting forces and Newton's laws
• Work, energy, power and efficiency
• Work-energy-principle
• Momentum and impulse
• Angular velocity, angular acceleration, angle of rotation, track speed, tangential and centripetal acceleration
• Conditions for staying on a circular track
• Torque, moment of inertia and momentum
• Basic equation of rotational motion
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment is based on points collected from the calculation exercises (max 16 p.), the first subtest (max 12 p.), the second subtest (max 12 p.) The course has a attendance requirement and the attendance accumulates course points on 20 lectures and calculation meetings by 20 x 0.1p = 2p.
To pass the course, the student must receive:
--At least 3,5 points for the first subtest and
--At least 3.5 points in the second subtest and
--Ville points in the Ville system total at least 40% of the maximum score (in principle 448/1120 Ville points) and
--A total of at least 16 points for the subtests and calculation exercises.
Points are awarded for the calculation exercises based on the Ville points collected in the Ville system and on the basis of the evaluation of the homework collection returned at the end of the implementation.
----Based on the Ville score, you get a maximum of 12 points for the assessment. The number of points is 12*The percentage of accumulated Ville points is the maximum.
----By doing the calculations in accordance with the notation practices of physics in a notebook or other common collection, you will receive a maximum of 4 points for the assessment. The collection is returned to the teacher at the end of the course for evaluation. The teacher evaluates the notation practices of the notebook according to the criteria given in ItsLearning.
The grade is determined on the basis of the total number of points (subtests, Ville and calculation exercises) according to the following table:
Grade 1 requires 18 points
Grade 2 requires 23 points
Grade 3 requires 28 points
Grade 4 requires 33 points
Grade 5 requires 38 points
14.12.2024 - 14.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 31.03.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Administration
- Degree Programme in Industrial Management and Engineering
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Reetta Partala
PIMEK25Industrial Management and Engineering K2024
After completing the course, the student can
- discuss Turku University of Applied Sciences as an organization and work community
- identify the regulations and rules governing studying in Turku University of Applied Sciences
- operate the digital learning environments and tools of the university
- locate information regarding studying, safety issues, student health services and recruitment possibilities
- describe and identify values and norms of the Finnish society
Intranet Messi
Cultural information
Teaching methods
Lectures and discussions about the topic of the week.
International connections
During the implementation student gets familiarized with Turku UAS pedagogical approach where studying is based on active learning methods that enable varied and effective ways of learning. Also, the course is aiming to promote ecological solutions in everyday life of a student.
Student workload
Weekly lectures
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Active attendance to the lectures.
Content scheduling
The course is optional for international bachelor’s degree programme students. It will be implemented as a lecture series. Topics of the lectures support the student when starting the studies in Finland.
There is one weekly contact day during the course.
Evaluation scale
30.05.2024 - 15.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Degree Programme in Industrial Management and Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Aaro Mustonen
PENERS24Energy and Environmental Engineering, S24
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
The student is able to create documents with office applications backup and restore documents select when to use word processing, spreadsheet calculations in MS Excels, handling long spreadsheets in MS Excel, use of PowerPoint and AMK model, getting to know the Matlab program, basic use of the Matlab software in cooperation with the Intro to Mathematical Subjects course and Matlab simulations.
• Presentation of the course, educational institution's IT systems, saving and using MS Onedrive
• Basic text processing and document standard MS Word
• More demanding word processing and familiarization with ready-made document templates in MS Word, Publication-level writing in MS Word
• Basics of spreadsheet calculations in MS Excel
• Spreadsheet MS Excel: multi-format calculation
• Handling long spreadsheets in MS Excel
• Use of PowerPoint and AMK model, features of a good presentation
• Working on your own presentation in collaboration with the Intro to higher education course
• Getting to know the Matlab program
• Basic use of the Matlab software in cooperation with the Intro to Mathematical Subjects course
• Matlab simulations
• Matlab advanced features
• Review lessons and final exam in the auditorium
Instructional videos and other electronic learning material linked to the learning environment.
Teaching methods
The course is based on the student's active self-study through exercises. Attendance and exercises accumulate points in the course grade. The teacher organizes weekly meetings where the most common mistakes in exercises and students' questions about the week's topic are reviewed. Attendance at the course is mandatory.
Exam schedules
Competency test week 50
International connections
Learning-by-doing, supporting learning and Flipped learning
Learning is based on the student's own active participation and completion.
The student is given independent assignments and material to support their performance on the studied subjects.
The skills learned in the course are basic skills needed in studies and working life, and they lead to a sustainable lifestyle by studying remote connection usage and optimization.
The evaluation is based on completed tasks and demonstration of competence in the exam.
Completion alternatives
If you already have strong information technology skills from university level, come and present the certificates from the course and talk to the teacher -> Completing the review assignments and the exam independently may be possible.
Student workload
5 credits = 135 h of student work, divided into independent tasks, meetings and final exam.
- Meetings 40 h
- Tasks related to meetings 36 h
- Review assignments and review for the exam 24 hours
- Demonstration test 2 h
- Preparing a PowerPoint presentation 6 h
- Matlab Onramp 27 h
Tasks to be evaluated
- Weekly assignments that can be used to collect points for the course grade
- Compulsory revision tasks in MS Word and Excel
- Final assignment on presentation graphics (MS PowerPoint)
- Final exam on word processing (MS Word) and spreadsheets (MS Excel)
- Matlab Onramp Cource (MathWorks)
Content scheduling
The starting hours of the course are in week 36 and the exam in week 50.
An extensive package of instructions and help has been prepared for the Itslearning learning environment to support your studies. Independent study is supported by themed weekly guidance meetings with the teacher.
• week 36: Presentation of the course, educational institution's IT systems, saving and using MS Onedrive
• week 37: Basic word processing and getting to know MS Word
• week 38: Using styles and layouts in MS Word
• Week 39: Familiarization with TUAS's ready-made document model/report MS Word
• week 40: Basics of spreadsheet calculations in MS Excel
• week 41: Table calculation and cell formatting in MS Excel
• week 42: Holiday
• week 43: Processing spreadsheets 1 MS Excel
• week 44: Use of PowerPoint and TUAS model, features of a good presentation
• week 45: Working on your own presentation in collaboration with the Intro to university studies course
• week 46: Getting to know the Matlab program with the Onramp course
• week 47: Basic use of the Matlab software in cooperation with the Intro to Mathematical Sciences course
• week 48: Matlab simulations
• week 49: Review lessons
• week 50: Final exam in the auditorium
Further information
The teacher sends the most important announcements of the course by e-mail. Contact the teacher by email ( Information related to lessons in Itslearning. Announcements related to the course in itslearning on the Course Overview page.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The test to be completed in week 49-50, which measures Word and Excel skills, is evaluated numerically from 0-5.
The course grading scale is published at the start of the course.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student has not successfully attended the lecures, completed the course exam and done mandatory weekly assignments.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Number 1 requires approximately half of the course exam points in each exam area (Word and Excel). Other grades are determined on a linear scale.
Attendance and homework scores are taken into account in the evaluation.
Number 1 course points 50-59
Number 2 course points 60-69
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Number 3 course points 70-79
Number 4 course points 80-89
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Number 5 requires at least 90 course points.
10.10.2024 - 26.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Chemical Industry
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
5 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Taneli Ahtiainen
- COS Opettaja
The student is able to create documents with office applications backup and restore documents select when to use word processing, spreadsheet calculations in MS Excels, handling long spreadsheets in MS Excel, use of PowerPoint and AMK model, getting to know the Matlab program, basic use of the Matlab software in cooperation with the Intro to Mathematical Subjects course and Matlab simulations.
• Presentation of the course, educational institution's IT systems, saving and using MS Onedrive
• Basic text processing and document standard MS Word
• More demanding word processing and familiarization with ready-made document templates in MS Word, Publication-level writing in MS Word
• Basics of spreadsheet calculations in MS Excel
• Spreadsheet MS Excel: multi-format calculation
• Handling long spreadsheets in MS Excel
• Use of PowerPoint and AMK model, features of a good presentation
• Working on your own presentation in collaboration with the Intro to higher education course
• Getting to know the Matlab program
• Basic use of the Matlab software in cooperation with the Intro to Mathematical Subjects course
• Matlab simulations
• Matlab advanced features
• Review lessons and final exam in the auditorium
Koch, J. & Karjalainen, O. (2016). Office 2016 & Office 365: Word, Excel, PowerPoint & Outlook. Jyväskylä: Docendo Oy.
Office 365 For Dummies. (2022)
e-book can be found in Finna.
All material that microsoft youtube channel offers
Teaching methods
Flipped learning, Groupwork, Weekly reading/video teaching material go thorough task.
Attending lecture is mandatory. If student cant attend S/he will be responsibility to get familiar subject that are covered in class. Its learning and fellow students will be resources turn to
Exam schedules
Final exam will be held. Info will be found in itslearning.
Student workload
130-140h student workload
16h f-to-f
100h weekly assignments and go through tasks(including prepearing final exam)
4h Finals
Digistart badge is mandatory to return(itslearning) after 2w from start of the course.
If student fails to return badge before due date student will be removed from the course(fail).
Content scheduling
Students will get familiar up-to-date office setting tools that will help them
-give presentation, record and share instructions and information
-Write proper reports
-gather and interpret data
-read and search info about subject matter
-Precedence similar skills as digistart course gives. You need to show digistart padge 3 weeks after course has started
-Academic work
Tools: Excel, Word, Powerpoint and youtube.
Exact information about skills that you need to know will be presented in course platform its:
Here is example of skills in Microsoft Word that you need to know how to do. Skillset differs with program.
Entering Text and Using Headings tekstin kirjoittaminen
Pasting Text into the Document tekstin liittäminen
Formatting Headings and Document otsikkotasojen muokkaus
List Markers and Numbering
Basic Formatting and Keyboard Shortcuts näppäimistön pikanäppäimet ja muotoilu
Hanging Indent and the Ruler sisennys ja riippuva sisennys
Copying and Deleting Formatting Kumoa ja uudelleenkumoa
Search and Replace etsi ja korvaa
Adding Images kuvan lisäys ja kuvan asemointi
Image Layout and Editing
Table taulukko
Desktop Version and Web Version selaimen päällä toimiva ohjelmisto ja itse ohjelma
Navigation in a Long Document and Arranging its Parts
Page Numbers sivunumerointi ja kokonaissivunumerointi
Table of Contents sisällysluettelo
Cover Page etusivu
WWW Links www-linkit
Cross References viittaus
Horizontal Page and Document Sections sivun asettelu (vaaka ja dokumentin meta-tiedot)
Header and Footer ala- ja ylätunniste
Saving a Document as a PDF-Document muuntaminen pdf-formaattiin ja muut mahdolliset formaatit
Columns Layout taulukko ja sen muokkaus
Entering Data and Data Types
Selecting and Editing Ranges
Formatting Table
Relative and Absolute References
Basic Calculations and Absolute Reference
Excel advance:
Sheets of Workbook
Editing Multiple Sheets at a Time
Calculations between the Sheets
Conditional Formatting
Mixed References
IF Function
Nested Functions
VLOOKUP Function
XLOOKUP Function
Editing of Large Material
Quick Fill
The Table
Calculations in a Table
Summaries in a Table
Sorting a Table
Filtering a Table
Pivot Table
Updating a Pivot Table
Formatting a Pivot Table
Subtotals and Summaries in a Pivot Table
Multiple Value Fields in a Pivot Table
Sorting a Pivot Table
Grouping a Pivot Table
Pivot Chart
Powerpoint basics:
The Structure of a PowerPoint Presentation
Importing a Table from Excel
Creating a Chart
Importing a Chart from Excel
Printing Options
Powerpoint advance:
Recipes for a Good Presentation
SmartArt Graphics
Converting Text to SmartArt
SmartArts with Images
Make the Presentation More Interesting with a Video
Adding a YouTube Video to a Presentation
Dividing the Presentation into Sections
Performing in front of an Audience
Tools for Presenting
Advance Powerpoint too:
Editing and Designing the Appearance of the Presentation
Freehand Drawing
Drawing with Shapes
Importing Slides into a Presentation
Transitions and Animations
Screen Capture Video
Creating a Video Presentation
Options for saving
Further information
All communication will be in itslearning environment.
No need to communicate to teacher when you are sick.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Final exam. Student attendance at lectures. Homework.
Word, Powerpoint, Excel skills are evaluated in final exam.
Digistart badge is mandatory to return(itslearning) after 2w from start of the course.
If student doesent do homework on time nor attend classes s/he will fail class(%).
If student fails to return badge before due date student will be removed from the course(fail).
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Less that 48% of points in final exam OR
30% or more absence to f-to-f classes
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Final exam 48% points gives you 1
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Final exam 92% or more points in final exam.
12% or less absence.
10.10.2024 - 26.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 25.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Degree Programme in Industrial Management and Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Aaro Mustonen
PENERS24Energy and Environmental Engineering, S24
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
After completing the course, the student
• can handle mathematical expressions and formulas within the engineering framework.
• understands the principles of solving equations and can solve equations encountered within technical applications.
• understands the basics of vector algebra and can apply vectors for modelling and solving technical problems.
• understands the basics concepts of geometry and trigonometry, and can apply them in modelling and problem solving.
• understands the concept of function and knows basic properties of functions.
• can apply functions for modelling and solving technical problems.
• understands the basic concepts of matrix algebra.
• can apply simultaneous equations for modelling and solving technical problems.
• can apply correct mathematical notations within the engineering framework.
• Real numbers
• Basic arithmetic operations and the order of operations
• Algebraic expressions
• First and second order of polynomial equations and inequalities
• Simultaneous linear equations
• Radical functions and equations
• Exponential and logarithmic functions and equations
• Angles and angular units
• Right triangle and trigonometry
• Trigonometric functions and the unit circle
• Trigonometric equations
• The sine and cosine rules
• Basic concepts of vector algebra and modelling with vectors
• Scalar product and cross product of two vectors
• Basics of matrix algebra, determinant, inverse of a square matrix
• Field-specific content
Textbook: College Algebra 2e
The table book/Formula will be distributed during the course.
Calculator: Casio FX-82CW ClassWiz Function Calculator (recommended) or Function Calculator TI-30XA (adequate basic calculator). A graphic/symbolic calculator will also work.
Electronic and online material, educational videos in the Itslearning learning system and linked there
Teaching methods
Learning-by-doing, task-based, independent study, calculation workshops
In the course, the theory is reviewed under the guidance of the teacher, but before the class, students are offered instructional videos and pre-tasks to familiarize themselves with the topic. The lessons support the calculation of the weekly calculation exercises, and the main focus of the lesson is on the issues about which the students have questions based on the teaching videos and preliminary assignments.
Exam schedules
Midterm exams during the week ** OR course exam during the week **. To be completed at the start of the course
If necessary, 2 retakes during spring 2025 (you can repeat either midterm exam 2 or the exam that measures the content of the entire course)
International connections
Learning-by-doing and theory lectures.
Learning is largely based on the student's own active participation and performance.
Students are given both review tasks and material to support their performance on the studied subjects.
The mathematical skills learned in the course are basic skills needed in working life.
The evaluation is based on completed tasks and demonstration of competence in the exam(s).
Completion alternatives
Independent study and a course exam measuring the content of the course at a time agreed with the teacher.
Student workload
5 credits = 134 t of student work, divided into meetings and independent tasks.
- Classroom meetings 56 h
- Independent study (calculation exercises and studying for exams) 71-74 h = about 5 hours of independent study per week!
- Competence tests that measure competence (performance is taken into account in the case of a grade limit) 2 h
- 2 midterm exams OR one course exam (part of the course credits) 2-5 h
Content scheduling
The start meeting of the course is in week 3.
Attending classes is mandatory and the teacher must be informed in advance of absences.
Mathematical skills learned in the course are basic skills needed in vocational studies and in working life.
- Number representations and number sets
- Basic calculations and order of calculations
- Unit conversions and SI system units
- Powers and powers of ten (also negative and root = fractional powers)
- Processing of polynomials (Simplification of expressions, also fractional expressions)
- Function values ??and reading the graph of the function
- 1st degree functions and 1st degree function graph
- 1st degree equations and inequalities (also ratios)
- Percentage calculation
- 2nd degree functions and the graph of a 2nd degree function
- 2nd degree equations and inequalities
- Pairs and groups of equations
- Basics of matrix calculation
- Trigonometry of right and oblique triangles
- Geometry of other bodies
- Vector calculus
- Angles and angle units
- Trigonometric functions on the unit circle
- Trigonometric equations
- Exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions and their graphs
- Exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric equations
- MATLAB mathematics software to support tasks
Further information
The teacher sends the most important announcements of the course by e-mail. Contact the teacher by email (
Information related to lessons in itslearning. Announcements related to the course in itslearning on the Course Overview page.
Software used: ViLLE, MATLAB, GeoGebra
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is evaluated numerically from 0-5.
The evaluation is based on course points, which are collected as follows:
- Calculation practice handouts max 1 p/handout * 12 handouts, so a maximum of 12 p.
- For independent ViLLE tasks exceeding the required 30%, 1% = 0.1p, total max 12p
- For attendance at lectures 24 lecture meetings 24*0.25p= 6 points
- Two partial exams (max 40p) or one course exam (max 80p)
To get course points from the calculations, it is necessary to return them to Its in electronic form and to self-evaluate your own performance by the deadline. You get points in proportion to the number of calculated tasks.
For the approved performance (number 1) is required
- at least 30% of the maximum points of independent ViLLE tasks
- at least 40 course credits in total
Other grades are determined by points on a linear scale.
A good performance in intermediate tests that measure competence is taken into account in the case of a grade limit.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student lacks one of the required passing conditions:
- The student has not received at least 30% of the maximum points for the ViLLE assignments.
- The student has not achieved at least 40% = 40 course points in total
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
- The student has received at least 30% of the maximum points of the ViLLE assignments and course points as follows:
Course points 40-51 = 1
Course points 52-63 = 2
Competence corresponding to level 1-2: The student can solve 1st and 2nd degree polynomial equations and their applications. The student masters right-angled triangle trigonometry and knows how to apply it in vector calculations.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
- The student has received at least 30% of the maximum points of the ViLLE assignments and course points as follows:
Course points 64-75 = 3
Course points 76-87 = 4
Competence corresponding to level 3-4: In addition to the competence of level 1-2, the student masters one of the following topics
- Refinement of various powers and expressions
- Graphs of functions and related calculations
- Oblique triangle trigonometry and trigonometric equations
- Vector calculus
- Exponential and logarithmic equations
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
- The student has received at least 30% of the maximum points for the ViLLE assignments.
- The student has received at least 88 course points in total.
Competence corresponding to level 5: In addition to the competence of level 1-2, the student also masters the refinement of various powers and expressions, the examination and calculation related to the graphs of functions, trigonometry and trigonometric equations of diagonal triangles, vector calculations and exponent and logarithmic equations.
Introduction to mathematical sciences or corresponding skills.
30.05.2024 - 15.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Degree Programme in Industrial Management and Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Aaro Mustonen
PENERS24Energy and Environmental Engineering, S24
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Student obtains the skills and knowledge required for basic courses of mathematical sciences within polytechnical studies.
• Real numbers
• Basic arithmetic operations and the order of operations
• Fractions
• Powers, roots and rational exponents
• Polynomials and polynomial equations of 1. and 2. degree
• Simplifying rational expressions
• Percentages
• Simultaneous linear equations
• Lines and parabolas
• Concepts of variable and function
• Graphs of functions and interpretation of graphs
• Basics of geometry and trigonometry
• International system of units, unit conversions
• Calculations involving quantities and units
• Field-specific content
Electronic and online material, educational videos in the Itslearning learning system and linked there
Teaching methods
Learning-by-doing, task-based, independent study, calculation workshops
The course provides the prerequisites for studying the mathematics and physics courses included in the engineering education through diverse teaching, guided calculation exercises, electronic Ville exercises, independent practice and group work.
Exam schedules
The course is divided into 2-3 midterm exams according to the wishes of the group. If the course is completed with midterm exams, you must attend each midterm exam. Otherwise, in connection with the last midterm exam, the student must take a course exam covering all areas of the course.
International connections
learning-by-doing, supporting learning
Completion alternatives
Independent study and an approved course exam/ exams. This method of performance must be agreed with the teacher and must be based on a strong mathematical background.
Student workload
5 credits = 135 h of student work, divided on average
- Joint calculation workshops 52 h
- Independent study with the help of calculation handouts and guide videos, about 4 hours/handout = 43 hours
- training in Ville-platform
- Rehearsals for the exams 16 h
- Exam 2 h
Content scheduling
Opening lecture in week 36. Teaching weekly in weeks 36-48. More detailed schedule on the course's Itslearning pages.
Mathematical skills learned in the course are basic skills needed in vocational studies and in working life. Contents:
- Number representations and number sets
- Basic calculations and order of calculations
- Calculating with fractions and handling fractional expressions
- Quantities and the SI system
- Processing of units in calculations and unit conversions
- Powers and powers of ten (also negative and root = fractional powers)
- Processing of polynomials (Simplification of expressions, also fractional expressions)
- Function values and reading the graph of the function
- 1st degree functions and 1st degree function graph
- 1st degree equations and inequalities (also ratios),
- Percentage calculation
- 2nd degree functions and the graph of a 2nd degree function
- 2nd degree equations and inequalities
- A pair of linear equations
- Right triangle trigonometry
- Basics about the geometry of other bodies
Further information
The teacher sends the most important announcements of the course by e-mail. Contact the teacher by email ( Information related to lessons in itslearning. Announcements related to the course in Itslearning on the Course Overview page.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is evaluated numerically from 0 to 5.
The assessment is based on course points, which are collected as follows:
- Presence and active participation in lectures and counting exercises (20 meetings) 0.5p x 20 = 10p
- From weekly calculation exercises max 1p/multiplier = maximum 1p x 12 = 12p
- For independent ViLLE tasks exceeding the required 40%, 1% = 0.1p x 60% = 6p (max)
- Two-three sub-tests or one course exam max 80p
Receiving course points from weekly calculation exercises requires them to be returned to ItsLearning in electronic form and self-assessment of your own performance by the deadline. Points are awarded in proportion to the number of calculated tasks.
Qualified performance (number 1) is required
- at least 50% attendance of meetings
- at least 40% of the maximum score for independent ViLLE tasks
- at least 40 credits in total
Other grades are determined by points on a linear scale:
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student is missing one of the required pass conditions:
- at least 50% attendance of meetings
- The student has not received at least 40% of the maximum score for ViLLE assignments.
- Student has not achieved at least 40% = 40 course points total
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student has received at least 40% of the maximum points for ViLLE assignments and course points as follows:
Course points 40-51 = 1
Course points 52-63 = 2
Competence corresponding to level 1-2: The student can solve 1st and 2nd degree polynomial equations and their applications. The student masters right-angled triangle trigonometry.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student has received at least 40% of the maximum points for ViLLE assignments and course points as follows:
Course points 64-75 = 3
Course points 76-87 = 4
Competence corresponding to level 3-4: In addition to the competence of level 1-2, the student masters one of the following topics:
- handling of units and unit conversions
- refining various powers and expressions
- graphs of functions and related calculations
- solving a pair of equations
- basics of vector calculus
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has received at least 40% of the maximum points for the ViLLE assignments.
The student has received at least 88 course points in total.
Competence corresponding to level 5: In addition to level 1-2 competence, the student also masters the basics of handling units and unit conversions, refining various powers and expressions, examining and calculating graphs of functions, solving pairs of equations and vector calculations.
03.10.2024 - 19.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
10 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Aaro Mustonen
Student obtains the skills and knowledge required for basic courses of mathematical sciences within polytechnical studies.
• Real numbers
• Basic arithmetic operations and the order of operations
• Fractions
• Powers, roots and rational exponents
• Polynomials and polynomial equations of 1. and 2. degree
• Simplifying rational expressions
• Percentages
• Simultaneous linear equations
• Lines and parabolas
• Concepts of variable and function
• Graphs of functions and interpretation of graphs
• Basics of geometry and trigonometry
• International system of units, unit conversions
• Calculations involving quantities and units
• Field-specific content
Electronic and online material, educational videos in the Itslearning learning system and linked there
Teaching methods
Learning-by-doing, task-based, independent study, calculation workshops
The course provides the prerequisites for studying the mathematics and physics courses included in the engineering education through diverse teaching, guided calculation exercises, electronic Ville exercises, independent practice and group work.
Exam schedules
The course is divided into 2 midterm exams. If the course is completed with midterm exams, you must attend each midterm exam. Otherwise, in connection with the last midterm exam, the student must take a course exam covering all areas of the course.
International connections
learning-by-doing, supporting learning
Completion alternatives
Independent study and an approved course exam/ exams. This method of performance must be agreed with the teacher and must be based on a strong mathematical background.
Student workload
5 credits = 135 h of student work, divided on average
- Joint calculation workshops 52 h
- Independent study with the help of calculation handouts and guide videos, about 4 hours/handout = 43 hours
- training in Ville-platform
- Rehearsals for the exams 16 h
- Exam 2 h
Content scheduling
Opening lecture in week 3. Teaching weekly in weeks 3-17. More detailed schedule on the course's Itslearning pages.
Mathematical skills learned in the course are basic skills needed in vocational studies and in working life. Contents:
- Number representations and number sets
- Basic calculations and order of calculations
- Calculating with fractions and handling fractional expressions
- Quantities and the SI system
- Processing of units in calculations and unit conversions
- Powers and powers of ten (also negative and root = fractional powers)
- Processing of polynomials (Simplification of expressions, also fractional expressions)
- Function values and reading the graph of the function
- 1st degree functions and 1st degree function graph
- 1st degree equations and inequalities (also ratios),
- Percentage calculation
- 2nd degree functions and the graph of a 2nd degree function
- 2nd degree equations and inequalities
- A pair of linear equations
- Right triangle trigonometry
- Basics about the geometry of other bodies
Further information
The teacher sends the most important announcements of the course by e-mail. Contact the teacher by email ( Information related to lessons in itslearning. Announcements related to the course in Itslearning on the Course Overview page.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is evaluated numerically from 0 to 5.
The assessment is based on course points, which are collected as follows:
- Presence and active participation in lectures and counting exercises (20 meetings) 0.5p x 20 = 10p
- From weekly calculation exercises max 1p/multiplier = maximum 1p x 12 = 12p
- For independent ViLLE tasks exceeding the required 40%, 1% = 0.1p x 60% = 6p (max)
- Two-three sub-tests or one course exam max 100p
Receiving course points from weekly calculation exercises requires them to be returned to ItsLearning in electronic form and self-assessment of your own performance by the deadline. Points are awarded in proportion to the number of calculated tasks.
Qualified performance (number 1) is required
- at least 50% attendance of meetings
- at least 40% of the maximum score for independent ViLLE tasks
- at least 40 credits in total
Other grades are determined by points on a linear scale:
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student is missing one of the required pass conditions:
- at least 50% attendance of meetings
- The student has not received at least 40% of the maximum score for ViLLE assignments.
- Student has not achieved at least 40% = 40 course points total
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student has received at least 40% of the maximum points for ViLLE assignments and course points as follows:
Course points 40-51 = 1
Course points 52-63 = 2
Competence corresponding to level 1-2: The student can solve 1st and 2nd degree polynomial equations and their applications. The student masters right-angled triangle trigonometry.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student has received at least 40% of the maximum points for ViLLE assignments and course points as follows:
Course points 64-75 = 3
Course points 76-87 = 4
Competence corresponding to level 3-4: In addition to the competence of level 1-2, the student masters one of the following topics:
- handling of units and unit conversions
- refining various powers and expressions
- graphs of functions and related calculations
- solving a pair of equations
- basics of vector calculus
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has received at least 40% of the maximum points for the ViLLE assignments.
The student has received at least 88 course points in total.
Competence corresponding to level 5: In addition to level 1-2 competence, the student also masters the basics of handling units and unit conversions, refining various powers and expressions, examining and calculating graphs of functions, solving pairs of equations and vector calculations.
10.10.2024 - 26.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 15
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Aaro Mustonen
PENERS24Energy and Environmental Engineering, S24
The target of the study course is to familiarize student in the fundamentals electricity and magnetism. When course is completed, student understands the meaning of electricity and magnetism in operational principle of electrical machines and equipment.
Material to be published on the course learning platform in Itslearning
- video lectures
- course handout
- videos of demonstrations
The course is supported by a free textbook available on the OpenStax website: College Physics 2e for chapters 18-23 ( ).
Teaching methods
Independent study
Guided exercises
Laboratory work
Exam schedules
The date of the exam will be announced at the beginning of the course.
International connections
During the course, theory is discussed in lectures led by teachers, and it is recommended that theory be reviewed in advance in accordance with the instructions and links on the learning platform. During the calculation lessons, you can get help solving tasks and problems.
Student workload
The course has weekly assignments on different topics and an exam.
The student's total workload is approximately 110 hours.
Content scheduling
During the course, we will discuss the key themes of electrical physics, emphasising the perspective of energy and environmental technology.
- electrostatics
- DC circuits (direct current)
- electrical measurements
- semiconductors
- magnetism and electromagnetic induction
- AC and AC circuits (alternating current)
From these topics are focused on DC circuits, electromagnetic induction and alternating current.
Further information
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
In addition to the exam, laboratory work and small tests published on the course platform must be passed.
Passing the course requires achieving at least 40 points. The rating scale is linear as follows:
at least 40 points => 1
at least 51 points => 2
at least 62 points => 3
at least 73 points => 4
at least 84 points => 5
less than 40 points => rejected
Laboratory work does not affect the grade, but it must be completed with approval.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student has a weak knowledge of the basic phenomena of Electrical Physics. The application of theories to practical situations is incomplete.
There are clear deficiencies in the knowledge and use of terminology related to electrophysics.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student knows at least the main concepts and phenomena related to direct current and can solve quantities related to direct current circuits in simple cases. The student can examine and solve problems related to electrical power and energy.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student knows comprehensively the concepts and phenomena related to electrophysics. In addition to direct and alternating current, he also knows the key concepts and phenomena related to electric and magnetic fields and can solve related calculation tasks.
30.05.2024 - 15.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Aaro Mustonen
PENERS23Energy and Environmental Engineering, S23
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the fundamentals of heat transfer and thermodynamics, thereby creating a basis for their application in the design and calculation of machines, equipment, and processes.
After completing the course, student:
- is familiar with the basic quantities of thermodynamics and can perform related calculations
- understands heat transfer and its effects in substances and structures (heat conduction , thermal expansion, phase changes)
- can calculate the heat quantity in various state changes
- can perform calculations related to the flow of liquids and gases
- knows the ideal gas equation and can apply it in various state change processes
- understands the state changes of ideal gases and the cycles based on them
- can determine the thermal efficiency of a heat engine as well as the coefficients of performance of a heat pump and a refrigeration machine
- can evaluate the energy efficiency of different machines
- is familiar with the Mollier diagram and its use in calculations related to heat transfer processes
- can investigate thermodynamic phenomena using measurement setups
- the main principles of thermodynamics
- pressure, temperature, measurement
- heat conduction
- thermal expansion
- heat capacity
- quantity of heat
- flow equation, Bernoulli's equation, viscosity of liquids
- changes in the state of gases and vapors
- energy balance, thermal efficiency
- operating principles of thermodynamic machines and cycles
- moist air and Mollier diagram
- measurements related to thermodynamics and reporting of results
College Physics 2e, Thermodynamics (
Material in and linked to the online learning environment
Teaching methods
Participatory learning, flipped learning
Exam schedules
The dates of the 2 midterm exams will be announced at the start of the course.
Retake opportunities in the general retake exams of Energy and environmental technologies degrees in the December and January retakes.
International connections
Methods based on the student's own activity, experience and knowledge building.
Completion alternatives
Demonstration of competence with a theory test. This option must be agreed with the teacher. If you have studied a course of a similar level and content, it is possible to read the course well. Ask the teacher for instructions on this.
Student workload
The student's workload of 135h is distributed as follows
- Theory lessons and calculation exercises 36h
- Familiarization with laboratory work and working in the laboratory 6 hours
- Exam 2-4h (depending on whether you take two midterm exams or one course exam)
- Independent study 89-91h
Content scheduling
The course takes place on Tuesdays and Fridays in weeks 36-50.
In the course, you get to know the phenomena of thermodynamics and practice related calculations and measurements from a physics perspective. Friday's classes are theory classes on the topic of the week. At the same time, things that remained unclear in the previous week's calculations are repeated. On Tuesdays, there is a calculation workshop (1h).
In addition to the theory lessons, the course includes two mandatory lab works, which are carried out in two different weeks (weeks 40 and 48) in small groups. Initial topics for lab work: Temperature dependence of the thermistor resistance, thermal conductivity and/or calorimetry.
- Basic quantities of thermophysics/thermodynamics, formulas, units, pressure, lift
- Thermodynamic system, temperature and thermal expansion
- Heat capacity, thermal energy and energy transfer
- Changes in state and energy in state changes
- Flows of liquids and gases, flow equations
- Liquid viscosity
- Equation of state of an ideal gas
- I and II law of thermodynamics
- Gas circulation processes
- Operating principle of heating and cooling machines
- Basics of moist air physics and the Mollier curve
Further information
The most important announcements of the course are sent by e-mail. Students are expected to communicate with the teacher primarily by e-mail. You can also openly ask questions and discuss things during the lessons.
Current affairs are announced on the overview page of the itslearning course.
A function calculator is required for the course.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is evaluated numerically on a scale of 0-5 based on the exam(s) (max 100p). If the student completes the course with midterm exams, he must participate in both exams. If the performance of the second midterm exam is exhausted, the course will be completed with an exam either on the actual exam day or in a retake.
The course is subject to attendance, regarding theory lessons, counting lessons and laboratory meetings.
With ViLLE calculation exercises that can be performed independently, it is possible to collect a maximum of 12p (equivalent to increasing the number to the exam grade).
The two laboratory works included in the course must also all be completed with approval (active work in the laboratory and an approved measurement protocol). 4p points from pretasks.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student does not achieve at least 40% of the course points = 40p or the student has not successfully completed the mandatory laboratory work.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
A grade of 1 requires about 40% of the course points = 40p and approved lab work (2 labs)
For a grade of 2, approximately 52% of the course points = 52p and approved lab work (2 labs) are required
Competence at grade 1-2 means knowledge of the basic phenomena of thermodynamics and control of calculations related to the basic quantities of thermodynamics.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
A grade of 3 requires approximately 64% of the course points = 64p and approved laboratory work (2 labs)
For a grade of 4, approximately 76% of the course points = 76p and successfully completed lab work (2 labs) are required
Competence at grade 3-4 means, in addition to competence at the previous level, an understanding of gas processes and the main rules of thermodynamics, as well as the ability to apply calculation formulas related to these topics in various situations.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
For a grade of 5, approximately 88% of the course points = 88 p and approved lab work (3 pieces) are required
Competence at level 5 means, in addition to the competence of the previous levels, calculation competence related to flows, especially the application of Bernoulli's equation in different situations and/or knowledge of the operating principle and circulation processes of heating and cooling machines.
02.07.2024 - 06.09.2024
06.09.2024 - 13.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 80
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Mikko Peltonen de Santiago
- COS Opettaja
PINFOS22HHealth Technology
PINFOS22IData Engineering and AI
PINFOS22OSoftware Engineering and Project Management
PINFOS22PGame and Interactive Technologies
PINFOS22SEmbedded Software and IoT
PINFOS22TData Networks and Cybersecurity
PENERS23Energy and Environmental Engineering, S23
After completing the course the student can:
- calculate different mean and standard deviation figures for a given statistical data
- determine the regression line and correlation, and understand their significance
- identify and draw various statistical diagrams
- recognize the basic concepts of continuous and discrete probability distributions
- normalize a normally distributed variable and calculate the associated probabilities
- calculate confidence intervals and understand the significance of error in statistical mathematics
- determine p-value using the z-test and t-test of average
- construct contingency tables and apply the chi-square test
- utilize information technology in the processing and analysis of statistical data
- mean and standard deviation figures
- diagrams and their differences
- regression, correlation
- basic definitions and formulas of probability
- discrete probability distribution, binomial distribution, Poisson distribution
- continuous probability distribution, normal distribution, normalization
- statistical testing, sampling, confidence interval
- z-test and t-test of average
- contingency tables and chi-square test
All course material and links to outside materials are on ITSlearning.
Teaching methods
Lectures, exercises, homework, guided practice, project work, independent study
Exam schedules
Part-exam 1 will take place on week 44.
Part-exam 2 will take place on week 50.
There will be an opportunity to retake both part-exams in January 2025.
International connections
During the course we will learn statistical and probability skills and knowledge fundamental for an ICT-engineer's profession. Various forms of technology are widely used in all topics and students are encouraged to learn more ways to use technology in solving problems within the course's topics. A lot of learning happens in class with the guidance of the teacher but independent study and homework is important as well.
Sustainable development aspects are considered during the course. Lecture material and homework feature examples about creating an ecologically sustainable and resilient society, and the impact of statistics in promoting sustainable development is discussed.
Completion alternatives
If a student wants to pass the course by taking only an exam, this needs to be agreed upon with the teacher.
Student workload
Contact hours: 28 h (lectures) + 24 h (homework classes) = 52 h
Exams: 4 h
Independent study (homework, exam preparation, extra task etc.): 74 h
Content scheduling
The course will begin on week 36 and end on week 50.
- mean and standard deviation figures
- diagrams and their differences
- regression, correlation
- basic definitions and formulas of probability
- discrete probability distribution, binomial distribution, Poisson distribution
- continuous probability distribution, normal distribution, normalization
- statistical testing, sampling, confidence interval
- z-test and t-test of average
- contingency tables and chi-square test
Further information
It is possible to do an optional statistical project during the course which will give you an extra 2 credits, i.e. a total of 7 credits. This project will be about a topic of your own choosing (with the help of the teacher) and you are expected to use a wide range of statistical and/or probabilistic methods in it. You are expected to gather, process, present and analyse data and produce a report about it, to be submitted by the end of the course by an agreed upon deadline. It is expected that you devote approximately 30-50 hours of work into this. The report won't affect your course grade but, if it contains the required elements and is of an appropriate depth, you will get the 2 extra credits.
More detailed instructions and requirements as well as a template file can be found on ITS. Email the teacher before you start doing the project so that no two students come up with too similar topics.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment consists of:
- Two part-exams (2x50 p = 100 p). Part-exam 1 is on week 44, part-exam 2 on week 50.
- Homework (84 p)
- Attendance (6 p)
- Extra task (10 p)
Total: 200 p
To pass, the total points obtained must be at least 70, and at least 30 of them must come from the part-exams.
Attendance is taken at the start of each lecture, excluding the first one. At the end of the course, based on the number of attendances, you’ll receive the following number of points:
7: 1 p
8: 2 p
9: 3 p
10: 4 p
11: 5 p
12-13: 6 p
There are 12 topics, each has some homework questions on ITS and a set of homework questions to be submitted. Each topic's homework gives 7 p in total
The extra task is work up to 10 p and can be completed by the deadline set by the teacher. This task is about learning how to use some technology not covered during classes.
Grade boundaries:
0-69: FAIL
70-93: 1
94-117: 2
118-141: 3
142-165: 4
166-200: 5
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Fewer than 70 points
fewer than 30 points from the part-exams
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
70-93 points: 1
94-117 points: 2
And at least 30 points obtained from the part-exams
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
118-141 points: 3
142-165 points: 4
And at least 30 points obtained from the part-exams
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
166-200 points: 5
And at least 30 points obtained from the part-exams
Courses Engineering Precalculus, Calculus and Topics in Applied Mathematics
equivalent skills
01.12.2024 - 07.02.2025
13.01.2025 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Antti Kaseva
- Anu Vehmaa
- The student can plan and implement environmental monitoring in practice
- The student is able to use the learned monitoring methods to practical application
- The student can professionally implement and report an environmental monitoring activity
- The student can analyze, process and present the results of environmental monitoring
Materials, equipment, and data provided for the course (and module), as well as independent acquisition of source materials for one's own project work.
Teaching methods
In-person meetings, guided work in the water and environmental technology lab and field, independent group work
- Theory of project management
- Theory and planning of environmental monitoring
- Implementation of environmental monitoring - applying the knowledge learned in the module courses to practice
- Analysis and interpretation of monitoring data
- Professional reporting and presentation of environmental monitoring results
Exam schedules
No exam.
International connections
The course follows the practices of innovation pedagogy, where the student's active role and responsibility for scheduling and implementing their own environmental monitoring are emphasized. The application of knowledge and skills learned in other courses of the module to practical RDI (Research, Development, and Innovation) project goals related to environmental monitoring (applying theoretical knowledge to practice).
The course topic is strongly connected to environmental sustainability. The course focuses on monitoring, assessing the state of the environment, and the significance of measurement data in societal decision-making.
Completion alternatives
No optional completion methods.
Student workload
The student's workload is 27 hours per credit (total 5 ECTS)
Content scheduling
Course will start on week 6 (2025)
Students will:
- Implement (RDI-project related) environmental monitoring campaign that will generate data and information for a real-world need
- Utilize their know-how to solve an environmental and/or a technical problem
- Present their results professionally, both in reporting and in presentations
Further information
Contact information:
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
In the implementation of environmental monitoring, the following will be assessed:
- Plan
- Implementation
- Interim and final reporting, as well as presentation of results
02.08.2025 - 15.09.2025
01.09.2025 - 19.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Rauli Lautkankare
Teacher in charge
Rauli Lautkankare
- Student is familiar with the steps of the design process and is able to apply design systems.
- Student is familiar and capable to use CAD programs
- Student is able to read graphics and diagrams
- Student is able to use information provided by design systems as an aid in designing and is able to use ready-made solutions.
- 3D modelling
- Calculation CAD
- Plan and diagram exercises
- Case exercises
on itslearning
Teaching methods
Learning by doing
International connections
Lessons, practices, exercises.
During the course drawings are made by using digital software. Drawings are printed in pdf-format, not on the paper.
Student workload
Lessons 10 x 3 hours
Content scheduling
The course covers the basics of the AutoCAD program and the preparation of construction-related plans in compliance with the instructions, regulations and other instructions of the building authorities.
Competence goals:
After completing the course, the student:
- can create a clear and unambiguous image from a 2D model, using technical drawings, standard definitions of projection and cross-sectional images
- knows how to create unambiguous product documentation, using markings and line types according to technical drawing standards
- can measure and determine tolerances in accordance with standards, taking into account functionality and manufacturability
- knows the standardization of technical product information management, which includes technical product documents, as well as geometric product specification
- 2D drawing
- technical drawings, general presentation principles
- presentation of dimensions, angles and texts
- how to use and apply the most common commands
- managing the drawing layout, layers, hatches and fillings, scales, printing to pdf-format, saving the files
- technical product documentation
Timing: Autumn 2025
Further information
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
During the course, there will be exercises, for which you will get 0-6 points depending on the task. The course does not have a separate exam. So, the grade will be based on the total points you receive from exercises. Individual assignments are not mandatory, but points are awarded for each assignment that is returned.
Course grades according to points:
Grade 5 (points 26-28(32)), excellent
Grade 4 (scores 23-25), good
Grade 3 (scores 20-22), good
Grade 2 (scores 17-19), satisfactory
Grade 1 (scores 14-16), satisfactory
Grade 0 (scores below 14), rejected
You can get a maximum of 4 points from bonus tasks, which means you can get a higher grade with +1 number.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Drawings are missing relevant information or some of the exercises are rejected or not done.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Drawings are missing relevant information or some of the exercises are rejected or not done.
Grade 2 (scores 17-19), satisfactory
Grade 1 (scores 14-16), satisfactory
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Grade 4 (scores 23-25), good
Grade 3 (scores 20-22), good
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Drawings contain all the relevant information and everything is done on time.
Grade 5 (points 26-28(32)), excellent
30.05.2025 - 15.09.2025
02.09.2025 - 21.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
80 - 120
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Industrial Management and Engineering
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Hazem Al-Bermanei
PIMEK25Industrial Management and Engineering K2024
After completing the course, the student
• can handle mathematical expressions and formulas within the engineering framework.
• understands the principles of solving equations and can solve equations encountered within technical applications.
• understands the basics of vector algebra and can apply vectors for modelling and solving technical problems.
• understands the basics concepts of geometry and trigonometry, and can apply them in modelling and problem solving.
• understands the concept of function and knows basic properties of functions.
• can apply functions for modelling and solving technical problems.
• understands the basic concepts of matrix algebra.
• can apply simultaneous equations for modelling and solving technical problems.
• can apply correct mathematical notations within the engineering framework.
• Real numbers
• Basic arithmetic operations and the order of operations
• Algebraic expressions
• First and second order of polynomial equations and inequalities
• Simultaneous linear equations
• Radical functions and equations
• Exponential and logarithmic functions and equations
• Angles and angular units
• Right triangle and trigonometry
• Trigonometric functions and the unit circle
• Trigonometric equations
• The sine and cosine rules
• Basic concepts of vector algebra and modelling with vectors
• Scalar product and cross product of two vectors
• Basics of matrix algebra, determinant, inverse of a square matrix
• Field-specific content
1. Precalculus (3rd edition), Fred Safier, SCHAUM’S outlines.
2. Engineering Mathematics (6th edition), K.A. Stroud [MACMILLAN PRESS LTD]
3. Formula book: Technical formulas
Teaching methods
Teacher-directed classroom activities, group work and independent work; project work, reports, task-based (homework)
International connections
The contents of the course give understanding of the basic mathematics and help students to solve equations, including radical, exponential and logarithmic equations and use determinants and matrices (e.g. for solving linear simultaneous equations), apply dot and cross products (e.g. in games, physics and electrical engineering applications), moreover the students can use relevant mathematical denotation correctly
The students will team up for a project work and writing reports on some current and relevant aspect of basic math, which gives everyone an opportunity to understand the topic; all students will develop their mathematical proficiency.
Task-based assessment supports learning and is continuous throughout the course. Studying in an international group develops students’ ability to intercultural communication and multicultural collaboration
Student workload
Classroom activities: Classroom activities participation 50 h
Homework: Working on homework sets 1-6 30 h
Project work: Research, presentation material, presentation 20h
Final exam: Preparing for the final exam 25 h
Content scheduling
- Sets of numbers and number systems
- Real functions
- Polynomials equations and inequalities, exponential and logarithmic equations;
- Trigonometry for right triangles
- Complex numbers
- Vectors and matrices
Further information
All practical information on timetables, project work, grading etc., as well as links to web materials are provided in ITS Learning.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment Method
1. 30% of the homework is MANDATORY and students can get points if they do more than 50%.
2. Points distributed as follow:
i. First Exam = 20 points
ii. Second Exam = 20 points
iii. Homework =10 points
Total = 50 points
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Fail in the final exam and not doing the assignments.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Collect (25--35) points in the exams and doing more 50% of the assignments.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Collect (35--45) points in the exams and doing at least 75% of the assignments
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Collect (45--50) points in the exam and doing at least 85% of the assignments
Introduction to mathematical sciences or corresponding skills.
02.08.2025 - 31.08.2025
01.09.2025 - 21.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 120
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Mikko Peltonen de Santiago
PINFOS23dncsData Networks and Cybersecurity
PINFOS23gaitGame and Interactive Technologies
PINFOS23emboEmbedded Software and IoT
PENERS24Energy and Environmental Engineering, S24
PINFOS23sepmSoftware Engineering and Project Management
PINFOS23eheaHealth Technology
PINFOS23deaiData Engineering and AI
After completing the course the student can:
- calculate different mean and standard deviation figures for a given statistical data
- determine the regression line and correlation, and understand their significance
- identify and draw various statistical diagrams
- recognize the basic concepts of continuous and discrete probability distributions
- normalize a normally distributed variable and calculate the associated probabilities
- calculate confidence intervals and understand the significance of error in statistical mathematics
- determine p-value using the z-test and t-test of average
- construct contingency tables and apply the chi-square test
- utilize information technology in the processing and analysis of statistical data
- mean and standard deviation figures
- diagrams and their differences
- regression, correlation
- basic definitions and formulas of probability
- discrete probability distribution, binomial distribution, Poisson distribution
- continuous probability distribution, normal distribution, normalization
- statistical testing, sampling, confidence interval
- z-test and t-test of average
- contingency tables and chi-square test
Teacher's materials in conjunction with the free online textbook: Introductory Statistics 2e by OpenStax.
For additional reading, the following book is recommended: Probability and Statistics (3rd edition), Murray R. Spiegel, John J. Schiller, R. Alu Srinivasan, SCHAUM’S outlines
Teaching methods
Lectures, teacher-directed classroom activities, group work and independent work
Exam schedules
1st part-exam: week 43
2nd part-exam: week 50
The possibility to retake part-exams is organized in Dec/Jan (time to be announced later)
International connections
During the course we will learn statistical and probability skills and knowledge fundamental for an ICT-engineer's profession. Various forms of technology are widely used in all topics and students are encouraged to learn more ways to use technology in solving problems within the course's topics. A lot of learning happens in class with the guidance of the teacher but independent study and homework is important as well.
Sustainable development aspects are considered during the course. Lecture material and homework feature examples about creating an ecologically sustainable and resilient society, and the impact of statistics in promoting sustainable development is discussed.
Completion alternatives
The course may be completed with a special exam that proves the student's competence with the course topics. This must be agreed separately with the teacher. If the student is interested, they should contact the teacher.
Student workload
Contact lessons and exams: 56 h (approx. 4 h / week)
Independent study, homework and preparation for part-exams: 70 h (approx. 5 h / week)
Content scheduling
The course will begin on week 36 and end on week 50.
Topics include:
- mean and standard deviation figures
- diagrams and their differences
- regression, correlation
- basic definitions and formulas of probability
- discrete probability distribution, binomial distribution, Poisson distribution
- continuous probability distribution, normal distribution, normalization
- statistical testing, sampling, confidence interval
- z-test and t-test of average
- contingency tables and chi-square test
Further information
All practical information is provided in ITSLEARNING.
It is possible to do an optional statistical project during the course which will give you an extra 2 credits, i.e. a total of 7 credits. This project will be about a topic of your own choosing (with the help of the teacher) and you are expected to use a wide range of statistical and/or probabilistic methods in it. You are expected to gather, process, present and analyse data and produce a report about it, to be submitted by the end of the course by an agreed upon deadline. It is expected that you devote approximately 30-50 hours of work into this. The report won't affect your course grade but, if it contains the required elements and is of an appropriate depth, you will get the 2 extra credits. The teacher must be informed prior to beginning this project.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment consists of:
- Two part-exams (2x40 p = 80 p).
- Homework (60 p from weekly homework and 10 p from Excel homework)
- Extra task (10 p)
Total: 160 p
The course has mandatory attendance of at least 50%. This is used to verify that the student is doing the minimum amount of work required to complete enough assignments and pass the course.
To pass, the total points obtained must be at least 50, and at least a combined of 20 p from the exams. This corresponds to basic knowledge of the fundamental learning goals set during the course.
The extra task can be completed by the deadline set by the teacher. This task is about learning how to use some technology not covered during classes.
Grade boundaries:
0-49: FAIL
50-69: 1
70-89: 2
90-109: 3
110-129: 4
130-160: 5
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Fewer than 50 points in total
fewer than 20 points from the part-exams
attendance of less than 50%
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Total points between 50 and 89
combined exam points at least 20
attendance at least 50%
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Total points between 90 and 129
combined exam points at least 20
attendance at least 50%
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Total points at least 130
attendance at least 50%
Courses Engineering Precalculus, Calculus and Topics in Applied Mathematics
equivalent skills