Master`s Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care, Creative Well-being
Sosionomi (ylempi AMK), Master of Social Services
Terveydenhoitaja (ylempi AMK), Master of Health Care
Toimintaterapeutti (ylempi AMK), Master of Health Care
Master`s Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care, Creative Well-being, Spring 2025
Master`s Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care, Creative Well-being, Spring 2024
Master`s Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care, Creative Well-being, Spring 2023
Master`s Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care, Creative Well-being, Spring 2022
02.07.2024 - 30.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 19.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
25 op
RDI portion
20 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Creative Well-being
- Master`s Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care, Creative Well-being
- Pirita Juppi
- Ilona Tanskanen
- Nasrin Jinia
- Marjo Harju
Teacher in charge
Pirita Juppi
After completing this course, the students will be able to
• critically evaluate and apply research knowledge
• use the chosen methods to analyse ja solve problems in working life
• work independently as an expert in demanding contexts in which he/she is managing his/her own and possibly also the others’ work in a target-oriented way
• communicate and network in his/her own field and in international environment
• take into account communal and ethical perspectives of his/her professional field
An essential part of Master-level studies is a thesis of 30 credits. The thesis process starts immediately at the beginning of the studies, and it continues through the entire cycle of studies.
The thesis is implemented as a development project with a research-based approach and a close connection to practical work. The student carries out his/her development work at his/her workplace, in RDI projects of the Turku University of Applied Sciences, in working life connections or in a manner agreed with the supervisor. The thesis is based on commission, if possible. It is preferable that the thesis is based on an assignment.
The thesis relies on in-depth information gathering and analysis, and the development process utilizes relevant research methods following principles of good scientific practice. The thesis includes documenting and reporting on development activities. The student will become familiar with the methodological skills necessary for development and reporting in the course on research and development methods.
In Master’s programmes in Culture and Arts, the thesis is divided in two parts:
- A 5 credits course Development work methods and design (1st semester), and
- Implementation and reporting of the development project, 25 credits (2nd ja 3rd semester).
Implementation and reporting of the development project (25 ECTS) includes the following steps:
• Presenting the thesis plan and finalizing it making use of feedback
• Thesis agreement
• Implementation, related research activities and documentation of the work in accordance with industry practice and in a meaningful way for the thesis
• Participation in group supervision sessions (“thesis learning café”) and individual guidance of the thesis
• Presentation of the results after completion of the thesis
• Maturity test: The student must write a maturity examination in the field of the thesis. This demonstrates awareness with the subject and the linguistic competence. If the (excellent) competence of the school education language has already been assessed in previous studies, the maturity test will only serve as a test the professional expertise. The maturity test is evaluated on a scale approved/ failed.
• Ensuring that there is no plagiarism in the thesis and evaluation of the thesis
Evaluation scale
02.12.2024 - 15.01.2025
15.01.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Arts Academy
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Creative Well-being
- Master`s Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care, Creative Well-being
- Pirita Juppi
- Ilona Tanskanen
- Kirsi Mononen
- Henni Syrjänen
- Marjo Harju
Teacher in charge
Pirita Juppi
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
• find and evaluate sources and information relevant for the development task
• construct a relevant conceptual framework for the development project
• apply project management tools in planning the development project
• write a research and data management plan
• consider ethical aspects and GDPR in their research and development work
• communicate of their development project and its results to different target groups through appropriate channels
• Professional, theoretical and research contexts for individual development projects
• Information seeking and evaluation for the needs of the development project
• Applying project management tools in a development project
• The role of research in a development project
• Planning research data collection and management
• Ethical considerations and GDPR in research and development projects
• Writing and communications in research and development projects
Evaluation scale
01.12.2024 - 12.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 30.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
1 op
RDI portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 23
Degree programmes
- Master`s Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care, Creative Well-being
- Anna-Mari Rosenlöf
- Marjo Harju
Teacher in charge
Marjo Harju
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
- analyze the relations between art & cultural activities and mental wellbeing
- describe the basis of evidence base and the factors influencing mental wellbeing
- plan and facilitate client-oriented activities to support mental wellbeing and promote creative wellbeing
- explore and analyze evidence base of the mental health services system from a creative wellbeing perspective for the needs of the population and groups.
- practice-based research and evidence-based information on the connections and relations between creative wellbeing and mental wellbeing
- knowledge on how creative wellbeing and mental health, brain health and work-based wellbeing are connected to each other.
Evaluation scale
20.07.2024 - 18.08.2024
19.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
2 op
RDI portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning
- Location-independent
- Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
25 - 34
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Creative Well-being
- Master`s Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care, Creative Well-being
- Anna-Mari Rosenlöf
- Ursula Hallas
Teacher in charge
Anna-Mari Rosenlöf
After completing the course, the student is be able to:
- apply and develop approaches and working methods of creative well-being among different communities and organisations in accordance with their own professional competence
- utilise individual, group, community, and networking skills in producing content related to creative well-being and in developing practices and structures that enable and promote creative well-being
- design and co-develop creative well-being services as part of an interprofessional team in a customer-oriented way
- assess the impact and meaning of creative well-being activities
- identify and analyse the ethics and values of creative well-being
- identify and analyse creative well-being as part of sustainable development and society
- outline, communicate and reflect on their own competences in the professional field and structures of creative well-being.
Content of study unit
The studies will strengthen both theoretical and practical skills in enabling creative well-being in different settings, service processes and with different actors.
The course introduces the planning and evaluation of creative well-being services.
The course will outline the funding of creative well-being, systems thinking and sustainable development.
It examines the ethical principles of the field of creative well-being in relation to different professional fields.
The course introduces students to the presentation and communication of their own professional expertise in the field of creative well-being.
Will be announced on the Itslearning learning platform. Some of the materials are in English.
Teaching methods
Thematic presentations, talks, lectures, pair and small group work. Teaching will take place face-to-face at the Kupittaa Campus using art-based methods and the students' own specific skills.
Individual work involves familiarisation with the course literature and source materials, practising knowledge acquisition and processing, and structured presentation of issues. The assignments will involve the use of art-based methods.
Exam schedules
No final exam.
International connections
The contact teaching will introduce the theory and research central to the course and will include discussion and sharing of experiences on the topics covered. Small group work emphasises self-direction, peer learning, reflection skills, creativity, multi-professionalism and dialogical interaction. Innovation pedagogy is at the heart of all Turku University of Applied Sciences courses. Learning takes place by applying theory to practice and working life.
Sustainable development is one of the topics covered in the course, and many of the other topics are also connected to various dimensions of sustainable development.
Completion alternatives
There is no optional way of completing the course.
Student workload
- Pre-assignments for the contact days
- Learning assignments
The learning tasks of the module are described in more detail on the Itslearning platform.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Passed: The student has returned all pre-assignments and learning tasks and has actively participated in the contact learning. The student demonstrates mastery and application of course content in learning tasks and pre-assignments. If AI has been used in the course assignments, the student has clearly indicated in the assignments how, why and where AI has been used and what software or applications have been used. AI has been used appropriately to support learning, not directly to produce ready-made answers.
Failed: The student has not returned all pre-assignments and learning tasks, has not participated in the contact learning or has not completed compensatory assignments. Returned pre- assignments and learning tasks are too superficial and/or do not cover the main part of the topics requested in the assignment. The language used in the exercises is not understandable. The tasks are done using AI, with no indication of its use, or the tasks are mostly done using AI, with no self-reflection.
Content scheduling
During the course, the student will deepen and develop his/her knowledge and skills as a professional in the field of creative wellbeing. The course is structured around the different themes of the contact days.
The students will work in multi-professional teams where they will share their knowledge and skills. Some parts of the course may be delivered in English and integrated into RDI projects.
The topics of the course include:
- ethics, values and quality in creative wellbeing activities
- evaluation and design of creative wellbeing activities and services
- expert communication and argumentation
- creative wellbeing as part of society; structures and politics
- funding and systemic thinking in the field of creative wellbeing and sustainable development.
The course builds on what has been learned in the course Creative Wellbeing as a Competence.
The course will start in August 2024 and will be implemented during the contact days of the Master School degree in Creative Wellbeing.
Contact teaching:
23rd August, 9.00-12.00
20th September, 9.00-12.00
10th October, 13.00-16.15
11th November, 9.00-12.00
15th November, 9.00-12.00
12th December, 9.00-12.00
The content of the course may be supplemented and adapted according to current themes and events.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on pre-assignments and learning tasks to be completed during the course, as well as active participation in the contact days. The course teachers will assess the completion of the task according to the instructions, the application and use of the source material, the fluency of multidisciplinary cooperation, the expression of own reflections and understandable, clear language. If the student uses artificial intelligence to complete the course, the student should indicate why, how and in which tasks it has been used. The assessment will focus on both completing the tasks and active participation.
Creative Wellbeing as a Competence course must be completed before this course.
01.12.2024 - 12.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 30.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
3 op
RDI portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
40 % Contact teaching, 60 % Distance learning
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 23
Degree programmes
- Master`s Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care, Creative Well-being
- Anna-Mari Rosenlöf
- Marjo Harju
Teacher in charge
Marjo Harju
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
- design, manage and evaluate creative wellbeing projects based on co-development, good practices, own professional expertise, and research knowledge
- explore and analyze evidence-based information and good practices to help identify the needs of participants and guide them to services, particularly supporting mental wellbeing
- reflect on own theoretical, developmental, process and guidance skills based on their core competences
- justify, evaluate, and articulate the meaning, place and processes of creative wellbeing as part of the social and health service system and the promotion of wellbeing and health
Designing and/or implementing a development project in an applied working environment.
Evaluation scale
02.12.2024 - 15.01.2025
15.01.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
2 op
RDI portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
22 - 32
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Creative Well-being
- Master`s Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care, Creative Well-being
- Anna-Mari Rosenlöf
- Marjo Harju
Teacher in charge
Anna-Mari Rosenlöf
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
- apply the key concepts of creative well-being and analyse the areas of expertise, operating environments, and development tasks in the field of creative well-being
- examine the concept of creative well-being from multiple perspectives: creative well-being as a phenomenon, as an evolving professional field, and as well-being lived and experienced
- recognize the personal relationship to arts and culture as the basis for the cultural needs of individuals and communities
- reflect on their own competence in interprofessional cooperation as well as various professional roles, common goals, and opportunities for collaboration in the field of creative well-being
- justify the meanings and dimensions of creative well-being for individuals and communities, as part of different services and in various professional roles
- essential knowledge, concepts, and contexts of creative well-being
- international development and background of creative well-being
- interprofessional collaboration
- accessibility, diversity and implementation of cultural needs
- research base
- creative well-being services and the best practices as part of the service system.
Evaluation scale
02.12.2024 - 15.01.2025
15.01.2025 - 31.05.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
40 % Contact teaching, 60 % Distance learning
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 32
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Creative Well-being
- Master`s Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care, Creative Well-being
- Pirita Juppi
- Marjo Harju
Teacher in charge
Pirita Juppi
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
• identify the values that guide one's own professional activities and reflect on their connection to the value base and the concept of humanity in the field of creative well-being
• analyse their own strengths, development needs and opportunities in the developing field of creative well-being, and develop their competence in a goal-oriented manner
• set professional goals and analyse the obstacles on the way of achieving them and the resources available to achieve them
• consciously and experientially examine one's own relationship with arts and culture and its effects on one's well-being
• create and maintain multidisciplinary and multidisciplinary partnerships and networks
• apply various creative and active methods to increase self-awareness and reflect on one's own developing identity as a creative well-being expert
• My career story: a professional path to creative well-being studies
• Construction of a professional identity as a creative well-being expert
• Autobiographical, narrative, embodied and visual methods to support self-awareness, professional growth and well-being.
• One's own strengths and areas for development
• Values guiding one's own professional activities
• Professional dreams and goals
• Resources and resilience
• One's own relationship with culture and art and its significance in the identity of a creative well-being expert
• The importance of multiprofessionalism, networks and collaboration in the work of an expert in creativel well-being
Evaluation scale
02.12.2024 - 14.02.2025
17.01.2025 - 06.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
RDI portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 30
Degree programmes
- Master`s Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care, Creative Well-being
- Marjo Harju
Teacher in charge
Marjo Harju
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
- reflect on their own experiences of participating in arts-based activities, as well as their strengths and development needs as a facilitator of creative activities
- justify the use of arts-based methods for enhancing the well-being of clients
- assess the suitability of different arts-based methods and activities for their own work, for different customer groups and for different purposes
- plan an implementation of a arts-based workshop/session suitable for the selected client group, taking into account the needs of the target group, the objectives of the activities and ethical aspects
- Different uses and contexts of arts-based methods
- Examples of visual, drama and literary art activities
- Guiding and supporting the client in individual counselling contexts using arts-based methods
- Facilitating a group process in arts-based workshops
- Customer-oriented design of arts-based activities
- Ethics and sustainable development in arts-based activities
Evaluation scale
22.08.2024 - 30.09.2024
23.08.2024 - 13.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master`s Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care, Creative Well-being
- Uli Kontu-Korhonen
After completing the course, the student is be able to:
- reflect on their own experiences of participation in different creative, arts-based exercises
- justify the use of arts-based working methods to promote the well-being of clients
- apply arts-based working methods and their guidance according to the needs of different client groups
- identify strengths and development needs in their own guidance skills.
Content of study unit
- exercises, workshops, and processes of arts-based methods
- the possibilities of using selected arts-based methods with different client groups.
The detailed content of the course is described in the implementation plan.
Arts-based methods 1 and 2 complement each other.
Teaching methods
Creative Functional Exercises
Independent work, learning tasks
Student workload
Pre-mission, implementation Fri 23.8.2024
Be prepared to tell us about a moment, event or encounter in your life where music has had a significant effect or where the presence of music has been otherwise important. What happened? I don't know. How did the music feel? What kind of music memory did this give rise to, or was it?
Learning task 1
ART TO WORK release, return to ITS by 3 October 2024
Create a clear, inspiring and informative bulletin (A4) about a project involving art-based methods that utilise music in your workplace or other work community. Market and sell your ideas and direct the newsletter to the management staff in your community.
For example, briefly answer the following questions in your newsletter:
What kind of art activity do you propose for the work community and why?
What is the goal of the project?
What needs does the project meet?
What measures must be taken in the work community in order to implement the project?
Why is it worth investing in well-being?
What methods are used?
What impact can art have on this community?
What kind of research and the effects of art on well-being can be invoked?
What does it take for the community to successfully execute the project?
How is the activity funded, do you have any suggestions in this regard?
Use pictures and make the newsletter interesting!
Please return your information by 3:10 a.m.
Learning task 2
MUSIC MEMORY project, return by 7 November 2024, the project should be started on time.
Here are some general guidelines for your project. The implementation, structure and design of the content is part of the project. Proceed as you choose appropriately.
The core of the task is to make it practical so that the project leaves some concrete outcome:
- a music recording compiled for a particular person of music memories that are important to him or her, or memories that music is essentially related to, and
- on the basis of your conversations, the memories related to those selected pieces of music written.
For example, five songs/musical works from different stages of life and related memories, stories, experiences.
For example, if you have a memory-impaired interviewee, you can also talk to your relatives. Of course, permissions must always be cleared. Your work can be made easier by recording your conversations so you can focus better on the conversation when you don't have to take notes at the same time.
Consider whether it is necessary to have, for example, photographs as a basis for your conversations, or in what other way you could create a good atmosphere for your conversation.
If for some reason it is impossible to compose a recording, then you can also do a written report in which the music that has been brought up in the conversations + the related life stories/memories have been written. Remember to write the authors accurately for the music (composer, lyricist) and if it is relevant to the memory, so is the possible performer and/or arranger.
The final output is intended to be handed over to the interviewee / his/her relatives (and possibly the medical staff find out this) with the idea that the music recording can be listened to alone or together with the caregiver and/or relatives in the future perhaps replay the memories and continue discussions about it.
Please clarify in advance if the text you have written should be read by the interviewee before finishing the work. I thought that if the memories seem very personal, reading them may seem “revealing” or strange —is that so? It certainly depends on the situation, the memory and who they share them with.
Write down in a different document (this is not given to the interviewee, but only to our group) also the progress of your project; the different stages of the work, as well as your own reflections and justifications for the implementation of the work.
So you're restoring three different files:
- music recording or similar (also given to the interviewee)
- the key points of the discussions recorded (also given to the interviewee)
- project progress and different phases, reflections and self-evaluation
Return of the mission by 7 November to Its.
Some of these implementations will be presented to the whole group on Thursday 14 November
In addition:
Possible replacement tasks due to absence, for example, will be agreed on a case-by-case basis with the teacher.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Presence in contact teaching, participation in functional exercises and discussions, and return of learning tasks according to schedule.
Content scheduling
Lecture: On the nature and well-being effects of music The wide range of meanings and implementations of music in hospital and nursing environments,
- experiences from the field using various objects and percussion instruments as a tool for interactive improvisation, functional exercises in a group
The student gains experiential experience with interactive musical exercises. The exercises aim to strengthen the imagination, relax in a group, sensitize listening, communicate with music and create new soundscapes together with others.
- Caring songs and games, creating soundscapes and verbalizing one's own feelings
- Independent work and learning tasks
The Art-Based Methods 2 course explores the wide range of meanings, effects and implementations of music among different target groups.
The course will take place during the autumn of 2024.
Evaluation scale
02.12.2024 - 17.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 11.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Creative Well-being
- Master`s Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care, Creative Well-being
- Pirita Juppi
- Nasrin Jinia
- Marjo Harju
Teacher in charge
Pirita Juppi
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 7.1.2025 at 12.30-15.30: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon 28.4.2025 at 8.30-17 (and a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.4.2025 at 10-11): multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
In an approved assignment, the student demonstrates his/her ability to:
- examine their own and their organisation's activities consciously, analytically and critically,
- apply the concepts and perspectives of foresight/futures studies in an appropriate manner,
- apply the concepts and perspectives of sustainable development to the context of their own field and work community (task 4),
- make use of the materials instructed in the assignment and mark the references and bibliography appropriately.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (7.1.2025, 16.4.2025 and 28.4.2025) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on Turku UAS' Master School Opening Day 7.1.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 7.1.2025 for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 2.2.2025)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (DL 2.3.2025).
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 10–14)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 6.4.2025).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 15–19)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 28.4.2025. (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 16.4.2025 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 4.5.2025.). There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 11.5.2025).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
Tue 7.1.2025 at 12.30-15.30 Master School opening day / megatrend activity / study programmes in English (Zoom link:
Wed 16.4.2025 at 10–11 a pre-meeting of the Hackathon for the study programmes in English (Zoom link:
Monday 28.4.2025 at 8.30–17.00 Master Minds Hackathon (Zoom link will be informed later).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.