Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
01.03.2025 - 31.05.2025
01.05.2025 - 31.08.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Technology Industry
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Jan Jansson
Teacher in charge
Jan Jansson
- The student learns the social skills needed in working life
- The student orientates himself / herself to the field of mechanical engineering
- The student becomes trained to applying jobs
- The student is able to report on the work and its results
Experiences in applying work, working life, and reflective reporting of working experiences.
In practical training 10 ECTS is 7 week of fulltime working (appr. 40hrs/week).
Evaluation scale
01.12.2024 - 15.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Technology Industry
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Lasse Rosén
- Tarmo Karhu
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
After the course the student can utilize various computer-aided design software when creating product concepts and production-ready technical documents based on design assignments.
Student will get acquainted with graphic design, visualization and 3D modeling programs used by designers.
Evaluation scale
10.10.2024 - 26.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 25.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Degree Programme in Industrial Management and Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Aaro Mustonen
PENERS24Energy and Environmental Engineering, S24
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
After completing the course, the student
• can handle mathematical expressions and formulas within the engineering framework.
• understands the principles of solving equations and can solve equations encountered within technical applications.
• understands the basics of vector algebra and can apply vectors for modelling and solving technical problems.
• understands the basics concepts of geometry and trigonometry, and can apply them in modelling and problem solving.
• understands the concept of function and knows basic properties of functions.
• can apply functions for modelling and solving technical problems.
• understands the basic concepts of matrix algebra.
• can apply simultaneous equations for modelling and solving technical problems.
• can apply correct mathematical notations within the engineering framework.
• Real numbers
• Basic arithmetic operations and the order of operations
• Algebraic expressions
• First and second order of polynomial equations and inequalities
• Simultaneous linear equations
• Radical functions and equations
• Exponential and logarithmic functions and equations
• Angles and angular units
• Right triangle and trigonometry
• Trigonometric functions and the unit circle
• Trigonometric equations
• The sine and cosine rules
• Basic concepts of vector algebra and modelling with vectors
• Scalar product and cross product of two vectors
• Basics of matrix algebra, determinant, inverse of a square matrix
• Field-specific content
Textbook: College Algebra 2e
The table book/Formula will be distributed during the course.
Calculator: Casio FX-82CW ClassWiz Function Calculator (recommended) or Function Calculator TI-30XA (adequate basic calculator). A graphic/symbolic calculator will also work.
Electronic and online material, educational videos in the Itslearning learning system and linked there
Teaching methods
Learning-by-doing, task-based, independent study, calculation workshops
In the course, the theory is reviewed under the guidance of the teacher, but before the class, students are offered instructional videos and pre-tasks to familiarize themselves with the topic. The lessons support the calculation of the weekly calculation exercises, and the main focus of the lesson is on the issues about which the students have questions based on the teaching videos and preliminary assignments.
Exam schedules
Midterm exams during the week ** OR course exam during the week **. To be completed at the start of the course
If necessary, 2 retakes during spring 2025 (you can repeat either midterm exam 2 or the exam that measures the content of the entire course)
International connections
Learning-by-doing and theory lectures.
Learning is largely based on the student's own active participation and performance.
Students are given both review tasks and material to support their performance on the studied subjects.
The mathematical skills learned in the course are basic skills needed in working life.
The evaluation is based on completed tasks and demonstration of competence in the exam(s).
Completion alternatives
Independent study and a course exam measuring the content of the course at a time agreed with the teacher.
Student workload
5 credits = 134 t of student work, divided into meetings and independent tasks.
- Classroom meetings 56 h
- Independent study (calculation exercises and studying for exams) 71-74 h = about 5 hours of independent study per week!
- Competence tests that measure competence (performance is taken into account in the case of a grade limit) 2 h
- 2 midterm exams OR one course exam (part of the course credits) 2-5 h
Content scheduling
The start meeting of the course is in week 3.
Attending classes is mandatory and the teacher must be informed in advance of absences.
Mathematical skills learned in the course are basic skills needed in vocational studies and in working life.
- Number representations and number sets
- Basic calculations and order of calculations
- Unit conversions and SI system units
- Powers and powers of ten (also negative and root = fractional powers)
- Processing of polynomials (Simplification of expressions, also fractional expressions)
- Function values ??and reading the graph of the function
- 1st degree functions and 1st degree function graph
- 1st degree equations and inequalities (also ratios)
- Percentage calculation
- 2nd degree functions and the graph of a 2nd degree function
- 2nd degree equations and inequalities
- Pairs and groups of equations
- Basics of matrix calculation
- Trigonometry of right and oblique triangles
- Geometry of other bodies
- Vector calculus
- Angles and angle units
- Trigonometric functions on the unit circle
- Trigonometric equations
- Exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions and their graphs
- Exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric equations
- MATLAB mathematics software to support tasks
Further information
The teacher sends the most important announcements of the course by e-mail. Contact the teacher by email (
Information related to lessons in itslearning. Announcements related to the course in itslearning on the Course Overview page.
Software used: ViLLE, MATLAB, GeoGebra
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is evaluated numerically from 0-5.
The evaluation is based on course points, which are collected as follows:
- Calculation practice handouts max 1 p/handout * 12 handouts, so a maximum of 12 p.
- For independent ViLLE tasks exceeding the required 30%, 1% = 0.1p, total max 12p
- For attendance at lectures 24 lecture meetings 24*0.25p= 6 points
- Two partial exams (max 40p) or one course exam (max 80p)
To get course points from the calculations, it is necessary to return them to Its in electronic form and to self-evaluate your own performance by the deadline. You get points in proportion to the number of calculated tasks.
For the approved performance (number 1) is required
- at least 30% of the maximum points of independent ViLLE tasks
- at least 40 course credits in total
Other grades are determined by points on a linear scale.
A good performance in intermediate tests that measure competence is taken into account in the case of a grade limit.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student lacks one of the required passing conditions:
- The student has not received at least 30% of the maximum points for the ViLLE assignments.
- The student has not achieved at least 40% = 40 course points in total
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
- The student has received at least 30% of the maximum points of the ViLLE assignments and course points as follows:
Course points 40-51 = 1
Course points 52-63 = 2
Competence corresponding to level 1-2: The student can solve 1st and 2nd degree polynomial equations and their applications. The student masters right-angled triangle trigonometry and knows how to apply it in vector calculations.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
- The student has received at least 30% of the maximum points of the ViLLE assignments and course points as follows:
Course points 64-75 = 3
Course points 76-87 = 4
Competence corresponding to level 3-4: In addition to the competence of level 1-2, the student masters one of the following topics
- Refinement of various powers and expressions
- Graphs of functions and related calculations
- Oblique triangle trigonometry and trigonometric equations
- Vector calculus
- Exponential and logarithmic equations
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
- The student has received at least 30% of the maximum points for the ViLLE assignments.
- The student has received at least 88 course points in total.
Competence corresponding to level 5: In addition to the competence of level 1-2, the student also masters the refinement of various powers and expressions, the examination and calculation related to the graphs of functions, trigonometry and trigonometric equations of diagonal triangles, vector calculations and exponent and logarithmic equations.
Introduction to mathematical sciences or corresponding skills.
27.05.2024 - 06.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Degree Programme in Industrial Management and Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Marjo Aaltonen
PENERS24Energy and Environmental Engineering, S24
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
The aim of the course is to activate and develop the students’ field-relevant English language and communication skills. The students will gain professional skills in various spoken and written communicative situations encountered in working life and society. In addition, they will learn to utilize tools and techniques to further develop their skills in authentic, field-specific contexts. More specifically, students will focus on developing their language and communication skills in.
Upon completing the course, the students should have acquired skills to communicate at level B2 according to European Framework of Reference for Languages, which states that at B2-level students should be able to produce clear, coherent and well-structured texts, present detailed descriptions related to one’s field of interest, express and exchange opinions using fluent language, follow complex arguments, and read longer articles and reports.
- writing professional, field-specific texts
- presenting and discussing field-specific topics in a professional manner
- reading field-specific texts and utilizing the information in professional contexts
- learning and using key terminology of the field
- becoming professional, autonomous language users in working life
The course material is available in Its.
International connections
The course topics include sustainability with study on the key vocabulary, and discussion on the main aspects of sustainability.
Student workload
The students will work on contact meeting tasks, self-study tasks and be tested on their skills with spoken and written assignments on the course topics. The meeting tasks and assignments are completed during the contact meetings only. The self-study tasks are homework.
Content scheduling
The course will run from 2 September to 13 December.
The course consists of contact meetings (12x2h = 24h) and individual/group work in Its.
The course topics are professional emailing and reporting, meetings at work, and professional presentation. The topics include aspects of sustainability and/or digitalization, and field-specific vocabulary.
The aim of the course is to activate and develop the students’ field-relevant English language and communication skills. The students gain professional skills in various spoken and written communicative situations encountered in working life and society.
Learning objectives:
Spoken communication
The student
- presents topics in a structured way
- discusses topics using related terminology
- uses functional language e.g. signposting
- participates actively in discussions by commenting, asking, and reacting
- expresses themselves in a spontaneous way
- expresses themselves in a clear and logical way
- expresses themselves in their own words
Written communication
The student
- follows the structure and language of professional email and reporting
- recognizes and applies the appropriate style for the situation e.g. in terms of the vocabulary
- expresses themselves in a clear and logical way
- writes in their own words using sources correctly
Further information
The channel of communication during the course is Its.
Note that no general attendance is required but the assignments and meeting tasks are completed in contact meetings only (see evaluation).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The evaluation is based on
1) four assignments
- email message, mini-report, meeting and presentation
- the evaluation scale for the assignments is 1-5
- specific evaluation criteria is given in connection with the instructions
- the average of individual assignment evaluations forms the final evaluation
- the assignments are completed in contact meetings only
2) meeting tasks and self-study tasks
- 8 tasks
- the evaluation scale is passed/failed
- if you return less than 6 tasks, the final evaluation will drop by one grade
- the meeting tasks are completed in contact meetings only
Points to be noted:
- For full final evaluation complete ALL course work within the given deadlines.
- Note that course work cannot be done again or replaced by other work, or an exam.
- With problems of completing course work, contact the teacher BEFORE the deadlines.
- Assignments are not accepted after 15 December 2024.
27.05.2024 - 04.10.2024
01.10.2024 - 15.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Degree Programme in Industrial Management and Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Vilhelmiina Valonen
PENERS24Energy and Environmental Engineering, S24
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
The objective of the course is to give the student basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.3
The student is able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations.
After passing the course the student is able to
- Tell about his or her life, hobbies and studies orally and in writing
- Manage in discussions about everyday situations
- To ask questions, make suggestions and requests as well as denials
- To read short texts and gain information from e.g. instructions and schedules.
Material and links provided by teacher in Itslearning course platform
Book: Gehring, Sonja & Heinzmann, Sanni. 2023. Suomen mestari 1 Uudistettu — Suomen kielen oppikirja aikuisille. Otava.
Teaching methods
Task-based, group work, pair work, independent work at home.
Exam schedules
Follow the deadlines for the assignments given.
International connections
Working on the contact lessons at campus in groups and independently, practising in Itslearning, cultural sustainability.
Student workload
Written and oral exercises in class and independently at home.
3 tasks to be assessed: vocabulary task, oral task and written task.
5 credits means about 130 hours of student work, including lessons and independent work.
Content scheduling
The aim of the course is to learn basic knowledge of Finnish, focusing on the student´s practical language of everyday life and student's own study field. The aim of the course is to learn basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.2.
The course consists lessons at Kupittaa campus. In addition, students must study the language independently in order to reach the target language level A1.2.
After passing the course you are able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations and you can
- tell about your life and studies orally and in writing
- manage short phrases and discussions in everyday situations
- understand some basic structures in Finnish language
- ask simple questions and answer them
Lessons at Kupittaa campus - see the schedule.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
During the course, the student's oral and written language skills are evaluated.
The grade will be based on the homework and classwork completed on time and on the tasks to be evaluated. Evaluated assignments will be evaluated 0–3 points. From homework and classwork student can have 0–3 points to the final grade.
Course grade
Points from assignments
0–3 p.
4–5 p.
6 p.
7–8 p.
9–10 p.
11–12 p.
10.10.2024 - 26.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Technology Industry
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
95 - 115
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Pekka Jukantupa
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
After completing the course the student can:
Fluid mechanics and
- define the basic concepts related to pressure, fluid flow and temperature
Fluid mechanics and Heat
- give examples on pressure and flow measurement methods
- measure temperature with different methods
- determine the density of an object, flow speed and the pressure generated by a pump
- apply Bernoulli´s equation in calculations
- use the concepts of heat and heat flow and apply them in problem solving
- use the basic concepts of electrostatics and DC -circuits and apply them in problem solving
- read DC -circuit diagrams and solve unknown physics quantities in them
- use Kirchhoff´s laws to solve currents in a circuit
- measure current, voltage and the input power of a DC motor/pump
- Fluid mechanics
- Temperature
- Heat
- Electrostatics
- DC-circuits
Evaluation scale
10.10.2024 - 14.02.2025
14.02.2025 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Technology Industry
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
50 - 60
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Pekka Jukantupa
After completing the course the student can:
Fluid mechanics and
- define the basic concepts related to pressure, fluid flow and temperature
Fluid mechanics and Heat
- give examples on pressure and flow measurement methods
- measure temperature with different methods
- determine the density of an object, flow speed and the pressure generated by a pump
- apply Bernoulli´s equation in calculations
- use the concepts of heat and heat flow and apply them in problem solving
- use the basic concepts of electrostatics and DC -circuits and apply them in problem solving
- read DC -circuit diagrams and solve unknown physics quantities in them
- use Kirchhoff´s laws to solve currents in a circuit
- measure current, voltage and the input power of a DC motor/pump
- Fluid mechanics
- Temperature
- Heat
- Electrostatics
- DC-circuits
Evaluation scale
02.12.2024 - 13.01.2025
24.03.2025 - 11.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Toomas Karhu
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
After completing the course, the student
- appreciates the hot work accident prevention
- is aware of own responsibility for hot works
- knows hot work regulations
- understands the importance of advance planning and the hot work permit
- knows how to do hot work safely
- risks in hot work
- guiding the hot work safety legislation
- hot work planning and safe execution
- how to act in case of an accident
- fire extinguishing and security training
"Before starting hot work" -study book.
Addition material in ItsLearning.
Teaching methods
After completing the course, the student will have the knowledge and skills required to obtain a hot work certificate. The course includes lectures that cover the topics related to hot work certificate training. Additionally, the course includes hot work site protection and extinguishing exercises. There is a 100% attendance requirement for lectures and exercises.
Exam schedules
The exam date will be announced at the beginning of the course according to the schedule. Any retake exam will be arranged separately with the teacher. The goal is to have the retake exam within a week after the original exam.
International connections
Classroom lectures and practical exercises.
Completion alternatives
No alternative ways of completing the course.
Student workload
The student's workload consists of a 100% attendance requirement for lectures and exercises, studying the course material, and preparing for the exam. The course is worth 1 ECTS credit, which corresponds to 27 hours of student work.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Pass: Successfully completed the exam mandated by SPEK, successfully completed the protection and extinguishing exercises, and 100% attendance and participation in the course.
Fail: The above requirements are not met.
Content scheduling
- risks in hot work
- guiding the hot work safety legislation
- hot work planning and safe execution
- how to act in case of an accident
- fire extinguishing and hot work site security training
The timing is according to the schedule.
Further information
Communication via email.
Costs for students for the course: 'Before starting hot work" study book and the hot work permit together cost 26 EUR per student. The payment is with guidance from teacher during the first classroom session via E-forms. [](
If necessary, the student must verify the payment to the teacher either with a printed receipt or a photo taken from the screen. The receipt or photo must show the student's name and the payment.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is graded on a pass/fail scale. To pass the course, the student must successfully complete the exam mandated by SPEK, successfully complete the fire protection of hot work site and extinguishing exercises, and have 100% attendance and participation in the course.
30.05.2024 - 15.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Degree Programme in Industrial Management and Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Aaro Mustonen
PENERS24Energy and Environmental Engineering, S24
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
The student is able to create documents with office applications backup and restore documents select when to use word processing, spreadsheet calculations in MS Excels, handling long spreadsheets in MS Excel, use of PowerPoint and AMK model, getting to know the Matlab program, basic use of the Matlab software in cooperation with the Intro to Mathematical Subjects course and Matlab simulations.
• Presentation of the course, educational institution's IT systems, saving and using MS Onedrive
• Basic text processing and document standard MS Word
• More demanding word processing and familiarization with ready-made document templates in MS Word, Publication-level writing in MS Word
• Basics of spreadsheet calculations in MS Excel
• Spreadsheet MS Excel: multi-format calculation
• Handling long spreadsheets in MS Excel
• Use of PowerPoint and AMK model, features of a good presentation
• Working on your own presentation in collaboration with the Intro to higher education course
• Getting to know the Matlab program
• Basic use of the Matlab software in cooperation with the Intro to Mathematical Subjects course
• Matlab simulations
• Matlab advanced features
• Review lessons and final exam in the auditorium
Instructional videos and other electronic learning material linked to the learning environment.
Teaching methods
The course is based on the student's active self-study through exercises. Attendance and exercises accumulate points in the course grade. The teacher organizes weekly meetings where the most common mistakes in exercises and students' questions about the week's topic are reviewed. Attendance at the course is mandatory.
Exam schedules
Competency test week 50
International connections
Learning-by-doing, supporting learning and Flipped learning
Learning is based on the student's own active participation and completion.
The student is given independent assignments and material to support their performance on the studied subjects.
The skills learned in the course are basic skills needed in studies and working life, and they lead to a sustainable lifestyle by studying remote connection usage and optimization.
The evaluation is based on completed tasks and demonstration of competence in the exam.
Completion alternatives
If you already have strong information technology skills from university level, come and present the certificates from the course and talk to the teacher -> Completing the review assignments and the exam independently may be possible.
Student workload
5 credits = 135 h of student work, divided into independent tasks, meetings and final exam.
- Meetings 40 h
- Tasks related to meetings 36 h
- Review assignments and review for the exam 24 hours
- Demonstration test 2 h
- Preparing a PowerPoint presentation 6 h
- Matlab Onramp 27 h
Tasks to be evaluated
- Weekly assignments that can be used to collect points for the course grade
- Compulsory revision tasks in MS Word and Excel
- Final assignment on presentation graphics (MS PowerPoint)
- Final exam on word processing (MS Word) and spreadsheets (MS Excel)
- Matlab Onramp Cource (MathWorks)
Content scheduling
The starting hours of the course are in week 36 and the exam in week 50.
An extensive package of instructions and help has been prepared for the Itslearning learning environment to support your studies. Independent study is supported by themed weekly guidance meetings with the teacher.
• week 36: Presentation of the course, educational institution's IT systems, saving and using MS Onedrive
• week 37: Basic word processing and getting to know MS Word
• week 38: Using styles and layouts in MS Word
• Week 39: Familiarization with TUAS's ready-made document model/report MS Word
• week 40: Basics of spreadsheet calculations in MS Excel
• week 41: Table calculation and cell formatting in MS Excel
• week 42: Holiday
• week 43: Processing spreadsheets 1 MS Excel
• week 44: Use of PowerPoint and TUAS model, features of a good presentation
• week 45: Working on your own presentation in collaboration with the Intro to university studies course
• week 46: Getting to know the Matlab program with the Onramp course
• week 47: Basic use of the Matlab software in cooperation with the Intro to Mathematical Sciences course
• week 48: Matlab simulations
• week 49: Review lessons
• week 50: Final exam in the auditorium
Further information
The teacher sends the most important announcements of the course by e-mail. Contact the teacher by email ( Information related to lessons in Itslearning. Announcements related to the course in itslearning on the Course Overview page.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The test to be completed in week 49-50, which measures Word and Excel skills, is evaluated numerically from 0-5.
The course grading scale is published at the start of the course.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student has not successfully attended the lecures, completed the course exam and done mandatory weekly assignments.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Number 1 requires approximately half of the course exam points in each exam area (Word and Excel). Other grades are determined on a linear scale.
Attendance and homework scores are taken into account in the evaluation.
Number 1 course points 50-59
Number 2 course points 60-69
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Number 3 course points 70-79
Number 4 course points 80-89
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Number 5 requires at least 90 course points.
30.05.2024 - 15.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Degree Programme in Industrial Management and Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Aaro Mustonen
PENERS24Energy and Environmental Engineering, S24
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Student obtains the skills and knowledge required for basic courses of mathematical sciences within polytechnical studies.
• Real numbers
• Basic arithmetic operations and the order of operations
• Fractions
• Powers, roots and rational exponents
• Polynomials and polynomial equations of 1. and 2. degree
• Simplifying rational expressions
• Percentages
• Simultaneous linear equations
• Lines and parabolas
• Concepts of variable and function
• Graphs of functions and interpretation of graphs
• Basics of geometry and trigonometry
• International system of units, unit conversions
• Calculations involving quantities and units
• Field-specific content
Electronic and online material, educational videos in the Itslearning learning system and linked there
Teaching methods
Learning-by-doing, task-based, independent study, calculation workshops
The course provides the prerequisites for studying the mathematics and physics courses included in the engineering education through diverse teaching, guided calculation exercises, electronic Ville exercises, independent practice and group work.
Exam schedules
The course is divided into 2-3 midterm exams according to the wishes of the group. If the course is completed with midterm exams, you must attend each midterm exam. Otherwise, in connection with the last midterm exam, the student must take a course exam covering all areas of the course.
International connections
learning-by-doing, supporting learning
Completion alternatives
Independent study and an approved course exam/ exams. This method of performance must be agreed with the teacher and must be based on a strong mathematical background.
Student workload
5 credits = 135 h of student work, divided on average
- Joint calculation workshops 52 h
- Independent study with the help of calculation handouts and guide videos, about 4 hours/handout = 43 hours
- training in Ville-platform
- Rehearsals for the exams 16 h
- Exam 2 h
Content scheduling
Opening lecture in week 36. Teaching weekly in weeks 36-48. More detailed schedule on the course's Itslearning pages.
Mathematical skills learned in the course are basic skills needed in vocational studies and in working life. Contents:
- Number representations and number sets
- Basic calculations and order of calculations
- Calculating with fractions and handling fractional expressions
- Quantities and the SI system
- Processing of units in calculations and unit conversions
- Powers and powers of ten (also negative and root = fractional powers)
- Processing of polynomials (Simplification of expressions, also fractional expressions)
- Function values and reading the graph of the function
- 1st degree functions and 1st degree function graph
- 1st degree equations and inequalities (also ratios),
- Percentage calculation
- 2nd degree functions and the graph of a 2nd degree function
- 2nd degree equations and inequalities
- A pair of linear equations
- Right triangle trigonometry
- Basics about the geometry of other bodies
Further information
The teacher sends the most important announcements of the course by e-mail. Contact the teacher by email ( Information related to lessons in itslearning. Announcements related to the course in Itslearning on the Course Overview page.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is evaluated numerically from 0 to 5.
The assessment is based on course points, which are collected as follows:
- Presence and active participation in lectures and counting exercises (20 meetings) 0.5p x 20 = 10p
- From weekly calculation exercises max 1p/multiplier = maximum 1p x 12 = 12p
- For independent ViLLE tasks exceeding the required 40%, 1% = 0.1p x 60% = 6p (max)
- Two-three sub-tests or one course exam max 80p
Receiving course points from weekly calculation exercises requires them to be returned to ItsLearning in electronic form and self-assessment of your own performance by the deadline. Points are awarded in proportion to the number of calculated tasks.
Qualified performance (number 1) is required
- at least 50% attendance of meetings
- at least 40% of the maximum score for independent ViLLE tasks
- at least 40 credits in total
Other grades are determined by points on a linear scale:
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student is missing one of the required pass conditions:
- at least 50% attendance of meetings
- The student has not received at least 40% of the maximum score for ViLLE assignments.
- Student has not achieved at least 40% = 40 course points total
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student has received at least 40% of the maximum points for ViLLE assignments and course points as follows:
Course points 40-51 = 1
Course points 52-63 = 2
Competence corresponding to level 1-2: The student can solve 1st and 2nd degree polynomial equations and their applications. The student masters right-angled triangle trigonometry.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student has received at least 40% of the maximum points for ViLLE assignments and course points as follows:
Course points 64-75 = 3
Course points 76-87 = 4
Competence corresponding to level 3-4: In addition to the competence of level 1-2, the student masters one of the following topics:
- handling of units and unit conversions
- refining various powers and expressions
- graphs of functions and related calculations
- solving a pair of equations
- basics of vector calculus
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has received at least 40% of the maximum points for the ViLLE assignments.
The student has received at least 88 course points in total.
Competence corresponding to level 5: In addition to level 1-2 competence, the student also masters the basics of handling units and unit conversions, refining various powers and expressions, examining and calculating graphs of functions, solving pairs of equations and vector calculations.
08.12.2024 - 28.03.2025
21.04.2025 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
1 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Sirpa Erkkilä-Häkkinen
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
After completing the course, the student
- is aware of the central issues of occupational safety in the shared workplace
- knows the essential requirements of industrial occupational safety and the realization of the company's business environment.
- is able to apply the principles of occupational safety and health in one´s own work
- common workplace
- common safety
- safe workday in the shared workplace
- operating in accident situations
Material available on the ItsLearning platform.
Teaching methods
Students will complete the Finnish Occupational Safety Card training. The course begins with an independent online module, followed by a contact teaching session (4 hours) that includes an exam. After successfully completing the course, the student will receive the Occupational Safety Card from The Centre for Occupational Safety, which is valid for 5 years.
The card is a mobile card, and the information about the Occupational Safety Card (name, date of birth, and card validity) will be published on The Centre for Occupational Safety's website. The student must notify The Centre for Occupational Safety if they do not wish for their information to be displayed online.
Exam schedules
At the end of the contact teaching, there will be an exam. The exam can be retaken immediately after the first attempt. The second retake, if needed, must be arranged with the teacher.
International connections
An independent online module and related tasks. Additionally, there will be contact teaching that includes assignments and group works. Successful completion of these is a prerequisite for participating in the exam.
Completion alternatives
Tasks to be completed independently on the ItsLearning platform, as well as contact teaching at a separately announced time. Participation requires 100% attendance, as well as involvement in group work and the exam.
Student workload
Assigned tasks and contact teaching (4 hours). Estimated time commitment is 10-15 hours.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
To achieve a passing grade, completion of tasks (at least 70% must be correct), participation (100%) in contact teaching, group exercises, and successful completion of the exam are required.
Content scheduling
After completing the course, the student
- is aware of the central issues of occupational safety in the shared workplace
- knows the essential requirements of industrial occupational safety and the realization of the company's business environment.
- is able to apply the principles of occupational safety and health in one´s own work
Student knows terms
- common workplace
- common safety
- safe workday in the shared workplace
- operating in accident situations.
To be completed in spring 2025.
Further information
Sirpa Erkkilä-Häkkinen,
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assigned tasks (a passing score requires at least 70% correct), participation (100%), and the exam (minimum 23 out of 27 points)
30.05.2024 - 15.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Degree Programme in Industrial Management and Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Aaro Mustonen
Scheduling groups
- Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
PENERS24Energy and Environmental Engineering, S24
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Small groups
- Subgroup 1
- Subgroup 2
After completing the course, the student
• is able to apply the International System of Quantities and Units of Measurement in the interpretation and explanation of technical information.
• understand the basic concepts of kinematics and dynamics (speed, acceleration, force, friction).
• understands the basic techniques of drawing a free body diagrams and is able to apply free body diagrams and Newton's laws in problem solving in mechanics.
• is able to solve equations of quantities and apply vector calculus in problem solving in mechanics.
• understands the concepts of work, energy, power and efficiency and is able to analyze problems in mechanics with their help.
• is able to apply the work-energy principle in mechanics.
• is able to analyse collision situations using the concepts of momentum and impulse.
• understands the basic concepts of rotational motion and is able to apply these concepts to the analysis of kinematics of rotational motion
• understands the concepts of torque, moment of inertia and momentum and is able to apply the basic equation of rotational motion to their analysis.
• Kinematics of linear and two-dimensional motion; acceleration, speed, velocity and change of position.
• Forces, resisting forces and Newton's laws
• Work, energy, power and efficiency
• Work-energy-principle
• Momentum and impulse
• Angular velocity, angular acceleration, angle of rotation, track speed, tangential and centripetal acceleration
• Conditions for staying on a circular track
• Torque, moment of inertia and momentum
• Basic equation of rotational motion
The course topics can be found in the free book
College Physics for AP® Courses 2e
As Finnish language skills develop, students can use as a book
Tekniikan Fysiikka 1
Julkaisija Edita
ISBN 978-951-37-3842-6
Insinöörin FYSIIKKA (AMK), Osa I
Hautala, Peltonen
ISBN 978-952-5191-26-4
In addition, support material distributed through the Itslearning system is included.
Teaching methods
Blended learning, contact teaching, task-based learning, independent study, teamwork, electronic materials and assignments.
The course introduces the basic physics skills that form the basis of engineering. In addition to supervised independent study based on electronic materials and textbooks, arithmetic exercises play an essential role in the work. The exercises are worked on both independently and in small groups.
Exam schedules
Subtests 1 and 2 during the course on campus
At the end of the course, there will be two retakes, where you can retake either of the subtests 1 and 2.
International connections
The course is implemented as contact teaching on campus. The course proceeds by weekly theme as follows:
1. Students independently familiarise themselves with the theme with the help of a textbook, instructional videos and various support materials before the lecture (shared in Itslearning).
2. Students take part in a lecture session where theory is adopted using versatile learning techniques suitable for the topic.
3. Students practice the weekly theme by doing arithmetic exercises independently and in small groups. Landing exercises are in the Ville system. Students do their arithmetic exercises in the same notebook or in some other way into a coherent collection according to notation practices in physics. The answers are entered into the Ville system, where correct answers earn Ville points.
4. There is a weekly arithmetic practice session where the teacher guides in the calculations and gives advice on unanswered questions.
At the end of the course, students present their calculation exercise notebooks to the teacher or otherwise submit a collection of their arithmetic exercises to the teacher for evaluation. In accordance with the notation practices of physics and clearly presented calculation exercises, additional points are awarded for the assessment.
In addition to the weekly themes, the course is divided into two parts, each of which has its own sub-exam.
Student workload
The course is 5 ECTS, i.e. the workload is approximately 135 h.
Exams and preparation as well as Ville assignments require about 15 hours. Thus, 120 h is available for the 12 weekly themes of the course, i.e. 10 h per weekly theme, which is divided as follows:
-Independent work and small group work 7-8 h
-Participation in the teaching event (tips videos and support sessions on average) 2-3 h.
Content scheduling
Opening lecture on week 36. Teaching weekly during weeks 36-50. A more detailed schedule can be found on the course's Itslearning website.
• Kinematics of linear and two-dimensional motion; acceleration, speed, velocity and change of position.
• Forces, resisting forces and Newton's laws
• Work, energy, power and efficiency
• Work-energy-principle
• Momentum and impulse
• Angular velocity, angular acceleration, angle of rotation, track speed, tangential and centripetal acceleration
• Conditions for staying on a circular track
• Torque, moment of inertia and momentum
• Basic equation of rotational motion
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment is based on points collected from the calculation exercises (max 16 p.), the first subtest (max 12 p.), the second subtest (max 12 p.) The course has a attendance requirement and the attendance accumulates course points on 20 lectures and calculation meetings by 20 x 0.1p = 2p.
To pass the course, the student must receive:
--At least 3,5 points for the first subtest and
--At least 3.5 points in the second subtest and
--Ville points in the Ville system total at least 40% of the maximum score (in principle 448/1120 Ville points) and
--A total of at least 16 points for the subtests and calculation exercises.
Points are awarded for the calculation exercises based on the Ville points collected in the Ville system and on the basis of the evaluation of the homework collection returned at the end of the implementation.
----Based on the Ville score, you get a maximum of 12 points for the assessment. The number of points is 12*The percentage of accumulated Ville points is the maximum.
----By doing the calculations in accordance with the notation practices of physics in a notebook or other common collection, you will receive a maximum of 4 points for the assessment. The collection is returned to the teacher at the end of the course for evaluation. The teacher evaluates the notation practices of the notebook according to the criteria given in ItsLearning.
The grade is determined on the basis of the total number of points (subtests, Ville and calculation exercises) according to the following table:
Grade 1 requires 18 points
Grade 2 requires 23 points
Grade 3 requires 28 points
Grade 4 requires 33 points
Grade 5 requires 38 points
01.06.2024 - 02.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
0 - 100
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Merja Peltokoski
- Pekka Törnqvist
Teacher in charge
Merja Peltokoski
Scheduling groups
- PKONTS24A1 (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
- PKONTS24A2 (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
- PKONTS24B1 (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
- PKONTS24B2 (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
After completing the course the student:
- can create an unambiguous and clear image of a 2D model using the definitions of projection and sectional drawings in technical drawing standards
- understands the principles of feature modelling.
- can create the necessary 2D profiles, relations and dimensions , as well as use this profile to create a three-dimensional part.
- 2D sketch
- product projection methods
- technical drawings (views, sections and cuts)
- relations, dimensions
- basic features (extrude, cut, revolve, loft, circular pattern, fillet, chamfer)
- assembly
- drawings
Evaluation scale
31.07.2024 - 27.09.2024
30.08.2024 - 13.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Mika Seppänen
- Kimmo Metsämäki
Teacher in charge
Mika Seppänen
After completing the course the student:
- can create an unambiguous and clear image of a 2D model using the definitions of projection and sectional drawings in technical drawing standards
- understands the principles of feature modelling.
- can create the necessary 2D profiles, relations and dimensions , as well as use this profile to create a three-dimensional part.
- 2D sketch
- product projection methods
- technical drawings (views, sections and cuts)
- relations, dimensions
- basic features (extrude, cut, revolve, loft, circular pattern, fillet, chamfer)
- assembly
- drawings
The programs' guidebooks, exercises and electronic "Help" material.
Teaching methods
Task-specific instructions given by the teacher, exercises done in class and independent work.
Exam schedules
Modelling exam on the last week of the course.
Re-exam on the week 1/2025.
International connections
Learning by doing, independent work and, understanding of the impact of technical solutions on the environment and the economy
Student workload
The course consists of contact teaching, class work and independent work.
Contact teaching basically 12h/credit, independent work 15h/credit. The time and place indicated in the agenda.
Late returns affects the course grade
Content scheduling
Basics of 3D modeling, using Siemens NX.
Parametric feature modeling, basic modeling, assemblies, drawings, and visualization.
Further information
ItsLearning- Course-specific workspace.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Continuous assessment, working in hours, mandatory returnable exercises, attendance at classes
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Agreed tasks have not been returned to the Itslearning course-specific return box.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Most of the tasks have been returned, but the tasks are incomplete or carried out carelessly.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
All tasks (grade (3-4)) completed well and carefully.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
All tasks (grade 5) completed well and carefully.
01.12.2024 - 15.01.2025
09.01.2025 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Technology Industry
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
4 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Mika Seppänen
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
After completing the course the student:
- can create an unambiguous and clear image of a 2D model using the definitions of projection and sectional drawings in technical drawing standards
- understands the principles of feature modelling.
- can create the necessary 2D profiles, relations and dimensions , as well as use this profile to create a three-dimensional part.
- 2D sketch
- product projection methods
- technical drawings (views, sections and cuts)
- relations, dimensions
- basic features (extrude, cut, revolve, loft, circular pattern, fillet, chamfer)
- assembly
- drawings
The programs' guidebooks, exercises and electronic "Help" material.
Teaching methods
Task-specific instructions given by the teacher, exercises done in class and independent work.
Exam schedules
Modelling exam on the last week of the course.
Re-exam on the week 19/2025.
International connections
Learning by doing, independent work and, understanding of the impact of technical solutions on the environment and the economy
Student workload
The course consists of contact teaching, class work and independent work.
Contact teaching basically 12h/credit, independent work 15h/credit. The time and place indicated in the agenda.
Late returns affects the course grade
Content scheduling
Basics of 3D modeling, using Siemens NX.
Parametric feature modeling, basic modeling, assemblies, drawings, and visualization.
Further information
ItsLearning- Course-specific workspace.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Continuous assessment, working in hours, mandatory returnable exercises, attendance at classes
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Agreed tasks have not been returned to the Itslearning course-specific return box.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Most of the tasks have been returned, but the tasks are incomplete or carried out carelessly.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
All tasks (grade (3-4)) completed well and carefully.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
All tasks (grade 5) completed well and carefully.
07.10.2024 - 14.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Technology Industry
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Mika Seppänen
- Kimmo Metsämäki
Teacher in charge
Mika Seppänen
Scheduling groups
- PKONTK25_A1 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- PKONTK25_A2 2 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- PKONTK25_B1 3 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- PKONTK25_B2 4 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- PKONTK25_A1 1
- PKONTK25_A2 2
- PKONTK25_B1 3
- PKONTK25_B2 4
After completing the course the student:
- can create an unambiguous and clear image of a 2D model using the definitions of projection and sectional drawings in technical drawing standards
- understands the principles of feature modelling.
- can create the necessary 2D profiles, relations and dimensions , as well as use this profile to create a three-dimensional part.
- 2D sketch
- product projection methods
- technical drawings (views, sections and cuts)
- relations, dimensions
- basic features (extrude, cut, revolve, loft, circular pattern, fillet, chamfer)
- assembly
- drawings
The programs' guidebooks, exercises and electronic "Help" material.
Teaching methods
Task-specific instructions given by the teacher, exercises done in class and independent work.
Exam schedules
Modelling exam on the last week of the course.
Re-exam on the week 19/2025.
International connections
Learning by doing, independent work and, understanding of the impact of technical solutions on the environment and the economy
Student workload
The course consists of contact teaching, class work and independent work.
Contact teaching basically 12h/credit, independent work 15h/credit. The time and place indicated in the agenda.
Late returns affects the course grade
Content scheduling
Basics of 3D modeling, using Siemens NX.
Parametric feature modeling, basic modeling, assemblies, drawings, and visualization.
Further information
ItsLearning- Course-specific workspace.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Continuous assessment, working in hours, mandatory returnable exercises, attendance at classes
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Agreed tasks have not been returned to the Itslearning course-specific return box.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Most of the tasks have been returned, but the tasks are incomplete or carried out carelessly.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
All tasks (grade (3-4)) completed well and carefully.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
All tasks (grade 5) completed well and carefully.
01.12.2024 - 13.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Technology Industry
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
0 - 100
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Merja Peltokoski
Teacher in charge
Merja Peltokoski
Scheduling groups
- PKONTS24 A1 (Size: 35. Open UAS: 0.)
- PKONTS24 A2 (Size: 35. Open UAS: 0.)
- PKONTS24 B1 (Size: 35. Open UAS: 0.)
- PKONTS24 B2 (Size: 35. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
After completing the course, the student:
- can create product documentation unambiguous using markings and line types in accordance with technical drawing standards
- can size and determine tolerances in accordance with standards, considering functionality, manufacturability, and impact on the manufacturing costs of the part
- knows the management of technical product information standardization, which includes technical product documentation and geometric product specification
- knows the concepts, principles, and rules of geometric product specification (GPS)
- knows the principles of PDM systems for managing product information.
- 2D drawing
- Representation of dimensions and tolerances
- Geometric product specification (GPS)
- Technical product documentation
- Product Data Management (PDM)
Evaluation scale
01.12.2024 - 20.03.2025
20.03.2025 - 30.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Technology Industry
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
0 - 70
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Merja Peltokoski
Teacher in charge
Merja Peltokoski
After completing the course, the student:
- can create product documentation unambiguous using markings and line types in accordance with technical drawing standards
- can size and determine tolerances in accordance with standards, considering functionality, manufacturability, and impact on the manufacturing costs of the part
- knows the management of technical product information standardization, which includes technical product documentation and geometric product specification
- knows the concepts, principles, and rules of geometric product specification (GPS)
- knows the principles of PDM systems for managing product information.
- 2D drawing
- Representation of dimensions and tolerances
- Geometric product specification (GPS)
- Technical product documentation
- Product Data Management (PDM)
Evaluation scale
01.12.2024 - 15.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Technology Industry
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Tarmo Karhu
Teacher in charge
Tarmo Karhu
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
After the course, the student:
- Can examine the interactions between humans and the physical environment, tools, and processes.
- Can apply various methods that produce user understanding and knowledge.
- Understands the basics of the CDIO (Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate) framework.
User orientation is the first core part of the design point of view: basically, we always design and develop things for others than ourselves. Study course introduces the meaning of empathy, curiosity, and joint communication, based on design practices and design thinking. CDIO framework is presented as a structural basis for engineering studies. These issues are deepened in contact meetings and exercises on methods of user understanding and information acquisition.
Our main themes leading to user orientation are
- Physical user, ergonomics, and usability
- Senses in the user experience
- Emotions before, during and after the user experience
- Conceive stage (CDIO) that includes defining user/customer needs
- Delft Design Guide: Perspectives, models, approaches, methods, 2020
- Donald A. Norman: The Design of everyday things (latest editions)
- McDonough W., Braungart M. Cradle to Cradle. 2002. Remaking the Way We Make Things.
- Sanders, Stappers: Convivial Toolbox, Generative research for the front end of Design, 2014.
- Ulrich, Karl T.; Eppinger, Steven D.; Yang, Maria C. McGraw-Hill Education [2020] Seventh edition. Product design and development, 2020.
Teaching methods
Intro lectures
Hands-on learning
Individual and small group assignments
Exam schedules
No exams. Exercises can be supplemented if necessary based on teacher's feedback.
International connections
Learning by doing and experimenting and sharing knowledge
itsLearning as a learning platform
Sustainable development is one course subject.
Completion alternatives
Student workload
Individual and team work
1 credit = 27 hours of student work, 5 credits = 135 hours of student work, which consists of contact teaching, exercises and independent study.
Content scheduling
User orientation is the first core part of the design point of view: basically, we always design and develop things for others than ourselves. Study course introduces the meaning of empathy, curiosity, and joint communication, based on design practices and design thinking.
CDIO framework is presented as a structural basis for engineering studies.
These issues are deepened in contact meetings and exercises on methods of user understanding and information acquisition.
Our main themes leading to user orientation are
- Physical user, ergonomics, and usability
- Senses in the user experience
- Emotions before, during and after the user experience
- Conceive stage (CDIO) that includes defining user/customer needs
Introduction to User-centered design and CDIO approaches.
User-centered approach will be expanded by the sustainability perspectives, like life and planet centered approaches. Web course YH00CT31 Fundamentals of Sustainable Development 1 ECTS forms a basis for the sustainability knowledge (separate enrolling).
Further information
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
In the studies, the activity of participation, the quality of the exercises and work done, as well as taking responsibility for one's own learning, are evaluated.
Feedback on exercises is given via itsLearning and verbally at the lessons.
Self-, peer-, and teacher-made evaluations are used as evaluations.
Assignments returned late will lower the grade.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
No participation in the lessons.
Agreed tasks have not been returned, or they have not been done in an approved manner.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Lot of absence from the lessons.
Most of the tasks have been completed, but the tasks are incomplete or carried out carelessly.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Active participation in the lessons.
All tasks have been completed well and carefully. Working has been responsible.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The tasks have been done very carefully and the participation has been very active and constructive.
The student has taken strong responsibility of one's own learning.
01.12.2024 - 15.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
7 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Technology Industry
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 20
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Tarmo Karhu
- Mervi Vuolas
Teacher in charge
Mervi Vuolas
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
After the course the student:
- Understands the importance of creative ideation, visual thinking, prototyping, and communication in design process.
- Knows how to observe, use, and evaluate shapes, colors, and their relationships.
- Understands the possibilities of hand drawing in documenting observations and as a means of communication.
- Understands the various possibilities of prototyping in various design and development needs.
- Can use different ideation methods in fostering creativity and creating alternatives.
The course consists of the following parts:
- Designerly observation
- Hand drawing methods and tools
- Introduction to Prototyping
- Creativity and Ideation methods
Betty Edwards: Drawing on the right side of the brain, 1999
Harald Arnkil: Colors in the visual world, 2013
Harald Arnkil (ed.): Color and light – Concepts and confusions, 2015:
Simon Seivewright: Research and Design, 2007
Alex Milton, Paul Rodgers: Research Methods for Product Design, 2007
Alan Pipes: Drawing for Designers, 2007
Dorst, Kees, 2016: Frame innovation - Create new thinking by Design (e-book)
Sanders, Stappers. (2014) Convivial Toolbox – Generative Research for the front end of Design. BIS Publisher.
Curedale. (2013) 50 Brainstorming Methods for team and individual ideation. Design Community Collage Inc.
Terstiege, Gerrit, 2009: The Making of Design: From the First Model to the Final Product
Wfiitthoft, Scott, 2022: This is a Prototype? The Curious Craft of Building New Ideas
Other litterature:
Milton, Rodgers. (2013) Research methods for product design. Laurence King Publishing.
Crucq-Toffolo, Knitel. (2016) Concept code – How to create meaningful concepts. BIS Publisher.
VanPatter, Pastor. (2016) Innovation methods mapping. Humantific Publishing.
Phillips. (2012) Creating the perfect design brief – How to manage design for strategic advantage. Allworth Press.
Liedtka, King, Bennett. (2013) Solving Problems with Design Thinking, 2013. Columbia University Press.
Teaching methods
Hands-on learning
Individual and small group work
itsLearning as a learning platform
Exam schedules
No exams. Exercise tasks can be corrected based on the feedback given by the teacher.
International connections
Innovation pedagogy, where learning by doing and experimenting and sharing knowledge
itsLearning as a learning platform
Sustainable development manifests e.g. improving young people's and adults' working life-related skills as well as professional and technical competence. Indirectly, the course can promote the creation of decent jobs and entrepreneurship.
Sustainable development can appear as one content in exercise and project tasks.
Completion alternatives
Student workload
Individual and team work
1 credit = 27 hours of student work, 7 credits = 189 hours of student work, which consists of contact teaching, exercises and independent study.
Content scheduling
The student understands the importance of visual thinking and communication in design. The student knows how to observe, use and analyze shapes and colors and their relationships. The student understands the possibilities of hand drawing in documenting observations and as a means of communication
The basics of information design
- Observation and hand drawing
- Composition and modularity
- Moodboard work and creating concepts
- Interaction of colors
- Data visualization
The student knows how to use creative ideation methods and apply comprehensive and user-oriented design thinking in the search for new design possibilities.
Content: Creativity, megatrends, sustainable development, ideation methods
The student understands the versatile possibilities of prototyping in design.
The student is able to apply prototyping at a "quick & dirty" level to tasks that are part of idea generation and experimenting with ideas.
Content: Possibilities of prototyping, experimentation of ideas with lightweight prototyping materials
Further information
Turku UAS e-mail and itsLearning. If necessary, also a telephone.
The studies require mandatory attendance so that peer learning, learning discussions and teamwork are possible in the agreed meetings.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
In the studies, the quality of the exercises and work done, as well as taking responsibility for one's own learning, are evaluated.
Feedback on exercises is given via itsLearning and/or verbally at the lessons.
Self-, peer-, and teacher-made evaluations are used as evaluations.
Assignments returned late will lower the grade.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Agreed tasks have not been returned, or they have not been done in an approved manner.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Most of the tasks have been completed, but the tasks are incomplete or carried out carelessly.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
All tasks have been completed well and carefully. Working has been responsible promoting the group's working ja studying.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The tasks have been done very carefully and the participation has been very constructive. The student has taken strong responsibility for one's own and student group´s learning.
02.08.2025 - 01.09.2025
01.09.2025 - 17.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Technology Industry
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Tommi Metso
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
After completing the course, the student:
- understands the effect of forces and moments on the balance of bodies.
- can calculate the equilibrium state of forces.
- can determine the stress situation of beam structures in all cross-sections.
- Free body diagram
- Equilibrium conditions
- Stress Patterns (N-, Q-, and M-patterns)
- Joint mechanism
- Trusses
Teaching methods
The course is partly taught remotely.
It is possible to complete the course using the principle of a flipped classroom. During onsite lessons, we focus on tasks and their solutions.
Exam schedules
The exam date will be announced in the course's online workspace.
International connections
Flipped learning
Completion alternatives
Solving tasks independently remotely and returning them approved by the deadline.
Student workload
During the course about 50 statics examples and exercises is solved in contact hours.
Content scheduling
After completing the course the student:
- Knows the methods to analyze the static equilibrium of a structure.
- Be able to calculate the support reactions and the internal forces and moments of the structure
- Equilibrium conditions,
- Stress Diagrams(N-, Q-, and M-diagrams)
- Joint mechanism,
- Trusses
Further information
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Passing the course (grade 1) is possible by completing remote assignments. See the learning portal for more detailed instructions. Achieving better grades requires taking the exam.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The total points of the exercises are not enough to pass. 40% of the points have not been achieved in the exam.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The total points of the exam and assignments exceed 40%.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The total points of the exam and assignments exceed 80%
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The total points of the exam and assignments exceed 87%.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Technology Industry
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Tommi Metso
After completing the course, the student:
- understands the effect of forces and moments on the balance of bodies.
- can calculate the equilibrium state of forces.
- can determine the stress situation of beam structures in all cross-sections.
- Free body diagram
- Equilibrium conditions
- Stress Patterns (N-, Q-, and M-patterns)
- Joint mechanism
- Trusses
Teaching methods
The course is partly taught remotely.
It is possible to complete the course using the principle of a flipped classroom. During onsite lessons, we focus on tasks and their solutions.
Exam schedules
The exam date will be announced in the course's online workspace.
International connections
Flipped learning
Completion alternatives
Solving tasks independently remotely and returning them approved by the deadline.
Student workload
During the course about 50 statics examples and exercises is solved in contact hours.
Content scheduling
After completing the course the student:
- Knows the methods to analyze the static equilibrium of a structure.
- Be able to calculate the support reactions and the internal forces and moments of the structure
- Equilibrium conditions,
- Stress Diagrams(N-, Q-, and M-diagrams)
- Joint mechanism,
- Trusses
Further information
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Passing the course (grade 1) is possible by completing remote assignments. See the learning portal for more detailed instructions. Achieving better grades requires taking the exam.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The total points of the exercises are not enough to pass. 40% of the points have not been achieved in the exam.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The total points of the exam and assignments exceed 40%.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The total points of the exam and assignments exceed 80%
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The total points of the exam and assignments exceed 87%.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Technology Industry
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Kimmo Metsämäki
- Mika Seppänen
After completing the course the student:
- can create an unambiguous and clear image of a 2D model using the definitions of projection and sectional drawings in technical drawing standards
- understands the principles of feature modelling.
- can create the necessary 2D profiles, relations and dimensions , as well as use this profile to create a three-dimensional part.
- 2D sketch
- product projection methods
- technical drawings (views, sections and cuts)
- relations, dimensions
- basic features (extrude, cut, revolve, loft, circular pattern, fillet, chamfer)
- assembly
- drawings
The programs' guidebooks, exercises and electronic "Help" material.
Teaching methods
Task-specific instructions given by the teacher, exercises done in class and independent work.
Exam schedules
Modelling exam on the last week of the course.
Re-exam on the week 2/2026.
International connections
Learning by doing, independent work and, understanding of the impact of technical solutions on the environment and the economy
Student workload
The course consists of contact teaching, class work and independent work. The time and place indicated in the agenda.
Late returns affects the course grade
Content scheduling
Basics of 3D modeling, using Siemens NX.
Parametric feature modeling, basic modeling, assemblies, drawings, and visualization.
Further information
ItsLearning- Course-specific workspace.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Continuous assessment, working in hours, mandatory returnable exercises, attendance at classes
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Agreed tasks have not been returned to the Itslearning course-specific return box.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Most of the tasks have been returned, but the tasks are incomplete or carried out carelessly.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
All tasks (grade (3-4)) completed well and carefully.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
All tasks (grade 5) completed well and carefully.