Master of Business Administration, Quality Management
02.12.2024 - 13.03.2025
10.03.2025 - 30.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Master School
Teaching languages
- English
10 - 35
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Quality Management
- Heidi Salokangas
- Sari Airenne
YTERTS24Master of Business Administration, Health Technology
After completing the course, the student will be able to
- launch a quality management system project
- understand the link between a company's quality system and its strategy
- apply the various quality management system requirements in a way that is appropriate to their own environment
- be able to produce documented information to support their own work (e.g. management review agenda, internal audit plan, writing guidelines)
- knows what quality system certification means and how to obtain it
- knows what change control means in context of quality management system
- stages of a quality system project
- How to conduct a GAP analysis
- quality policy, quality objectives, performance indicators
SFS-online 9000-series and industry-specific standards. Other material provided by the lecturers in ItsLearning.
Teaching methods
independent study work
case studies
group work
other lecture assignments
visitor lecturers from industry
Exam schedules
International connections
problem solving
case studies
innovation pedagogy
Completion alternatives
Student workload
The student's workload is 133 hours in total, of which 10 hours are lectures and 123 hours are independent work, both individually and in groups.
Orientation assignments before the lectures 43 h
Group assignment: quality system project plan 40 h
Individual assignment: learning diary 40 h
The workload is indicative and indicative of the average workload required to achieve the learning objectives of the course and the grade 3/5. Depending on the student's previous knowledge and experience, the workload may be less or more. The competence acquired in the course will be assessed through assignments and other deliverables, not through the number of hours worked.
Content scheduling
After completing the course, the student will be able to
- launch a quality management system project
- understand the link between a company's quality system and its strategy
- apply the various quality management system requirements in a way that is appropriate to their own environment
- be able to produce documented information to support their own work (e.g. management review agenda, internal audit plan, writing guidelines)
- knows what quality system certification means and how to obtain it
- knows what change control means in context of quality management system
Course content:
- stages of a quality system project
- How to conduct a GAP analysis
- quality policy, quality objectives, performance indicators
Thu 13.3 online 8.00-12.00
Thu 20.3 online 8.00-12.00
Thu 3.4 online 8.00-12.00
Thu 24.4 online 8.00-12.00
Further information
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Preliminary assignments: accepted/completed.
Group assignment: on a scale of 0-5.
Individual assignments:
Preliminary tasks passed/failed
Individual home assignment (Quizzes): on a scale of 0-5,
Learning Diary: on a scale passed/failed
The grade will be the average of the individual and group assignments.
Returning assignments after the specified return date (late) may result in a lower grade.
Course can be approved when all the assignments are passed at least with the minimum.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Student have not returned all the assignments and have not attended the face-to-face course or completed the substitute assignments successfully. The returned assignments are too vague and/or do not cover the main part of what is requested in the assignment.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Successful completion of all assignments (the student will request a substitute for the absence).
Based on the assignment answers, the student will identify the key concepts and methods of quality management systems and change management and will be able to apply them to a limited extent in the description. No knowledge of academic practices.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Successful completion of all assignments (the student will apply for a substitute assignment in case of absence).
Based on the assignment answers, the student will have a good command of the concepts and methods of quality management systems and change management and will be able to apply them correctly in the description and development of quality management systems. Knowledge of academic practices is good, although there may be systematic minor errors.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Successful completion of all assignments (the student will apply for a substitute assignment in case of absence).
Based on the assignment answers, the student will have a thorough understanding of quality management systems as part of the company's strategy and as a guarantee of customer satisfaction, as well as a command of the methods for measuring and developing QMS processes and quality. A grade of 5 requires good performance in both individual and group tasks. The excellent knowledge of academic practices.
02.12.2024 - 16.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.03.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Master School
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Quality Management
- Kaisa Sorsa
- Heidi Salokangas
After completing the course, the student is able to
• master the basic concepts of compliance and proactive law
• understand what proactive law and compliance means in business
• apply compliance practices in your business environment
• analyze compliance maturity in a business setting
• argue the necessity of compliance
• know how to influence the forthcoming business environment using proactive law practices.
• Definition of compliance and proactive law
• Basics of compliance management and proactive compliance
• compliance maturity models
• Basic Business process compliance
• safety compliance
• Basic Proactive law and compliance in responsible business
Teacher-provided learning material on a self-learning platform and international standards.
Teaching methods
-Online lectures
-Independent study and group work
-Learning assignments
Exam schedules
No exams.
International connections
-Team-based learning in student groups and presentations (substance and communication skills)
-Individual assignments
-Independent working and information retrieval from reference material
Completion alternatives
Student workload
The student's workload is 133 hours in total, of which 10 hours are lectures and 117 hours are independent work, both individually and in groups.
The workload is indicative and indicative of the average workload required to achieve the learning objectives of the course and the grade 3/5. Depending on the student's previous knowledge and experience, the workload may be less or more. The competence acquired in the course will be assessed through assignments and other deliverables, not through the number of hours worked.
Content scheduling
Definition of compliance and proactive law
• Basics of compliance management and proactive compliance
• compliance maturity models
• Basic Business process compliance
• safety compliance
• Basic Proactive law and compliance in responsible business
Thu 16.1. online 8.00-12.00
Thu 30.1 online 8.00-12.00
Thu 13.2 online 8.00-12.00
Thu 27.2 online 8.00-12.00
Further information
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Preliminary assignments: accepted/completed.
Group assignment: on a scale of passed/failed.
Individual assignment: on a scale of 0-5,
Learning Diary: on a scale 0-5.
The grade will be the average of the individual and group assignments. The assessment will be based on the results of the individual and group assignments and the competencies reflected in the reporting.
Returning assignments after the specified return date (late) may result in a lower grade.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Student have not returned all the assignments and have not attended the face-to-face course or completed the substitute assignments successfully. The returned assignments are too vague and/or do not cover the main part of what is requested in the assignment.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Successful completion of all assignments (the student will request a substitute for the absence).
Based on the assignment answers, the student will identify the key concepts and methods of quality management systems and change management and will be able to apply them to a limited extent in the description. No knowledge of academic practices.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Successful completion of all assignments (the student will apply for a substitute assignment in case of absence).
Based on the assignment answers, the student will have a good command of the concepts and methods of quality management systems and change management and will be able to apply them correctly in the description and development of quality management systems. Knowledge of academic practices is good, although there may be systematic minor errors.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Successful completion of all assignments (the student will apply for a substitute assignment in case of absence).
Based on the assignment answers, the student will have a thorough understanding of quality management systems as part of the company's strategy and as a guarantee of customer satisfaction, as well as a command of the methods for measuring and developing QMS processes and quality. A grade of 5 requires good performance in both individual and group tasks. The excellent knowledge of academic practices.
02.07.2024 - 20.09.2024
19.09.2024 - 26.01.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Health Technology
- Master of Business Administration, Quality Management
- Reetta Raitoharju
- Tapani Kilpeläinen
- Kaisa Sorsa
- Heidi Salokangas
YTERTS24Master of Business Administration, Health Technology
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- describe the general risk management process
- identify, evaluate and analyze the risks in the context of quality management at his/her own field
- identify, evaluate and analyze product development risks and/or process risks
- identify, evaluate and analyze project risks
- manage legal risks
- select applicable risk management methods for his/her own field
- General risk management terms and definitions
- General risk management process
- Management of legal risks (e.g. corporate sustainability due diligence)
- Project risk evaluation and risk plans
- Applicable risk management standars (e.g. SFS-EN14971)
- Selection of risk evaluation tools and methods
Suggested article list in ItsLearning,
Industry Specific Risk Management Standards
and other materials provided by the lecturers.
Teaching methods
Course is 100% online and instruction language is English, but the final output (= report) can be done in Finnish. If all participants are Finnish-speaking, kick-off and discussions can also be held in Finnish.
Pre-assignments will be opened for you min 1 week before the meeting.
Mainly independent & self-directive learning
Collaborative asynchronous discussions with other students on discussion forums
Exam schedules
no exams
International connections
Innovation pedagogy, flipped learning
The course takes into account the principles of sustainable development from an economic, environmental and social perspective, thus promoting responsible and sustainable business practices.
Student workload
The total average student work is about 135 h. Webinars cover about 16h, all remaining in individual learning, and assignment work including student group collaboration
Group Learning task1: Exploring Standards and Practical Risk Management Techniques 36 h
Group Learning task 2: Applying Risk Standards in Your Field 36 h
Individual learning task: Learning diary 30 h
Individual learning task: Integrated Risk Management Proficiency Assessment 5 h and 2 self-paced tests related to presented group works on itsLearning. 17 h
Content scheduling
General risk management terms and definitions
- General risk management process
- Management of legal risks (e.g. corporate sustainability due diligence)
- Project risk evaluation and risk plans
- Applicable risk management standars (e.g. SFS-EN14971)
- Selection of risk evaluation tools and methods
Online lectures:
19.9.2024 12.30-16
10.10.2024 12.30-16
8.11.2024 12.30-16
28.11.2024 12.30-16
Further information
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Grading of the course is done as follows:
Terminology multiple choice test 20 %
Participation in contact lessons 10 %
Group work 2 report and presentation 30 %
Group work 1 pass/fail
2 self-paced tests related to presented group works on iIs learning pass/fail
Personal Learning Diary 40 %
The course can be approved when all the assignments are passed at least with the minimum grade.
In addition to the knowledge base, the reporting assessment will focus on the knowledge of academic conventions (such as writing style and tone, text structure, correct citation technique including in-text citations and bibliography), depth of coverage.
Returning assignments after the specified deadline (late) may have a negative impact on the grade of the assignment.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Assignments are not completed to an acceptable level.
The minimum learning objectives are not met (see course description),
There is a lack of knowledge of academic conventions.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Research, thinking, communication and reflection are acceptable
Appear to grasp theory and have made a start in showing its applicability.
Knowledge of academic conventions is inadequate.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Research, thinking, communication and reflection are good.
General understanding of theory and application in real-life context
Knowledge of academic conventions is good, although there may be systematic minor errors.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Mastery of theory and penetrating insights in real-life context
Outstanding research, thinking, communication and reflection
Knowledge of academic conventions is excellent.
02.12.2024 - 30.01.2025
06.02.2025 - 09.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Master School
Teaching languages
- English
10 - 35
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Quality Management
- Maarit Laiho
- Mervi Varhelahti
After completing the course, the student is able to
-Demonstrate the ability to apply self-leadership strategies
-Practice techniques to enhance self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
-Recognize the connection between self-leadership and resilience.
Analyze the role of resilience in the workplace.
-Develop strategies to enhance personal resilience in professional settings.
Introduction to Self-Leadership and resilience
Self-leadership strategies
Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence
Resilience in the Workplace
Literature in ITS and self-selected materials
Teaching methods
100% online, individual and collaborative learning methods
Private reflection diary (visible only to teachers) & group work
Exam schedules
No exam
International connections
Sharing and creating knowledge individually and collectively (SECI model)
Learning can be directed according to your own everyday work life and situation
Student workload
Preliminary assignment
Group work and assignments
Private reflection diary
Content scheduling
After completing the course, the student is able to
-Demonstrate the ability to apply self-leadership strategies
-Practice techniques to enhance self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
-Recognize the connection between self-leadership and resilience.
Analyze the role of resilience in the workplace.
-Develop strategies to enhance personal resilience in professional settings.
The course starts with an independent preliminary assignment, which students will receive 30.1.2025
Online meeting days in Zoom
6.2.2025 at 8:00-12:00
6.3.2025 at 8:00-12:00
27.3.2025 at 8:00-12:00
25.4.2025 at 8:00-12:00
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Preliminary assignment (pass/fail)
Group work and assignments (30 % of the total grade)
Private reflection diary (70 % of the total grade)
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Quantity: the work is not completed and or;
Quality: the minimum content requirements are not met.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Appear to grasp theory and have made a start in showing its applicability.
Participation, thinking and communication are acceptable.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
General understanding of theory and application in real-life context.
Participation, thinking, and communication are good.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
A mastery of theory and its profound application in a real-life context.
Motivated participation, outstanding thinking and communication.
02.12.2024 - 07.02.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- English
10 - 35
Degree programmes
- Master of Engineering, Quality Management
- Master of Business Administration, Quality Management
- Sari Airenne
- Heidi Salokangas
After completing the course, the student is able to
- define the evolution of quality management and its link to company strategy
- define and apply quality principles and a customer-centric approach
- apply main quality standards in her/his own business area
- understand the legal aspects of quality management in his/her field
- recognize future trends (e.g., sustainability) and implement them into the Quality Management/Leadership System
- facilitate quality training
- apply quality management to facilitate a positive company culture and teamwork
- quality management and quality processes
- main quality standards
- sustainability
- soft skills
- customer-centric approach
- strategy basics
Material is provided in ItsLearning platform.
Scott A, Laman, The Certified Quality Engineer Handbook. ASQ Quality Press Milwaukee, Wisconsin 2022
ISO standards (Finna SFS online)
Teaching methods
-On-line videos and lectures
-Independent exercises, quizzes
-Group assignments
-Individual assignments
Exam schedules
Grading is based on assignments.
International connections
-Team-based learning in student groups and presentations (substance and communication skills)
-Individual assignments
-Independent working and information retrieval from reference material
-Visitors´lectures (real cases and examples from industry)
Completion alternatives
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 16 hours = 4 x 4 hours (Online working)
There are four contact days:
Fri 7.2. online 8.00-12.00
Fri 7.3. online 8.00-12.00
Fri 11.4. online 8.00-12.00
Fri 9.5 online 8.00-12.00
Independent working (individually and in groups): approx. 119 h
Content scheduling
quality management and quality processes
- main quality standards
- sustainability
- soft skills
- customer-centric approach
- strategy basics
After completing the course, the student is able to
- define the evolution of quality management and its link to company strategy
- define and apply quality principles and a customer-centric approach
- apply main quality standards in her/his own business area
- understand the legal aspects of quality management in his/her field
- recognize future trends (e.g., sustainability) and implement them into the Quality Management/Leadership System
- facilitate quality training
- apply quality management to facilitate a positive company culture and teamwork
Further information
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The grade will be consist of three assignments (Individual and group assignments)
Assessment of teacher, peer review and self- assessment are included.
Grading is F-5 (average of three assignments
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Learning assignments have not been returned.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The learning assignments have been completed according the instructions, but the content is limited in scope.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The assignments have been completed in accordance with the instructions and the returned documents are good in content and scope. The source material has been utilized in the preparation of learning tasks.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The learning assignments are excellent in quality and scope. They show a deep familiarity with the source materials as well as the ability to apply the learning things in an appropriate way.
The student has been actively looking for information, new solutions and perspectives.