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Finnish 1 (beginner’s level A1)Laajuus (5 cr)

Code: YH00CJ71


5 op


The objective of the course is to give the student basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.
The student is able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations.


After passing the course the student is able to
- tell about his or her life, hobbies and studies orally and in written
- Manage short discussions in common everyday situations
- ask questions and make suggestions, requests and denials
- read short texts and gain information from e.g. instructions and schedules.


02.06.2024 - 30.09.2024


30.09.2024 - 12.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


Health and Well-being

Teaching languages
  • English

26 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Riia Lamminmäki
    Degree Programme in Social Services, Early Childhood Education, S24


The objective of the course is to give the student basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.
The student is able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations.


After passing the course the student is able to
- tell about his or her life, hobbies and studies orally and in written
- Manage short discussions in common everyday situations
- ask questions and make suggestions, requests and denials
- read short texts and gain information from e.g. instructions and schedules.


Material provided by teacher in Itslearning course platform

Teaching methods

The course uses creative language learning methods. The aim is to encourage you to speak Finnish without fear of making mistakes.

Exam schedules

To pass this course you have to do all the given homeworks and take part in "Show your skills" day (mandatory attendance).

International connections

Working on the lessons, in Itslearning-platform, in groups and independently.

Student workload

5 credits means totally 135 h of work for the student
Compulsory attendance for 60% of lessons.

Content scheduling

Lessons at IoT Campus, Salo, from week 40 to week 48 according to the timetable.

The aim of the course is to learn basic knowledge of Finnish focusing on the student´s practical language of everyday life and student's own study field.

The course consists of lessons, distance learning, independent learning, assignments in the learning platform Itslearning and "Show your skills day". You will find the instructions for the assignments in Itslearning.

The aim of the course is to learn basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.2.

You are able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations. After passing the course you are able to

- tell about your life and studies orally
- manage short phrases and discussions in everyday situations
- understand some basic structures in Finnish language
- ask simple questions and answer them

Further information

Teacher: Riia Lamminmäki, MA

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The course is assessed on a scale of 0 to 5. Grade is influenced by learning tasks completed during the course.
Only tasks returned according to the schedule qualify for highest grade. If your assignments are not completed during the course, register for the next implementation.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

The student has not achieved the objectives of the course and has not done assignments. The student has participated in the group's study with little or no involvement. The student recognizes and can use only a few concepts in the course subject and does not know how to apply what they have learned. The student will not be able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student has achieved the objectives of the course avoidably. The student recognizes and can use the concepts and language of the subject area of the course. He understands the prerequisites for the development of skills. Students are able to make limited use of the feedback they receive.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student has achieved the objectives of the course well, although the knowledge and skills still need to be developed. The student is able to use the concepts and language of the subject area of the course well. Students are able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student has achieved the objectives of the course commendably. The student has commendable mastery of the concepts of the subject area of the course. Students have the skills to apply what they have learned in studies and working life situations. The student is able to analyze the skills and language skills required in the field and studies and the development of their own skills. Students are able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.


01.06.2023 - 15.10.2023


18.09.2023 - 15.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Turku University of Applied Sciences



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English

10 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Joint Elective Studies
  • Ann-Katrin Tyni-Nummelin
  • YSMANK23
  • VAVA2324
  • YIQMS23V
  • YCDMVS23
    Master of Culture and Arts, Creative Design Management
  • YBINBK23


The objective of the course is to give the student basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.
The student is able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations.


After passing the course the student is able to
- tell about his or her life, hobbies and studies orally and in written
- Manage short discussions in common everyday situations
- ask questions and make suggestions, requests and denials
- read short texts and gain information from e.g. instructions and schedules.


- material online and material provided by the teacher
- material by the students

Other material and links provided by teacher in itslearning course platform

Teaching methods

To have a significant track or trace of the learned material, you should use the language in real life. That is why it is important to use the Finnish language also outside of the lessons.

Exam schedules

To pass the course, you should

- follow the deadlines given for the assignments
- participate actively on the lessons
- pass the Oral Exam (level A1.2)

International connections

Working on the lessons, online, in itslearning-platform, in groups and independently;

Innopeda learning methods (learning by doing)

Student workload

Estimated time used:
- active attention in the online lessons 24 h
- exams 2 h
- preparing study material etc. 9 h
- independent work 100 h

Totally approx.135 h of work for the student

Content scheduling

The aim of the course is to learn basic knowledge of Finnish focusing on the student´s practical language of everyday life and student's own study field.

The course consists of twelve lessons online, starting on September 18th 2023, distance learning, assignments in the learning platform itslearning and an oral exam. You will find the instructions for distance work and assignments in itslearning.

The aim of the course is to learn basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.2.

You are able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations. After passing the course you are able to

- tell about your life, hobbies and studies orally and in writing
- manage short phrases and discussions in everyday situations
- understand some basic structures in Finnish language
- ask simple questions and answer them

LESSONS TOTALLY ONLINE - see the schedule

- AT 16.15 - 17.45 every Monday 18.9. - 11.12., except week 42!

In addition the participants will meet independently in small groups and work with given tasks!

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation scale: 0 - 5.

Evaluation criteria will be presented in itslearning workspace. Only the assignments submitted by the deadline have the possibility to be graded with the highest grade.

In order to get a grade, you should have all the assignments done and submitted. Attendance on min. of 80 % of the lessons is required.

In the final ‘EXAM’ you should be able to answer correctly to at least 50% of the questions / exercises – the more correct your language skills are, the higher grade (1 – 5) you’ll get for the course.


01.06.2023 - 01.10.2023


13.09.2023 - 15.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning


Turku University of Applied Sciences


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

10 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Joint Elective Studies
  • Ann-Katrin Tyni-Nummelin
  • YSMANK23
  • VAVA2324
  • YIQMS23V
  • YCDMVS23
    Master of Culture and Arts, Creative Design Management
  • YBINBK23


The objective of the course is to give the student basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.
The student is able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations.


After passing the course the student is able to
- tell about his or her life, hobbies and studies orally and in written
- Manage short discussions in common everyday situations
- ask questions and make suggestions, requests and denials
- read short texts and gain information from e.g. instructions and schedules.


- material online and material provided by the teacher
- material by the students

Other material and links provided by teacher in itslearning course platform

Teaching methods

To have a significant track or trace of the learned material, you should use the language in real life. That is why it is important to use the Finnish language also outside of the lessons.

Exam schedules

To pass the course, you should

- follow the deadlines given for the assignments
- participate actively on the lessons
- pass the Oral Exam (level A1.2)

International connections

Working on the lessons, online, in itslearning-platform, in groups and independently;

Innopeda learning methods (learning by doing)

Student workload

Estimated time used:
- active attention in the online lessons 24 h
- exams 2 h
- preparing study material etc. 9 h
- independent work 100 h

Totally approx.135 h of work for the student

Content scheduling

Lessons onsite according to the schedule (see below). 120 minutes from 4 pm to 6 pm:


NOTE: Thursday 7.12.!

The aim of the course is to learn basic knowledge of Finnish focusing on the student´s practical language of everyday life and student's own study field.

The course consists of twelve lessons, starting on September 18th 2023, distance learning, assignments in the learning platform itslearning and an oral exam. You will find the instructions for distance work and assignments in itslearning.

The aim of the course is to learn basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.2.

You are able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations. After passing the course you are able to

- tell about your life, hobbies and studies orally and in writing
- manage short phrases and discussions in everyday situations
- understand some basic structures in Finnish language
- ask simple questions and answer them

Further information

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation scale: 0 - 5.

Evaluation criteria will be presented in itslearning workspace. Only the assignments submitted by the deadline have the possibility to be graded with the highest grade.

In order to get a grade, you should have all the assignments done and submitted. Attendance on min. of 80 % of the lessons is required.

In the final ‘EXAM’ you should be able to answer correctly to at least 50% of the questions / exercises – the more correct your language skills are, the higher grade (1 – 5) you’ll get for the course.


02.06.2023 - 30.09.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


Health and Well-being

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 39

Degree programmes
  • Joint Elective Studies
  • Riia Lamminmäki


The objective of the course is to give the student basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.
The student is able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations.


After passing the course the student is able to
- tell about his or her life, hobbies and studies orally and in written
- Manage short discussions in common everyday situations
- ask questions and make suggestions, requests and denials
- read short texts and gain information from e.g. instructions and schedules.


The course book:
Gehring, S. & Heinzmann, S. (2023). Suomen mestari. Suomen kielen oppikirja aikuisille. 6. painos. Helsinki: Finn Lectura.

Other material and links provided by teacher in itslearning course platform

Teaching methods

To have a significant track or trace of the learned material, you should use the language in real life. That is why it is important to use the Finnish language also outside of the lessons.

Exam schedules

To pass this course you have to do all the given homeworks and take part in "Show your skills" day on 1st of December (mandatory attendance).

International connections

Working on the lessons, in Itslearning-platform, in groups and independently.

Innopeda learning methods (learning by doing)

Student workload

Totally 135 h of work for the student

Content scheduling

Lessons at IoT Campus, Salo, from 30th of August until 1st of December.

The aim of the course is to learn basic knowledge of Finnish focusing on the student´s practical language of everyday life and student's own study field.

The course consists of lessons, distance learning, assignments in the learning platform Itslearning and an exam. You will find the instructions for the assignments in Itslearning.

The aim of the course is to learn basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.2.

You are able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations. After passing the course you are able to

- tell about your life and studies orally and in writing
- manage short phrases and discussions in everyday situations
- understand some basic structures in Finnish language
- ask simple questions and answer them

Further information

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation scale: 0 - 5.

Evaluation criteria will be presented in Itslearning workspace. Only the assignments submitted by the deadline have the possibility to be graded with the highest grade.

In order to get a grade, you should have all the assignments done and submitted.


15.09.2022 - 21.10.2022


06.10.2022 - 15.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Turku University of Applied Sciences



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English

10 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Joint Elective Studies
  • Ann-Katrin Tyni-Nummelin
  • AKOMAS22
    Study path for people fleeing from Ukraine
  • VAVA2223
  • PINFOS22


The objective of the course is to give the student basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.
The student is able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations.


After passing the course the student is able to
- tell about his or her life, hobbies and studies orally and in written
- Manage short discussions in common everyday situations
- ask questions and make suggestions, requests and denials
- read short texts and gain information from e.g. instructions and schedules.


No niin! 1. Suomea aikuisille.
- Gerstler, Susanne; Aho, Hanna & Willberg, Hanna 2019. Helsinki: Finn Lectura.

The book is available in print or in digital form:

- the book No niin! 1 will be continued on later Finnish courses (Suomi toisena kielenä)

Other material and links provided by teacher in itslearning course platform

Teaching methods

To have a significant track or trace of the learned material, you should use the language in real life. That is why it is important to use the Finnish language also outside of the lessons.

Exam schedules

Follow the deadlines for the assignments given in itslearning and pass the oral exam on the last lesson or re-exam

International connections

Working on the lessons, online, in itslearning, in groups and independently;

Innopeda learning methods (learning by doing)

Student workload

Three assignments will graded 0 - 5:
• two video presentations
• the Oral Exam

Other course tasks in itslearning will be graded as accepted/failed.

Estimated time used:
• attend actively the online lessons 20 h
• prepare the presentations 12 h
• work online 29 h
• work in groups 26 h
• write assignments in itslearning course platform 18 h
• work independently 30 h

Totally approx.135 h of work for the student

Content scheduling

The aim of the course is to learn basic knowledge of Finnish focusing on the student´s practical language of everyday life and student's own study field.

The course consists of ten lessons, starting on October 6th 2022, distance learning, assignments in the learning platform itslearning and an oral exam. You will find the instructions for distance work and assignments in itslearning.

The aim of the course is to learn basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.2.

You are able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations. After passing the course you are able to

- tell about your life, hobbies and studies orally and in writing
- manage short phrases and discussions in everyday situations
- understand some basic structures in Finnish language
- ask simple questions and answer them


- AT 16.15 - 17.45 every Thursday 6.10. - 15.12. except week 42!

In addition the participants will meet independently in small groups and work with given tasks!

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation scale: 0 - 5.

Evaluation criteria will be presented in itslearning workspace. Only the assignments submitted by the deadline have the possibility to be graded with the highest grade.

In order to get a grade, you should have all the assignments done and submitted. Attendance on min. of 80 % of the lessons is required.

In the final ‘EXAM’ you should be able to answer correctly to at least 50% of the questions / exercises – the more correct your language skills are, the higher grade (1 – 5) you’ll get for the course.


01.06.2022 - 09.10.2022


13.09.2022 - 29.11.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English

10 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Joint Elective Studies
  • Ann-Katrin Tyni-Nummelin
  • YCDMVS22
    Master of Culture and Arts, Creative Design Management
  • PIOTS22
    Degree Programme in Information Technology, Cyber Security and IoT
  • YSMANK22
  • VAVA2223
  • YBINBK22
  • PINFOS22


The objective of the course is to give the student basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.
The student is able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations.


After passing the course the student is able to
- tell about his or her life, hobbies and studies orally and in written
- Manage short discussions in common everyday situations
- ask questions and make suggestions, requests and denials
- read short texts and gain information from e.g. instructions and schedules.


No niin! 1. Suomea aikuisille.
- Gerstler, Susanne; Aho, Hanna & Willberg, Hanna 2019. Helsinki: Finn Lectura.

The book is available in print or in digital form:

- the book No niin! 1 will be continued on later Finnish courses (Suomi toisena kielenä)

Other material and links provided by teacher in itslearning course platform

Teaching methods

To have a significant track or trace of the learned material, you should use the language in real life. That is why it is important to use the Finnish language also outside of the lessons.

Exam schedules

Follow the deadlines for the assignments given in itslearning and pass the oral exam on the last lesson or re-exam

International connections

Working on the lessons, online, in itslearning, in groups and independently;

Innopeda learning methods (learning by doing)

Student workload

Three assignments will graded 0 - 5:
• two video presentations
• the Oral Exam

Other course tasks in itslearning will be graded as accepted/failed.

Estimated time used:
• attend actively the online lessons 20 h
• prepare the presentations 12 h
• work online 29 h
• work in groups 26 h
• write assignments in itslearning course platform 18 h
• work independently 30 h

Totally approx.135 h of work for the student

Content scheduling

The aim of the course is to learn basic knowledge of Finnish focusing on the student´s practical language of everyday life and student's own study field.

The course consists of eight lessons, starting on September 13th 2022, distance learning, assignments in the learning platform itslearning and an oral exam. You will find the instructions for distance work and assignments in itslearning.

The aim of the course is to learn basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.2.

You are able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations. After passing the course you are able to

- tell about your life, hobbies and studies orally and in writing
- manage short phrases and discussions in everyday situations
- understand some basic structures in Finnish language
- ask simple questions and answer them

Eight lessons (of 120 min) on Tuesdays on Kupittaa campus - see the schedule.
NOTE - the lesson starts promptly at 4 p.m. and finishes at 6 p.m.

13.09.2022 16.00 - 18.00



In addition the participants will meet independently in small groups and work with given tasks!

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation scale: 0 - 5.

Evaluation criteria will be presented in itslearning workspace. Only the assignments submitted by the deadline have the possibility to be graded with the highest grade.

In order to get a grade, you should have all the assignments done and submitted. Attendance on min. of 80 % of the lessons is required.

In the final ‘EXAM’ you should be able to answer correctly to at least 50% of the questions / exercises – the more correct your language skills are, the higher grade (1 – 5) you’ll get for the course.


01.06.2022 - 19.09.2022


12.09.2022 - 16.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Engineering and Business



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English

10 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Joint Elective Studies
  • Ann-Katrin Tyni-Nummelin
  • YCDMVS22
    Master of Culture and Arts, Creative Design Management
  • PIOTS22
    Degree Programme in Information Technology, Cyber Security and IoT
  • YSMANK22
  • VAVA2223
  • YIQMS22V
  • YBINBK22
  • PINFOS22


The objective of the course is to give the student basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.
The student is able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations.


After passing the course the student is able to
- tell about his or her life, hobbies and studies orally and in written
- Manage short discussions in common everyday situations
- ask questions and make suggestions, requests and denials
- read short texts and gain information from e.g. instructions and schedules.


No niin! 1. Suomea aikuisille.
- Gerstler, Susanne; Aho, Hanna & Willberg, Hanna 2019. Helsinki: Finn Lectura.

The book is available in print or in digital form:

- the book No niin! 1 will be continued on later Finnish courses (Suomi toisena kielenä)

Other material and links provided by teacher in itslearning course platform

Teaching methods

To have a significant track or trace of the learned material, you should use the language in real life. That is why it is important to use the Finnish language also outside of the lessons.

Exam schedules

Follow the deadlines for the assignments given in itslearning and pass the oral exam on the last lesson or re-exam

International connections

Working on the lessons, online, in itslearning, in groups and independently;

Innopeda learning methods (learning by doing)

Student workload

Three assignments will graded 0 - 5:
• two video presentations
• the Oral Exam

Other course tasks in itslearning will be graded as accepted/failed.

Estimated time used:
• attend actively the online lessons 20 h
• prepare the presentations 12 h
• work online 29 h
• work in groups 26 h
• write assignments in itslearning course platform 18 h
• work independently 30 h

Totally approx.135 h of work for the student

Content scheduling

The aim of the course is to learn basic knowledge of Finnish focusing on the student´s practical language of everyday life and student's own study field.

The course consists of ten lessons, starting on September 12th 2022, distance learning, assignments in the learning platform itslearning and an oral exam. You will find the instructions for distance work and assignments in itslearning.

The aim of the course is to learn basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level A1.2.

You are able to use most important expressions in common everyday situations. After passing the course you are able to

- tell about your life, hobbies and studies orally and in writing
- manage short phrases and discussions in everyday situations
- understand some basic structures in Finnish language
- ask simple questions and answer them


- AT 16.15 - 17.45 every Monday 12.9. - 28.11. except weeks 42 + 47!

In addition the participants will meet independently in small groups and work with given tasks!

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation scale: 0 - 5.

Evaluation criteria will be presented in itslearning workspace. Only the assignments submitted by the deadline have the possibility to be graded with the highest grade.

In order to get a grade, you should have all the assignments done and submitted. Attendance on min. of 80 % of the lessons is required.

In the final ‘EXAM’ you should be able to answer correctly to at least 50% of the questions / exercises – the more correct your language skills are, the higher grade (1 – 5) you’ll get for the course.