English Professional Skills, B2 (3 cr)
Code: 1001004-3293
General information
27.05.2024 - 05.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
30 - 45
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Construction and Municipal Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Marjo Aaltonen
- 05.09.2024 08:15 - 10:00, English Professional Skills, B2 1001004-3293
- 12.09.2024 08:15 - 10:00, English Professional Skills, B2 1001004-3293
- 26.09.2024 08:15 - 10:00, English Professional Skills, B2 1001004-3293
- 03.10.2024 08:15 - 10:00, English Professional Skills, B2 1001004-3293
- 25.10.2024 12:15 - 14:00, English Professional Skills, B2 1001004-3293
- 07.11.2024 08:15 - 10:00, English Professional Skills, B2 1001004-3293
- 15.11.2024 12:00 - 14:00, English Professional Skills, B2 1001004-3293
- 22.11.2024 12:00 - 14:00, English Professional Skills, B2 1001004-3293
- 27.11.2024 14:15 - 16:00, English Professional Skills, B2 1001004-3293
- 05.12.2024 08:15 - 10:00, English Professional Skills, B2 1001004-3293
- 13.12.2024 10:15 - 12:00, English Professional Skills, B2 1001004-3293
The aim of the course is to activate and develop the students’ field-relevant English language and communication skills. The students will gain professional skills in various spoken and written communicative situations encountered in working life and society. In addition, they will learn to utilize tools and techniques to further develop their skills in authentic, field-specific contexts. More specifically, students will focus on developing their language and communication skills in.
Upon completing the course, the students should have acquired skills to communicate at level B2 according to European Framework of Reference for Languages, which states that at B2-level students should be able to produce clear, coherent and well-structured texts, present detailed descriptions related to one’s field of interest, express and exchange opinions using fluent language, follow complex arguments, and read longer articles and reports.
- writing professional, field-specific texts
- presenting and discussing field-specific topics in a professional manner
- reading field-specific texts and utilizing the information in professional contexts
- learning and using key terminology of their field
- becoming professional, autonomous language users in working life
The course material is available in Its.
International connections
The course topics include sustainability with study on the key vocabulary, and discussion on the main aspects of sustainability.
Student workload
The students will be tested on their skills with spoken and written assignments on the course topics. The assignments are completed during the contact meetings only.
Content scheduling
The course will run from 2 September to 13 December.
The course consists of contact meetings (12x2h=24h) and individual/group work (56h).
The course topics are professional emailing and reporting, meetings at work, and professional presentation. The topics include aspects of sustainability, digitalization, and field-specific vocabulary.
The aim of the course is to activate and develop the students’ field-relevant English language and communication skills. The students gain professional skills in various spoken and written communicative situations encountered in working life and society.
Learning objectives:
Spoken communication
The student
- presents topics in a structured way
- discusses topics using related terminology
- uses functional language e.g. signposting
- participates actively in discussions by commenting, asking, and reacting
- expresses themselves in a spontaneous way
- expresses themselves in a clear and logical way
- expresses themselves in their own words
Written communication
The student
- follows the structure and language of professional email and reporting
- recognizes and applies the appropriate style for the situation e.g. in terms of the vocabulary
- expresses themselves in a clear and logical way
- writes in their own words using sources correctly
Further information
The channel of communication during the course is Its.
Note that no general attendance is required but the assignments and meeting tasks are completed in contact meetings only (see evaluation).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The evaluation is based on
1) four assignments
- email message, mini-report, meeting and presentation
- the evaluation scale for the assignments is 1-5
- specific evaluation criteria is given in connection with the instructions
- the average of individual assignment evaluations forms the final evaluation
- the assignments are completed in contact meetings only
2) meeting tasks and self-study tasks
- 7 tasks
- the evaluation scale is passed/failed
- if you return less than 5 tasks, the final evaluation will drop by one grade
- the meeting tasks are completed in contact meetings only
Points to be noted:
- For full final evaluation complete ALL course work within the given deadlines.
- Note that course work cannot be done again or replaced by other work, or an exam.
- With problems of completing course work, contact the teacher BEFORE the deadlines.
- Assignments are not accepted after 15 December 2024.