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Local cultures and traditions (1 cr)

Code: KH00CX00-3002

General information


01.07.2024 - 29.07.2024


30.09.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Common Studies (COS)



Teaching languages

  • Finnish
  • English

Degree programmes

  • Advanced Sustainable Tourism


  • Sanna Simola

Scheduling groups

  • Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 500. Open UAS: 500.)

Small groups

  • 1


Opintojakson suoritettuasi

* tiedät ja tunnistat eri paikalliskulttuureja ja perinteitä sekä osaat suunnitella niitä suojelevia toimenpiteitä matkailun kontekstissa
* osaat soveltaa osallistamisen työkaluja matkailutuotteen suunnittelussa
* ymmärrät ihmisten ja muiden lajien välisen vuorovaikutuksen ja huolenpidon merkityksen matkailun kestävyydelle
* ymmärät, mitä tarkoitetaan kulttuurisella omimisella ja ennaltaehkäiset sitä


Opintojakson aikana opit ymmärtämään paikalliskulttuureiden ja perinteiden merkitystä matkailussa. Opit suunnittelemaan matkailua siten, että otat paikan erityispiirteet kunnioittavasti huomioon osallistavia menetelmiä soveltaen. Ymmärrät myös kulttuurisen omimisen ennaltaehkäisyn tärkeyden. Opintojakson suorittamiseen kuuluu aiheeseen liittyvien tehtävien tekeminen.



Teaching methods

Studies are conducted in the OpenMoodle learning environment. All the material covered in the course is compiled in OpenMoodle, and the studies are completed entirely independently by working within the learning environment. The content and tasks are organized into lessons that you complete at your own pace, regardless of time and place. A lesson may also include online discussions, which you participate in on the OpenMoodle discussion board or the Padlet platform. You can also participate in online discussions according to your own schedule.

You will receive login instructions for the OpenMoodle learning environment after you register.

International connections

The course is completed independently as an online course. After completing the course, you will receive a badge of competence.

Student workload

Completing the course and its related tasks on the OpenMoodle platform. Once you have studied all the lessons and completed the tasks within them, you can take the final exam for the course. The final exam consists of multiple-choice questions and true/false statements. You will pass the final exam if all but one of your answers are correct. Note that in the multiple-choice questions, you will receive negative points for incorrect answers.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

A course completion requires successfully passing the tests included in the course.

Content scheduling

During the course, you will learn to understand the significance of local cultures and traditions in tourism. You will learn to plan tourism in a way that respectfully considers the unique characteristics of the place by applying inclusive methods. You will also understand the importance of preventing cultural appropriation. Completing the course involves carrying out tasks related to the topic.

The course is part of the Advanced Sustainable Tourism study module.
You can choose whether to complete the course in Finnish or English. The selection is made when you log in to OpenMoodle, where the course is conducted.

Further information


Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The course is approved once the learning objectives have been achieved. After you have completed all the lessons and tasks, you can take the test. After passing the test, you will receive a digital badge of competence.