Sports-CoachingLaajuus (10 cr)
Code: TH00CX87
10 op
Sports coaching (10op) is based on the "Mindful Athlete" course (5op).
The Mindful Athlete course should be completed before the Sports Coaching course.
Course objectives:
- Acquire a variety of evidence-based mental coaching tools and be able to apply them to their own sport coaching.
- To be able to reflect on their own sporting career and to examine their values and goals and plan concrete steps towards achieving their goals.
- Identify their own strengths and areas for development and learn how to monitor them.
- Understand the importance of holistic well-being in building a sustainable sporting career and recognise the importance of balance between training and recovery.
- Recognises the challenges of combining sport and study and the importance of planning to balance the two.
Content of the independent course:
- 200 h of training in own discipline
- Reflection and documentation according to instructions 70 h
- Return of assignments
Sports coaching (10op) is based on the "Mindful Athlete" course (5op).
The Mindful Athlete course should be completed before the Sports Coaching course.
02.07.2024 - 31.05.2025
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies
- Mikko Siitonen
- Mika Korpela
Sports coaching (10op) is based on the "Mindful Athlete" course (5op).
The Mindful Athlete course should be completed before the Sports Coaching course.
Course objectives:
- Acquire a variety of evidence-based mental coaching tools and be able to apply them to their own sport coaching.
- To be able to reflect on their own sporting career and to examine their values and goals and plan concrete steps towards achieving their goals.
- Identify their own strengths and areas for development and learn how to monitor them.
- Understand the importance of holistic well-being in building a sustainable sporting career and recognise the importance of balance between training and recovery.
- Recognises the challenges of combining sport and study and the importance of planning to balance the two.
Content of the independent course:
- 200 h of training in own discipline
- Reflection and documentation according to instructions 70 h
- Return of assignments
Evaluation scale
Sports coaching (10op) is based on the "Mindful Athlete" course (5op).
The Mindful Athlete course should be completed before the Sports Coaching course.