Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Information SecurityLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: 3011366


5 op


After passing the course the student can
- name and explain the basic principles of Information Security
- classify information and information systems
- identify information security threats
- give examples of information security controls and their implementations
- identify and list information security requirements in different kind of organizations taking into account juridical and regulatory requirements
- assess whether there are shortages in security controls’ implementations and give justified recommendations for their improvements
- explain the basics of information security risk management
- create, assess and improve business continuity and disaster recovery plans
- apply information security penetration testing toolkits.


- The importance of Information Security for different organizations (i.e. business, non-profit, societies)
- Basic principles of Information Security
- Players in the Information Security field (good guys, bad guys)
- Information Security Standards and Best Practices
- The basics of Information Security Risk Assessment and Risk Management
- The subareas of Information Security (i.a. traditional, standard based, best practices)
- Threats and attack methods facing different organizations, and protection against them     
- Basic principles of encryption and firewalls
- Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning
- Laboratory work


01.06.2022 - 02.10.2022


29.08.2022 - 31.12.2022


5 op




Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta


Kupittaan kampus

  • Englanti

60 - 80

  • Tietojenkäsittelyn koulutus
  • Matti Kuikka
  • Mika Koivunen
  • PTIETS21swis
    PTIETS21 Ohjelmistojen kehittäminen ja Tietojärjestelmät
  • ICTMODictprojSem
    MOD ICT Projects & Cybersecurity (International Semester)
  • PTIETS21dncs
    PTIETS21 Tietoverkot ja Kyberturva
  • PTIETS21sepm
    PTIETS21 Ohjelmistotekniikka ja Projektihallinta


After passing the course the student can
- name and explain the basic principles of Information Security
- classify information and information systems
- identify information security threats
- give examples of information security controls and their implementations
- identify and list information security requirements in different kind of organizations taking into account juridical and regulatory requirements
- assess whether there are shortages in security controls’ implementations and give justified recommendations for their improvements
- explain the basics of information security risk management
- create, assess and improve business continuity and disaster recovery plans
- apply information security penetration testing toolkits.


- The importance of Information Security for different organizations (i.e. business, non-profit, societies)
- Basic principles of Information Security
- Players in the Information Security field (good guys, bad guys)
- Information Security Standards and Best Practices
- The basics of Information Security Risk Assessment and Risk Management
- The subareas of Information Security (i.a. traditional, standard based, best practices)
- Threats and attack methods facing different organizations, and protection against them     
- Basic principles of encryption and firewalls
- Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning
- Laboratory work

