Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Nursing of Families, Children and Adolescents (5 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: 7091017-1003

Toteutuksen perustiedot


24.08.2017 - 31.12.2017


5 op


1 op


80 % Lähiopetus, 20 % Etäopetus


Terveys ja hyvinvointi


Salo IoT Campus


  • Englanti


10 - 30


  • Degree Programme in Nursing


  • Päivi Matikainen
  • Annukka Mattinen


  • PNURSS15
    Nursing (AMK), Salo, S15


Nursing of families, childred and adolescents 5cr NFCA Objectives: The student shall be able to - support the development of a healthy and sick child and adolescent in different ages, taking into account their families - describe the most common factors influencing the growth and development of children and adolescents in different ages - describe the most common health problems of children in different ages and choose the correct methods of treatment - explain the primary treatment methods in specialist nursing of children and adolescents, treatment-related technology and the creation of a safe treatment environment - define and document the treatment needs of a child and an adolescent, plan and implement treatment as well as assess its effectiveness. - calculate drug and infusion dosages correctly in the nursing of children - guide children and families in health promotion in different situations - describe the most common children's and adolescents' disorders and know their prevention, treatment and rehabilitation methods as well as the special characteristics of children's and adolescents' drug and infusion treatment - describe special nutritional issues relating to children and adolescents of different ages


Nursing of family, child and adolescent PELA Contents: Families with children in Finland Children's and adolescents' health in Finland The growth and development of a healthy neonatal and suckling infant, pre-school and school age and pubescent child as well as factors relating to them Daily care of children of different ages: needs, planning, implementation and evaluation Recording in the nursing of children Children's inoculations Special characteristics of nursing of children The most common health problems in children and adolescents: The most common problems in neonatal infants and their treatment The most common infectious diseases in children and adolescents and their treatment The most common chronic diseases in children and adolescents and their treatment (allergy, asthma, arthritis, eating disorders, gastrointestinal diseases) Treatment of the most common surgical problems in children and adolescents Special characteristics of children's drug and infusion therapy Serious health problems in children and adolescents: Treatment of sick neonatal/premature infants Treatment of a child and an adolescent with a cardiac disease Treatment of children's and adolescents' neurological health problems Nursing of children and adolescents in intensive care Resuscitation of children Nutrition of children and adolescents 0.25cr LARA Contents: Nutrition of a sick child and adolescent (diabetes, allergies, coeliac disease, lactose intolerance, eating disorders) Nutritional guidance of a child and adolescent as well as the family Paediatrics and pharmacology 1cr LAFA Developmental anomalies and their recognition The most common infections and pulmonary diseases in children Children's vascular, nervous system and metabolic disorders Accidents and the most common surgical problems in children Special pharmacological issues in children's drug and infusion therapy

