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Servers and Operating SystemsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 3011635


5 op


After completing the course the student is able to:
- describebasic tasks and concepts of operating systems
- install and configure an operating system for desktop and server
- act as operating systems administrator


- Operating system tasks and concepts
- Installing and configuring operating system for desktops and servers
- System administrating using command line interface
- User access management
- Server installation and management


01.12.2024 - 13.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 30.04.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

10 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Tuomo Helo
  • Tero Virtanen
Teacher in charge

Tuomo Helo



After completing the course the student is able to:
- describebasic tasks and concepts of operating systems
- install and configure an operating system for desktop and server
- act as operating systems administrator


- Operating system tasks and concepts
- Installing and configuring operating system for desktops and servers
- System administrating using command line interface
- User access management
- Server installation and management


I . Course books:

The Linux Command Line: A Complete Introduction
William Shotts
2nd edition

Mastering Ubuntu Server
Jay LaCroix
4th edition

Only selected parts of the course books are read.

The course books can be read in our institution's eBook Central service.

II. Theory part tutorial

Operating System Tutorial:

III. Teacher created assignments.

Teaching methods

- reading the course books and other reading material, watching videos
- participating in the lectures
- working with operating system together with instructor
- working alone
- participating in the teamwork

Exam schedules

A multiple-choice exam on the theory of operating systems around february/march.

Exam retake at the end of the course.

International connections

Practical work in classroom under the guidance of the teacher
Practical exercises done at home
Theory of operating systems: giving a presentation in a group
Reading material
Taking the exam

Completion alternatives

The student can complete the course by demonstrating his knowledge and skills of the subjects of the course, for example with the work samples they have made. However, this must be agreed with the instructor during the first 4 weeks of the course.

The student can include a corresponding course taken elsewhere at some educational institution that is acceptable by our educational institution. This happens via AHOT process. Also this matter should be initiated immediately at the beginning of the course.

Student workload

Practical teaching on site 24 h
Theory on site including a presentation in a group 10h
Exam (and a possible resit) 4 hours
Preparing and maintaining of your own virtual environment 7h
Going through the material and doing practical tasks 70 hours
Exam preparation 20h

Content scheduling

Linux operating system is used on the course

In general, the practical teaching proceeds in the following order:

Installing a Linux operating system on a virtual image
Introduction to Operating Systems
Basic use of the Bash shell
Working as root user
Management of software and processes
Managing users and privileges
Advanced use of the Bash shell
Managing network connections
Introduction to servers
Installing the database server
Installing and managing a web server
Basics of information security

In general, the theory teaching proceeds as follows

Teamwork: presentation in a group on a theory topic
Watching other presentations and familiarizing yourself with the theory based on the tutorial
Theory exam and a resit

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The maximum number of points available from course is 130.

Of that maximum, 80 points comes from 8 individual exercises, 20 points from an exam, 10 points from a teamwork, and 20 points from being present on the lectures.

The course evaluation scale is the following:

Minumum points -> Grade

Less than 43 -> 0
43 -> 1
61 -> 2
78 -> 3
95 -> 4
113 -> 5

Please note this additional condition: You must get at least 28 points from the personal exercises and 12 points from the teamwork and the exam together to pass the course.

The points from being present are calculated using the following scale:

Percentage of being present on the normal lectures -> points

20% ->5
40% ->10
60% ->15
80% ->20

Please also note that by being present you can earn some of the points available from the individual exercises working together with the instructor.

You must be present in demonstration. It does not accumulate your points of being present. If you are not present in the demonstrations, then there is a reduction of 25 % of the points of your returned exercises on these demos. There is also a reduction of 25 % for exercises that are returned late. No exercises are accepted after the end date of the course implementation. After the end date of the course, no substitute or supplementary assignments will be given either. The student must therefore make sure that he collects enough points from different performances during the time of the course.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

The student has not managed to accumulate enough points to pass the course during the time of the course. Consequently, they have not been able to demonstrate the kind of competence on the basis of which an acceptable grade could be given.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student knows what an operating system is and what its main tasks are
The student knows how to install the operating system.
The student knows the basic use of the operating system from the command line.
The student knows how to install software
The student has an understanding of the security of the operating system

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student knows what an operating system is and what its main tasks are
The student knows how to install the operating system
The student knows how to use the operating system in a versatile way.
The student knows how to install, remove and update software
The student knows the good practices of using the operating system.
The student knows how to search for information to complete various tasks.
The student knows the tasks and responsibilities of the main users.
The student knows the basics of managing a multi-user operating system.
The student knows what a server is.
The student is ready to install and maintain the server's various services
The student has an understanding of operating system security and the skills to maintain it

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student knows what an operating system is and what its main tasks are
The student knows how to install the operating system
The student knows how to use the operating system in a versatile way.
The student knows the good practices of using the operating system.
The student knows how to evaluate, install, remove and update software from different sources
The student knows how to search and apply information to perform various tasks.
The student knows the tasks and responsibilities of the main users.
The student knows how to manage a multi-user operating system quite extensively.
The student knows what a server is.
The student knows how to install and maintain various services on the server
The student has an understanding of the security of the operating system and the skills to maintain it
The student knows how to manage a multi-user operating system.
The student knows how to automate operating system tasks.
The student knows how to install, monitor and maintain various services


01.09.2023 - 20.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 30.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 80

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Tuomo Helo
  • Tero Virtanen


After completing the course the student is able to:
- describebasic tasks and concepts of operating systems
- install and configure an operating system for desktop and server
- act as operating systems administrator


- Operating system tasks and concepts
- Installing and configuring operating system for desktops and servers
- System administrating using command line interface
- User access management
- Server installation and management


I . Kurssikirjat:

The Linux Command Line: A Complete Introduction
William Shotts
2nd edition
Tästä on olemassa netissä vielä uudempi, päivitetty painos:

Mastering Ubuntu Server
Jay LaCroix
4th edition

Kurssikirjoja luetaan vain valikoiduin osin.

Kurssikirjat ovat luettavissa oppilaitoksemme eBook Central -palvelussa.

II. Teoreaosuuden tutoriaali

Operating System Tutorial:

III. Opettajan laatimat harjoitustehtävät.

Exam schedules

Kurssin puolen välin jälkeen monivalintatentti käyttöjärjestelmien teoriasta.

Uusintamahdollisuus kurssin päätteeksi.

International connections

Käytännön työskentely luokassa opettajan johdolla
Pääosin kotona tehtävät käytännön harjoitustehtävät
Käyttöjärjestelmien teoria: esitelmän pitäminen ryhmässä
Materiaalin lukeminen

Student workload

Käytännön opetusta paikan päällä 24h
Teoriaa paikan päällä sisältäen esitelmän ryhmässä10h
Tentti ja sen uusintatilaisuus 4 h
Oman virtuaaliympäristön valmistelua ja ylläpitoä 7h
Materiaalin läpikäyntiä ja harjoitustehtävien tekemistä 70h
Tenttiin valmistautumista 20h

Content scheduling

Käytännön opetus etenee pääpiirteissään seuraavassa järjestyksessä:

Linux-käyttöjärjestelmän asentaminen virtuaalikuvakkeelle
Johdatus käyttöjärjestelmiin
Bash-komentotulkin peruskäyttö
Pääkäyttäjänä toimiminen
Ohjelmistojen ja prosessien hallinta
Käyttäjien ja oikeuksien hallinta
Bash-komentotulkin kehittyneempi käyttö
Verkkoyhteyksien hallinta
Johdatus palvelimiin
Tietokantapalvelimen asentaminen
Web-palvelimen asentaminen ja hallitseminen
Tietoturvan perusteita

Teoriaopetus etenee pääpiirteissään seuraavasti

Harjoitustyö: esitelmä ryhmässä teoria-aiheesta
Muiden esitelmien seurantaa ja teoriaan perehtymistä tutoriaalin perusteella
Teoriatentti ja sen uusinta.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Käytännön osuuden arvosteluskaala (harjoitustehtävät): vähintään 30 pistettä -> 0,5 arvosanayksikköä; 38 pistettä -> 1,0; 46 pistettä -> 1,5; 54 pistettä -> 2,0; 62 pistettä -> 2,5; 70 pistettä -> 3,0. Maksimipistemäärä 80. (Alin hyväksytty suoritus 0,5 arvosanayksikköä)

Harjoitustehtävät tarkistetaan demoiksi ilmoitetuilla luennoilla. Niillä on oltava läsnä. Poissaolosta seuraa 25 prosentin pistevähennys.

Teoriaosuus: harjoitustyö ryhmässä 10 pistettä ja tentti 20 pistettä.

Teoriaosuuden arvosteluskaala: vähintään 12 pistettä -> 0,5 arvosanayksikköä; 16 pistettä -> 1,0; 20 pistettä -> 1,5; 24 pistettä -> 2,0. Maksimipistemäärä 30. 0,0-2,0 (Alin hyväksytty suoritus 0,5 arvosanayksikköä)


30.11.2022 - 19.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 28.04.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Tuomo Helo
  • Tero Virtanen
  • PTIETS22R1
    PTIETS22, R1
  • PTIETS22R2
    PTIETS22, R2
  • PTIETS22


After completing the course the student is able to:
- describebasic tasks and concepts of operating systems
- install and configure an operating system for desktop and server
- act as operating systems administrator


- Operating system tasks and concepts
- Installing and configuring operating system for desktops and servers
- System administrating using command line interface
- User access management
- Server installation and management

Evaluation scale
