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Introduction to ProgrammingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TE00CS88


5 op


After completing the course, the student will be able to:
describe the program flow on a diagram
discuss the choice of an applicable solution model
define basic concepts related to programming such as source code, compiler, variable and type
read and understand the finished program code
utilize selection and loop structures
use exception handling mechanisms
design and implement simple application programs, and document and test them


structure of software application
different development environments
reception of input data required in the program
processing of data on the program in order to solve the given problem
presentation of result
data variables and data types, simple data structures
functions and parameters
conditional clauses and loops
file handling
testing and documentation of the program


01.06.2024 - 02.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Tiina Ferm
Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä A (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä B (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
  • subgroup A
  • subgroup B


After completing the course, the student will be able to:
describe the program flow on a diagram
discuss the choice of an applicable solution model
define basic concepts related to programming such as source code, compiler, variable and type
read and understand the finished program code
utilize selection and loop structures
use exception handling mechanisms
design and implement simple application programs, and document and test them


structure of software application
different development environments
reception of input data required in the program
processing of data on the program in order to solve the given problem
presentation of result
data variables and data types, simple data structures
functions and parameters
conditional clauses and loops
file handling
testing and documentation of the program


Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python3 4th edition by David Amos,Dan Bader,Joanna Jablonski, Fletcher Heisler, ISBN:9781775093329 (paperback), ISBN:9781775093336 (electronic)
Programming tools
- Python 3.12.x

Teaching methods

Learning by programming

Completion alternatives

The course can be compensated with an e-exam. More instructions on how to enrol is given in itslearning.
The exam can be done using a programming language e.g. C/C++/#, java, javascript a student states when enrolling.

Student workload

Contact hours 77 h
Independent study continuously throughout the course, preparation for the exam 58 h

Content scheduling

The course consists of eight topics with rehearsal questions, quizzes and labs for each.
week 36: Introduction
week 37: Basic syntax
week 38: Input and output in the console
week 39: Variables and types, quiz and lab 1 (total 10 points)
week 40: Operators and branching, quiz and lab 2 (total 10 points)
week 41: Exam 1 (10 points)
week 43: Loops (for and while), quiz and lab 4 (total 10 points)
week 44: Collections (list, tuple, set, dictionary), quiz and lab 3 (total 10 points)
week 45: Exam 2 (10 points)
week 46: Functions, quiz and lab 5 (total 10 points)
week 47: File IO, quiz and lab 6 (total 10 points)
week 48: Review, quiz and lab 7 (total 10 points)
week 49: Exam 3 (10 points)

Further information

Lectures and labs are implemented at the campus. This is not an online course. The classes will be on the timetable by the beginning of the semester.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

7 Quizzes – online, evaluated, minimum 14, maximum 35
7 Labs – classroom activity, evaluated, plagiarism check result must be < 50%, minimum 14, maximum 35
3 Exams – classroom activity, evaluated, 10 points each, minimum 12, maximum 30

To pass the course a student has to reach a minimum in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams). If the minimum is reached all the points are added and a scale of 1 – 5 is calculated.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

• does not know the basic concepts of programming
• cannot read or write simple programs

< 40 points or failed the exam

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

• knows such basic concepts of programming as variables, control structures and functions
• understands how the program flow is going
• can read or write simple programs

40 - 59 points and the minimum is reached in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams)

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

• knows such basic concepts of programming as variables, control structures, functions, classes, objects and arrays
• understands how the program flow is going and can find easy errors
• can make simple programs

40 - 79 points and the minimum is reached in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams)

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

• knows such basic concepts of programming as variables, control structures and functions, classes and objects
• utilizes some data Structures such as arrays, lists and hash tables.
• understands how the program flow is going and can use debugger and error-handling
• can make programs that include aforesaid concepts.

> 80 points and the minimum is reached in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams)

> 90 points, 1 additional credit (total of 6 credits)