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Emergency Care for Acute IllnessLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 7041165


5 op


Emergency Care for Acute Illness 5 cr ASPE ObjectivesStudents willDeepen their competence in emergency care administered to support the vital functions of patients of different ages in accordance with the principles of CRMEnhance their ability to use examination and care technology to examine patients and administer emergency care and to assess and support the sufficiency of the patient’s vital functionsStudents will deepen and expand their competence in the drugs used in out-of-hospital emergency care, as well as their contraindications, effects and possible side effects and interactions with other medication.Learn to perform advanced-level tactical resuscitation as team workLearn about the most common acute diseases and situations requiring emergency care among children, the principles of emergency care for child patients, as well as the provision of guidance to patients and support for the parentsLearn to support and give advice to patients and their family membersDeepen their competence in environmental safety risks and learn to ensure the operating safety, for example, when dealing with a violent customerLearn to use inter-authority cooperation to organise emergency care and further treatment for patients with multiple disorders and their family membersKnow how to document the emergency care needs of patients, plan and administer care and evaluate its effectiveness at the different stages of the process


ContentsInterviewing patients of different ages, performing examinations (ABCDE), making preliminary diagnoses and providing palliative emergency carePatient observation and care technologyPrinciples of CRMAdvanced tactical resuscitation protocol in accordance with the Current Care GuidelinesDealing with aggressive patientsSafe pharmacotherapy and fluid therapy (drugs used in basic level emergency care)Aseptic techniques in emergency careInter-authority cooperationProtection of children and the elderly