Future Operating EnvironmentsLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: MS00BP40
5 op
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
02.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 18.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Anne Rouhelo
- Marjo Harju
- Eeva Timonen-Kallio
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 7.1.2025 at 12.30-15.30: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon 28.4.2025 at 8.30-17 (and a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.4.2025 at 10-11): multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
In an approved assignment, the student demonstrates his/her ability to:
- examine their own and their organisation's activities consciously, analytically and critically,
- apply the concepts and perspectives of foresight/futures studies in an appropriate manner,
- apply the concepts and perspectives of sustainable development to the context of their own field and work community (task 4),
- make use of the materials instructed in the assignment and mark the references and bibliography appropriately.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (7.1.2025, 16.4.2025 and 28.4.2025) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on Turku UAS' Master School Opening Day 7.1.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 7.1.2025 for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 2.2.2025)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (DL 2.3.2025).
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 10–14)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 6.4.2025).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 15–19)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 28.4.2025. (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 16.4.2025 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 4.5.2025.). There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 11.5.2025).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
Tue 7.1.2025 at 12.30-15.30 Master School opening day / megatrend activity / study programmes in English (Zoom link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/61076391810)
Wed 16.4.2025 at 10–11 a pre-meeting of the Hackathon for the study programmes in English (Zoom link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/67484879128)
Monday 28.4.2025 at 8.30–17.00 Master Minds Hackathon (Zoom link will be informed later).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2024 - 31.12.2024
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Tapani Kilpeläinen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 7.1.2025 at 12.30-15.30: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon 28.4.2025 at 8.30-17 (and a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.4.2025 at 10-11): multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
In an approved assignment, the student demonstrates his/her ability to:
- examine their own and their organisation's activities consciously, analytically and critically,
- apply the concepts and perspectives of foresight/futures studies in an appropriate manner,
- apply the concepts and perspectives of sustainable development to the context of their own field and work community (task 4),
- make use of the materials instructed in the assignment and mark the references and bibliography appropriately.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (7.1.2025, 16.4.2025 and 28.4.2025) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on Turku UAS' Master School Opening Day 7.1.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 7.1.2025 for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 2.2.2025)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (DL 2.3.2025).
THEME 3: (calendar weeks 10–14)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: (DL 6.4.2025).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 15–19)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 28.4.2025. (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 16.4.2025 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 4.5.2025.). There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 11.5.2025).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
Tue 7.1.2025 at 12.30-15.30 Master School opening day / megatrend activity / study programmes in English (Zoom link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/61076391810)
Wed 16.4.2025 at 10–11 a pre-meeting of the Hackathon for the study programmes in English (Zoom link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/67484879128)
Monday 28.4.2025 at 8.30–17.00 Master Minds Hackathon (Zoom link will be informed later).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2024 - 17.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
10 - 36
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Juha Nikkanen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 7.1.2025 at 12.30-15.30: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon 28.4.2025 at 8.30-17 (and a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.4.2025 at 10-11): multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
In an approved assignment, the student demonstrates his/her ability to:
- examine their own and their organisation's activities consciously, analytically and critically,
- apply the concepts and perspectives of foresight/futures studies in an appropriate manner,
- apply the concepts and perspectives of sustainable development to the context of their own field and work community (task 4),
- make use of the materials instructed in the assignment and mark the references and bibliography appropriately.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (7.1.2025, 16.4.2025 and 28.4.2025) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on Turku UAS' Master School Opening Day 7.1.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 7.1.2025 for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 2.2.2025)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (DL 2.3.2025).
THEME 3: (calendar weeks 10–14)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: (DL 6.4.2025).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 15–19)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 28.4.2025. (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 16.4.2025 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 4.5.2025.). There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 11.5.2025).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
Tue 7.1.2025 at 12.30-15.30 Master School opening day / megatrend activity / study programmes in English (Zoom link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/61076391810)
Wed 16.4.2025 at 10–11 a pre-meeting of the Hackathon for the study programmes in English (Zoom link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/67484879128)
Monday 28.4.2025 at 8.30–17.00 Master Minds Hackathon (Zoom link will be informed later).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2024 - 14.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Keijo Varis
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 7.1.2025 at 12.30-15.30: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon 28.4.2025 at 8.30-17 (and a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.4.2025 at 10-11): multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
In an approved assignment, the student demonstrates his/her ability to:
- examine their own and their organisation's activities consciously, analytically and critically,
- apply the concepts and perspectives of foresight/futures studies in an appropriate manner,
- apply the concepts and perspectives of sustainable development to the context of their own field and work community (task 4),
- make use of the materials instructed in the assignment and mark the references and bibliography appropriately.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (7.1.2025, 16.4.2025 and 28.4.2025) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on Turku UAS' Master School Opening Day 7.1.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 7.1.2025 for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 2.2.2025)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (DL 2.3.2025).
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 10–14)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 6.4.2025).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 15–19)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 28.4.2025. (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 16.4.2025 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 4.5.2025.). There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 11.5.2025).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
Tue 7.1.2025 at 12.30-15.30 Master School opening day / megatrend activity / study programmes in English (Zoom link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/61076391810)
Wed 16.4.2025 at 10–11 a pre-meeting of the Hackathon for the study programmes in English (Zoom link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/67484879128)
Monday 28.4.2025 at 8.30–17.00 Master Minds Hackathon (Zoom link will be informed later).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2024 - 31.12.2024
01.01.2025 - 25.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Hille Halonen
- Tuuli Lahti
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 7.1.2025 at 12.30-15.30: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon 28.4.2025 at 8.30-17 (and a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.4.2025 at 10-11): multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
In an approved assignment, the student demonstrates his/her ability to:
- examine their own and their organisation's activities consciously, analytically and critically,
- apply the concepts and perspectives of foresight/futures studies in an appropriate manner,
- apply the concepts and perspectives of sustainable development to the context of their own field and work community (task 4),
- make use of the materials instructed in the assignment and mark the references and bibliography appropriately.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (7.1.2025, 16.4.2025 and 28.4.2025) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on Turku UAS' Master School Opening Day 7.1.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 7.1.2025 for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 2.2.2025)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (DL 2.3.2025).
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 10–14)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 6.4.2025).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 15–19)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 28.4.2025. (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 16.4.2025 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 4.5.2025.). There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 11.5.2025).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
Tue 7.1.2025 at 12.30-15.30 Master School opening day / megatrend activity / study programmes in English (Zoom link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/61076391810)
Wed 16.4.2025 at 10–11 a pre-meeting of the Hackathon for the study programmes in English (Zoom link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/67484879128)
Monday 28.4.2025 at 8.30–17.00 Master Minds Hackathon (Zoom link will be informed later).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2024 - 31.12.2024
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Heli Vaartio-Rajalin
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 7.1.2025 at 12.30-15.30: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon 28.4.2025 at 8.30-17 (and a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.4.2025 at 10-11): multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
In an approved assignment, the student demonstrates his/her ability to:
- examine their own and their organisation's activities consciously, analytically and critically,
- apply the concepts and perspectives of foresight/futures studies in an appropriate manner,
- apply the concepts and perspectives of sustainable development to the context of their own field and work community (task 4),
- make use of the materials instructed in the assignment and mark the references and bibliography appropriately.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (7.1.2025, 16.4.2025 and 28.4.2025) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on Turku UAS' Master School Opening Day 7.1.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 7.1.2025 for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 2.2.2025)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (DL 2.3.2025).
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 10–14)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 6.4.2025).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 15–19)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 28.4.2025. (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 16.4.2025 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 4.5.2025.). There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 11.5.2025).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
Tue 7.1.2025 at 12.30-15.30 Master School opening day / megatrend activity / study programmes in English (Zoom link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/61076391810)
Wed 16.4.2025 at 10–11 a pre-meeting of the Hackathon for the study programmes in English (Zoom link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/67484879128)
Monday 28.4.2025 at 8.30–17.00 Master Minds Hackathon (Zoom link will be informed later).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2024 - 31.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Salla Grommi
- Teija Franck
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 7.1.2025 at 12.30-15.30: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon 28.4.2025 at 8.30-17 (and a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.4.2025 at 10-11): multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
In an approved assignment, the student demonstrates his/her ability to:
- examine their own and their organisation's activities consciously, analytically and critically,
- apply the concepts and perspectives of foresight/futures studies in an appropriate manner,
- apply the concepts and perspectives of sustainable development to the context of their own field and work community (task 4),
- make use of the materials instructed in the assignment and mark the references and bibliography appropriately.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (7.1.2025, 16.4.2025 and 28.4.2025) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on Turku UAS' Master School Opening Day 7.1.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 7.1.2025 for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 2.2.2025)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (DL 2.3.2025).
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 10–14)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 6.4.2025).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 15–19)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 28.4.2025. (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 16.4.2025 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 4.5.2025.). There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 11.5.2025).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
Tue 7.1.2025 at 12.30-15.30 Master School opening day / megatrend activity / study programmes in English (Zoom link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/61076391810)
Wed 16.4.2025 at 10–11 a pre-meeting of the Hackathon for the study programmes in English (Zoom link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/67484879128)
Monday 28.4.2025 at 8.30–17.00 Master Minds Hackathon (Zoom link will be informed later).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2024 - 09.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 01.06.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
10 - 30
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Anu Vaihekoski
- Sanna-Maria Nurmi
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 7.1.2025 at 12.30-15.30: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon 28.4.2025 at 8.30-17 (and a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.4.2025 at 10-11): multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
In an approved assignment, the student demonstrates his/her ability to:
- examine their own and their organisation's activities consciously, analytically and critically,
- apply the concepts and perspectives of foresight/futures studies in an appropriate manner,
- apply the concepts and perspectives of sustainable development to the context of their own field and work community (task 4),
- make use of the materials instructed in the assignment and mark the references and bibliography appropriately.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (7.1.2025, 16.4.2025 and 28.4.2025) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on Turku UAS' Master School Opening Day 7.1.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 7.1.2025 for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 2.2.2025)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (DL 2.3.2025).
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 10–14)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 6.4.2025).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 15–19)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 28.4.2025. (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 16.4.2025 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 4.5.2025.). There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 11.5.2025).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
Tue 7.1.2025 at 12.30-15.30 Master School opening day / megatrend activity / study programmes in English (Zoom link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/61076391810)
Wed 16.4.2025 at 10–11 a pre-meeting of the Hackathon for the study programmes in English (Zoom link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/67484879128)
Monday 28.4.2025 at 8.30–17.00 Master Minds Hackathon (Zoom link will be informed later).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2024 - 31.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Heli Kanerva-Lehto
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 7.1.2025 at 12.30-15.30: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon 28.4.2025 at 8.30-17 (and a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.4.2025 at 10-11): multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
In an approved assignment, the student demonstrates his/her ability to:
- examine their own and their organisation's activities consciously, analytically and critically,
- apply the concepts and perspectives of foresight/futures studies in an appropriate manner,
- apply the concepts and perspectives of sustainable development to the context of their own field and work community (task 4),
- make use of the materials instructed in the assignment and mark the references and bibliography appropriately.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (7.1.2025, 16.4.2025 and 28.4.2025) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on Turku UAS' Master School Opening Day 7.1.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 7.1.2025 for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 2.2.2025)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (DL 2.3.2025).
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 10–14)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 6.4.2025).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 15–19)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 28.4.2025. (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 16.4.2025 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 4.5.2025.). There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 11.5.2025).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
Tue 7.1.2025 at 12.30-15.30 Master School opening day / megatrend activity / study programmes in English (Zoom link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/61076391810)
Wed 16.4.2025 at 10–11 a pre-meeting of the Hackathon for the study programmes in English (Zoom link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/67484879128)
Monday 28.4.2025 at 8.30–17.00 Master Minds Hackathon (Zoom link will be informed later).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2024 - 06.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Heidi Salokangas
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon and a pre-meeting of the hackathon : multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearn
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. All the assignment have be assessed as "approved".
For an assignment to be approved, it needs to:
- follow the given assignment instructions,
- demonstrate use of instructed source materials,
- make use of concepts of future anticipation and futures studies in an appropriate way,
- demonstrate ability to analyse and evaluate one's own and one's organization's actions and their impacts, as well as changes and trends in the operating environments and their impacts on one's work and employer organization.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (2.9.2024, 13.11.2024 and 25.11.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 2.9.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 2.9. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 22.9.2024)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (20.10.2024)
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 42–46)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 17.11.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 47–50)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 8.30–17 (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 13.11.2024 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 8.12.2024).
There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team.
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 8.12.2024).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
- Master School Opening day with the megatrend activity on Monday 2.9.2024. Zoom Meeting link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62509883000
- Pre-meeting of the hackathon on Wednesday 13.11.2024 at 10–11 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
- Master Minds Hackathon on Monday 25.11.2024 at 8.30–17 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2024 - 06.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Reetta Raitoharju
YTERTS24Master of Business Administration, Health Technology
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon and a pre-meeting of the hackathon : multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearn
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. All the assignment have be assessed as "approved".
For an assignment to be approved, it needs to:
- follow the given assignment instructions,
- demonstrate use of instructed source materials,
- make use of concepts of future anticipation and futures studies in an appropriate way,
- demonstrate ability to analyse and evaluate one's own and one's organization's actions and their impacts, as well as changes and trends in the operating environments and their impacts on one's work and employer organization.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (2.9.2024, 13.11.2024 and 25.11.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 2.9.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 2.9. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 22.9.2024)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (20.10.2024)
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 42–46)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 17.11.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 47–50)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 8.30–17 (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 13.11.2024 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 8.12.2024).
There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team.
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 8.12.2024).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
- Master School Opening day with the megatrend activity on Monday 2.9.2024. Zoom Meeting link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62509883000
- Pre-meeting of the hackathon on Wednesday 13.11.2024 at 10–11 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
- Master Minds Hackathon on Monday 25.11.2024 at 8.30–17 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2024 - 06.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 15.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Piia Nurmi
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon and a pre-meeting of the hackathon : multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearn
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. All the assignment have be assessed as "approved".
For an assignment to be approved, it needs to:
- follow the given assignment instructions,
- demonstrate use of instructed source materials,
- make use of concepts of future anticipation and futures studies in an appropriate way,
- demonstrate ability to analyse and evaluate one's own and one's organization's actions and their impacts, as well as changes and trends in the operating environments and their impacts on one's work and employer organization.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (2.9.2024, 13.11.2024 and 25.11.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 2.9.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 2.9. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 22.9.2024)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (20.10.2024)
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 42–46)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 17.11.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 47–50)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 8.30–17 (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 13.11.2024 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 8.12.2024).
There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team.
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 8.12.2024).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
- Master School Opening day with the megatrend activity on Monday 2.9.2024. Zoom Meeting link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62509883000
- Pre-meeting of the hackathon on Wednesday 13.11.2024 at 10–11 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
- Master Minds Hackathon on Monday 25.11.2024 at 8.30–17 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2024 - 27.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Juha Nikkanen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon and a pre-meeting of the hackathon : multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearn
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. All the assignment have be assessed as "approved".
For an assignment to be approved, it needs to:
- follow the given assignment instructions,
- demonstrate use of instructed source materials,
- make use of concepts of future anticipation and futures studies in an appropriate way,
- demonstrate ability to analyse and evaluate one's own and one's organization's actions and their impacts, as well as changes and trends in the operating environments and their impacts on one's work and employer organization.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (2.9.2024, 13.11.2024 and 25.11.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 2.9.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 2.9. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 22.9.2024)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (20.10.2024)
THEME 3: sector-specific task (calendar weeks 42–46)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: (DL 17.11.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 47–50)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 8.30–17 (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 13.11.2024 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 8.12.2024).
There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team.
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 8.12.2024).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
- Master School Opening day with the megatrend activity on Monday 2.9.2024. Zoom Meeting link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62509883000
- Pre-meeting of the hackathon on Wednesday 13.11.2024 at 10–11 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
- Master Minds Hackathon on Monday 25.11.2024 at 8.30–17 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2024 - 10.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 22.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Nasrin Jinia
- Marjo Harju
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon and a pre-meeting of the hackathon : multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearn
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. All the assignment have be assessed as "approved".
For an assignment to be approved, it needs to:
- follow the given assignment instructions,
- demonstrate use of instructed source materials,
- make use of concepts of future anticipation and futures studies in an appropriate way,
- demonstrate ability to analyse and evaluate one's own and one's organization's actions and their impacts, as well as changes and trends in the operating environments and their impacts on one's work and employer organization.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (2.9.2024, 13.11.2024 and 25.11.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 2.9.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 2.9. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 22.9.2024)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (20.10.2024)
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 42–46)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 17.11.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 47–50)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 8.30–17 (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 13.11.2024 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 8.12.2024).
There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team.
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 8.12.2024).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
- Master School Opening day with the megatrend activity on Monday 2.9.2024. Zoom Meeting link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62509883000
- Pre-meeting of the hackathon on Wednesday 13.11.2024 at 10–11 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
- Master Minds Hackathon on Monday 25.11.2024 at 8.30–17 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.08.2024 - 09.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Maarit Janhunen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon and a pre-meeting of the hackathon : multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearn
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. All the assignment have be assessed as "approved".
For an assignment to be approved, it needs to:
- follow the given assignment instructions,
- demonstrate use of instructed source materials,
- make use of concepts of future anticipation and futures studies in an appropriate way,
- demonstrate ability to analyse and evaluate one's own and one's organization's actions and their impacts, as well as changes and trends in the operating environments and their impacts on one's work and employer organization.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (2.9.2024, 13.11.2024 and 25.11.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 2.9.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 2.9. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 22.9.2024)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (20.10.2024)
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 42–46)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 17.11.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 47–50)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 8.30–17 (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 13.11.2024 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 8.12.2024).
There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team.
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 8.12.2024).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
- Master School Opening day with the megatrend activity on Monday 2.9.2024. Zoom Meeting link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62509883000
- Pre-meeting of the hackathon on Wednesday 13.11.2024 at 10–11 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
- Master Minds Hackathon on Monday 25.11.2024 at 8.30–17 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2024 - 08.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 22.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Marjo Harju
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon and a pre-meeting of the hackathon : multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearn
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. All the assignment have be assessed as "approved".
For an assignment to be approved, it needs to:
- follow the given assignment instructions,
- demonstrate use of instructed source materials,
- make use of concepts of future anticipation and futures studies in an appropriate way,
- demonstrate ability to analyse and evaluate one's own and one's organization's actions and their impacts, as well as changes and trends in the operating environments and their impacts on one's work and employer organization.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (2.9.2024, 13.11.2024 and 25.11.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 2.9.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 2.9. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 22.9.2024)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (20.10.2024)
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 42–46)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 17.11.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 47–50)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 8.30–17 (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 13.11.2024 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 8.12.2024).
There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team.
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 8.12.2024).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
- Master School Opening day with the megatrend activity on Monday 2.9.2024. Zoom Meeting link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62509883000
- Pre-meeting of the hackathon on Wednesday 13.11.2024 at 10–11 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
- Master Minds Hackathon on Monday 25.11.2024 at 8.30–17 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
23.05.2024 - 30.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Sini Eloranta
- Anne Rouhelo
- Niina Katajapuu
- Eeva Timonen-Kallio
- Mirka Toivonen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon and a pre-meeting of the hackathon : multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearn
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. All the assignment have be assessed as "approved".
For an assignment to be approved, it needs to:
- follow the given assignment instructions,
- demonstrate use of instructed source materials,
- make use of concepts of future anticipation and futures studies in an appropriate way,
- demonstrate ability to analyse and evaluate one's own and one's organization's actions and their impacts, as well as changes and trends in the operating environments and their impacts on one's work and employer organization.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (2.9.2024, 13.11.2024 and 25.11.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 2.9.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 2.9. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 22.9.2024)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (20.10.2024)
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 42–46)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 17.11.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 47–50)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 8.30–17 (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 13.11.2024 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 8.12.2024).
There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team.
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 8.12.2024).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
- Master School Opening day with the megatrend activity on Monday 2.9.2024. Zoom Meeting link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62509883000
- Pre-meeting of the hackathon on Wednesday 13.11.2024 at 10–11 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
- Master Minds Hackathon on Monday 25.11.2024 at 8.30–17 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
03.08.2024 - 01.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 08.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Timo Korhonen
Teacher in charge
Timo Korhonen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon and a pre-meeting of the hackathon : multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearn
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. All the assignment have be assessed as "approved".
For an assignment to be approved, it needs to:
- follow the given assignment instructions,
- demonstrate use of instructed source materials,
- make use of concepts of future anticipation and futures studies in an appropriate way,
- demonstrate ability to analyse and evaluate one's own and one's organization's actions and their impacts, as well as changes and trends in the operating environments and their impacts on one's work and employer organization.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (2.9.2024, 13.11.2024 and 25.11.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 2.9.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 2.9. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 22.9.2024)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (20.10.2024)
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 42–46)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 17.11.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 47–50)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 8.30–17 (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 13.11.2024 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 8.12.2024).
There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team.
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 8.12.2024).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
- Master School Opening day with the megatrend activity on Monday 2.9.2024.
- Pre-meeting of the hackathon on Wednesday 13.11.2024 at 10–11.
- Master Minds Hackathon on Monday 25.11.2024 at 8.30–17.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2024 - 06.09.2024
29.08.2024 - 08.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Sirpa Erkkilä-Häkkinen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Studying instructed learning materials, individual written assignments, group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups in your own study programme.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 2.9.2024: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 25.11.2024 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 13.11.2024): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (Zoom-meetings: 2.9.2024, 13.11.2024 and 25.11.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 2.9.2024 for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform.
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon day 25.11. (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 13.11.) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon.
There are two possible ways to participate in the hackathon:
1) as a commissioner or
2) as a student solving working life problems in a multidisciplinary small group.
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2024 - 06.09.2024
28.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
15 - 37
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Maarit Laiho
- Teppo Neuvonen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon and a pre-meeting of the hackathon : multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearn
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. All the assignment have be assessed as "approved".
For an assignment to be approved, it needs to:
- follow the given assignment instructions,
- demonstrate use of instructed source materials,
- make use of concepts of future anticipation and futures studies in an appropriate way,
- demonstrate ability to analyse and evaluate one's own and one's organization's actions and their impacts, as well as changes and trends in the operating environments and their impacts on one's work and employer organization.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (2.9.2024, 13.11.2024 and 25.11.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 2.9.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 2.9. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 22.9.2024)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (20.10.2024)
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 42–46)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 17.11.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 47–50)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 8.30–17 (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 13.11.2024 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 8.12.2024).
There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team.
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 8.12.2024).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
- Master School Opening day with the megatrend activity on Monday 2.9.2024. Zoom Meeting link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62509883000
- Pre-meeting of the hackathon on Wednesday 13.11.2024 at 10–11 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
- Master Minds Hackathon on Monday 25.11.2024 at 8.30–17 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2024 - 08.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Maarit Laiho
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon and a pre-meeting of the hackathon : multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearn
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. All the assignment have be assessed as "approved".
For an assignment to be approved, it needs to:
- follow the given assignment instructions,
- demonstrate use of instructed source materials,
- make use of concepts of future anticipation and futures studies in an appropriate way,
- demonstrate ability to analyse and evaluate one's own and one's organization's actions and their impacts, as well as changes and trends in the operating environments and their impacts on one's work and employer organization.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (2.9.2024, 13.11.2024 and 25.11.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 2.9.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 2.9. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 22.9.2024)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (20.10.2024)
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 42–46)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 17.11.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 47–50)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 8.30–17 (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 13.11.2024 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 8.12.2024).
There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team.
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 8.12.2024).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
- Master School Opening day with the megatrend activity on Monday 2.9.2024. Zoom Meeting link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62509883000
- Pre-meeting of the hackathon on Wednesday 13.11.2024 at 10–11 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
- Master Minds Hackathon on Monday 25.11.2024 at 8.30–17 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2024 - 31.10.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.01.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
0 - 50
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Ulla Seppälä-Kaven
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon and a pre-meeting of the hackathon : multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearn
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. All the assignment have be assessed as "approved".
For an assignment to be approved, it needs to:
- follow the given assignment instructions,
- demonstrate use of instructed source materials,
- make use of concepts of future anticipation and futures studies in an appropriate way,
- demonstrate ability to analyse and evaluate one's own and one's organization's actions and their impacts, as well as changes and trends in the operating environments and their impacts on one's work and employer organization.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (2.9.2024, 13.11.2024 and 25.11.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 2.9.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 2.9. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 22.9.2024)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (20.10.2024)
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 42–46)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 17.11.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 47–50)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 8.30–17 (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 13.11.2024 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 8.12.2024).
There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team.
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 8.12.2024).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
- Master School Opening day with the megatrend activity on Monday 2.9.2024. Zoom Meeting link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62509883000
- Pre-meeting of the hackathon on Wednesday 13.11.2024 at 10–11 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
- Master Minds Hackathon on Monday 25.11.2024 at 8.30–17 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2024 - 06.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Kaisa Sorsa
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon and a pre-meeting of the hackathon : multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearn
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. All the assignment have be assessed as "approved".
For an assignment to be approved, it needs to:
- follow the given assignment instructions,
- demonstrate use of instructed source materials,
- make use of concepts of future anticipation and futures studies in an appropriate way,
- demonstrate ability to analyse and evaluate one's own and one's organization's actions and their impacts, as well as changes and trends in the operating environments and their impacts on one's work and employer organization.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (2.9.2024, 13.11.2024 and 25.11.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 2.9.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 2.9. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 22.9.2024)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (20.10.2024)
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 42–46)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 17.11.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 47–50)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 8.30–17 (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 13.11.2024 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 8.12.2024).
There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team.
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 8.12.2024).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
- Master School Opening day with the megatrend activity on Monday 2.9.2024. Zoom Meeting link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62509883000
- Pre-meeting of the hackathon on Wednesday 13.11.2024 at 10–11 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
- Master Minds Hackathon on Monday 25.11.2024 at 8.30–17 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2024 - 08.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Krista Salo-Tuominen
OSJOKEK24Leadership and development in the field of gerontology
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon and a pre-meeting of the hackathon : multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearn
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. All the assignment have be assessed as "approved".
For an assignment to be approved, it needs to:
- follow the given assignment instructions,
- demonstrate use of instructed source materials,
- make use of concepts of future anticipation and futures studies in an appropriate way,
- demonstrate ability to analyse and evaluate one's own and one's organization's actions and their impacts, as well as changes and trends in the operating environments and their impacts on one's work and employer organization.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (2.9.2024, 13.11.2024 and 25.11.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 2.9.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 2.9. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 22.9.2024)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (20.10.2024)
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 42–46)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 17.11.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 47–50)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 8.30–17 (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 13.11.2024 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 8.12.2024).
There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team.
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 8.12.2024).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
- Master School Opening day with the megatrend activity on Monday 2.9.2024. Zoom Meeting link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62509883000
- Pre-meeting of the hackathon on Wednesday 13.11.2024 at 10–11 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
- Master Minds Hackathon on Monday 25.11.2024 at 8.30–17 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2024 - 30.12.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Salla Grommi
- Johanna Berg
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon and a pre-meeting of the hackathon : multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearn
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. All the assignment have be assessed as "approved".
For an assignment to be approved, it needs to:
- follow the given assignment instructions,
- demonstrate use of instructed source materials,
- make use of concepts of future anticipation and futures studies in an appropriate way,
- demonstrate ability to analyse and evaluate one's own and one's organization's actions and their impacts, as well as changes and trends in the operating environments and their impacts on one's work and employer organization.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (2.9.2024, 13.11.2024 and 25.11.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 2.9.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 2.9. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 22.9.2024)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (20.10.2024)
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 42–46)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 17.11.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 47–50)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 8.30–17 (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 13.11.2024 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 8.12.2024).
There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team.
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 8.12.2024).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
- Master School Opening day with the megatrend activity on Monday 2.9.2024. Zoom Meeting link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62509883000
- Pre-meeting of the hackathon on Wednesday 13.11.2024 at 10–11 (Zoom link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/63084479060).
- Master Minds Hackathon on Monday 25.11.2024 at 8.30–17 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2024 - 08.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Nasrin Jinia
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon and a pre-meeting of the hackathon : multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearn
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. All the assignment have be assessed as "approved".
For an assignment to be approved, it needs to:
- follow the given assignment instructions,
- demonstrate use of instructed source materials,
- make use of concepts of future anticipation and futures studies in an appropriate way,
- demonstrate ability to analyse and evaluate one's own and one's organization's actions and their impacts, as well as changes and trends in the operating environments and their impacts on one's work and employer organization.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (2.9.2024, 13.11.2024 and 25.11.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 2.9.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 2.9. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 22.9.2024)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (20.10.2024)
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 42–46)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 17.11.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 47–50)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 8.30–17 (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 13.11.2024 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 8.12.2024).
There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team.
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 8.12.2024).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
- Master School Opening day with the megatrend activity on Monday 2.9.2024. Zoom Meeting link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62509883000
- Pre-meeting of the hackathon on Wednesday 13.11.2024 at 10–11 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
- Master Minds Hackathon on Monday 25.11.2024 at 8.30–17 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2024 - 08.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Salla Grommi
- Minna Salakari
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon and a pre-meeting of the hackathon : multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearn
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. All the assignment have be assessed as "approved".
For an assignment to be approved, it needs to:
- follow the given assignment instructions,
- demonstrate use of instructed source materials,
- make use of concepts of future anticipation and futures studies in an appropriate way,
- demonstrate ability to analyse and evaluate one's own and one's organization's actions and their impacts, as well as changes and trends in the operating environments and their impacts on one's work and employer organization.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (2.9.2024, 13.11.2024 and 25.11.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 2.9.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 2.9. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 22.9.2024)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (20.10.2024)
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 42–46)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 17.11.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 47–50)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 8.30–17 (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 13.11.2024 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 8.12.2024).
There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team.
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 8.12.2024).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
- Master School Opening day with the megatrend activity on Monday 2.9.2024. Zoom Meeting link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62509883000
- Pre-meeting of the hackathon on Wednesday 13.11.2024 at 10–11 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
- Master Minds Hackathon on Monday 25.11.2024 at 8.30–17 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2024 - 30.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies (Master's Degree)
- Heli Aramo-Immonen
- Jan Holmberg
Teacher in charge
Jan Holmberg
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
On the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon and a pre-meeting of the hackathon : multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearn
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. All the assignment have be assessed as "approved".
For an assignment to be approved, it needs to:
- follow the given assignment instructions,
- demonstrate use of instructed source materials,
- make use of concepts of future anticipation and futures studies in an appropriate way,
- demonstrate ability to analyse and evaluate one's own and one's organization's actions and their impacts, as well as changes and trends in the operating environments and their impacts on one's work and employer organization.
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (2.9.2024, 13.11.2024 and 25.11.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 2.9.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
• Common starting day 2.9. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 22.9.2024)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (20.10.2024)
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 42–46)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 17.11.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 47–50)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 8.30–17 (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 13.11.2024 at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 8.12.2024).
There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team.
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 8.12.2024).
Further information
Online meetings in Zoom:
- Master School Opening day with the megatrend activity on Monday 2.9.2024. Zoom Meeting link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62509883000
- Pre-meeting of the hackathon on Wednesday 13.11.2024 at 10–11 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
- Master Minds Hackathon on Monday 25.11.2024 at 8.30–17 (Zoom link will be informed later on).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2023 - 09.01.2024
08.01.2024 - 15.05.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
10 - 30
Degree programmes
- Master of Management and Leadership in Health Care
- Anu Vaihekoski
- Anne Rouhelo
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 8.1.2024: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon 29.4.2024 (and a pre-meeting of the hackathon 17.4.2024): multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (8.1.2024, 17.4.2024 and 29.4.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 8.1.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
Zoom link for the megatrend activity 8.1.2024: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62634660090
• Common starting day 8.1. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 4.2.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (DL 3.3.2024).
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 10–14)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 7.4.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 15–19)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 29.4.2024. (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 17.4. at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 5.5.2024.). There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 12.5.2024).
Further information
Time and location:
Online meetings in Zoom: Monday 8.1.2024, a pre-meeting of the hackathon Wednesday 17.4.2024 at 10–11 and Master Minds Hackathon Monday 29.4.2024 at 9–17.30.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2023 - 14.01.2024
08.01.2024 - 12.05.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care, Research Group Studies
- Sini Eloranta
- Anne Rouhelo
- Eeva Timonen-Kallio
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 8.1.2024: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon 29.4.2024 (and a pre-meeting of the hackathon 17.4.2024): multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (8.1.2024, 17.4.2024 and 29.4.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 8.1.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
Zoom link for the megatrend activity 8.1.2024: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62634660090
• Common starting day 8.1. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 4.2.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (DL 3.3.2024).
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 10–14)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 7.4.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 15–19)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 29.4.2024. (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 17.4. at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 5.5.2024.). There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 12.5.2024).
Further information
Time and location:
Online meetings in Zoom: Monday 8.1.2024, a pre-meeting of the hackathon Wednesday 17.4.2024 at 10–11 and Master Minds Hackathon Monday 29.4.2024 at 9–17.30.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2023 - 31.12.2023
01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- English
- Keijo Varis
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 8.1.2024: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon 29.4.2024 (and a pre-meeting of the hackathon 17.4.2024): multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (8.1.2024, 17.4.2024 and 29.4.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 8.1.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
Zoom link for the megatrend activity 8.1.2024: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62634660090
• Common starting day 8.1. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 4.2.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (DL 3.3.2024).
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 10–14)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 7.4.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 15–19)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 29.4.2024. (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 17.4. at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 5.5.2024.). There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 12.5.2024).
Further information
Time and location:
Online meetings in Zoom: Monday 8.1.2024, a pre-meeting of the hackathon Wednesday 17.4.2024 at 10–11 and Master Minds Hackathon Monday 29.4.2024 at 9–17.30.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2023 - 21.01.2024
01.01.2024 - 30.06.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- English
- Heli Kanerva-Lehto
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 8.1.2024: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon 29.4.2024 (and a pre-meeting of the hackathon 17.4.2024): multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (8.1.2024, 17.4.2024 and 29.4.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 8.1.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
Zoom link for the megatrend activity 8.1.2024: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62634660090
• Common starting day 8.1. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 4.2.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (DL 3.3.2024).
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 10–14)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 7.4.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 15–19)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 29.4.2024. (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 17.4. at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 5.5.2024.). There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 12.5.2024).
Further information
Time and location:
Online meetings in Zoom: Monday 8.1.2024, a pre-meeting of the hackathon Wednesday 17.4.2024 at 10–11 and Master Minds Hackathon Monday 29.4.2024 at 9–17.30.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2023 - 10.01.2024
01.01.2024 - 09.06.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- Tapani Kilpeläinen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 8.1.2024: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon 29.4.2024 (and a pre-meeting of the hackathon 17.4.2024): multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (8.1.2024, 17.4.2024 and 29.4.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 8.1.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
Zoom link for the megatrend activity 8.1.2024: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62634660090
• Common starting day 8.1. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 4.2.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (DL 3.3.2024).
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 10–14)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 7.4.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 15–19)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 29.4.2024. (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 17.4. at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 5.5.2024.). There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 12.5.2024).
Further information
Time and location:
Online meetings in Zoom: Monday 8.1.2024, a pre-meeting of the hackathon Wednesday 17.4.2024 at 10–11 and Master Minds Hackathon Monday 29.4.2024 at 9–17.30.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2023 - 31.05.2024
01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
5 - 30
Degree programmes
- Master of Advanced Nursing Practice Cancer Care
- Johanna Berg
- Teija Franck
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 8.1.2024: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon 29.4.2024 (and a pre-meeting of the hackathon 17.4.2024): multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (8.1.2024, 17.4.2024 and 29.4.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 8.1.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
Zoom link for the megatrend activity 8.1.2024: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62634660090
• Common starting day 8.1. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 4.2.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (DL 3.3.2024).
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 10–14)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 7.4.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 15–19)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 29.4.2024. (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 17.4. at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 5.5.2024.). There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 12.5.2024).
Further information
Time and location:
Online meetings in Zoom: Monday 8.1.2024, a pre-meeting of the hackathon Wednesday 17.4.2024 at 10–11 and Master Minds Hackathon Monday 29.4.2024 at 9–17.30.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2023 - 31.01.2024
01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
3 op
RDI portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
40 % Contact teaching, 60 % Distance learning
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Health Promotion
- Salla Grommi
- Ritva Laaksonen-Heikkilä
- Tuuli Lahti
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 8.1.2024: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon 29.4.2024 (and a pre-meeting of the hackathon 17.4.2024): multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (8.1.2024, 17.4.2024 and 29.4.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 8.1.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
Zoom link for the megatrend activity 8.1.2024: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62634660090
• Common starting day 8.1. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 4.2.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (DL 3.3.2024).
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 10–14)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 7.4.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 15–19)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 29.4.2024. (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 17.4. at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 5.5.2024.). There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 12.5.2024).
Further information
Time and location:
Online meetings in Zoom: Monday 8.1.2024, a pre-meeting of the hackathon Wednesday 17.4.2024 at 10–11 and Master Minds Hackathon Monday 29.4.2024 at 9–17.30.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2023 - 31.12.2023
01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Master School
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Master`s Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care, Gerontological Expertise
- Heli Vaartio-Rajalin
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 8.1.2024: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon 29.4.2024 (and a pre-meeting of the hackathon 17.4.2024): multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (8.1.2024, 17.4.2024 and 29.4.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 8.1.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
Zoom link for the megatrend activity 8.1.2024: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62634660090
• Common starting day 8.1. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 4.2.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (DL 3.3.2024).
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 10–14)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 7.4.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 15–19)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 29.4.2024. (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 17.4. at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 5.5.2024.). There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 12.5.2024).
Further information
Time and location:
Online meetings in Zoom: Monday 8.1.2024, a pre-meeting of the hackathon Wednesday 17.4.2024 at 10–11 and Master Minds Hackathon Monday 29.4.2024 at 9–17.30.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2023 - 31.01.2024
01.01.2024 - 31.05.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
- Juha Nikkanen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Reading/viewing online learning materials, individual written assignments and group activities in multidisciplinary groups.
International connections
Planning and implementation of the course is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching.
Sustainable development is included in the learning objectives and contents of the course (especially Theme 3 and Assignment 3), as well as in the mode of teaching/learning: the course implementation is entirely based on distance learning on the itslearning platform and using Zoom meetings for multidisciplinary group working. All learning materials are available in a digital form, freely available and easily accessible.
Student workload
Online meeting: Collaborative work in multidisciplinary groups in Zoom, 12 h
Online learning: Independent online learning on the itslearning course platform: 123 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 8.1.2024: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Master Minds Hackathon 29.4.2024 (and a pre-meeting of the hackathon 17.4.2024): multidisciplinary teams work to solve real working-life problems. Each team presents their solution and composes a report using a provided PowerPoint template.
Individual work and assignments:
• Pre-assignment: familiarizing oneself with Sitra’s megatrend materials.
• Assignment 1. Future orientation: futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 2. Professional future scenarios: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 3. Sustainable future: analysing sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction from the perspective of one’s own field and work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Assignment 4. Reflective report: utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in multidisciplinary groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly within each study programme on their own itslearning course platform.
There are three online meetings (8.1.2024, 17.4.2024 and 29.4.2024) common to all students of the various study programmes.
The course is mainly based on independent learning using the study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The Future Operating Environments course will start already on TUAS Master School Opening Day 8.1.2024 with an orientation to the course and multiprofessional team discussions in which team members share experiences and thoughts on the impacts of megatrends on their professional field and their own work.
Familiarize yourself with the following materials and be prepared to discuss megatrends on the opening day:
• Sitra 2023: Megatrends
• Sitra 2023: Megatrend cards 2023
Zoom link for the megatrend activity 8.1.2024: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/62634660090
• Common starting day 8.1. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment: Future orientation (DL 4.2.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 2: Professional future scenarios (DL 3.3.2024).
THEME 3: SUSTAINABLE FUTURE (calendar weeks 10–14)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Assignment 3: Sustainable future (DL 7.4.2024).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 15–19)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Group work: Master Minds Hackathon 29.4.2024. (a full-day event) and its pre-meeting 17.4. at 10–11) for all students of the various study programmes. In the Hackathon, multidisciplinary student teams work to solve real working-life problems, i.e. assignments provided by commissoners. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 5.5.2024.). There are two optional ways of participating in the Hackathon: 1) as a commissioner, or 2) as a member of a team
• Assignment 4: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 12.5.2024).
Further information
Time and location:
Online meetings in Zoom: Monday 8.1.2024, a pre-meeting of the hackathon Wednesday 17.4.2024 at 10–11 and Master Minds Hackathon Monday 29.4.2024 at 9–17.30.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days (i.e. in online meetings).
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2023 - 15.09.2023
28.08.2023 - 31.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
- Heli Aramo-Immonen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Studying instructed learning materials, individual written assignments, group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups in your own study programme.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 28.8.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 27.11.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 15.11.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (Zoom-meetings: 28.8.2023, 15.11.2023 and 27.11.2023).) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 28.8. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 17.9.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 15.10.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 12.11.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks (viikot 46-49)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon day 27.11. (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.11.) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 3.12.).
There are two possible ways to participate in the hackathon: 1) as a commissioner or 2) as a student solving working life problems in a multidisciplinary small group.
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 10.12.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2023 - 28.08.2023
28.08.2023 - 31.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- English
- Heidi Salokangas
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Studying instructed learning materials, individual written assignments, group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups in your own study programme.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 28.8.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 27.11.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 15.11.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (Zoom-meetings: 28.8.2023, 15.11.2023 and 27.11.2023).) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 28.8. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 17.9.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 15.10.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 12.11.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks (viikot 46-49)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon day 27.11. (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.11.) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 3.12.).
There are two possible ways to participate in the hackathon: 1) as a commissioner or 2) as a student solving working life problems in a multidisciplinary small group.
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 10.12.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2023 - 29.08.2023
28.08.2023 - 15.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
40 % Contact teaching, 60 % Distance learning
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
20 - 50
- Piia Nurmi
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
Evaluation scale
13.06.2023 - 15.09.2023
28.08.2023 - 10.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
- Juha Nikkanen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Studying instructed learning materials, individual written assignments, group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups in your own study programme.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 28.8.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 27.11.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 15.11.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (Zoom-meetings: 28.8.2023, 15.11.2023 and 27.11.2023).) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 28.8. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 17.9.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 15.10.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 12.11.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks (viikot 46-49)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon day 27.11. (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.11.) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 3.12.).
There are two possible ways to participate in the hackathon: 1) as a commissioner or 2) as a student solving working life problems in a multidisciplinary small group.
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 10.12.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2023 - 29.12.2023
28.08.2023 - 31.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Master of Advanced clinical practice, Mental health and substance abuse care
- Johanna Berg
- Heli Vaartio-Rajalin
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Studying instructed learning materials, individual written assignments, group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups in your own study programme.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 28.8.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 27.11.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 15.11.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (Zoom-meetings: 28.8.2023, 15.11.2023 and 27.11.2023).) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 28.8. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 17.9.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 15.10.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 12.11.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks (viikot 46-49)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon day 27.11. (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.11.) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 3.12.).
There are two possible ways to participate in the hackathon: 1) as a commissioner or 2) as a student solving working life problems in a multidisciplinary small group.
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 10.12.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
25.04.2023 - 15.09.2023
28.08.2023 - 10.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Health Promotion
- Ritva Laaksonen-Heikkilä
- Tuuli Lahti
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Studying instructed learning materials, individual written assignments, group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups in your own study programme.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 28.8.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 27.11.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 15.11.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (Zoom-meetings: 28.8.2023, 15.11.2023 and 27.11.2023).) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 28.8. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 17.9.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 15.10.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 12.11.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks (viikot 46-49)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon day 27.11. (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.11.) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 3.12.).
There are two possible ways to participate in the hackathon: 1) as a commissioner or 2) as a student solving working life problems in a multidisciplinary small group.
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 10.12.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2023 - 15.09.2023
28.08.2023 - 10.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
- Heli Vaartio-Rajalin
OSJOKES23Leadership and development in the field of gerontology
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Studying instructed learning materials, individual written assignments, group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups in your own study programme.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 28.8.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 27.11.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 15.11.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (Zoom-meetings: 28.8.2023, 15.11.2023 and 27.11.2023).) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 28.8. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 17.9.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 15.10.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 12.11.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks (viikot 46-49)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon day 27.11. (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.11.) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 3.12.).
There are two possible ways to participate in the hackathon: 1) as a commissioner or 2) as a student solving working life problems in a multidisciplinary small group.
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 10.12.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2023 - 30.08.2023
28.08.2023 - 30.11.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
15 - 30
Degree programmes
- Master`s Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care, Advanced Social Counselling
- Eeva Timonen-Kallio
- Anssi Lähde
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Studying instructed learning materials, individual written assignments, group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups in your own study programme.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 28.8.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 27.11.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 15.11.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (Zoom-meetings: 28.8.2023, 15.11.2023 and 27.11.2023).) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 28.8. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 17.9.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 15.10.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 12.11.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks (viikot 46-49)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon day 27.11. (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.11.) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 3.12.).
There are two possible ways to participate in the hackathon: 1) as a commissioner or 2) as a student solving working life problems in a multidisciplinary small group.
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 10.12.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2023 - 10.09.2023
28.08.2023 - 10.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Master of Management and Leadership in Health Care
- Anne Puuronen
- Maarit Janhunen
- Anne Rouhelo
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Studying instructed learning materials, individual written assignments, group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups in your own study programme.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 28.8.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 27.11.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 15.11.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (Zoom-meetings: 28.8.2023, 15.11.2023 and 27.11.2023).) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 28.8. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 17.9.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 15.10.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 12.11.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks (viikot 46-49)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon day 27.11. (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.11.) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 3.12.).
There are two possible ways to participate in the hackathon: 1) as a commissioner or 2) as a student solving working life problems in a multidisciplinary small group.
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 10.12.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2023 - 03.09.2023
28.08.2023 - 10.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
- Markku Lindell
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Studying instructed learning materials, individual written assignments, group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups in your own study programme.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 28.8.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 27.11.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 15.11.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (Zoom-meetings: 28.8.2023, 15.11.2023 and 27.11.2023).) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 28.8. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 17.9.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 15.10.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 12.11.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks (viikot 46-49)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon day 27.11. (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.11.) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 3.12.).
There are two possible ways to participate in the hackathon: 1) as a commissioner or 2) as a student solving working life problems in a multidisciplinary small group.
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 10.12.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
29.07.2023 - 29.09.2023
28.08.2023 - 15.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
- Timo Korhonen
- Ismo Luukkonen
Teacher in charge
Ismo Luukkonen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Studying instructed learning materials, individual written assignments, group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups in your own study programme.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 28.8.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 27.11.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 15.11.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (Zoom-meetings: 28.8.2023, 15.11.2023 and 27.11.2023).) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 28.8. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 17.9.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 15.10.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 12.11.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks (viikot 46-49)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon day 27.11. (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.11.) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 3.12.).
There are two possible ways to participate in the hackathon: 1) as a commissioner or 2) as a student solving working life problems in a multidisciplinary small group.
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 10.12.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2023 - 30.09.2023
28.08.2023 - 31.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
RDI portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 45
Degree programmes
- Master of Business Administration, Service Design
- Ulla Seppälä-Kaven
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Studying instructed learning materials, individual written assignments, group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups in your own study programme.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 28.8.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 27.11.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 15.11.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (Zoom-meetings: 28.8.2023, 15.11.2023 and 27.11.2023).) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 28.8. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 17.9.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 15.10.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 12.11.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks (viikot 46-49)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon day 27.11. (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.11.) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 3.12.).
There are two possible ways to participate in the hackathon: 1) as a commissioner or 2) as a student solving working life problems in a multidisciplinary small group.
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 10.12.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2023 - 15.09.2023
22.08.2023 - 10.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Master`s Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care; Integration of Rehabilitation and Physical Activity
- Johanna Berg
- Niina Katajapuu
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Studying instructed learning materials, individual written assignments, group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups in your own study programme.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 28.8.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 27.11.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 15.11.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (Zoom-meetings: 28.8.2023, 15.11.2023 and 27.11.2023).) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 28.8. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 17.9.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 15.10.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 12.11.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks (viikot 46-49)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon day 27.11. (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.11.) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 3.12.).
There are two possible ways to participate in the hackathon: 1) as a commissioner or 2) as a student solving working life problems in a multidisciplinary small group.
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 10.12.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2023 - 10.09.2023
14.08.2023 - 17.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
- Sirpa Erkkilä-Häkkinen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Studying instructed learning materials, individual written assignments, group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups in your own study programme.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 28.8.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 27.11.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 15.11.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (Zoom-meetings: 28.8.2023, 15.11.2023 and 27.11.2023).) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 28.8. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 17.9.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 15.10.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 12.11.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks (viikot 46-49)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon day 27.11. (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.11.) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 3.12.).
There are two possible ways to participate in the hackathon: 1) as a commissioner or 2) as a student solving working life problems in a multidisciplinary small group.
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 10.12.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2023 - 28.08.2023
01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- Reetta Raitoharju
- Heli Kanerva-Lehto
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Studying instructed learning materials, individual written assignments, group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups in your own study programme.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 28.8.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 27.11.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 15.11.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (Zoom-meetings: 28.8.2023, 15.11.2023 and 27.11.2023).) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 28.8. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 17.9.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 15.10.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 12.11.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks (viikot 46-49)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon day 27.11. (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.11.) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 3.12.).
There are two possible ways to participate in the hackathon: 1) as a commissioner or 2) as a student solving working life problems in a multidisciplinary small group.
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 10.12.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2023 - 15.09.2023
01.08.2023 - 10.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
- Mervi Varhelahti
- Kaisa Sorsa
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Studying instructed learning materials, individual written assignments, group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups in your own study programme.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 28.8.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 27.11.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 15.11.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (Zoom-meetings: 28.8.2023, 15.11.2023 and 27.11.2023).) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 28.8. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 17.9.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 15.10.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 12.11.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks (viikot 46-49)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon day 27.11. (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.11.) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 3.12.).
There are two possible ways to participate in the hackathon: 1) as a commissioner or 2) as a student solving working life problems in a multidisciplinary small group.
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 10.12.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.07.2023 - 31.08.2023
01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
- Reetta Raitoharju
- Salla Grommi
- Anne Puuronen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Studying instructed learning materials, individual written assignments, group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups in your own study programme.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 28.8.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 27.11.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 15.11.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (Zoom-meetings: 28.8.2023, 15.11.2023 and 27.11.2023).) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 28.8. for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 17.9.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 15.10.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 12.11.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks (viikot 46-49)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon day 27.11. (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 16.11.) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 3.12.).
There are two possible ways to participate in the hackathon: 1) as a commissioner or 2) as a student solving working life problems in a multidisciplinary small group.
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 10.12.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2022 - 31.12.2022
01.01.2023 - 31.07.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 35
- Keijo Varis
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups, individual written assignments and possible keynote lectures and talks.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 9.1.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 24.4.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 12.4.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (9.1., 12.4. and 24.4.) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 9.1.2023 for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 29.1.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 26.2.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 2.4.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 14-17)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon Day 24.4.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 12.4.2023) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 30.4.).
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 7.5.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2022 - 27.01.2023
01.01.2023 - 31.07.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 35
- Ulla Seppälä-Kaven
- Kaisa Sorsa
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups, individual written assignments and possible keynote lectures and talks.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 9.1.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 24.4.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 12.4.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (9.1., 12.4. and 24.4.) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 9.1.2023 for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 29.1.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 26.2.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 2.4.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 14-17)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon Day 24.4.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 12.4.2023) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 30.4.).
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 7.5.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2022 - 15.01.2023
01.01.2023 - 31.07.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- Tapani Kilpeläinen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups, individual written assignments and possible keynote lectures and talks.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 9.1.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 24.4.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 12.4.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (9.1., 12.4. and 24.4.) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 9.1.2023 for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 29.1.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 26.2.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 2.4.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 14-17)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon Day 24.4.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 12.4.2023) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 30.4.).
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 7.5.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
01.12.2022 - 15.01.2023
01.01.2023 - 31.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Health Promotion
- Hille Halonen
- Ritva Laaksonen-Heikkilä
- Anu Vaihekoski
- Kari Salonen
- Maarit Janhunen
- Anne Rouhelo
- Camilla Granholm
- Sanna-Maria Nurmi
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups, individual written assignments and possible keynote lectures and talks.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 9.1.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 24.4.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 12.4.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (9.1., 12.4. and 24.4.) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
The course starts on Monday 9.1.2022 at 12:30-3:30 p.m online in Zoom.
Zoom link: https://turkuamk.zoom.us/j/63854050706
• Common starting day 9.1.2023 for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 29.1.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 26.2.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 2.4.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 14-17)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon Day 24.4.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 12.4.2023) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 30.4.).
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 7.5.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.
02.12.2022 - 31.01.2023
01.01.2023 - 31.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
- Juha Nikkanen
After completing the course, the student is able to:
- analyse changes in the operating environments and anticipate future developments applying the concepts and methods of futures studies
- evaluate impacts of the changing operating environments on their work, work community and organization, as well on the industry/field at large
- develop one’s competences and expertise in a focused and goal-oriented way in anticipation of the future competence requirements in the work life
- improve and innovate operations and work processes in their work community, taking into account environmental, social and economic sustainability, and using multidisciplinary and multiprofessional futures knowledge.
- Future of work and income
- Future competence needs
- Changing career paths and professional identities
- Future technologies, human–technology interaction
- Sustainable future and ecological reconstruction
- Theories and methods of future studies and foresight
- Importance of foresight for innovations and strategic planning and decision-making
In the itslearning course platform.
Teaching methods
Group work in multidisciplinary groups, reading and discussing in reading groups, individual written assignments and possible keynote lectures and talks.
Student workload
Contact days and lectures: 15 h
Online and virtual working individually and in groups: 120 h
Group work and assignments:
• Starting day 9.1.2023: multidisciplinary groups working with SITRA’s megatrend cards.
• Reading groups within each study programme: reading and discussing research articles/papers/reports, creating a visual presentation of the key ideas and publishing it in a discussion forum in the itslearning course platform (tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Hackathon 24.4.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 12.4.2023): multidisciplinary groups work to solve real working-life problems.
Individual work and assignments:
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
• Reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (in the itslearning course platform; tutor teacher evaluates, pass/fail).
Content scheduling
The course is compulsory for all Turku UAS Master Students. It will be implemented partly in groups comprised of students across the various study programmes, and partly as team and individual work within each study programme.
There are three contact days (9.1., 12.4. and 24.4.) common to all students of the various study programmes, and further, there are common study materials and assignments in the itslearning course platform. In addition, the study programmes may add and cover discipline specific topics. This will be guided by the tutor teacher during the programme’s contact days.
• Common starting day 9.1.2023 for all students of the various study programmes: orientation to the course, a keynote talk on the future working life and competence requirements, and group work with SITRA’s megatrend cards (tutor teachers will guide working of the groups).
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Orientation assignment: Futures consciousness and attitudes towards future (DL 29.1.)
• (Each study programme may arrange lectures by TUAS specialists on themes such as new technologies, circular economy etc. during the programme’s contact days.)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Scenario assignment: imagining alternative professional futures (DL 26.2.)
• Reading groups: reading and discussing research articles in groups that meet virtually or face to face, and creating a visual presentation based on the key ideas of the discussion. Readings are related to the changing work, working environment and competence requirements in the field of the study programme. The visual presentation will be shared in the itslearning course platform (DL 2.4.).
• Tutor teacher organizes the reading groups and compiles the list of readings (or guides students to find relevant research articles and reports).
THEME 4: SHAPING MY OWN FUTURE (calendar weeks 14-17)
• Students familiarize themselves independently with the materials in the itslearning course platform.
• Common Hackathon Day 24.4.2023 (a pre-meeting of the hackathon 12.4.2023) for all students of the various study programmes: group working to solve real working-life problems related to sustainable future. Students will familiarize themselves with the Hackathon instructions and assignments before the Hackathon day in the itslearning platform and submit their team reports there after the Hackathon (DL 30.4.).
• Final assignment: a reflective report on utilizing futures thinking and anticipation methods in one’s own work (DL 7.5.).
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment will be based on the individual and group assignments submitted in the itslearning course platform and on the demonstrated contribution to the group work in contact days.
Tutor teacher evaluates the assignments (assignments 1–4). To pass the course, students are expected to participate in the contact days and to contribute to group work in them, as well as to complete and turn in all the assignments. Missing contact day participation will be compensated by an extra assignment. Tutor teachers will keep records of participation in group work in contact days and evaluate the compensatory assignments.