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Ikä ja toiminta (4 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: 7011107-3001

Toteutuksen perustiedot


04.08.2018 - 02.09.2018


03.09.2018 - 31.12.2018


4 op


3 op


3 op


25 % Lähiopetus, 75 % Etäopetus


Terveys ja hyvinvointi


Kupittaan kampus


  • Englanti


1 - 30


  • Fysioterapeuttikoulutus


  • Juho Korpi


  • MFYSIK18
    Fysioterapeutti (AMK) monimuoto, K18


Opiskelija osaa tunnistaa eri-ikäisten ihmisten liikkumisen pääpiirteitä,selittää, miten eri tekijät vaikuttavat liikkeen ja liikkumisen kehittymiseen ja muotoutumiseen eri ikäkausina.


Ihmisen motorisen kehityksen ja biologisen kasvun yleiset periaatteet eri ikäkausina, motorisen kehityksen erityispiirteet, liikkumisen havainnointi eri ikäkausina, elämäntapahtumien yhteys ihmisen toimintaan, iän yhteys ihmisen toimintaan ja sen edellytyksiin

Aika ja paikka

27.8.- 13.10.2018


Web lectures, observation in practical situations, reflective writing, exams

Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys

Course will be conducted in Optima. It consists of six parts, which can be completed in random order except Certain parts A. B. and E has to follow the time schedule
Part A Orientation
Part B working age functioning
Part C From newborn to 1 years old
Part D From two to six years old
Part E From 7 to early adulthood.
Part F Aging and functioning

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Oppimistehtävät ja opiskelijan työn mitoitus
Part A) Writing the own goals for this course after watching the orientation video 2 hours
Part B)
Week 35 Watching the web lectures concerning the recovery and First Beat measure 4 hours.
Week 35 Reading the materials concerning working age functioning, ergonomics. 6 hours
Week 36-39 Conducting individual First beat measurement based on the given schedule
Familiarizing own First beat results. 4 hours.
Giving feedback to other group member of her First beat measure 3 hour.
Writing goals to affect your own recovery related your first beat result 2 hours
Part C)
Reading the material of child development and growth 6 hours
Finding a physical functioning measure and reporting it
Watching the videos from Optima 1 hour
Writing the notes of the observation 3 hours
Answering the exam in Optima 1 hour
Part D
Reading the material and watching the web lecture 3 hours
Finding a physical functioning measure and reporting it
Contacting the daycare center for observation 1 hour
Observation in day care center and video the observation 6
Exam in Optima
Part E
Finding a physical functioning measure and reporting it 4 hours
Reading the material 4 hours
Contacting the high school 2 hours
Following the physical education class in one high school 2 hours
Writing a report based on observation and literature 4 hours
Exam in Optima 1 hour
Part F
Following the web lecture in Optima 2 hours
Finding and reading the material 6 hours. Finding physical functioning measure and reporting it 4 hours
Contacting to elderly care unit for observation 2 hours
Observation of elderly people based on given task 2 hours
Interview of ageing person 2 hours
Exam in Optima 1 hour
Contact hours: Teaching, how to use physical functioning measures. 30 minutes theory, 1 hour practice/each measure
Week 43 2 h, 44 4 h and 46 2 h Toiminnallisen harjoittelun tila kaikkiin näihin

Sisällön jaksotus

Sisältö ja ajoitus
General principles of motor development and biological growth in different age periods. Special features of motor development. Observation of movement and movement skills in different age periods. Different conditions and they correlation in human functioning, age correlation in human. Fall 2018 week 35-46



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Part A: writing the goals: pass/fail (teacher evaluates)
Part B: Writing goals to affect your own recovery related your first beat result: Pass/fail (teacher evaluates)
Part C:
Optima Exam, evaluation 1-5
Finding a physical functioning measure and reporting it Pass/fail (Peer evaluation)
Part D:
Finding a physical functioning measure and reporting it. Pass/fail (Peer evaluation)
Video observation Pass/fail (teacher evaluation)
Optima Exam, evaluation 1-5
Part E
Finding a physical functioning measure and reporting it Pass/fail (Peer evaluation)
Optima Exam. evaluation 1-5
Part F
Finding a physical functioning measure and reporting it Pass/fail (Peer evaluation)
Video observation Pass/fail (teacher evaluation)
Optima Exam. Evaluation 1-5 (teacher evaluation)
Attending all the seminars Pass/Fail week