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ThermodynamicsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TE00CO05


5 op


The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the fundamentals of heat transfer and thermodynamics, thereby creating a basis for their application in the design and calculation of machines, equipment, and processes.
After completing the course, student:
- is familiar with the basic quantities of thermodynamics and can perform related calculations
- understands heat transfer and its effects in substances and structures (heat conduction , thermal expansion, phase changes)
- can calculate the heat quantity in various state changes
- can perform calculations related to the flow of liquids and gases
- knows the ideal gas equation and can apply it in various state change processes
- understands the state changes of ideal gases and the cycles based on them
- can determine the thermal efficiency of a heat engine as well as the coefficients of performance of a heat pump and a refrigeration machine
- can evaluate the energy efficiency of different machines
- is familiar with the Mollier diagram and its use in calculations related to heat transfer processes
- can investigate thermodynamic phenomena using measurement setups


- the main principles of thermodynamics
- pressure, temperature, measurement
- heat conduction
- thermal expansion
- heat capacity
- quantity of heat
- flow equation, Bernoulli's equation, viscosity of liquids
- changes in the state of gases and vapors
- energy balance, thermal efficiency
- operating principles of thermodynamic machines and cycles
- moist air and Mollier diagram
- measurements related to thermodynamics and reporting of results


01.12.2024 - 25.02.2025


24.02.2025 - 11.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

60 - 100

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • COS Opettaja
  • Hannele Kuusisto
Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä A1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä A2 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä B1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä B2 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
  • Subgroup A1
  • Subgroup A2
  • Subgroup B1
  • Subgroup B2


The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the fundamentals of heat transfer and thermodynamics, thereby creating a basis for their application in the design and calculation of machines, equipment, and processes.
After completing the course, student:
- is familiar with the basic quantities of thermodynamics and can perform related calculations
- understands heat transfer and its effects in substances and structures (heat conduction , thermal expansion, phase changes)
- can calculate the heat quantity in various state changes
- can perform calculations related to the flow of liquids and gases
- knows the ideal gas equation and can apply it in various state change processes
- understands the state changes of ideal gases and the cycles based on them
- can determine the thermal efficiency of a heat engine as well as the coefficients of performance of a heat pump and a refrigeration machine
- can evaluate the energy efficiency of different machines
- is familiar with the Mollier diagram and its use in calculations related to heat transfer processes
- can investigate thermodynamic phenomena using measurement setups


- the main principles of thermodynamics
- pressure, temperature, measurement
- heat conduction
- thermal expansion
- heat capacity
- quantity of heat
- flow equation, Bernoulli's equation, viscosity of liquids
- changes in the state of gases and vapors
- energy balance, thermal efficiency
- operating principles of thermodynamic machines and cycles
- moist air and Mollier diagram
- measurements related to thermodynamics and reporting of results


Insinöörin FYSIIKKA(AMK), Osa I (Hautala, Peltonen)
Verkko-oppimisympäristössä oleva ja sinne linkitetty materiaali

Teaching methods

Osallistava oppiminen, käänteinen oppiminen

Exam schedules

Alustavasti välikokeet viikoilla 14 ja 18 tai vaihtoehtoisesti kurssitentti viikolla 18.
Uusintamahdollisuudet EY-tekniikan yleisissä uusintakokeissa toukokuun, kesäkuun ja syyskuun 2025 uusinnoissa.

International connections

Opiskelijan omaan aktiivisuuteen, kokemukseen ja tiedon rakentamiseen perustuvat menetelmät, Learning-by-doing ja flipped learning

Opintojaksolla hankitut matemaattiset ja luonnontieteelliset taidot tukevat opiskelijoita kestävän, eettisen ja vastuullisen toiminnan toteuttamisessa, sekä työelämässä että yksityiselämässä. Osa opintojakson tehtävistä sisältää kestävään kehitykseen liittyvää laskentaa.

Opintojakson materiaali on pääsääntöisesti digitaalisesti tuotettua materiaalia, joka ei kuluta luonnonvaroja yhtä paljon kuin fyysinen materiaali.

Completion alternatives

Osaamisen näyttö teoriakokeella ja labroja korvaava harjoitustyö

Student workload

Opiskelijan työmäärä 135t jakautuu seuraavasti
- Teoriatunnit ja laskuharjoitukset 38t
- Labratyöt 6t
- Koe 2-4t (riippuen siitä tekeekö kaksi välikoetta vai yhden kurssitentin)
- Itsenäinen opiskelu ja labratöiden raportointi 87-89t (tarkoittaa itsenäistä opiskelua noin 8t/viikko)

Content scheduling

Opintojaksolla tutustutaan termodynamiikan ilmiöihin sekä harjoitellaan niihin liittyviä laskuja ja mittauksia fysiikan näkökulmasta.

Opintojakso toteutuu viikoilla 9-18, lisäksi kokeen palautustunti viikolla 19.
Opintojakson viikkoaikataulu on pääsääntöisesti seuraava:
- perjantaisin uuden aiheen aloitus (etäluento Teams)
- tiistaisin lähilaskupaja viikon tehtäviin liittyen (lähitunti kampuksella)
- torstaisin tukitunti, jossa käydään ko. viikon tehtävien ratkaisuja läpi ennen uuden aiheen aloitusta perjantaina (samanaikainen hybridi; osallistuminen mahdollista etänä/kampuksella)

Teoriatuntien lisäksi opintojakso sisältää kolme pakollista lähilabratyötä, jotka toteutetaan kolmena keskiviikkona (viikoilla 11, 13 ja 16) pienryhmissä. Labratöiden alustavat aiheet: Termistorin resistanssin lämpötilariippuvuus, kalorimetria ja ideaalikaasulait. Yhden labratyön voi halutessaan korvata MATLAB Simulink-ohjelmistolla tehtävällä etälabratyöllä termistorin resistanssin lämpötilariippuvuudesta.

- Termofysiikan/termodynamiikan perussuureet, kaavat, yksiköt, paine, noste
- Termodynaaminen systeemi, lämpötila ja lämpölaajeneminen
- Lämpökapasiteetti, lämpöenergia ja energian siirtyminen
- Olomuodon muutokset ja energia olomuodon muutoksissa
- Nesteiden ja kaasujen virtaukset, virtausyhtälöt
- Nesteen viskositeetti
- Ideaalikaasun tilanyhtälö
- Termodynamiikan I ja II pääsääntö
- Kaasujen kiertoprosessit
- Lämpö- ja kylmäkoneiden toimintaperiaate
- Kostean ilman fysiikan perusteet ja Mollier-käyrästö

Further information

Opintojakson tärkeimmät ilmoitukset lähetetään sähköpostitse. Opiskelijoiden toivotaan olevan yhteydessä opettajaan ensisijaisesti sähköpostitse. Myös tuntien yhteydessä voi avoimesti kysyä ja keskustella asioista.
Ajankohtaisista asioista ilmoitetaan its-kurssin Yleiskatsaus-sivulla.

Opiskelussa käytettävät oppimisympäristöt ja ohjelmistot: Itslearning, ViLLE, MS Excel, MS Word (+MATLAB)

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Opintojakso arvioidaan numeerisesti asteikolla 0-5 kokeen/kokeiden perusteella (max 100p). Jos opiskelija suorittaa kurssin välikokeilla, kumpaankin kokeeseen on osallistuttava. Jos toisen välikokeen suoritus jää uupumaan, suoritetaan kurssi tentillä joko varsinaisena tenttipäivänä tai uusinnassa.

Itsenäisesti suoritettavilla ViLLE-laskuharjoituksilla on mahdollista saada kerätä max 12p (vastaa numeron korotusta kokeen arvosanaan). Labrojen ennakkotehtävillä on mahdollista kerätä max 6p (vastaa puolen numeron korotusta kokeen arvosanaan).

Kurssiin kuuluvat kolme labratyötä on myös kaikki suoritettava hyväksytysti (aktiivinen työskentely labrassa ja hyväksytysti täytetty mittauspöytäkirja).

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

Opiskelija ei saavuta vähintään 40 % kurssipisteistä = 40p tai opiskelija ei ole suorittanut pakollisia labratöitä hyväksytysti.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Arvosanaan 1 vaaditaan noin 40 % kurssipisteistä = 40p ja hyväksytysti suoritetut labratyöt (3 kpl)
Arvosanaan 2 vaaditaan noin 52 % kurssipisteistä = 52p ja hyväksytysti suoritetut labratyöt (3 kpl)

Arvosanan 1-2 tasoinen osaaminen tarkoittaa termodynamiikan perusilmiöiden tuntemusta ja termodynamiikan perussuureisiin liittyvien laskujen hallintaa.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Arvosanaan 3 vaaditaan noin 64 % kurssipisteistä = 64p ja hyväksytysti suoritetut labratyöt (3 kpl)
Arvosanaan 4 vaaditaan noin 76 % kurssipisteistä = 76p ja hyväksytysti suoritetut labratyöt (3 kpl)

Arvosanan 3-4 tasoinen osaaminen tarkoittaa edellisen tason osaamisen lisäksi ymmärrystä kaasun prosesseista ja termodynamiikan pääsäännöistä sekä näihin aiheisiin liittyvien laskukaavojen soveltamisen osaamista erilaisissa tilanteissa.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Arvosanaan 5 vaaditaan noin 88 % kurssipisteistä = 88 p ja hyväksytysti suoritetut labratyöt (3 kpl)

Arvosanan 5 tasoinen osaaminen tarkoittaa edellisten tasojen osaamisen lisäksi virtauksiin liittyvää laskuosaamista, erityisesti Bernoullin yhtälön soveltamista erilaisissa tilanteissa ja/tai lämpö- ja kylmäkoneiden toimintaperiaatteen ja kiertoprosessien tuntemusta.


30.05.2024 - 15.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
  • COS Opettaja
  • Aaro Mustonen
  • PENERS23
    Energy and Environmental Engineering, S23


The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the fundamentals of heat transfer and thermodynamics, thereby creating a basis for their application in the design and calculation of machines, equipment, and processes.
After completing the course, student:
- is familiar with the basic quantities of thermodynamics and can perform related calculations
- understands heat transfer and its effects in substances and structures (heat conduction , thermal expansion, phase changes)
- can calculate the heat quantity in various state changes
- can perform calculations related to the flow of liquids and gases
- knows the ideal gas equation and can apply it in various state change processes
- understands the state changes of ideal gases and the cycles based on them
- can determine the thermal efficiency of a heat engine as well as the coefficients of performance of a heat pump and a refrigeration machine
- can evaluate the energy efficiency of different machines
- is familiar with the Mollier diagram and its use in calculations related to heat transfer processes
- can investigate thermodynamic phenomena using measurement setups


- the main principles of thermodynamics
- pressure, temperature, measurement
- heat conduction
- thermal expansion
- heat capacity
- quantity of heat
- flow equation, Bernoulli's equation, viscosity of liquids
- changes in the state of gases and vapors
- energy balance, thermal efficiency
- operating principles of thermodynamic machines and cycles
- moist air and Mollier diagram
- measurements related to thermodynamics and reporting of results


College Physics 2e, Thermodynamics (
Material in and linked to the online learning environment

Teaching methods

Participatory learning, flipped learning

Exam schedules

The dates of the 2 midterm exams will be announced at the start of the course.
Retake opportunities in the general retake exams of Energy and environmental technologies degrees in the December and January retakes.

International connections

Methods based on the student's own activity, experience and knowledge building.

Completion alternatives

Demonstration of competence with a theory test. This option must be agreed with the teacher. If you have studied a course of a similar level and content, it is possible to read the course well. Ask the teacher for instructions on this.

Student workload

The student's workload of 135h is distributed as follows
- Theory lessons and calculation exercises 36h
- Familiarization with laboratory work and working in the laboratory 6 hours
- Exam 2-4h (depending on whether you take two midterm exams or one course exam)
- Independent study 89-91h

Content scheduling

The course takes place on Tuesdays and Fridays in weeks 36-50.

In the course, you get to know the phenomena of thermodynamics and practice related calculations and measurements from a physics perspective. Friday's classes are theory classes on the topic of the week. At the same time, things that remained unclear in the previous week's calculations are repeated. On Tuesdays, there is a calculation workshop (1h).

In addition to the theory lessons, the course includes two mandatory lab works, which are carried out in two different weeks (weeks 40 and 48) in small groups. Initial topics for lab work: Temperature dependence of the thermistor resistance, thermal conductivity and/or calorimetry.

- Basic quantities of thermophysics/thermodynamics, formulas, units, pressure, lift
- Thermodynamic system, temperature and thermal expansion
- Heat capacity, thermal energy and energy transfer
- Changes in state and energy in state changes
- Flows of liquids and gases, flow equations
- Liquid viscosity
- Equation of state of an ideal gas
- I and II law of thermodynamics
- Gas circulation processes
- Operating principle of heating and cooling machines
- Basics of moist air physics and the Mollier curve

Further information

The most important announcements of the course are sent by e-mail. Students are expected to communicate with the teacher primarily by e-mail. You can also openly ask questions and discuss things during the lessons.
Current affairs are announced on the overview page of the itslearning course.

A function calculator is required for the course.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The course is evaluated numerically on a scale of 0-5 based on the exam(s) (max 100p). If the student completes the course with midterm exams, he must participate in both exams. If the performance of the second midterm exam is exhausted, the course will be completed with an exam either on the actual exam day or in a retake.

The course is subject to attendance, regarding theory lessons, counting lessons and laboratory meetings.

With ViLLE calculation exercises that can be performed independently, it is possible to collect a maximum of 12p (equivalent to increasing the number to the exam grade).

The two laboratory works included in the course must also all be completed with approval (active work in the laboratory and an approved measurement protocol). 4p points from pretasks.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

The student does not achieve at least 40% of the course points = 40p or the student has not successfully completed the mandatory laboratory work.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

A grade of 1 requires about 40% of the course points = 40p and approved lab work (2 labs)
For a grade of 2, approximately 52% of the course points = 52p and approved lab work (2 labs) are required

Competence at grade 1-2 means knowledge of the basic phenomena of thermodynamics and control of calculations related to the basic quantities of thermodynamics.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

A grade of 3 requires approximately 64% of the course points = 64p and approved laboratory work (2 labs)
For a grade of 4, approximately 76% of the course points = 76p and successfully completed lab work (2 labs) are required

Competence at grade 3-4 means, in addition to competence at the previous level, an understanding of gas processes and the main rules of thermodynamics, as well as the ability to apply calculation formulas related to these topics in various situations.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

For a grade of 5, approximately 88% of the course points = 88 p and approved lab work (3 pieces) are required

Competence at level 5 means, in addition to the competence of the previous levels, calculation competence related to flows, especially the application of Bernoulli's equation in different situations and/or knowledge of the operating principle and circulation processes of heating and cooling machines.


01.12.2023 - 09.02.2024


13.02.2024 - 30.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

80 - 90

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Hannele Kuusisto
Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 3 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 4 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • PEYTES23
Small groups
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4


The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the fundamentals of heat transfer and thermodynamics, thereby creating a basis for their application in the design and calculation of machines, equipment, and processes.
After completing the course, student:
- is familiar with the basic quantities of thermodynamics and can perform related calculations
- understands heat transfer and its effects in substances and structures (heat conduction , thermal expansion, phase changes)
- can calculate the heat quantity in various state changes
- can perform calculations related to the flow of liquids and gases
- knows the ideal gas equation and can apply it in various state change processes
- understands the state changes of ideal gases and the cycles based on them
- can determine the thermal efficiency of a heat engine as well as the coefficients of performance of a heat pump and a refrigeration machine
- can evaluate the energy efficiency of different machines
- is familiar with the Mollier diagram and its use in calculations related to heat transfer processes
- can investigate thermodynamic phenomena using measurement setups


- the main principles of thermodynamics
- pressure, temperature, measurement
- heat conduction
- thermal expansion
- heat capacity
- quantity of heat
- flow equation, Bernoulli's equation, viscosity of liquids
- changes in the state of gases and vapors
- energy balance, thermal efficiency
- operating principles of thermodynamic machines and cycles
- moist air and Mollier diagram
- measurements related to thermodynamics and reporting of results

Evaluation scale
