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Measurements in PhysicsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 5051115


5 op


After completing the course the student can:
- model physical phenomena and apply the model in engineering
- recognise physical possibilities and limitations
- use measuring equipment
- do suitable measuring arrangement for a problem and complete the measurements
- estimate uncertainty of measurements and determine uncertainty for the results in simple cases
- make and analyse graphical presentations
- keep a laboratory notebook
- report results orally and in writing
- work safely at a laboratory
- work safely with different kinds of radioactive radiation
- handle waste developed in laboratory


•safety at laboratory work
•physical modeling
•radioactive radiation
•measuring, evaluating errors of measurements, processing and analyzing results
•graphical presentations and reporting
•handling laboratory waste


30.05.2024 - 05.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 06.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

75 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
  • Jaakko Lamminpää
  • COS Opettaja
  • Antti Haarto


After completing the course the student can:
- model physical phenomena and apply the model in engineering
- recognise physical possibilities and limitations
- use measuring equipment
- do suitable measuring arrangement for a problem and complete the measurements
- estimate uncertainty of measurements and determine uncertainty for the results in simple cases
- make and analyse graphical presentations
- keep a laboratory notebook
- report results orally and in writing
- work safely at a laboratory
- work safely with different kinds of radioactive radiation
- handle waste developed in laboratory


•safety at laboratory work
•physical modeling
•radioactive radiation
•measuring, evaluating errors of measurements, processing and analyzing results
•graphical presentations and reporting
•handling laboratory waste


Opettajan laatimaa materiaalia, joka jaetaan ItsLearning työtilan kautta.
Momentti 1, Insinöörifysiikka, Pentti Inkinen & Jukka Tuohi. Otava.
Momentti 2, Insinöörifysiikka, Pentti Inkinen, Reijo Manninen & Jukka Tuohi. Otava.
Tammertekniikka: Tekniikan kaavasto tai Otava: MAOL-taulukot

Teaching methods

Itsenäinen opiskelu ja valmistautuminen
Ohjattu ja omatoiminen laboratoriotyöskentely
Mittaustulosten raportointi

Exam schedules

Loppukoe viikolla 50 lukujärjestyksen mukaisena aikana. Kurssin arvionti perustuu pääasiallisesti raportteihin eikä koe ole pakollinen. Tämän takia kurssilla ei järjestetä uusintakoetta. Kurssin lopussa on varattu yksi työkerta suorittamatta jääneitä töitä varten.

International connections

Fysikaalinen mittaaminen on insinöörityön perusta. Tätä harjoitellaan suorittamalla fysiikan eri osa-alueisiin liittyviä mittauksia, joiden sovellukset painottuvat ICT-alalle. Omatoiminen valmistautuminen valmistaa opiskelijaa omaksumaan insinöörin tavoin tietoa teknisestä materiaalista ja mittausteknisistä lähtökohdista. Opintojakson aikana mittausten kautta tulevat tutuiksi myös fysiikan merkintätavat, terminologia ja tieteelliset standardit. Pienryhmätyöskentely laboratoriossa opettaa tiimityöskentelyn perustaitoja ja edistää vertaisoppimista ja -opetusta.

Student workload

Kontaktitunnit ja kokeet 28 h.
Itsenäinen opiskelu, harjoitustöihin valmistautuminen, raportointi ja loppukokeeseen valmistautuminen 100 h.

Suurin osa omatoimisesta työskentelystä kuluu opiskelijan harjoitustyöhön perehtymiseen ja valmistautumiseen.

Content scheduling

• vk36/2024: Turvallisuus ja laboratoriokäytänteet
• vk36/2024: Yksiköt, mittaaminen ja raportointi
• vk37/2024: Graafiset esitykset ja kulmakeroimet
• vk38/2024 - vk47/2024: Laboratorioharjoitustöitä (8 kpl) ja 1 laaja ennakkotehtävä
• vk48/2024: Rästivuoro
• vk49/2024: Loppukoe

Laboratoriotöissä harjoitellaan perusmittalaitteiden, kuten työntömitan ja yleismittarin käyttöä, mittausten tekemistä, fysikaalisen tutkimuksen perusperiaatteita ja raportointia.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Kaikki harjoitustyöt arvioidaan pisteytetysti palautetun raportin perusteella. Raporttien arvioinnissa huomioidaan myös niihin liittyvien ennakkotehtävien suorittaminen.

Kurssilla on yhteensä 8 harjoitustyötä.
Näistä 6 arvioidaan 0-5 pistettä.
Ensimmäinen ohjattu työ arvioidaan 0-2 pistettä.
Virtapiirit arvioidaan ennakkolaskujen (0-3p) ja raportin (0-5p) yhteispisteinä.

Mittausraporteista voi saada yhteensä siis 40 pistettä.
Loppukokeesta korkeintaan 20 pistettä.
Siten yhteensä voi saada korkeintaan 60 pistettä.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

Alle 28 pistettä.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Vähintään 28 pistettä ja alle 40 pistettä.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Vähintään 40 pistettä ja alle 52 pistettä.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Vähintään 52 pistettä.


30.05.2024 - 02.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 03.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 100

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Mikko Peltonen de Santiago
  • Jaakko Lamminpää
  • COS Opettaja


After completing the course the student can:
- model physical phenomena and apply the model in engineering
- recognise physical possibilities and limitations
- use measuring equipment
- do suitable measuring arrangement for a problem and complete the measurements
- estimate uncertainty of measurements and determine uncertainty for the results in simple cases
- make and analyse graphical presentations
- keep a laboratory notebook
- report results orally and in writing
- work safely at a laboratory
- work safely with different kinds of radioactive radiation
- handle waste developed in laboratory


•safety at laboratory work
•physical modeling
•radioactive radiation
•measuring, evaluating errors of measurements, processing and analyzing results
•graphical presentations and reporting
•handling laboratory waste


Study material provided by the teacher in ITSlearning.

In addition for self study on physics theory: OpenStax College Physics AP (free online)

Teaching methods

Contact teaching, self-study and lab preparations, team working, hands-on lab work.

Exam schedules

Exam is at the end of the course according to group specific schedule.
Re-exam can be taken with the next implementation of the course.
Note that the reports must be returned on time.

International connections

Course emphasizes hands-on lab work that relies on flipped learning. This means that the students must prepare in advance for the upcoming labs by studying the assignment and related theory themselves.

Student workload

28 h of contact lessons - including theory, labs and the exam.
100 h of independent study, preparation for the assignments and writing the lab reports.

Content scheduling

First couple of weeks: Introduction to the course and lab safety, SI system and report basics, Graphical presentations, fitting a graph, calculating the slope.
Then: 8 laboratory sessions and 1 extensive pre-assignment
End of the course: missing labs session and lab exam

Further information

Course communication and information about the course is in ITSlearning platform which you can see after enrolling to the course.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

First assignment is evaluated 0-2p.
Seven other assignments are evaluated 0-5p.
The extensive pre-assignment for electronics is evaluted 0-3p
Exam is evaluted 0-20p.
Total max. amount of points is 60.

Note that you cannot receive points for the report if you have not participated in the lab session. Being late or having not done the pre-assignment before the lab session affects the grading.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

Less than 28 points

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

At least 28 and less than 40 points

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

At least 40 and less than 52 points

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

At least 52 points


01.12.2023 - 15.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 19.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

75 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
  • Jaakko Lamminpää
  • Antti Haarto


After completing the course the student can:
- model physical phenomena and apply the model in engineering
- recognise physical possibilities and limitations
- use measuring equipment
- do suitable measuring arrangement for a problem and complete the measurements
- estimate uncertainty of measurements and determine uncertainty for the results in simple cases
- make and analyse graphical presentations
- keep a laboratory notebook
- report results orally and in writing
- work safely at a laboratory
- work safely with different kinds of radioactive radiation
- handle waste developed in laboratory


•safety at laboratory work
•physical modeling
•radioactive radiation
•measuring, evaluating errors of measurements, processing and analyzing results
•graphical presentations and reporting
•handling laboratory waste


Opettajan laatimaa materiaalia, joka jaetaan ItsLearning työtilan kautta.
Momentti 1, Insinöörifysiikka, Pentti Inkinen & Jukka Tuohi. Otava.
Momentti 2, Insinöörifysiikka, Pentti Inkinen, Reijo Manninen & Jukka Tuohi. Otava.
Tammertekniikka: Tekniikan kaavasto tai Otava: MAOL-taulukot

Teaching methods

lähiopetus, tehtäväperustaisuus, itsenäinen opiskelu, tiimityö

Exam schedules

Loppukoe viikolla 16 lukujärjestyksen mukaisena aikana.
Uusintakoe suoritetaan seuraavan toteutuksen kokeen yhteydessä.
Muista opintojakson täydennyksistä sovitaan opettajan kanssa.

International connections

Opintojaksolla opiskellaan fysiikan mittaamisen ja tulosten analysoinnin perustaitoja, jotka ovat insinöörityön perusta. Tehtävät sisältävät alakohtaisia sovellusesimerkkejä. Opintojaksolla käytetään kansainvälisiä fysiikan merkintätapoja ja terminologiaa, mikä antaa opiskelijoille valmiuksia ymmärtää kansainvälistä insinöörialan kirjallisuutta, standardeja yms. Tehtävien ratkomisessa opiskelijoita kannustetaan tiimityöskentelyyn. Opintojaksolla käytetään sähköistä oppimisympäristöä.

Student workload

Kontaktitunnit ja kokeet 28 h.
Itsenäinen opiskelu, harjoitustöihin valmistautuminen, raportointi ja loppukokeeseen valmistautuminen 100 h.

Content scheduling

• vk2/2024: Turvallisuus ja laboratoriokäytänteet
• vk3/2024: Yksiköt, mittaaminen ja raportointi
• vk4/2024: Graafiset esitykset ja kulmakeroimet
• vk5/2024 - vk14/2024: Laboratorioharjoitustöitä (8 kpl) ja 1 laaja ennakkotehtävä
• vk15/2024: Rästivuoro
• vk16/2024: Loppukoe

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Ohjattu harjoitustyö (1 kpl) arvioidaan asteikolla (0, kun työ on kokonaan suorittamatta, 0,5, kun mittaukset on tehty ja 1-2, kun myös raportti on hyväksytty)
Muiden harjoitustöiden (7 kpl) suoritus ja raportointi arvioidaan asteikolla 0-5 (0, kun työ on kokonaan suorittamatta).
Virtapiirit-työstä on laajempi ennakkotehtävä, joka arvioidaan asteikolla 0-3.
Harjoitustöitä on 8 kappaletta ja niistä arvioidaan 1 kappale asteikolla 0-2, 7 kappletta asteikolla 0-5 ja 1 ennakkotehtävä asteikolla 0-3, joten harjoitustöiden suorituksista saa korkeintaan 40 pistettä (1 x 2 + 7 x 5 + 1 x 3 pistettä).
Loppukokeesta korkeintaan 20 pistettä.
Siten yhteensä voi saada korkeintaan 60 pistettä.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

Alle 28 pistettä.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Vähintään 28 pistettä ja alle 40 pistettä.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Vähintään 40 pistettä ja alle 52 pistettä.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Vähintään 52 pistettä.


01.12.2023 - 15.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 30.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Mikko Peltonen de Santiago
  • Jaakko Lamminpää


After completing the course the student can:
- model physical phenomena and apply the model in engineering
- recognise physical possibilities and limitations
- use measuring equipment
- do suitable measuring arrangement for a problem and complete the measurements
- estimate uncertainty of measurements and determine uncertainty for the results in simple cases
- make and analyse graphical presentations
- keep a laboratory notebook
- report results orally and in writing
- work safely at a laboratory
- work safely with different kinds of radioactive radiation
- handle waste developed in laboratory


•safety at laboratory work
•physical modeling
•radioactive radiation
•measuring, evaluating errors of measurements, processing and analyzing results
•graphical presentations and reporting
•handling laboratory waste


Study material provided by the teacher in ITSlearning.

In addition for self study on physics theory: Open Stax College Physics AP (free online)

Teaching methods

Contact teaching, self-study and lab preparations, team working, hands-on lab work.

Exam schedules

Exam is during the week 16 according to group specific schedule.
Re-exam can be taken with the next implementation of the course.
Note that the reports must be returned on time.

International connections

Course emphasizes hands-on lab work that relies on flipped learning. This means that the students must prepare in advance for the upcoming labs by studying the assignment and related theory themselves.

Student workload

28 h of contact lessons - including theory, labs and the exam.
100 h of independent study, preparation for the assignments and writing the lab reports.

Content scheduling

week 2/2024: Introduction to the course and lab safety.
week 3/2024: SI system and report basics
week 4/2024: Graphical presentations, fitting a graph, calculating the slope.
weeks 5 to 14/2024: 8 laboratory sessions and 1 extensive pre-assignment
week 15/2024: Session for missed labs
week 16/2024: Exam

Further information

Course communication and information about the course is in ITSlearning platform which you can see after enrolling to the course.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

First assignment is evaluated 0-2p.
Seven other assignments are evaluated 0-5p.
The extensive pre-assignment for electronics is evaluted 0-3p
Exam is evaluted 0-20p.
Total max. amount of points is 60.

Note that you cannot receive points for the report if you have not participated in the lab session. Being late or having not done the pre-assignment before the lab session affects the grading.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

Less than 28 points

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

At least 28 and less than 40 points

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

At least 40 and less than 52 points

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

At least 52 points


01.06.2023 - 17.09.2023


04.09.2023 - 15.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

75 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
  • Jaakko Lamminpää
  • Antti Haarto


After completing the course the student can:
- model physical phenomena and apply the model in engineering
- recognise physical possibilities and limitations
- use measuring equipment
- do suitable measuring arrangement for a problem and complete the measurements
- estimate uncertainty of measurements and determine uncertainty for the results in simple cases
- make and analyse graphical presentations
- keep a laboratory notebook
- report results orally and in writing
- work safely at a laboratory
- work safely with different kinds of radioactive radiation
- handle waste developed in laboratory


•safety at laboratory work
•physical modeling
•radioactive radiation
•measuring, evaluating errors of measurements, processing and analyzing results
•graphical presentations and reporting
•handling laboratory waste


Opettajan laatimaa materiaalia, joka jaetaan ItsLearning työtilan kautta.
Momentti 1, Insinöörifysiikka, Pentti Inkinen & Jukka Tuohi. Otava.
Momentti 2, Insinöörifysiikka, Pentti Inkinen, Reijo Manninen & Jukka Tuohi. Otava.
Tammertekniikka: Tekniikan kaavasto tai Otava: MAOL-taulukot

Teaching methods

lähiopetus, tehtäväperustaisuus, itsenäinen opiskelu, tiimityö

Exam schedules

Loppukoe viikolla 49 lukujärjestyksen mukaisena aikana.
Uusintakoe suoritetaan seuraavan toteutuksen kokeen yhteydessä.
Muista opintojakson täydennyksistä sovitaan opettajan kanssa.

International connections

Opintojaksolla opiskellaan fysiikan mittaamisen ja tulosten analysoinnin perustaitoja, jotka ovat insinöörityön perusta. Tehtävät sisältävät alakohtaisia sovellusesimerkkejä. Opintojaksolla käytetään kansainvälisiä fysiikan merkintätapoja ja terminologiaa, mikä antaa opiskelijoille valmiuksia ymmärtää kansainvälistä insinöörialan kirjallisuutta, standardeja yms. Tehtävien ratkomisessa opiskelijoita kannustetaan tiimityöskentelyyn. Opintojaksolla käytetään sähköistä oppimisympäristöä.

Student workload

Kontaktitunnit ja kokeet 28 h.
Itsenäinen opiskelu, harjoitustöihin valmistautuminen, raportointi ja loppukokeeseen valmistautuminen 100 h.

Content scheduling

• vk36/2023: Turvallisuus ja laboratoriokäytänteet
• vk36/2023: Yksiköt, mittaaminen ja raportointi
• vk37/2023: Graafiset esitykset ja kulmakeroimet
• vk38/2023 - vk47/2023: Laboratorioharjoitustöitä (8 kpl) ja 1 laaja ennakkotehtävä
• vk48/2023: Rästivuoro
• vk49/2023: Loppukoe

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Ohjattu harjoitustyö (1 kpl) arvioidaan asteikolla (0, kun työ on kokonaan suorittamatta, 0,5, kun mittaukset on tehty ja 1-2, kun myös raportti on hyväksytty)
Muiden harjoitustöiden (7 kpl) suoritus ja raportointi arvioidaan asteikolla 0-5 (0, kun työ on kokonaan suorittamatta).
Virtapiirit-työstä on laajempi ennakkotehtävä, joka arvioidaan asteikolla 0-3.
Harjoitustöitä on 8 kappaletta ja niistä arvioidaan 1 kappale asteikolla 0-2, 7 kappletta asteikolla 0-5 ja 1 ennakkotehtävä asteikolla 0-3, joten harjoitustöiden suorituksista saa korkeintaan 40 pistettä (1 x 2 + 7 x 5 + 1 x 3 pistettä).
Loppukokeesta korkeintaan 20 pistettä.
Siten yhteensä voi saada korkeintaan 60 pistettä.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

Alle 28 pistettä.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Vähintään 28 pistettä ja alle 40 pistettä.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Vähintään 40 pistettä ja alle 52 pistettä.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Vähintään 52 pistettä.


30.11.2022 - 18.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 30.04.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

60 - 105

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
  • Mikko Peltonen de Santiago
  • Jaakko Lamminpää
  • Antti Haarto


After completing the course the student can:
- model physical phenomena and apply the model in engineering
- recognise physical possibilities and limitations
- use measuring equipment
- do suitable measuring arrangement for a problem and complete the measurements
- estimate uncertainty of measurements and determine uncertainty for the results in simple cases
- make and analyse graphical presentations
- keep a laboratory notebook
- report results orally and in writing
- work safely at a laboratory
- work safely with different kinds of radioactive radiation
- handle waste developed in laboratory


•safety at laboratory work
•physical modeling
•radioactive radiation
•measuring, evaluating errors of measurements, processing and analyzing results
•graphical presentations and reporting
•handling laboratory waste

Evaluation scale



30.11.2022 - 18.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 30.04.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 70

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Mikko Peltonen de Santiago
  • Jaakko Lamminpää
  • Antti Haarto


After completing the course the student can:
- model physical phenomena and apply the model in engineering
- recognise physical possibilities and limitations
- use measuring equipment
- do suitable measuring arrangement for a problem and complete the measurements
- estimate uncertainty of measurements and determine uncertainty for the results in simple cases
- make and analyse graphical presentations
- keep a laboratory notebook
- report results orally and in writing
- work safely at a laboratory
- work safely with different kinds of radioactive radiation
- handle waste developed in laboratory


•safety at laboratory work
•physical modeling
•radioactive radiation
•measuring, evaluating errors of measurements, processing and analyzing results
•graphical presentations and reporting
•handling laboratory waste


Material constructed by teacher in ItsLearning.
Almost any Physics book for Engineers.

Teaching methods

Teacher-led classroom activities, problem based, independent studies, team work

Exam schedules

Final exam at week 17.
The re-exam could be done within the exam of next course.
Other complementary work to the course must be agreed with the teacher.

International connections

During the course, you will learn the basic skills of measuring physics and analyzing the results, which are the basis of the engineering work. Tasks include sectoral application examples. The course uses international physics notation and terminology, which enables students to understand international engineering literature, standards, etc. Students are encouraged to work in teamwork. The course uses a digital learning environment.

Student workload

Partification in classroom activities and exam: 30 h.
Independent study, preparing to the exercise, reporting and preparing to the final exam: 100 h.

Content scheduling

• week2/2023: Safety and laboratory rules
• week2/2023: Graphical presentation and slope
• week3/2023 - week15/2023: Laboratory exercises (11 piece)
• week16/2023: Shift for undone exercise
• week17/2023: Final exam

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Supervised exercise (1 pieces) are evaluated on a scale (0 when the exercise is not done at all, 0.5 when only the measurements have been made and 1-2 when the report has also been approved).
Making and reporting of other exercises (10 pieces) are evaluated on a scale of 0-5 (0 when the exercise is not done at all).
There is a larger preliminary task for the Electric circuit exercise that evaluates on a scale of 0-2.
There are 11 laboratory exercises and 1 of these are evaluated on a scale of 0-2, 9 of these on a scale of 0-5 and 1 of these are evaluated on a scale of 0-7, so maximum points are 54 (1 x 2 + 9 x 5 + 1 x 7 points) from laboratory exercises.
Maximum points are 26 from the final exam.
So total maximum is 80 points.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

Total points less than 32.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Total points at least 32 and less than 50.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Total points at least 50 and less than 68.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Total points at least 68.


01.06.2022 - 16.09.2022


01.09.2022 - 09.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 70

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Jaakko Lamminpää
  • Antti Haarto
  • PIOTK22
    Degree Programme in Information Technology, Cyber Security and IoT


After completing the course the student can:
- model physical phenomena and apply the model in engineering
- recognise physical possibilities and limitations
- use measuring equipment
- do suitable measuring arrangement for a problem and complete the measurements
- estimate uncertainty of measurements and determine uncertainty for the results in simple cases
- make and analyse graphical presentations
- keep a laboratory notebook
- report results orally and in writing
- work safely at a laboratory
- work safely with different kinds of radioactive radiation
- handle waste developed in laboratory


•safety at laboratory work
•physical modeling
•radioactive radiation
•measuring, evaluating errors of measurements, processing and analyzing results
•graphical presentations and reporting
•handling laboratory waste


Material constructed by teacher in ItsLearning.
Almost any Physics book for Engineers.

Teaching methods

Teacher-led classroom activities, problem based, independent studies, team work

Exam schedules

Final exam at week 49 or 50.
The re-exam could be done within the exam of next course.
Other complementary work to the course must be agreed with the teacher.

International connections

During the course, you will learn the basic skills of measuring physics and analyzing the results, which are the basis of the engineering work. Tasks include sectoral application examples. The course uses international physics notation and terminology, which enables students to understand international engineering literature, standards, etc. Students are encouraged to work in teamwork. The course uses a digital learning environment.

Student workload

Partification in classroom activities and exam: 30 h.
Independent study, preparing to the exercise, reporting and preparing to the final exam: 100 h.

Content scheduling

• 9/2022: Safety and laboratory rules
• 9/202: Graphical presentation and slope
• 9/2022 - 11/2022: Laboratory exercises (11 piece)
• 11/2022: Shift for undone exercise
• 12/2022: Final exam

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Supervised exercise (1 pieces) are evaluated on a scale (0 when the exercise is not done at all, 0.5 when only the measurements have been made and 1-2 when the report has also been approved).
Making and reporting of other exercises (10 pieces) are evaluated on a scale of 0-5 (0 when the exercise is not done at all).
There is a larger preliminary task for the Electric circuit exercise that evaluates on a scale of 0-2.
There are 11 laboratory exercises and 1 of these are evaluated on a scale of 0-2, 9 of these on a scale of 0-5 and 1 of these are evaluated on a scale of 0-7, so maximum points are 54 (1 x 2 + 9 x 5 + 1 x 7 points) from laboratory exercises.
Maximum points are 26 from the final exam.
So total maximum is 80 points.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

Total points less than 32.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Total points at least 32 and less than 50.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Total points at least 50 and less than 68.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Total points at least 68.


01.06.2022 - 09.09.2022


27.08.2022 - 09.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

40 - 100

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
  • Jaakko Lamminpää
  • Antti Haarto


After completing the course the student can:
- model physical phenomena and apply the model in engineering
- recognise physical possibilities and limitations
- use measuring equipment
- do suitable measuring arrangement for a problem and complete the measurements
- estimate uncertainty of measurements and determine uncertainty for the results in simple cases
- make and analyse graphical presentations
- keep a laboratory notebook
- report results orally and in writing
- work safely at a laboratory
- work safely with different kinds of radioactive radiation
- handle waste developed in laboratory


•safety at laboratory work
•physical modeling
•radioactive radiation
•measuring, evaluating errors of measurements, processing and analyzing results
•graphical presentations and reporting
•handling laboratory waste

Evaluation scale



01.12.2021 - 19.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 30.04.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

75 - 110

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
  • Jaakko Lamminpää
  • Antti Haarto


After completing the course the student can:
- model physical phenomena and apply the model in engineering
- recognise physical possibilities and limitations
- use measuring equipment
- do suitable measuring arrangement for a problem and complete the measurements
- estimate uncertainty of measurements and determine uncertainty for the results in simple cases
- make and analyse graphical presentations
- keep a laboratory notebook
- report results orally and in writing
- work safely at a laboratory
- work safely with different kinds of radioactive radiation
- handle waste developed in laboratory


•safety at laboratory work
•physical modeling
•radioactive radiation
•measuring, evaluating errors of measurements, processing and analyzing results
•graphical presentations and reporting
•handling laboratory waste

Evaluation scale
