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Tool Box for the Online LearnerLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 3011594


5 op


The student is able to use all the essential systems for online studying. The student also knows how to effectively use various tools for assignments, meetings and collaborative team work.


- Essential tools of TUAS online study environment: virtual learning environment, learning management system, intranet, O365 tools
- Collaboration, socialization, meeting online
- Creating and managing various documents and reports
- Basics of editing images and videos, creating and publishing portfolios
- Essentials of information security practices


01.06.2023 - 14.09.2023


01.08.2023 - 15.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


Engineering and Business



Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 45

Degree programmes
  • Taneli Ahtiainen
  • PINBOS23


The student is able to use all the essential systems for online studying. The student also knows how to effectively use various tools for assignments, meetings and collaborative team work.


- Essential tools of TUAS online study environment: virtual learning environment, learning management system, intranet, O365 tools
- Collaboration, socialization, meeting online
- Creating and managing various documents and reports
- Basics of editing images and videos, creating and publishing portfolios
- Essentials of information security practices


Koch, J. & Karjalainen, O. (2016). Office 2016 & Office 365: Word, Excel, PowerPoint & Outlook. Jyväskylä: Docendo Oy.
Office 365 For Dummies. (2022)
Course e-book is available in Finna.

Teaching methods

Individual work, Group work, flipped learning

Student workload

130h-140h student worload

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Student will attend and contribute on groupwork and does knowledge questionaire(pass)

Content scheduling

Students will get familiar uptodate office setting tools that will help them
-Attend and facilitate meetings
-give presentation, record and share instructions and information
-Write proper reports
-gather and interpret data
-read and search info current threats and data protection laws
-Course will start in orientation days
-Presedence course or similar knowledge is DIGISTART

August-December 23

Evaluation scale
