Leadership and Management SystemsLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: TE00CN96
5 op
The student creates an overall picture of the managerial tasks and is able to take responsibility for a team. He/she can analyze and interpret the behavior of individuals and groups, and is able to act in a constructive manner within a work community and to assess the impact of his/her own behavior on it. The student internalizes the idea of constant development as a tool for developing the whole organization and the well-being of a work community.
After completing this course students will be able to obtain information about the quality, environmental and safety systems, to apply these standards in practice and know how to play an active role in maintaining these systems. Students are able to do a simple risk and environmental impact assessment, process description and they can use procedures that commonly used in continuous improvement processes.
Management Systems
Organizational theories
Managerial and subordinate competence
Motivation and competence development
Quality, environmental and safety standards, process descriptions, and the development methods and their application in practice.
01.12.2024 - 24.02.2025
24.02.2025 - 20.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
15 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Industrial Management and Engineering
- Nicolas Le Grand
- Taru Kankaanpää
PIMES23Industrial Management and Engineering S2023
The student creates an overall picture of the managerial tasks and is able to take responsibility for a team. He/she can analyze and interpret the behavior of individuals and groups, and is able to act in a constructive manner within a work community and to assess the impact of his/her own behavior on it. The student internalizes the idea of constant development as a tool for developing the whole organization and the well-being of a work community.
After completing this course students will be able to obtain information about the quality, environmental and safety systems, to apply these standards in practice and know how to play an active role in maintaining these systems. Students are able to do a simple risk and environmental impact assessment, process description and they can use procedures that commonly used in continuous improvement processes.
Management Systems
Organizational theories
Managerial and subordinate competence
Motivation and competence development
Quality, environmental and safety standards, process descriptions, and the development methods and their application in practice.
Selection of articles to be available in Itslearning and other links:
• Martine Haas, Mark Mortensen - Jun 2016 – The secrets of Great Teamwork
• Zak, Paul J. – Jan-Feb 2017- The Neuroscience of Trust
• Barbara Kellerman - 2007 - What every leader needs to know about followers
• Ronald J. Burke - 2006 - Why leaders fail: exploring the darkside
• D. Goleman - 2000 - Leadership That Gets Results
• Williams G. - 2002 - Change the way you persuade
• Stengel R. - 2008 - Mandela His 8 Lessons of Leadership
• Kotter P. (2007) - Leading Change Why Transformation Efforts Fail
• Herzberg,(2003), One more time, how do you motivate employees?
• McNulty E. (2002) - Welcome Aboard (But don't change a thing)
Teaching methods
Lectures, case studies analysis and workshops
Exam schedules
This course is based on assignments and there is no exam.
International connections
The student studies most of the concepts at home (individual assignments and team assignment). Important parts of the contact sessions are used to work on case studies and concrete leadership situations.
Completion alternatives
To be agreed with the teachers prior to the course start
Student workload
Contact lessons: 30h
Studying reading materials ~ 30/50h
Working on assignments and peer reviews ~ 40-60h
Content scheduling
1- Course introduction, Key concepts in Leadership
2- Motivation, satisfaction and performance
3- Emotional intelligence and leading oneself
4- Power, influence and leadership
5- Coaching leadership/ leading a team/development discussion/ongoing feedback/conflict resolution
6- Interview a leader assignment preparation
7- Delegation or the art of developing others
8- Leading in a multicultural and diverse environment
9- Credibility and Sanctioning
10 & 11- Presentations for the team assignment
All the tasks are checked by Turnitin. Plagiarism and using of artificial intelligence without proper citation automatically leads to the failing of the assignment/task. The usage of AI must be clearly indicated in the assignment.
If the AI has been used for grammar/translations, please return both the original version and the version produced by AI.
Further information
Minimum 70% attendance required to be able to pass the course as we will do case studies and workshops in class.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
All the components (individual assignments, peer reviews…) of this course will be graded as follow:
Fail (0pts)
Pass / Good (1pts)
Really good / Excellent (2pts)
• 4 individual assignments: 8 points maximum
• 3 peers reviews/feedback: 6 points maximum
• Course activities (pass/failed) and participation in class, 2 points maximum
• 1 team assignment: 4 points maximum
The points translate as follow for the final grade:
• 20-18 points = grade 5
• 17-16 points = grade 4
• 15-13 points = grade 3
• 12-11 points = grade 2
• 10-9 points = grade 1
• 8 points and below = fail
Missing a deadline equals 0pt.
OBS: Missing a peer review is not disqualifying, it only affects negatively the final grade.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student has demonstrated very limited knowledge and understanding of the main areas of the course. The student shows difficulties in applying his/her knowledge and understanding of the course content. The student demonstrates very little ability to gather and interpret relevant data to inform judgments that include reflection about what is asked for the assignments. The student has difficulties in communicating his/her ideas to others. Several parts of the text are unclear.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student has demonstrated limited knowledge and understanding of the main areas of the course. The student shows some difficulties in applying his/her knowledge and understanding of the course content. The student demonstrates little ability to gather and interpret relevant data to inform judgments that include reflection about what is asked for the assignments. The student has difficulties in communicating his/her ideas to others. Some parts of the text are unclear.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student has demonstrated good knowledge and understanding of the main areas of the course. The student shows s/he can apply his/her knowledge and understanding of the course content. The student demonstrates good ability to gather and interpret relevant data to inform judgments that include reflection about what is asked for the assignments. The student is able to communicate his/her ideas to others. Important parts of the text are clear and well written.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has demonstrated very good knowledge and understanding of the main areas of the course. The student shows s/he can apply his/her knowledge and understanding of the course content. The student demonstrates very good ability to gather and interpret relevant data to inform judgments that include reflection about what is asked for the assignments. The student is able to communicate clearly his/her ideas to others in a professional way. Most of the text is clear and well written.