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ICT ToolsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TE00CU26


5 op


The student is able to create documents with office applications backup and restore documents select when to use word processing, spreadsheet calculations in MS Excels, handling long spreadsheets in MS Excel, use of PowerPoint and AMK model, getting to know the Matlab program, basic use of the Matlab software in cooperation with the Intro to Mathematical Subjects course and Matlab simulations.


• Presentation of the course, educational institution's IT systems, saving and using MS Onedrive
• Basic text processing and document standard MS Word
• More demanding word processing and familiarization with ready-made document templates in MS Word, Publication-level writing in MS Word
• Basics of spreadsheet calculations in MS Excel
• Spreadsheet MS Excel: multi-format calculation
• Handling long spreadsheets in MS Excel
• Use of PowerPoint and AMK model, features of a good presentation
• Working on your own presentation in collaboration with the Intro to higher education course
• Getting to know the Matlab program
• Basic use of the Matlab software in cooperation with the Intro to Mathematical Subjects course
• Matlab simulations
• Matlab advanced features
• Review lessons and final exam in the auditorium


30.05.2024 - 15.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
  • Degree Programme in Industrial Management and Engineering
  • Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • COS Opettaja
  • Aaro Mustonen
  • PENERS24
  • PIMES24
  • PMECES24
    Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering


The student is able to create documents with office applications backup and restore documents select when to use word processing, spreadsheet calculations in MS Excels, handling long spreadsheets in MS Excel, use of PowerPoint and AMK model, getting to know the Matlab program, basic use of the Matlab software in cooperation with the Intro to Mathematical Subjects course and Matlab simulations.


• Presentation of the course, educational institution's IT systems, saving and using MS Onedrive
• Basic text processing and document standard MS Word
• More demanding word processing and familiarization with ready-made document templates in MS Word, Publication-level writing in MS Word
• Basics of spreadsheet calculations in MS Excel
• Spreadsheet MS Excel: multi-format calculation
• Handling long spreadsheets in MS Excel
• Use of PowerPoint and AMK model, features of a good presentation
• Working on your own presentation in collaboration with the Intro to higher education course
• Getting to know the Matlab program
• Basic use of the Matlab software in cooperation with the Intro to Mathematical Subjects course
• Matlab simulations
• Matlab advanced features
• Review lessons and final exam in the auditorium


Instructional videos and other electronic learning material linked to the learning environment.

Teaching methods

The course is based on the student's active self-study through exercises. Attendance and exercises accumulate points in the course grade. The teacher organizes weekly meetings where the most common mistakes in exercises and students' questions about the week's topic are reviewed.

Exam schedules

Competency test week 49-50

International connections

Learning-by-doing, supporting learning and Flipped learning

Learning is based on the student's own active participation and completion.
The student is given independent assignments and material to support their performance on the studied subjects.

The skills learned in the course are basic skills needed in studies and working life, and they lead to a sustainable lifestyle by studying remote connection usage and optimization.

The evaluation is based on completed tasks and demonstration of competence in the exam.

Completion alternatives

If you already have strong information technology skills from university level, come and present the certificates from the course and talk to the teacher -> Completing the review assignments and the exam independently may be possible.

Student workload

5 credits = 135 h of student work, divided into independent tasks, meetings and final exam.
- Meetings 40 h
- Tasks related to meetings 36 h
- Review assignments and review for the exam 24 hours
- Demonstration test 2 h
- Preparing a PowerPoint presentation 6 h
- Matlab Onramp 27 h

Tasks to be evaluated
- Weekly assignments that can be used to collect points for the course grade
- Compulsory revision tasks in MS Word and Excel
- Final assignment on presentation graphics (MS PowerPoint)
- Final exam on word processing (MS Word), spreadsheets (MS Excel) and Matlab (MathWorks), evaluated numerically 0-5.

Content scheduling

The starting hours of the course are in week 36 and the exam in week 43.

An extensive instruction and help package has been prepared for the Itslearning learning environment to support your studies. Independent study is supported by themed weekly guidance meetings with the teacher.

Tentative schedule:
• week 36: Presentation of the course, educational institution's IT systems, saving and using MS Onedrive
• week 37: Basic text processing and document standard MS Word
• week 38: More demanding word processing and familiarization with ready-made document templates in MS Word, Publication-level writing in MS Word
• Week 39: Basics of spreadsheet calculations in MS Excel
• week 40: Spreadsheet MS Excel: multi-format calculation
• week 41: Handling long spreadsheets in MS Excel
• week 42: use of PowerPoint and AMK model, features of a good presentation
• week 43: Working on your own presentation in collaboration with the Intro to higher education course
• week 44: Getting to know the Matlab program
• week 45: Basic use of the Matlab software in cooperation with the Intro to Mathematical Subjects course
• week 46: Matlab simulations
• week 47: Matlab advanced features
• week 48:
• week 49:
• week 50: Review lessons and final exam in the auditorium

Further information

The teacher sends the most important announcements of the course by e-mail. Contact the teacher by email ( Information related to lessons in Itslearning. Announcements related to the course in itslearning on the Course Overview page.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The test to be completed in week 49-50, which measures Word and Excel skills, is evaluated numerically from 0-5.
The course grading scale is published at the start of the course.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

The student has not successfully completed the course exam and mandatory assignments (revision assignments and electronic presentation).

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Number 1 requires approximately half of the course exam points in each exam area (Word, Excel and Matlab). Other grades are determined on a linear scale.

Attendance and homework scores are taken into account in the evaluation.

Number 1 course points 50-59
Number 2 course points 60-69

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Number 3 course points 70-79
Number 4 course points 80-89

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Number 5 requires at least 90 course points.