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APV 1 DegreeLaajuus (12 cr)

Code: 3101238


12 op


The objective of the Federation of Finnish Financial Services is to improve the public trust in investment service operations by ensuring that the employees of companies in the financial industry have adequate knowledge and professional skills to take care of their duties .The Federation of Finnish Financial Services recommends that all member companies' employees who work in customer service roles related to investment services complete the authorized qualification and that they have the skills as specified in these rules to perform their duties.


Osaaminen osoitetaan läpäisemällä APV1-tutkinto.Ei ole erillistä opintojaksoa. Rahoituksen opintojaksot tukevat osittain ko. osaamisenkarttumista. APV1vaatii opiskelijalta omaehtoista paneutumista ja itseopiskelua sekä tenttimaksun maksamista.