PhysicsLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: TE00BS18
5 op
After completing the course, the student
• is able to apply the International System of Quantities and Units of Measurement in the interpretation and explanation of technical information.
• understand the basic concepts of kinematics and dynamics (speed, acceleration, force, friction).
• understands the basic techniques of drawing a free body diagrams and is able to apply free body diagrams and Newton's laws in problem solving in mechanics.
• is able to solve equations of quantities and apply vector calculus in problem solving in mechanics.
• understands the concepts of work, energy, power and efficiency and is able to analyze problems in mechanics with their help.
• is able to apply the work-energy principle in mechanics.
• is able to analyse collision situations using the concepts of momentum and impulse.
• understands the basic concepts of rotational motion and is able to apply these concepts to the analysis of kinematics of rotational motion
• understands the concepts of torque, moment of inertia and momentum and is able to apply the basic equation of rotational motion to their analysis.
• Kinematics of linear and two-dimensional motion; acceleration, speed, velocity and change of position.
• Forces, resisting forces and Newton's laws
• Work, energy, power and efficiency
• Work-energy-principle
• Momentum and impulse
• Angular velocity, angular acceleration, angle of rotation, track speed, tangential and centripetal acceleration
• Conditions for staying on a circular track
• Torque, moment of inertia and momentum
• Basic equation of rotational motion
03.10.2024 - 19.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- English
10 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Aaro Mustonen
After completing the course, the student
• is able to apply the International System of Quantities and Units of Measurement in the interpretation and explanation of technical information.
• understand the basic concepts of kinematics and dynamics (speed, acceleration, force, friction).
• understands the basic techniques of drawing a free body diagrams and is able to apply free body diagrams and Newton's laws in problem solving in mechanics.
• is able to solve equations of quantities and apply vector calculus in problem solving in mechanics.
• understands the concepts of work, energy, power and efficiency and is able to analyze problems in mechanics with their help.
• is able to apply the work-energy principle in mechanics.
• is able to analyse collision situations using the concepts of momentum and impulse.
• understands the basic concepts of rotational motion and is able to apply these concepts to the analysis of kinematics of rotational motion
• understands the concepts of torque, moment of inertia and momentum and is able to apply the basic equation of rotational motion to their analysis.
• Kinematics of linear and two-dimensional motion; acceleration, speed, velocity and change of position.
• Forces, resisting forces and Newton's laws
• Work, energy, power and efficiency
• Work-energy-principle
• Momentum and impulse
• Angular velocity, angular acceleration, angle of rotation, track speed, tangential and centripetal acceleration
• Conditions for staying on a circular track
• Torque, moment of inertia and momentum
• Basic equation of rotational motion
The course topics can be found in the free book
College Physics for AP® Courses 2e
As Finnish language skills develop, students can use as a book
Tekniikan Fysiikka 1
Julkaisija Edita
ISBN 978-951-37-3842-6
Insinöörin FYSIIKKA (AMK), Osa I
Hautala, Peltonen
ISBN 978-952-5191-26-4
In addition, support material distributed through the Itslearning system is included.
Teaching methods
Blended learning, contact teaching, task-based learning, independent study, teamwork, electronic materials and assignments.
The course introduces the basic physics skills that form the basis of engineering. In addition to supervised independent study based on electronic materials and textbooks, arithmetic exercises play an essential role in the work. The exercises are worked on both independently and in small groups.
Exam schedules
Subtests 1 and 2 during the course on campus
At the end of the course, there will be two retakes, where you can retake either of the subtests 1 and 2.
International connections
The course is implemented as contact teaching on campus. The course proceeds by weekly theme as follows:
1. Students independently familiarise themselves with the theme with the help of a textbook, instructional videos and various support materials before the lecture (shared in Itslearning).
2. Students take part in a lecture session where theory is adopted using versatile learning techniques suitable for the topic.
3. Students practice the weekly theme by doing exercises independently and in small groups. Landing exercises are in the Ville system. Students do their arithmetic exercises in the same notebook or in some other way into a coherent collection according to notation practices in physics. The answers are entered into the Ville system, where correct answers earn Ville points.
4. There is a weekly arithmetic practice session where the teacher guides in the calculations and gives advice on unanswered questions.
At the end of the course, students present their calculation exercise notebooks to the teacher or otherwise submit a collection of their arithmetic exercises to the teacher for evaluation. In accordance with the notation practices of physics and clearly presented calculation exercises, additional points are awarded for the assessment.
In addition to the weekly themes, the course is divided into two parts, each of which has its own sub-exam.
Student workload
The course is 5 ECTS, i.e. the workload is approximately 135 h.
Exams and preparation as well as Ville assignments require about 15 hours. Thus, 120 h is available for the 12 weekly themes of the course, i.e. 10 h per weekly theme, which is divided as follows:
-Independent work and small group work 7-8 h
-Participation in the teaching event (tips videos and support sessions on average) 2-3 h.
Content scheduling
Opening lecture on week 3. Teaching weekly during weeks 3-17. A more detailed schedule can be found on the course's Itslearning website.
• Kinematics of linear and two-dimensional motion; acceleration, speed, velocity and change of position.
• Forces, resisting forces and Newton's laws
• Work, energy, power and efficiency
• Work-energy-principle
• Momentum and impulse
• Angular velocity, angular acceleration, angle of rotation, track speed, tangential and centripetal acceleration
• Conditions for staying on a circular track
• Torque, moment of inertia and momentum
• Basic equation of rotational motion
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment is based on points collected from the calculation exercises (max 16 p.), the first subtest (max 12 p.), the second subtest (max 12 p.) The course has a attendance requirement and the attendance accumulates course points on 20 lectures and calculation meetings by 20 x 0.1p = 2p.
To pass the course, the student must receive:
--At least 3,5 points for the first subtest and
--At least 3.5 points in the second subtest and
--Ville points in the Ville system total at least 40% of the maximum score (in principle 448/1120 Ville points) and
--A total of at least 16 points for the subtests and calculation exercises.
Points are awarded for the calculation exercises based on the Ville points collected in the Ville system and on the basis of the evaluation of the homework collection returned at the end of the implementation.
----Based on the Ville score, you get a maximum of 12 points for the assessment. The number of points is 12*The percentage of accumulated Ville points is the maximum.
----By doing the calculations in accordance with the notation practices of physics in a notebook or other common collection, you will receive a maximum of 4 points for the assessment. The collection is returned to the teacher at the end of the course for evaluation. The teacher evaluates the notation practices of the notebook according to the criteria given in ItsLearning.
The grade is determined on the basis of the total number of points (subtests, Ville and calculation exercises) according to the following table:
Grade 1 requires 18 points
Grade 2 requires 23 points
Grade 3 requires 28 points
Grade 4 requires 33 points
Grade 5 requires 38 points
30.05.2024 - 07.10.2024
08.10.2024 - 02.03.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Chemical Industry
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 85
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Tuomas Nurmi
- COS Opettaja
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 5. Open UAS: 5.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
After completing the course, the student
• is able to apply the International System of Quantities and Units of Measurement in the interpretation and explanation of technical information.
• understand the basic concepts of kinematics and dynamics (speed, acceleration, force, friction).
• understands the basic techniques of drawing a free body diagrams and is able to apply free body diagrams and Newton's laws in problem solving in mechanics.
• is able to solve equations of quantities and apply vector calculus in problem solving in mechanics.
• understands the concepts of work, energy, power and efficiency and is able to analyze problems in mechanics with their help.
• is able to apply the work-energy principle in mechanics.
• is able to analyse collision situations using the concepts of momentum and impulse.
• understands the basic concepts of rotational motion and is able to apply these concepts to the analysis of kinematics of rotational motion
• understands the concepts of torque, moment of inertia and momentum and is able to apply the basic equation of rotational motion to their analysis.
• Kinematics of linear and two-dimensional motion; acceleration, speed, velocity and change of position.
• Forces, resisting forces and Newton's laws
• Work, energy, power and efficiency
• Work-energy-principle
• Momentum and impulse
• Angular velocity, angular acceleration, angle of rotation, track speed, tangential and centripetal acceleration
• Conditions for staying on a circular track
• Torque, moment of inertia and momentum
• Basic equation of rotational motion
Joko kirja
Tekniikan Fysiikka 1
Julkaisija Edita
ISBN 978-951-37-3842-6
tai kirja
Insinöörin FYSIIKKA (AMK), Osa I
Hautala, Peltonen
ISBN 978-952-5191-26-4
Lisäksi käytetään Itslearning-järjestelmän kautta jaettavaa tukimateriaalia, joka ei kuitenkaan useimmissa tapauksissa riitä korvaamaan oppikirjaa.
Teaching methods
Sulautuva oppiminen, kontaktiopetus, tehtäväperustaisuus, itsenäinen opiskelu, tiimityö, sähköiset materiaalit ja tehtävät.
Kurssilla perehdytään insinöörityön perustana oleviin fysiikan perustaitoihin. Työskentelyssä ovat ohjatun ja sähköisiin materiaaleihin ja oppikirjaan perustuvan itsenäisen opiskelun lisäksi olennaisessa osassa laskuharjoitukset. Laskuharjoituksia työstetään sekä itsenäisesti että pienryhmissä.
Exam schedules
-Osakokeet 1 ja 2 toteutuksen aikana kampuksella
-Kurssin päätyttyä kaksi uusintatilaisuutta, joissa voi uusia kumman tahansa osakokeista 1 ja 2.
International connections
Opintojakso toteutetaan lähiopetuksena kampuksella. Kurssi etenee viikkoteemoittan seuraavasti:
1. Opiskelijat tutustuvat itsenäisesti teeman aihepiiriin oppikirjan, opettajan tekemien opetusvideoiden ja erilaisten tukimateriaalien avulla (jaetaan Itslearningissä). Opettajan tekemät opetusvideot toimivat opintojakson luentoina.
2. Opiskelijat harjoittelevat viikkoteeman asioita tekemällä laskuharjoituksia itsenäisesti ja pienryhmissä. Laskuharjoitukset ovat Ville-järjestelmässä. Opiskelijat tekevät laskuharjoituksensa käsityönä samaan vihkoon tai muulla tavoin yhtenäiseksi kokoelmaksi fysiikan notaatiokäytöntöjen mukaisesti. Vastaukset syötetään Ville-järjestelmään, jossa oikeista vastauksista saa Ville-pisteitä.
3. Viikoittain on laskuharjoitustilaisuus, jossa opettaja ohjaa laskuissa ja neuvoo avoimeksi jääneissä kysymyksissä.
Opintojakson lopulla opiskelijat esittelevät laskuharjoitusvihkonsa opettajalle tai muulla tavoin saattavat tekemiensä laskuharjoitusten kokoelman opettajan arvioitavaksi. Fysiikan notaatiokäytäntöjen mukaisesti ja selkeästi esitetyistä laskuharjoituksista saa lisäpisteitä arviointiin.
Viikkoteemojen lisäksi kurssi on jaettu kahteen osaan, joista molemmista on oma osakokeensa.
Student workload
Kurssin laajuus on 5 op, eli siihen kuuluva työmäärä on noin 135 h.
Kokeisiin ja niihin valmistautumiseen sekä Ville-tehtäviin tarvitaan noin 15 h. Täten kurssin 12 viikkoteemaa varten on käytettävissä 120 h eli 10 h viikkoteemaa kohti, mikä jakautuu seuraavasti:
-Itsenäinen työskentely ja pienryhmätyöskentely 7-8 h
-Opetustilaisuuteen osallistuminen (vinkkivideot ja tukitilaisuudet keskimäärin) 2-3 h.
Content scheduling
Aloitusluento viikolla 41. Lähiopetusta viikoittain viikoilla 43-51 ja vuoden 2024 viikoilla 3-9. Tarkempi aikataulu kurssin Itslearning-sivuilla.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Arviointi perustuu pisteisiin, joita kerätään laskuharjoituksista (max 16 p.), ensimmäisestä osakokeesta (max 12 p), toisesta osakokeesta (max 12 p.)
Opintojakson läpäistääkseen opiskelijan on saatava:
--Ensimmäisestä osakokeesta vähintään 3,5 pistettä ja
--Toisesta osakokeesta vähintään 3,5 pistettä ja
--Ville-järjestelmän Ville-pisteistä yhteensä vähintään 40% maksimipistemäärästä (lähtökohtaisesti 448/1120 Ville-pistettä) ja
--Osakokeista ja laskuharjoituksista yhteensä vähintään 16 pistettä.
Laskuharjoituksista saa pisteitä Ville-järjestelmässä kerättyjen Ville-pisteiden perusteella sekä toteutuksen lopulla palautettavan kotitehtäväkokoelman arvioinnin perusteella.
----Ville-pisteiden perusteella saa maksimissaan 12 pistettä arviointiin. Pisteiden määrä on 12*Kerättyjen Ville-pisteiden osuus maksimista.
----Tekemällä laskuharjoitukset fysiikan notaatiokäytäntöjen mukaisesti vihkoon tai muuhun yhteiseen kokoelmaan saa maksimissaan 4 pistettä arviointiin. Kokoelma palautetaan opintojakson lopulla opettajan arvioitavaksi. Opettaja arvioi vihon notaatiokäytäntöjä ItsLearningissä annettujen kriteerien mukaisesti.
Laskuharjoitusten ratkaisupolun löytämisessä voi käyttää teknisiä apuvälineitä. Opiskelijan on kuitenkin itse ymmärrettävä ratkaisunsa, ja vihkoesityksissä opiskelija dokumentoi ratkaisuun johtavan päättelynsä, jossa suuressa merkityksessä on vapaakappalekuvien piirtäminen käsin. Vihkoesitys syntyy siis ajattelun ohessa käsin vihkoon kirjoittaen ja piirtäen eikä sitä voi tehdä tekoälyavusteisesti tai ylipäätään tietokoneella ilman piirtoalustaa.
Arvosana määräytyy pisteiden yhteisperusteella (osakokeet, Ville ja laskuharjoitukset) seuraavan taulukon mukaan:
Arvosana 1 vaatii 16 pistettä
Arvosana 2 vaatii 21 pistettä
Arvosana 3 vaatii 26 pistettä
Arvosana 4 vaatii 31 pistettä
Arvosana 5 vaatii 36 pistettä
30.05.2024 - 15.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Degree Programme in Industrial Management and Engineering
- Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- COS Opettaja
- Aaro Mustonen
Scheduling groups
- Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
PMECES24Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Small groups
- Subgroup 1
- Subgroup 2
After completing the course, the student
• is able to apply the International System of Quantities and Units of Measurement in the interpretation and explanation of technical information.
• understand the basic concepts of kinematics and dynamics (speed, acceleration, force, friction).
• understands the basic techniques of drawing a free body diagrams and is able to apply free body diagrams and Newton's laws in problem solving in mechanics.
• is able to solve equations of quantities and apply vector calculus in problem solving in mechanics.
• understands the concepts of work, energy, power and efficiency and is able to analyze problems in mechanics with their help.
• is able to apply the work-energy principle in mechanics.
• is able to analyse collision situations using the concepts of momentum and impulse.
• understands the basic concepts of rotational motion and is able to apply these concepts to the analysis of kinematics of rotational motion
• understands the concepts of torque, moment of inertia and momentum and is able to apply the basic equation of rotational motion to their analysis.
• Kinematics of linear and two-dimensional motion; acceleration, speed, velocity and change of position.
• Forces, resisting forces and Newton's laws
• Work, energy, power and efficiency
• Work-energy-principle
• Momentum and impulse
• Angular velocity, angular acceleration, angle of rotation, track speed, tangential and centripetal acceleration
• Conditions for staying on a circular track
• Torque, moment of inertia and momentum
• Basic equation of rotational motion
The course topics can be found in the free book
College Physics for AP® Courses 2e
As Finnish language skills develop, students can use as a book
Tekniikan Fysiikka 1
Julkaisija Edita
ISBN 978-951-37-3842-6
Insinöörin FYSIIKKA (AMK), Osa I
Hautala, Peltonen
ISBN 978-952-5191-26-4
In addition, support material distributed through the Itslearning system is included.
Teaching methods
Blended learning, contact teaching, task-based learning, independent study, teamwork, electronic materials and assignments.
The course introduces the basic physics skills that form the basis of engineering. In addition to supervised independent study based on electronic materials and textbooks, arithmetic exercises play an essential role in the work. The exercises are worked on both independently and in small groups.
Exam schedules
Subtests 1 and 2 during the course on campus
At the end of the course, there will be two retakes, where you can retake either of the subtests 1 and 2.
International connections
The course is implemented as contact teaching on campus. The course proceeds by weekly theme as follows:
1. Students independently familiarise themselves with the theme with the help of a textbook, instructional videos and various support materials before the lecture (shared in Itslearning).
2. Students take part in a lecture session where theory is adopted using versatile learning techniques suitable for the topic.
3. Students practice the weekly theme by doing arithmetic exercises independently and in small groups. Landing exercises are in the Ville system. Students do their arithmetic exercises in the same notebook or in some other way into a coherent collection according to notation practices in physics. The answers are entered into the Ville system, where correct answers earn Ville points.
4. There is a weekly arithmetic practice session where the teacher guides in the calculations and gives advice on unanswered questions.
At the end of the course, students present their calculation exercise notebooks to the teacher or otherwise submit a collection of their arithmetic exercises to the teacher for evaluation. In accordance with the notation practices of physics and clearly presented calculation exercises, additional points are awarded for the assessment.
In addition to the weekly themes, the course is divided into two parts, each of which has its own sub-exam.
Student workload
The course is 5 ECTS, i.e. the workload is approximately 135 h.
Exams and preparation as well as Ville assignments require about 15 hours. Thus, 120 h is available for the 12 weekly themes of the course, i.e. 10 h per weekly theme, which is divided as follows:
-Independent work and small group work 7-8 h
-Participation in the teaching event (tips videos and support sessions on average) 2-3 h.
Content scheduling
Opening lecture on week 36. Teaching weekly during weeks 36-50. A more detailed schedule can be found on the course's Itslearning website.
• Kinematics of linear and two-dimensional motion; acceleration, speed, velocity and change of position.
• Forces, resisting forces and Newton's laws
• Work, energy, power and efficiency
• Work-energy-principle
• Momentum and impulse
• Angular velocity, angular acceleration, angle of rotation, track speed, tangential and centripetal acceleration
• Conditions for staying on a circular track
• Torque, moment of inertia and momentum
• Basic equation of rotational motion
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment is based on points collected from the calculation exercises (max 16 p.), the first subtest (max 12 p.), the second subtest (max 12 p.) The course has a attendance requirement and the attendance accumulates course points on 20 lectures and calculation meetings by 20 x 0.1p = 2p.
To pass the course, the student must receive:
--At least 3,5 points for the first subtest and
--At least 3.5 points in the second subtest and
--Ville points in the Ville system total at least 40% of the maximum score (in principle 448/1120 Ville points) and
--A total of at least 16 points for the subtests and calculation exercises.
Points are awarded for the calculation exercises based on the Ville points collected in the Ville system and on the basis of the evaluation of the homework collection returned at the end of the implementation.
----Based on the Ville score, you get a maximum of 12 points for the assessment. The number of points is 12*The percentage of accumulated Ville points is the maximum.
----By doing the calculations in accordance with the notation practices of physics in a notebook or other common collection, you will receive a maximum of 4 points for the assessment. The collection is returned to the teacher at the end of the course for evaluation. The teacher evaluates the notation practices of the notebook according to the criteria given in ItsLearning.
The grade is determined on the basis of the total number of points (subtests, Ville and calculation exercises) according to the following table:
Grade 1 requires 18 points
Grade 2 requires 23 points
Grade 3 requires 28 points
Grade 4 requires 33 points
Grade 5 requires 38 points
05.08.2023 - 03.09.2023
04.09.2023 - 15.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Aaro Mustonen
PENERS23Energy and Environmental Engineering, S23
PIMES23Industrial Management and Engineering S2023
After completing the course, the student
• is able to apply the International System of Quantities and Units of Measurement in the interpretation and explanation of technical information.
• understand the basic concepts of kinematics and dynamics (speed, acceleration, force, friction).
• understands the basic techniques of drawing a free body diagrams and is able to apply free body diagrams and Newton's laws in problem solving in mechanics.
• is able to solve equations of quantities and apply vector calculus in problem solving in mechanics.
• understands the concepts of work, energy, power and efficiency and is able to analyze problems in mechanics with their help.
• is able to apply the work-energy principle in mechanics.
• is able to analyse collision situations using the concepts of momentum and impulse.
• understands the basic concepts of rotational motion and is able to apply these concepts to the analysis of kinematics of rotational motion
• understands the concepts of torque, moment of inertia and momentum and is able to apply the basic equation of rotational motion to their analysis.
• Kinematics of linear and two-dimensional motion; acceleration, speed, velocity and change of position.
• Forces, resisting forces and Newton's laws
• Work, energy, power and efficiency
• Work-energy-principle
• Momentum and impulse
• Angular velocity, angular acceleration, angle of rotation, track speed, tangential and centripetal acceleration
• Conditions for staying on a circular track
• Torque, moment of inertia and momentum
• Basic equation of rotational motion
The course topics can be found in the free book
College Physics for AP® Courses 2e
As Finnish language skills develop, students can use as a book
Tekniikan Fysiikka 1
Julkaisija Edita
ISBN 978-951-37-3842-6
Insinöörin FYSIIKKA (AMK), Osa I
Hautala, Peltonen
ISBN 978-952-5191-26-4
In addition, support material distributed through the Itslearning system is included.
Teaching methods
Blended learning, contact teaching, task-based learning, independent study, teamwork, electronic materials and assignments.
The course introduces the basic physics skills that form the basis of engineering. In addition to supervised independent study based on electronic materials and textbooks, arithmetic exercises play an essential role in the work. The exercises are worked on both independently and in small groups.
Exam schedules
Subtests 1 and 2 during the course on campus
At the end of the course, there will be two retakes, where you can retake either of the subtests 1 and 2.
International connections
The course is implemented as contact teaching on campus. The course proceeds by weekly theme as follows:
1. Students independently familiarise themselves with the theme with the help of a textbook, instructional videos and various support materials before the lecture (shared in Itslearning).
2. Students take part in a lecture session where theory is adopted using versatile learning techniques suitable for the topic.
3. Students practice the weekly theme by doing arithmetic exercises independently and in small groups. Landing exercises are in the Ville system. Students do their arithmetic exercises in the same notebook or in some other way into a coherent collection according to notation practices in physics. The answers are entered into the Ville system, where correct answers earn Ville points.
4. There is a weekly arithmetic practice session where the teacher guides in the calculations and gives advice on unanswered questions.
At the end of the course, students present their calculation exercise notebooks to the teacher or otherwise submit a collection of their arithmetic exercises to the teacher for evaluation. In accordance with the notation practices of physics and clearly presented calculation exercises, additional points are awarded for the assessment.
In addition to the weekly themes, the course is divided into two parts, each of which has its own sub-exam.
Student workload
The course is 5 ECTS, i.e. the workload is approximately 135 h.
Exams and preparation as well as Ville assignments require about 15 hours. Thus, 120 h is available for the 12 weekly themes of the course, i.e. 10 h per weekly theme, which is divided as follows:
-Independent work and small group work 7-8 h
-Participation in the teaching event (tips videos and support sessions on average) 2-3 h.
Content scheduling
Opening lecture on week 36. Teaching weekly during weeks 36-50. A more detailed schedule can be found on the course's Itslearning website.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment is based on points collected from the calculation exercises (max 16 p.), the first subtest (max 12 p.), the second subtest (max 12 p.)
To pass the course, the student must receive:
--At least 3,5 points for the first subtest and
--At least 3.5 points in the second subtest and
--Ville points in the Ville system total at least 40% of the maximum score (in principle 448/1120 Ville points) and
--A total of at least 16 points for the subtests and calculation exercises.
Points are awarded for the calculation exercises based on the Ville points collected in the Ville system and on the basis of the evaluation of the homework collection returned at the end of the implementation.
----Based on the Ville score, you get a maximum of 12 points for the assessment. The number of points is 12*The percentage of accumulated Ville points is the maximum.
----By doing the calculations in accordance with the notation practices of physics in a notebook or other common collection, you will receive a maximum of 4 points for the assessment. The collection is returned to the teacher at the end of the course for evaluation. The teacher evaluates the notation practices of the notebook according to the criteria given in ItsLearning.
The grade is determined on the basis of the total number of points (subtests, Ville and calculation exercises) according to the following table:
Grade 1 requires 16 points
Grade 2 requires 21 points
Grade 3 requires 26 points
Grade 4 requires 31 points
Grade 5 requires 36 points
16.08.2023 - 08.10.2023
04.09.2023 - 05.03.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
95 - 110
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Tuomas Nurmi
After completing the course, the student
• is able to apply the International System of Quantities and Units of Measurement in the interpretation and explanation of technical information.
• understand the basic concepts of kinematics and dynamics (speed, acceleration, force, friction).
• understands the basic techniques of drawing a free body diagrams and is able to apply free body diagrams and Newton's laws in problem solving in mechanics.
• is able to solve equations of quantities and apply vector calculus in problem solving in mechanics.
• understands the concepts of work, energy, power and efficiency and is able to analyze problems in mechanics with their help.
• is able to apply the work-energy principle in mechanics.
• is able to analyse collision situations using the concepts of momentum and impulse.
• understands the basic concepts of rotational motion and is able to apply these concepts to the analysis of kinematics of rotational motion
• understands the concepts of torque, moment of inertia and momentum and is able to apply the basic equation of rotational motion to their analysis.
• Kinematics of linear and two-dimensional motion; acceleration, speed, velocity and change of position.
• Forces, resisting forces and Newton's laws
• Work, energy, power and efficiency
• Work-energy-principle
• Momentum and impulse
• Angular velocity, angular acceleration, angle of rotation, track speed, tangential and centripetal acceleration
• Conditions for staying on a circular track
• Torque, moment of inertia and momentum
• Basic equation of rotational motion
Evaluation scale