ERP-systemsLaajuus (3 op)
Tunnus: 5091149
3 op
After completing the course the student will be able to:explain the overall system framework of MPC-systems.describe in details how ERP system operations are done in production planningunderstands how production planning process is linked to other functions of the production planning process to ERP -system.plan and operate production planning activities in ERP -system.execute production activities via ERP-system.control and manage and improve supply chain performance.
In the course on ERP-systems students will learn why and how ERP-systems are used in companies. They will learn principles how to design, plan, and execute ERP -systems. Student will have their own experience about production planning. Also they will learn how to operate the production planning system.
27.08.2024 - 30.09.2024
26.09.2024 - 19.10.2024
3 op
Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta
Kupittaan kampus
- Englanti
- Jenni Aitonurmi
MLILOK22Liiketoiminnan logistiikan koulutus
MTUTAMK23Tuotantotalous, Myynti K23
After completing the course the student will be able to:explain the overall system framework of MPC-systems.describe in details how ERP system operations are done in production planningunderstands how production planning process is linked to other functions of the production planning process to ERP -system.plan and operate production planning activities in ERP -system.execute production activities via ERP-system.control and manage and improve supply chain performance.
In the course on ERP-systems students will learn why and how ERP-systems are used in companies. They will learn principles how to design, plan, and execute ERP -systems. Student will have their own experience about production planning. Also they will learn how to operate the production planning system.
Material that will be used at the course:
- SAP Material
- Lecturers own material
- Possible other material (if there is some other material, it will be pointed out separately at the course)
All course materials will be available in course itslearning page
SAP user IDs are handed only at the lectures
SAP User IDs are personal
The case study progress is followed by the user ID
> Case study progress is part of course evaluation
SAP Case studys may be executed:
- Together with others / in a group
- Nevertheless, everyone is responsible for returning own case studies
Support for case studies is available at the lectures!
All questions regarding the case studies are solved at the lectures, no screen shots via email/itslearning!
Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet
There is no exam at the course.
Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys
Theoretical part: ERP & Group work regarding Business processes
Practical part: Case studies hands-on with SAP S/4 Hana
1. Learning by doing (Case studies: MM, PP (&WM)) & Learning time management
> The purpose is that student will practice hands-on topics that have been discussed previously at the course in theory. Each case study will have own DL - Respecting the DLs is part of the learning process.
> Aim is that student will connect the theory to practice with the hands-on work
> In addition part of the course is to practise time management skills
2. Group working
> The purpose is that student will gain co-operation and presentation skills with the group working. In addition they familiarize themselves to the articles in the field of case study areas (MM & PP)
3. Lectures
> The purpose of lectures is to provide needed support and information to the field of case study areas. In addition the purpose of lectures is to have discussion in those fields: MM, PP & WM. Active participation to lectures (the discussions) will be considered as advantage in the evaluation.
Sustainability will be considered at the course:
- Environment: Using IT systems and documents we consider the environment by reducing the waste reduction.
- Social: Group working skills produce social responsibility and co-operation skills which are needed besides at work but also in the personal life. Course will conduct also equality.
- Governance: We take into consideration ethical business practices at the course.
Overall, the course takes into account the principles of sustainable development
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
The course consists of:
- Lectures
- Individual work / group work with the case studies
- Group work
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
- SAP MM case study, average time for the case study execution: 170 min
- SAP PP case study, average time for the case study execution: 200 min
(- SAP WM I case study, average time for the case study execution: 70 min)
(- SAP WM II case study, average time for the case study execution: 90 min)
- Lectures, Active participation + discussion at the lectures + reading the notes
- Business process report + presentation creation + presenting + opponent work
Sisällön jaksotus
- The course will be executed during autumn semester 2024.
- If you are not able to attend to some lecture > please see the course itslearning page / ask from fellow student to make sure what were the topics that were discussed during the lecture.
ERP Theoretical part:
- Get an overall understanding of ERP systems; the system landscape and other IT systems related to ERP
- Understand the value of the ERP system in the business process; how and why ERP systems are used
- Bring up the importance of data management
- Take a look at the real-life issues companies are dealing with ERP systems
- (Get an insight to SAP implementations)
ERP Practical part:
- Get a hands-on experience with SAP S/4 Hana
- See how the business processes actually work and how the data flows
> Understand the meaning of previous and next steps in a process flow
- Get familiar with three processes; Material Management Production Planning & Execution and Warehouse Management
- Learn how to operate the system – SAP skills are highly valued in companies
Attending to lectures is not mandatory, nevertheless:
- SAP user IDs are handed only at the lectures
- SAP case study support is available only at the lectures - not via emails, itslearning screen shots etc.
Viestintäkanava ja lisätietoja
All course information will be presented in the course itslearning page.
All case study related questions from students are placed at the lectures, not via emails, itslearning messages etc.
Eventhough attending to lectures is not mandatory, it is difficult to pass the course without being present at the lectures, e.g. SAP user IDs are handed only at the lectures.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Course grade will be based on the following items:
50 % - Business Process Report + Presentation + Opponent , * Report (.docx) and Presentation (.pptx) DL 7.10.2024 at 12:00
25 % - Case study: Material Management, * DL 18.10.2024 at 12:00
25 % - Case study: Production Planning & Execution, * DL, 18.10.2024 at 12:00
Active participation to the discussions at the lectures during the entire course, will have positive impact to final grade of the course (possible raising the course grade max. 0,5 grade if the discussion and participation has been really active during the entire course)
BONUS Possibility:
- In case student executes Warehouse Management 1 minimum 70% correct, it will raise the evaluation with 0,5 grade
- In case student executes both Warehouse Management 1 & 2 minimum 70% correct, it will raise the evaluation with 1 grade
* DL for the WM case study I & II is DL, 18.10.2024 at 12:00
SAP Case study evaluation:
0-50 % Grade 0
50-60% Grade 1
60-70% Grade 2
70-80% Grade 3
80-90% Grade 4
90-100% Grade 5
SAP Case study evaluation % will come automatically from SAP Case study monitor.
During the course we will follow up case study progress on weekly basis.
All SAP case study unclarities will be discussed at the lectures.
All the different elements that are evaluated during the course - will be separately evaluated.
The final grade is calculated according to the percentages of these elements.
- In case the business process report is returned to Itslearning after the DL,
the grade for the report will be -0,5 lower
- In case the group does not present keep the presentation of the group work,
the grade for the report will be -0,5 lower
- In case the opponent group is not present by the time of opponing,
the grade for the report will be -0,5 lower
- In case the questions that needed to be answered in the report are not answered,
the grade for the report will be -0,5 - 2 lower (depending how many questions were not provided proper answers)
- The report will be done to TUAS official template, if that is not used,
the grade for the report will be -0,5 lower
- Group is expected to use professional articles and professional books as their sources in the report - and justify the report based on those sources. If these kind of sources are not used, and the sources are like yellow tabloid, the grade for the report will be -1 lower
- Group is expected to make the references accordingly in the report (based on TUAS general Bachelor thesis guideline). If the references are not made like this, the grade for the report will be -0,5 lower
- If there are no examples provided for the topic, the grade will be -0,5 lower
- If the general look and feel (layout) is poor and not properly done, the grade will be -0,5 lower
- In case MM, PP (and WM) case studys are not executed by the time of the DL given to each case study separately, the grade for the case study returned late will be -0,5 lower per case study
The business process report will be automatically checked for plagiarism / AI usage.
AI can be used for assisting the report - nevertheless, the report needs to be written by the group members. Most important thing is that group members understand the content and are able the present in their own words the topic.
Hylätty (0)
Reasons why course is evaluated as Failed:
Group work not returned.
It is mandatory to return the group work.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
Intermediate understanding of:
- Material management processes
- Production planning processes
Intermediate skills and understanding how ERP system can support the business
- Group work executed
Active participation to the discussions at the lectures during the entire course, will have positive impact to final grade of the course (possible raising the course grade max. 0,5 grade if the discussion and participation has been really active during the entire course)
BONUS Possibility:
- In case student executes Warehouse Management 1 minimum 70% correct, it will raise the evaluation with 0,5 grade
- In case student executes both Warehouse Management 1 & 2 minimum 70% correct, it will raise the evaluation with 1 grade
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Good understanding of:
- Material management processes
- Production planning processes
Good skills and understanding how ERP system can support the business
- Group work executed
Active participation to the discussions at the lectures during the entire course, will have positive impact to final grade of the course (possible raising the course grade max. 0,5 grade if the discussion and participation has been really active during the entire course)
BONUS Possibility:
- In case student executes Warehouse Management 1 minimum 70% correct, it will raise the evaluation with 0,5 grade
- In case student executes both Warehouse Management 1 & 2 minimum 70% correct, it will raise the evaluation with 1 grade
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Very good understanding of:
- Material management processes
- Production planning processes
Very good skills and understanding how ERP system can support the business
- Group work executed
Active participation to the discussions at the lectures during the entire course, will have positive impact to final grade of the course (possible raising the course grade max. 0,5 grade if the discussion and participation has been really active during the entire course)
BONUS Possibility:
- In case student executes Warehouse Management 1 minimum 70% correct, it will raise the evaluation with 0,5 grade
- In case student executes both Warehouse Management 1 & 2 minimum 70% correct, it will raise the evaluation with 1 grade
02.12.2023 - 14.01.2024
01.01.2024 - 29.05.2024
3 op
Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta
Kupittaan kampus
- Englanti
- Tuotantotalouden koulutus
- Jenni Aitonurmi
LIPATMODSupplyChainManagementLIPAT Supply Chain Management
PTUTAMS22Tuotantotalous, Myynti S22
After completing the course the student will be able to:explain the overall system framework of MPC-systems.describe in details how ERP system operations are done in production planningunderstands how production planning process is linked to other functions of the production planning process to ERP -system.plan and operate production planning activities in ERP -system.execute production activities via ERP-system.control and manage and improve supply chain performance.
In the course on ERP-systems students will learn why and how ERP-systems are used in companies. They will learn principles how to design, plan, and execute ERP -systems. Student will have their own experience about production planning. Also they will learn how to operate the production planning system.
Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet
Exam on Tuesday, 2nd April 2024
at 10:00 - 12:00
It is mandatory to pass the exam
Re-exams are held:
• Wed 5.6. at 14:00
• Wed 11.9. at 14:00
• Wed 30.10. at 14:00
Please remember to sign up to re-exam by sending emails at least one week in advance
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Business Process Report + Presentation + Opponent
Case study: Material Management
Case study: Production Planning & Execution
BONUS Possibility:
In case student executes Warehouse Management 1 minimum 70% correct, it will raise the exam evaluation with 0,5 grade
In case student executes both Warehouse Management 1 & 2 minimum 70% correct, it will raise the exam evaluation with 1 grade
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
50 % - Exam
20 % - Business Process Report + Presentation + Opponent
15 % - Case study: Material Management
15 % - Case study: Production Planning & Execution
BONUS Possibility:
In case student executes Warehouse Management 1 minimum 70% correct, it will raise the exam evaluation with 0,5 grade
In case student executes both Warehouse Management 1 & 2 minimum 70% correct, it will raise the exam evaluation with 1 grade
SAP Case study evaluation:
0-50 % Grade 0
50-60% Grade 1
60-70% Grade 2
70-80% Grade 3
80-90% Grade 4
90-100% Grade 5
02.12.2022 - 22.02.2023
01.01.2023 - 30.04.2023
3 op
Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta
Kupittaan kampus
- Englanti
- Jenni Aitonurmi
PTUTAMS21Tuotantotalous, Myynti
LIPATMODSupplyChainManagementLIPAT Supply Chain Management
After completing the course the student will be able to:explain the overall system framework of MPC-systems.describe in details how ERP system operations are done in production planningunderstands how production planning process is linked to other functions of the production planning process to ERP -system.plan and operate production planning activities in ERP -system.execute production activities via ERP-system.control and manage and improve supply chain performance.
In the course on ERP-systems students will learn why and how ERP-systems are used in companies. They will learn principles how to design, plan, and execute ERP -systems. Student will have their own experience about production planning. Also they will learn how to operate the production planning system.