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Introduction to ProgrammingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TT00BX39


5 op


After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler or interpreter, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.


- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists


22.11.2021 - 07.02.2022


07.02.2022 - 27.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Salo IoT Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Tiina Ferm
  • PIOTK22
    Degree Programme in Information Technology, Cyber Security and IoT


After completing the course the student can:
- describe the most important software application types and their typical features
- discuss the selection of a proper solution technology
- define the main concepts of programming such as source code, compiler or interpreter, variable and data type
- read program code written by someone else
- utilize the most important decision and control structures
- recognize basic object-oriented concepts (class and its members, object, reference, exceptions)
- design and implement simple software applications
- draw a flow chart of the program.


- software application structure
- development environment and tools
- variables and data types
- functions
- decision and control structures
- arrays and lists


The content follows Introduction to Python:

Additional material:

Teaching methods

Learning by programming

Completion alternatives

The course can be compensated with an exam 10.2.2022

Student workload

Contact hours 42 h
Independent study continuously throughout the course, preparation for the exam 98 h

Content scheduling

The course consists of weekly topics, rehearse questions, a quiz (5 points) and a lab (points)
- introduction, basic syntax, and input and output in the console
- week 1: variables and types, quiz and lab 1 (total 10 points)
- week 2: operators and branching, quiz and lab 2 (total 10 points)
- week 3: loops (for and while), quiz and lab 4 (total 10 points)
Exam 1 (10 points)
- week 4: functions, quiz and lab 5 (total 10 points)
- week 5: collections (list, tuple, set, dictionary), quiz and lab 3 (total 10 points)
Exam 2 (10 points)
- week 6: file IO, quiz and lab 6 (total 10 points)
- week 7: review, quiz and lab 7 (total 10 points)
Exam 3 (10 points)

total of 100 points

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment is based on continuous evaluation. 

7 HOMEWORKS – online, rehearsing, not evaluated
7 Quizzes – online, evaluated, 5 points each, minimum 14, maximum 35 
7 Labs – classroom activity, evaluated, plagiarism check result must be < 50%, 5 points each, minimum 14, maximum 35
3 Exams – classroom activity, evaluated, 10 points each, minimum 12, maximum 30

To pass the course a student has to reach minimum in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams). If the minimum is reached all the points are added and the scale 1 – 5 is calculated.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

• does not know the basic concepts of programming
• cannot read or write simple programs

< 40 points or failed in the exam

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

• knows such basic concepts of programming as variables, control structures and functions
• understands how the program flow is going
• can read or write simple programs

40 - 59 points and the minimum is reached in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams)

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

• knows such basic concepts of programming as variables, control structures, functions, classes, objects and arrays
• understands how the program flow is going and is able to find easy errors
• can make simple programs

60 - 79 points and the minimum is reached in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams)

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

• knows such basic concepts of programming as variables, control structures and functions, classes and objects
• utilizes some data Structures as arrays, lists and hash tables.
• understands how the program flow is going and is able to use debugger and error handling
• can make programs that include aforesaid concepts.

> 80 points and the minimum is reached in all categories (quizzes, labs and exams)

> 90 points, 1 additional credit (total of 6 credits)