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Advanced ICT ProjectsLaajuus (10 cr)

Code: TE00BR89


10 op


Further deepening knowledge of more challenging ICT project work and the most used methods and technologies of software projects.


Project work in an international project team in ICT projects.
Substance knowledge of different ICT field -related topics.
Working life skills (team working, communication, time management, professional attitude and taking responsibility) and problem-solving skills.


02.07.2024 - 13.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 30.04.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

RDI portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 55

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
  • Annukka Kinnari
  • Marika Säisä
    Software Engineering and Project Management


Further deepening knowledge of more challenging ICT project work and the most used methods and technologies of software projects.


Project work in an international project team in ICT projects.
Substance knowledge of different ICT field -related topics.
Working life skills (team working, communication, time management, professional attitude and taking responsibility) and problem-solving skills.


Various internet sources, links & descriptions online.
Lecture slides.
theFIRMA's and course's Itslearning.

Teaching methods

Lectures, group work and independent work, project work, online/on-site activities

Exam schedules

No exam.

To successfully pass the course, students must achieve passing grade in both the assignments and the project work components.

If a student does not pass the course, they are required to re-enroll and participate in the course during the next available offering, typically the following academic year.

International connections

Practical assignments and reports
Project work
Self study

Completion alternatives

Project work part can be done in a company, if student has a ICT-related job. This has to be agreed separately with responsible teacher.

Student workload

Lectures, exercises on lectures and small group meetings: 72 hours
Assignments and self study: 63 hours
Project work 135 hours, which includes mandatory 40 hours of theFIRMA weekly meetings for project managers. Also, ICT guest lectures and theFIRMA Tech-club hours are counted to project work hours.

TOTAL 270 hours

Majority of project work is done on-site.

Content scheduling

This course deepens further knowledge of challenging ICT project work and the most used methods, standards and technologies of software projects. Students will team up for a project work on customer projects related to ICT field. Customer projects develop students’ working life skills (among others: technical, team working, communication, time management, professional attitude and taking responsibility) and problem solving skills.

Project teams are usually international and the official communication language is usually English. This develops students’ ability to multicultural communication and collaboration.

Further information

The course's and theFIRMA itslearning and Microsoft Teams.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The course consists of two parts, the theory part and the project work part. Both parts need to be passed to pass the course.

The theory part includes 6 assignments:
- All of the assignments are assessed with 0-30 points. Thus, the maximum number of points from the assignments are 180.
Late submission for the assignments will reduce the points by 50%.

The presence in the theory lectures and small group meetings are marked down. The first and last lectures give the student 2 points, other lectures and small group meetings are worth 1 points. In total, there are 30 points from presence.

Altogether these will give the students the maximum of 210 points. These points are evaluated in the following way:
Fail: 0-59 points
grade 1: 60 – 89 points
grade 2: 90 – 119 points
grade 3: 120 – 149 points
grade 4: 150 – 179 points
grade 5: 180 – 210 points.

Project work:
The students are required to work in the project a total of 135 hours.
- One working hour equals 1 point.
- Participating in one Tech Club session equals 2 points.
- Hosting one Tech Club session equals 5 points (this includes the time spent on planning the content and presenting).
- Participating to one ICT Guest Lecture equals 3 points.

The formative assessment of students' performance in the projects is based on self and peer assessment, customer’s feedback (if available) and project manager’s feedback.
All the required hours done equals to 135 points, every missing 15 hours means one grade point reduction of the grade student has received from the evaluation.

The final grade of the course is weighted average:
- Assignments and presence 50%
- Project work (evaluation based on self- and peer assessment) and project hours 50%

Accepted grade cannot be raised.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

Less than 60 points from assignments, project working hours not completed.

No show, not carrying out responsibilities, disappearing from team work, lack of communication with other team members.

Student has to pass assignments and project work to complete the course.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Grade 1: 60-89 points from assignments and attendance + completing project work hours.

Grade 2: 90-119 points from assignments and attendance + completing project work hours.

Poor, but satisfactory performance both in independent work and team work. Low participation on lectures and other activities.

Student has to pass assignments and project work to complete the course.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Grade 3: 120-149 points from assignments and attendance + completing project work hours.

Grade 4: 150-179 points from assignments and attendance + completing project work hours.

Good performance both in team work and independent work. Active participation on lectures and other activities.

Student has to pass assignments and project work to complete the course.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Grade 5: 180-210 point from assignments and attendance + completing project work hours.

Excellent performance both in team work and independent work. Active participation on lectures and other activities.

Student has to pass assignments and project work to complete the course.


01.06.2023 - 10.09.2023


04.09.2023 - 30.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

RDI portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

10 - 80

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Sanna Määttä
  • Annukka Kinnari
  • Marika Säisä
    Software engineering and Project Management


Further deepening knowledge of more challenging ICT project work and the most used methods and technologies of software projects.


Project work in an international project team in ICT projects.
Substance knowledge of different ICT field -related topics.
Working life skills (team working, communication, time management, professional attitude and taking responsibility) and problem-solving skills.


Various internet sources, links & descriptions online.
Lecture slides.
theFIRMA's and course's Itslearning.

Teaching methods

Group work and independent work, project work, online/on-site activities

Exam schedules

no exam

International connections

Practical assignments and reports
Project work
Self study

Completion alternatives

Project work part can be done in a company, if student has a ICT-related job.

Student workload

Assignments, lectures, self study: 135 hours
Project work: 135 hours

Majority of project work is done on-site.

Content scheduling

This course deepens further knowledge of challenging ICT project work and the most used methods, standards and technologies of software projects. Students will team up for a project work on customer projects related to ICT field. Customer projects develop students’ working life skills (among others: technical, team working, communication, time management, professional attitude and taking responsibility) and problem solving skills.

Project teams are usually international and the official communication language is usually English. This develops students’ ability to multicultural communication and collaboration.

Further information


Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Assignments and reports: diagnostic assessment.

Project work: formative assessment based on self and peer assessment, customer’s feedback (if available) and project manager’s feedback.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

No show, not carrying out responsibilities, disappearing from project, lack of communication with project team.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Satisfactory performance both in project work and independent work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Good performance both in project work and independent work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent performance both in project work and independent work.


01.06.2022 - 16.09.2022


29.08.2022 - 30.04.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Sanna Määttä
  • Marika Säisä
Teacher in charge

Sanna Määttä

    Software Engineering and Project Management


Further deepening knowledge of more challenging ICT project work and the most used methods and technologies of software projects.


Project work in an international project team in ICT projects.
Substance knowledge of different ICT field -related topics.
Working life skills (team working, communication, time management, professional attitude and taking responsibility) and problem-solving skills.


Various internet sources, links & descriptions online.
Lecture slides.
theFIRMA's and course's Itslearning.

Teaching methods

Group work and independent work, project work, online/on-site activities

Exam schedules

no exam

International connections

Practical assignments and reports
Project work
Self study

Completion alternatives


Student workload

Assignments, lectures, self study: 135 hours
Project work: 135 hours

Content scheduling

This course deepens further knowledge of challenging ICT project work and the most used methods, standards and technologies of software projects. Students will team up for a project work on customer projects related to ICT field. Customer projects develop students’ working life skills (among others: technical, team working, communication, time management, professional attitude and taking responsibility) and problem solving skills.

Project teams are usually international and the official communication language is usually English. This develops students’ ability to multicultural communication and collaboration.

Further information


Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Assignments and reports: diagnostic assessment.

Project work: formative assessment based on self and peer assessment, customer’s feedback (if available) and project manager’s feedback.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

No show, not carrying out responsibilities, disappearing from project, lack of communication with project team.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Satisfactory performance both in project work and independent work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Good performance both in project work and independent work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent performance both in project work and independent work.