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Introduction to Health TechnologyLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 5051249


5 op


After completing the course the student:
- can define the specific characteristics and possibilities of the health technology sector
- can describe interfaces and applications of health technology from different perspectives
- can explain the ICT engineering competences needed in the field of health technology
- analyze his or her own skills, interests, strengths and development needed in this sector


- Social and health care actors and processes
- Health technology sector
- Evaluation of the usability of a health technology product


01.06.2024 - 03.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 15.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

RDI portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

30 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
  • Teppo Saarenpää
    Health Technology


After completing the course the student:
- can define the specific characteristics and possibilities of the health technology sector
- can describe interfaces and applications of health technology from different perspectives
- can explain the ICT engineering competences needed in the field of health technology
- analyze his or her own skills, interests, strengths and development needed in this sector


- Social and health care actors and processes
- Health technology sector
- Evaluation of the usability of a health technology product


Materials in the itsLearning workspace

Teaching methods

Lectures, exercises and Q&A sessions.
Materials and individual and group assignments shared on the ItsLearning platform

Exam schedules

None due to the nature of the implementation.

International connections

In the course, the basic topics of health technology are studied. The examples and tasks contain specific examples. The study course uses source material in English, which gives students the ability to understand international engineering literature, publications, standards, etc. When solving assignments, students are encouraged to work in a team. Digital study material and an electronic learning environment are used in a variety of ways in the course.

- Weekly face-to-face meetings with lecture teaching and small group work
- Learning by doing and experimenting (exercise tasks, project work, information search)
- Small group work and peer learning
- Self-study material
- Teacher guidance and examples

Completion alternatives


Student workload

Health technology introduction and definitions, 1 cr
Health technology as an industry, 2 credits
Health technology research 2 credits

28h lectures/teaching
12h excercises and Q&A sessions
90h individual work and studying, excercise work, group work

Content scheduling

- Different areas and special features of the health technology. ICT in the context of health technology.
- Healthtech companies, trade associations and authorities. Employment, career paths. The current situation of the industry.
- Health technology research and projects at TUAS. HealthTech Lab.

Further information

Contact channels: Teams and email.Additional information in the itsLearning workspace

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

All individual and group assignments must be approved to pass the course. Group work 40% of total assesment, individual excercises 60% of total assesment. All assignments are scaled 0-5.

Minimum 50% attendance on the lectures is mandatory to pass the course. Higher attendance rewards with a bonus for total grade in following way:
Bonus for grade 50-60% 0,1
60-70% 0,2
70-80% 0,3
80-90% 0,4
90-100% 0,5

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

Student has not met the requirements to pass the course. 50% attendance, approved grades from group and individual exercises.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student recognizes the field of the health technology industry and the opportunities it creates
The student knows the areas of health technology as well as its interfaces and applications
The student identifies some areas of knowledge in information and communication technology necessary for the tasks of an engineer in relation to the field of health technology
The student identifies his own skills, interests, strengths and development needs in the industry

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student knows the field of the health technology industry and its special features, as well as the opportunities created by the industry
The student is able to describe the areas, interfaces and application areas of health technology from the perspective of a ICT engineer
The student can explain the areas of competence required for the tasks of an information and communication technology engineer in relation to the field of health technology
The student knows his own skills, interests, strengths and development needs in the industry

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student knows how to define the field of the health technology industry and its special features, as well as the opportunities created by the field
The student is able to describe the areas, interfaces and applications of health technology from different perspectives
The student can explain the areas of competence required for the tasks of an information and communication technology engineer in relation to the field of health technology
The student knows how to analyze his own skills, interests, strengths and development needs in the industry


01.06.2023 - 16.09.2023


08.09.2023 - 15.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

2 op

RDI portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Pauliina Tryykilä
Teacher in charge

Pauliina Tryykilä

    Health Technology


After completing the course the student:
- can define the specific characteristics and possibilities of the health technology sector
- can describe interfaces and applications of health technology from different perspectives
- can explain the ICT engineering competences needed in the field of health technology
- analyze his or her own skills, interests, strengths and development needed in this sector


- Social and health care actors and processes
- Health technology sector
- Evaluation of the usability of a health technology product


Materials in the itsLearning workspace

Teaching methods

Materials and assignments shared on the ItsLearning platform

Student workload

Health technology introduction and definitions, 1 cr
Health technology as an industry, 2 credits
Health technology research 2 credits

Content scheduling

- Different areas and special features of the health technology. ICT in the context of health technology.
- Healthtech companies, trade associations and authorities. Employment, career paths. The current situation of the industry.
- Health technology research and projects at TUAS. HealthTech Lab.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student recognizes the field of the health technology industry and the opportunities it creates
The student knows the areas of health technology as well as its interfaces and applications
The student identifies some areas of knowledge in information and communication technology necessary for the tasks of an engineer in relation to the field of health technology
The student identifies his own skills, interests, strengths and development needs in the industry

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student knows the field of the health technology industry and its special features, as well as the opportunities created by the industry
The student is able to describe the areas, interfaces and application areas of health technology from the perspective of a ICT engineer
The student can explain the areas of competence required for the tasks of an information and communication technology engineer in relation to the field of health technology
The student knows his own skills, interests, strengths and development needs in the industry

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student knows how to define the field of the health technology industry and its special features, as well as the opportunities created by the field
The student is able to describe the areas, interfaces and applications of health technology from different perspectives
The student can explain the areas of competence required for the tasks of an information and communication technology engineer in relation to the field of health technology
The student knows how to analyze his own skills, interests, strengths and development needs in the industry


01.06.2022 - 11.09.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
  • Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Johannes Hautamäki
  • Teppo Saarenpää


After completing the course the student:
- can define the specific characteristics and possibilities of the health technology sector
- can describe interfaces and applications of health technology from different perspectives
- can explain the ICT engineering competences needed in the field of health technology
- analyze his or her own skills, interests, strengths and development needed in this sector


- Social and health care actors and processes
- Health technology sector
- Evaluation of the usability of a health technology product

Evaluation scale
