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Power Electronics ConvertersLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: TE00DG86


5 op


Upon completion of this Power Electronics Components and Converters course, students will be able to:
- Understand the basic principles and characteristics of power semiconductor devices used in power electronic systems.
- Recognize and explain the operation of fundamental power electronic converter topologies, including DC-DC, AC-DC, and DC-AC converters.
- Describe basic control strategies for power electronic systems, with an emphasis on PWM techniques.
- Appreciate the importance of thermal management in power electronic design and identify basic cooling methods.
- Select appropriate components for simple power electronic circuits, considering basic performance requirements.
- Identify common applications of power electronics in areas such as renewable energy systems and motor drives.
- Recognize emerging trends in power electronics, including the potential of wide bandgap semiconductors.
- Use basic simulation tools to model simple power electronic circuits and interpret the results.
- Gain introductory hands-on experience in building and testing basic power electronic circuits through practical training.
- Develop an awareness of the role of power electronics in energy efficiency and sustainability.


This course focuses on the fundamental principles and applications of power electronics, covering the following main topics:
- Power Semiconductor Devices
- Passive Components
- Converter Topologies
- Control Techniques
- Thermal Management
- Applications of Power Electronics
- Emerging Technologies
- Practical Implementation


Introduction to Power Electronics