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Electrical vehicle charging systemsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TE00DH30


5 op


Course deals with charging systems of electrical vehicles (EV). After completing the course, student:
- Recall features of EVs concerning electricity consumption and battery types, including charging power and battery capacity
- Can interpret regulations and standards concerning EV charging, and can apply them when designing EV charging systems
- Can explain the structure and features of EV charging devices, and choose charging devices for different applications
- Recall the principles related to charging system control and management
- Can design charging system for single EV as well as EV fleets


1. EV types and their features, future view of EVs
2. EV batteries
3. Charging devices
4. Electric powerline
5. Charging system control and management
6. Regulations and standards concerning EV charging
7. Design of EV charging system (exercise)


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