Electric power technology and power gridsLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 5100BI31
5 op
Course will give overview to electric power systems from energy engineering point of view. Power plant grid connection and operation as a part of larger power system will be emphasized.
After the course, student will
· be familiar with basics of power engineering in case of AC and DC systems and can solve electrical parameters related to them.
· explain structure and the most essential components of the electrical grid
· be able to use software tools for power flow and fault calculations as well as make design of simple electrical grid.
· describe basics of power system stability
· recall grid code for power generating facilities and energy storage systems and can apply them in case of power plant grid connection
· recall power quality requirements in distribution grid and identify grid impacts of converters
1. Basics of power engineering: DC and AC circuits, multiphase systems, unsymmetrical systems
2. Electricity transmission and distribution grid incl. microgrid
3. Grid design (dimensioning, protection and components)
4. Grid stability
5. Grid code for power generating facilities and energy storage systems
6. Power quality in distribution grid
01.12.2022 - 07.01.2023
09.01.2023 - 30.04.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- Osmo Huhtala
Course will give overview to electric power systems from energy engineering point of view. Power plant grid connection and operation as a part of larger power system will be emphasized.
After the course, student will
· be familiar with basics of power engineering in case of AC and DC systems and can solve electrical parameters related to them.
· explain structure and the most essential components of the electrical grid
· be able to use software tools for power flow and fault calculations as well as make design of simple electrical grid.
· describe basics of power system stability
· recall grid code for power generating facilities and energy storage systems and can apply them in case of power plant grid connection
· recall power quality requirements in distribution grid and identify grid impacts of converters
1. Basics of power engineering: DC and AC circuits, multiphase systems, unsymmetrical systems
2. Electricity transmission and distribution grid incl. microgrid
3. Grid design (dimensioning, protection and components)
4. Grid stability
5. Grid code for power generating facilities and energy storage systems
6. Power quality in distribution grid
Evaluation scale