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Working EnglishLaajuus (2 op)

Tunnus: 5021182


2 op


Opiskelija osaa toimia ammattialansa ja ympäröivän yhteiskunnan keskeisissä ja tyypillisissä kirjallisissa ja suullisissa viestintätilanteissa englannin kielellä. Osaa käyttää kielen rakenteita monipuolisesti ja viestiä selkeästi. Tuntee ja osaa käyttää ammattialansa yleistä terminologiaa sekä verkkopohjaisia sanasto- ja oikolukutyökaluja. Osaa arvioida omaa taitoaan ja kehittymistarpeitaan sekä huomioida ne toiminnassaan.


Insinöörien työssään yleisesti kohtaamat tilanteet; koulutus; alakohtaiset tekniset aiheet. Tekninen ja työelämän sanasto; tyyli ja rekisteri; suullisen kielitaidon aktivointi ja parantaminen.


01.06.2024 - 01.11.2024


01.11.2024 - 15.12.2024


2 op


1 op


50 % Lähiopetus, 50 % Etäopetus


Turun ammattikorkeakoulu


Kupittaan kampus

  • Suomi
  • Englanti

15 - 30

  • Bio- ja kemiantekniikan koulutus
  • Sari Loppela-Rauha
  • COS Opettaja
    Bio- ja kemiantekniikan koulutus


Opiskelija osaa toimia ammattialansa ja ympäröivän yhteiskunnan keskeisissä ja tyypillisissä kirjallisissa ja suullisissa viestintätilanteissa englannin kielellä. Osaa käyttää kielen rakenteita monipuolisesti ja viestiä selkeästi. Tuntee ja osaa käyttää ammattialansa yleistä terminologiaa sekä verkkopohjaisia sanasto- ja oikolukutyökaluja. Osaa arvioida omaa taitoaan ja kehittymistarpeitaan sekä huomioida ne toiminnassaan.


Insinöörien työssään yleisesti kohtaamat tilanteet; koulutus; alakohtaiset tekniset aiheet. Tekninen ja työelämän sanasto; tyyli ja rekisteri; suullisen kielitaidon aktivointi ja parantaminen.


No textbooks. Videos, news, articles etc. are used. Study materials are brought in both by the teacher and the students. Terminology study is supported with Quizlet sets created by the teacher. The students find job ads and select relevant topics for pitching.


Task-based studying supported by weekly contact sessions either in a classroom setting or online

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

No exam and therefore also no re-exam. All tasks are to be completed acceptably by due date.
Students may be requested to defend their written work in speaking.

Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys

All topics are related to the students' other ongoing studies and to their field of study. Employment & application procedures are specifically dealt with, and the course material seeks to expand the students' familiarity with career options in the field.
Basic philosophy: language is both a form given to thoughts and a tool for building and maintaining relationships. During the English course, therefore, real issues are discussed while focusing both on what information content is conveyed and what social implications the interaction has. In other words, the aim is to behave in an effective and socially acceptable way in an English-language work environment. A further aim is to be able to discuss matters related to sustainability at work and in business in relevant English.
As regards written work, the use of e-dictionaries and spell checkers is recommended. Machine translation and AI tools are allowed but are not to do your work for you. Any sign of mechanically generated text will result in a request for the student to explain their work in speaking.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Each week, some face-to-face time in the classroom or online, some independent writing, and some discussion in small groups. The course runs for 7 weeks, and a weekly contribution of 5 to 9 h is expected depending on level of previous mastery.

Arviointikriteerit, hyväksytty/hylätty

Active attendance and accepted tasks are required.

Sisällön jaksotus

The course runs from Week 44 to Week 50.

The following topics or themes are dealt with:
-education, workplace communication
-career options and job application procedures
-the chemistry lab environment, equipment and safety at work
-spoken delivery, discussing matters within a professional context, pitching; register, politeness
-current developments (news) from the industry
-describing material properties
-STEM terminology essentials

Viestintäkanava ja lisätietoja

In case online classes need to be arranged: laptop, microphone, webcam required
This is a skills course, and skills need practice. Therefore, minimum attendance requirement 6/7 meetings.



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Task-based assessment, no exam. All tasks must be completed acceptably, and active attendance and contribution are expected. A few small tests along the way on some limited subject or terminology areas (based on homework). Terminology tests need to be passed with a minimum of 40% of available points.

Numerically graded work (0-5):
- spoken tasks (1 grade for both/all tasks)
- terminology tests (1 grade for all tests)
- written homework tasks (+ possibly one task written in class)

Active attendance may result in the final grade being rounded up.
In addition, some tasks are graded pass/fail, and must be completed in order to pass the course.

Hylätty (0)

Missing tasks or tasks not in compliance with instructions and lack of attendance (less than 6/7 meetings) may result in a failed course.
Absence can only be compensated for if a compelling reason is reliably put forward.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

- deficient mastery of language mechanics, e.g. problems with tenses or sentence formation
- pronunciation issues which hamper understanding
- message often unclear
- limited use of vocabulary
- deficient mastery of register (politeness, appropriate style, choice of words)
- tasks late or only partly completed
- little or no contribution to discussion and/or pair work in class
- for grade 1, the student must be capable of responding when addressed in speaking and producing grammatical sentences in writing

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

The student has a communicative approach to language and is willing to develop as a language user but lacks proficiency in language mechanics. However, the message is always clear and the student is an active contributor in pair/group discussions. All tasks are completed.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

- tasks completed in accordance with instructions and by due date
- close to error-free mastery of language mechanics (CEFR B2-C)
- clear pronunciation
- message coherent and clear
- good grasp of text structure
- versatile use of vocabulary
- good grasp of register (politeness, appropriate style)
- active contribution to class discussions and pair work


01.06.2024 - 01.11.2024


01.11.2024 - 15.12.2024


2 op


1 op


50 % Lähiopetus, 50 % Etäopetus


Turun ammattikorkeakoulu


Kupittaan kampus

  • Suomi
  • Englanti

15 - 35

  • Bio- ja kemiantekniikan koulutus
  • Sari Loppela-Rauha
  • COS Opettaja
    Bio- ja kemiantekniikan koulutus


Opiskelija osaa toimia ammattialansa ja ympäröivän yhteiskunnan keskeisissä ja tyypillisissä kirjallisissa ja suullisissa viestintätilanteissa englannin kielellä. Osaa käyttää kielen rakenteita monipuolisesti ja viestiä selkeästi. Tuntee ja osaa käyttää ammattialansa yleistä terminologiaa sekä verkkopohjaisia sanasto- ja oikolukutyökaluja. Osaa arvioida omaa taitoaan ja kehittymistarpeitaan sekä huomioida ne toiminnassaan.


Insinöörien työssään yleisesti kohtaamat tilanteet; koulutus; alakohtaiset tekniset aiheet. Tekninen ja työelämän sanasto; tyyli ja rekisteri; suullisen kielitaidon aktivointi ja parantaminen.


No textbooks. Videos, news, articles etc. are used. Study materials are brought in both by the teacher and the students. Terminology study is supported with Quizlet sets created by the teacher. The students find job ads and select relevant topics for pitching.


Task-based studying supported by weekly contact sessions either in a classroom setting or online

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

No exam and therefore also no re-exam. All tasks are to be completed acceptably by due date.
Students may be requested to defend their written work in speaking.

Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys

All topics are related to the students' other ongoing studies and to their field of study. Employment & application procedures are specifically dealt with, and the course material seeks to expand the students' familiarity with career options in the field.
Basic philosophy: language is both a form given to thoughts and a tool for building and maintaining relationships. During the English course, therefore, real issues are discussed while focusing both on what information content is conveyed and what social implications the interaction has. In other words, the aim is to behave in an effective and socially acceptable way in an English-language work environment. A further aim is to be able to discuss matters related to sustainability at work and in business in relevant English.
As regards written work, the use of e-dictionaries and spell checkers is recommended. Machine translation and AI tools are allowed but are not to do your work for you. Any sign of mechanically generated text will result in a request for the student to explain their work in speaking.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Each week, some face-to-face time in the classroom or online, some independent writing, and some discussion in small groups. The course runs for 7 weeks, and a weekly contribution of 5 to 9 h is expected depending on level of previous mastery.

Arviointikriteerit, hyväksytty/hylätty

Active attendance and accepted tasks are required.

Sisällön jaksotus

The course runs from Week 44 to Week 50.

The following topics or themes are dealt with:
-education and career options
-job application procedures, workplace communication
-the chemistry lab environment, equipment and safety at work
-spoken delivery, discussing matters within a professional context, pitching; register, politeness
-current developments (news) from the industry
-describing material properties
-STEM terminology essentials

Viestintäkanava ja lisätietoja

In case online classes need to be arranged: laptop, microphone, webcam required
This is a skills course, and skills need practice. Therefore, minimum attendance requirement 6/7 meetings.



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Task-based assessment, no exam. All tasks must be completed acceptably, and active attendance and contribution are expected. A few small tests along the way on some limited subject or terminology areas (based on homework). Terminology tests need to be passed with a minimum of 40% of available points.

Numerically graded work (0-5):
- spoken tasks (1 grade for both/all tasks)
- terminology tests (1 grade for all tests)
- written homework tasks (+ possibly one task written in class)

Active attendance may result in the final grade being rounded up.
In addition, some tasks are graded pass/fail, and must be completed in order to pass the course.

Hylätty (0)

Missing tasks or tasks not in compliance with instructions and lack of attendance (less than 6/7 meetings) may result in a failed course.
Absence can only be compensated for if a compelling reason is reliably put forward.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

- deficient mastery of language mechanics, e.g. problems with tenses or sentence formation
- pronunciation issues which hamper understanding
- message often unclear
- limited use of vocabulary
- deficient mastery of register (politeness, appropriate style, choice of words)
- tasks late or only partly completed
- little or no contribution to discussion and/or pair work in class
- for grade 1, the student must be capable of responding when addressed in speaking and producing grammatical sentences in writing

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

The student has a communicative approach to language and is willing to develop as a language user but lacks proficiency in language mechanics. However, the message is always clear and the student is an active contributor in pair/group discussions. All tasks are completed.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

- tasks completed in accordance with instructions and by due date
- close to error-free mastery of language mechanics (CEFR B2-C)
- clear pronunciation
- message coherent and clear
- good grasp of text structure
- versatile use of vocabulary
- good grasp of register (politeness, appropriate style)
- active contribution to class discussions and pair work


01.06.2024 - 22.10.2024


30.09.2024 - 18.12.2024


2 op


1 op


50 % Lähiopetus, 50 % Etäopetus


Turun ammattikorkeakoulu


Kupittaan kampus

  • Englanti

30 - 40

  • Kemiantekniikan koulutus
  • Sari Loppela-Rauha
  • COS Opettaja
  • MKEMIK24
    Kemiantekniikan koulutus


Opiskelija osaa toimia ammattialansa ja ympäröivän yhteiskunnan keskeisissä ja tyypillisissä kirjallisissa ja suullisissa viestintätilanteissa englannin kielellä. Osaa käyttää kielen rakenteita monipuolisesti ja viestiä selkeästi. Tuntee ja osaa käyttää ammattialansa yleistä terminologiaa sekä verkkopohjaisia sanasto- ja oikolukutyökaluja. Osaa arvioida omaa taitoaan ja kehittymistarpeitaan sekä huomioida ne toiminnassaan.


Insinöörien työssään yleisesti kohtaamat tilanteet; koulutus; alakohtaiset tekniset aiheet. Tekninen ja työelämän sanasto; tyyli ja rekisteri; suullisen kielitaidon aktivointi ja parantaminen.


No textbooks. Videos, news, articles etc. are used. Study materials are brought in both by the teacher and the students. Terminology study is supported with Quizlet sets created by the teacher. The students find job ads and select relevant topics for pitching.


Task-based studying supported by contact sessions either in a classroom setting or online

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

No exam and therefore also no re-exam. All tasks are to be completed acceptably by due date.
Students may be requested to defend their written work in speaking.

Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys

All topics are related to the students' other ongoing studies and to their field of study. Employment & application procedures are specifically dealt with, and the course material seeks to expand the students' familiarity with career options in the field.
Basic philosophy: language is both a form given to thoughts and a tool for building and maintaining relationships. During the English course, therefore, real issues are discussed while focusing both on what information content is conveyed and what social implications the interaction has. In other words, the aim is to behave in an effective and socially acceptable way in an English-language work environment. A further aim is to be able to discuss matters related to sustainability at work and in business in relevant English.
As regards written work, the use of e-dictionaries and spell checkers is recommended. Machine translation and AI tools are allowed but are not to do your work for you. Any sign of mechanically generated text will result in a request for the student to explain their work in speaking.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Some face-to-face time in the classroom or online, some independent writing, and some discussion in small groups. The average student contribution should be about 50 h of work.

Arviointikriteerit, hyväksytty/hylätty

Active attendance and accepted tasks are required.

Sisällön jaksotus

Brushing up the students' work-related English communication skills.

The following topics or themes are dealt with:
-education and career options
-job application procedures, workplace communication
-the chemistry lab environment, equipment and safety at work
-spoken delivery, discussing matters within a professional context, pitching; register, politeness
-current developments (news) from the industry, focus on sustainability
-describing material properties
-STEM terminology essentials

Viestintäkanava ja lisätietoja

In case online classes need to be arranged: laptop, microphone, webcam required
This is a skills course, and skills need practice. Therefore, attendance in class is compulsory.



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Task-based assessment, no exam. All tasks must be completed acceptably, and active attendance and contribution are expected. A few small tests along the way on some limited subject or terminology areas (based on homework). Terminology tests need to be passed with a minimum of 40% of available points.

Numerically graded work (0-5):
- spoken tasks (1 grade for both/all tasks)
- terminology tests, (1 grade for all tests)
- written homework tasks (+ possibly one task written in class, 1 grade for all tasks)

Active attendance may result in the final grade being rounded up. Inactive attendance may do the opposite.
In addition, some tasks are graded pass/fail, and must be completed in order to pass the course.

Hylätty (0)

Missing tasks or tasks not in compliance with instructions and lack of attendance may result in a failed course.
Absence can only be compensated for if a compelling reason is reliably put forward.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

- deficient mastery of language mechanics, e.g. problems with tenses or sentence formation
- pronunciation issues which hamper understanding
- message often unclear
- limited use of vocabulary
- deficient mastery of register (politeness, appropriate style, choice of words)
- tasks late or only partly completed
- little or no contribution to discussion and/or pair work in class
- for grade 1, the student must be capable of responding when addressed in speaking, and of producing grammatical sentences in writing

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

The student has a communicative approach to language and is willing to develop as a language user but lacks proficiency in language mechanics. However, the message is always clear and the student is an active contributor in pair/group discussions. All tasks are completed.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

- tasks completed in accordance with instructions and by due date
- close to error-free mastery of language mechanics (CEFR B2-C)
- clear pronunciation
- message coherent and clear
- good grasp of text structure
- versatile use of vocabulary
- good grasp of register (politeness, appropriate style)
- active contribution to class discussions and pair work


02.07.2023 - 23.10.2023


23.10.2023 - 31.12.2023


2 op


1 op


50 % Lähiopetus, 50 % Etäopetus


Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta

  • Suomi

0 - 30

  • Bio- ja kemiantekniikan koulutus
  • Sari Loppela-Rauha
    Bio- ja kemiantekniikan koulutus


Opiskelija osaa toimia ammattialansa ja ympäröivän yhteiskunnan keskeisissä ja tyypillisissä kirjallisissa ja suullisissa viestintätilanteissa englannin kielellä. Osaa käyttää kielen rakenteita monipuolisesti ja viestiä selkeästi. Tuntee ja osaa käyttää ammattialansa yleistä terminologiaa sekä verkkopohjaisia sanasto- ja oikolukutyökaluja. Osaa arvioida omaa taitoaan ja kehittymistarpeitaan sekä huomioida ne toiminnassaan.


Insinöörien työssään yleisesti kohtaamat tilanteet; koulutus; alakohtaiset tekniset aiheet. Tekninen ja työelämän sanasto; tyyli ja rekisteri; suullisen kielitaidon aktivointi ja parantaminen.


No textbooks. Videos, news, articles etc. are used. Study materials are brought in both by the teacher and the students. Terminology study is supported with Quizlet sets created by the teacher. The students find job ads and select relevant topics for pitching.


Task-based studying supported by weekly contact sessions either in a classroom setting or online

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

No exam and therefore also no re-exam. All tasks are to be completed by end of term.
Students may be requested to defend their written work in speaking.

Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys

All topics are related to the students' other ongoing studies and to their field of study. Employment & application procedures are specifically dealt with, and the course material seeks to expand the students' familiarity with career options in the field.
Basic philosophy: language is both a form given to thoughts and a tool for building and maintaining relationships. During the English course, therefore, real issues are discussed while focusing both on what information content is conveyed and what social implications the interaction has. In other words, the aim is to behave in an effective and socially acceptable way in an English-language work environment.
As regards written work, the use of e-dictionaries and spell checkers is recommended. Machine translation, Chat-GPT and similar tools are allowed but are not to do your work for you. Any sign of mechanically generated text will result in a request for the student to explain their work in speaking.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Each week, some face-to-face time in the classroom or online, some independent writing, and some discussion in small groups. The course runs for 7 weeks, and a weekly contribution of 5 to 9 h is expected depending on level of previous mastery.

Arviointikriteerit, hyväksytty/hylätty

Active attendance and accepted tasks are required.

Sisällön jaksotus

Weeks 43-49

Viestintäkanava ja lisätietoja

Laptop, microphone, webcam required
This is a skills course, and skills need practice.
Minimum attendance requirement 6/7 meetings.



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Task-based assessment, no exam. All tasks must be completed acceptably, and active attendance and contribution are expected. A few small tests along the way on some limited subject or terminology areas (based on homework).

Hylätty (0)

Missing tasks or tasks not in compliance with instructions and lack of attendance (less than 6/7 meetings) may result in a failed course.
Absence can only be compensated for if a compelling reason is reliably put forward.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

- deficient mastery of language mechanics, e.g. problems with tenses or sentence formation
- pronunciation issues which hamper understanding
- message often unclear
- limited use of vocabulary
- deficient mastery of register (politeness, appropriate style, choice of words)
- tasks late or only partly completed
- little or no contribution to discussion and/or pair work in class
- for grade 1, the student must be capable of responding when addressed in speaking and producing grammatical sentences in writing

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

The student has a communicative approach to language and is willing to develop as a language user but lacks proficiency in language mechanics. However, the message is always clear and the student is an active contributor in pair/group discussions. All tasks are completed.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

- tasks completed in accordance with instructions and by due date
- close to error-free mastery of language mechanics (CEFR B2-C)
- clear pronunciation
- message coherent and clear
- good grasp of text structure
- versatile use of vocabulary
- good grasp of register (politeness, appropriate style)
- active contribution to class discussions and pair work


02.07.2023 - 23.10.2023


23.10.2023 - 31.12.2023


2 op


1 op


50 % Lähiopetus, 50 % Etäopetus


Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta

  • Suomi

0 - 30

  • Bio- ja kemiantekniikan koulutus
  • Sari Loppela-Rauha
    Bio- ja kemiantekniikan koulutus


Opiskelija osaa toimia ammattialansa ja ympäröivän yhteiskunnan keskeisissä ja tyypillisissä kirjallisissa ja suullisissa viestintätilanteissa englannin kielellä. Osaa käyttää kielen rakenteita monipuolisesti ja viestiä selkeästi. Tuntee ja osaa käyttää ammattialansa yleistä terminologiaa sekä verkkopohjaisia sanasto- ja oikolukutyökaluja. Osaa arvioida omaa taitoaan ja kehittymistarpeitaan sekä huomioida ne toiminnassaan.


Insinöörien työssään yleisesti kohtaamat tilanteet; koulutus; alakohtaiset tekniset aiheet. Tekninen ja työelämän sanasto; tyyli ja rekisteri; suullisen kielitaidon aktivointi ja parantaminen.


No textbooks. Videos, news, articles etc. are used. Study materials are brought in both by the teacher and the students. Terminology study is supported with Quizlet sets created by the teacher. The students find job ads and select relevant topics for pitching.


Task-based studying supported by weekly contact sessions either in a classroom setting or online

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

No exam and therefore also no re-exam. All tasks are to be completed by end of term.
Students may be requested to defend their written work in speaking.

Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys

All topics are related to the students' other ongoing studies and to their field of study. Employment & application procedures are specifically dealt with, and the course material seeks to expand the students' familiarity with career options in the field.
Basic philosophy: language is both a form given to thoughts and a tool for building and maintaining relationships. During the English course, therefore, real issues are discussed while focusing both on what information content is conveyed and what social implications the interaction has. In other words, the aim is to behave in an effective and socially acceptable way in an English-language work environment.
As regards written work, the use of e-dictionaries and spell checkers is recommended. Machine translation, Chat-GPT and similar tools are allowed but are not to do your work for you. Any sign of mechanically generated text will result in a request for the student to explain their work in speaking.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Each week, some face-to-face time in the classroom or online, some independent writing, and some discussion in small groups. The course runs for 7 weeks, and a weekly contribution of 5 to 9 h is expected depending on level of previous mastery.

Arviointikriteerit, hyväksytty/hylätty

Active attendance and accepted tasks are required.

Sisällön jaksotus

Weeks 43-49

Viestintäkanava ja lisätietoja

Laptop, microphone, webcam required
This is a skills course, and skills need practice.
Minimum attendance requirement 6/7 meetings.



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Task-based assessment, no exam. All tasks must be completed acceptably, and active attendance and contribution are expected. A few small tests along the way on some limited subject or terminology areas (based on homework).

Hylätty (0)

Missing tasks or tasks not in compliance with instructions and lack of attendance (less than 6/7 meetings) may result in a failed course.
Absence can only be compensated for if a compelling reason is reliably put forward.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

- deficient mastery of language mechanics, e.g. problems with tenses or sentence formation
- pronunciation issues which hamper understanding
- message often unclear
- limited use of vocabulary
- deficient mastery of register (politeness, appropriate style, choice of words)
- tasks late or only partly completed
- little or no contribution to discussion and/or pair work in class
- for grade 1, the student must be capable of responding when addressed in speaking and producing grammatical sentences in writing

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

The student has a communicative approach to language and is willing to develop as a language user but lacks proficiency in language mechanics. However, the message is always clear and the student is an active contributor in pair/group discussions. All tasks are completed.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

- tasks completed in accordance with instructions and by due date
- close to error-free mastery of language mechanics (CEFR B2-C)
- clear pronunciation
- message coherent and clear
- good grasp of text structure
- versatile use of vocabulary
- good grasp of register (politeness, appropriate style)
- active contribution to class discussions and pair work


01.06.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 26.11.2023


2 op


1 op


50 % Lähiopetus, 50 % Etäopetus


Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta

  • Suomi

0 - 40

  • Kemiantekniikan koulutus
  • Sari Loppela-Rauha

Sari Loppela-Rauha

  • MKEMIK23
    Kemiantekniikan koulutus


Opiskelija osaa toimia ammattialansa ja ympäröivän yhteiskunnan keskeisissä ja tyypillisissä kirjallisissa ja suullisissa viestintätilanteissa englannin kielellä. Osaa käyttää kielen rakenteita monipuolisesti ja viestiä selkeästi. Tuntee ja osaa käyttää ammattialansa yleistä terminologiaa sekä verkkopohjaisia sanasto- ja oikolukutyökaluja. Osaa arvioida omaa taitoaan ja kehittymistarpeitaan sekä huomioida ne toiminnassaan.


Insinöörien työssään yleisesti kohtaamat tilanteet; koulutus; alakohtaiset tekniset aiheet. Tekninen ja työelämän sanasto; tyyli ja rekisteri; suullisen kielitaidon aktivointi ja parantaminen.


No textbooks. Videos, news, articles etc. are used. Study materials are brought in both by the teacher and the students. Terminology study is supported with Quizlet sets created by the teacher. The students find job ads and select relevant topics for pitching.


Task-based studying supported by contact sessions either in a classroom setting or online
Discussions, small presentations and written assignments depending on the students' background, skills level and needs.

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

No exam and therefore also no re-exam.
Students may be requested to defend their written work in speaking.

Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys

All topics are related to the students' other ongoing studies and to their field of study. Employment & application procedures are specifically dealt with, and the course material seeks to expand the students' familiarity with career options in the field.
Basic philosophy: language is both a form given to thoughts and a tool for building and maintaining relationships. During the English course, therefore, real issues are discussed while focusing both on what information content is conveyed and what social implications the interaction has. In other words, the aim is to behave in an effective and socially acceptable way in an English-language work environment.
As regards written work, the use of e-dictionaries and spell checkers is recommended. Machine translation, Chat-GPT and similar tools are allowed but are not to do your work for you. Any sign of mechanically generated text will result in a request for the student to explain their work in speaking.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Some face-to-face time in the classroom or online, some independent writing, and some discussion in small groups.

Arviointikriteerit, hyväksytty/hylätty

Active attendance and accepted tasks are required.

Sisällön jaksotus

Brushing up the students' work-related English communication skills.

Viestintäkanava ja lisätietoja

Laptop, microphone, webcam required
This is a skills course, and skills need practice.
Attendance in contact sessions is compulsory.
Compensation tasks will only be accepted if a compelling reason for absence is reliably put forward.



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Task-based assessment, no exam. Compulsory attendance in class. Contribution to discussions is expected. A few small tests along the way on some limited subject or terminology areas (based on homework).

Hylätty (0)

Missing tasks or tasks not in compliance with instructions and lack of attendance may result in a failed course.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

- deficient mastery of language mechanics, e.g. problems with tenses or sentence formation
- pronunciation issues which hamper understanding
- message often unclear
- limited use of vocabulary
- deficient mastery of register (politeness, appropriate style, choice of words)
- tasks late or only partly completed
- little or no contribution to discussion and/or pair work in class
- for grade 1, the student must be capable of responding when addressed in speaking and of producing grammatical sentences in writing

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

The student has a communicative approach to language and is willing to develop as a language user but lacks proficiency in language mechanics. However, the message is always clear and the student is an active contributor in pair/group discussions. All tasks are done.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

- tasks completed in accordance with instructions and by due date
- close to error-free mastery of language mechanics (CEFR B2-C)
- clear pronunciation
- message coherent and clear
- good grasp of text structure
- versatile use of vocabulary
- good grasp of register (politeness, appropriate style)
- active contribution to class discussions and pair work