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Nature- and Environment-Based MethodsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TH00CA54


5 op


• you are familiar with various operating environments and methods of nature- and environment-based activities
• you are familiar with nature-based counselling and client work, and the principles of respecting the environment that guide them
• you understand the meaning of nature in supporting well-being, and you are aware of your own relationship with nature
• you know how to plan, implement and assess nature- and environment-based activities in a client-based and goal-oriented way


• the health and welfare effects of nature
• the operating environments of nature- and environment-based activities
• different nature- and environment-based activities, mindfulness skills in relation to nature
• activities in a natural environment, experiences and adventures in various environments
• taking care of nature as a therapeutic activity


02.06.2025 - 18.08.2025


18.08.2025 - 20.10.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

RDI portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


Health and Well-being

Teaching languages
  • English

15 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Tiina Suni
  • Noora Ahvenjärvi
  • PSOSTK24
    Degree Programme in Social Services, Early Childhood Education, S24
  • PSOSTS23
  • PSOSTS22
  • PSOSTK23
  • PSOSTS24


• you are familiar with various operating environments and methods of nature- and environment-based activities
• you are familiar with nature-based counselling and client work, and the principles of respecting the environment that guide them
• you understand the meaning of nature in supporting well-being, and you are aware of your own relationship with nature
• you know how to plan, implement and assess nature- and environment-based activities in a client-based and goal-oriented way


• the health and welfare effects of nature
• the operating environments of nature- and environment-based activities
• different nature- and environment-based activities, mindfulness skills in relation to nature
• activities in a natural environment, experiences and adventures in various environments
• taking care of nature as a therapeutic activity


All materials in itslearning

Teaching methods

Individual study
Small group work
Lectures (in English)
Learning assignments

International connections

Activity based learning

Student workload

Lectures and independent work 2 ECTS
Assignments 3 ECTS

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Criteria for approved accomplishment of the course:
- participation in teaching
- completing and passing the study assignments
- achieving the following competence objectives in sufficient level:
• you are familiar with operating environments and methods of nature- and environment-based activities
• you are familiar with nature-based counselling and client work, and the principles of respecting the environment that guide them
• you understand the meaning of nature in supporting well-being
• you are aware of your own relationship with nature
• you know how to plan, implement and assess nature- and environment-based activities in a client-based and goal-oriented way

Criteria for failed grade:
- participation in teaching is missing or
- study assignments are failed or
- student does not achieve the above mentioned competence objectives in sufficient level

Content scheduling

Noora Ahvenjärvi (responsible teacher / vastuuopettaja) & Tiina Suni

Teaching on Mondays at 15-18, weeks 35-44.

Teaching and group work on this course is in English. Assignments can be completed in English or in Finnish.

Course schedule:

Week 34 independent work on pre-assignment.

Mon 25.8.2025 15:00 - 18:00 Course info, discussion on pre-assignment and lecture on nature-based activities and nature well-being (Noora)

Mon 1.9.2025 15:00 - 18:00 Short hike in nature (Tiina)

Mon 8.9.2025 15:00 -18:00 Visitor Piia Leskinen & independent work

Mon 15.9.2025 15:00 - 18:00 Different environments and methods & nature activities at Kupittaan seikkailupuisto (Tiina)

Mon 22.9.2025 15.00-18.00 Study assignment implementation: nature-oriented activities in small groups (Ispoinen) (Tiina & Noora)

Mon 29.9.2025 15:00 - 18:00 Visitor/visit, archipelago (Tiina & Noora)

Mon 6.10.2025 15.00-18.00 Independent work on study assignments

Mon 20.10.2025 15:00 - 18:00 City adventure (Tiina & Noora)

Attendance in contact teaching of the course is mandatory, which is based on the working and learning methods used in the course. The contact teaching includes interactive activities, discussions, peer learning, and workshop activities. Participation in contact teaching supports the development of the student’s professional skills and interaction abilities.

In case of absence due to illness, a compensatory assignment must be completed. The max. amount of absence is two contact teaching sessions. If this is exceeded, the completion of the course will be postponed to the next implementation.

Changes are possible.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation of the course: approved / failed

Assignments of the course (can change before start of the course):
1) pre-assignment (individual work)
2) theoretical learning diary (individual work)
3) nature-based activity plan & implementation of the plan for small group and reflection paper (group work)


02.06.2024 - 25.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 15.11.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


Health and Well-being

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Olli Toivonen
  • Noora Ahvenjärvi
  • PSOSTK22
  • PSOSTS23
  • PSOSTS22
  • PSOSTK23


• you are familiar with various operating environments and methods of nature- and environment-based activities
• you are familiar with nature-based counselling and client work, and the principles of respecting the environment that guide them
• you understand the meaning of nature in supporting well-being, and you are aware of your own relationship with nature
• you know how to plan, implement and assess nature- and environment-based activities in a client-based and goal-oriented way


• the health and welfare effects of nature
• the operating environments of nature- and environment-based activities
• different nature- and environment-based activities, mindfulness skills in relation to nature
• activities in a natural environment, experiences and adventures in various environments
• taking care of nature as a therapeutic activity


All materials in itslearning

Teaching methods

Individual study
Small group work
Lectures (in english)
Learning assignments (instructions and retunr both in english and finnish)

International connections

Activity based learning

Student workload

Lectures and independent work 2 ECTS
Assignments 3 ECTS

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Criteria for approved accomplishment of the course:
- participation in teaching
- completing and passing the study assignments
- achieving the following competence objectives in sufficient level:
• you are familiar with operating environments and methods of nature- and environment-based activities
• you are familiar with nature-based counselling and client work, and the principles of respecting the environment that guide them
• you understand the meaning of nature in supporting well-being
• you are aware of your own relationship with nature
• you know how to plan, implement and assess nature- and environment-based activities in a client-based and goal-oriented way

Criteria for failed grade:
- participation in teaching is missing or
- study assignments are failed or
- student does not achieve the above mentioned competence objectives in sufficient level

Content scheduling

Responsible teacher / Vastuuopettaja: Olli Toivonen

This course is in english. assignment instructions and return can be made in english or finnish

Course schedule (see also in Peppi):

Mon 26.8.2024 15:00 - 18:00 Course start: independent work on pre-assignment.
Mon 2.9.2024 15:00 - 18:00 Course info, discussion on pre-assignment and lecture on nature-based activities and nature well-being (Olli Toivonen, Noora Ahvenjärvi)
Mon 9.9.2024 15:00 - 18:00 Different environments and methods & adventure activities (OT)
Mon 16.9.2024 15:00 - 18:00 Nature materials (OT, NA)
Mon 23.9.2024 15.00-18.00 Independent/group work on study assignments
Mon 30.9.2024 15:00 - 18:00 Study assignment implementation: nature-oriented activities in small groups (location: Ispoinen) (OT, NA)
Mon 7.10.2024 15.00-18.00 Independent/group work: excursion to nature-based animal-assisted activities and report on the visit
Mon 14.10.2024 15:00 - 18:00 Independent work: excursion to nature-based animal-assisted activities and report on the visit
Mon 21.10.2024 15:00 - 18:00 Nature well-being in practice (short hike in nature) (NA)
Mon 28.10.2024 15:00 - 18:00 City adventure (OT, NA)

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation of the course: approved / failed

100% participation in teaching (one absence can be compensated with assignments)

Assignments: All study assignments must be submitted and approved according to the course timetable. All study assignments are evaluated on scale approved / failed. Approved accomplishment: all the required perspectives are included in the assignment and the length of the assignment meets the minimum length mentioned in the assignment.

Assignments of the course (can change before start of the course):
1) pre-assignment
2) reflective learning diary
3) nature-based activity plan & implementation of the plan for small group
4) excursion visit to animal-assisted activities and report on the visit
5) nature- or environment-based activity plan targeted at a certain customer group


07.06.2023 - 28.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 31.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Health and Well-being

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English

15 - 39

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Tiina Suni
  • Olli Toivonen
  • PSOSTK22
  • PSOSTS22


• you are familiar with various operating environments and methods of nature- and environment-based activities
• you are familiar with nature-based counselling and client work, and the principles of respecting the environment that guide them
• you understand the meaning of nature in supporting well-being, and you are aware of your own relationship with nature
• you know how to plan, implement and assess nature- and environment-based activities in a client-based and goal-oriented way


• the health and welfare effects of nature
• the operating environments of nature- and environment-based activities
• different nature- and environment-based activities, mindfulness skills in relation to nature
• activities in a natural environment, experiences and adventures in various environments
• taking care of nature as a therapeutic activity


All materials in itslearning

Teaching methods

individual study
small group work
learning assignments

International connections

Activity based learning

Student workload

Lectures and independent work 2 ECTS
Assignments 3 ECTS

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Criteria for approved accomplishment of the course:
- participation in teaching
- completing and passing the study assignments
- achieving the following competence objectives in sufficient level:
• you are familiar with operating environments and methods of nature- and environment-based activities
• you are familiar with nature-based counselling and client work, and the principles of respecting the environment that guide them
• you understand the meaning of nature in supporting well-being
• you are aware of your own relationship with nature
• you know how to plan, implement and assess nature- and environment-based activities in a client-based and goal-oriented way

Criteria for failed grade:
- participation in teaching is missing or
- study assignments are failed or
- student does not achieve the above mentioned competence objectives in sufficient level

Content scheduling

Changes are possible until the beginning of the course.

Please note! Contact teaching is in English. Course is implemented partly outside the campus premises. This requires abilities to walk in nature and urban environments and wearing suitable equipment (e.g. outdoor clothes and shoes) according to weather conditions. Course requires using public transport or other vehicles in order to reach teaching places in Turku area.

Mon 28.8.2023 15:00 - 18:00 Course start: independent work on pre-assignment
Mon 4.9.2023 15:00 - 18:00 Course info, discussion on pre-assignment and lecture on nature-based activities and nature well-being (Tiina Suni)
Mon 11.9.2023 15:00 - 18:00 Different environments and methods & adventure activities (Olli Toivonen)

Mon 18.9.2023 15:00 - 18:00 Nature well-being in practice (short hike in nature)
Mon 25.9.2023 15:00 - 18:00 City adventure
Mon 2.10.2023 15:00 - 18:00 Study assignment implementation: nature-based activities in small groups (location: Kupittaa park)
Mon 9.10.2023 15:00 - 18:00 Handcrafting & Nature materials
Mon 16.10.2023 15:00 - 18:00 Independent work: excursion to nature-based animal-assisted activities and report on the visit

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation of the course: approved / failed

100% participation in teaching (one absence can be compensated with assignments)

Assignments: All study assignments must be submitted and approved according to the course timetable. All study assignments are evaluated on scale approved / failed. Approved accomplishment: all the required perspectives are included in the assignment and the length of the assignment meets the minimum length mentioned in the assignment.

Assignments of the course:
1) pre-assignment
2) reflective learning diary
3) nature-based activity plan & implementation of the plan for small group
4) excursion visit to animal-assisted activities and report on the visit
5) nature- or environment-based activity plan targeted at a certain customer group