Basics of NursingLaajuus (7 cr)
Code: TH00BW27
7 op
Students will
• Understand the key concepts of nursing
• Acknowledge the values, principles and key concepts that steer nursing
• Acknowledge the principles of professional interaction and cooperation
• Know how to apply the nursing process in decision-making and documentation
• Know how to apply the national documentation model of nursing in nursing documentation
• Acknowledge the key principles of patient safety
• Be able to ensure that patient safety is realized in their own operations and those of the work community
• Know how to determine patients’ resources and need for care and determine the needs and objectives of care, as well as to plan and provide key nursing assistance methods to promote the resources of customers/patients
• Understand the principles of aseptic techniques, ergonomics, pain and treatment of chronic wounds and be able to apply the acquired knowledge in nursing
• Know how to assess the need for urgent care in a systematic manner and be able to act in situations where emergency care is needed
• Understand the principles and have the ability to act as a nurse in the context of encountering death
• Know the meaning of care-related infections and the management of infection risks
• Understand the meaning of hand hygiene, use of protective devices, a safe care environment
• Know the basics of microbiology and the meaning of immunity and the defence system
• Be familiar with the knowledge base and purpose of vaccination
• Key concepts of nursing
• Values, principles and key concepts that steer nursing
• Professional interaction and clear communications
• Nursing process, decision-making in nursing and documentation in nursing
• The basics of patient safety and arranging a safe treatment environment
• Information security and data protection
• Aseptic techniques, infection prevention, hand hygiene, precautions and isolation arrangements
• Ergonomic working and assisting in patient’s mobility
• Patient monitoring
• Assisting in daily activities
• Common methods of assisting and treatment methods required in nursing
• Tissue integrity, prevention of bedsores and treatment of chronic wounds
• Pain assessment and unmedicated pain management methods
• First aid and basic resuscitation
• Key terminology
• Immunity and immunization, management of infection risks and hygiene recommendations
• The most common care-related infections and the microbes causing them
02.01.2025 - 26.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 02.03.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
7 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Emergency Care, Public Health Nursing and Midwifery
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing
- Heli Aarnio
- Nita Björklöf
- Satu Halonen
Scheduling groups
- Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 15. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 15. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- 1
- 2
Students will
• Understand the key concepts of nursing
• Acknowledge the values, principles and key concepts that steer nursing
• Acknowledge the principles of professional interaction and cooperation
• Know how to apply the nursing process in decision-making and documentation
• Know how to apply the national documentation model of nursing in nursing documentation
• Acknowledge the key principles of patient safety
• Be able to ensure that patient safety is realized in their own operations and those of the work community
• Know how to determine patients’ resources and need for care and determine the needs and objectives of care, as well as to plan and provide key nursing assistance methods to promote the resources of customers/patients
• Understand the principles of aseptic techniques, ergonomics, pain and treatment of chronic wounds and be able to apply the acquired knowledge in nursing
• Know how to assess the need for urgent care in a systematic manner and be able to act in situations where emergency care is needed
• Understand the principles and have the ability to act as a nurse in the context of encountering death
• Know the meaning of care-related infections and the management of infection risks
• Understand the meaning of hand hygiene, use of protective devices, a safe care environment
• Know the basics of microbiology and the meaning of immunity and the defence system
• Be familiar with the knowledge base and purpose of vaccination
• Key concepts of nursing
• Values, principles and key concepts that steer nursing
• Professional interaction and clear communications
• Nursing process, decision-making in nursing and documentation in nursing
• The basics of patient safety and arranging a safe treatment environment
• Information security and data protection
• Aseptic techniques, infection prevention, hand hygiene, precautions and isolation arrangements
• Ergonomic working and assisting in patient’s mobility
• Patient monitoring
• Assisting in daily activities
• Common methods of assisting and treatment methods required in nursing
• Tissue integrity, prevention of bedsores and treatment of chronic wounds
• Pain assessment and unmedicated pain management methods
• First aid and basic resuscitation
• Key terminology
• Immunity and immunization, management of infection risks and hygiene recommendations
• The most common care-related infections and the microbes causing them
Blomqvist, Mia; Rummukainen, Tarja; Sainio, Titta; Simola, Tiina; Tyrisevä-Ryösö, Miia. 2022. Hoitotyön perusosaaminen.
Other material of the course that can be found on the learning platform.
Teaching methods
Theory teaching at a distance learning
Theme days
Preclinical internships at the school
Learning tasks and discussions
Exam schedules
Exam at the end of the course. 26.2.2025
International connections
Reflecting competence: Reflecting competence means evaluating own skills, knowledge and learning process as well as continuous development. This supports the student's self-awareness and helps to identify strengths and areas for development in learning.
Case exercises: In case exercises, students deal with real or realistic problem situations that they solve alone or in a group. The aim is to apply theoretical knowledge into practice and develop analytical and decision-making skills.
E-learning: E-learning refers to the use of information technology in learning, for example through online courses and digital learning materials. This provides flexibility regardless of time and place and supports independent learning.
Reverse learning (Flipped Learning): In reverse learning, students learn about new content independently before face-to-face instruction, for example by watching videos or reading materials. The lessons then focus on in-depth exercises and discussion, which supports active learning and interaction.
In sustainability pedagogy: students are encouraged to engage in critical thinking, creative problem solving, and collaborative activities in order to develop their capacity to make a positive impact on the environment and society.
Completion alternatives
There is no alternative way to complete the course.
Student workload
1 cr is student's work 27h. Total course 7 ECTS is 189 h.
Content scheduling
• The service and emergency care systems in social and health care services
• Information retrieaval
• Key concepts of nursing
• Professional interaction
• Clinical decision-making
• The process, decision-making and documentation in nursing
• Principles of CRM and patient safety
• Arranging a safe treatment environment
• Information security, data protection and information technology
• Infection prevention: hand hygiene, precautions and isolation arrangements
• Ergonomic working and assisting in patient’s mobility
• Usage of the ISBAR documentation tool
• Patient monitoring
• Assisting in daily activities
• Common methods of assisting and treatment methods required in nursing
• Tissue integrity, prevention of bedsores and treatment of chronic wounds
• Pain assessment and unmedicated pain management methods
• ABCDE protocol and NEWS
• First aid and basic resuscitation
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Preclinical training accepted / rejected
Pre-tasks accepted / rejected
Tasks of the theme days accepted / rejected
Other tasks accepted / rejected
Exam rejected - K5
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
1. Preclinical Training (Approved/Abandoned)
Accepted: Students demonstrate the necessary clinical knowledge, safety, and independence in basic interventions. Be able to apply the instructions to practice and follow the objectives of the training.
Rejected: The student does not demonstrate sufficient basic skills or safety in procedures, is unable to operate independently, or needs continuous guidance. Targets are not being sufficiently achieved.
2. Pre-tasks (Accepted/Abandoned)
Accepted: The tasks have been carried out in accordance with the given instructions. Students demonstrate an understanding of key concepts and are able to apply them to the subject.
Rejected: Tasks are incomplete, do not conform to guidelines, or show a lack of understanding of the subject.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Exam assessed Rejected - C5
0 (Rejected)
Knowledge and understanding: The answer is incomplete or incorrect. Important basic concepts are missing, and the answer does not indicate an adequate understanding of the basics of nursing.
Application: Unable to apply key concepts and practices in nursing.
Overall: The answer does not meet the minimum requirements for an accepted performance.
1 (Avoidant)
Knowledge and understanding: Demonstrates a limited understanding of the basics of nursing. Discusses some key concepts, but there are a lot of inaccuracies in the answer.
Application: Able to partially apply basic concepts to simple situations.
Overall: The answer is at a basic level, but requires more accurate knowledge and precision.
2 (Satisfactory)
Knowledge and understanding: Knows the basics of nursing, but there are flaws and inaccuracies in the answer. Understand the key concepts.
Application: Knows how to apply basic concepts and methods when dealing with familiar situations.
Overall: Provides a reasonable answer, but lacks deeper understanding and clearer reasoning.
3 (Good)
Knowledge and understanding: Good knowledge of the basics of nursing and understanding of key concepts. The answer shows consistent application of the data.
Application: Knows how to apply the learned knowledge and skills in a variety of ways to common patient situations.
Overall: The answer is clear, well-structured and shows sufficient competence.
4 (Very good)
Knowledge and understanding: Excellent knowledge of the basics of nursing. Demonstrate in-depth understanding and the answers are accurate and well-grounded.
Application: Knows how to apply knowledge in a broad and diverse way to more complex situations. Demonstrate the ability to reflect on and analyze nursing practices.
Overall: The answer is very clear, well-argued and wide-ranging.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
3. Tasks of the theme days (Approved/Abandoned)
Accepted: The assignments have been carried out in accordance with the given assignment, and they demonstrate the understanding of the subject area and the application of key concepts. The results of the missions support the achievement of the objectives of the Day.
Rejected: Tasks have essential flaws or do not demonstrate an adequate understanding of the topic or the objectives of the day.
4. Other tasks (Accepted/Abandoned)
Accepted: Tasks are done according to instructions and demonstrate an appropriate understanding of the subject and the ability to apply the learned knowledge.
Rejected: Tasks are incomplete, do not follow instructions, or show insufficient understanding of the given topic.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
5 (Commendable)
Knowledge and understanding: A very deep and broad understanding of the basics of nursing. Demonstrates excellent data structuring and analytical grip.
Application: Apply knowledge creatively and expertly as well as to challenging situations. Demonstrate a strong ability to combine theoretical knowledge with practical nursing practice.
Overall: The answer is comprehensive, carefully reasoned, and embodies excellent analytical and reflective skills.
02.12.2023 - 14.01.2024
01.01.2024 - 23.04.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
7 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Emergency Care, Public Health Nursing and Midwifery
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing
- Hanna Koivikko
- Jaana Koskela
- Nita Björklöf
Students will
• Understand the key concepts of nursing
• Acknowledge the values, principles and key concepts that steer nursing
• Acknowledge the principles of professional interaction and cooperation
• Know how to apply the nursing process in decision-making and documentation
• Know how to apply the national documentation model of nursing in nursing documentation
• Acknowledge the key principles of patient safety
• Be able to ensure that patient safety is realized in their own operations and those of the work community
• Know how to determine patients’ resources and need for care and determine the needs and objectives of care, as well as to plan and provide key nursing assistance methods to promote the resources of customers/patients
• Understand the principles of aseptic techniques, ergonomics, pain and treatment of chronic wounds and be able to apply the acquired knowledge in nursing
• Know how to assess the need for urgent care in a systematic manner and be able to act in situations where emergency care is needed
• Understand the principles and have the ability to act as a nurse in the context of encountering death
• Know the meaning of care-related infections and the management of infection risks
• Understand the meaning of hand hygiene, use of protective devices, a safe care environment
• Know the basics of microbiology and the meaning of immunity and the defence system
• Be familiar with the knowledge base and purpose of vaccination
• Key concepts of nursing
• Values, principles and key concepts that steer nursing
• Professional interaction and clear communications
• Nursing process, decision-making in nursing and documentation in nursing
• The basics of patient safety and arranging a safe treatment environment
• Information security and data protection
• Aseptic techniques, infection prevention, hand hygiene, precautions and isolation arrangements
• Ergonomic working and assisting in patient’s mobility
• Patient monitoring
• Assisting in daily activities
• Common methods of assisting and treatment methods required in nursing
• Tissue integrity, prevention of bedsores and treatment of chronic wounds
• Pain assessment and unmedicated pain management methods
• First aid and basic resuscitation
• Key terminology
• Immunity and immunization, management of infection risks and hygiene recommendations
• The most common care-related infections and the microbes causing them
Evaluation scale
02.12.2022 - 22.01.2023
01.01.2023 - 31.07.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
7 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing
- Heli Aarnio
- Jaana Koskela
- Nita Björklöf
- Sonja Sahla
Students will
• Understand the key concepts of nursing
• Acknowledge the values, principles and key concepts that steer nursing
• Acknowledge the principles of professional interaction and cooperation
• Know how to apply the nursing process in decision-making and documentation
• Know how to apply the national documentation model of nursing in nursing documentation
• Acknowledge the key principles of patient safety
• Be able to ensure that patient safety is realized in their own operations and those of the work community
• Know how to determine patients’ resources and need for care and determine the needs and objectives of care, as well as to plan and provide key nursing assistance methods to promote the resources of customers/patients
• Understand the principles of aseptic techniques, ergonomics, pain and treatment of chronic wounds and be able to apply the acquired knowledge in nursing
• Know how to assess the need for urgent care in a systematic manner and be able to act in situations where emergency care is needed
• Understand the principles and have the ability to act as a nurse in the context of encountering death
• Know the meaning of care-related infections and the management of infection risks
• Understand the meaning of hand hygiene, use of protective devices, a safe care environment
• Know the basics of microbiology and the meaning of immunity and the defence system
• Be familiar with the knowledge base and purpose of vaccination
• Key concepts of nursing
• Values, principles and key concepts that steer nursing
• Professional interaction and clear communications
• Nursing process, decision-making in nursing and documentation in nursing
• The basics of patient safety and arranging a safe treatment environment
• Information security and data protection
• Aseptic techniques, infection prevention, hand hygiene, precautions and isolation arrangements
• Ergonomic working and assisting in patient’s mobility
• Patient monitoring
• Assisting in daily activities
• Common methods of assisting and treatment methods required in nursing
• Tissue integrity, prevention of bedsores and treatment of chronic wounds
• Pain assessment and unmedicated pain management methods
• First aid and basic resuscitation
• Key terminology
• Immunity and immunization, management of infection risks and hygiene recommendations
• The most common care-related infections and the microbes causing them
Evaluation scale