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Master of Engineering, Health Technology: YTERIS24

Code: YTERIS24

Master of Engineering

Degree title:
Insinööri (ylempi AMK), Master of Engineering

60 ects

1.5 years (60 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2024

Teaching language:


Study objectives:

The Master's Degree Programme in Construction is part of Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS) Master School. TUAS Master School brings together all TUAS Master’s degree programmes in the fields of Business, Culture, Healthcare and Social Services, and Technology. It gives the students an excellent opportunity to create new networks with other experts beyond fields, both in Finland and globally. The School of Leadership Excellence students study and acquire skills and competences needed as a business leader and manager, whereas in the School of Professional Excellence the focus is on developing into a specialist in the selected discipline.

After completing the degree students will be able to implement regulatory demands in the development of health technology as well as to utilize the methods of service design and user-centric design. Students are able to create a requirement analysis and usability assessment for a health technology product. Students are able to create an implementation plan and assess the benefits and suitability of health technology to an organization´s needs.

More about the language of instruction:

The primary language of instruction is Finnish, but a substantial part of vocational studies is implemented in English. The operating environment is international and students of the international degree programme as well as exchange students participate in the courses.

Study contents:

Studies concentrate on the special features of medical device development such as regulatory demands. Moreover, students learn the basics of service design and user-centric design and are able to utilize that in the development of new health technology innovations. Students will familiarize themselves with utilization of health technology in the social and healthcare sector and learn how to create a requirement analysis and usability assessment. Besides that, the studies consist of how to implement new technology. i

Structure of studies:

The extent of the Master’s degree in Health Technology is 60 ECTS and the duration is 1.5 years. The degree title is a Master of Engineering.

The studies consist of
• advanced studies (core competence) 20 ECTS
• elective studies (complementary competence) 10 ECTS
• Master’s thesis 30 ECTS

Advanced studies extend the student’s previous studies and consist of methodological and professional studies. The scope of an advanced study course is 5 ECTS and it is typically accompanied by two contact days.

With elective studies, the student can expand his/her skills by incorporating studies from his/her own programme, other TUAS Master’s programmes or from the Master’s programmes of other universities. There are also elective studies offered fully online available

Final project:

A central part of the Master's studies is the Master’s thesis. The thesis work starts already at the beginning of the studies and it is carried out as a working life oriented development project. The thesis will not only develop your knowledge and skills in a certain study field and specific topic but also gives you the possibility to enhance your skills of leading teams and workgroups. Health technology has its own research group.

Career opportunities:

Master degree engineers often will be employed after graduation to assignments that require technical knowledge, its development and application. Master degree engineers in health technology often are employed in R&D assignments in health technology companies or expert assignments in social and healthcare organizations.


The Master's degree in engineering is a university degree that gives the same eligibility for public positions and duties as, for example, a university degree at a university.


Internationalization starts with the student's own needs according to the task image. An international perspective can be connected with the thesis, for example by participating in an international conference or seminar in the field. An international perspective also contributes to the development of language skills. Much of the source material for study courses and learning assignments comes from international scientific and professional sources.

Co-operation with other parties:

The Master's degree programme on Health technology is planned and implemented together with the working life. The working life connection is primarily made up of the student, the student's workplace and education. The interaction between students working in different positions plays an important role in the development of professional skills and the creation of collaborative networks. A central part of the Master's studies is the Master’s thesis. The thesis work starts already in the beginning of the studies and it is carried out as a working life oriented development project. The thesis will not only develop your knowledge and skills in a certain study field and specific topic but also gives you the possibility to enhance your skills of leading teams and workgroups.

Within the framework of flexible studies, the student can participate, for example, in the courses organised by the University of Turku or Åbo Akademi University and include them in his/her degree. The student can also take advantage of CampusOnline, which offers the selection of joint online courses by Finnish universities of applied sciences.

Research focus:

The health technology research group explores and creates human-centric applications, information systems, and operational processes that support the life quality, well-being, health and functioning of citizens. In the health tech laboratory, solutions for personalized healthcare and patient monitoring are being developed as well as usability testing and assessments for health technology products.

Postgraduate study opportunities:

A Master’s degree awarded by a university of applied sciences provides eligibility for further academic studies (Licentiate, Doctor) as well as for applying for professional teacher education. However, the receiving faculty always determines its own admission criteria and may require e.g. supplementary studies. Their purpose is to ensure that the student's starting level meets the requirements specifically from the point of view of academic research.


After completing the programme, the student is able to:
· Analyse the health technology field and understand the special features of its R&D and business
· Implement regulatory demands, recommendations, and laws in the development of medical devices
· Implement service design principles and user-centered design in health technology development
· Create a requirement analysis for a health technology product
· Create an implementation plan for health technology
· Assess the benefits and adaptability of health technology to an organization's needs


The studies are realised as multiform learning, and there are primarily two days of contact teaching per month. The studies have been planned to be conducted alongside work, and their duration is about 1,5 years, but flexible solutions also support faster completion. In the early stages of studying, the student drafts a personal ISP and a thesis realisation plan.

Further information

The objectives for skill levels in a master’s degree are based on the legislation concerning universities of applied sciences and the European Qualification Framework (EQF). The level corresponding to a master’s degree is level 7. The study evaluation criteria are described in the implementation plan of each course. Criteria are varying depending on different objectives, contents, and implementation models.

Select timing, structure or classification view

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2024-2025 2025-2026 Autumn 2024 Spring 2025 Autumn 2025 1. / 2024 2. / 2024 3. / 2025 4. / 2025 5. / 2025 1. / 2025 2. / 2025

(Choose all)

Planning for the Future

(Choose all)

MS00BP40 Future Operating Environments 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
MS00BP16 Research and Development Methods 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Health Technology Development

(Choose all)

MS00BR15 Health Technology Product Development 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
MS00BR16 Health Technology Implementation and Usage 5 5 5 1.7 1.7 1.7

(Choose 10)

Optional Studies

(Choose ects: 10)

10 10 10 3.3 3.3 3.3

(Choose all)

MS00BP41 Master's Thesis 30 10 20 5 5 20 2.5 2.5 1.7 1.7 1.7 10 10
Total 60 30 20 20 10 20 10 10 3.37 3.37 3.37 10 10

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Code Name Credits (cr)

(Choose all)

Planning for the Future

(Choose all)

MS00BP40 Future Operating Environments 5
MS00BP16 Research and Development Methods 5
Health Technology Development

(Choose all)

MS00BR15 Health Technology Product Development 5
MS00BR16 Health Technology Implementation and Usage 5

(Choose 10)

Optional Studies

(Choose ects: 10)


(Choose all)

MS00BP41 Master's Thesis 30