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Ship Diesel Electric Power PlantsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: MS00BP27


5 op


After completing the course, the student is able to:
• Analyse, why we should even consider electric propulsion.
• Recognize main components of diesel-electric machinery including main dimensions and weights.
• Go through the design process of machinery system, mainly on propulsion system.
• Is familiar with the details of major components such as main engine, transmission, propulsion, motors etc.
• Understands the economic aspects of diesel-electric machinery and the importance of operation profile.


1. Why to consider electric propulsion for ship
2. Electric power train basics
3. Design flow on electric propulsion
4. Choice of power plant engines, properties and configurations
5. Choice of power transmission
6. Choice of propulsor
7. Choice of propulsion motor and their specific properties
8. Choice of main switchboard application and converter for propulsion motor control
9. Principles on economy of electric propulsion
10. Regulations, dimensioning and arrangement related aspect