Nursing in Serious Illness and Palliative CareLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: TH00CK57
5 op
The course includes 2 ETCS of studies in English
• understands cancer as a disease and identifies factors affecting cancer prevention and early detection.
• can explain the clinical pathway and key concepts of palliative care and terminal care as well as the relationships between them and apply this knowledge in their work.
• understands the methods of helping, examination and treatment of seriously ill patients and is able to plan, assess and document palliative and humane nursing.
• is able to comprehensively encounter, support and guide the individual needs of patients and their families and friends and to utilise presence as a method of assistance.
• recognises their attitudes towards an incurable illness and death
• knows how to work in a way that promotes patient safety.
• understands the importance of lifelong learning in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of patient care, including development and research project work.
• knows how to work in a multiprofessional team to support the patient's self-treatment and to use different guidance methods and evidence-based information.
• develops their professional skills in teamwork and in different networks while understanding the importance of lifelong learning
• demonstrates initiative and self-management skills in nursing and understanding in the contents of nursing.
• Cancer, cancer prevention and the clinical pathway of cancer patients
• Basics of palliative care, care policies and restrictions, proactive treatment plan
• Nursing a seriously ill patient
• Comprehensive support and guidance of patients and their families and friends
• Patient and occupational safety
• Recording and reporting of treatment
• Multiprofessional team and group work and self-reflection
• Interaction and encounters
First-semester theoretical studies as well as theoretical studies in medical surgical nursing and at least 2 traineeships (Basics of nursing, internship in Nursing of Medical Surgical Patients 1 and/or 2)
02.12.2024 - 24.03.2025
24.03.2025 - 27.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Anne-Mari Seppälä
- Johanna Kero
The course includes 2 ETCS of studies in English
• understands cancer as a disease and identifies factors affecting cancer prevention and early detection.
• can explain the clinical pathway and key concepts of palliative care and terminal care as well as the relationships between them and apply this knowledge in their work.
• understands the methods of helping, examination and treatment of seriously ill patients and is able to plan, assess and document palliative and humane nursing.
• is able to comprehensively encounter, support and guide the individual needs of patients and their families and friends and to utilise presence as a method of assistance.
• recognises their attitudes towards an incurable illness and death
• knows how to work in a way that promotes patient safety.
• understands the importance of lifelong learning in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of patient care, including development and research project work.
• knows how to work in a multiprofessional team to support the patient's self-treatment and to use different guidance methods and evidence-based information.
• develops their professional skills in teamwork and in different networks while understanding the importance of lifelong learning
• demonstrates initiative and self-management skills in nursing and understanding in the contents of nursing.
• Cancer, cancer prevention and the clinical pathway of cancer patients
• Basics of palliative care, care policies and restrictions, proactive treatment plan
• Nursing a seriously ill patient
• Comprehensive support and guidance of patients and their families and friends
• Patient and occupational safety
• Recording and reporting of treatment
• Multiprofessional team and group work and self-reflection
• Interaction and encounters
- Materials in Itslearning
- Huovinen, A. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro, Helsinki: Syöpää sairastavan hoitotyö and Verisairauksien hoitotyö, pages 732-882.
Teaching methods
- Contact teaching
- Seminar work
- Preclinical practice
- Simulation
- Independent work
- Reflection
- Online discussion
- Tests and Exam
International connections
The course takes into account, for example.
Ecological sustainability:
Waste reduction: students will learn how to recycle and reduce pharmaceutical waste and use environmentally friendly materials.
Energy conservation: energy-efficient practices such as turning off lights and appliances when not needed will be taught.
Economic sustainability:
Resource management: students learn to think about nursing and nursing unit resources in an efficient and economical way that reduces costs and improves quality of care.
Cost-consciousness: The course will emphasise the importance of cost-effective care practices.
Social sustainability:
Patient wellbeing: students will learn how to support the holistic wellbeing of patients, including emotional and social support.
Equality and equity: the course will discuss the importance of equal and equitable care.
Education and awareness-raising:
Students will reflect on sustainable practices in nursing.
Completion alternatives
Obligation to participate:
- Info
- Prekl. training lesson
- Seminar working
- Simulation
- Psychosocial support, talking and reflection discussion
The substitute performance will preferably take place in the same class of another group. Find this out for yourself on the Lukkarikone.
Student workload
Student workload:
- Info and lectures 7h
- Seminar work and teaching 10h
- Preclinical lesson and simulation: 8h
- Tests and exam: 35h
- Psychosocial support, talking and reflection: 4h
Content scheduling
The course runs from 24.3.-2.5.2025.
A more detailed timetable can be found on the Lukkarikone and the Itslearning platform.
Before registering for the course, please note the pre-requisites for the course:
The student must have completed the 1st semester of theory studies and the theory studies of internal medicine - surgical nursing.
The course includes 2 credits of English language studies.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
- Seminar HYL- K5
- Independent tasks and discussion area HYL/HYV
- Simulation HYL/HYV
- Pre-clinical practical lessons HYL/HYV
- Psychosocial support, talking and reflective discussion HYL/HYV
- Exam HYL - K5
- Medical assignments and tests HYV/HYL
The course is assessed numerically (T1-K5). The final grade will be the average of the marks for the seminar paper and the exam. If the average is e.g. 3,5, round up to H4. Assignments/exams returned late will reduce the grade.
First-semester theoretical studies as well as theoretical studies in medical surgical nursing and at least 2 traineeships (Basics of nursing, internship in Nursing of Medical Surgical Patients 1 and/or 2)
02.12.2024 - 10.03.2025
10.03.2025 - 18.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Isa Öhberg
- Anne-Mari Seppälä
Scheduling groups
- Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä 3 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- 1
- 2
- 3
The course includes 2 ETCS of studies in English
• understands cancer as a disease and identifies factors affecting cancer prevention and early detection.
• can explain the clinical pathway and key concepts of palliative care and terminal care as well as the relationships between them and apply this knowledge in their work.
• understands the methods of helping, examination and treatment of seriously ill patients and is able to plan, assess and document palliative and humane nursing.
• is able to comprehensively encounter, support and guide the individual needs of patients and their families and friends and to utilise presence as a method of assistance.
• recognises their attitudes towards an incurable illness and death
• knows how to work in a way that promotes patient safety.
• understands the importance of lifelong learning in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of patient care, including development and research project work.
• knows how to work in a multiprofessional team to support the patient's self-treatment and to use different guidance methods and evidence-based information.
• develops their professional skills in teamwork and in different networks while understanding the importance of lifelong learning
• demonstrates initiative and self-management skills in nursing and understanding in the contents of nursing.
• Cancer, cancer prevention and the clinical pathway of cancer patients
• Basics of palliative care, care policies and restrictions, proactive treatment plan
• Nursing a seriously ill patient
• Comprehensive support and guidance of patients and their families and friends
• Patient and occupational safety
• Recording and reporting of treatment
• Multiprofessional team and group work and self-reflection
• Interaction and encounters
- Materials in Itslearning
- Huovinen, A. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro, Helsinki: Syöpää sairastavan hoitotyö and Verisairauksien hoitotyö, pages 732-882.
Teaching methods
- Contact teaching
- Seminar work
- Small group work
- Preclinical. Internships
- Simulation
- Independent work
- Reflection
- Online discussion
- Tests and Exam
International connections
The course takes into account, for example.
Ecological sustainability:
Waste reduction: students will learn how to recycle and reduce pharmaceutical waste and use environmentally friendly materials.
Energy conservation: energy-efficient practices such as turning off lights and appliances when not needed will be taught.
Economic sustainability:
Resource management: students learn to think about nursing and nursing unit resources in an efficient and economical way that reduces costs and improves quality of care.
Cost-consciousness: The course will emphasise the importance of cost-effective care practices.
Social sustainability:
Patient wellbeing: students will learn how to support the holistic wellbeing of patients, including emotional and social support.
Equality and equity: the course will discuss the importance of equal and equitable care.
Education and awareness-raising:
Students will reflect on sustainable practices in nursing.
Completion alternatives
Obligation to participate:
- Info
- Prekl. training lesson
- Seminar working
- Simulation
- Psychosocial support, talking and reflection discussion
The substitute performance will preferably take place in the same class of another group. Find this out for yourself on the Lukkarikone.
Student workload
Student workload:
- Info and lectures 7h
- Seminar work and teaching 10h
- Preclinical lesson and simulation: 8h
- Tests and exam: 35h
- Psychosocial support, talking and reflection: 12h
Content scheduling
The course runs from 17.3.-20.4.2025
A more detailed timetable can be found on the Lukkarikone and the Itslearning platform.
Before registering for the course, please note the pre-requisites for the course:
The student must have completed the 1st semester of theory studies and the theory studies of internal medicine - surgical nursing and at least 2 internships (HOPE and SIKI1 and/or SIKI2).
The course includes 2 credits of English language studies.
The course may include international students.
Further information
Itslearning platform.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
- Seminar HYL- K5
- Independent tasks and discussion area HYL/HYV
- Simulation HYL/HYV
- Pre-clinical practical lessons HYL/HYV
- Psychosocial support, talking and reflective discussion HYL/HYV
- Exam HYL - K5
- Medical assignments and tests HYV/HYL
The course is assessed numerically (T1-K5). The final grade will be the average of the marks for the seminar paper and the exams. If the average is e.g. 3,5, round up to H4. Assignments/exams returned late will reduce the grade.
First-semester theoretical studies as well as theoretical studies in medical surgical nursing and at least 2 traineeships (Basics of nursing, internship in Nursing of Medical Surgical Patients 1 and/or 2)
02.12.2024 - 10.02.2025
10.02.2025 - 21.03.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Isa Öhberg
- Johanna Kero
The course includes 2 ETCS of studies in English
• understands cancer as a disease and identifies factors affecting cancer prevention and early detection.
• can explain the clinical pathway and key concepts of palliative care and terminal care as well as the relationships between them and apply this knowledge in their work.
• understands the methods of helping, examination and treatment of seriously ill patients and is able to plan, assess and document palliative and humane nursing.
• is able to comprehensively encounter, support and guide the individual needs of patients and their families and friends and to utilise presence as a method of assistance.
• recognises their attitudes towards an incurable illness and death
• knows how to work in a way that promotes patient safety.
• understands the importance of lifelong learning in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of patient care, including development and research project work.
• knows how to work in a multiprofessional team to support the patient's self-treatment and to use different guidance methods and evidence-based information.
• develops their professional skills in teamwork and in different networks while understanding the importance of lifelong learning
• demonstrates initiative and self-management skills in nursing and understanding in the contents of nursing.
• Cancer, cancer prevention and the clinical pathway of cancer patients
• Basics of palliative care, care policies and restrictions, proactive treatment plan
• Nursing a seriously ill patient
• Comprehensive support and guidance of patients and their families and friends
• Patient and occupational safety
• Recording and reporting of treatment
• Multiprofessional team and group work and self-reflection
• Interaction and encounters
- Materials in Itslearning
- Huovinen, A. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro, Helsinki: Syöpää sairastavan hoitotyö and Verisairauksien hoitotyö, pages 732-882.
Teaching methods
- Lectures
- Seminar and peer assessment
- Preclinical practice & Simulation
- Independent work
- Reflection
- Exam
Exam schedules
Exams will be specified according to schedules and needs.
International connections
- Seminar work and peer assessment are carried out in small groups (about 3 to 5 people).
- Independent work
- Each student participates in one preklinical practice and simulation, lasting 4 hours.
- The exam is taken independently in Itslearning at a certain time. Material is available.
Completion alternatives
Participation obligation:
- Seminar and peer review
- Simulation
- Preclinical practice
- Exam
- Reflective discussion
If you are unable to participate, notify the teacher in advance and arrange a replacement performance. The replacement performance is primarily carried out during the same hour with another group.
Student workload
Work load of a student:
-Info and lectures 13 h
-Seminar work and peer evaluation 40 h
- Preclinical practice and simulation 27h
- Preparation for the exam and taking the exam 18h
- Independent tasks and work 35h
- Reflective discussion 2h
Content scheduling
The course is conducted between February 10th to March 21st 2025.
The detailed schedule can be found on the Itslearning platform.
First-semester theoretical studies as well as theoretical studies in medical surgical nursing and at least 2 traineeships (Basics of nursing, internship in Nursing of Medical Surgical Patients 1 and/or 2).
The course includes 2 ETCS of studies in English.
• understands cancer as a disease and identifies factors affecting cancer prevention and early detection.
• can explain the clinical pathway and key concepts of palliative care and terminal care as well as the relationships between them and apply this knowledge in their work.
• understands the methods of helping, examination and treatment of seriously ill patients and is able to plan, assess and document palliative and humane nursing.
• is able to comprehensively encounter, support and guide the individual needs of patients and their families and friends and to utilise presence as a method of assistance.
• recognises their attitudes towards an incurable illness and death
• knows how to work in a way that promotes patient safety.
• understands the importance of lifelong learning in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of patient care, including development and research project work.
• knows how to work in a multiprofessional team to support the patient's self-treatment and to use different guidance methods and evidence-based information.
• develops their professional skills in teamwork and in different networks while understanding the importance of lifelong learning
• demonstrates initiative and self-management skills in nursing and understanding in the contents of nursing.
• Cancer, cancer prevention and the clinical pathway of cancer patients
• Basics of palliative care, care policies and restrictions, proactive treatment plan
• Nursing a seriously ill patient
• Comprehensive support and guidance of patients and their families and friends
• Patient and occupational safety
• Recording and reporting of treatment
• Multiprofessional team and group work and self-reflection
• Interaction and encounters
Further information
Please, contact the teacher by email.
Teacher can also inform students about matters related to the course on the Itslearning platform.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
- Seminar work FAIL - K5
- Independent tasks FAIL/PASS
- Simulation FAIL/PASS
- Preclinical practice FAIL/PASS
- Reflection discussion FAIL/PASS
- Exam FAIL-K5
The course is graded numerically (T1-K5). The final grade is the average of the seminar work and exam grades. (If the average is, for example, 3.5, it is rounded to H4)
First-semester theoretical studies as well as theoretical studies in medical surgical nursing and at least 2 traineeships (Basics of nursing, internship in Nursing of Medical Surgical Patients 1 and/or 2)
02.12.2024 - 03.02.2025
03.02.2025 - 07.03.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 36
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Anne-Mari Seppälä
- Johanna Kero
The course includes 2 ETCS of studies in English
• understands cancer as a disease and identifies factors affecting cancer prevention and early detection.
• can explain the clinical pathway and key concepts of palliative care and terminal care as well as the relationships between them and apply this knowledge in their work.
• understands the methods of helping, examination and treatment of seriously ill patients and is able to plan, assess and document palliative and humane nursing.
• is able to comprehensively encounter, support and guide the individual needs of patients and their families and friends and to utilise presence as a method of assistance.
• recognises their attitudes towards an incurable illness and death
• knows how to work in a way that promotes patient safety.
• understands the importance of lifelong learning in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of patient care, including development and research project work.
• knows how to work in a multiprofessional team to support the patient's self-treatment and to use different guidance methods and evidence-based information.
• develops their professional skills in teamwork and in different networks while understanding the importance of lifelong learning
• demonstrates initiative and self-management skills in nursing and understanding in the contents of nursing.
• Cancer, cancer prevention and the clinical pathway of cancer patients
• Basics of palliative care, care policies and restrictions, proactive treatment plan
• Nursing a seriously ill patient
• Comprehensive support and guidance of patients and their families and friends
• Patient and occupational safety
• Recording and reporting of treatment
• Multiprofessional team and group work and self-reflection
• Interaction and encounters
- Materials in Itslearning
- Huovinen, A. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro, Helsinki: Syöpää sairastavan hoitotyö and Verisairauksien hoitotyö, pages 732-882.
Teaching methods
- Contact teaching
- Seminar work
- Preclinical. Internships
- Simulation
- Independent work
- Reflection
- Exam
International connections
The course takes into account, for example.
Ecological sustainability:
Waste reduction: students will learn how to recycle and reduce pharmaceutical waste and use environmentally friendly materials.
Energy conservation: energy-efficient practices such as turning off lights and appliances when not needed will be taught.
Economic sustainability:
Resource management: students learn to think about nursing and nursing unit resources in an efficient and economical way that reduces costs and improves quality of care.
Cost-consciousness: The course will emphasise the importance of cost-effective care practices.
Social sustainability:
Patient wellbeing: students will learn how to support the holistic wellbeing of patients, including emotional and social support.
Equality and equity: the course will discuss the importance of equal and equitable care.
Education and awareness-raising:
Students will reflect on sustainable practices in nursing.
Completion alternatives
Obligation to participate:
- Info
- Prekl. training lesson
- Seminar working
- Simulation
- Psychosocial support, talking and reflection discussion
The substitute performance will preferably take place in the same class of another group. Find this out for yourself on the Lukkarikone.
Student workload
Student workload:
- Info and lectures 7h
- Seminar work and teaching 8h
- Preclinical lesson and simulation: 8h
- Psychosocial support, talking and reflection: 8h
Content scheduling
The course runs from 3.2.-7.3.2025.
A more detailed timetable can be found on the Lukkarikone and the Itslearning platform.
Before registering for the course, please note the pre-requisites for the course:
The student must have completed the 1st semester of theory studies and the theory studies of internal medicine - surgical nursing and at least 2 internships (HOPE and SIKI1 and/or SIKI2).
The course includes 2 credits of English language studies.
Further information
Itslearning platform.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
- Seminar HYL- K5
- Independent tasks HYL/HYV
- Simulation HYL/HYV
- Pre-clinical practical lessons HYL/HYV
- Psychosocial support, talking and reflective discussion HYL/HYV
- Exam HYL - K5
The course is assessed numerically (T1-K5). The final grade will be the average of the marks for the seminar paper and the exams. If the average is e.g. 3,5, round up to H4.
First-semester theoretical studies as well as theoretical studies in medical surgical nursing and at least 2 traineeships (Basics of nursing, internship in Nursing of Medical Surgical Patients 1 and/or 2)
02.12.2024 - 07.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 16.02.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
40 % Contact teaching, 60 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Isa Öhberg
- Johanna Kero
The course includes 2 ETCS of studies in English
• understands cancer as a disease and identifies factors affecting cancer prevention and early detection.
• can explain the clinical pathway and key concepts of palliative care and terminal care as well as the relationships between them and apply this knowledge in their work.
• understands the methods of helping, examination and treatment of seriously ill patients and is able to plan, assess and document palliative and humane nursing.
• is able to comprehensively encounter, support and guide the individual needs of patients and their families and friends and to utilise presence as a method of assistance.
• recognises their attitudes towards an incurable illness and death
• knows how to work in a way that promotes patient safety.
• understands the importance of lifelong learning in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of patient care, including development and research project work.
• knows how to work in a multiprofessional team to support the patient's self-treatment and to use different guidance methods and evidence-based information.
• develops their professional skills in teamwork and in different networks while understanding the importance of lifelong learning
• demonstrates initiative and self-management skills in nursing and understanding in the contents of nursing.
• Cancer, cancer prevention and the clinical pathway of cancer patients
• Basics of palliative care, care policies and restrictions, proactive treatment plan
• Nursing a seriously ill patient
• Comprehensive support and guidance of patients and their families and friends
• Patient and occupational safety
• Recording and reporting of treatment
• Multiprofessional team and group work and self-reflection
• Interaction and encounters
- Materials in Itslearning
- Huovinen, A. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro, Helsinki: Syöpää sairastavan hoitotyö and Verisairauksien hoitotyö, pages 732-882. FINNISH STUDENTS
Teaching methods
- Contact teaching
- Seminar work
- Goup work
- Preclinical practice
- Simulation
- Individual assignments
- Reflection
- Online discussion area (not exchange students)
- Tests
- Exam
Exam schedules
The task of the group is to inform teachers about any potential excessive workload.
The exam period will be agreed upon during the information session, where any possible excessive workload from assignments should be brought up.
No changes will be made to the schedules due to the challenges of class room reservations.
International connections
The course takes into account, for example.
Ecological sustainability:
Waste reduction: students will learn how to recycle and reduce pharmaceutical waste and use environmentally friendly materials.
Energy conservation: energy-efficient practices such as turning off lights and appliances when not needed will be taught.
Economic sustainability:
Resource management: students learn to think about nursing and nursing unit resources in an efficient and economical way that reduces costs and improves quality of care.
Cost-consciousness: The course will emphasise the importance of cost-effective care practices.
Social sustainability:
Patient wellbeing: students will learn how to support the holistic wellbeing of patients, including emotional and social support.
Equality and equity: the course will discuss the importance of equal and equitable care.
Education and awareness-raising:
Students will reflect on sustainable practices in nursing.
Completion alternatives
Obligation to participate:
- Info
- Preclinical practice
- Seminar work
- Simulation
- Psychosocial support, talking and reflection discussion
The substitute performance will preferably take place in the same class of another group. Find this out for yourself on the Lukkarikone.
Student workload
Student workload:
- Info and lectures 7 h (info only for exchange studetns 1 h)
- Exchange students: Visit in a palliative care unit 4 h
- Seminar work 10 h
- Preclinical practice and simulation: 8h
- Exam 2 h
- Psychosocial support, encoutering with the patient 8h (not for exchange students)
- Reflection discussion: 4 h
Exchange students: 81 h
Content scheduling
The course runs from 6.1.- 7.2.2025.
A more detailed timetable can be found on the Lukkarikone and the Itslearning platform.
Before registering for the course, please note the pre-requisites for the course:
The student must have completed the 1st semester of theory studies and the theory studies of internal medicine - surgical nursing and at least 2 internships (HOPE and SIKI1 and/or SIKI2).
The course includes 2 credits of English language studies.
The course may attend international students.
Further information
Itslearning platform.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
- Seminar HYL- K5
- Independent tasks and discussion area HYL/HYV
- Simulation HYL/HYV
- Preclinical practice HYL/HYV
- Psychosocial support, encountering with the patient and family members, and reflective discussion HYL/HYV
- Exam HYL - K5
- Medical assignments and tests HYV/HYL (only for Finnish students)
The course is assessed numerically (1-K5). The final grade will be the average of the marks for the seminar paper and the exams. If the average is e.g. 3,5, round up to H4. Assignments/exams returned late will reduce the grade.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Does not demonstrate sufficient understanding of basic concepts and course objectives.
Cannot justify or evaluate their own views and solutions.
Does not utilize scientific knowledge.
Leaves assigned tasks incomplete.
Does not understand key procedures and does not justify their choices.
Provides incorrect solutions to problems.
Does not receive or give feedback.
Does not reflect or recognize areas for improvement.
Does not recognize the values or ethical principles of the field.
Does not take responsibility for their part in group work.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Can identify, name, and define individual phenomena and basic concepts related to the course.
Utilizes professional knowledge.
Completes assigned tasks with guidance.
Knows various procedures but cannot justify choices or apply learned knowledge according to the situation.
Can selectively receive and give feedback.
Examines and evaluates matters from their own perspective.
Recognizes important values and ethical principles relevant to their field.
Takes responsibility only for their own part in group work.
Recognizes their interaction skills.
Identifies what constitutes professional behavior.
Has limited recognition of the impact of their actions on sustainable development, economy, and well-being.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Can independently choose the most suitable course of action from different options and strives to justify their choice.
Can apply knowledge, create plans, and define tasks.
Solves problems.
Actively and constructively receives and gives feedback.
Examines and evaluates matters from both their own and their community’s perspective.
Has adopted the values and ethical principles of the field and acts according to guidelines.
Acts responsibly and participates in developing their interaction and teamwork skills.
Behaves professionally.
Can describe and evaluate the impact of their actions on sustainable development, economy, and well-being.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Understands the broad concepts of the course and their cause-and-effect relationships.
Can analyze, apply, and integrate into a professional context.
Can justify their actions using scientific knowledge.
Can search for and evaluate different procedures and solution options.
Can justify their choices and experiment with new methods.
Can creatively combine solutions or develop justified action models.
Uses feedback systematically as a tool for professional growth for themselves and their community. Adjusts actions based on feedback.
Actively reflects on their own skills and the community’s operational model.
Can flexibly apply ethical principles of the field in various value conflict situations.
Works collaboratively in a responsible, committed, and constructive manner.
Develops their own and the group’s interaction, considering the requirements and needs of the community and their field.
Behaves professionally and can guide others in professional behavior.
Understands the impact of their actions on sustainable development, economy, and well-being. Can also act proactively in these areas.
Note: The higher level always includes the competencies of the lower level.
First-semester theoretical studies as well as theoretical studies in medical surgical nursing and at least 2 traineeships (Basics of nursing, internship in Nursing of Medical Surgical Patients 1 and/or 2)
06.05.2024 - 06.11.2024
04.11.2024 - 13.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Anne-Mari Seppälä
- Johanna Kero
The course includes 2 ETCS of studies in English
• understands cancer as a disease and identifies factors affecting cancer prevention and early detection.
• can explain the clinical pathway and key concepts of palliative care and terminal care as well as the relationships between them and apply this knowledge in their work.
• understands the methods of helping, examination and treatment of seriously ill patients and is able to plan, assess and document palliative and humane nursing.
• is able to comprehensively encounter, support and guide the individual needs of patients and their families and friends and to utilise presence as a method of assistance.
• recognises their attitudes towards an incurable illness and death
• knows how to work in a way that promotes patient safety.
• understands the importance of lifelong learning in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of patient care, including development and research project work.
• knows how to work in a multiprofessional team to support the patient's self-treatment and to use different guidance methods and evidence-based information.
• develops their professional skills in teamwork and in different networks while understanding the importance of lifelong learning
• demonstrates initiative and self-management skills in nursing and understanding in the contents of nursing.
• Cancer, cancer prevention and the clinical pathway of cancer patients
• Basics of palliative care, care policies and restrictions, proactive treatment plan
• Nursing a seriously ill patient
• Comprehensive support and guidance of patients and their families and friends
• Patient and occupational safety
• Recording and reporting of treatment
• Multiprofessional team and group work and self-reflection
• Interaction and encounters
- Materials in Itslearning
- Huovinen, A. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro, Helsinki: Syöpää sairastavan hoitotyö and Verisairauksien hoitotyö, pages 732-882.
Teaching methods
- Lectures
- Seminar and peer assessment
- Preclinical practice
- Simulation
- Independent work
- Reflection
- Exam
Exam schedules
Exams will be specified according to schedules and needs.
International connections
- Seminar work and peer assessment are carried out in small groups (3 to 4 people).
- Independent work
- Each student participates in one preklinical practice and simulation, lasting 4 hours.
- The exam is taken independently in Itslearning at a certain time. Material is available.
Completion alternatives
Participation obligation:
- Seminar and peer review
- Simulation
- Preclinical practice
- Reflective discussion
- Exam
If you are unable to participate, notify the teacher in advance and arrange a replacement performance. The replacement performance is primarily carried out during the same hour with another group.
Student workload
Work load of a student:
-Info and lectures 13 h
-Seminar work and peer evaluation 40 h
- Preclinical practice and simulation 27h
- Preparation for the exam and taking the exam 18h
- Independent tasks and work 35h
- Reflective discussion 2h
Content scheduling
The course is conducted between 4.11.-31.12.24.
The detailed schedule can be found on the Itslearning platform.
The course includes 2 ETCS of studies in English.
• understands cancer as a disease and identifies factors affecting cancer prevention and early detection.
• can explain the clinical pathway and key concepts of palliative care and terminal care as well as the relationships between them and apply this knowledge in their work.
• understands the methods of helping, examination and treatment of seriously ill patients and is able to plan, assess and document palliative and humane nursing.
• is able to comprehensively encounter, support and guide the individual needs of patients and their families and friends and to utilise presence as a method of assistance.
• recognises their attitudes towards an incurable illness and death
• knows how to work in a way that promotes patient safety.
• understands the importance of lifelong learning in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of patient care, including development and research project work.
• knows how to work in a multiprofessional team to support the patient's self-treatment and to use different guidance methods and evidence-based information.
• develops their professional skills in teamwork and in different networks while understanding the importance of lifelong learning
• demonstrates initiative and self-management skills in nursing and understanding in the contents of nursing.
• Cancer, cancer prevention and the clinical pathway of cancer patients
• Basics of palliative care, care policies and restrictions, proactive treatment plan
• Nursing a seriously ill patient
• Comprehensive support and guidance of patients and their families and friends
• Patient and occupational safety
• Recording and reporting of treatment
• Multiprofessional team and group work and self-reflection
• Interaction and encounters
Further information
Please, contact the teacher by email.
Teacher can also inform students about matters related to the course on the Itslearning platform.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
- Seminar work FAIL - K5
- Independent tasks FAIL/PASS
- Simulation FAIL/PASS
- Preclinical practice FAIL/PASS
- Reflection discussion FAIL/PASS
- Exam FAIL-K5
The course is graded numerically (T1-K5). The final grade is the average of the seminar work and exam grades. (If the average is, for example, 3.5, it is rounded to H4)
First-semester theoretical studies as well as theoretical studies in medical surgical nursing and at least 2 traineeships (Basics of nursing, internship in Nursing of Medical Surgical Patients 1 and/or 2)
06.05.2024 - 09.10.2024
07.10.2024 - 22.11.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Anne-Mari Seppälä
- Johanna Kero
The course includes 2 ETCS of studies in English
• understands cancer as a disease and identifies factors affecting cancer prevention and early detection.
• can explain the clinical pathway and key concepts of palliative care and terminal care as well as the relationships between them and apply this knowledge in their work.
• understands the methods of helping, examination and treatment of seriously ill patients and is able to plan, assess and document palliative and humane nursing.
• is able to comprehensively encounter, support and guide the individual needs of patients and their families and friends and to utilise presence as a method of assistance.
• recognises their attitudes towards an incurable illness and death
• knows how to work in a way that promotes patient safety.
• understands the importance of lifelong learning in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of patient care, including development and research project work.
• knows how to work in a multiprofessional team to support the patient's self-treatment and to use different guidance methods and evidence-based information.
• develops their professional skills in teamwork and in different networks while understanding the importance of lifelong learning
• demonstrates initiative and self-management skills in nursing and understanding in the contents of nursing.
• Cancer, cancer prevention and the clinical pathway of cancer patients
• Basics of palliative care, care policies and restrictions, proactive treatment plan
• Nursing a seriously ill patient
• Comprehensive support and guidance of patients and their families and friends
• Patient and occupational safety
• Recording and reporting of treatment
• Multiprofessional team and group work and self-reflection
• Interaction and encounters
- Materials in Itslearning
- Huovinen, A. ym. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro, Helsinki: Syöpää sairastavan hoitotyö and Verisairauksien hoitotyö, pages 732-882.
Teaching methods
- Lectures
- Seminar and peer assessment
- Preclinical practice
- Simulation
- Independent work
- Reflection
- Exam
Exam schedules
Exams will be specified according to schedules and needs.
International connections
- Seminar work and peer assessment are carried out in small groups (about 3 people).
- Independent work includes, in addition to preparing for lessons, a video task and related discussion in Itslearning, a palliative care online course in Oppiportti, and performing medication calculations in Itslearning.
- Each student participates in one simulation, lasting 4 hours.
- The exam is taken independently in Itslearning at a certain time. Material is available.
Completion alternatives
Participation obligation:
- Seminar and peer review
- Simulation
- Preclinical practice
- Exam
- Reflective discussion
If you are unable to participate, notify the teacher in advance and arrange a replacement performance. The replacement performance is primarily carried out during the same hour with another group.
Student workload
Work load of a student:
-Info and lectures 13 h
-Seminar work and peer evaluation 40 h
- Preclinical practice and simulation 27h
- Preparation for the exam and taking the exam 18h
- Independent tasks and work 35h
- Reflective discussion 2h
Content scheduling
The course is conducted between 7.10.-22.11.24.
The detailed schedule can be found on the Itslearning platform.
The course includes 2 ETCS of studies in English.
• understands cancer as a disease and identifies factors affecting cancer prevention and early detection.
• can explain the clinical pathway and key concepts of palliative care and terminal care as well as the relationships between them and apply this knowledge in their work.
• understands the methods of helping, examination and treatment of seriously ill patients and is able to plan, assess and document palliative and humane nursing.
• is able to comprehensively encounter, support and guide the individual needs of patients and their families and friends and to utilise presence as a method of assistance.
• recognises their attitudes towards an incurable illness and death
• knows how to work in a way that promotes patient safety.
• understands the importance of lifelong learning in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of patient care, including development and research project work.
• knows how to work in a multiprofessional team to support the patient's self-treatment and to use different guidance methods and evidence-based information.
• develops their professional skills in teamwork and in different networks while understanding the importance of lifelong learning
• demonstrates initiative and self-management skills in nursing and understanding in the contents of nursing.
• Cancer, cancer prevention and the clinical pathway of cancer patients
• Basics of palliative care, care policies and restrictions, proactive treatment plan
• Nursing a seriously ill patient
• Comprehensive support and guidance of patients and their families and friends
• Patient and occupational safety
• Recording and reporting of treatment
• Multiprofessional team and group work and self-reflection
• Interaction and encounters
Further information
Please, contact the teacher by email.
Teacher can also inform students about matters related to the course on the Itslearning platform.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
- Seminar work FAIL - K5
- Independent tasks FAIL/PASS
- Simulation FAIL/PASS
- Preclinical practice FAIL/PASS
- Reflection discussion FAIL/PASS
- Exam FAIL-K5
The course is graded numerically (T1-K5). The final grade is the average of the seminar work and exam grades. (If the average is, for example, 3.5, it is rounded to H4)
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Does not demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the basic concepts and objectives of the course.
Not able to justify or evaluate their own views and solutions.
Not taking advantage of scientific knowledge.
Failing to complete assigned tasks.
Does not know the key operating methods and does not justify their choices.
Improper solutions to problems.
Does not receive or give feedback.
Does not reflect or identify its development targets.
Does not recognize industry values or ethical principles.
Does not take responsibility for his or her part in the group's work.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Is able to identify, name and define individual phenomena and basic concepts related to the course.
Utilizes professional knowledge.
Performs assigned tasks as directed.
Knows different ways of working, but cannot justify his choices or apply what he has learned according to the situation.
Can receive and give feedback selectively.
He looks at and evaluates things from his own point of view.
Identifies values and ethical principles important to one's own field.
Take responsibility only for their part in group work
Recognize their interaction skills.
Identify what professional behavior is.
Limitedly recognizes the impacts of their own actions on sustainable development, economy and well-being.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Structures the relationships between phenomena and concepts associated with the course of study.
Can explain, compare and structure things in relation to each other.
Utilizes not only professional knowledge but also some scientific knowledge.
Be able to independently choose the most suitable course of action from different options and try to justify their choice.
Is able to apply, draw up plans and delineate tasks.
Solves problems.
Is able to receive and give feedback actively and constructively.
Examines and evaluates matters from both one's own and the immediate community's point of view.
Has adopted the values and ethical principles of the field and acts in accordance with the guidelines.
Be able to act responsibly and participate in the development of their interaction and group work skills.
Behave professionally.
Is able to describe and evaluate the impacts of my own actions on sustainable development, economy and well-being.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Understands the wide-ranging entities of the course and the cause-effect relationships between them.
Be able to analyze, apply and combine in a professional context.
Can justify their actions using scientific knowledge.
Is able to search for and evaluate different methods and solutions.
Be able to justify their choices and try new ways of working.
Be able to combine solutions creatively or create justified operating models.
Systematically uses feedback as a tool for professional growth for themselves and their community. Change their actions based on feedback.
Is able to actively reflect on their own competence and the operating model of the community.
Is able to flexibly apply the ethical principles of the field in various conflict of values situations.
Collaborate responsibly, committed and constructively.
To develop one's own and the group's interaction, taking into account the requirements and needs of the community and one's own field.
Behaves professionally and is able to guide others in professional behavior.
Understand the impact of its operations on sustainable development, economy and the promotion of well-being. They can also act in anticipation of this
First-semester theoretical studies as well as theoretical studies in medical surgical nursing and at least 2 traineeships (Basics of nursing, internship in Nursing of Medical Surgical Patients 1 and/or 2)
06.05.2024 - 31.10.2024
07.10.2024 - 03.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Anne-Mari Seppälä
- Johanna Kero
The course includes 2 ETCS of studies in English
• understands cancer as a disease and identifies factors affecting cancer prevention and early detection.
• can explain the clinical pathway and key concepts of palliative care and terminal care as well as the relationships between them and apply this knowledge in their work.
• understands the methods of helping, examination and treatment of seriously ill patients and is able to plan, assess and document palliative and humane nursing.
• is able to comprehensively encounter, support and guide the individual needs of patients and their families and friends and to utilise presence as a method of assistance.
• recognises their attitudes towards an incurable illness and death
• knows how to work in a way that promotes patient safety.
• understands the importance of lifelong learning in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of patient care, including development and research project work.
• knows how to work in a multiprofessional team to support the patient's self-treatment and to use different guidance methods and evidence-based information.
• develops their professional skills in teamwork and in different networks while understanding the importance of lifelong learning
• demonstrates initiative and self-management skills in nursing and understanding in the contents of nursing.
• Cancer, cancer prevention and the clinical pathway of cancer patients
• Basics of palliative care, care policies and restrictions, proactive treatment plan
• Nursing a seriously ill patient
• Comprehensive support and guidance of patients and their families and friends
• Patient and occupational safety
• Recording and reporting of treatment
• Multiprofessional team and group work and self-reflection
• Interaction and encounters
- Materials in Itslearning
- Huovinen, A. ym. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro, Helsinki: Syöpää sairastavan hoitotyö and Verisairauksien hoitotyö, pages 732-882.
Teaching methods
- Lectures
- Seminar and peer assessment
- Preclinical practice
- Simulation
- Independent work
- Reflection
- Exam
Exam schedules
Exams will be specified according to schedules and needs.
International connections
- Seminar work and peer assessment are carried out in small groups (about 5 people).
- Independent work
- Each student participates in one pre-clinical practise and simulation, lasting 4 hours both.
- The exam is taken independently in Itslearning at a certain time. Material is available.
Completion alternatives
Participation obligation:
- Seminar and peer review
- Simulation
- Preclinical practice
- Exam
If you are unable to participate, notify the teacher in advance and arrange a replacement performance. The replacement performance is primarily carried out during the same hour with another group.
Student workload
Work load of a student:
-Info and lectures 13 h
-Seminar work and peer evaluation 40 h
- Preclinical practice and simulation 27h
- Preparation for the exam and taking the exam 20h
- Independent tasks and work 35h
Content scheduling
The course is conducted between 7.10- 3.12. .24.
The detailed schedule can be found on the Itslearning platform.
The course includes 2 ETCS of studies in English.
• understands cancer as a disease and identifies factors affecting cancer prevention and early detection.
• can explain the clinical pathway and key concepts of palliative care and terminal care as well as the relationships between them and apply this knowledge in their work.
• understands the methods of helping, examination and treatment of seriously ill patients and is able to plan, assess and document palliative and humane nursing.
• is able to comprehensively encounter, support and guide the individual needs of patients and their families and friends and to utilise presence as a method of assistance.
• recognises their attitudes towards an incurable illness and death
• knows how to work in a way that promotes patient safety.
• understands the importance of lifelong learning in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of patient care, including development and research project work.
• knows how to work in a multiprofessional team to support the patient's self-treatment and to use different guidance methods and evidence-based information.
• develops their professional skills in teamwork and in different networks while understanding the importance of lifelong learning
• demonstrates initiative and self-management skills in nursing and understanding in the contents of nursing.
• Cancer, cancer prevention and the clinical pathway of cancer patients
• Basics of palliative care, care policies and restrictions, proactive treatment plan
• Nursing a seriously ill patient
• Comprehensive support and guidance of patients and their families and friends
• Patient and occupational safety
• Recording and reporting of treatment
• Multiprofessional team and group work and self-reflection
• Interaction and encounters
Further information
Please, contact the teacher by email.
Teacher can also inform students about matters related to the course on the Itslearning platform.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
- Independent tasks FAIL/PASS
- Seminar work FAIL - K5
- Preclinical practice FAIL/PASS
- Simulation FAIL/PASS
-Reflection FAIL/PASS
- Exam FAIL-K5
The course is graded numerically (T1-K5). The final grade is the average of the seminar work and exam grades. (If the average is, for example, 3.5, it is rounded to H4)
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Does not demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the basic concepts and objectives of the course.
Not able to justify or evaluate their own views and solutions.
Not taking advantage of scientific knowledge.
Failing to complete assigned tasks.
Does not know the key operating methods and does not justify their choices.
Improper solutions to problems.
Does not receive or give feedback.
Does not reflect or identify its development targets.
Does not recognize industry values or ethical principles.
Does not take responsibility for his or her part in the group's work.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Is able to identify, name and define individual phenomena and basic concepts related to the course.
Utilizes professional knowledge.
Performs assigned tasks as directed.
Knows different ways of working, but cannot justify his choices or apply what he has learned according to the situation.
Can receive and give feedback selectively.
He looks at and evaluates things from his own point of view.
Identifies values and ethical principles important to one's own field.
Take responsibility only for their part in group work
Recognize their interaction skills.
Identify what professional behavior is.
Limitedly recognizes the impacts of their own actions on sustainable development, economy and well-being.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Structures the relationships between phenomena and concepts associated with the course of study.
Can explain, compare and structure things in relation to each other.
Utilizes not only professional knowledge but also some scientific knowledge.
Be able to independently choose the most suitable course of action from different options and try to justify their choice.
Is able to apply, draw up plans and delineate tasks.
Solves problems.
Is able to receive and give feedback actively and constructively.
Examines and evaluates matters from both one's own and the immediate community's point of view.
Has adopted the values and ethical principles of the field and acts in accordance with the guidelines.
Be able to act responsibly and participate in the development of their interaction and group work skills.
Behave professionally.
Is able to describe and evaluate the impacts of my own actions on sustainable development, economy and well-being.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Understands the wide-ranging entities of the course and the cause-effect relationships between them.
Be able to analyze, apply and combine in a professional context.
Can justify their actions using scientific knowledge.
Is able to search for and evaluate different methods and solutions.
Be able to justify their choices and try new ways of working.
Be able to combine solutions creatively or create justified operating models.
Systematically uses feedback as a tool for professional growth for themselves and their community. Change their actions based on feedback.
Is able to actively reflect on their own competence and the operating model of the community.
Is able to flexibly apply the ethical principles of the field in various conflict of values situations.
Collaborate responsibly, committed and constructively.
To develop one's own and the group's interaction, taking into account the requirements and needs of the community and one's own field.
Behaves professionally and is able to guide others in professional behavior.
Understand the impact of its operations on sustainable development, economy and the promotion of well-being. They can also act in anticipation of this
First-semester theoretical studies as well as theoretical studies in medical surgical nursing and at least 2 traineeships (Basics of nursing, internship in Nursing of Medical Surgical Patients 1 and/or 2)
02.07.2024 - 15.09.2024
07.10.2024 - 10.11.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Jenni Suominen
The course includes 2 ETCS of studies in English
• understands cancer as a disease and identifies factors affecting cancer prevention and early detection.
• can explain the clinical pathway and key concepts of palliative care and terminal care as well as the relationships between them and apply this knowledge in their work.
• understands the methods of helping, examination and treatment of seriously ill patients and is able to plan, assess and document palliative and humane nursing.
• is able to comprehensively encounter, support and guide the individual needs of patients and their families and friends and to utilise presence as a method of assistance.
• recognises their attitudes towards an incurable illness and death
• knows how to work in a way that promotes patient safety.
• understands the importance of lifelong learning in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of patient care, including development and research project work.
• knows how to work in a multiprofessional team to support the patient's self-treatment and to use different guidance methods and evidence-based information.
• develops their professional skills in teamwork and in different networks while understanding the importance of lifelong learning
• demonstrates initiative and self-management skills in nursing and understanding in the contents of nursing.
• Cancer, cancer prevention and the clinical pathway of cancer patients
• Basics of palliative care, care policies and restrictions, proactive treatment plan
• Nursing a seriously ill patient
• Comprehensive support and guidance of patients and their families and friends
• Patient and occupational safety
• Recording and reporting of treatment
• Multiprofessional team and group work and self-reflection
• Interaction and encounters
Evaluation scale
First-semester theoretical studies as well as theoretical studies in medical surgical nursing and at least 2 traineeships (Basics of nursing, internship in Nursing of Medical Surgical Patients 1 and/or 2)