Lean-ajattelu ja periaatteetLaajuus (5 op)
Tunnus: TE00BY67
5 op
After the course students:
- know the history and background of Lean
- know the five principles in Lean thinking and how they are utilized in work environment
- understand how some central tools can be used as aim in implementing Lean philosophy
- understand how Lean can help improve processes and benefit the cost effectiveness of a company or service
- understand how Lean can facilitate a positive company culture and increase team work
- Toyota Production System (TPS), Lean, Lean (six) Sigma, Agile
- Customer centric approach, added value, waste, value stream mapping, one-piece flow, pull system, visualization, process mapping, 5S
- Lean leadership, Lean culture, Continuous improvement
04.09.2023 - 12.12.2023
04.12.2023 - 31.03.2024
5 op
Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta
- Suomi
- Bio- ja kemiantekniikan koulutus
- Sari Airenne
OSLELAS23Lean ja laatu kehitystyössä osaajakoulutus
After the course students:
- know the history and background of Lean
- know the five principles in Lean thinking and how they are utilized in work environment
- understand how some central tools can be used as aim in implementing Lean philosophy
- understand how Lean can help improve processes and benefit the cost effectiveness of a company or service
- understand how Lean can facilitate a positive company culture and increase team work
- Toyota Production System (TPS), Lean, Lean (six) Sigma, Agile
- Customer centric approach, added value, waste, value stream mapping, one-piece flow, pull system, visualization, process mapping, 5S
- Lean leadership, Lean culture, Continuous improvement
Materials are provided in ItsLearning platform.
Independent learning and exercises (on-line)
Reading group activity
Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet
Grading will be based on several assignments.
Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys
Independent learning and exercises
Reading group activity (group work)
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
On-line videos and lectures
Independent learning – videos and articles
Independent exercises
Quizzes both after modules and a final one
Reading group activity
Total, average student work is about 133h.
Sisällön jaksotus
The aim of this course is to give a comprehensive introduction to both theory and practical applications of Lean.
The materials offered on the Itslearning platform are mainly in English.
Step 1 – Lean Basics. It introduces some of the concepts and gives examples and illustrations on how broadly Lean is applicable in different environments.
Step 2 – Principles of Lean – goes more deeply into different concepts and applications of Lean.
Contact day: 12.12 (on-line)
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
The grade of this course will be based on points in the multiple choice assignments and that student have completed the given tasks and assignments by deadline.
The final course grade will be an average of the grades of all passed assignments.
Reading group activity need to be approved.
01.12.2021 - 15.01.2022
02.03.2022 - 30.06.2022
5 op
Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta
Kupittaan kampus
- Suomi
- Englanti
- Lean ja laatu kehitystyössä korkeakouludiplomi
- Janne Siivonen
- Sari Airenne
DLELAK22Lean ja laatu kehitystyössä korkeakouludiplomi
After the course students:
- know the history and background of Lean
- know the five principles in Lean thinking and how they are utilized in work environment
- understand how some central tools can be used as aim in implementing Lean philosophy
- understand how Lean can help improve processes and benefit the cost effectiveness of a company or service
- understand how Lean can facilitate a positive company culture and increase team work
- Toyota Production System (TPS), Lean, Lean (six) Sigma, Agile
- Customer centric approach, added value, waste, value stream mapping, one-piece flow, pull system, visualization, process mapping, 5S
- Lean leadership, Lean culture, Continuous improvement
Materials are provided in ItsLearning platform
Independent learning and exercises (on-line)
Lean learning game
Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet
Grading will be based on several assignments.
Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys
Independent learning and exercises
Lean learning game
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
On-line videos and lectures
Independent learning – videos and articles
Independent exercises
Quizzes both after modules and a final one
Learning diary with specific questions
Lean learning game
Independent learning and contact days: 2.3 (on-line) and 18.3 or 23.3
Sisällön jaksotus
The aim of this course is to give a comprehensive introduction to both theory and practical applications of Lean.
Step 1 – Lean Basics. It introduces some of the concepts and gives examples and illustrations on how broadly Lean is applicable in different environments.
Step 2 – Principles of Lean – goes more deeply into different concepts and applications of Lean.
Contact days: 3.3 (on-line) and 16.3 or 23.3 (on campus)
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
The grade of this course will be based on points in the multiple choice assignments and that student have completed the given tasks and assignments by deadline.
The final course grade will be an average of the grades of all passed assignments.
If the student has failed to pass one or several of the five assignments there will be an additional assignment of the whole course.