Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Tutkimuspajat kiertotaloudestaLaajuus (10 op)

Tunnus: TE00BQ93


10 op


Tutkimuspajassa (Research Hatchery, REHA) oppimista tapahtuu eri tavoin: itseopiskelun ja ohjaamisen kautta mutta myös vertaisoppimalla. Tutkimuspaja on joustava opiskelutapa, joka ei tarjoa valmiita vastauksia vaan motivoi työskentelemään kohti päämääriä ja opettaa ottamaan vastuuta.

REHAssa opiskelija substanssin lisäksi pääsee kehittämään innovaatiokompetenssejaan: luovuutta, kriittistä ajattelua, aloitteellisuutta, ryhmätyöskentekyä ja verkostoitumista.


Tutkimuspaja on Turun ammattikorkeakoulussa kehitetty tutkivan oppimisen menetelmä, jossa eri alojen opiskelijoista muodostettu tiimi lähtee ratkomaan työelämälähtöistä, kiertotalouteen liittyvää toimeksiantoa. Toimeksianto ja tutkimuspajan tarve voi nousta myös TKI-hankkeesta tai opiskelijalta itseltään. Tutkimuspajaa vetävät ohjaajat, TKI-hankkeiden työntekijät ja opiskelijatuutorit. Tutkimuspajaa voidaan soveltaa niin suuriin
monivuotisiin kehittämishankkeisiin kuin lyhytkestoisiin ja pienimuotoisiin tutkimuksiin.

Pajan aikana opiskelijat saattavat toimeksiannosta riippuen tehdä vertaiskehittämistä tai selvitystyötä, haastatella asiantuntijoita, käydä vierailuilla tai tehdä tutkimusta. He tapaavat ohjaajaa säännöllisissä tapaamisissa. Lisäksi opiskelijat tapaavat toisiaan itseohjautuvasti ja säännöllisesti (ilman ohjaajaa), joko kasvokkain tai esimerkiksi verkkokokouksena. Tapaamiset voivat olla kerran viikossa, useammin tai harvemmin toimeksiannosta riippuen.


Ei edeltävyysehtoja. Sopii kaikkien alojen opiskelijoille.


01.12.2024 - 21.01.2025


22.01.2025 - 30.04.2025


2 - 10


1 op


10 op


90 % Lähiopetus, 10 % Etäopetus


Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta


Kupittaan kampus

  • Englanti

2 - 12

  • Energia- ja ympäristötekniikan koulutus
  • Piia Nurmi


Tutkimuspajassa (Research Hatchery, REHA) oppimista tapahtuu eri tavoin: itseopiskelun ja ohjaamisen kautta mutta myös vertaisoppimalla. Tutkimuspaja on joustava opiskelutapa, joka ei tarjoa valmiita vastauksia vaan motivoi työskentelemään kohti päämääriä ja opettaa ottamaan vastuuta.

REHAssa opiskelija substanssin lisäksi pääsee kehittämään innovaatiokompetenssejaan: luovuutta, kriittistä ajattelua, aloitteellisuutta, ryhmätyöskentekyä ja verkostoitumista.


Tutkimuspaja on Turun ammattikorkeakoulussa kehitetty tutkivan oppimisen menetelmä, jossa eri alojen opiskelijoista muodostettu tiimi lähtee ratkomaan työelämälähtöistä, kiertotalouteen liittyvää toimeksiantoa. Toimeksianto ja tutkimuspajan tarve voi nousta myös TKI-hankkeesta tai opiskelijalta itseltään. Tutkimuspajaa vetävät ohjaajat, TKI-hankkeiden työntekijät ja opiskelijatuutorit. Tutkimuspajaa voidaan soveltaa niin suuriin
monivuotisiin kehittämishankkeisiin kuin lyhytkestoisiin ja pienimuotoisiin tutkimuksiin.

Pajan aikana opiskelijat saattavat toimeksiannosta riippuen tehdä vertaiskehittämistä tai selvitystyötä, haastatella asiantuntijoita, käydä vierailuilla tai tehdä tutkimusta. He tapaavat ohjaajaa säännöllisissä tapaamisissa. Lisäksi opiskelijat tapaavat toisiaan itseohjautuvasti ja säännöllisesti (ilman ohjaajaa), joko kasvokkain tai esimerkiksi verkkokokouksena. Tapaamiset voivat olla kerran viikossa, useammin tai harvemmin toimeksiannosta riippuen.


ISBN 9789522167330 Inkä Mäkiö & Marketta Virta (eds.) (2019) Methods for Circular Economy Teaching – Method Guide and Tool Kit. Course Material from Turku University of Applied Sciences 125.

9789522164216 Meiju Räsänen & Annariikka Kyllönen (eds.) (2013) Research Hatchery as a Cradle for New Innovators – Handbook for implementation. Course Material from Turku University of Applied Sciences 84. 52 p., 2013


The Research Hatchery is a model in which a multidisciplinary team of students works to solve a circular economy related brief. The need for the brief can rise from a research, development and innovation project, from a client in work life, or from a student. Research Hatchery is led by coaches,people working in the projects and student tutors. Research Hatcheries can be applied in long lasting development projects and as well as short and smaller research projects.
The tasks completed during the project depend on the brief. They might consist of peer development, information search and analysis, the students might interview experts, make visits and conduct research. In addition, the students meet each other regularly without the coach. This can be done face-to-face or using applications. The meetings can take place once a week or less rarely, depending on the brief.

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

No exam. The grade comes from the project work.

You need to do the course tasks in time.

Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys

Innovation pedagogy. This means that in a Research Hatchery (REHA) the learning takes place in a variety of ways: by self-study but also by learning from peers. This is a flexible model for learning that does not offer straightforward answers but motivates the students to work towards goals and take responsibility of their work and learning.

All materials in a Microsoft Teams group. Students will be added there in the first start meeting

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

The only way to do the course is to take part in the group work

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

The students work on a real life topic. Students need to decide how to divide the tasks and make a project plan. Then they need to work according to the plan and solve possible challenges. Teacher is there to support the process. End result is a report and a presentation.

Students can work for the project 2-10 ects. One ects is 27h of work.
Working hours are listed by all students in a learning diary.

Sisällön jaksotus

Start meeting at Lemminkäisenkatu 30, room a160 (i.e. CE Lab learning environment room)

Other meetings as agreed within the group. The meeting can also be online.

In a Research Hatchery (REHA) the learning takes place in a variety of ways: by self-study but also by learning from peers. This is a flexible model for learning that does not offer straightforward answers but motivates the students to work towards goals and take responsibility of their work and learning.
In a REHA students learn about the substance and they also develop their innovation competences: creativity, critical thinking, initiative, group work and networking.

Viestintäkanava ja lisätietoja

Emails are the preferred means of communication.



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Self and peer assessment 30%
Teacher assessment 40%
Client assessment 30%

Hylätty (0)

Not taking part in the hatchery project.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

1. Creativity
- not able to think beyond the existing ideas, regulations, conventions or contexts
- not able to create or remodel functional alternatives, ideas, products, methods or services independent of their possible usefulness or added value
2. Critical thinking
- not able to thoroughly analyse and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of ideas taking into account the risk factors involved when they are used for this purpose
3. Initiative
- not able to actively make decisions or take action to initiate positive change
- not able to influence the actions of people creating or implementing ideas
4. Group work
- not able to work effectively with other members of a group
5. Networking
- not able to make use of cooperation with people outside the group
- a poor report with limited input. The presentation made poorly

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

1. Creativity
- starting to think beyond the existing ideas, regulations, conventions or contexts
- a little bit able to create or remodel functional alternatives, ideas, products, methods or services independent of their possible usefulness or added value
2. Critical thinking
- starting to understand how to thoroughly analyse and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of ideas taking into account the risk factors involved when they are used for this purpose
3. Initiative
- starting to actively make decisions or take action to initiate positive change
- a limited ability to influence the actions of people creating or implementing ideas
4. Group work
- starting to be able to work effectively with other members of a group
5. Networking
- limited ability to make use of cooperation with people outside the group
- a rather good report with some input. The presentation made ok

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

1. Creativity
- the ability to think well beyond the existing ideas, regulations, conventions or contexts
- the ability to create or remodel functional alternatives, ideas, products, methods or services independent of their possible usefulness or added value
2. Critical thinking
- the ability to thoroughly analyse and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of ideas taking into account the risk factors involved when they are used for this purpose
3. Initiative
- the ability to actively make decisions or take action to initiate positive change
- the ability to influence the actions of people creating or implementing ideas
4. Group work
- the ability to work effectively with other members of a group
5. Networking
- the ability to make use of cooperation with people outside the group
- a well written report with great input. A clear and well presented presentation


Ei edeltävyysehtoja. Sopii kaikkien alojen opiskelijoille.


02.09.2023 - 31.01.2024


31.01.2024 - 30.04.2024


2 - 10


10 op




Kupittaan kampus

  • Englanti

2 - 12

  • Energia- ja ympäristötekniikan koulutus
  • Piia Nurmi


Tutkimuspajassa (Research Hatchery, REHA) oppimista tapahtuu eri tavoin: itseopiskelun ja ohjaamisen kautta mutta myös vertaisoppimalla. Tutkimuspaja on joustava opiskelutapa, joka ei tarjoa valmiita vastauksia vaan motivoi työskentelemään kohti päämääriä ja opettaa ottamaan vastuuta.

REHAssa opiskelija substanssin lisäksi pääsee kehittämään innovaatiokompetenssejaan: luovuutta, kriittistä ajattelua, aloitteellisuutta, ryhmätyöskentekyä ja verkostoitumista.


Tutkimuspaja on Turun ammattikorkeakoulussa kehitetty tutkivan oppimisen menetelmä, jossa eri alojen opiskelijoista muodostettu tiimi lähtee ratkomaan työelämälähtöistä, kiertotalouteen liittyvää toimeksiantoa. Toimeksianto ja tutkimuspajan tarve voi nousta myös TKI-hankkeesta tai opiskelijalta itseltään. Tutkimuspajaa vetävät ohjaajat, TKI-hankkeiden työntekijät ja opiskelijatuutorit. Tutkimuspajaa voidaan soveltaa niin suuriin
monivuotisiin kehittämishankkeisiin kuin lyhytkestoisiin ja pienimuotoisiin tutkimuksiin.

Pajan aikana opiskelijat saattavat toimeksiannosta riippuen tehdä vertaiskehittämistä tai selvitystyötä, haastatella asiantuntijoita, käydä vierailuilla tai tehdä tutkimusta. He tapaavat ohjaajaa säännöllisissä tapaamisissa. Lisäksi opiskelijat tapaavat toisiaan itseohjautuvasti ja säännöllisesti (ilman ohjaajaa), joko kasvokkain tai esimerkiksi verkkokokouksena. Tapaamiset voivat olla kerran viikossa, useammin tai harvemmin toimeksiannosta riippuen.


ISBN 9789522167330 Inkä Mäkiö & Marketta Virta (eds.) (2019) Methods for Circular Economy Teaching – Method Guide and Tool Kit. Course Material from Turku University of Applied Sciences 125.

9789522164216 Meiju Räsänen & Annariikka Kyllönen (eds.) (2013) Research Hatchery as a Cradle for New Innovators – Handbook for implementation. Course Material from Turku University of Applied Sciences 84. 52 p., 2013


The Research Hatchery is a model in which a multidisciplinary team of students works to solve a circular economy related brief. The need for the brief can rise from a research, development and innovation project, from a client in work life, or from a student. Research Hatchery is led by coaches,people working in the projects and student tutors. Research Hatcheries can be applied in long lasting development projects and as well as short and smaller research projects.
The tasks completed during the project depend on the brief. They might consist of peer development, information search and analysis, the students might interview experts, make visits and conduct research. In addition, the students meet each other regularly without the coach. This can be done face-to-face or using applications. The meetings can take place once a week or less rarely, depending on the brief.

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

No exam. The grade comes from the project work.

You need to do the course tasks in time.

Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys

Innovation pedagogy. This means that in a Research Hatchery (REHA) the learning takes place in a variety of ways: by self-study but also by learning from peers. This is a flexible model for learning that does not offer straightforward answers but motivates the students to work towards goals and take responsibility of their work and learning.

All materials in a Microsoft Teams group. Students will be added there in the first start meeting

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

The only way to do the course is to take part in the group work

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

The students work on a real life topic. Students need to decide how to divide the tasks and make a project plan. Then they need to work according to the plan and solve possible challenges. Teacher is there to support the process. End result is a report and a presentation.

Students can work for the project 2-10 ects. One ects is 27h of work.
Working hours are listed by all students in a learning diary.

Sisällön jaksotus

Start meeting 31.1.2024 at 14.30-16.00 in Educity campus.

Other meetings as agreed within the group. The meeting can also be online.

In a Research Hatchery (REHA) the learning takes place in a variety of ways: by self-study but also by learning from peers. This is a flexible model for learning that does not offer straightforward answers but motivates the students to work towards goals and take responsibility of their work and learning.
In a REHA students learn about the substance and they also develop their innovation competences: creativity, critical thinking, initiative, group work and networking.

The Research Hatchery is a model in which a multidisciplinary team of students works to solve a circular economy related brief. The need for the brief can rise from a research, development and innovation project, from a client in work life, or from a student. Research Hatchery is led by coaches,people working in the projects and student tutors. Research Hatcheries can be applied in long lasting development projects and as well as short and smaller research projects.
The tasks completed during the project depend on the brief. They might consist of peer development, information search and analysis, the students might interview experts, make visits and conduct research. In addition, the students meet each other regularly without the coach. This can be done face-to-face or using applications. The meetings c

Viestintäkanava ja lisätietoja




Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Self and peer assessment 30%
Teacher assessment 40%
Client assessment 30%

Hylätty (0)

Not taking part in the hatchery project.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

1. Creativity
- not able to think beyond the existing ideas, regulations, conventions or contexts
- not able to create or remodel functional alternatives, ideas, products, methods or services independent of their possible usefulness or added value
2. Critical thinking
- not able to thoroughly analyse and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of ideas taking into account the risk factors involved when they are used for this purpose
3. Initiative
- not able to actively make decisions or take action to initiate positive change
- not able to influence the actions of people creating or implementing ideas
4. Group work
- not able to work effectively with other members of a group
5. Networking
- not able to make use of cooperation with people outside the group
- a poor report with limited input. The presentation made poorly

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

1. Creativity
- starting to think beyond the existing ideas, regulations, conventions or contexts
- a little bit able to create or remodel functional alternatives, ideas, products, methods or services independent of their possible usefulness or added value
2. Critical thinking
- starting to understand how to thoroughly analyse and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of ideas taking into account the risk factors involved when they are used for this purpose
3. Initiative
- starting to actively make decisions or take action to initiate positive change
- a limited ability to influence the actions of people creating or implementing ideas
4. Group work
- starting to be able to work effectively with other members of a group
5. Networking
- limited ability to make use of cooperation with people outside the group
- a rather good report with some input. The presentation made ok

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

1. Creativity
- the ability to think well beyond the existing ideas, regulations, conventions or contexts
- the ability to create or remodel functional alternatives, ideas, products, methods or services independent of their possible usefulness or added value
2. Critical thinking
- the ability to thoroughly analyse and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of ideas taking into account the risk factors involved when they are used for this purpose
3. Initiative
- the ability to actively make decisions or take action to initiate positive change
- the ability to influence the actions of people creating or implementing ideas
4. Group work
- the ability to work effectively with other members of a group
5. Networking
- the ability to make use of cooperation with people outside the group
- a well written report with great input. A clear and well presented presentation


Ei edeltävyysehtoja. Sopii kaikkien alojen opiskelijoille.


10.12.2022 - 05.02.2023


01.02.2023 - 30.04.2023


2 - 10


2 op


2 op


80 % Lähiopetus, 20 % Etäopetus


Tekniikka ja liiketoiminta


Kupittaan kampus

  • Englanti

3 - 30

  • Prosessi- ja materiaalitekniikan koulutus
  • Energia- ja ympäristötekniikan koulutus
  • Liiketalouden koulutus
  • Piia Nurmi
  • PEYTES19
    Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka s19
  • PEYTES20
    Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka s20
  • PEYTES21
    Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka S21


Tutkimuspajassa (Research Hatchery, REHA) oppimista tapahtuu eri tavoin: itseopiskelun ja ohjaamisen kautta mutta myös vertaisoppimalla. Tutkimuspaja on joustava opiskelutapa, joka ei tarjoa valmiita vastauksia vaan motivoi työskentelemään kohti päämääriä ja opettaa ottamaan vastuuta.

REHAssa opiskelija substanssin lisäksi pääsee kehittämään innovaatiokompetenssejaan: luovuutta, kriittistä ajattelua, aloitteellisuutta, ryhmätyöskentekyä ja verkostoitumista.


Tutkimuspaja on Turun ammattikorkeakoulussa kehitetty tutkivan oppimisen menetelmä, jossa eri alojen opiskelijoista muodostettu tiimi lähtee ratkomaan työelämälähtöistä, kiertotalouteen liittyvää toimeksiantoa. Toimeksianto ja tutkimuspajan tarve voi nousta myös TKI-hankkeesta tai opiskelijalta itseltään. Tutkimuspajaa vetävät ohjaajat, TKI-hankkeiden työntekijät ja opiskelijatuutorit. Tutkimuspajaa voidaan soveltaa niin suuriin
monivuotisiin kehittämishankkeisiin kuin lyhytkestoisiin ja pienimuotoisiin tutkimuksiin.

Pajan aikana opiskelijat saattavat toimeksiannosta riippuen tehdä vertaiskehittämistä tai selvitystyötä, haastatella asiantuntijoita, käydä vierailuilla tai tehdä tutkimusta. He tapaavat ohjaajaa säännöllisissä tapaamisissa. Lisäksi opiskelijat tapaavat toisiaan itseohjautuvasti ja säännöllisesti (ilman ohjaajaa), joko kasvokkain tai esimerkiksi verkkokokouksena. Tapaamiset voivat olla kerran viikossa, useammin tai harvemmin toimeksiannosta riippuen.


ISBN 9789522167330 Inkä Mäkiö & Marketta Virta (eds.) (2019) Methods for Circular Economy Teaching – Method Guide and Tool Kit. Course Material from Turku University of Applied Sciences 125.

9789522164216 Meiju Räsänen & Annariikka Kyllönen (eds.) (2013) Research Hatchery as a Cradle for New Innovators – Handbook for implementation. Course Material from Turku University of Applied Sciences 84. 52 p., 2013


The Research Hatchery is a model in which a multidisciplinary team of students works to solve a circular economy related brief. The need for the brief can rise from a research, development and innovation project, from a client in work life, or from a student. Research Hatchery is led by coaches,people working in the projects and student tutors. Research Hatcheries can be applied in long lasting development projects and as well as short and smaller research projects.
The tasks completed during the project depend on the brief. They might consist of peer development, information search and analysis, the students might interview experts, make visits and conduct research. In addition, the students meet each other regularly without the coach. This can be done face-to-face or using applications. The meetings can take place once a week or less rarely, depending on the brief.

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

No exam. The grade comes from the project work.

You need to do the course tasks in time.

Pedagogiset toimintatavat ja kestävä kehitys

Innovation pedagogy. This means that in a Research Hatchery (REHA) the learning takes place in a variety of ways: by self-study but also by learning from peers. This is a flexible model for learning that does not offer straightforward answers but motivates the students to work towards goals and take responsibility of their work and learning.

All materials in a Microsoft Teams group. Students will be added there in the first start meeting

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

The only way to do the course is to take part in the group work.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

The students work on a real life topic. Students need to decide how to divide the tasks and make a project plan. Then they need to work according to the plan and solve possible challenges. Teacher is there to support the process. End result is a report and a presentation.

Students can work for the project 2-10 ects. One ects is 27h of work.
Working hours are listed by all students in a learning diary.

Sisällön jaksotus

Start meeting 1.2.2023..

Other meetings as agreed within the group. The meeting can also be online.

In a Research Hatchery (REHA) the learning takes place in a variety of ways: by self-study but also by learning from peers. This is a flexible model for learning that does not offer straightforward answers but motivates the students to work towards goals and take responsibility of their work and learning.
In a REHA students learn about the substance and they also develop their innovation competences: creativity, critical thinking, initiative, group work and networking.

The Research Hatchery is a model in which a multidisciplinary team of students works to solve a circular economy related brief. The need for the brief can rise from a research, development and innovation project, from a client in work life, or from a student. Research Hatchery is led by coaches,people working in the projects and student tutors. Research Hatcheries can be applied in long lasting development projects and as well as short and smaller research projects.
The tasks completed during the project depend on the brief. They might consist of peer development, information search and analysis, the students might interview experts, make visits and conduct research. In addition, the students meet each other regularly without the coach. This can be done face-to-face or using applications. The meetings can take place once a week or less rarely, depending on the brief.

Viestintäkanava ja lisätietoja




Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Self and peer assessment 30%
Teacher assessment 40%
Client assessment 30%

Hylätty (0)

Not taking part in the hatchery project.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

1. Creativity
- not able to think beyond the existing ideas, regulations, conventions or contexts
- not able to create or remodel functional alternatives, ideas, products, methods or services independent of their possible usefulness or added value
2. Critical thinking
- not able to thoroughly analyse and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of ideas taking into account the risk factors involved when they are used for this purpose
3. Initiative
- not able to actively make decisions or take action to initiate positive change
- not able to influence the actions of people creating or implementing ideas
4. Group work
- not able to work effectively with other members of a group
5. Networking
- not able to make use of cooperation with people outside the group
- a poor report with limited input. The presentation made poorly

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

1. Creativity
- starting to think beyond the existing ideas, regulations, conventions or contexts
- a little bit able to create or remodel functional alternatives, ideas, products, methods or services independent of their possible usefulness or added value
2. Critical thinking
- starting to understand how to thoroughly analyse and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of ideas taking into account the risk factors involved when they are used for this purpose
3. Initiative
- starting to actively make decisions or take action to initiate positive change
- a limited ability to influence the actions of people creating or implementing ideas
4. Group work
- starting to be able to work effectively with other members of a group
5. Networking
- limited ability to make use of cooperation with people outside the group
- a rather good report with some input. The presentation made ok

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

1. Creativity
- the ability to think well beyond the existing ideas, regulations, conventions or contexts
- the ability to create or remodel functional alternatives, ideas, products, methods or services independent of their possible usefulness or added value
2. Critical thinking
- the ability to thoroughly analyse and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of ideas taking into account the risk factors involved when they are used for this purpose
3. Initiative
- the ability to actively make decisions or take action to initiate positive change
- the ability to influence the actions of people creating or implementing ideas
4. Group work
- the ability to work effectively with other members of a group
5. Networking
- the ability to make use of cooperation with people outside the group
- a well written report with great input. A clear and well presented presentation


Ei edeltävyysehtoja. Sopii kaikkien alojen opiskelijoille.