Finnish 3 (intermediate level B1)Laajuus (5 cr)
Code: YH00CJ72
5 op
The objective of the course is to give the student intermediate level knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level B1.
The student is able to maintain interaction in quite a wide range of communication situations. The student is able to communicate familiar things and to express oneself also in some unforeseen situations.
After passing the course the student is able to
- understand clearly spoken common language when the subject relates to familiar things such as work, school or leisure
- discuss topics that he/she is interested in and topics that are related to everyday life and current affairs
- describe experiences and events, as well as dreams and goals
- justify and explain, at least briefly, his/her own opinions and plans
- write unified text on familiar topics e.g. in letters, stories and messages
- use a fairly wide everyday vocabulary and some common phrases and idioms
Participation in the course requires at least proficiency level A2 in Finnish.
02.12.2024 - 15.01.2025
15.01.2025 - 23.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 30
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies
- COS Opettaja
- Jaana Kivivuori
PINFOK24Information and Communications Technology, K24
The objective of the course is to give the student intermediate level knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level B1.
The student is able to maintain interaction in quite a wide range of communication situations. The student is able to communicate familiar things and to express oneself also in some unforeseen situations.
After passing the course the student is able to
- understand clearly spoken common language when the subject relates to familiar things such as work, school or leisure
- discuss topics that he/she is interested in and topics that are related to everyday life and current affairs
- describe experiences and events, as well as dreams and goals
- justify and explain, at least briefly, his/her own opinions and plans
- write unified text on familiar topics e.g. in letters, stories and messages
- use a fairly wide everyday vocabulary and some common phrases and idioms
You will find the course material on the learner´s platform. Acquire the course book
Sonja Gehring & Sanni Heinzmann 2024. Suomen mestari 1. 4.-7. tark. p. Helsinki: Finn Lectura. OR a newer edition.
The book is also available as an e-book:
Students must obtain the book for use either in print or digital.
In addition, the learning material includes:
- Websites covering the subjects of the course
- Teacher's own material.
Teaching methods
Students mainly work in an itslearning environment and on various websites (e.g. FinnLectura online learning material). Students work both independently regardless of place and communally with the rest of the student group.
When you also use Finnish outside of class, your language skills will increase and strengthen. Activity in your doing of the weekly exercises will lead you to the basics of Finnish.
International connections
Lessons, working independently on Itslearning platform, group work, pair work.
The study also emphasizes communal learning, which is realised as couples and small group work. For this reason, the attendance at the meetings is needed at least 80%.
The study group is international. The studies are multidisciplinary familiarization with the Finnish language.
Student workload
5 credits = 135 h of student's work
Content scheduling
Lessons at Kupittaa Campus.
The objective of the course is to give the student basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level B1.
The student is able to maintain interaction in quite a wide range of communication situations. The student is able to communicate familiar things and to express oneself also in some unforeseen situations.
After passing the course the student is able to
- understand clearly spoken common language when the subject relates to familiar things such as work, school or leisure
- discuss topics that he/she is interested in and topics that are related to everyday life and current affairs
- describe experiences and events, as well as dreams and goals
- justify and explain, at least briefly, his/her own opinions and plans
- write unified text on familiar topics e.g. in letters, stories and messages
- use a fairly wide everyday vocabulary and some common phrases and idioms.
Further information
Prevalence Contract Level A2: Finnish as a Second Language 2 (A2) Course Completion.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is assessed on a scale of 0 to 5. Grade is influenced by learning tasks completed during the course.
Only tasks returned according to the schedule qualify for full points. If your assignments are not completed during the course, register for the next implementation.
For numerically evaluable tasks, teacher-evaluation on a scale of 0 to 2 points.
The course is assessed on a scale of 0 to 5. Grade is influenced by learning tasks completed during the course, assessed on a scale of 0 to 2.
Only tasks returned according to the schedule qualify for full points. If your assignments are not completed during the course, register for the next implementation.
Scoring tasks
• 0: to be completed — the task has not followed instructions, the language is not intelligible, or the task has not been done
• 1: approved — the task is done according to the instructions and is linguistically understandable
• 2: excellent — the task shows familiarity and is linguistically clear.
The maximum score for tasks is 18 p (9 tasks to be evaluated).
The grade is formed on the basis of points as follows:
0–6 points = 0;
7–8 p = 1;
9–10 p = 2;
11–12 p = 3;
13–15 p = 4;
16–18 p = 5.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student has not achieved the objectives of the course and has not done assignments. The student has participated in the group's study with little or no involvement. The student recognizes and can use only a few concepts in the course subject and does not know how to apply what they have learned. The student will not be able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student has achieved the objectives of the course avoidably. The student recognizes and can use the concepts and language of the subject area of the course. He understands the prerequisites for the development of skills. Students are able to make limited use of the feedback they receive.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student has achieved the objectives of the course well, although the knowledge and skills still need to be developed. The student is able to use the concepts and language of the subject area of the course well. Students are able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has achieved the objectives of the course commendably. The student has commendable mastery of the concepts of the subject area of the course. Students have the skills to apply what they have learned in studies and working life situations. The student is able to analyze the skills and language skills required in the field and studies and the development of their own skills. Students are able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.
Participation in the course requires at least proficiency level A2 in Finnish.
02.12.2024 - 14.01.2025
14.01.2025 - 25.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies
- COS Opettaja
- Jaana Kivivuori
The objective of the course is to give the student intermediate level knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level B1.
The student is able to maintain interaction in quite a wide range of communication situations. The student is able to communicate familiar things and to express oneself also in some unforeseen situations.
After passing the course the student is able to
- understand clearly spoken common language when the subject relates to familiar things such as work, school or leisure
- discuss topics that he/she is interested in and topics that are related to everyday life and current affairs
- describe experiences and events, as well as dreams and goals
- justify and explain, at least briefly, his/her own opinions and plans
- write unified text on familiar topics e.g. in letters, stories and messages
- use a fairly wide everyday vocabulary and some common phrases and idioms
You will find the course material on the learner´s platform. Acquire the course book
Sonja Gehring & Sanni Heinzmann 2024. Suomen mestari 1. 4.-7. tark. p. Helsinki: Finn Lectura.
The book is also available as an e-book:
Students must obtain the book for use either in print or digital.
In addition, the learning material includes:
- Websites covering the subjects of the course
- Teacher's own material.
Teaching methods
Students mainly work in an itslearning environment and on various websites (e.g. FinnLectura online learning material). Students work both independently regardless of place and communally with the rest of the student group.
When you also use Finnish outside of class, your language skills will increase and strengthen. Activity in your doing of the weekly exercises will lead you to the basics of Finnish.
International connections
Lessons, working independently on Itslearning platform, group work, pair work.
The study also emphasizes communal learning, which is realised as couples and small group work. The study group is international. The studies are multidisciplinary familiarization with the Finnish language.
Student workload
5 credits = 135 h of student's work
Content scheduling
Lessons at Kupittaa Campus.
The objective of the course is to give the student basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level B1.
The student is able to maintain interaction in quite a wide range of communication situations. The student is able to communicate familiar things and to express oneself also in some unforeseen situations.
After passing the course the student is able to
- understand clearly spoken common language when the subject relates to familiar things such as work, school or leisure
- discuss topics that he/she is interested in and topics that are related to everyday life and current affairs
- describe experiences and events, as well as dreams and goals
- justify and explain, at least briefly, his/her own opinions and plans
- write unified text on familiar topics e.g. in letters, stories and messages
- use a fairly wide everyday vocabulary and some common phrases and idioms.
Further information
Prevalence Contract Level A2: Finnish as a Second Language 2 (A2) Course Completion.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is assessed on a scale of 0 to 5. Grade is influenced by learning tasks completed during the course.
Only tasks returned according to the schedule qualify for full points. If your assignments are not completed during the course, register for the next implementation.
For numerically evaluable tasks, teacher-evaluation on a scale of 0 to 2 points.
The course is assessed on a scale of 0 to 5. Grade is influenced by learning tasks completed during the course, assessed on a scale of 0 to 2.
Only tasks returned according to the schedule qualify for full points. If your assignments are not completed during the course, register for the next implementation.
Scoring tasks
• 0: to be completed — the task has not followed instructions, the language is not intelligible, or the task has not been done
• 1: approved — the task is done according to the instructions and is linguistically understandable
• 2: excellent — the task shows familiarity and is linguistically clear.
The maximum score for tasks is 18 p (9 tasks to be evaluated).
The grade is formed on the basis of points as follows:
0–6 points = 0;
7–8 p = 1;
9–10 p = 2;
11–12 p = 3;
13–15 p = 4;
16–18 p = 5.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student has not achieved the objectives of the course and has not done assignments. The student has participated in the group's study with little or no involvement. The student recognizes and can use only a few concepts in the course subject and does not know how to apply what they have learned. The student will not be able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student has achieved the objectives of the course avoidably. The student recognizes and can use the concepts and language of the subject area of the course. He understands the prerequisites for the development of skills. Students are able to make limited use of the feedback they receive.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student has achieved the objectives of the course well, although the knowledge and skills still need to be developed. The student is able to use the concepts and language of the subject area of the course well. Students are able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has achieved the objectives of the course commendably. The student has commendable mastery of the concepts of the subject area of the course. Students have the skills to apply what they have learned in studies and working life situations. The student is able to analyze the skills and language skills required in the field and studies and the development of their own skills. Students are able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.
Participation in the course requires at least proficiency level A2 in Finnish.
01.05.2024 - 17.09.2024
16.09.2024 - 17.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Common Studies (COS)
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies
- Ann-Katrin Tyni-Nummelin
- COS Opettaja
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 5. Open UAS: 5.)
PENERS23Energy and Environmental Engineering, S23
PIMES23Industrial Management and Engineering S2023
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
The objective of the course is to give the student intermediate level knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level B1.
The student is able to maintain interaction in quite a wide range of communication situations. The student is able to communicate familiar things and to express oneself also in some unforeseen situations.
After passing the course the student is able to
- understand clearly spoken common language when the subject relates to familiar things such as work, school or leisure
- discuss topics that he/she is interested in and topics that are related to everyday life and current affairs
- describe experiences and events, as well as dreams and goals
- justify and explain, at least briefly, his/her own opinions and plans
- write unified text on familiar topics e.g. in letters, stories and messages
- use a fairly wide everyday vocabulary and some common phrases and idioms
Gehring, S. & Heinzmann, S. (2023). SUOMEN MESTARI. Suomen kielen oppikirja aikuisille. 6. painos. Helsinki: Finn Lectura.
- from chapter 6
Teaching methods
Students work in an itslearning environment, on various websites, with exercises in the course book SUOMEN MESTARI 1, as well as on weekly lessons. Students work both independently regardless of place and communally with the rest of the student group.
When you also use Finnish outside of class, your language skills will increase and strengthen. Activity in your doing of the weekly exercises will lead you to the basics of Finnish.
Exam schedules
There will be a final exam at the end of the course, both written and oral, several alternative dates.
Also some smaller vocabulary tests during the course.
International connections
Lessons, working independently on itslearning platform, group work, pair work. Check out the Innopeda criteria in the learner´s platform.
The study also emphasizes communal learning, which is realised as couples and small group work. The study group is international. The studies are multidisciplinary familiarization with the Finnish language.
Lessons structure and guide your learning: you learn the basic structures of the language, the appropriate use of language and pronunciation.
Student workload
5 credits = 135 h of student's work. Reserve time for studying!
• lessons ONLINE IN ZOOM 24 h
• online work and meetings for students without a teacher: 30 h
• learning assignments in itslearning and the course book, preparation of written and oral assignments: 50 h
• independent work and review: 30 h
Content scheduling
Lessons ONLINE starting Tuesday 17.9. always at 16 - 18, see the schedule!
- every other Tuesday until 12.11.
- from 19.11. every Tuesday until 17.12.
- also Mondays 25.11 + 2.12.
Lesson attendance should be min. 75%
The aim of the course is to give the student basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level B1.
The student is able to maintain interaction in usual everyday communication situations.
After passing the course the student is able to
- understand clearly spoken common language when the subject relates to familiar things such as work, school or leisure
- discuss topics that he/she is interested in and topics that are related to everyday life and current affairs
- explain, at least briefly, his/her own opinions and plans
- write shortly about familiar topics e.g. in letters and messages
- use familiar everyday vocabulary and some common phrases and idioms.
Further information
Previous skills in Finnish on level A2 are required (or Finnish 2 (A2) Course Completion)
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The final grade from 0 to 5 is based on the tasks submitted, activity on the lessons and proven language skills on required level. Only tasks returned on schedule will qualify for full points. If your assignments are not completed during the course, register for the next implementation.
You should also pass the final exams and the level of your language skills affects the final grade.
Participation in the lessons (75%) is necessary for evaluation and required to get a grade.
You can find the assessment scale in the learner´s platform.
Participation in the course requires at least proficiency level A2 in Finnish.
02.06.2024 - 27.08.2024
27.08.2024 - 01.11.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
26 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Social Services
- Riia Lamminmäki
The objective of the course is to give the student intermediate level knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level B1.
The student is able to maintain interaction in quite a wide range of communication situations. The student is able to communicate familiar things and to express oneself also in some unforeseen situations.
After passing the course the student is able to
- understand clearly spoken common language when the subject relates to familiar things such as work, school or leisure
- discuss topics that he/she is interested in and topics that are related to everyday life and current affairs
- describe experiences and events, as well as dreams and goals
- justify and explain, at least briefly, his/her own opinions and plans
- write unified text on familiar topics e.g. in letters, stories and messages
- use a fairly wide everyday vocabulary and some common phrases and idioms
Acquire the course book:
Gehring, S. & Heinzmann, S. 2023. Suomen mestari. Suomen kielen oppikirja aikuisille. 6. painos. Helsinki: Finn Lectura.
Students must obtain the book for use either in print or digital.
In addition, the learning material includes:
- Websites covering the subjects of the course
- Teacher's own material.
You will find other course material on the Itslearning.
Teaching methods
The course uses creative language learning methods. The aim is to encourage you to speak Finnish without fear of making mistakes.
International connections
Lessons, oneline lessons, working independently on Itslearning platform, group work, pair work.
Student workload
5 credits = 135 h of student's work
Compulsory attendance for 60% of lessons.
To pass this course you have to do all the given homeworks, word tests and take part in "Show your skills" day (mandatory attendance).
Content scheduling
Lessons at IoT Campus, Salo from week 35 to 44.
The focus of the course is on understanding the spoken language. The course focuses on speech comprehension and speaking in real everyday situations. The aim is to give you the courage to communicate in Finnish in everyday life.
The vocabulary exercises are related to early childhood education.
Further information
Prerequisite: completion of the Finnish 2 course.
Teacher: Riia Lamminmäki, MA
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is assessed on a scale of 0 to 5. Grade is influenced by learning tasks completed during the course.
Only tasks returned according to the schedule qualify for full points. If your assignments are not completed during the course, register for the next implementation.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student has not achieved the objectives of the course and has not done assignments. The student has participated in the group's study with little or no involvement. The student recognizes and can use only a few concepts in the course subject and does not know how to apply what they have learned. The student will not be able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student has achieved the objectives of the course avoidably. The student recognizes and can use the concepts and language of the subject area of the course. He understands the prerequisites for the development of skills. Students are able to make limited use of the feedback they receive.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student has achieved the objectives of the course well, although the knowledge and skills still need to be developed. The student is able to use the concepts and language of the subject area of the course well. Students are able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has achieved the objectives of the course commendably. The student has commendable mastery of the concepts of the subject area of the course. Students have the skills to apply what they have learned in studies and working life situations. The student is able to analyze the skills and language skills required in the field and studies and the development of their own skills. Students are able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.
Participation in the course requires at least proficiency level A2 in Finnish.
01.12.2023 - 19.01.2024
19.01.2024 - 17.04.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Engineering and Business
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 35
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies
- Jaana Kivivuori
The objective of the course is to give the student intermediate level knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level B1.
The student is able to maintain interaction in quite a wide range of communication situations. The student is able to communicate familiar things and to express oneself also in some unforeseen situations.
After passing the course the student is able to
- understand clearly spoken common language when the subject relates to familiar things such as work, school or leisure
- discuss topics that he/she is interested in and topics that are related to everyday life and current affairs
- describe experiences and events, as well as dreams and goals
- justify and explain, at least briefly, his/her own opinions and plans
- write unified text on familiar topics e.g. in letters, stories and messages
- use a fairly wide everyday vocabulary and some common phrases and idioms
You will find the course material on the learner´s platform. Acquire the course book
Gerstler, Susanne; Aho, Hanna & Willberg, Hanna 2019. No niin! 1. Suomea aikuisille. Helsinki: Finn Lectura.
OR later version.
The book is also available as an e-book:
Students must obtain the book for use either in print or digital.
In addition, the learning material includes:
- Websites covering the subjects of the course
- Teacher's own material.
Teaching methods
Students mainly work in an itslearning environment and on various websites (e.g. FinnLectura online learning material). Students work both independently regardless of place and communally with the rest of the student group.
When you also use Finnish outside of class, your language skills will increase and strengthen. Activity in your doing of the weekly exercises will lead you to the basics of Finnish.
International connections
Lessons, working independently on Itslearning platform, group work, pair work.
The study also emphasizes communal learning, which is realised as couples and small group work. The study group is international. The studies are multidisciplinary familiarization with the Finnish language.
Student workload
5 credits = 135 h of student's work
Content scheduling
Lessons at Kupittaa Campus from the 15th of January until the 17th of April.
The objective of the course is to give the student basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level B1.
The student is able to maintain interaction in quite a wide range of communication situations. The student is able to communicate familiar things and to express oneself also in some unforeseen situations.
After passing the course the student is able to
- understand clearly spoken common language when the subject relates to familiar things such as work, school or leisure
- discuss topics that he/she is interested in and topics that are related to everyday life and current affairs
- describe experiences and events, as well as dreams and goals
- justify and explain, at least briefly, his/her own opinions and plans
- write unified text on familiar topics e.g. in letters, stories and messages
- use a fairly wide everyday vocabulary and some common phrases and idioms.
Further information
Prevalence Contract Level A2: Finnish as a Second Language 2 (A2) Course Completion.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is assessed on a scale of 0 to 5. Grade is influenced by learning tasks completed during the course.
Only tasks returned according to the schedule qualify for full points. If your assignments are not completed during the course, register for the next implementation.
For numerically evaluable tasks, teacher-evaluation on a scale of 0 to 2 points.
The course is assessed on a scale of 0 to 5. Grade is influenced by learning tasks completed during the course, assessed on a scale of 0 to 2.
Only tasks returned according to the schedule qualify for full points. If your assignments are not completed during the course, register for the next implementation.
Scoring tasks
• 0: to be completed — the task has not followed instructions, the language is not intelligible, or the task has not been done
• 1: approved — the task is done according to the instructions and is linguistically understandable
• 2: excellent — the task shows familiarity and is linguistically clear.
The maximum score for tasks is 18 p (9 tasks to be evaluated).
The grade is formed on the basis of points as follows:
0–6 points = 0;
7–8 p = 1;
9–10 p = 2;
11–12 p = 3;
13–15 p = 4;
16–18 p = 5.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student has not achieved the objectives of the course and has not done assignments. The student has participated in the group's study with little or no involvement. The student recognizes and can use only a few concepts in the course subject and does not know how to apply what they have learned. The student will not be able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student has achieved the objectives of the course avoidably. The student recognizes and can use the concepts and language of the subject area of the course. He understands the prerequisites for the development of skills. Students are able to make limited use of the feedback they receive.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student has achieved the objectives of the course well, although the knowledge and skills still need to be developed. The student is able to use the concepts and language of the subject area of the course well. Students are able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has achieved the objectives of the course commendably. The student has commendable mastery of the concepts of the subject area of the course. Students have the skills to apply what they have learned in studies and working life situations. The student is able to analyze the skills and language skills required in the field and studies and the development of their own skills. Students are able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.
Participation in the course requires at least proficiency level A2 in Finnish.
03.04.2023 - 15.09.2023
11.09.2023 - 15.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 30
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies
- Sirpa Rajala
YCDMVS22Master of Culture and Arts, Creative Design Management
PIOTS22Degree Programme in Information Technology, Cyber Security and IoT
The objective of the course is to give the student intermediate level knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level B1.
The student is able to maintain interaction in quite a wide range of communication situations. The student is able to communicate familiar things and to express oneself also in some unforeseen situations.
After passing the course the student is able to
- understand clearly spoken common language when the subject relates to familiar things such as work, school or leisure
- discuss topics that he/she is interested in and topics that are related to everyday life and current affairs
- describe experiences and events, as well as dreams and goals
- justify and explain, at least briefly, his/her own opinions and plans
- write unified text on familiar topics e.g. in letters, stories and messages
- use a fairly wide everyday vocabulary and some common phrases and idioms
You will find the course material on the learner´s platform. Acquire the course book
Gerstler, Susanne; Aho, Hanna & Willberg, Hanna 2019. No niin! 1. Suomea aikuisille. Helsinki: Finn Lectura.
OR later version.
The book is also available as an e-book:
Students must obtain the book for use either in print or digital!
In addition, the learning material includes:
- Websites covering the subjects of the course
- Teacher's own material.
Teaching methods
Students mainly work in an itslearning environment, on various websites (e.g. FinnLectura online learning material) as well as weekly online meetings. Students work both independently regardless of place and communally with the rest of the student group.
When you also use Finnish outside of class, your language skills will increase and strengthen. Activity in your doing of the weekly exercises will lead you to the basics of Finnish.
International connections
Online meetings, working independently on itslearning platform, group work, pair work. Check out the Innopeda criteria in the learner´s platform.
The study also emphasizes communal learning, which is realised as couples and small group work. The study group is international. The studies are multidisciplinary familiarization with the Finnish language.
Online meetings structure and guide your learning: you learn the basic structures of the language, the appropriate use of language and pronunciation.
Student workload
5 credits = 135 h of student's work . Reserve time for studying!
• online meetings 26 h
• online work and online meetings for students without a teacher: 30 h
• learning assignments in itslearning, preparation of written and oral assignments: 50 h
• independent work and review: 20 h
• preparing your learning diary and scanning your skills: 10 h.
Content scheduling
The lessons are in weeks from 37 to 50. Online meetings are every Wednesday between 2.30 p.m. and 4 p.m.
The objective of the course is to give the student basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level B1.
The student is able to maintain interaction in quite a wide range of communication situations. The student is able to communicate familiar things and to express oneself also in some unforeseen situations.
After passing the course the student is able to
- understand clearly spoken common language when the subject relates to familiar things such as work, school or leisure
- discuss topics that he/she is interested in and topics that are related to everyday life and current affairs
- describe experiences and events, as well as dreams and goals
- justify and explain, at least briefly, his/her own opinions and plans
- write unified text on familiar topics e.g. in letters, stories and messages
- use a fairly wide everyday vocabulary and some common phrases and idioms.
Further information
Students from other universities than TUAS:
3 seats for CampusOnline students,
3 seats for Open UAS students.
The course includes common online meetings with other students and the teacher. Online appointments are Wednesdays from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The course cannot be completed independently.
To study online, you need a computer, an internet connection, a headphone microphone and a webcam. Be prepared to hold the camera on during lessons!
Prevalence Contract Level A2: Finnish as a Second Language 2 (A2) Course Completion.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
For numerically evaluable tasks, teacher-evaluation on a scale of 0 to 2 points.
The course is assessed on a scale of 0 to 5. Grade is influenced by learning tasks completed during the course, assessed on a scale of 0 to 2.
Only tasks returned according to the schedule qualify for full points. If your assignments are not completed during the course, register for the next implementation.
Scoring tasks
• 0: to be completed — the task has not followed instructions, the language is not intelligible, or the task has not been done
• 1: approved — the task is done according to the instructions and is linguistically understandable
• 2: excellent — the task shows familiarity and is linguistically clear.
The maximum score for tasks is 18 p (9 tasks to be evaluated).
The grade is formed on the basis of points as follows:
0–6 points = 0;
7–8 p = 1;
9–10 p = 2;
11–12 p = 3;
13–15 p = 4;
16–18 p = 5.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student has not achieved the objectives of the course and has not done assignments. The student has participated in the group's study with little or no involvement. The student recognizes and can use only a few concepts in the course subject and does not know how to apply what they have learned. The student will not be able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student has achieved the objectives of the course avoidably. The student recognizes and can use the concepts and language of the subject area of the course. He understands the prerequisites for the development of skills. Students are able to make limited use of the feedback they receive.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student has achieved the objectives of the course well, although the knowledge and skills still need to be developed. The student is able to use the concepts and language of the subject area of the course well. Students are able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has achieved the objectives of the course commendably. The student has commendable mastery of the concepts of the subject area of the course. Students have the skills to apply what they have learned in studies and working life situations. The student is able to analyze the skills and language skills required in the field and studies and the development of their own skills. Students are able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.
Participation in the course requires at least proficiency level A2 in Finnish.
02.06.2023 - 15.10.2023
28.08.2023 - 29.10.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 39
Degree programmes
- Joint Elective Studies
- Riia Lamminmäki
The objective of the course is to give the student intermediate level knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level B1.
The student is able to maintain interaction in quite a wide range of communication situations. The student is able to communicate familiar things and to express oneself also in some unforeseen situations.
After passing the course the student is able to
- understand clearly spoken common language when the subject relates to familiar things such as work, school or leisure
- discuss topics that he/she is interested in and topics that are related to everyday life and current affairs
- describe experiences and events, as well as dreams and goals
- justify and explain, at least briefly, his/her own opinions and plans
- write unified text on familiar topics e.g. in letters, stories and messages
- use a fairly wide everyday vocabulary and some common phrases and idioms
You will find the course material on the learner´s platform. Acquire the course book
Gerstler, Susanne; Aho, Hanna & Willberg, Hanna 2019. No niin! 1. Suomea aikuisille. Helsinki: Finn Lectura.
OR later version.
The book is also available as an e-book:
Students must obtain the book for use either in print or digital.
In addition, the learning material includes:
- Websites covering the subjects of the course
- Teacher's own material.
Teaching methods
Students mainly work in an itslearning environment and on various websites (e.g. FinnLectura online learning material). Students work both independently regardless of place and communally with the rest of the student group.
When you also use Finnish outside of class, your language skills will increase and strengthen. Activity in your doing of the weekly exercises will lead you to the basics of Finnish.
Exam schedules
Exam on 25th of October
International connections
Lessons, working independently on Itslearning platform, group work, pair work.
The study also emphasizes communal learning, which is realised as couples and small group work. The study group is international. The studies are multidisciplinary familiarization with the Finnish language.
Student workload
5 credits = 135 h of student's work
Content scheduling
Lessons at IoT Campus, Salo from 30th of August until 25th of October.
The objective of the course is to give the student basic knowledge in Finnish language at the CEFR level B1.
The student is able to maintain interaction in quite a wide range of communication situations. The student is able to communicate familiar things and to express oneself also in some unforeseen situations.
After passing the course the student is able to
- understand clearly spoken common language when the subject relates to familiar things such as work, school or leisure
- discuss topics that he/she is interested in and topics that are related to everyday life and current affairs
- describe experiences and events, as well as dreams and goals
- justify and explain, at least briefly, his/her own opinions and plans
- write unified text on familiar topics e.g. in letters, stories and messages
- use a fairly wide everyday vocabulary and some common phrases and idioms.
Further information
Prevalence Contract Level A2: Finnish as a Second Language 2 (A2) Course Completion.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is assessed on a scale of 0 to 5. Grade is influenced by learning tasks completed during the course.
Only tasks returned according to the schedule qualify for full points. If your assignments are not completed during the course, register for the next implementation.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student has not achieved the objectives of the course and has not done assignments. The student has participated in the group's study with little or no involvement. The student recognizes and can use only a few concepts in the course subject and does not know how to apply what they have learned. The student will not be able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student has achieved the objectives of the course avoidably. The student recognizes and can use the concepts and language of the subject area of the course. He understands the prerequisites for the development of skills. Students are able to make limited use of the feedback they receive.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student has achieved the objectives of the course well, although the knowledge and skills still need to be developed. The student is able to use the concepts and language of the subject area of the course well. Students are able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has achieved the objectives of the course commendably. The student has commendable mastery of the concepts of the subject area of the course. Students have the skills to apply what they have learned in studies and working life situations. The student is able to analyze the skills and language skills required in the field and studies and the development of their own skills. Students are able to take advantage of the feedback they receive.
Participation in the course requires at least proficiency level A2 in Finnish.