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Fundamentals of Sustainable DevelopmentLaajuus (1 cr)

Code: YH00CT31


1 op


After completing the online course, the student will be able to:
- identify critical sustainability challenges, their causes, as well as their diverse impacts on the environment and human beings,
- describe the roles various institutions and social actors have in sustainability policies and sustainability transformation,
- recognize the different dimensions of sustainable development and the key concepts and sustainability goals relating to them,
- distinguish various perspectives and conflicts of values and interests related to sustainability issues and solutions promoting sustainable development,
- reflect on their lifestyle and consumption choices as well as the practices of their professional field from the perspectives of responsibility and sustainable development.


- Historical context of the sustainability crisis and the complexity of sustainability challenges
- Sustainable development as an idea(l), sustainability goals, and the related policy process
- Sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction
- Dimensions of sustainable development and their interdependencies
- Environmental sustainability: preserving ecological balance and a healthy planet
- Social and cultural sustainability: fairly distributed human well-being
- Economic sustainability: an economy that serves the well-being of people and the planet


01.12.2024 - 31.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 31.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Joint Elective Studies
  • Pirita Juppi
Teacher in charge

Pirita Juppi


After completing the online course, the student will be able to:
- identify critical sustainability challenges, their causes, as well as their diverse impacts on the environment and human beings,
- describe the roles various institutions and social actors have in sustainability policies and sustainability transformation,
- recognize the different dimensions of sustainable development and the key concepts and sustainability goals relating to them,
- distinguish various perspectives and conflicts of values and interests related to sustainability issues and solutions promoting sustainable development,
- reflect on their lifestyle and consumption choices as well as the practices of their professional field from the perspectives of responsibility and sustainable development.


- Historical context of the sustainability crisis and the complexity of sustainability challenges
- Sustainable development as an idea(l), sustainability goals, and the related policy process
- Sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction
- Dimensions of sustainable development and their interdependencies
- Environmental sustainability: preserving ecological balance and a healthy planet
- Social and cultural sustainability: fairly distributed human well-being
- Economic sustainability: an economy that serves the well-being of people and the planet

Evaluation scale



01.12.2024 - 31.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 31.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning



Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Joint Elective Studies
  • Pirita Juppi
Teacher in charge

Pirita Juppi


After completing the online course, the student will be able to:
- identify critical sustainability challenges, their causes, as well as their diverse impacts on the environment and human beings,
- describe the roles various institutions and social actors have in sustainability policies and sustainability transformation,
- recognize the different dimensions of sustainable development and the key concepts and sustainability goals relating to them,
- distinguish various perspectives and conflicts of values and interests related to sustainability issues and solutions promoting sustainable development,
- reflect on their lifestyle and consumption choices as well as the practices of their professional field from the perspectives of responsibility and sustainable development.


- Historical context of the sustainability crisis and the complexity of sustainability challenges
- Sustainable development as an idea(l), sustainability goals, and the related policy process
- Sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction
- Dimensions of sustainable development and their interdependencies
- Environmental sustainability: preserving ecological balance and a healthy planet
- Social and cultural sustainability: fairly distributed human well-being
- Economic sustainability: an economy that serves the well-being of people and the planet


Available in itslearning.

Teaching methods

In the Fundamentals of Sustainable Development online course, studying takes place independently and in a self-directed manner, following the instructions in the itslearning learning environment and utilising the instructed learning materials. Students familiarise themselves with learning materials in text and video format and take a test included in each subject section.

International connections

Sustainable development is at the core of the course. The aim is to address sustainable development in a manner that encourages participants to examine their own choices, habits and actions from the perspective of sustainability and to change their own habits in a more sustainable direction.

The sustainability of the pedagogical implementation is enhanced by the fact that all learning materials are in digital format and the course is implemented entirely as remote/online learning.

Student workload

The online course includes four tests based on learning materials. Familiarizing oneself with the course platform and instructions, reading and watching the learning materials, and taking the tests requires a total of ca. 27 hours of student work. That would mean on average 6-7 hours of work per subject section.

The actual use of time depends partly on your starting level, i.e. how much you already know about sustainable development before starting the online course. Time use is also affected by how deeply you want to delve into the topics using the additional materials provided.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Passing a test requires that the student has been able to answer correctly to 80% of the test questions. There is no limit to the number of times you can respond.

Content scheduling

The online course provides students with basic knowledge of sustainable development and an understanding of how to act responsibly and in a way that promotes sustainability in working life and other areas of life.

The online course consists of four subjects, each of which includes learning materials and a test:

1. Introduction: from the sustainability crisis towards a sustainable future

2. Environmental sustainability: preserving ecological balance and a healthy planet

3. Social and cultural sustainability: fairly-distributed human well-being

4. Economic sustainability: an economy that serves the well-being of people and the planet

It is recommended to proceed with the course in the above order. However, if you wish, you can progress to other subject modules even if you have not yet passed the test for one of the subject modules.

The online course will be completed independently and according to your own schedule. However, the course will be assessed and the credits registered only in the end of semester. The deadline for submitting all the assignments will be 31.5.2025.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

In the Basics of Sustainable Development module (1 ECTS), assessment is based on tests. Successful completion of the module requires successful completion of each of the four test.


03.08.2024 - 30.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 08.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning



Teaching languages
  • English

10 - 100

Degree programmes
  • Joint Elective Studies
  • Pirita Juppi
Teacher in charge

Pirita Juppi

  • VAVA2425


After completing the online course, the student will be able to:
- identify critical sustainability challenges, their causes, as well as their diverse impacts on the environment and human beings,
- describe the roles various institutions and social actors have in sustainability policies and sustainability transformation,
- recognize the different dimensions of sustainable development and the key concepts and sustainability goals relating to them,
- distinguish various perspectives and conflicts of values and interests related to sustainability issues and solutions promoting sustainable development,
- reflect on their lifestyle and consumption choices as well as the practices of their professional field from the perspectives of responsibility and sustainable development.


- Historical context of the sustainability crisis and the complexity of sustainability challenges
- Sustainable development as an idea(l), sustainability goals, and the related policy process
- Sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction
- Dimensions of sustainable development and their interdependencies
- Environmental sustainability: preserving ecological balance and a healthy planet
- Social and cultural sustainability: fairly distributed human well-being
- Economic sustainability: an economy that serves the well-being of people and the planet


Available in itslearning.

Teaching methods

In the Fundamentals of Sustainable Development online course, studying takes place independently and in a self-directed manner, following the instructions in the itslearning learning environment and utilising the instructed learning materials. Students familiarise themselves with learning materials in text and video format and take a test included in each subject section.

International connections

Sustainable development is at the core of the course. The aim is to address sustainable development in a manner that encourages participants to examine their own choices, habits and actions from the perspective of sustainability and to change their own habits in a more sustainable direction.

The sustainability of the pedagogical implementation is enhanced by the fact that all learning materials are in digital format and the course is implemented entirely as remote/online learning.

Student workload

Four tests based on learning materials; Familiarising oneself with instructions and learning materials as well as taking tests requires a total of about 27 hours of student work (i.e. 6-7 hours of work per subject section).

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Passing a test requires that the student has been able to answer correctly to 80% of the test questions. There is no limit to the number of times you can respond.

Content scheduling

The online course provides students with basic knowledge of sustainable development and an understanding of how to act responsibly and in a way that promotes sustainability in working life and other areas of life.

The online course consists of four subjects, each of which includes learning materials and a test:

1. Introduction: from the sustainability crisis towards a sustainable future

2. Environmental sustainability: preserving ecological balance and a healthy planet

3. Social and cultural sustainability: fairly-distributed human well-being

4. Economic sustainability: an economy that serves the well-being of people and the planet

The online course will be completed independently and according to your own schedule. However, the course modules will be assessed and the credits registered only in the end of semester. The deadline for submitting all the assignments will be 8.12.2024.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

In the Basics of Sustainable Development module (1 ECTS), assessment is based on tests. Successful completion of the module requires successful completion of each of the four test.


01.08.2024 - 30.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 08.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Turku University of Applied Sciences



Teaching languages
  • Finnish

10 - 500

Degree programmes
  • Joint Elective Studies
  • Pirita Juppi
Teacher in charge

Pirita Juppi

  • VAVA2425


After completing the online course, the student will be able to:
- identify critical sustainability challenges, their causes, as well as their diverse impacts on the environment and human beings,
- describe the roles various institutions and social actors have in sustainability policies and sustainability transformation,
- recognize the different dimensions of sustainable development and the key concepts and sustainability goals relating to them,
- distinguish various perspectives and conflicts of values and interests related to sustainability issues and solutions promoting sustainable development,
- reflect on their lifestyle and consumption choices as well as the practices of their professional field from the perspectives of responsibility and sustainable development.


- Historical context of the sustainability crisis and the complexity of sustainability challenges
- Sustainable development as an idea(l), sustainability goals, and the related policy process
- Sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction
- Dimensions of sustainable development and their interdependencies
- Environmental sustainability: preserving ecological balance and a healthy planet
- Social and cultural sustainability: fairly distributed human well-being
- Economic sustainability: an economy that serves the well-being of people and the planet

Evaluation scale



31.01.2024 - 17.03.2024


01.03.2024 - 15.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Arts Academy



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Joint Elective Studies
  • Pirita Juppi
  • Isa Öhberg
Teacher in charge

Isa Öhberg

  • MSHTK23A
  • MSHTK24A


After completing the online course, the student will be able to:
- identify critical sustainability challenges, their causes, as well as their diverse impacts on the environment and human beings,
- describe the roles various institutions and social actors have in sustainability policies and sustainability transformation,
- recognize the different dimensions of sustainable development and the key concepts and sustainability goals relating to them,
- distinguish various perspectives and conflicts of values and interests related to sustainability issues and solutions promoting sustainable development,
- reflect on their lifestyle and consumption choices as well as the practices of their professional field from the perspectives of responsibility and sustainable development.


- Historical context of the sustainability crisis and the complexity of sustainability challenges
- Sustainable development as an idea(l), sustainability goals, and the related policy process
- Sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction
- Dimensions of sustainable development and their interdependencies
- Environmental sustainability: preserving ecological balance and a healthy planet
- Social and cultural sustainability: fairly distributed human well-being
- Economic sustainability: an economy that serves the well-being of people and the planet

Evaluation scale



04.12.2023 - 02.01.2024


03.01.2024 - 01.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Joint Elective Studies
  • Jonna Heikkilä
  • MKEMIK24
  • PEYTES23


After completing the online course, the student will be able to:
- identify critical sustainability challenges, their causes, as well as their diverse impacts on the environment and human beings,
- describe the roles various institutions and social actors have in sustainability policies and sustainability transformation,
- recognize the different dimensions of sustainable development and the key concepts and sustainability goals relating to them,
- distinguish various perspectives and conflicts of values and interests related to sustainability issues and solutions promoting sustainable development,
- reflect on their lifestyle and consumption choices as well as the practices of their professional field from the perspectives of responsibility and sustainable development.


- Historical context of the sustainability crisis and the complexity of sustainability challenges
- Sustainable development as an idea(l), sustainability goals, and the related policy process
- Sustainability transformation and ecological reconstruction
- Dimensions of sustainable development and their interdependencies
- Environmental sustainability: preserving ecological balance and a healthy planet
- Social and cultural sustainability: fairly distributed human well-being
- Economic sustainability: an economy that serves the well-being of people and the planet

Evaluation scale
