Your Good LifeLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: TH00CY30
5 op
During the Your Good Life course the student will learn the basics of first aid (ea), good sleep, nutrition, sport exercises and erconomy, sustainable development and green care. The knowledge will be useful for everybody’s good life. E.g. the ea skills will be practiced in modern simulation environments and the all themes will be discussed and processed together in workshops. Before the contact learning period the students will focus and concentrate on the themes independently with help of interesting material online.
Learning outcomes
The student will be able to
• Know the basic of first aid (ea)
• Know the basic of good sleep (lifestyle)
• Know the basic of good nutrition
• Know the basic of sport exercise and ergonomy
• Know the basic sustainable development and green care
Undergraduate students with at least two years completed of bachelor’s studies in any field.
01.05.2024 - 31.05.2024
05.08.2024 - 16.08.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
40 % Contact teaching, 60 % Distance learning
Health and Well-being
Kupittaa Campus
Teaching languages
- English
10 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Milka Reponen
- Kati Lahtinen
- Mary-Ann Kaukinen
- Riitta-Liisa Lakanmaa
During the Your Good Life course the student will learn the basics of first aid (ea), good sleep, nutrition, sport exercises and erconomy, sustainable development and green care. The knowledge will be useful for everybody’s good life. E.g. the ea skills will be practiced in modern simulation environments and the all themes will be discussed and processed together in workshops. Before the contact learning period the students will focus and concentrate on the themes independently with help of interesting material online.
Learning outcomes
The student will be able to
• Know the basic of first aid (ea)
• Know the basic of good sleep (lifestyle)
• Know the basic of good nutrition
• Know the basic of sport exercise and ergonomy
• Know the basic sustainable development and green care
Will be presented at Itslearning (Online learning environment).
Teaching methods
In the electronical learning environment (Itslearning) material and learning tasks.
5-16.8.2024 in Turku, at Kupittaa campus area:
Contact workshops and simulation training 32 hours
Exam schedules
International connections
Lectures, group work, simulation training, workshops and online learning.
Completion alternatives
Student workload
Pre-task independent work (reading material, videos, learning tasks) 70hs e.g. online, contact with supervisors simulations and workshops in groups 32 hs and group work or independent work between workshops 33hs = 135 h
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Passed course criteria:
1. Active participation in contact workshops and simulation.
2. Before the contact weeks' workshops the student will actively take part on Online course at Itslearning:
>>Focus on and be familiar of the reading material, videos, etc.
>>Do the pre tasks
>>Take part on common discussion forum if there are any
3. Fulfill the feedback -form in the end of the course
Content scheduling
During the Your Good Life course the student will learn the basics of first aid (ea), good sleep, nutrition, sport exercises and erconomy, sustainable development and green care. The knowledge will be useful for everybody’s good life. E.g. the ea skills will be practiced in modern simulation environments and all themes will be discussed and processed together in workshops. Before the contact learning period the students will focus and concentrate on the themes independently with help of interesting material online.
Further information
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The course will be evaluated during the contact learning weeks, 5 - 16.8.2024
The supervisors will follow the activity of students both in contact workshops and at Itslearning (Online learning environment).
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
1. Not present during the contact weeks.
2. Not participating at all on the Online exercises.
Undergraduate students with at least two years completed of bachelor’s studies in any field.