Introduction to Construction and Civil Engineering StudiesLaajuus (3 cr)
Code: TE00DI57
3 op
The goal of the course is to provide the student with an overview of the basics of the construction industry.
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to recognize the fundamental aspects of the construction industry.
Upon completing the course, the student can use the course when applying for Turku University of applied sciences.
The course content is divided into three different areas:
1. The process of a construction project
2. Land use planning and construction
3. Building materials
Each area includes multiple-choice tasks. In addition to professional skills, the areas include communication and mathematical tasks.
The prerequisite for the course is secondary studies.
01.04.2025 - 30.04.2025
01.05.2025 - 31.07.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Construction and Civil Engineering
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 1000
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Construction and Municipal Engineering
- Ville Hyyppä
- Harri Viljamaa
- Sirpa Erkkilä-Häkkinen
- Tapio Keiramo
Teacher in charge
Sirpa Erkkilä-Häkkinen
Scheduling groups
- Avoimen AMK:n kiintiöpaikat. Ilmoittaudu ilman tätä pienryhmää. (Size: 1000. Open UAS: 1000.)
Small groups
- Open UAS quota. Please enroll without selecting this group.
The goal of the course is to provide the student with an overview of the basics of the construction industry.
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to recognize the fundamental aspects of the construction industry.
Upon completing the course, the student can use the course when applying for Turku University of applied sciences.
The course content is divided into three different areas:
1. The process of a construction project
2. Land use planning and construction
3. Building materials
Each area includes multiple-choice tasks. In addition to professional skills, the areas include communication and mathematical tasks.
The material is provided on the course's learning platform. Learning materials include RT and Ratu cards, various videos, legislation, and reading texts.
Teaching methods
The course is completed on a learning platform, which includes teaching materials and multiple-choice tasks based on them.
Exam schedules
The course does not have a separate exam. Each module contains separate multiple-choice tasks. The multiple-choice tasks can only be completed once. The course cannot be retaken.
International connections
The course is completed independently at your own pace on the institution's learning platform.
Sustainable development is taken into account in the studies in accordance with the basic professional principles of the construction industry.
The course is completed in the given order, progressing from part 1 to part 3.
Completion alternatives
There is no alternative way to complete the course.
Student workload
The student independently completes the multiple-choice tasks on the learning platform.
The course consists of three 1-credit sections. Completing one section requires an average of 27 hours of student work, with the entire course totaling approximately 80 hours.
Content scheduling
The course content is divided into three areas:
1. The progress of a construction project
2. Land use planning and construction
3. Building materials
Each area includes multiple-choice tasks. In addition to professional skills, the areas also cover communication and mathematical exercises.
The course must always be completed by the end of July.
Further information
When applying for Turku University of applied sciences studies, any questions should be sent by email to
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
The multiple-choice tasks are assessed according to a separate scoring system.
The maximum score is 120 points. A minimum of 30% of the points is required for a passing grade.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student does not achieve 30% of the points from the multiple-choice tasks.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student will receive a grade of 1 when they achieve 30% (36 points) of the task points.
The student will receive a grade of 2 when they achieve 52 points of the task points.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student will receive a grade of 3 when they achieve 68 points of the task points.
The student will receive a grade of 4 when they achieve 84 points of the task points.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student will receive a grade of 5 when they achieve 100 points of the task points.
The prerequisite for the course is secondary studies.