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Business Financing (5 cr)

Code: 5091162-3005

General information


01.12.2021 - 19.01.2022


01.01.2022 - 21.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Engineering and Business


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


  • Jukka Rantala


  • PMYYNS20
  • LIPATMODProductDevelopmentManagement


The student is able to:
•estimate financial needs of a product and productization processes
•can present financing alternatives depending on the different financing needs
•Perform a product, project and investment profitability evaluation
•Understand cost structure, cost behavior and decision making and interconnections between them


•financial planning of business operations
•Basics of relevant Cost Accounting
•corporate finance
•investment calculation methods
•profitability of the investment
•sources of finance
•risk management in financing


The material needed for studying is mainly in the electronic learning environment (ITslearning). Part of the material consists of other literature in the field, magazines and material possibly provided by companies.

Teaching methods

Lectures, assignments, cases and exam

Exam schedules

The final structure of the implementation will be agreed together at the beginning of the implementation.

International connections


Completion alternatives

Possible exam arrangements, to be agreed separately if possible.

Student workload

Literature studies, meaningful participation in lectures and assignments. Assignments are given both orally and in writing during lectures. All assignments will be returned, which is a prerequisite for receiving a grade. At the end of the implementation, a self-assessment and possible group assessments are carried out, which must be done and returned in order to receive a grade.
Implementation may include a business assignment or assignments
Estimated workload
• 135 hours of work

Content scheduling

•Financial needs of a product and productization processes
•Investment calculation methods
•Financial planning of business operations
•Financing alternatives for different financing needs
•Perform a product, project and investment profitability evaluation
•Understand cost structure, cost behavior and decision making and interconnections between them (relevant Cost Accounting)
•Corporate finance
•Sources of finance
•Risk management in financing

Further information

The final structure of the implementation will be agreed together at the beginning of the implementation. Self-assessment and group assessment are independent assignments at the end of implementation.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Course attendance and activity, quality of returned course assignments, examination.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

All tasks and/or Cases have not been made or returned. The summed up result for the assignments does not exceed 50% of the total score.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

All Tasks and Case(s) Made and Returned. The summed up result of assignments and Case(s) is 50% - 65% of the total score.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

All Tasks and Case (s) Made and Returned. The summed up result of assignments and Case(s) is 66% - 85% of the total score.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

All Tasks and Case (s) Made and Returned. The summed up result of assignments and Case(s) exceeds 85 %.