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Active Participation (5 cr)

Code: 7081169-3015

General information


01.06.2022 - 01.09.2022


01.09.2022 - 25.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Health and Well-being


Kupittaa Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


10 - 40

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Social Services


  • Kaarina Rajala
  • Marjo Vähäkangas


  • MSOSSS20
  • PSOSTS20
  • MSOSTK20
  • PSOSTK20


- understands the special issues in multicultural client work and is able to encourage the client’s
participation in multicultural counselling work.
- knows how to support the citizens’ participation and is able to participate in influencing in cooperation with the clients and other parties
in cooperation with the clients and other parties.


- multicultural counselling
- group counselling methods
- work methods supporting the client’s participation


Jelli - Välineitä järjestötyöhön
Korhonen, V.; Puukari, P. 2017. Monikulttuurinen ohjaus- ja neuvontatyö. Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus.
Laitinen, Nikkala (toim.) 2013.Asiakkaat toimijoina sosiaalityössä. Tampere: Vastapaino. Saatavana verkkokirjana kirjaston kokoelmassa (ellibs).
Nummi, P. 2007.Fasilitaattorin käsikirja. Helsinki: Edita.
Pohjola, A; Kairala, M.; Niskala, A. &,Lyly, H. (toim.) 2017 Asiakkaasta kehittäjäksi ja vaikut-tajaksi : Asiakkaan osallisuuden muutos sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluissa. Tampere: Vastapaino.
Schön, U-K 2015: User Involvement in Social Work and Education-A Matter of Participation? Link to the article:
Törrönen, M et al. 2013: Empowering social work: research and practise. Part I and II .Link:

Yhteiskehittäminen aikuissosiaalityössä materiaali (Pro sos)

Teaching methods

Contact learning virtually
Group work
Presentation of the assignments

Notice: If its not possible to find any possibilities to work with some group physically, it is also possible to guide virtual group. Try to find multicultural possibilities, if possible.

International connections

Contact and distance learning, project learning

Content scheduling

Contact learning on Mondays. Learning assignment with multicultural clients, which is done in small groups.

26.9.2022 9-12.30 Orientation of the study course and assignment. Teachers have already devided students into groups. Schelude change!
13-16 working in small groups, get to know each others and planning the task
3.10.2022 10-11.30 Methods supporting participation with groups.MV
12.15-15.30 Groups present their plans.MV, KR
10.10.2022 10-13.00 Co-development in work with adults. MV 13.00-16 group work
17.10.2022 8.15-16.00 Guiding multicultural groups. Independent learning in small groups.
24.10.2022 10-15.45 Presentations of learning assignments. MV, KR

31.10.2022 10-12 Group work, writing reports. Peer evaluation.

Reports will be returned on 31.10.2022. Another possibility to get them ready is 31.11.2022 .

Evaluation scale
